warp_camera::warp_camera(object *objp)

	vec3d object_pos = objp->pos;
	matrix tmp;
	ship_get_eye(&object_pos, &tmp, objp);

	vm_vec_scale_add2( &object_pos, &Player_obj->orient.vec.rvec, 0.0f );
	vm_vec_scale_add2( &object_pos, &Player_obj->orient.vec.uvec, 0.952f );
	vm_vec_scale_add2( &object_pos, &Player_obj->orient.vec.fvec, -1.782f );

	vec3d tmp_vel = { { { 0.0f, 5.1919f, 14.7f } } };

	this->set_position( &object_pos );
	this->set_rotation( &objp->orient );
	this->set_velocity( &tmp_vel, true);
// function looks at the flying controls and the current velocity to determine a goal velocity
// function determines velocity in object's reference frame and goal velocity in object's reference frame
void physics_read_flying_controls( matrix * orient, physics_info * pi, control_info * ci, float sim_time, vec3d *wash_rot)
	vec3d goal_vel;		// goal velocity in local coords, *not* accounting for ramping of velcity
	float ramp_time_const;		// time constant for velocity ramping

	// apply throttle, unless reverse thrusters are held down
	if (ci->forward != -1.0f)
		ci->forward += (ci->forward_cruise_percent / 100.0f);

	// give control input to cause rotation in engine wash
	extern int Wash_on;
	if ( wash_rot && Wash_on ) {
		ci->pitch += wash_rot->xyz.x;
		ci->bank += wash_rot->xyz.z;
		ci->heading += wash_rot->xyz.y;

	if (ci->pitch > 1.0f ) ci->pitch = 1.0f;
	else if (ci->pitch < -1.0f ) ci->pitch = -1.0f;

	if (ci->vertical > 1.0f ) ci->vertical = 1.0f;
	else if (ci->vertical < -1.0f ) ci->vertical = -1.0f;

	if (ci->heading > 1.0f ) ci->heading = 1.0f;
	else if (ci->heading < -1.0f ) ci->heading = -1.0f;

	if (ci->sideways > 1.0f  ) ci->sideways = 1.0f;
	else if (ci->sideways < -1.0f  ) ci->sideways = -1.0f;

	if (ci->bank > 1.0f ) ci->bank = 1.0f;
	else if (ci->bank < -1.0f ) ci->bank = -1.0f;

	if ( pi->flags & PF_AFTERBURNER_ON ){
		//SparK: modifield to accept reverse burners
		if (!(pi->afterburner_max_reverse_vel > 0.0f)){
			ci->forward = 1.0f;

	if (ci->forward > 1.0f ) ci->forward = 1.0f;
	else if (ci->forward < -1.0f ) ci->forward = -1.0f;

	if (!Flight_controls_follow_eyepoint_orientation || (Player_obj == NULL) || (Player_obj->type != OBJ_SHIP)) {
		// Default behavior; eyepoint orientation has no effect on controls
		pi->desired_rotvel.xyz.x = ci->pitch * pi->max_rotvel.xyz.x;
		pi->desired_rotvel.xyz.y = ci->heading * pi->max_rotvel.xyz.y;
	} else {
		// Optional behavior; pitch and yaw are always relative to the eyepoint
		// orientation (excluding slew)
		vec3d tmp_vec, new_rotvel;
		matrix tmp_mat, eyemat, rotvelmat;

		ship_get_eye(&tmp_vec, &eyemat, Player_obj, false);

		vm_copy_transpose_matrix(&tmp_mat, &Player_obj->orient);
		vm_matrix_x_matrix(&rotvelmat, &tmp_mat, &eyemat);

		vm_vec_rotate(&new_rotvel, &pi->max_rotvel, &rotvelmat);
		vm_vec_unrotate(&tmp_vec, &pi->max_rotvel, &rotvelmat);
		new_rotvel.xyz.x = tmp_vec.xyz.x;

		new_rotvel.xyz.x = ci->pitch * new_rotvel.xyz.x;
		new_rotvel.xyz.y = ci->heading * new_rotvel.xyz.y;

		vm_vec_unrotate(&tmp_vec, &new_rotvel, &rotvelmat);

		pi->desired_rotvel = tmp_vec;

	float	delta_bank;

