static void _add_tres_time_2_list(List tres_list, char *tres_str, int type, int seconds, int suspend_seconds, bool times_count) { char *tmp_str = tres_str; int id; uint64_t time, count; local_tres_usage_t *loc_tres; xassert(tres_list); if (!tres_str || !tres_str[0]) return; while (tmp_str) { int loc_seconds = seconds; id = atoi(tmp_str); if (id < 1) { error("_add_tres_time_2_list: no id " "found at %s", tmp_str); break; } if (!(tmp_str = strchr(tmp_str, '='))) { error("_add_tres_time_2_list: no value found for " "id %d '%s'", id, tres_str); xassert(0); break; } /* Take away suspended time from TRES that are idle when the * job was suspended, currently only CPU's fill that bill. */ if (suspend_seconds && (id == TRES_CPU)) { loc_seconds -= suspend_seconds; if (loc_seconds < 1) loc_seconds = 0; } count = slurm_atoull(++tmp_str); time = count * loc_seconds; loc_tres = _add_time_tres(tres_list, type, id, time, times_count); if (loc_tres && !loc_tres->count) loc_tres->count = count; if (!(tmp_str = strchr(tmp_str, ','))) break; tmp_str++; } return; }
static void _add_tres_time_2_list(List tres_list, char *tres_str, int type, int seconds, bool times_count) { char *tmp_str = tres_str; int id; uint64_t time, count; local_tres_usage_t *loc_tres; xassert(tres_list); if (!tres_str || !tres_str[0]) return; while (tmp_str) { id = atoi(tmp_str); if (id < 1) { error("_add_tres_time_2_list: no id " "found at %s", tmp_str); break; } if (!(tmp_str = strchr(tmp_str, '='))) { error("_add_tres_time_2_list: no value found for " "id %d '%s'", id, tres_str); xassert(0); break; } count = slurm_atoull(++tmp_str); time = count * seconds; loc_tres = _add_time_tres(tres_list, type, id, time, times_count); if (loc_tres && !loc_tres->count) loc_tres->count = count; if (!(tmp_str = strchr(tmp_str, ','))) break; tmp_str++; } return; }
static void _add_tres_2_list(List tres_list, char *tres_str, int seconds) { char *tmp_str = tres_str; int id; uint64_t count; xassert(tres_list); if (!tres_str || !tres_str[0]) return; while (tmp_str) { id = atoi(tmp_str); if (id < 1) { error("_add_tres_2_list: no id " "found at %s instead", tmp_str); break; } /* We don't run rollup on a node basis * because they are shared resources on * many systems so it will almost always * have over committed resources. */ if (id != TRES_NODE) { if (!(tmp_str = strchr(tmp_str, '='))) { error("_add_tres_2_list: no value found"); xassert(0); break; } count = slurm_atoull(++tmp_str); _setup_cluster_tres(tres_list, id, count, seconds); } if (!(tmp_str = strchr(tmp_str, ','))) break; tmp_str++; } return; }
extern int as_mysql_hourly_rollup(mysql_conn_t *mysql_conn, char *cluster_name, time_t start, time_t end, uint16_t archive_data) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; int add_sec = 3600; int i=0; time_t now = time(NULL); time_t curr_start = start; time_t curr_end = curr_start + add_sec; char *query = NULL; MYSQL_RES *result = NULL; MYSQL_ROW row; ListIterator a_itr = NULL; ListIterator c_itr = NULL; ListIterator w_itr = NULL; ListIterator r_itr = NULL; List assoc_usage_list = list_create(_destroy_local_id_usage); List cluster_down_list = list_create(_destroy_local_cluster_usage); List wckey_usage_list = list_create(_destroy_local_id_usage); List resv_usage_list = list_create(_destroy_local_resv_usage); uint16_t track_wckey = slurm_get_track_wckey(); /* char start_char[20], end_char[20]; */ char *job_req_inx[] = { "job.job_db_inx", "job.id_job", "job.id_assoc", "job.id_wckey", "job.array_task_pending", "job.time_eligible", "job.time_start", "job.time_end", "job.time_suspended", "job.cpus_alloc", "job.cpus_req", "job.id_resv", "SUM(step.consumed_energy)" }; char *job_str = NULL; enum { JOB_REQ_DB_INX, JOB_REQ_JOBID, JOB_REQ_ASSOCID, JOB_REQ_WCKEYID, JOB_REQ_ARRAY_PENDING, JOB_REQ_ELG, JOB_REQ_START, JOB_REQ_END, JOB_REQ_SUSPENDED, JOB_REQ_ACPU, JOB_REQ_RCPU, JOB_REQ_RESVID, JOB_REQ_ENERGY, JOB_REQ_COUNT }; char *suspend_req_inx[] = { "time_start", "time_end" }; char *suspend_str = NULL; enum { SUSPEND_REQ_START, SUSPEND_REQ_END, SUSPEND_REQ_COUNT }; char *resv_req_inx[] = { "id_resv", "assoclist", "cpus", "flags", "time_start", "time_end" }; char *resv_str = NULL; enum { RESV_REQ_ID, RESV_REQ_ASSOCS, RESV_REQ_CPU, RESV_REQ_FLAGS, RESV_REQ_START, RESV_REQ_END, RESV_REQ_COUNT }; i=0; xstrfmtcat(job_str, "%s", job_req_inx[i]); for(i=1; i<JOB_REQ_COUNT; i++) { xstrfmtcat(job_str, ", %s", job_req_inx[i]); } i=0; xstrfmtcat(suspend_str, "%s", suspend_req_inx[i]); for(i=1; i<SUSPEND_REQ_COUNT; i++) { xstrfmtcat(suspend_str, ", %s", suspend_req_inx[i]); } i=0; xstrfmtcat(resv_str, "%s", resv_req_inx[i]); for(i=1; i<RESV_REQ_COUNT; i++) { xstrfmtcat(resv_str, ", %s", resv_req_inx[i]); } /* info("begin start %s", slurm_ctime(&curr_start)); */ /* info("begin end %s", slurm_ctime(&curr_end)); */ a_itr = list_iterator_create(assoc_usage_list); c_itr = list_iterator_create(cluster_down_list); w_itr = list_iterator_create(wckey_usage_list); r_itr = list_iterator_create(resv_usage_list); while (curr_start < end) { int last_id = -1; int last_wckeyid = -1; int seconds = 0; int tot_time = 0; local_cluster_usage_t *loc_c_usage = NULL; local_cluster_usage_t *c_usage = NULL; local_resv_usage_t *r_usage = NULL; local_id_usage_t *a_usage = NULL; local_id_usage_t *w_usage = NULL; if (debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_DB_USAGE) DB_DEBUG(mysql_conn->conn, "%s curr hour is now %ld-%ld", cluster_name, curr_start, curr_end); /* info("start %s", slurm_ctime(&curr_start)); */ /* info("end %s", slurm_ctime(&curr_end)); */ c_usage = _setup_cluster_usage(mysql_conn, cluster_name, curr_start, curr_end, cluster_down_list); // now get the reservations during this time /* If a reservation has the IGNORE_JOBS flag we don't * have an easy way to distinguish the cpus a job not * running in the reservation, but on it's cpus. * So we will just ignore these reservations for * accounting purposes. */ query = xstrdup_printf("select %s from \"%s_%s\" where " "(time_start < %ld && time_end >= %ld) " "&& !(flags & %u)" "order by time_start", resv_str, cluster_name, resv_table, curr_end, curr_start, RESERVE_FLAG_IGN_JOBS); if (debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_DB_USAGE) DB_DEBUG(mysql_conn->conn, "query\n%s", query); if (!(result = mysql_db_query_ret( mysql_conn, query, 0))) { xfree(query); _destroy_local_cluster_usage(c_usage); return SLURM_ERROR; } xfree(query); /* If a reservation overlaps another reservation we total up everything here as if they didn't but when calculating the total time for a cluster we will remove the extra time received. This may result in unexpected results with association based reports since the association is given the total amount of time of each reservation, thus equaling more time than is available. Job/Cluster/Reservation reports should be fine though since we really don't over allocate resources. The issue with us not being able to handle overlapping reservations here is unless the reservation completely overlaps the other reservation we have no idea how many cpus should be removed since this could be a heterogeneous system. This same problem exists when a reservation is created with the ignore_jobs option which will allow jobs to continue to run in the reservation that aren't suppose to. */ while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { time_t row_start = slurm_atoul(row[RESV_REQ_START]); time_t row_end = slurm_atoul(row[RESV_REQ_END]); uint32_t row_cpu = slurm_atoul(row[RESV_REQ_CPU]); uint32_t row_flags = slurm_atoul(row[RESV_REQ_FLAGS]); if (row_start < curr_start) row_start = curr_start; if (!row_end || row_end > curr_end) row_end = curr_end; /* Don't worry about it if the time is less * than 1 second. */ if ((row_end - row_start) < 1) continue; r_usage = xmalloc(sizeof(local_resv_usage_t)); r_usage->id = slurm_atoul(row[RESV_REQ_ID]); r_usage->local_assocs = list_create(slurm_destroy_char); slurm_addto_char_list(r_usage->local_assocs, row[RESV_REQ_ASSOCS]); r_usage->total_time = (row_end - row_start) * row_cpu; r_usage->start = row_start; r_usage->end = row_end; list_append(resv_usage_list, r_usage); /* Since this reservation was added to the cluster and only certain people could run there we will use this as allocated time on the system. If the reservation was a maintenance then we add the time to planned down time. */ /* only record time for the clusters that have registered. This continue should rarely if ever happen. */ if (!c_usage) continue; else if (row_flags & RESERVE_FLAG_MAINT) c_usage->pd_cpu += r_usage->total_time; else c_usage->a_cpu += r_usage->total_time; /* slurm_make_time_str(&r_usage->start, start_char, */ /* sizeof(start_char)); */ /* slurm_make_time_str(&r_usage->end, end_char, */ /* sizeof(end_char)); */ /* info("adding this much %lld to cluster %s " */ /* "%d %d %s - %s", */ /* r_usage->total_time, c_usage->name, */ /* (row_flags & RESERVE_FLAG_MAINT), */ /* r_usage->id, start_char, end_char); */ } mysql_free_result(result); /* now get the jobs during this time only */ query = xstrdup_printf("select %s from \"%s_%s\" as job " "left outer join \"%s_%s\" as step on " "job.job_db_inx=step.job_db_inx " "and (step.id_step>=0) " "where (job.time_eligible < %ld && " "(job.time_end >= %ld || " "job.time_end = 0)) " "group by job.job_db_inx " "order by job.id_assoc, " "job.time_eligible", job_str, cluster_name, job_table, cluster_name, step_table, curr_end, curr_start); if (debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_DB_USAGE) DB_DEBUG(mysql_conn->conn, "query\n%s", query); if (!