int main()
	char label_text[LMAX][8] = { "S", "O", "F", "T",
								 "K", "E", "Y", "S" };
	int label;




	return 0;
/* Among other things,  'newtest' demonstrates how to make a Win32a
PDCurses app that is a for-real,  "pure Windows" version (instead of
a console application).  Doing this is quite easy,  and has certain
advantages.  If the app is invoked from a command prompt,  the only
difference you'll see is that the app runs separately (that is,  you
can continue to use the command prompt,  switching between it,  your
PDCurses/Win32a app,  and other processes).  Which is the main reason
I did it;  it meant that I could invoke a PDCurses-based text editor,
for example,  and still have use of the command line.

   (NOTE that,  for reasons I don't actually understand,  this happens
when the Visual C++ compiler is used.  With MinGW or OpenWatcom,  it's
still "really" a console app.)

   To do it,  we ensure that the usual main() function has an alternative
dummy_main() form,  taking the same arguments as main().  We add a
WinMain() function,  whose sole purpose is to reformulate lpszCmdLine
into argc/argv form,  and pass it on to dummy_main().  And,  of course,
we can switch back to a "normal" console app by removing the above
#define PURE_WINDOWS_VERSION line.             */

#include <windows.h>

int dummy_main( int argc, char **argv);

int APIENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                    LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
   char *argv[30];
   int i, argc = 1;

   argv[0] = "newtest";
   for( i = 0; lpszCmdLine[i]; i++)
       if( lpszCmdLine[i] != ' ' && (!i || lpszCmdLine[i - 1] == ' '))
          argv[argc++] = lpszCmdLine + i;

   for( i = 0; lpszCmdLine[i]; i++)
       if( lpszCmdLine[i] == ' ')
          lpszCmdLine[i] = '\0';

   return dummy_main( argc, (char **)argv);

int dummy_main( int argc, char **argv)
#else       /* "usual",  console-app version: */
int main( int argc, char **argv)
    int quit = 0, i, fmt = 0xa, use_slk = 1;
    bool blink_state = FALSE;
    int cursor_state_1 = 2, cursor_state_2 = 3;
    int show_slk_index_line = 0;
    int redraw = 1;

//  setlocale(LC_ALL, ".utf8");
    ttytype[0] = 25;   ttytype[1] = 90;         /* Allow 25 to 90 lines... */
    ttytype[2] = 80;   ttytype[3] = (char)200;  /* ...and 80 to 200 columns */
         /* (This program gets weird artifacts when smaller than 25x80.) */
    for( i = 1; i < argc; i++)
        if( argv[i][0] == '-')
            switch( argv[i][1])
                case 's':
                    use_slk = 0;
                case 'l':
                    setlocale( LC_ALL, argv[i] + 2);
                case 'f':
                    sscanf( argv[i] + 2, "%x", &fmt);
                case 'i':
                    show_slk_index_line = 1;
                case 'r':     /* allow user-resizable windows */
                        int min_lines, max_lines, min_cols, max_cols;

                        if( sscanf( argv[i] + 2, "%d,%d,%d,%d",
                                       &min_lines, &max_lines,
                                       &min_cols, &max_cols) == 4)
                            ttytype[0] = min_lines;
                            ttytype[1] = max_lines;
                            ttytype[2] = min_cols;
                            ttytype[3] = max_cols;
                    printf( "Option '%s' unrecognized\n", argv[i]);
    if( use_slk)
       slk_init( show_slk_index_line ? 3 : 0);
    Xinitscr(argc, argv);
    if( use_slk)
       slk_setup( show_slk_index_line ? -fmt : fmt);


