void silk_NLSF_decode(
    opus_int16            *pNLSF_Q15,                     /* O    Quantized NLSF vector [ LPC_ORDER ]         */
    opus_int8             *NLSFIndices,                   /* I    Codebook path vector [ LPC_ORDER + 1 ]      */
    const silk_NLSF_CB_struct   *psNLSF_CB                      /* I    Codebook object                             */
    opus_int         i;
    opus_uint8       pred_Q8[  MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int16       ec_ix[    MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int16       res_Q10[  MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int16       W_tmp_QW[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int32       W_tmp_Q9, NLSF_Q15_tmp;
    const opus_uint8 *pCB_element;

    /* Decode first stage */
    pCB_element = &psNLSF_CB->CB1_NLSF_Q8[ NLSFIndices[ 0 ] * psNLSF_CB->order ];
    for( i = 0; i < psNLSF_CB->order; i++ ) {
        pNLSF_Q15[ i ] = silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int16)pCB_element[ i ], 7 );

    /* Unpack entropy table indices and predictor for current CB1 index */
    silk_NLSF_unpack( ec_ix, pred_Q8, psNLSF_CB, NLSFIndices[ 0 ] );

    /* Predictive residual dequantizer */
    silk_NLSF_residual_dequant( res_Q10, &NLSFIndices[ 1 ], pred_Q8, psNLSF_CB->quantStepSize_Q16, psNLSF_CB->order );

    /* Weights from codebook vector */
    silk_NLSF_VQ_weights_laroia( W_tmp_QW, pNLSF_Q15, psNLSF_CB->order );

    /* Apply inverse square-rooted weights and add to output */
    for( i = 0; i < psNLSF_CB->order; i++ ) {
        W_tmp_Q9 = silk_SQRT_APPROX( silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)W_tmp_QW[ i ], 18 - NLSF_W_Q ) );
        NLSF_Q15_tmp = silk_ADD32( pNLSF_Q15[ i ], silk_DIV32_16( silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)res_Q10[ i ], 14 ), W_tmp_Q9 ) );
        pNLSF_Q15[ i ] = (opus_int16)silk_LIMIT( NLSF_Q15_tmp, 0, 32767 );

    /* NLSF stabilization */
    silk_NLSF_stabilize( pNLSF_Q15, psNLSF_CB->deltaMin_Q15, psNLSF_CB->order );
/* Limit, stabilize, convert and quantize NLSFs */
void silk_process_NLSFs(
    silk_encoder_state          *psEncC,                            /* I/O  Encoder state                               */
    opus_int16                  PredCoef_Q12[ 2 ][ MAX_LPC_ORDER ], /* O    Prediction coefficients                     */
    opus_int16                  pNLSF_Q15[         MAX_LPC_ORDER ], /* I/O  Normalized LSFs (quant out) (0 - (2^15-1))  */
    const opus_int16            prev_NLSFq_Q15[    MAX_LPC_ORDER ]  /* I    Previous Normalized LSFs (0 - (2^15-1))     */
    opus_int     i, doInterpolate;
    opus_int     NLSF_mu_Q20;
    opus_int32   i_sqr_Q15;
    opus_int16   pNLSF0_temp_Q15[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int16   pNLSFW_QW[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int16   pNLSFW0_temp_QW[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ];

    silk_assert(psEncC->speech_activity_Q8 >=   0);
    silk_assert(psEncC->speech_activity_Q8 <= SILK_FIX_CONST(1.0, 8));
    silk_assert(psEncC->useInterpolatedNLSFs == 1 || psEncC->indices.NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 == (1 << 2));

    /* Calculate mu values */
    /* NLSF_mu  = 0.003 - 0.0015 * psEnc->speech_activity; */
    NLSF_mu_Q20 = silk_SMLAWB(SILK_FIX_CONST(0.003, 20), SILK_FIX_CONST(-0.001, 28), psEncC->speech_activity_Q8);
    if(psEncC->nb_subfr == 2) {
        /* Multiply by 1.5 for 10 ms packets */
        NLSF_mu_Q20 = silk_ADD_RSHIFT(NLSF_mu_Q20, NLSF_mu_Q20, 1);

    silk_assert(NLSF_mu_Q20 >  0);
    silk_assert(NLSF_mu_Q20 <= SILK_FIX_CONST(0.005, 20));

    /* Calculate NLSF weights */
    silk_NLSF_VQ_weights_laroia(pNLSFW_QW, pNLSF_Q15, psEncC->predictLPCOrder);

    /* Update NLSF weights for interpolated NLSFs */
    doInterpolate = (psEncC->useInterpolatedNLSFs == 1) && (psEncC->indices.NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 < 4);
    if(doInterpolate) {
        /* Calculate the interpolated NLSF vector for the first half */
        silk_interpolate(pNLSF0_temp_Q15, prev_NLSFq_Q15, pNLSF_Q15,
            psEncC->indices.NLSFInterpCoef_Q2, psEncC->predictLPCOrder);

        /* Calculate first half NLSF weights for the interpolated NLSFs */
        silk_NLSF_VQ_weights_laroia(pNLSFW0_temp_QW, pNLSF0_temp_Q15, psEncC->predictLPCOrder);

        /* Update NLSF weights with contribution from first half */
        i_sqr_Q15 = silk_LSHIFT(silk_SMULBB(psEncC->indices.NLSFInterpCoef_Q2, psEncC->indices.NLSFInterpCoef_Q2), 11);
        for(i = 0; i < psEncC->predictLPCOrder; i++) {
            pNLSFW_QW[ i ] = silk_SMLAWB(silk_RSHIFT(pNLSFW_QW[ i ], 1), (opus_int32)pNLSFW0_temp_QW[ i ], i_sqr_Q15);
            silk_assert(pNLSFW_QW[ i ] >= 1);

    silk_NLSF_encode(psEncC->indices.NLSFIndices, pNLSF_Q15, psEncC->psNLSF_CB, pNLSFW_QW,
        NLSF_mu_Q20, psEncC->NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors, psEncC->indices.signalType);

    /* Convert quantized NLSFs back to LPC coefficients */
    silk_NLSF2A(PredCoef_Q12[ 1 ], pNLSF_Q15, psEncC->predictLPCOrder);

    if(doInterpolate) {
        /* Calculate the interpolated, quantized LSF vector for the first half */
        silk_interpolate(pNLSF0_temp_Q15, prev_NLSFq_Q15, pNLSF_Q15,
            psEncC->indices.NLSFInterpCoef_Q2, psEncC->predictLPCOrder);

        /* Convert back to LPC coefficients */
        silk_NLSF2A(PredCoef_Q12[ 0 ], pNLSF0_temp_Q15, psEncC->predictLPCOrder);

    } else {
        /* Copy LPC coefficients for first half from second half */
        silk_memcpy(PredCoef_Q12[ 0 ], PredCoef_Q12[ 1 ], psEncC->predictLPCOrder * sizeof(opus_int16));