void matching(struct sift_keypoints *k1,
              struct sift_keypoints *k2,
              struct sift_keypoints *out_k1,
              struct sift_keypoints *out_k2A,
              struct sift_keypoints *out_k2B,
              float thresh,
              int flag)
    int n1 = k1->size;
    int n2 = k2->size;

    float* dist  = xmalloc<float>(n1*n2);
    float* distA = xmalloc<float>(n1);
    float* distB = xmalloc<float>(n1);
    int* indexA  = xmalloc<int>(n1);
    int* indexB  = xmalloc<int>(n1);

    compute_keypoints_distance(dist, k1, k2);
    find_the_two_nearest_keys(dist, n1, n2, indexA, indexB, distA, distB);

    int j = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < n1; i++){
        float val;
        val = (flag == 1 ? distA[i]/distB[i] : distA[i]);
        if (val < thresh){
            int iA = indexA[i];
            int iB = indexB[i];
            struct keypoint* k;
            k = sift_malloc_keypoint_from_model_and_copy(k1->list[i]);
            sift_add_keypoint_to_list(k, out_k1);
            k = sift_malloc_keypoint_from_model_and_copy(k2->list[iA]);
            sift_add_keypoint_to_list(k, out_k2A);
            k = sift_malloc_keypoint_from_model_and_copy(k2->list[iB]);
            sift_add_keypoint_to_list(k, out_k2B);

/** @brief Dissize keys with edge response
 *  in  @param keysIn : list of keypoints, the edge response is stored
 *  out @param keysAccepted : passing
 *  out @param keysRejected : failing
 *  @param threshold on (hXX + hYY)*(hXX + hYY)/(hXX*hYY - hXY*hXY)
 *                   on the ratio of principal curvatures.
static void keypoints_discard_on_edge(struct sift_keypoints *keysIn,
                                      struct sift_keypoints *keysAccept,
                                      float thresh)
    for( int k = 0; k < keysIn->size; k++){
        struct keypoint *key = keysIn->list[k];
        bool isAccepted = ( ABS(key->edgeResp) <=  thresh);
        if (isAccepted == true){
            struct keypoint *copy = sift_malloc_keypoint_from_model_and_copy(key);
            sift_add_keypoint_to_list(copy, keysAccept);
/** @brief Attribute a reference orientation to each keypoint of a list
 *   in  @param dx_scalespace, x component (up-bottom)
 *   in  @param dy_scalespace, y component (left-right) 
 *   in  @param keysIn     list of keypoints (pointer)
 *   out @param keysOut   list of oriented keypoints
 *            size(keysIn) <= size(keysOut)          
 *   @param t  : threshold over a local maxima to constitute a reference orientation 
 *   @param lambda_ori : size parameter for the Gaussian window
static void keypoints_attribute_orientations(const struct sift_scalespace *sx,
                                             const struct sift_scalespace *sy,
                                             const struct sift_keypoints *keysIn,
                                             struct sift_keypoints *keysOut,
                                             int n_bins, float lambda_ori, float t)
    for(int k=0;k<keysIn->size;k++){

        // load keypoint coordinates
        struct keypoint* key = keysIn->list[k];
        float x = key->x;
        float y = key->y;
        float sigma = key->sigma;
        int o = key->o;
        int s = key->s;

        // load scalespace gradient
        int w = sx->octaves[o]->w;
        int h = sx->octaves[o]->h;
        float delta  = sx->octaves[o]->delta;
        const float* dx = &(sx->octaves[o]->imStack[s*w*h]);
        const float* dy = &(sy->octaves[o]->imStack[s*w*h]);

        //conversion to the octave's coordinates
        x /= delta;
        y /= delta;
        sigma /= delta;

        /** Accumulate gradient orientation histogram */
        sift_accumulate_orientation_histogram(x, y, sigma, dx, dy, w, h, n_bins, lambda_ori, key->orihist);

        /** Extract principal orientation */
        float* principal_orientations = xmalloc(n_bins*sizeof(float));
        int n_prOri;
        n_prOri = sift_extract_principal_orientations(key->orihist, n_bins, t, principal_orientations); /*t = 0.8 threhsold for secondary orientation */

