sttx::pointer transactionmaster::fetch (shamapitem::ref item, shamaptreenode::tntype type, bool checkdisk, std::uint32_t ucommitledger) { sttx::pointer txn; transaction::pointer itx = getapp().getmastertransaction ().fetch (item->gettag (), false); if (!itx) { if (type == shamaptreenode::tntransaction_nm) { serializeriterator sit (item->peekserializer ()); txn = std::make_shared<sttx> (std::ref (sit)); } else if (type == shamaptreenode::tntransaction_md) { serializer s; int length; item->peekserializer ().getvl (s.moddata (), 0, length); serializeriterator sit (s); txn = std::make_shared<sttx> (std::ref (sit)); } } else { if (ucommitledger) itx->setstatus (committed, ucommitledger); txn = itx->getstransaction (); } return txn; }
QTodoListItemsSorter::QTodoListItemsSorter(QPtrList<QWidget>* _input,const QTodoSortCriteriaMap* sort_criterias) { //FIXME: not yet section ready //1. get sub lists //2. sort sub lists //3. connect to big list //4. return it input = _input; std::map<int,QTodoItemSortPtrList* > lists; QPtrListIterator<QWidget> it(*input); int sub_counter = 0; for(;it.current() || it.atFirst();++it) { if(QTodoItemSortPtrList* sub_list = getSubList(it)) { lists[sub_counter] = sub_list; ++sub_counter; } } for(std::map<int,QTodoItemSortPtrList* >::iterator it = lists.begin(); it != lists.end(); ++it) { (*it).second->setSortCriterias(sort_criterias); (*it).second->sort(); } QPtrList<QWidget>* big_list = new QPtrList<QWidget>; for(std::map<int,QTodoItemSortPtrList* >::iterator it = lists.begin(); it != lists.end(); ++it) { if(!(*it).second->top_item) { QPtrListIterator<QTodoItem> sit(*(*it).second); for(; sit.current(); ++sit) big_list->append(sit.current()); } else { int pos = big_list->find((*it).second->top_item)+1; QPtrListIterator<QTodoItem> sit(*(*it).second); sit.toLast(); for(; sit.current(); --sit) big_list->insert(pos,sit.current()); } } output = big_list; }
inline std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& operator>>(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, time_duration& td) { boost::io::ios_flags_saver iflags(is); typename std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>::sentry strm_sentry(is, false); if (strm_sentry) { try { typedef typename date_time::time_input_facet<ptime, CharT> time_input_facet; std::istreambuf_iterator<CharT,Traits> sit(is), str_end; if(std::has_facet<time_input_facet>(is.getloc())) { std::use_facet<time_input_facet>(is.getloc()).get(sit, str_end, is, td); } else { time_input_facet* f = new time_input_facet(); std::locale l = std::locale(is.getloc(), f); is.imbue(l); f->get(sit, str_end, is, td); } } catch(...) { std::ios_base::iostate exception_mask = is.exceptions(); if(std::ios_base::failbit & exception_mask) { try { is.setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); } catch(std::ios_base::failure&) {} throw; // rethrow original exception } else { is.setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); } } } return is; }
static type make(const View& src, int n) { typedef typename type::xy_locator locator_t; typedef typename type::x_iterator x_iterator_t; typedef typename iterator_adaptor_get_base<x_iterator_t>::type x_iterator_base_t; x_iterator_t sit(x_iterator_base_t(&(src(0,0)[n])),src.pixels().pixel_size()); return type(src.dimensions(),locator_t(sit, src.pixels().row_size())); }