(result = mysql_db_query_ret( mysql_conn, query, 0))) { xfree(query); _destroy_local_cluster_usage(c_usage); return SLURM_ERROR; } xfree(query); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { uint32_t job_id = slurm_atoul(row[JOB_REQ_JOBID]); uint32_t assoc_id = slurm_atoul(row[JOB_REQ_ASSOCID]); uint32_t wckey_id = slurm_atoul(row[JOB_REQ_WCKEYID]); uint32_t array_pending = slurm_atoul(row[JOB_REQ_ARRAY_PENDING]); uint32_t resv_id = slurm_atoul(row[JOB_REQ_RESVID]); time_t row_eligible = slurm_atoul(row[JOB_REQ_ELG]); time_t row_start = slurm_atoul(row[JOB_REQ_START]); time_t row_end = slurm_atoul(row[JOB_REQ_END]); uint32_t row_acpu = slurm_atoul(row[JOB_REQ_ACPU]); uint32_t row_rcpu = slurm_atoul(row[JOB_REQ_RCPU]); uint64_t row_energy = 0; int loc_seconds = 0; seconds = 0; if (row[JOB_REQ_ENERGY]) row_energy = slurm_atoull(row[JOB_REQ_ENERGY]); if (row_start && (row_start < curr_start)) row_start = curr_start; if (!row_start && row_end) row_start = row_end; if (!row_end || row_end > curr_end) row_end = curr_end; if (!row_start || ((row_end - row_start) < 1)) goto calc_cluster; seconds = (row_end - row_start); if (slurm_atoul(row[JOB_REQ_SUSPENDED])) { MYSQL_RES *result2 = NULL; MYSQL_ROW row2; /* get the suspended time for this job */ query = xstrdup_printf( "select %s from \"%s_%s\" where " "(time_start < %ld && (time_end >= %ld " "|| time_end = 0)) && job_db_inx=%s " "order by time_start", suspend_str, cluster_name, suspend_table, curr_end, curr_start, row[JOB_REQ_DB_INX]); debug4("%d(%s:%d) query\n%s", mysql_conn->conn, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, query); if (!(result2 = mysql_db_query_ret( mysql_conn, query, 0))) { xfree(query); _destroy_local_cluster_usage(c_usage); return SLURM_ERROR; } xfree(query); while ((row2 = mysql_fetch_row(result2))) { time_t local_start = slurm_atoul( row2[SUSPEND_REQ_START]); time_t local_end = slurm_atoul( row2[SUSPEND_REQ_END]); if (!local_start) continue; if (row_start > local_start) local_start = row_start; if (row_end < local_end) local_end = row_end; tot_time = (local_end - local_start); if (tot_time < 1) continue; seconds -= tot_time; } mysql_free_result(result2); } if (seconds < 1) { debug4("This job (%u) was suspended " "the entire hour", job_id); continue; } if (last_id != assoc_id) { a_usage = xmalloc(sizeof(local_id_usage_t)); a_usage->id = assoc_id; list_append(assoc_usage_list, a_usage); last_id = assoc_id; } a_usage->a_cpu += seconds * row_acpu; a_usage->energy += row_energy; if (!track_wckey) goto calc_cluster; /* do the wckey calculation */ if (last_wckeyid != wckey_id) { list_iterator_reset(w_itr); while ((w_usage = list_next(w_itr))) if (w_usage->id == wckey_id) break; if (!w_usage) { w_usage = xmalloc( sizeof(local_id_usage_t)); w_usage->id = wckey_id; list_append(wckey_usage_list, w_usage); } last_wckeyid = wckey_id; } w_usage->a_cpu += seconds * row_acpu; w_usage->energy += row_energy; /* do the cluster allocated calculation */ calc_cluster: /* Now figure out there was a disconnected slurmctld durning this job. */ list_iterator_reset(c_itr); while ((loc_c_usage = list_next(c_itr))) { int temp_end = row_end; int temp_start = row_start; if (loc_c_usage->start > temp_start) temp_start = loc_c_usage->start; if (loc_c_usage->end < temp_end) temp_end = loc_c_usage->end; loc_seconds = (temp_end - temp_start); if (loc_seconds < 1) continue; loc_seconds *= row_acpu; /* info(" Job %u was running for " */ /* "%d seconds while " */ /* "cluster %s's slurmctld " */ /* "wasn't responding", */ /* job_id, loc_seconds, cluster_name); */ if (loc_seconds >= loc_c_usage->total_time) loc_c_usage->total_time = 0; else { loc_c_usage->total_time -= loc_seconds * row_acpu; } } /* first figure out the reservation */ if (resv_id) { if (seconds <= 0) continue; /* Since we have already added the entire reservation as used time on the cluster we only need to calculate the used time for the reservation and then divy up the unused time over the associations able to run in the reservation. Since the job was to run, or ran a reservation we don't care about eligible time since that could totally skew the clusters reserved time since the job may be able to run outside of the reservation. */ list_iterator_reset(r_itr); while ((r_usage = list_next(r_itr))) { /* since the reservation could have changed in some way, thus making a new reservation record in the database, we have to make sure all the reservations are checked to see if such a thing has happened */ if (r_usage->id == resv_id) { int temp_end = row_end; int temp_start = row_start; if (r_usage->start > temp_start) temp_start = r_usage->start; if (r_usage->end < temp_end) temp_end = r_usage->end; if ((temp_end - temp_start) > 0) { r_usage->a_cpu += (temp_end - temp_start) * row_acpu; } } } continue; } /* only record time for the clusters that have registered. This continue should rarely if ever happen. */ if (!c_usage) continue; if (row_start && (seconds > 0)) { /* info("%d assoc %d adds " */ /* "(%d)(%d-%d) * %d = %d " */ /* "to %d", */ /* job_id, */ /* a_usage->id, */ /* seconds, */ /* row_end, row_start, */ /* row_acpu, */ /* seconds * row_acpu, */ /* row_acpu); */ c_usage->a_cpu += seconds * row_acpu; c_usage->energy += row_energy; } /* now reserved time */ if (!row_start || (row_start >= c_usage->start)) { int temp_end = row_start; int temp_start = row_eligible; if (c_usage->start > temp_start) temp_start = c_usage->start; if (c_usage->end < temp_end) temp_end = c_usage->end; loc_seconds = (temp_end - temp_start); if (loc_seconds > 0) { /* If we have pending jobs in an array they haven't been inserted into the database yet as proper job records, so handle them here. */ if (array_pending) loc_seconds *= array_pending; /* info("%d assoc %d reserved " */ /* "(%d)(%d-%d) * %d * %d = %d " */ /* "to %d", */ /* job_id, */ /* assoc_id, */ /* temp_end - temp_start, */ /* temp_end, temp_start, */ /* row_rcpu, */ /* array_pending, */ /* loc_seconds, */ /* row_rcpu); */ c_usage->r_cpu += loc_seconds * row_rcpu; } } } mysql_free_result(result); /* now figure out how much more to add to the associations that could had run in the reservation */ list_iterator_reset(r_itr); while ((r_usage = list_next(r_itr))) { int64_t idle = r_usage->total_time - r_usage->a_cpu; char *assoc = NULL; ListIterator tmp_itr = NULL; if (idle <= 0) continue; /* now divide that time by the number of associations in the reservation and add them to each association */ seconds = idle / list_count(r_usage->local_assocs); /* info("resv %d got %d for seconds for %d assocs", */ /* r_usage->id, seconds, */ /* list_count(r_usage->local_assocs)); */ tmp_itr = list_iterator_create(r_usage->local_assocs); while ((assoc = list_next(tmp_itr))) { uint32_t associd = slurm_atoul(assoc); if (last_id != associd) { list_iterator_reset(a_itr); while ((a_usage = list_next(a_itr))) { if (a_usage->id == associd) { last_id = a_usage->id; break; } } } if (!a_usage) { a_usage = xmalloc( sizeof(local_id_usage_t)); a_usage->id = associd; list_append(assoc_usage_list, a_usage); last_id = associd; } a_usage->a_cpu += seconds; } list_iterator_destroy(tmp_itr); } /* now apply the down time from the slurmctld disconnects */ if (c_usage) { list_iterator_reset(c_itr); while ((loc_c_usage = list_next(c_itr))) c_usage->d_cpu += loc_c_usage->total_time; if ((rc = _process_cluster_usage( mysql_conn, cluster_name, curr_start, curr_end, now, c_usage)) != SLURM_SUCCESS) { _destroy_local_cluster_usage(c_usage); goto end_it; } } list_iterator_reset(a_itr); while ((a_usage = list_next(a_itr))) { /* info("association (%d) %d alloc %d", */ /* a_usage->id, last_id, */ /* a_usage->a_cpu); */ if (query) { xstrfmtcat(query, ", (%ld, %ld, %d, %ld, %"PRIu64", " "%"PRIu64")", now, now, a_usage->id, curr_start, a_usage->a_cpu, a_usage->energy); } else { xstrfmtcat(query, "insert into \"%s_%s\" " "(creation_time, " "mod_time, id_assoc, time_start, " "alloc_cpu_secs, consumed_energy) " "values " "(%ld, %ld, %d, %ld, %"PRIu64", " "%"PRIu64")", cluster_name, assoc_hour_table, now, now, a_usage->id, curr_start, a_usage->a_cpu, a_usage->energy); } } if (query) { xstrfmtcat(query, " on duplicate key update " "mod_time=%ld, " "alloc_cpu_secs=VALUES(alloc_cpu_secs), " "consumed_energy=VALUES(consumed_energy);", now); if (debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_DB_USAGE) DB_DEBUG(mysql_conn->conn, "query\n%s", query); rc = mysql_db_query(mysql_conn, query); xfree(query); if (rc != SLURM_SUCCESS) { error("Couldn't add assoc hour rollup"); _destroy_local_cluster_usage(c_usage); goto end_it; } } if (!track_wckey) goto end_loop; list_iterator_reset(w_itr); while ((w_usage = list_next(w_itr))) { /* info("association (%d) %d alloc %d", */ /* w_usage->id, last_id, */ /* w_usage->a_cpu); */ if (query) { xstrfmtcat(query, ", (%ld, %ld, %d, %ld, " "%"PRIu64", %"PRIu64")", now, now, w_usage->id, curr_start, w_usage->a_cpu, w_usage->energy); } else { xstrfmtcat(query, "insert into \"%s_%s\" " "(creation_time, " "mod_time, id_wckey, time_start, " "alloc_cpu_secs, consumed_energy) " "values " "(%ld, %ld, %d, %ld, " "%"PRIu64", %"PRIu64")", cluster_name, wckey_hour_table, now, now, w_usage->id, curr_start, w_usage->a_cpu, w_usage->energy); } } if (query) { xstrfmtcat(query, " on duplicate key update " "mod_time=%ld, " "alloc_cpu_secs=VALUES(alloc_cpu_secs), " "consumed_energy=VALUES(consumed_energy);", now); if (debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_DB_USAGE) DB_DEBUG(mysql_conn->conn, "query\n%s", query); rc = mysql_db_query(mysql_conn, query); xfree(query); if (rc != SLURM_SUCCESS) { error("Couldn't add wckey hour rollup"); _destroy_local_cluster_usage(c_usage); goto end_it; } } end_loop: _destroy_local_cluster_usage(c_usage); list_flush(assoc_usage_list); list_flush(cluster_down_list); list_flush(wckey_usage_list); list_flush(resv_usage_list); curr_start = curr_end; curr_end = curr_start + add_sec; } end_it: xfree(suspend_str); xfree(job_str); xfree(resv_str); list_iterator_destroy(a_itr); list_iterator_destroy(c_itr); list_iterator_destroy(w_itr); list_iterator_destroy(r_itr); list_destroy(assoc_usage_list); list_destroy(cluster_down_list); list_destroy(wckey_usage_list); list_destroy(resv_usage_list); /* info("stop start %s", slurm_ctime(&curr_start)); */ /* info("stop end %s", slurm_ctime(&curr_end)); */ /* go check to see if we archive and purge */ if (rc == SLURM_SUCCESS) rc = _process_purge(mysql_conn, cluster_name, archive_data, SLURMDB_PURGE_HOURS); return rc; }