# if defined(NCURSES_VERSION) || (defined(PDC_BUILD) && PDC_BUILD > 3000)
# endif
#ifdef __PDCURSES__
    PDC_set_title( "NewTest: tests various PDCurses features");
    keypad( stdscr, TRUE);
    init_pair( 1, 15, COLOR_BLACK);
    init_pair( 2, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_YELLOW);

    mousemask( ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS, NULL);
    attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1));
    while( !quit)
        char buff[40];
        const int color_block_start = 52;
        const int color_block_size = 14;
        int c;
        const char *cursor_state_text[N_CURSORS] = {
                  "Invisible (click to change) ",
                  "Underscore (click to change)",
                  "Block (click to change)     ",
                  "Outline (click to change)   ",
                  "Caret (click to change)     ",
                  "Half-block (click to change)",
                  "Central (click to change)   ",
                  "Cross (click to change)     ",
                  "Heavy box (click to change) " };
        if( redraw)
            mvaddstr( 1, COL1, "'Normal' white-on-black");
#ifdef WACS_S1
            mvaddwstr( 2, COL1, L"'Normal' text,  but wide");
            attron( A_BLINK);
            mvaddstr( 6, 40, "Blinking");
            attron( A_BOLD);
            mvaddstr( 8, 40, "BlinkBold");
            attron( A_ITALIC);
            mvaddstr( 0, COL2, "BlinkBoldItalic");
            attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 3));
            attron( A_UNDERLINE);
#ifdef WACS_S1
            mvaddstr( 2, COL1, "Underlined");
            addwstr( L"WideUnder");
            attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1));
            attron( A_UNDERLINE | A_ITALIC);
            mvaddstr( 2, COL2, "UnderlinedItalic");
            attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 2));
            attron( A_BLINK);
            mvaddstr( 4, COL1, "Black-on-yellow blinking");

            attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1));
            move( 4, COL2);
            text_in_a_box( "Text in a box");

            attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 6));
            attron( A_STRIKEOUT);
            mvaddstr( 10, 40, "Strikeout");
            attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1));
            for( i = 0; i < 128; i++)
            {                 /* Show extended characters: */
                char buff[5];

                sprintf( buff, "%2x %c", i + 128, (char)(i + 128));
                mvaddstr( 5 + i % 16, (i / 16) * 5, buff);

#if(CHTYPE_LONG >= 2)       /* "non-standard" 64-bit chtypes     */
            for( i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            {                 /* Demonstrate full RGB color control: */
                int j;
                const char *output_text[3] = {
                    "Red on green to white on black   | (you can get full RGB colors when desired,",
                    "Blue on yellow to black on red | with palette coloring still being available)",
                    "White on red to green on blue,  underlined and italic" };
                const int len = strlen( output_text[i]);

                move( 21 + i, 1);
                for( j = 0; j < len; j++)
                    attr_t output_color;
                    const int oval = j * 31 / len;
                    const int reverse = 31 - oval;

                    if( !i)
                        output_color = A_RGB( 31, oval, oval, 0, reverse, 0);
                    else if( i == 1)
                        output_color = A_RGB( 0, 0, reverse, 31, reverse, 0);
                        output_color = A_RGB( reverse, 31, reverse,
                               reverse, 0, oval);
                        output_color |= A_UNDERLINE | A_ITALIC;
                    attrset( output_color);
                    addch( output_text[i][j]);
#endif         /* #if(CHTYPE_LONG >= 2) */
            redraw = 0;
        attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1));

        mvaddstr(  1, COL3, "Click on cursor descriptions to");
        mvaddstr(  2, COL3, "cycle through possible cursors");
        mvaddstr(  3, COL3, "Click on colors at left to change");
        mvaddstr(  4, COL3, "colors used for under/over/outlining");
        mvaddstr(  5, COL3, "Click 'Blink' at bottom to toggle");
        mvaddstr(  6, COL3, "'real' blinking vs. 'highlit' blink");