	//	To change direction of bank, negate the whole expression.
	//	To increase magnitude of banking, decrease denominator.
	//	Adam: The following statement is all the math for banking while turning.
	delta_bank = - (ci->heading * pi->max_rotvel.xyz.y) * pi->delta_bank_const;
	delta_bank = 0.0f;

	pi->desired_rotvel.xyz.z = ci->bank * pi->max_rotvel.xyz.z + delta_bank;
	pi->forward_thrust = ci->forward;
	pi->vert_thrust = ci->vertical;	//added these two in order to get side and forward thrusters
	pi->side_thrust = ci->sideways;	//to glow brighter when the ship is moving in the right direction -Bobboau

	if ( pi->flags & PF_AFTERBURNER_ON ) {
		goal_vel.xyz.x = ci->sideways*pi->afterburner_max_vel.xyz.x;
		goal_vel.xyz.y = ci->vertical*pi->afterburner_max_vel.xyz.y;
		if(ci->forward < 0.0f)
			goal_vel.xyz.z = ci->forward* pi->afterburner_max_reverse_vel;
			goal_vel.xyz.z = ci->forward* pi->afterburner_max_vel.xyz.z;
	else if ( pi->flags & PF_BOOSTER_ON ) {
		goal_vel.xyz.x = ci->sideways*pi->booster_max_vel.xyz.x;
		goal_vel.xyz.y = ci->vertical*pi->booster_max_vel.xyz.y;
		goal_vel.xyz.z = ci->forward* pi->booster_max_vel.xyz.z;
	else {
		goal_vel.xyz.x = ci->sideways*pi->max_vel.xyz.x;
		goal_vel.xyz.y = ci->vertical*pi->max_vel.xyz.y;
		goal_vel.xyz.z = ci->forward* pi->max_vel.xyz.z;

	if ( goal_vel.xyz.z < -pi->max_rear_vel && !(pi->flags & PF_AFTERBURNER_ON) )
		goal_vel.xyz.z = -pi->max_rear_vel;

	if ( pi->flags & PF_ACCELERATES )	{
		// Determine *resultant* DESIRED VELOCITY (desired_vel) accounting for RAMPING of velocity
		// Use LOCAL coordinates
		// if slide_enabled, ramp velocity for x and y, otherwise set goal (0)
		//    always ramp velocity for z

		// If reduced damp in effect, then adjust ramp_velocity and desired_velocity can not change as fast.
		// Scale according to reduced_damp_time_expansion.
		float reduced_damp_ramp_time_expansion;
		if ( pi->flags & PF_REDUCED_DAMP && !timestamp_elapsed(pi->reduced_damp_decay) ) {
			float reduced_damp_fraction_time_left = timestamp_until( pi->reduced_damp_decay ) / (float) REDUCED_DAMP_TIME;
			reduced_damp_ramp_time_expansion = 1.0f + (REDUCED_DAMP_FACTOR-1) * reduced_damp_fraction_time_left;
		} else {
			reduced_damp_ramp_time_expansion = 1.0f;

		if (pi->flags & PF_SLIDE_ENABLED)  {
			// determine the local velocity
			// deterimine whether accelerating or decleration toward goal for x
			if ( goal_vel.xyz.x > 0.0f )  {
				if ( goal_vel.xyz.x >= pi->prev_ramp_vel.xyz.x )
					ramp_time_const = pi->slide_accel_time_const;
					ramp_time_const = pi->slide_decel_time_const;
			} else if ( goal_vel.xyz.x < 0.0f ) {
				if ( goal_vel.xyz.x <= pi->prev_ramp_vel.xyz.x )
					ramp_time_const = pi->slide_accel_time_const;
					ramp_time_const = pi->slide_decel_time_const;
			} else {
				ramp_time_const = pi->slide_decel_time_const;
			// If reduced damp in effect, then adjust ramp_velocity and desired_velocity can not change as fast
			if ( pi->flags & PF_REDUCED_DAMP ) {
				ramp_time_const *= reduced_damp_ramp_time_expansion;
			pi->prev_ramp_vel.xyz.x = velocity_ramp(pi->prev_ramp_vel.xyz.x, goal_vel.xyz.x, ramp_time_const, sim_time);

