QAction* QgsLayerTreeViewDefaultActions::actionShowInOverview( QObject* parent )
  QgsLayerTreeNode* node = mView->currentNode();
  if ( !node )
    return 0;

  QAction* a = new QAction( tr( "&Show in overview" ), parent );
  connect( a, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( showInOverview() ) );
  a->setCheckable( true );
  a->setChecked( node->customProperty( "overview", 0 ).toInt() );
  return a;
void QgsLegendLayer::addToPopupMenu( QMenu& theMenu )
  QgsMapLayer *lyr = layer();
  QAction *toggleEditingAction = QgisApp::instance()->actionToggleEditing();
  QAction *saveLayerEditsAction = QgisApp::instance()->actionSaveActiveLayerEdits();
  QAction *allEditsAction = QgisApp::instance()->actionAllEdits();

  // zoom to layer extent
  theMenu.addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionZoomToLayer.svg" ),
                     tr( "&Zoom to Layer Extent" ), legend(), SLOT( legendLayerZoom() ) );
  if ( lyr->type() == QgsMapLayer::RasterLayer )
    theMenu.addAction( tr( "&Zoom to Best Scale (100%)" ), legend(), SLOT( legendLayerZoomNative() ) );

    QgsRasterLayer *rasterLayer =  qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( lyr );
    if ( rasterLayer && rasterLayer->rasterType() != QgsRasterLayer::Palette )
      theMenu.addAction( tr( "&Stretch Using Current Extent" ), legend(), SLOT( legendLayerStretchUsingCurrentExtent() ) );

  // show in overview
  QAction* showInOverviewAction = theMenu.addAction( tr( "&Show in Overview" ), this, SLOT( showInOverview() ) );
  showInOverviewAction->setCheckable( true );
  showInOverviewAction->blockSignals( true );
  showInOverviewAction->setChecked( mLyr.isInOverview() );
  showInOverviewAction->blockSignals( false );

  // remove from canvas
  theMenu.addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionRemoveLayer.svg" ), tr( "&Remove" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( removeLayer() ) );

  // duplicate layer
  QAction* duplicateLayersAction = theMenu.addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionDuplicateLayer.svg" ), tr( "&Duplicate" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( duplicateLayers() ) );

  // set layer crs
  theMenu.addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionSetCRS.png" ), tr( "&Set Layer CRS" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( setLayerCRS() ) );

  // assign layer crs to project
  theMenu.addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionSetProjectCRS.png" ), tr( "Set &Project CRS from Layer" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( setProjectCRSFromLayer() ) );


  if ( lyr->type() == QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer )
    QgsVectorLayer* vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( lyr );

    // attribute table
    theMenu.addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionOpenTable.png" ), tr( "&Open Attribute Table" ),
                       QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( attributeTable() ) );

    // allow editing
    int cap = vlayer->dataProvider()->capabilities();
    if ( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::EditingCapabilities )
      if ( toggleEditingAction )
        theMenu.addAction( toggleEditingAction );
        toggleEditingAction->setChecked( vlayer->isEditable() );
      if ( saveLayerEditsAction && vlayer->isModified() )
        theMenu.addAction( saveLayerEditsAction );

    if ( allEditsAction->isEnabled() )
      theMenu.addAction( allEditsAction );

    // disable duplication of memory layers
    if ( vlayer->storageType() == "Memory storage" && legend()->selectedLayers().count() == 1 )
      duplicateLayersAction->setEnabled( false );

    // save as vector file
    theMenu.addAction( tr( "Save As..." ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( saveAsFile() ) );

    // save selection as vector file
    QAction* saveSelectionAsAction = theMenu.addAction( tr( "Save Selection As..." ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( saveSelectionAsVectorFile() ) );
    if ( vlayer->selectedFeatureCount() == 0 )
      saveSelectionAsAction->setEnabled( false );

    if ( !vlayer->isEditable() && vlayer->dataProvider()->supportsSubsetString() && vlayer->vectorJoins().isEmpty() )
      theMenu.addAction( tr( "&Filter..." ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( layerSubsetString() ) );

    //show number of features in legend if requested
    QAction* showNFeaturesAction = new QAction( tr( "Show Feature Count" ), &theMenu );
    showNFeaturesAction->setCheckable( true );
    showNFeaturesAction->setChecked( mShowFeatureCount );
    QObject::connect( showNFeaturesAction, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( setShowFeatureCount( bool ) ) );
    theMenu.addAction( showNFeaturesAction );
void QgsLegendLayerFile::addToPopupMenu( QMenu& theMenu, QAction* toggleEditingAction )
  QgsMapLayer* lyr = layer();

  // zoom to layer extent
  theMenu.addAction( QgisApp::getThemeIcon( "/mActionZoomToLayer.png" ),
                     tr( "&Zoom to layer extent" ), legend(), SLOT( legendLayerZoom() ) );

  // show in overview
  QAction* showInOverviewAction = theMenu.addAction( tr( "&Show in overview" ), this, SLOT( showInOverview() ) );
  showInOverviewAction->setCheckable( true );
  showInOverviewAction->blockSignals( true );
  showInOverviewAction->setChecked( mLyr.isInOverview() );
  showInOverviewAction->blockSignals( false );

  // remove from canvas
  theMenu.addAction( QgisApp::getThemeIcon( "/mActionRemove.png" ),
                     tr( "&Remove" ), legend(), SLOT( legendLayerRemove() ) );


  if ( lyr->type() == QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer )
    QgsVectorLayer* vlayer = dynamic_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( lyr );

    // attribute table
    theMenu.addAction( tr( "&Open attribute table" ), this, SLOT( table() ) );

    // editing
    int cap = vlayer->dataProvider()->capabilities();
    if ( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::EditingCapabilities )
      if ( toggleEditingAction )
        theMenu.addAction( toggleEditingAction );

    // save as shapefile
    theMenu.addAction( tr( "Save as shapefile..." ), this, SLOT( saveAsShapefile() ) );

    QAction* saveSelectionAction = theMenu.addAction( tr( "Save selection as shapefile..." ), this, SLOT( saveSelectionAsShapefile() ) );
    if ( vlayer->selectedFeatureCount() == 0 )
      saveSelectionAction->setEnabled( false );

  else if ( lyr->type() == QgsMapLayer::RasterLayer )
    // TODO: what was this for?
    //QgsRasterLayer* rlayer = dynamic_cast<QgsRasterLayer*>(lyr);
    //theMenu.addAction(tr("&Convert to..."), rlayer, SLOT(convertTo()));

  // properties goes on bottom of menu for consistency with normal ui standards
  // e.g. kde stuff
  theMenu.addAction( tr( "&Properties" ), legend(), SLOT( legendLayerShowProperties() ) );