bool glStaticMovesRobot::demo ( ) { static int move_number = 5; switch (move_number) { case 5 : stand( ); break; case 6 : sit ( ); break; case 7 : squat( 90 ); break; case 8 : one_knee_kneel(true); break; case 9 : kneel( ); break; case 10 : arms_down_by_side ( ); break; case 11 : w_question ( ); break; case 12 : hands_on_hip ( ); break; case 13 : folded_arms ( ); break; case 14 : zombie_arms ( ); break; case 15 : arm_straight_up ( true ); break; case 16 : arm_straight_up ( false ); break; case 17 : wave_1 ( true ); break; case 18 : wave_2 ( true ); break; case 19 : arm_stretched_to_side_left ( ); break; case 20 : arm_stretched_to_side_right( ); break; case 21 : attention_1 ( ); break; case 22 : attention_2 ( ); break; case 23 : move_number = 1.; return true; break; default: break; } move_number++; return false; }
void KviRegisteredChannelDataBase::load(const QString &filename) { KviConfigurationFile cfg(filename,KviConfigurationFile::Read); qDeleteAll(*m_pChannelDict); m_pChannelDict->clear(); KviConfigurationFileIterator it(*(cfg.dict())); while(KviConfigurationFileGroup * d = it.current()) { QString szMask = it.currentKey(); QString szChan = KviQString::leftToLast(szMask,QChar('@'),false); KviQString::cutToLast(szMask,QChar('@'),true); KviRegisteredChannel * c = new KviRegisteredChannel(szChan,szMask); add(c); KviConfigurationFileGroupIterator sit(*d); while(QString * s = sit.current()) { c->setProperty(sit.currentKey(),*s); ++sit; } ++it; } }
std::shared_ptr<STTx const> sterilize (STTx const& stx) { Serializer s; stx.add(s); SerialIter sit(s.slice()); return std::make_shared<STTx const>(std::ref(sit)); }
inline std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& operator>>(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, local_date_time& ldt) { boost::io::ios_flags_saver iflags(is); typename std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>::sentry strm_sentry(is, false); if (strm_sentry) { try { typedef typename local_date_time::utc_time_type utc_time_type; typedef typename date_time::time_input_facet<utc_time_type, CharT> time_input_facet; // intermediate objects std::basic_string<CharT> tz_str; utc_time_type pt(not_a_date_time); std::istreambuf_iterator<CharT,Traits> sit(is), str_end; if(std::has_facet<time_input_facet>(is.getloc())) { std::use_facet<time_input_facet>(is.getloc()).get_local_time(sit, str_end, is, pt, tz_str); } else { time_input_facet* f = new time_input_facet(); std::locale l = std::locale(is.getloc(), f); is.imbue(l); f->get_local_time(sit, str_end, is, pt, tz_str); } if(tz_str.empty()) { time_zone_ptr null_ptr; // a null time_zone_ptr creates a local_date_time that is UTC ldt = local_date_time(pt, null_ptr); } else { time_zone_ptr tz_ptr(new posix_time_zone(date_time::convert_string_type<CharT,char>(tz_str))); // the "date & time" constructor expects the time label to *not* be utc. // a posix_tz_string also expects the time label to *not* be utc. ldt = local_date_time(, pt.time_of_day(), tz_ptr, local_date_time::EXCEPTION_ON_ERROR); } } catch(...) { // mask tells us what exceptions are turned on std::ios_base::iostate exception_mask = is.exceptions(); // if the user wants exceptions on failbit, we'll rethrow our // date_time exception & set the failbit if(std::ios_base::failbit & exception_mask) { try { is.setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); } catch(std::ios_base::failure&) {} // ignore this one throw; // rethrow original exception } else { // if the user want's to fail quietly, we simply set the failbit is.setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); } } } return is; }
stledgerentry::stledgerentry ( const serializer& s, uint256 const& index) : stobject (sfledgerentry), mindex (index), mmutable (true) { // we know 's' isn't going away serializeriterator sit (const_cast<serializer&> (s)); set (sit); setsletype (); }
void FermionBase::copySPOs(spo_set_type& spos) { spo_set_type::const_iterator sit(spos.begin()); while (sit != spos.end()) { addSPO((*sit).first, (*sit).second); ++sit; } }