        mvaddstr( 19, color_block_start, cursor_state_text[cursor_state_1]);
        mvaddstr( 20, color_block_start, cursor_state_text[cursor_state_2]);
        curs_set( (cursor_state_1 << 8) | cursor_state_2);
        for( i = 0; i < 256; i++)
            attrset( COLOR_PAIR( i));
            if( i > 2)
               init_pair((short)i, (short)i, COLOR_BLACK);
            if( !(i % color_block_size))
               move( i / color_block_size, color_block_start);
            attron( A_REVERSE);
            addstr( "  ");
        move( 18, 77);
        c = getch( );
        attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1));
        if( c == KEY_RESIZE)
            redraw = 1;
            resize_term( 0, 0);
        else if( c == KEY_F(1) || c == 27)
            quit = 1;
        else if( c == KEY_F(2))
            blink_state ^= 1;
            PDC_set_blink( blink_state);
        else if( c == KEY_F(3))   /* toggle SLKs */
            use_slk ^= 1;
            if( use_slk)
                slk_restore( );
                slk_clear( );
        else if( c >= KEY_F(4) && c < KEY_F(12))
            sscanf( labels[c - KEY_F(1)], "%x", &fmt);
            if( use_slk)
                slk_setup( show_slk_index_line ? -fmt : fmt);
        if( c != KEY_MOUSE)
            sprintf( buff, "Key %s hit          ", keyname( c));
            mvaddstr( 0, COL1, buff);
            MEVENT mouse_event;
#ifdef __PDCURSES__
            nc_getmouse( &mouse_event);
            getmouse( &mouse_event);
            sprintf( buff, "Mouse at %d x %d: %x  ", mouse_event.x,
                              mouse_event.y, (unsigned)mouse_event.bstate);
            mvaddstr( 0, COL1, buff);
            if( mouse_event.x >= color_block_start
                            && mouse_event.y <= 256 / color_block_size)
                int new_color = (mouse_event.x - color_block_start) / 2
                              + mouse_event.y * color_block_size;

                if( new_color >= 256)
                    new_color = -1;
                PDC_set_line_color( (short)new_color);
            else if( mouse_event.x >= color_block_start)
                if( mouse_event.y == 19)  /* blink/non-blink toggle */
                    cursor_state_1 = (cursor_state_1 + 1) % N_CURSORS;
                else if( mouse_event.y == 20)  /* cycle cursor state */
                    cursor_state_2 = (cursor_state_2 + 1) % N_CURSORS;


    return 0;
/* Among other things,  'newtest' demonstrates how to make a Win32a
PDCurses app that is a for-real,  "pure Windows" version (instead of
a console application).  Doing this is quite easy,  and has certain
advantages.  If the app is invoked from a command prompt,  the only
difference you'll see is that the app runs separately (that is,  you
can continue to use the command prompt,  switching between it,  your
PDCurses/Win32a app,  and other processes).  Which is the main reason
I did it;  it meant that I could invoke a PDCurses-based text editor,
for example,  and still have use of the command line.

   (NOTE that,  for reasons I don't actually understand,  this happens
when the Visual C++ compiler is used.  With MinGW or OpenWatcom,  it's
still "really" a console app.)

   To do it,  we ensure that the usual main() function has an alternative
dummy_main() form,  taking the same arguments as main().  We add a
WinMain() function,  whose sole purpose is to reformulate lpszCmdLine
into argc/argv form,  and pass it on to dummy_main().  And,  of course,
we can switch back to a "normal" console app by removing the above
#define PURE_WINDOWS_VERSION line.             */

#include <windows.h>

int dummy_main( int argc, char **argv);

int APIENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                    LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
   char *argv[30];
   int i, argc = 1;

   argv[0] = "newtest";
   for( i = 0; lpszCmdLine[i]; i++)
       if( lpszCmdLine[i] != ' ' && (!i || lpszCmdLine[i - 1] == ' '))
          argv[argc++] = lpszCmdLine + i;

   for( i = 0; lpszCmdLine[i]; i++)
       if( lpszCmdLine[i] == ' ')
          lpszCmdLine[i] = '\0';

   return dummy_main( argc, (char **)argv);

int dummy_main( int argc, char **argv)
#else       /* "usual",  console-app version: */
int main( int argc, char **argv)
    int quit = 0, i,  use_slk = 1;
    int fmt = 0xa;
    bool blink_state = FALSE;
    int cursor_state_1 = 2, cursor_state_2 = 3;
    int show_slk_index_line = 0;
    int redraw = 1;
    unsigned extra_character_to_show = 0;
#ifdef PDC_WIDE
    unsigned unicode_offset = 0x80;