extern List as_mysql_get_qos(mysql_conn_t *mysql_conn, uid_t uid, slurmdb_qos_cond_t *qos_cond) { char *query = NULL; char *extra = NULL; char *tmp = NULL; List qos_list = NULL; ListIterator itr = NULL; char *object = NULL; int set = 0; int i=0; MYSQL_RES *result = NULL; MYSQL_ROW row; /* if this changes you will need to edit the corresponding enum */ char *qos_req_inx[] = { "name", "description", "id", "flags", "grace_time", "grp_cpu_mins", "grp_cpu_run_mins", "grp_cpus", "grp_jobs", "grp_nodes", "grp_submit_jobs", "grp_wall", "max_cpu_mins_per_job", "max_cpu_run_mins_per_user", "max_cpus_per_job", "max_jobs_per_user", "max_nodes_per_job", "max_submit_jobs_per_user", "max_wall_duration_per_job", "preempt", "preempt_mode", "priority", "usage_factor", "usage_thres", }; enum { QOS_REQ_NAME, QOS_REQ_DESC, QOS_REQ_ID, QOS_REQ_FLAGS, QOS_REQ_GRACE, QOS_REQ_GCM, QOS_REQ_GCRM, QOS_REQ_GC, QOS_REQ_GJ, QOS_REQ_GN, QOS_REQ_GSJ, QOS_REQ_GW, QOS_REQ_MCMPJ, QOS_REQ_MCRM, QOS_REQ_MCPJ, QOS_REQ_MJPU, QOS_REQ_MNPJ, QOS_REQ_MSJPU, QOS_REQ_MWPJ, QOS_REQ_PREE, QOS_REQ_PREEM, QOS_REQ_PRIO, QOS_REQ_UF, QOS_REQ_UT, QOS_REQ_COUNT }; if (check_connection(mysql_conn) != SLURM_SUCCESS) return NULL; if (!qos_cond) { xstrcat(extra, "where deleted=0"); goto empty; } if (qos_cond->with_deleted) xstrcat(extra, "where (deleted=0 || deleted=1)"); else xstrcat(extra, "where deleted=0"); if (qos_cond->description_list && list_count(qos_cond->description_list)) { set = 0; xstrcat(extra, " && ("); itr = list_iterator_create(qos_cond->description_list); while ((object = list_next(itr))) { if (set) xstrcat(extra, " || "); xstrfmtcat(extra, "description='%s'", object); set = 1; } list_iterator_destroy(itr); xstrcat(extra, ")"); } if (qos_cond->id_list && list_count(qos_cond->id_list)) { set = 0; xstrcat(extra, " && ("); itr = list_iterator_create(qos_cond->id_list); while ((object = list_next(itr))) { if (set) xstrcat(extra, " || "); xstrfmtcat(extra, "id='%s'", object); set = 1; } list_iterator_destroy(itr); xstrcat(extra, ")"); } if (qos_cond->name_list && list_count(qos_cond->name_list)) { set = 0; xstrcat(extra, " && ("); itr = list_iterator_create(qos_cond->name_list); while ((object = list_next(itr))) { if (set) xstrcat(extra, " || "); xstrfmtcat(extra, "name='%s'", object); set = 1; } list_iterator_destroy(itr); xstrcat(extra, ")"); } empty: xfree(tmp); xstrfmtcat(tmp, "%s", qos_req_inx[i]); for(i=1; i<QOS_REQ_COUNT; i++) { xstrfmtcat(tmp, ", %s", qos_req_inx[i]); } query = xstrdup_printf("select %s from %s %s", tmp, qos_table, extra); xfree(tmp); xfree(extra); debug3("%d(%s:%d) query\n%s", mysql_conn->conn, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, query); if (!(result = mysql_db_query_ret( mysql_conn, query, 0))) { xfree(query); return NULL; } xfree(query); qos_list = list_create(slurmdb_destroy_qos_rec); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { slurmdb_qos_rec_t *qos = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_qos_rec_t)); list_append(qos_list, qos); if (row[QOS_REQ_DESC] && row[QOS_REQ_DESC][0]) qos->description = xstrdup(row[QOS_REQ_DESC]); qos->id = slurm_atoul(row[QOS_REQ_ID]); qos->flags = slurm_atoul(row[QOS_REQ_FLAGS]); if (row[QOS_REQ_NAME] && row[QOS_REQ_NAME][0]) qos->name = xstrdup(row[QOS_REQ_NAME]); if (row[QOS_REQ_GRACE]) qos->grace_time = slurm_atoul(row[QOS_REQ_GRACE]); else qos->grace_time = (uint32_t)NO_VAL; if (row[QOS_REQ_GCM]) qos->grp_cpu_mins = slurm_atoull(row[QOS_REQ_GCM]); else qos->grp_cpu_mins = INFINITE; if (row[QOS_REQ_GCRM]) qos->grp_cpu_run_mins = slurm_atoull(row[QOS_REQ_GCRM]); else qos->grp_cpu_run_mins = INFINITE; if (row[QOS_REQ_GC]) qos->grp_cpus = slurm_atoul(row[QOS_REQ_GC]); else qos->grp_cpus = INFINITE; if (row[QOS_REQ_GJ]) qos->grp_jobs = slurm_atoul(row[QOS_REQ_GJ]); else qos->grp_jobs = INFINITE; if (row[QOS_REQ_GN]) qos->grp_nodes = slurm_atoul(row[QOS_REQ_GN]); else qos->grp_nodes = INFINITE; if (row[QOS_REQ_GSJ]) qos->grp_submit_jobs = slurm_atoul(row[QOS_REQ_GSJ]); else qos->grp_submit_jobs = INFINITE; if (row[QOS_REQ_GW]) qos->grp_wall = slurm_atoul(row[QOS_REQ_GW]); else qos->grp_wall = INFINITE; if (row[QOS_REQ_MCMPJ]) qos->max_cpu_mins_pj = slurm_atoull(row[QOS_REQ_MCMPJ]); else qos->max_cpu_mins_pj = (uint64_t)INFINITE; if (row[QOS_REQ_MCRM]) qos->max_cpu_run_mins_pu = slurm_atoull(row[QOS_REQ_MCRM]); else qos->max_cpu_run_mins_pu = (uint64_t)INFINITE; if (row[QOS_REQ_MCPJ]) qos->max_cpus_pj = slurm_atoul(row[QOS_REQ_MCPJ]); else qos->max_cpus_pj = INFINITE; if (row[QOS_REQ_MJPU]) qos->max_jobs_pu = slurm_atoul(row[QOS_REQ_MJPU]); else qos->max_jobs_pu = INFINITE; if (row[QOS_REQ_MNPJ]) qos->max_nodes_pj = slurm_atoul(row[QOS_REQ_MNPJ]); else qos->max_nodes_pj = INFINITE; if (row[QOS_REQ_MSJPU]) qos->max_submit_jobs_pu = slurm_atoul(row[QOS_REQ_MSJPU]); else qos->max_submit_jobs_pu = INFINITE; if (row[QOS_REQ_MWPJ]) qos->max_wall_pj = slurm_atoul(row[QOS_REQ_MWPJ]); else qos->max_wall_pj = INFINITE; if (row[QOS_REQ_PREE] && row[QOS_REQ_PREE][0]) { if (!qos->preempt_bitstr) qos->preempt_bitstr = bit_alloc(g_qos_count); bit_unfmt(qos->preempt_bitstr, row[QOS_REQ_PREE]+1); } if (row[QOS_REQ_PREEM]) qos->preempt_mode = slurm_atoul(row[QOS_REQ_PREEM]); if (row[QOS_REQ_PRIO]) qos->priority = slurm_atoul(row[QOS_REQ_PRIO]); if (row[QOS_REQ_UF]) qos->usage_factor = atof(row[QOS_REQ_UF]); if (row[QOS_REQ_UT]) qos->usage_thres = atof(row[QOS_REQ_UT]); else qos->usage_thres = (double)INFINITE; } mysql_free_result(result); return qos_list; }