void FermionBase::resetSPOs(ParticleSet& P) { map<string, SPOSetBasePtr>::iterator sit(mySPOSet.begin()); while (sit != mySPOSet.end()) { (*sit).second->resetTargetParticleSet(P); ++sit; } }
void PhotoDialog::resetComments() { QSetIterator<PhotoCommentItem*> sit(mComments); //QLayout* l = ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents->layout(); while(sit.hasNext()) { PhotoCommentItem* item =; ui->verticalLayout->insertWidget(0,item); } }
void FermionBase::cloneSPOs(const spo_set_type& spos, ParticleSet& tqp) { spo_set_type::const_iterator sit(spos.begin()); while (sit != spos.end()) { SPOSetBasePtr spo = (*sit).second; addSPO((*sit).first, spo->makeClone()); ++sit; } }
value_type dereference() const override { value_type result; { SerialIter sit( iter_->second.first->slice()); result.first = std::make_shared< STTx const>(sit); } if (metadata_) { SerialIter sit( iter_->second.second->slice()); result.second = std::make_shared< STObject const>(sit, sfMetadata); } return result; }
int eServiceFS::getServiceTypeForExtension(const std::string &str) { for (std::map<int, std::list<std::string> >::iterator sit(m_additional_extensions.begin()); sit != m_additional_extensions.end(); ++sit) { for (std::list<std::string>::iterator eit(sit->second.begin()); eit != sit->second.end(); ++eit) { if (*eit == str) return sit->first; } } return -1; }
int eServiceCenter::getServiceTypeForExtension(const char *str) { for (std::map<int, std::list<std::string> >::iterator sit(extensions.begin()); sit != extensions.end(); ++sit) { for (std::list<std::string>::iterator eit(sit->second.begin()); eit != sit->second.end(); ++eit) { if (*eit == str) return sit->first; } } return -1; }
void PhotoDialog::clearComments() { //QLayout* l = ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents->layout(); QSetIterator<PhotoCommentItem*> sit(mComments); while(sit.hasNext()) { PhotoCommentItem* item =; ui->verticalLayout->removeWidget(item); item->setParent(NULL); delete item; } mComments.clear(); }
RESULT eServiceCenter::removeServiceFactory(int id) { for (std::map<std::string, int>::iterator sit(extensions_r.begin()); sit != extensions_r.end(); ) { if (sit->second == id) { extensions_r.erase(sit++); } else { ++sit; } } handler.erase(id); return 0; }
Transaction::pointer Transaction::sharedTransaction(const std::vector<unsigned char>&vucTransaction, bool bValidate) { try { Serializer s(vucTransaction); SerializerIterator sit(s); SerializedTransaction::pointer st = boost::make_shared<SerializedTransaction>(boost::ref(sit)); return boost::make_shared<Transaction>(st, bValidate); } catch (...) { Log(lsWARNING) << "Exception constructing transaction"; return boost::shared_ptr<Transaction>(); } }
std::string debugTostr (SHAMap const& set) { std::stringstream ss; for (auto const& item : set) { try { SerialIter sit(item.slice()); auto const tx = std::make_shared< STTx const>(sit); ss << debugTxstr(tx) << ", "; } catch(std::exception const&) { ss << "THRO, "; } } return ss.str(); }
inline std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& operator>>(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, ptime& pt) { boost::io::ios_flags_saver iflags(is); typename std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>::sentry strm_sentry(is, false); if (strm_sentry) { try { typedef typename date_time::time_input_facet<ptime, CharT> time_input_facet; std::istreambuf_iterator<CharT,Traits> sit(is), str_end; if(std::has_facet<time_input_facet>(is.getloc())) { std::use_facet<time_input_facet>(is.getloc()).get(sit, str_end, is, pt); } else { time_input_facet* f = new time_input_facet(); std::locale l = std::locale(is.getloc(), f); is.imbue(l); f->get(sit, str_end, is, pt); } } catch(...) { // mask tells us what exceptions are turned on std::ios_base::iostate exception_mask = is.exceptions(); // if the user wants exceptions on failbit, we'll rethrow our // date_time exception & set the failbit if(std::ios_base::failbit & exception_mask) { try { is.setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); } catch(std::ios_base::failure&) {} // ignore this one throw; // rethrow original exception } else { // if the user want's to fail quietly, we simply set the failbit is.setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); } } } return is; }