        /** Updating keypoints and save in new list */
        for(int n = 0; n < n_prOri; n++){
            struct keypoint* copy = sift_malloc_keypoint_from_model_and_copy(key);
            copy->theta = principal_orientations[n];
            sift_add_keypoint_to_list(copy, keysOut);
static void keypoints_discard_near_the_border(struct sift_keypoints *keysIn,
                                            struct sift_keypoints *keysAccept,
                                            int w,
                                            int h,
                                            float lambda)
    for( int k = 0; k < keysIn->size; k++){
        struct keypoint *key = keysIn->list[k];
        float x = key->x;
        float y = key->y;
        float sigma = key->sigma;
        bool isAccepted = (x-lambda*sigma > 0.0 )&&( x + lambda*sigma < (float)h)
                       && (y-lambda*sigma > 0.0 )&&( y + lambda*sigma < (float)w);
        if (isAccepted == true){
            struct keypoint *copy = sift_malloc_keypoint_from_model_and_copy(key);
            sift_add_keypoint_to_list(copy, keysAccept);
/** @brief Refine the position of candidate keypoints
 *  in  @param dog : difference of Gaussian
 *  in  @param keys : list candidate keypoints (3d discrete extrema)
 *  out @param keysInterpol : list of interpolated keypoints.
 *  out @param keysReject   : list of removed keypoints.
 *  The interpolation model consists in a local 3d quadratic model of the DoG space.
 *  An interpolation is successful if the interpolated extremum lays inside the pixel area
 *  Iterative process 
static void keypoints_interpolate_position(struct sift_scalespace *d,
                                    struct sift_keypoints *keys,
                                    struct sift_keypoints *keysInterpol,
                                    int itermax)

    int nMaxIntrp = itermax; /* Maximum number of consecutive unsuccessful interpolation */
    float ofstMax = 0.6;
    // Ratio between two consecutive scales in the scalespace
    // assuming the ratio is constant over all scales and over all octaves
    float sigmaratio = d->octaves[0]->sigmas[1]/d->octaves[0]->sigmas[0];

    for(int k = 0; k<keys->size; k++){

        /* Loading keypoint and associated octave */
        struct keypoint* key = keys->list[k];
        int o = key->o;
        int s = key->s;
        int i = key->i;
        int j = key->j;
        struct octa* octave = d->octaves[o];
        int w = octave->w;
        int h = octave->h;
        int ns = octave->nSca;    // WARNING this includes the auxiliary scales.
        float delta  = octave->delta;
        float* imStck = octave->imStack;
        float val = key->val;

        int ic=i;   /* current value of i coordinate - at each interpolation */
        int jc=j;
        int sc=s;
        int nIntrp = 0;
        bool isConv = false;
        float ofstX =0.;
        float ofstY =0.;
        float ofstS =0.;

        while( nIntrp < nMaxIntrp ){

            /** Extrema interpolation via a quadratic function */
            /*   only if the detection is not too close to the border (so the discrete 3D Hessian is well defined) */
            if((0 < ic)&&( ic < (h-1))&&(0 < jc)&&(jc < (w-1))){
                inverse_3D_Taylor_second_order_expansion(imStck, w, h, ic, jc, sc, &ofstX, &ofstY, &ofstS, &val);
                isConv = false;
                ofstX = 5.0;
                ofstY = 5.0;
                ofstS = 5.0;
            /** Test if the quadratic model is consistent */
            if( (ABS(ofstX) < ofstMax) && (ABS(ofstY) < ofstMax) && (ABS(ofstS) < ofstMax) ){
                isConv = true;
            }else{ // move to another point
                // space...
                if((ofstX > +ofstMax) && ((ic+1) < (h-1))) {ic +=1;}
                if((ofstX < -ofstMax) && ((ic-1) >  0   )) {ic -=1;}
                if((ofstY > +ofstMax) && ((jc+1) < (w-1))) {jc +=1;}
                if((ofstY < -ofstMax) && ((jc-1) >  0   )) {jc -=1;}
                // ... and scale.
                if((ofstS > +ofstMax) && ((sc+1) < (ns-1))) {sc +=1;}
                if((ofstS < -ofstMax) && ((sc-1) >    0  )) {sc -=1;}
            nIntrp += 1;

        if(isConv == true){
            /** Create key and save in corresponding keypoint structure */
            struct keypoint* keycp = sift_malloc_keypoint_from_model_and_copy(key);
            keycp->x = (ic+ofstX)*delta;
            keycp->y = (jc+ofstY)*delta;
            keycp->i = ic;
            keycp->j = jc;
            keycp->s = sc;
            keycp->sigma = octave->sigmas[sc]*pow(sigmaratio,ofstS); /* logarithmic scale */
            keycp->val = val;