extern int as_mysql_get_usage(mysql_conn_t *mysql_conn, uid_t uid, void *in, slurmdbd_msg_type_t type, time_t start, time_t end) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; int i=0, is_admin=1; MYSQL_RES *result = NULL; MYSQL_ROW row; char *tmp = NULL; char *my_usage_table = NULL; slurmdb_association_rec_t *slurmdb_assoc = in; slurmdb_wckey_rec_t *slurmdb_wckey = in; char *query = NULL; char *username = NULL; uint16_t private_data = 0; slurmdb_user_rec_t user; List *my_list; uint32_t id = NO_VAL; char *cluster_name = NULL; char **usage_req_inx = NULL; enum { USAGE_ID, USAGE_START, USAGE_ACPU, USAGE_COUNT, USAGE_ENERGY }; switch (type) { case DBD_GET_ASSOC_USAGE: { char *temp_usage[] = { "t3.id_assoc", "t1.time_start", "t1.alloc_cpu_secs" }; usage_req_inx = temp_usage; id = slurmdb_assoc->id; cluster_name = slurmdb_assoc->cluster; username = slurmdb_assoc->user; my_list = &slurmdb_assoc->accounting_list; my_usage_table = assoc_day_table; break; } case DBD_GET_WCKEY_USAGE: { char *temp_usage[] = { "id_wckey", "time_start", "alloc_cpu_secs" }; usage_req_inx = temp_usage; id = slurmdb_wckey->id; cluster_name = slurmdb_wckey->cluster; username = slurmdb_wckey->user; my_list = &slurmdb_wckey->accounting_list; my_usage_table = wckey_day_table; break; } case DBD_GET_CLUSTER_USAGE: { return _get_cluster_usage(mysql_conn, uid, in, type, start, end); break; } default: error("Unknown usage type %d", type); return SLURM_ERROR; break; } if (!id) { error("We need an id to set data for getting usage"); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (!cluster_name) { error("We need a cluster_name to set data for getting usage"); return SLURM_ERROR; } if (check_connection(mysql_conn) != SLURM_SUCCESS) return ESLURM_DB_CONNECTION; memset(&user, 0, sizeof(slurmdb_user_rec_t)); user.uid = uid; private_data = slurm_get_private_data(); if (private_data & PRIVATE_DATA_USAGE) { if (!(is_admin = is_user_min_admin_level( mysql_conn, uid, SLURMDB_ADMIN_OPERATOR))) { ListIterator itr = NULL; slurmdb_coord_rec_t *coord = NULL; if (username && !strcmp(slurmdb_assoc->user, goto is_user; if (type != DBD_GET_ASSOC_USAGE) goto bad_user; if (!slurmdb_assoc->acct) { debug("No account name given " "in association."); goto bad_user; } if (!is_user_any_coord(mysql_conn, &user)) { debug4("This user is not a coordinator."); goto bad_user; } /* Existance of user.coord_accts is checked in is_user_any_coord. */ itr = list_iterator_create(user.coord_accts); while ((coord = list_next(itr))) if (!strcasecmp(coord->name, slurmdb_assoc->acct)) break; list_iterator_destroy(itr); if (coord) goto is_user; bad_user: errno = ESLURM_ACCESS_DENIED; return SLURM_ERROR; } } is_user: if (set_usage_information(&my_usage_table, type, &start, &end) != SLURM_SUCCESS) { return SLURM_ERROR; } xfree(tmp); i=0; xstrfmtcat(tmp, "%s", usage_req_inx[i]); for(i=1; i<USAGE_COUNT; i++) { xstrfmtcat(tmp, ", %s", usage_req_inx[i]); } switch (type) { case DBD_GET_ASSOC_USAGE: query = xstrdup_printf( "select %s from \"%s_%s\" as t1, " "\"%s_%s\" as t2, \"%s_%s\" as t3 " "where (t1.time_start < %ld && t1.time_start >= %ld) " "&& t1.id_assoc=t2.id_assoc && t3.id_assoc=%d && " "t2.lft between t3.lft and t3.rgt " "order by t3.id_assoc, time_start;", tmp, cluster_name, my_usage_table, cluster_name, cluster_name, assoc_table, assoc_table, end, start, id); break; case DBD_GET_WCKEY_USAGE: query = xstrdup_printf( "select %s from \"%s_%s\" " "where (time_start < %ld && time_start >= %ld) " "&& id_wckey=%d order by id_wckey, time_start;", tmp, cluster_name, my_usage_table, end, start, id); break; default: error("Unknown usage type %d", type); return SLURM_ERROR; break; } xfree(tmp); debug4("%d(%s:%d) query\n%s", mysql_conn->conn, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, query); if (!(result = mysql_db_query_ret( mysql_conn, query, 0))) { xfree(query); return SLURM_ERROR; } xfree(query); if (!(*my_list)) (*my_list) = list_create(slurmdb_destroy_accounting_rec); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { slurmdb_accounting_rec_t *accounting_rec = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_accounting_rec_t)); accounting_rec->id = slurm_atoul(row[USAGE_ID]); accounting_rec->period_start = slurm_atoul(row[USAGE_START]); accounting_rec->alloc_secs = slurm_atoull(row[USAGE_ACPU]); accounting_rec->consumed_energy = slurm_atoull(row[USAGE_ENERGY]); list_append((*my_list), accounting_rec); } mysql_free_result(result); return rc; }
/* checks should already be done before this to see if this is a valid user or not. */ extern int get_usage_for_list(mysql_conn_t *mysql_conn, slurmdbd_msg_type_t type, List object_list, char *cluster_name, time_t start, time_t end) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; int i=0; MYSQL_RES *result = NULL; MYSQL_ROW row; char *tmp = NULL; char *my_usage_table = NULL; char *query = NULL; List usage_list = NULL; char *id_str = NULL; ListIterator itr = NULL, u_itr = NULL; void *object = NULL; slurmdb_association_rec_t *assoc = NULL; slurmdb_wckey_rec_t *wckey = NULL; slurmdb_accounting_rec_t *accounting_rec = NULL; /* Since for id in association table we use t3 and in wckey table we use t1 we can't define it here */ char **usage_req_inx = NULL; enum { USAGE_ID, USAGE_START, USAGE_ACPU, USAGE_ENERGY, USAGE_COUNT }; if (!object_list) { error("We need an object to set