void OMR::SymbolReference::setAliasedTo(TR_BitVector &bv, TR::SymbolReferenceTable *symRefTab, bool symmetric) { TR::Compilation *comp = symRefTab->comp(); TR_ASSERT(_useDefAliases, "this symref doesn't have its own aliasing bitvector"); if (!symmetric) { *_useDefAliases |= bv; } else { // we must process one by one to ensure symmetric aliasing TR_SymRefIterator sit(bv, symRefTab); for (TR::SymbolReference *symRef = sit.getNext(); symRef; symRef = sit.getNext()) { self()->setAliasedTo(symRef, true); } } }
std::pair<std::shared_ptr< STTx const>, std::shared_ptr< STObject const>> deserializeTxPlusMeta (SHAMapItem const& item) { std::pair<std::shared_ptr< STTx const>, std::shared_ptr< STObject const>> result; SerialIter sit(item.slice()); { SerialIter s(sit.getSlice( sit.getVLDataLength())); result.first = std::make_shared< STTx const>(s); } { SerialIter s(sit.getSlice( sit.getVLDataLength())); result.second = std::make_shared< STObject const>(s, sfMetadata); } return result; }
void LWF::ExecMovieCommand() { if (m_movieCommands.empty()) return; vector<int> deletes; int i = 0; MovieCommands::iterator it(m_movieCommands.begin()), itend(m_movieCommands.end()); for (; it != itend; ++it) { bool available = true; Movie *movie = rootMovie.get(); vector<string>::iterator sit(it->first.begin()), sitend(it->first.end()); for (; sit != sitend; ++sit) { movie = movie->SearchMovieInstance(*sit); if (!movie) { available = false; break; } } if (available) { it->second(movie); deletes.push_back(i); } ++i; } for (vector<int>::reverse_iterator rit = deletes.rbegin(); rit != deletes.rend(); ++rit) { it = m_movieCommands.begin(); advance(it, *rit); m_movieCommands.erase(it); } }
void Task::run() { QTcpSocket socket; QString answerID,type,lang; socket.setSocketDescriptor(this->socketDescriptor); socket.waitForReadyRead(); data=socket.readAll(); dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QStringList params; QFile file; token=QUuid::createUuid().toString(); token=token.left(token.size()-1); token=token.right(token.size()-1); conName=cdb.connectionName()+QString::number(id); { QSqlDatabase db=QSqlDatabase(QSqlDatabase::cloneDatabase(cdb,conName));; QSqlQuery query(db); sc = engine.evaluate("(" + QString(data) + ")"); QScriptValueIterator it(sc); while (it.hasNext()) {; if ("program") { program_id=it.value().toString(); token=token+"-"+program_id; params<<program_id; if (!||! { query.exec("INSERT INTO math.answer (an_user_id, an_token, an_complete, an_start_date, an_cp_id) VALUES (0, '"+token+"', 0, '"+dateTime.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")+"', '"+program_id+"');"); query.exec("SELECT @an_id:=LAST_INSERT_ID();");; answerID = query.value(0).toString(); params<<answerID; } } if ("exec") { type=it.value().toString(); } if ("lang") { lang=it.value().toString(); params<<lang; } if (it.value().isObject()) { if (type=="execute") { QScriptValueIterator sit(it.value()); while (sit.hasNext()) {; if (sit.value().isObject())//--- jeigu tai failas { QScriptValueIterator sits(sit.value()); while (sits.hasNext()) {; if (sits.value().toString()=="file") {; query.exec("SELECT @pp_id:=pp_id FROM math.program_param_list,math.program_param WHERE ppl_pp_id=pp_id and ppl_cp_id="+program_id+" and