/*  setlocale(LC_ALL, ".utf8");     */
    ttytype[0] = 25;   ttytype[1] = 90;         /* Allow 25 to 90 lines... */
    ttytype[2] = 80;   ttytype[3] = (char)200;  /* ...and 80 to 200 columns */
         /* (This program gets weird artifacts when smaller than 25x80.) */
    for( i = 1; i < argc; i++)
        if( argv[i][0] == '-')
            switch( argv[i][1])
                case 's':
                    use_slk = 0;
                case 'l':
                    setlocale( LC_ALL, argv[i] + 2);
                case 'e':
                    sscanf( argv[i] + 2, "%x", &extra_character_to_show);
                case 'f':
                    sscanf( argv[i] + 2, "%x", (unsigned *)&fmt);
                case 'i':
                    show_slk_index_line = 1;
                case 'r':     /* allow user-resizable windows */
                        int min_lines, max_lines, min_cols, max_cols;

                        if( sscanf( argv[i] + 2, "%d,%d,%d,%d",
                                       &min_lines, &max_lines,
                                       &min_cols, &max_cols) == 4)
                            ttytype[0] = min_lines;
                            ttytype[1] = max_lines;
                            ttytype[2] = min_cols;
                            ttytype[3] = max_cols;
                case 'd':     /* set window size before initscr */
                        int n_lines, n_cols;

                        if( sscanf( argv[i] + 2, "%d,%d", &n_lines,
                                    &n_cols) == 2)
                            resize_term( n_lines, n_cols);
#ifdef PDC_WIDE
                case 'u':
                    sscanf( argv[i] + 2, "%x", &unicode_offset);
                    printf( "Option '%s' unrecognized\n", argv[i]);
    if( use_slk)
       slk_init( show_slk_index_line ? 3 : 0);
    Xinitscr(argc, argv);
    if( use_slk)
       slk_setup( show_slk_index_line ? -fmt : fmt);


# if defined(NCURSES_VERSION) || (defined(PDC_BUILD) && PDC_BUILD > 3000)
# endif
#ifdef __PDCURSES__
    PDC_set_title( "NewTest: tests various PDCurses features");
    keypad( stdscr, TRUE);
    init_pair( 1, 15, COLOR_BLACK);
    init_pair( 2, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_YELLOW);

    mousemask( ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS, NULL);
    attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1));
    while( !quit)
        char buff[40];
        const int xmax = getmaxx( stdscr);
        const int ymax = getmaxy( stdscr);
        int color_block_start = 54, c;
        int color_block_cols = (xmax - color_block_start) / 2;
        const int color_block_lines = 19;
        const char *cursor_state_text[N_CURSORS] = {
                  "Invisible (click to change) ",
                  "Underscore (click to change)",
                  "Block (click to change)     ",
                  "Outline (click to change)   ",
                  "Caret (click to change)     ",
                  "Half-block (click to change)",
                  "Central (click to change)   ",
                  "Cross (click to change)     ",
                  "Heavy box (click to change) " };

        if( color_block_cols < 0)
            color_block_cols = 0;
        if( redraw)
            mvaddstr( 1, COL1, "'Normal' white-on-black");
#if(CHTYPE_LONG >= 2)       /* "non-standard" 64-bit chtypes     */
            attron( A_DIM);
            mvaddstr( 2, COL1, "Dimmed text");
            attroff( A_DIM);
#ifdef PDC_WIDE
            mvaddwstr( 3, COL1, L"'Normal' text,  but wide");
            attron( A_BLINK);
            mvaddstr( 6, 40, "Blinking");
            attron( A_BOLD);
            mvaddstr( 8, 40, "BlinkBold");
            attron( A_ITALIC);
            mvaddstr( 0, COL2, "BlinkBoldItalic");
            attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 3));
            attron( A_UNDERLINE);
#ifdef PDC_WIDE
            mvaddstr( 1, COL2, "Underlined");
            addwstr( L"WideUnder");
            attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1));
            attron( A_UNDERLINE | A_ITALIC);
            mvaddstr( 2, COL2, "UnderlinedItalic");
            attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 2));
            attron( A_BLINK);
            mvaddstr( 4, COL1, "Black-on-yellow blinking");

            attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1));
            move( 4, COL2);
            text_in_a_box( "Text in a box");

            attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 6));
            attron( A_STRIKEOUT);
            mvaddstr( 10, 40, "Strikeout");
            attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1));

#ifdef PDC_WIDE
            move( 11, 40);
            text_in_a_box( "Next Ucode pg");
            if( unicode_offset)
               move( 12, 40);
               text_in_a_box( "Prev Ucode pg");
            mvprintw( 13, 40, "U+%04x ", unicode_offset);


            for( i = 0; i < 128; i++)
            {                 /* Show extended characters: */
#ifdef PDC_WIDE
                wchar_t buff[20];

                swprintf( buff, 20, L"%02x ",
                           (unsigned)( i + unicode_offset) & 0xff);
                mvaddwstr( 5 + i % 16, (i / 16) * 5, buff);
                if( i + unicode_offset > ' ')
                   addch( (chtype)( i + unicode_offset));
                   addch( ' ');
                addch( ' ');
                char buff[6];

                sprintf( buff, "%02x %c", i + 128, (char)(i + 128));
                mvaddstr( 5 + i % 16, (i / 16) * 5, buff);

#if(CHTYPE_LONG >= 2)       /* "non-standard" 64-bit chtypes     */
            for( i = 0; i < 3 && i + 21 < ymax; i++)
            {                 /* Demonstrate full RGB color control: */
                int j;
                const char *output_text[3] = {
                    "Red on green to white on black   | (you can get full RGB colors when desired,",
                    "Blue on yellow to black on red | with palette coloring still being available)",
                    "White on red to green on blue,  underlined and italic" };
                const int len = (int)strlen( output_text[i]);

                move( 21 + i, 1);
                for( j = 0; j < len && j + 1 < xmax; j++)
                    attr_t output_color;
                    const int oval = j * 31 / len;
                    const int reverse = 31 - oval;

                    if( !i)
                        output_color = A_RGB( 31, oval, oval, 0, reverse, 0);
                    else if( i == 1)
                        output_color = A_RGB( 0, 0, reverse, 31, reverse, 0);
                        output_color = A_RGB( reverse, 31, reverse,
                               reverse, 0, oval);
                        output_color |= A_UNDERLINE | A_ITALIC;
                    attrset( output_color);
                    addch( output_text[i][j]);
#endif         /* #if(CHTYPE_LONG >= 2) */
            redraw = 0;
            attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1));
            if( extra_character_to_show && ymax > 23)
                mvaddch( 23, 63, (chtype)extra_character_to_show);

#ifdef PDC_WIDE
            for( i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                static const wchar_t spanish[] = L"Espa\xf1ol";
                const int line = 24 + i / 3;
                const int col = 5 + 25 * (i % 3);

                static const wchar_t russian[] = {0x0420, 0x0443, 0x0441, 0x0441,
                   0x043a, 0x0438, 0x0439, L' ', 0x044f, 0x0437, 0x044b, 0x043a, 0};

                static const wchar_t greek[] = {0x0395, 0x03bb, 0x03bb, 0x03b7,
                   0x03bd, 0x03b9, 0x03ba, 0x03ac, 0};

                static const wchar_t georgian[] = {0x10e5, 0x10d0, 0x10e0, 0x10d7,
                   0x10e3, 0x10da, 0x10d8, L' ', 0x10d4, 0x10dc, 0x10d0, 0};

                static const wchar_t fullwidth[] = { 0xff26, 0xff55, 0xff4c, 0xff4c,
                   0xff57, 0xff49, 0xff44, 0xff54, 0xff48, 0 };  /* "Fullwidth" */

