// Loads a shockwave in preparation for a mission
void shockwave_create_info::load()
	int i = -1;

	// shockwave_load() will return -1 if the filename is "none" or "<none>"
	// checking for that case lets us handle a situation where a 2D shockwave
	// of "none" was specified and a valid 3D shockwave was specified

	if ( strlen(name) )
		i = shockwave_load(name, false);

	if ( (i < 0) && strlen(pof_name) )
		shockwave_load(pof_name, true);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// shockwave_init()
// Call once at the start of each level (mission)
void shockwave_level_init()
	int i;	

	if ( !Default_shockwave_loaded ) {
		i = -1;

		// try and load in a 3d shockwave first
		// Goober5000 - check for existence of file before trying to load it
		if ( cf_exists_full("shockwave.pof", CF_TYPE_MODELS) ) {
			mprintf(("SHOCKWAVE =>  Loading default shockwave model... \n"));

			i = shockwave_load( Default_shockwave_3D_filename, true );

			if (i >= 0)
				mprintf(("SHOCKWAVE =>  Default model load: SUCCEEDED!!\n"));
				mprintf(("SHOCKWAVE =>  Default model load: FAILED!!  Falling back to 2D effect...\n"));

		// next, try the 2d shockwave effect, unless the 3d effect was loaded
		if (i < 0)
			i = shockwave_load( Default_shockwave_2D_filename );

		if (i < 0)
			Error(LOCATION, "ERROR:  Unable to open neither 3D nor 2D default shockwaves!!");

		Default_shockwave_loaded = 1;
	} else {
		// have to make sure that the default 3D model is still valid and usable
		// the 2D shockwave shouldn't need anything like this
		if (Shockwave_info[0].model_id >= 0)
			Shockwave_info[0].model_id = model_load( Default_shockwave_3D_filename, 0, NULL );

	Assert( ((Shockwave_info[0].bitmap_id >= 0) || (Shockwave_info[0].model_id >= 0)) );


	for ( i = 0; i < MAX_SHOCKWAVES; i++ ) {
		Shockwaves[i].flags = 0;
		Shockwaves[i].objnum = -1;
		Shockwaves[i].model_id = -1;

	Shockwave_inited = 1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// shockwave_create()
// Call to create a shockwave
//	input:	parent_objnum	=> object number of object spawning the shockwave
//				pos				=>	vector specifing global position of shockwave center
//				speed				=>	speed at which shockwave expands (m/s)
//				inner_radius	=>	radius at which damage applied is at maximum
//				outer_radius	=> damage decreases linearly to zero from inner_radius to
//										outer_radius.  Outside outer_radius, damage is 0.
//				damage			=>	the maximum damage (ie within inner_radius)
//				blast				=> the maximux blast (within inner_radius)
//				sw_flag			=> indicates whether shockwave is from weapon or ship explosion
//				delay          => delay in ms before the shockwave actually starts
//	return:	success			=>	object number of shockwave
//				failure			=>	-1
// Goober5000 - now parent_objnum can be allowed to be -1
int shockwave_create(int parent_objnum, vec3d *pos, shockwave_create_info *sci, int flag, int delay)
	int				i, objnum, real_parent;
	int				info_index = -1, model_id = -1;
	shockwave		*sw;
//	shockwave_info	*si;
	matrix			orient;

 	for (i = 0; i < MAX_SHOCKWAVES; i++) {
		if ( !(Shockwaves[i].flags & SW_USED) )

		return -1;

	// try 2D shockwave first, then fall back to 3D, then fall back to default of either
	// this should be pretty fool-proof and allow quick change between 2D and 3D effects
	if ( strlen(sci->name) )
		info_index = shockwave_load(sci->name, false);

	if ( (info_index < 0) && strlen(sci->pof_name) )
		info_index = shockwave_load(sci->pof_name, true);

	if (info_index < 0) {
		if ( (Shockwave_info[0].bitmap_id >= 0) || (Shockwave_info[0].model_id >= 0) ) {
			info_index = 0;
			model_id = Shockwave_info[0].model_id;
		} else {
			// crap, just bail
			return -1;
	} else {
		model_id = Shockwave_info[info_index].model_id;

	// real_parent is the guy who caused this shockwave to happen
	if (parent_objnum == -1) {	// Goober5000
		real_parent = -1;
	} else if ( Objects[parent_objnum].type == OBJ_WEAPON ){
		real_parent = Objects[parent_objnum].parent;
	} else {
		real_parent = parent_objnum;

	sw = &Shockwaves[i];

	sw->model_id = model_id;
	sw->flags = (SW_USED | flag);
	sw->speed = sci->speed;
	sw->inner_radius = sci->inner_rad;
	sw->outer_radius = sci->outer_rad;
	sw->damage = sci->damage;
	sw->blast = sci->blast;
	sw->radius = 1.0f;
	sw->pos = *pos;
	sw->num_objs_hit = 0;
	sw->shockwave_info_index = info_index;		// only one type for now... type could be passed is as a parameter
	sw->current_bitmap = -1;

	sw->delay_stamp = delay;

	sw->rot_angles = sci->rot_angles;
	sw->damage_type_idx = sci->damage_type_idx;