pp_name='""'"); cout << program_id.toStdString() << " program id \n"; query.prepare("INSERT INTO math.answer_param_value (pv_value, pv_pp_id) VALUES (:val, @pp_id);"); query.bindValue(":val",sits.value().toString()); query.exec(); query.exec("SELECT @pv_id:=LAST_INSERT_ID();"); query.exec("INSERT INTO math.answer_param_list (anpl_an_id, anpl_pv_id) VALUES (@an_id, @pv_id)"); query.exec("SELECT BD_DATA FROM math.big_data where BD_ID="+sits.value().toString());; file.setFileName(this->binaryPath+"/binaries/"+program_id+"/"+sits.value().toString()); params<<this->binaryPath+"/binaries/"+program_id+"/"+sits.value().toString(); if ( | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream out(&file); out << query.value(0).toByteArray(); } file.close(); } } } else { params<<sit.value().toString(); query.exec("SELECT @pp_id:=pp_id FROM math.program_param_list,math.program_param WHERE ppl_pp_id=pp_id and ppl_cp_id="+program_id+" and pp_name='""'"); query.prepare("INSERT INTO math.answer_param_value (pv_value, pv_pp_id) VALUES (:val, @pp_id);"); query.bindValue(":val",sit.value().toString()); query.exec(); query.exec("SELECT @pv_id:=LAST_INSERT_ID();"); query.exec("INSERT INTO math.answer_param_list (anpl_an_id, anpl_pv_id) VALUES (@an_id, @pv_id)"); } } } } } } QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase(conName); if (type=="execute") { if (|| { socket.write("Nurodykite programa"); socket.waitForBytesWritten(); } else emit this->requestExecute(params); } if (type=="compile") { if (|| { socket.write("Nurodykite programa"); socket.waitForBytesWritten(); } else emit this->requestCompile(params); } // qDebug()<<QString(data); socket.write(token.toLatin1()); socket.flush(); socket.waitForBytesWritten(); socket.waitForDisconnected(); socket.close(); }
void NetworkView::updateDisplay() { if(!isVisible()) return ; if(!_should_update) return ; /* add all friends */ std::string ownGPGId = rsPeers->getGPGOwnId(); //#ifdef DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW std::cerr << "NetworkView::updateDisplay()" << std::endl; //#endif std::deque<NodeInfo> nodes_to_treat ; // list of nodes to be treated. Used as a queue. The int is the level of friendness std::set<std::string> nodes_considered ; // list of nodes already considered. Eases lookup. nodes_to_treat.push_front(NodeInfo(ownGPGId,0)) ; // initialize queue with own id. nodes_considered.insert(rsPeers->getOwnId()) ; // Put own id in queue, and empty the queue, treating all nodes. // while(!nodes_to_treat.empty()) { NodeInfo info(nodes_to_treat.back()) ; nodes_to_treat.pop_back() ; #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW std::cerr << " Poped out of queue: " << info.gpg_id << ", with level " << info.friend_level << std::endl ; #endif GraphWidget::NodeType type ; GraphWidget::AuthType auth ; switch(info.friend_level) { case 0: type = GraphWidget::ELASTIC_NODE_TYPE_OWN ; break ; case 1: type = GraphWidget::ELASTIC_NODE_TYPE_FRIEND ; break ; case 2: type = GraphWidget::ELASTIC_NODE_TYPE_F_OF_F ; break ; default: type = GraphWidget::ELASTIC_NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN ; } RsPeerDetails detail ; if(!rsPeers->getPeerDetails(info.gpg_id, detail)) continue ; switch(detail.trustLvl) { case RS_TRUST_LVL_MARGINAL: auth = GraphWidget::ELASTIC_NODE_AUTH_MARGINAL ; break; case RS_TRUST_LVL_FULL: case RS_TRUST_LVL_ULTIMATE: auth = GraphWidget::ELASTIC_NODE_AUTH_FULL ; break; case RS_TRUST_LVL_UNKNOWN: case RS_TRUST_LVL_UNDEFINED: case RS_TRUST_LVL_NEVER: default: auth = GraphWidget::ELASTIC_NODE_AUTH_UNKNOWN ; break ; } if(info.friend_level <= _max_friend_level && _node_ids.find(info.gpg_id) == _node_ids.end()) { _node_ids[info.gpg_id] = ui.graphicsView->addNode(" ","@"+detail.gpg_id,type,auth,"",info.gpg_id); #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW std::cerr << " inserted node " << info.gpg_id << ", type=" << type << ", auth=" << auth << std::endl ; #endif } std::list<std::string> friendList; rsDisc->getDiscGPGFriends(info.gpg_id, friendList); #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW std::cerr << " Got a list of " << friendList.size() << " friends for this peer." << std::endl ; #endif if(info.friend_level+1 <= _max_friend_level) for(std::list<std::string>::const_iterator sit(friendList.begin()); sit != friendList.end(); ++sit) if(nodes_considered.find(*sit) == nodes_considered.end()) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW std::cerr << " adding to queue: " << *sit << ", with level " << info.friend_level+1 << std::endl ; #endif nodes_to_treat.push_front( NodeInfo(*sit,info.friend_level + 1) ) ; nodes_considered.insert(*sit) ; } } /* iterate through all friends */ #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW std::cerr << "NetworkView::insertSignatures()" << std::endl; #endif for(std::map<std::string,GraphWidget::NodeId>::const_iterator it(_node_ids.begin()); it != _node_ids.end(); it++) { std::list<std::string> friendList ; if(rsDisc->getDiscGPGFriends(it->first,friendList)) for(std::list<std::string>::const_iterator sit(friendList.begin()); sit != friendList.end(); sit++) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW std::cerr << "NetworkView: Adding Edge: "; std::cerr << *sit << " <-> " << it->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if(_node_ids.find(*sit) != _node_ids.end()) ui.graphicsView->addEdge(_node_ids[*sit], it->second); } } _should_update = false ; }
int main() { if ( init() == 0 ) { printf("aRobot init success !\n"); } else { printf("aRobot init failed , and exit\n"); return 0; } char raw[25]; int lebal = 0; fgets(raw, 20, stdin); raw[strlen(raw)-1]='\0'; while ( raw[0] == '\0' || strstr(AROBOT_EXIT, raw) == NULL) { lebal = 0; if (strcmp(raw, AROBOT_ACTION) == 0 ) { lebal = 1; action(); } if (strcmp(raw, STAT_ACTION_SIT) == 0 ) { lebal = 1; actionType = STAT_ACTION_SIT; sit(); } if (strcmp(raw, STAT_ACTION_SLEEP) == 0 ) { lebal = 1; actionType = STAT_ACTION_SLEEP; sleep(); } if (strcmp(raw, STAT_ACTION_WALK) == 0 ) { lebal = 1; actionType = STAT_ACTION_WALK; walk(); } if (strcmp(raw, STAT_ACTION_RUN) == 0 ) { lebal = 1; actionType = STAT_ACTION_RUN; run(); } if (strncmp(raw, STAT_ACTION_EAT, strlen(STAT_ACTION_EAT)) == 0 ) { lebal = 1; actionType = STAT_ACTION_EAT; eat(raw+strlen(STAT_ACTION_EAT)); } if (strcmp(raw, STAT_ACTION_HEAR_AND_SAY) == 0 ) { lebal = 1; actionType = STAT_ACTION_HEAR_AND_SAY; char word[255]; dyf->hear(word, 255); dyf->say(word); //hearf(word, 255); //sayf(word); } if (strncmp(raw, STAT_ACTION_DRINK, strlen(STAT_ACTION_DRINK)) == 0 ) { lebal = 1; actionType = STAT_ACTION_DRINK; drink(raw + strlen(STAT_ACTION_DRINK) ); } if ( ! lebal ) { wrong(); } fgets(raw, 20, stdin); raw[strlen(raw)-1]='\0'; } printf("Bye bye !\n"); if (dlhandler) dlclose(dlhandler); return 0; }
std::shared_ptr<STTx const> deserializeTx (SHAMapItem const& item) { SerialIter sit(item.slice()); return std::make_shared<STTx const>(sit); }