                static const wchar_t combining_marks[] = { L'C', L'o', 0x35c, L'm',
                   L'b', 0x30a, L'i', L'n', L'i', 0x304, L'n', 0x30b, 0x329,
                   L'g', 0x310,
                   L' ', L'C', 0x338, L'h', 0x306,  L'a', 0x361, L'r', L's',
                   0x30e, 0x348, 0 };

                static const wchar_t *texts[6] = { spanish, russian, greek,
                                georgian, fullwidth, combining_marks};

                if( line < ymax && col < xmax)
                   mvaddnwstr( line, 5 + 25 * (i % 3), texts[i], xmax - col);

        mvaddstr(  1, COL3, "Click on cursor descriptions to");
        mvaddstr(  2, COL3, "cycle through possible cursors");
        mvaddstr(  3, COL3, "Click on colors at left to change");
        mvaddstr(  4, COL3, "colors used for under/over/outlining");
        mvaddstr(  5, COL3, "Click 'Blink' at bottom to toggle");
        mvaddstr(  6, COL3, "'real' blinking vs. 'highlit' blink");

        mvaddnstr( 19, color_block_start, cursor_state_text[cursor_state_1],
                                 xmax - color_block_start);
        mvaddnstr( 20, color_block_start, cursor_state_text[cursor_state_2],
                                 xmax - color_block_start);
        curs_set( (cursor_state_1 << 8) | cursor_state_2);
        for( i = 0; i < color_block_cols * color_block_lines; i++)
            const int n_color_blocks = 256;

            attrset( COLOR_PAIR( i >= n_color_blocks ? 2 : i));
            if( i > 2 && i < n_color_blocks)
               init_pair((short)i, (short)i, COLOR_BLACK);
            if( !(i % color_block_cols))
               move( i / color_block_cols, color_block_start);
            attron( A_REVERSE);
            addstr( "  ");
        move( 19, color_block_start - 3);
        c = getch( );
        attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1));
        if( c == KEY_RESIZE)
            redraw = 1;
            resize_term( 0, 0);
        else if( c == KEY_F(1) || c == 27)
            quit = 1;
        else if( c == KEY_F(2))
            blink_state ^= 1;
            PDC_set_blink( blink_state);
        else if( c == KEY_F(3))   /* toggle SLKs */
            use_slk ^= 1;
            if( use_slk)
                slk_restore( );
                slk_clear( );
        else if( c >= KEY_F(4) && c < KEY_F(12))
            sscanf( labels[c - KEY_F(1)], "%x", (unsigned *)&fmt);
            if( use_slk)
                slk_setup( show_slk_index_line ? -fmt : fmt);
//      else if( c == 'w')
//          PDC_write_screen_to_file( "scrdump.htm", curscr);
        if( c != KEY_MOUSE)
            sprintf( buff, "Key %s hit          ", keyname( c));
            mvaddstr( 0, COL1, buff);
            MEVENT mouse_event;
#ifdef __PDCURSES__
            nc_getmouse( &mouse_event);
            getmouse( &mouse_event);
            sprintf( buff, "Mouse at %d x %d: %x  ", mouse_event.x,
                              mouse_event.y, (unsigned)mouse_event.bstate);
            mvaddstr( 0, COL1, buff);
            if( mouse_event.x >= color_block_start
                            && mouse_event.y < color_block_lines)
                int new_color = (mouse_event.x - color_block_start) / 2
                              + mouse_event.y * color_block_cols;

                if( new_color >= 256)
                    new_color = -1;
                PDC_set_line_color( (short)new_color);
            else if( mouse_event.x >= color_block_start)
                int shift = ((mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON_MODIFIER_SHIFT) ?
                           N_CURSORS - 1 : 1);