//	si = &Shockwave_info[sw->shockwave_info_index];
//	sw->total_time = i2fl(si->num_frames) / si->fps;	// in seconds
	sw->total_time = sw->outer_radius / sw->speed;

	if ( (parent_objnum != -1) && Objects[parent_objnum].type == OBJ_WEAPON ) {		// Goober5000: allow -1
		sw->weapon_info_index = Weapons[Objects[parent_objnum].instance].weapon_info_index;
	else {		
		sw->weapon_info_index = -1;

	orient = vmd_identity_matrix;
	vm_angles_2_matrix(&orient, &sw->rot_angles);
//	angles a;
//	a.p = sw->rot_angle*(PI/180);
//	a.b = frand_range(0.0f, PI2);
//	a.h = frand_range(0.0f, PI2);
//	vm_angles_2_matrix(&orient, &a);
	objnum = obj_create( OBJ_SHOCKWAVE, real_parent, i, &orient, &sw->pos, sw->outer_radius, OF_RENDERS );

	if ( objnum == -1 ){

	sw->objnum = objnum;

	list_append(&Shockwave_list, sw);

	return objnum;
 * Call once at the start of each level (mission)
void shockwave_level_init()
	int i;	

	if ( !Default_shockwave_loaded ) {
		i = -1;
		// try and load in a 3d shockwave first if enabled
		// Goober5000 - check for existence of file before trying to load it
		// chief1983 - Spicious added this check for the command line option.  I've modified the hardcoded "shockwave.pof" that existed in the check 
		// 	to use the static name instead, and added a check to override the command line if a 2d default filename is not found
		//  Note - The 3d shockwave flag is forced on by TBP's flag as of rev 4983
		if ( Cmdline_enable_3d_shockwave && cf_exists_full(Default_shockwave_3D_filename, CF_TYPE_MODELS) ) {
			mprintf(("SHOCKWAVE =>  Loading default shockwave model... \n"));

			i = shockwave_load( Default_shockwave_3D_filename, true );

			if (i >= 0)
				mprintf(("SHOCKWAVE =>  Default model load: SUCCEEDED!!\n"));
				mprintf(("SHOCKWAVE =>  Default model load: FAILED!!  Falling back to 2D effect...\n"));

		// next, try the 2d shockwave effect, unless the 3d effect was loaded
		// chief1983 - added some messages similar to those for the 3d shockwave
		if (i < 0 || Cmdline_fb_explosions) {
			mprintf(("SHOCKWAVE =>  Loading default shockwave animation... \n"));

			i = shockwave_load( Default_shockwave_2D_filename );

			if (i >= 0)
				mprintf(("SHOCKWAVE =>  Default animation load: SUCCEEDED!!\n"));
				mprintf(("SHOCKWAVE =>  Default animation load: FAILED!!  Checking if 3d effect was already tried...\n"));
		// chief1983 - The first patch broke mods that don't provide a 2d shockwave or define a specific shockwave for each model/weapon (shame on them)
		// The next patch involved a direct copy of the attempt above, with an i < 0 check in place of the command line check.  I've taken that and modified it to 
		// spit out a more meaningful message.  Might as well not bother trying again if the command line option was checked as it should have tried the first time through
		if ( i < 0 && !Cmdline_enable_3d_shockwave && cf_exists_full(Default_shockwave_3D_filename, CF_TYPE_MODELS) ) {
			mprintf(("SHOCKWAVE =>  Loading default shockwave model as last resort... \n"));

			i = shockwave_load( Default_shockwave_3D_filename, true );

			if (i >= 0)
				mprintf(("SHOCKWAVE =>  Default model load: SUCCEEDED!!\n"));
				mprintf(("SHOCKWAVE =>  Default model load: FAILED!!  No effect loaded...\n"));

		if (i < 0)
			Error(LOCATION, "ERROR:  Unable to open neither 3D nor 2D default shockwaves!!");

		Default_shockwave_loaded = 1;
	} else {
		// have to make sure that the default 3D model is still valid and usable
		// the 2D shockwave shouldn't need anything like this
		if (Shockwave_info[0].model_id >= 0)
			Shockwave_info[0].model_id = model_load( Default_shockwave_3D_filename, 0, NULL );

	Assert( ((Shockwave_info[0].bitmap_id >= 0) || (Shockwave_info[0].model_id >= 0)) );


	for ( i = 0; i < MAX_SHOCKWAVES; i++ ) {
		Shockwaves[i].flags = 0;
		Shockwaves[i].objnum = -1;
		Shockwaves[i].model_id = -1;

	Shockwave_inited = 1;