/// Undo moving several objects. void UndoBuffer::undoMoveMultiple(Undo* u) { Project* p; p = u->getProject(); // QListIterator<GState> i(*u->getSList()); // QList<GTransition>* tl = u->getTList(); // GState* s; // GTransition* t; double x, y; // QList<GObject>* sellist; Selection* sel; QList<GState*>* ssellist; QList<GTransition*>* tsellist; // bool dragmultiple; ScrollView* sv; u->getMovedBy(x, y); sv = project->getMain()->getScrollView(); sel = sv->getDrawArea()->getSelection(); sel->deselectAll(project->machine); ssellist = u->getSList2(); tsellist = u->getTList2(); QListIterator<GState*> sit(*ssellist); for(;sit.hasNext();) sel->select(; QListIterator<GTransition*> tit(*tsellist); for(;tit.hasNext();) sel->select(; /* for(; i.current(); ++i) { s = i.current(); s->move(-x, -y, project->getMain()->getScrollView(), project->machine, FALSE); } */ // dragmultiple = sv->getDragMultiple(); sel->move(-x, -y, project->getMain()->getScrollView()->getDrawArea(), p->machine); /* s = project->machine->getPhantomState(); QListIterator<GTransition> j(s->tlist); for(; j.current(); ++j) { t = j.current(); if (t->getEnd()==NULL && tl->containsRef(t)) t->move(-x, -y); } */ /* sit.toFirst(); for(;sit.current(); ++sit) sel->deselect(sit.current()); */ sel->deselectAll(p->machine); }
void tGraph::draw(QPainter & paint) { //QPainter paint(this);; int gx1 = hPadding() + _rect.x(); int gy1 = vPadding() + _rect.y(); int gx2 = _rect.x() + width() - hPadding(); int gy2 = _rect.y() + height() - vPadding(); //paint.drawRect(gx1, gy1, gx2 - gx1, gy2 - gy1); QFontMetrics fm(font()); //QRect brect; // get the dimensions of the title label and then draw it if(title().length() > 0) { fm = QFontMetrics(titleFont()); //brect = fm.boundingRect(title()); paint.setFont(titleFont()); paint.drawText(gx1, gy1, gx2 - gx1, fm.height(), titleAlignment(), title()); gy1 += fm.height(); } // we need to do some drawing that depends on some other elements having // already been placed... since those require that these have already been // placed we will just save the old value of gy2 and then calculate the // value that we should have after the other code runs without actually // drawing anything right now int gy2_old = gy2; if(dataLabel().length() > 0) { fm = QFontMetrics(dataLabelFont()); gy2 -= fm.height(); } fm = QFontMetrics(dataFont()); double tlh = 0.0; QMapIterator<int, GReference> dlit(_data); while(dlit.hasNext()) {; tlh = QMAX(sin45deg * fm.width(dlit.value().first), tlh); } // don't change this variable as we use it later int th = (tlh == 0.0 ? 0 : (int)(tlh + (fm.height() * sin45deg)) + 2); gy2 -= th; // get the dimensions of the value label then draw it if(valueLabel().length() > 0) { fm = QFontMetrics(valueLabelFont()); //brect = fm.boundingRect(valueLabel()); paint.setFont(valueLabelFont());; paint.rotate(-90); paint.drawText(-gy2, gx1, gy2 - gy1, fm.height(), valueLabelAlignment(), valueLabel()); paint.restore(); gx1 += fm.height(); } fm = QFontMetrics(valueFont()); QString min_str = QString().sprintf("%-.0f",minValue()); QString org_str = ( minValue() == 0.0 ? QString::null : QString("0") ); QString max_str = QString().sprintf("%-.0f",maxValue()); int width = QMAX(fm.width(min_str), fm.width(max_str)); if(org_str.length() > 0) width = QMAX(width, fm.width(org_str)); gx1 += width; int gy_max = gy1; int gy_min = gy2 - 1; int gy_org = gy_min; paint.setFont(valueFont()); int tfa = Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight; paint.drawText(gx1 - fm.width(min_str), gy_min, fm.width(min_str), fm.height(), tfa, min_str); paint.drawLine(gx1 - 3, gy_min, gx1 + 2, gy_min); paint.drawText(gx1 - fm.width(max_str), gy_max, fm.width(max_str), fm.height(), tfa, max_str); paint.drawLine(gx1 - 3, gy_max, gx1 + 2, gy_max); int gheight = gy2 - gy1; double grng = maxValue() - minValue(); if(org_str.length() > 0) { double perc = (0 - minValue()) / grng; gy_org = gy2 - (int)(perc * (double)gheight); paint.drawText(gx1 - fm.width(org_str), gy_org, fm.width(org_str), fm.height(), tfa, org_str); paint.drawLine(gx1 - 3, gy_org, gx1 + 2, gy_org); } gx1 += 3; // put the old value back so all the code to come draw correctly! gy2 = gy2_old; // get the dimensions of the data label then draw it if(dataLabel().length() > 