                if( mouse_event.y == 19)  /* blink/non-blink toggle */
                    cursor_state_1 = (cursor_state_1 + shift) % N_CURSORS;
                else if( mouse_event.y == 20)  /* cycle cursor state */
                    cursor_state_2 = (cursor_state_2 + shift) % N_CURSORS;
#ifdef PDC_WIDE
            else if( mouse_event.x >= 40 && mouse_event.x < 40 + 10)
               if( mouse_event.y == 11)
                  redraw = 1;
                  unicode_offset += 0x80;
               else if( mouse_event.y == 12 && unicode_offset)
                  redraw = 1;
                  unicode_offset -= 0x80;


    return 0;
 * Description:	Determines the screen size of the the *
 *		terminal and prompts for the user to  *
 *		change the screen.		      *
RETSIGTYPE checkScreenSize(int sig)
    int count;
    /* Avoid unused variable warning */

    init_screen();                                      /* init visuals       */

    slk_clear();                                        /* init menu bar      */
    slk_restore();                                      /* restore bottom menu*/
							/* recacl these values*/
    BASE                =   (COLS - 6 - MIN_ADDR_LENGTH) / 4;            /*base for the number */
    hex_outline_width   =   (BASE * 3) + 3 + MIN_ADDR_LENGTH;
    MAXY                =   LINES - 3;
    hex_win_width       =   BASE * 3;
    ascii_outline_width =   BASE + 2;
    ascii_win_width     =   BASE;
    maxlines		=   maxLines((fpIN != NULL) ? maxLoc(fpIN) : 0);
    currentLine		=   0;
    SIZE_CH		=   TRUE;
                                                        /* check for term size*/
    if ((COLS < MIN_COLS) || (LINES < MIN_LINES))	
        printf("\n\n\n\nscreen size too small\n");

	init_fkeys();                                   /* define menu bar    */
	init_menu(windows);                             /* init windows       */
	mvwprintw(windows->hex, 0, 0, "Your screen is too small");
	/*mvwprintw(windows->hex, 1, 2, "Resize it to continue");*/
	init_fkeys();                                   /* define menu bar    */
	init_menu(windows);                             /* init windows       */
	if (fpIN)					/* if a file is open  */
	    for (count = 0; count <= MAXY && count <= maxLines(maxLoc(fpIN)); 
		outline(fpIN, count);

	    mvwprintw(windows->cur_address, 0, 0, "%0*d", MIN_ADDR_LENGTH, 0);

	/* this next refresh is to put the cursor in the correct window */
int chkr_slk_clear(void)
static void slk_test(void)
/* exercise the soft keys */
    int	c, fmt = 1;
    char buf[9];

    c = CTRL('l');
    do {
	case CTRL('l'):
	    mvaddstr(0, 20, "Soft Key Exerciser");

	    move(2, 0);
	    P("Available commands are:");
	    P("^L         -- refresh screen");
	    P("a          -- activate or restore soft keys");
	    P("d          -- disable soft keys");
	    P("c          -- set centered format for labels");
	    P("l          -- set left-justified format for labels");
	    P("r          -- set right-justified format for labels");
	    P("[12345678] -- set label; labels are numbered 1 through 8");
	    P("e          -- erase stdscr (should not erase labels)");
	    P("s          -- test scrolling of shortened screen");
	    P("x, q       -- return to main menu");
	    P("Note: if activating the soft keys causes your terminal to");
	    P("scroll up one line, your terminal auto-scrolls when anything");
	    P("is written to the last screen position.  The ncurses code");
	    P("does not yet handle this gracefully.");
	    /* fall through */

	case 'a':

	case 'e':

	case 's':
	    move(20, 0);
	    while ((c = getch()) != 'Q')

	case 'd':

	case 'l':
	    fmt = 0;

	case 'c':
	    fmt = 1;

	case 'r':
	    fmt = 2;

	case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
	case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8':
	    (void) mvaddstr(20, 0, "Please enter the label value: ");
	    wgetnstr(stdscr, buf, 8);
	    slk_set((c - '0'), buf, fmt);

	case 'x':
	case 'q':
	    goto done;

    } while
	((c = getch()) != EOF);

gucu_slk_clear ()
  int ret = slk_clear ();
  RETURNTF (ret);