			// deterimine whether accelerating or decleration toward goal for y
			if ( goal_vel.xyz.y > 0.0f )  {
				if ( goal_vel.xyz.y >= pi->prev_ramp_vel.xyz.y )
					ramp_time_const = pi->slide_accel_time_const;
					ramp_time_const = pi->slide_decel_time_const;
			} else if ( goal_vel.xyz.y < 0.0f ) {
				if ( goal_vel.xyz.y <= pi->prev_ramp_vel.xyz.y )
					ramp_time_const = pi->slide_accel_time_const;
					ramp_time_const = pi->slide_decel_time_const;
			} else {
				ramp_time_const = pi->slide_decel_time_const;
			// If reduced damp in effect, then adjust ramp_velocity and desired_velocity can not change as fast
			if ( pi->flags & PF_REDUCED_DAMP ) {
				ramp_time_const *= reduced_damp_ramp_time_expansion;
			pi->prev_ramp_vel.xyz.y = velocity_ramp( pi->prev_ramp_vel.xyz.y, goal_vel.xyz.y, ramp_time_const, sim_time);
		} else  {
			// slide not enabled
			pi->prev_ramp_vel.xyz.x = 0.0f;
			pi->prev_ramp_vel.xyz.y = 0.0f;

		// deterimine whether accelerating or decleration toward goal for z
		if ( goal_vel.xyz.z > 0.0f )  {
			if ( goal_vel.xyz.z >= pi->prev_ramp_vel.xyz.z )  {
				if ( pi->flags & PF_AFTERBURNER_ON )
					ramp_time_const = pi->afterburner_forward_accel_time_const;
				else if (pi->flags & PF_BOOSTER_ON)
					ramp_time_const = pi->booster_forward_accel_time_const;
					ramp_time_const = pi->forward_accel_time_const;
			} else {
				ramp_time_const = pi->forward_decel_time_const;
		} else if ( goal_vel.xyz.z < 0.0f ) {
			if ( pi->flags & PF_AFTERBURNER_ON )
				ramp_time_const = pi->afterburner_reverse_accel;
				ramp_time_const = pi->forward_decel_time_const;
		} else {
			ramp_time_const = pi->forward_decel_time_const;

		// If reduced damp in effect, then adjust ramp_velocity and desired_velocity can not change as fast
		if ( pi->flags & PF_REDUCED_DAMP ) {
			ramp_time_const *= reduced_damp_ramp_time_expansion;
		pi->prev_ramp_vel.xyz.z = velocity_ramp(pi->prev_ramp_vel.xyz.z, goal_vel.xyz.z, ramp_time_const, sim_time);

		//Deternine the current dynamic glide cap, and ramp to it
		//This is outside the normal "glide" block since we want the cap to adjust whether or not the ship is in glide mode
		float dynamic_glide_cap_goal = 0.0;
		if (pi->flags & PF_AFTERBURNER_ON) {
			dynamic_glide_cap_goal = ( goal_vel.xyz.z >= 0.0f ) ? pi->afterburner_max_vel.xyz.z : pi->afterburner_max_reverse_vel;
		else {
			//Use the maximum value in X, Y, and Z (including overclocking)
			dynamic_glide_cap_goal = MAX(MAX(pi->max_vel.xyz.x,pi->max_vel.xyz.y), pi->max_vel.xyz.z);
		pi->cur_glide_cap = velocity_ramp(pi->cur_glide_cap, dynamic_glide_cap_goal, ramp_time_const, sim_time);

		if ( (pi->flags & PF_GLIDING) || (pi->flags & PF_FORCE_GLIDE ) ) {
			pi->desired_vel = pi->vel;

			//SUSHI: A (hopefully better) approach to dealing with accelerations in glide mode
			//Get *actual* current velocities along each axis and use those instead of ramped velocities
			vec3d local_vel;
			vm_vec_rotate(&local_vel, &pi->vel, orient);

			//Having pi->glide_cap == 0 means we're using a dynamic glide cap
			float curGlideCap = 0.0f;
			if (pi->glide_cap == 0.0f) 
				curGlideCap = pi->cur_glide_cap;
				curGlideCap = pi->glide_cap;

			//If we're near the (positive) glide cap, decay velocity where we aren't thrusting
			//This is a hack, but makes the flight feel a lot smoother
			//Don't do this if we aren't applying any thrust, we have no glide cap, or the accel multiplier is 0 (no thrust while gliding)
			float cap_decay_threshold = 0.95f;
			float cap_decay_amount = 0.2f;
			if (curGlideCap >= 0.0f && vm_vec_mag(&pi->desired_vel) >= cap_decay_threshold * curGlideCap && 
					vm_vec_mag(&goal_vel) > 0.0f &&
					pi->glide_accel_mult != 0.0f) 
				if (goal_vel.xyz.x == 0.0f)
					vm_vec_scale_add2(&pi->desired_vel, &orient->vec.rvec, -cap_decay_amount * local_vel.xyz.x);
				if (goal_vel.xyz.y == 0.0f)
					vm_vec_scale_add2(&pi->desired_vel, &orient->vec.uvec, -cap_decay_amount * local_vel.xyz.y);
				if (goal_vel.xyz.z == 0.0f)
					vm_vec_scale_add2(&pi->desired_vel, &orient->vec.fvec, -cap_decay_amount * local_vel.xyz.z);