0) { fm = QFontMetrics(dataLabelFont()); //brect = fm.boundingRect(dataLabel()); paint.setFont(dataLabelFont()); gy2 -= fm.height(); paint.drawText(gx1, gy2, gx2 - gx1, fm.height(), dataLabelAlignment(), dataLabel()); } gy2 -= th; int ref_cnt = _data.count(); int gwidth = gx2 - gx1; gheight = gy2 - gy1; if(ref_cnt > 0) {; fm = QFontMetrics(dataFont()); paint.setFont(dataFont()); int refwidth = QMAX(1, gwidth / ref_cnt); int buf = (int)(refwidth / 5); int buf2 = buf * 2; int pos = gx1 + (int)((gwidth - (refwidth * ref_cnt)) / 2); int bar_height; int fmheight = fm.height(); int fmheight_div_2 = fmheight / 2; int refwidth_div_2 = refwidth / 2; int label_offset = (int)(fmheight_div_2 * cos45deg); int last_label_at = -1000; QMap<int, double> last_map; QMap<int, double> this_map; QMapIterator<int, GReference> rit(_data); while(rit.hasNext()) {; GReference ref = rit.value(); QString label = ref.first; if(label.length() > 0 && ((pos + refwidth_div_2) - last_label_at) > ((label_offset * 2) + 1)) { last_label_at = pos + refwidth_div_2; int lx = (int)(((pos + refwidth_div_2) * cos45deg) - ((gy2 + label_offset) * sin45deg)); int ly = (int)(((pos + refwidth_div_2) * sin45deg) + ((gy2 + label_offset) * cos45deg)); int fmwidth = fm.width(label);; paint.rotate(-45); paint.drawText(lx - fmwidth, ly - fmheight_div_2, fmwidth, fmheight, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignTop, label); paint.restore(); } QMapIterator<int, double> sit(ref.second);; if(drawBars() == TRUE) { TSetValue tval; QMap<double, TSetValue> sort_map; sit = ref.second; while(sit.hasNext()) {; if(sit.value() != 0.0 && _setStyle[sit.key()].bar == TRUE) { tval.first = sit.key(); tval.second = sit.value(); sort_map[(tval.second < 0.0 ? minValue() : maxValue()) - (tval.second < 0.0 ? -tval.second : tval.second)] = tval; } } QMapIterator<double, TSetValue> it(sort_map); while(it.hasNext()) {; tval = it.value(); if(tval.second != 0.0) { if(tval.second < 0) { bar_height = (int)((tval.second / minValue()) * (gy_org - gy_min)); } else { bar_height = (int)((tval.second / maxValue()) * (gy_org - gy_max)); } paint.fillRect(pos + buf, gy_org - bar_height, refwidth - buf2, bar_height, getSetColor(tval.first)); } } } if(drawLines() == TRUE) { this_map.clear(); sit = ref.second; while(sit.hasNext()) {; if(_setStyle[sit.key()].line == TRUE) { this_map[sit.key()] = sit.value(); if(last_map.contains(sit.key())) { paint.setPen(getSetColor(sit.key())); double old_val = last_map[sit.key()]; double new_val = sit.value(); int ly1; if(old_val < 0.0) ly1 = (int)((old_val / minValue()) * (gy_org - gy_min)); else ly1 = (int)((old_val / maxValue()) * (gy_org - gy_max)); ly1 = gy_org - ly1; int lx1 = pos - refwidth_div_2; int ly2; if(new_val < 0.0) ly2 = (int)((new_val / minValue()) * (gy_org - gy_min)); else ly2 = (int)((new_val / maxValue()) * (gy_org - gy_max)); ly2 = gy_org - ly2; int lx2 = pos + refwidth_div_2; paint.drawLine(lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2); } } } last_map = this_map; } if(drawPoints() == TRUE) { sit = ref.second; while(sit.hasNext()) {; if(_setStyle[sit.key()].point == TRUE) { paint.setBrush(getSetColor(sit.key())); paint.setPen(QColor(0,0,0)); int ly1; if(sit.value() < 0.0) ly1 = (int)((sit.value() / minValue()) * (gy_org - gy_min)); else ly1 = (int)((sit.value() / maxValue()) * (gy_org - gy_max)); ly1 = gy_org - ly1; int lx1 = pos + refwidth_div_2; paint.drawEllipse(lx1 - 2, ly1 - 2, 5, 5); } } } paint.restore(); pos += refwidth; } paint.restore(); } paint.drawLine(gx1, gy_org, gx2 - 1, gy_org); paint.drawRect(gx1, gy1, gx2 - gx1, gy2 - gy1); // Now that we are done return the paint device back to the state // it was when we started to mess with it paint.restore(); }