data for getting usage"); return SLURM_ERROR; } if (check_connection(mysql_conn) != SLURM_SUCCESS) return ESLURM_DB_CONNECTION; switch (type) { case DBD_GET_ASSOC_USAGE: { char *temp_usage[] = { "t3.id_assoc", "t1.time_start", "t1.alloc_cpu_secs", "t1.consumed_energy", }; usage_req_inx = temp_usage; itr = list_iterator_create(object_list); while ((assoc = list_next(itr))) { if (id_str) xstrfmtcat(id_str, " || t3.id_assoc=%d", assoc->id); else xstrfmtcat(id_str, "t3.id_assoc=%d", assoc->id); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); my_usage_table = assoc_day_table; break; } case DBD_GET_WCKEY_USAGE: { char *temp_usage[] = { "id_wckey", "time_start", "alloc_cpu_secs", "consumed_energy" }; usage_req_inx = temp_usage; itr = list_iterator_create(object_list); while ((wckey = list_next(itr))) { if (id_str) xstrfmtcat(id_str, " || id_wckey=%d", wckey->id); else xstrfmtcat(id_str, "id_wckey=%d", wckey->id); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); my_usage_table = wckey_day_table; break; } default: error("Unknown usage type %d", type); return SLURM_ERROR; break; } if (set_usage_information(&my_usage_table, type, &start, &end) != SLURM_SUCCESS) { xfree(id_str); return SLURM_ERROR; } xfree(tmp); i=0; xstrfmtcat(tmp, "%s", usage_req_inx[i]); for(i=1; i<USAGE_COUNT; i++) { xstrfmtcat(tmp, ", %s", usage_req_inx[i]); } switch (type) { case DBD_GET_ASSOC_USAGE: query = xstrdup_printf( "select %s from \"%s_%s\" as t1, " "\"%s_%s\" as t2, \"%s_%s\" as t3 " "where (t1.time_start < %ld && t1.time_start >= %ld) " "&& t1.id_assoc=t2.id_assoc && (%s) && " "t2.lft between t3.lft and t3.rgt " "order by t3.id_assoc, time_start;", tmp, cluster_name, my_usage_table, cluster_name, assoc_table, cluster_name, assoc_table, end, start, id_str); break; case DBD_GET_WCKEY_USAGE: query = xstrdup_printf( "select %s from \"%s_%s\" " "where (time_start < %ld && time_start >= %ld) " "&& (%s) order by id_wckey, time_start;", tmp, cluster_name, my_usage_table, end, start, id_str); break; default: error("Unknown usage type %d", type); xfree(id_str); xfree(tmp); return SLURM_ERROR; break; } xfree(id_str); xfree(tmp); debug4("%d(%s:%d) query\n%s", mysql_conn->conn, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, query); if (!(result = mysql_db_query_ret( mysql_conn, query, 0))) { xfree(query); return SLURM_ERROR; } xfree(query); usage_list = list_create(slurmdb_destroy_accounting_rec); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { slurmdb_accounting_rec_t *accounting_rec = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_accounting_rec_t)); accounting_rec->id = slurm_atoul(row[USAGE_ID]); accounting_rec->period_start = slurm_atoul(row[USAGE_START]); accounting_rec->alloc_secs = slurm_atoull(row[USAGE_ACPU]); accounting_rec->consumed_energy = slurm_atoull(row[USAGE_ENERGY]); list_append(usage_list, accounting_rec); } mysql_free_result(result); u_itr = list_iterator_create(usage_list); itr = list_iterator_create(object_list); while ((object = list_next(itr))) { int found = 0; int id = 0; List acct_list = NULL; switch (type) { case DBD_GET_ASSOC_USAGE: assoc = (slurmdb_association_rec_t *)object; if (!assoc->accounting_list) assoc->accounting_list = list_create( slurmdb_destroy_accounting_rec); acct_list = assoc->accounting_list; id = assoc->id; break; case DBD_GET_WCKEY_USAGE: wckey = (slurmdb_wckey_rec_t *)object; if (!wckey->accounting_list) wckey->accounting_list = list_create( slurmdb_destroy_accounting_rec); acct_list = wckey->accounting_list; id = wckey->id; break; default: continue; break; } while ((accounting_rec = list_next(u_itr))) { if (id == accounting_rec->id) { list_append(acct_list, accounting_rec); list_remove(u_itr); found = 1; } else if (found) { /* here we know the list is in id order so if the next record isn't the correct id just continue since there is no reason to go through the rest of the list when we know it isn't going to be the correct id */ break; } } list_iterator_reset(u_itr); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); list_iterator_destroy(u_itr); if (list_count(usage_list)) error("we have %d records not added " "to the association list", list_count(usage_list)); list_destroy(usage_list); return rc; }
static int _get_cluster_usage(mysql_conn_t *mysql_conn, uid_t uid, slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *cluster_rec, slurmdbd_msg_type_t type, time_t start, time_t end) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; int i=0; MYSQL_RES *result = NULL; MYSQL_ROW row; char *tmp = NULL; char *my_usage_table = cluster_day_table; char *query = NULL; char *cluster_req_inx[] = { "alloc_cpu_secs", "down_cpu_secs", "pdown_cpu_secs", "idle_cpu_secs", "resv_cpu_secs", "over_cpu_secs", "cpu_count", "time_start", "consumed_energy" }; enum { CLUSTER_ACPU, CLUSTER_DCPU, CLUSTER_PDCPU, CLUSTER_ICPU, CLUSTER_RCPU, CLUSTER_OCPU, CLUSTER_CPU_COUNT, CLUSTER_START, CLUSTER_ENERGY, CLUSTER_COUNT }; if (!cluster_rec->name || !cluster_rec->name[0]) { error("We need a cluster name to set data for"); return SLURM_ERROR; } if (set_usage_information(&my_usage_table, type, &start, &end) != SLURM_SUCCESS) { return SLURM_ERROR; } xfree(tmp); i=0; xstrfmtcat(tmp, "%s", cluster_req_inx[i]); for(i=1; i<CLUSTER_COUNT; i++) { xstrfmtcat(tmp, ", %s", cluster_req_inx[i]); } query = xstrdup_printf( "select %s from \"%s_%s\" where (time_start < %ld " "&& time_start >= %ld)", tmp, cluster_rec->name, my_usage_table, end, start); xfree(tmp); debug4("%d(%s:%d) query\n%s", mysql_conn->conn, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, query); if (!