			//The glide_ramp function uses (basically) the same math as the velocity ramp so that thruster power is consistent
			//Only ramp if the glide cap is positive
			float xVal = glide_ramp(local_vel.xyz.x, goal_vel.xyz.x, pi->slide_accel_time_const, pi->glide_accel_mult, sim_time);
			float yVal = glide_ramp(local_vel.xyz.y, goal_vel.xyz.y, pi->slide_accel_time_const, pi->glide_accel_mult, sim_time);
			float zVal = 0.0;
			if (pi->flags & PF_AFTERBURNER_ON) 
				zVal = glide_ramp(local_vel.xyz.z, goal_vel.xyz.z, pi->afterburner_forward_accel_time_const, pi->glide_accel_mult, sim_time);
			else {
				if (goal_vel.xyz.z >= 0.0f)
					zVal = glide_ramp(local_vel.xyz.z, goal_vel.xyz.z, pi->forward_accel_time_const, pi->glide_accel_mult, sim_time);
					zVal = glide_ramp(local_vel.xyz.z, goal_vel.xyz.z, pi->forward_decel_time_const, pi->glide_accel_mult, sim_time);

			//Compensate for effect of dampening: normal flight cheats here, so /we make up for it this way so glide acts the same way
			xVal *= pi->side_slip_time_const / sim_time;
			yVal *= pi->side_slip_time_const / sim_time;
			if (pi->use_newtonian_damp) zVal *= pi->side_slip_time_const / sim_time;

			vm_vec_scale_add2(&pi->desired_vel, &orient->vec.fvec, zVal);
			vm_vec_scale_add2(&pi->desired_vel, &orient->vec.rvec, xVal);
			vm_vec_scale_add2(&pi->desired_vel, &orient->vec.uvec, yVal);

			// Only do the glide cap if we have one and are actively thrusting in some direction.
			if ( curGlideCap >= 0.0f && (ci->forward != 0.0f || ci->sideways != 0.0f || ci->vertical != 0.0f) ) {
				float currentmag = vm_vec_mag(&pi->desired_vel);
				if ( currentmag > curGlideCap ) {
					vm_vec_scale( &pi->desired_vel, curGlideCap / currentmag );
			// this translates local desired velocities to world velocities
			vm_vec_scale_add2( &pi->desired_vel, &orient->vec.rvec, pi->prev_ramp_vel.xyz.x );
			vm_vec_scale_add2( &pi->desired_vel, &orient->vec.uvec, pi->prev_ramp_vel.xyz.y );
			vm_vec_scale_add2( &pi->desired_vel, &orient->vec.fvec, pi->prev_ramp_vel.xyz.z );
	} else  // object does not accelerate  (PF_ACCELERATES not set)
		pi->desired_vel = pi->vel;
void radar_plot_object( object *objp )
	vec3d pos, tempv;
	float awacs_level, dist, max_radar_dist;
	vec3d world_pos = objp->pos;
	SCP_list<CJumpNode>::iterator jnp;

	// don't process anything here.  Somehow, a jumpnode object caused this function
	// to get entered on server side.
	if( Game_mode & GM_STANDALONE_SERVER ){

	// multiplayer clients ingame joining should skip this function

	// get team-wide awacs level for the object if not ship
	int ship_is_visible = 0;
	if (objp->type == OBJ_SHIP) {
		if (Player_ship != NULL) {
			if (ship_is_visible_by_team(objp, Player_ship)) {
				ship_is_visible = 1;

	// only check awacs level if ship is not visible by team
	awacs_level = 1.5f;
	if (Player_ship != NULL && !ship_is_visible) {
		awacs_level = awacs_get_level(objp, Player_ship);

	// if the awacs level is unviewable - bail
	if(awacs_level < 0.0f && !See_all){

	// Apply object type filters	
	switch (objp->type)
		case OBJ_SHIP:
			// Place to cull ships, such as NavBuoys		
			for (jnp = Jump_nodes.begin(); jnp != Jump_nodes.end(); ++jnp) {
				if(jnp->GetSCPObject() == objp)
			// don't plot hidden jump nodes
			if ( jnp->IsHidden() )

			// filter jump nodes here if required

		case OBJ_WEAPON:
			// if not a bomb, return
			if ( !(Weapon_info[Weapons[objp->instance].weapon_info_index].wi_flags2 & WIF2_SHOWN_ON_RADAR) )
				if ( !(Weapon_info[Weapons[objp->instance].weapon_info_index].wi_flags & WIF_BOMB) )

			// if explicitly hidden, return
			if (Weapon_info[Weapons[objp->instance].weapon_info_index].wi_flags2 & WIF2_DONT_SHOW_ON_RADAR)

			// if we don't attack the bomb, return
			if ( (!(Weapon_info[Weapons[objp->instance].weapon_info_index].wi_flags2 & WIF2_SHOW_FRIENDLY)) && (!iff_x_attacks_y(Player_ship->team, obj_team(objp))))

			// if a local ssm is in subspace, return
			if (Weapons[objp->instance].lssm_stage == 3)

			// if corkscrew missile use last frame pos for pos
			if ( (Weapon_info[Weapons[objp->instance].weapon_info_index].wi_flags & WIF_CORKSCREW) )
				world_pos = objp->last_pos;


		// if any other kind of object, don't show it on radar

	// Retrieve the eye orientation so we can position the blips relative to it
	matrix eye_orient;

	if (Player_obj->type == OBJ_SHIP) 
		ship_get_eye(&tempv, &eye_orient, Player_obj, false , false);
		eye_orient = Player_obj->orient;

	// JAS -- new way of getting the rotated point that doesn't require this to be
	// in a g3_start_frame/end_frame block.
	vm_vec_sub(&tempv, &world_pos, &Player_obj->pos);
	vm_vec_rotate(&pos, &tempv, &eye_orient);

	// Apply range filter
	dist = vm_vec_dist(&world_pos, &Player_obj->pos);
	max_radar_dist = Radar_ranges[HUD_config.rp_dist];
	if (dist > max_radar_dist) {

	// determine the range within which the radar blip is bright
	if (timestamp_elapsed(Radar_calc_bright_dist_timer))
		Radar_calc_bright_dist_timer = timestamp(1000);
		Radar_bright_range = player_farthest_weapon_range();
		if (Radar_bright_range <= 0)
			Radar_bright_range = 1500.0f;

	blip *b;
	int blip_bright = 0;
	int blip_type = 0;

	if (N_blips >= MAX_BLIPS)

	b = &Blips[N_blips];
	b->flags = 0;

	// bright if within range
	blip_bright = (dist <= Radar_bright_range);

	// flag the blip as a current target if it is
	if (OBJ_INDEX(objp) == Player_ai->target_objnum)
		b->flags |= BLIP_CURRENT_TARGET;
		blip_bright = 1;

	radar_stuff_blip_info(objp, blip_bright, &b->blip_color, &blip_type);

	if (blip_bright)
		list_append(&Blip_bright_list[blip_type], b);
		list_append(&Blip_dim_list[blip_type], b);

	b->position = pos;
	b->dist = dist;
	b->objp = objp;
	b->radar_image_2d = -1;
	b->radar_color_image_2d = -1;
	b->radar_image_size = -1;
	b->radar_projection_size = 1.0f;

	// see if blip should be drawn distorted
	// also determine if alternate image was defined for this ship
	if (objp->type == OBJ_SHIP)
		// ships specifically hidden from sensors
		if (Ships[objp->instance].flags & SF_HIDDEN_FROM_SENSORS)
			b->flags |= BLIP_DRAW_DISTORTED;

		// determine if its AWACS distorted
		if (awacs_level < 1.0f)
			b->flags |= BLIP_DRAW_DISTORTED;

		ship_info *Iff_ship_info = &Ship_info[Ships[objp->instance].ship_info_index];

		if (Iff_ship_info->radar_image_2d_idx >= 0 || Iff_ship_info->radar_color_image_2d_idx >= 0)
			b->radar_image_2d = Iff_ship_info->radar_image_2d_idx;
			b->radar_color_image_2d = Iff_ship_info->radar_color_image_2d_idx;
			b->radar_image_size = Iff_ship_info->radar_image_size;
			b->radar_projection_size = Iff_ship_info->radar_projection_size_mult;

	// don't distort the sensor blips if the player has primitive sensors and the nebula effect
	// is not active
	if (Player_ship->flags2 & SF2_PRIMITIVE_SENSORS)
		if (!(The_mission.flags & MISSION_FLAG_FULLNEB))
			b->flags &= ~BLIP_DRAW_DISTORTED;