(result = mysql_db_query_ret( mysql_conn, query, 0))) { xfree(query); return SLURM_ERROR; } xfree(query); if (!cluster_rec->accounting_list) cluster_rec->accounting_list = list_create(slurmdb_destroy_cluster_accounting_rec); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { slurmdb_cluster_accounting_rec_t *accounting_rec = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_cluster_accounting_rec_t)); accounting_rec->alloc_secs = slurm_atoull(row[CLUSTER_ACPU]); accounting_rec->down_secs = slurm_atoull(row[CLUSTER_DCPU]); accounting_rec->pdown_secs = slurm_atoull(row[CLUSTER_PDCPU]); accounting_rec->idle_secs = slurm_atoull(row[CLUSTER_ICPU]); accounting_rec->over_secs = slurm_atoull(row[CLUSTER_OCPU]); accounting_rec->resv_secs = slurm_atoull(row[CLUSTER_RCPU]); accounting_rec->cpu_count = slurm_atoul(row[CLUSTER_CPU_COUNT]); accounting_rec->period_start = slurm_atoul(row[CLUSTER_START]); accounting_rec->consumed_energy = slurm_atoull(row[CLUSTER_ENERGY]); list_append(cluster_rec->accounting_list, accounting_rec); } mysql_free_result(result); return rc; }
/* assoc_mgr locks need to unlocked before you get here */ static int _get_cluster_usage(mysql_conn_t *mysql_conn, uid_t uid, slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *cluster_rec, slurmdbd_msg_type_t type, time_t start, time_t end) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; int i=0; MYSQL_RES *result = NULL; MYSQL_ROW row; char *tmp = NULL; char *my_usage_table = cluster_day_table; char *query = NULL; assoc_mgr_lock_t locks = { NO_LOCK, NO_LOCK, NO_LOCK, NO_LOCK, READ_LOCK, NO_LOCK, NO_LOCK }; char *cluster_req_inx[] = { "id_tres", "alloc_secs", "down_secs", "pdown_secs", "idle_secs", "resv_secs", "over_secs", "count", "time_start", }; enum { CLUSTER_TRES, CLUSTER_ACPU, CLUSTER_DCPU, CLUSTER_PDCPU, CLUSTER_ICPU, CLUSTER_RCPU, CLUSTER_OCPU, CLUSTER_CNT, CLUSTER_START, CLUSTER_COUNT }; if (!cluster_rec->name || !cluster_rec->name[0]) { error("We need a cluster name to set data for"); return SLURM_ERROR; } if (set_usage_information(&my_usage_table, type, &start, &end) != SLURM_SUCCESS) { return SLURM_ERROR; } xfree(tmp); i=0; xstrfmtcat(tmp, "%s", cluster_req_inx[i]); for(i=1; i<CLUSTER_COUNT; i++) { xstrfmtcat(tmp, ", %s", cluster_req_inx[i]); } query = xstrdup_printf( "select %s from \"%s_%s\" where (time_start < %ld " "&& time_start >= %ld)", tmp, cluster_rec->name, my_usage_table, end, start); xfree(tmp); if (debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_DB_USAGE) DB_DEBUG(mysql_conn->conn, "query\n%s", query); if (!(result = mysql_db_query_ret(mysql_conn, query, 0))) { xfree(query); return SLURM_ERROR; } xfree(query); if (!cluster_rec->accounting_list) cluster_rec->accounting_list = list_create(slurmdb_destroy_cluster_accounting_rec); assoc_mgr_lock(&locks); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { slurmdb_tres_rec_t *tres_rec; slurmdb_cluster_accounting_rec_t *accounting_rec = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_cluster_accounting_rec_t)); accounting_rec-> = slurm_atoul(row[CLUSTER_TRES]); accounting_rec->tres_rec.count = slurm_atoul(row[CLUSTER_CNT]); if ((tres_rec = list_find_first( assoc_mgr_tres_list, slurmdb_find_tres_in_list, &accounting_rec-> { accounting_rec-> = xstrdup(tres_rec->name); accounting_rec->tres_rec.type = xstrdup(tres_rec->type); } accounting_rec->alloc_secs = slurm_atoull(row[CLUSTER_ACPU]); accounting_rec->down_secs = slurm_atoull(row[CLUSTER_DCPU]); accounting_rec->pdown_secs = slurm_atoull(row[CLUSTER_PDCPU]); accounting_rec->idle_secs = slurm_atoull(row[CLUSTER_ICPU]); accounting_rec->over_secs = slurm_atoull(row[CLUSTER_OCPU]); accounting_rec->resv_secs = slurm_atoull(row[CLUSTER_RCPU]); accounting_rec->period_start = slurm_atoul(row[CLUSTER_START]); list_append(cluster_rec->accounting_list, accounting_rec); } assoc_mgr_unlock(&locks); mysql_free_result(result); return rc; }
/* assoc_mgr locks need to be unlocked before coming here */ static int _get_object_usage(mysql_conn_t *mysql_conn, slurmdbd_msg_type_t type, char *my_usage_table, char *cluster_name, char *id_str, time_t start, time_t end, List *usage_list) { char *tmp = NULL; int i = 0; MYSQL_RES *result = NULL; MYSQL_ROW row; char *query = NULL; assoc_mgr_lock_t locks = { NO_LOCK, NO_LOCK, NO_LOCK, NO_LOCK, READ_LOCK, NO_LOCK, NO_LOCK }; char *usage_req_inx[] = { "t3.id_assoc", "t1.id_tres", "t1.time_start", "t1.alloc_secs", }; enum { USAGE_ID, USAGE_TRES, USAGE_START, USAGE_ALLOC, USAGE_COUNT }; if (type == DBD_GET_WCKEY_USAGE) usage_req_inx[0] = ""; xstrfmtcat(tmp, "%s", usage_req_inx[i]); for (i=1; i<USAGE_COUNT; i++) { xstrfmtcat(tmp, ", %s", usage_req_inx[i]); } switch (type) { case DBD_GET_ASSOC_USAGE: query = xstrdup_printf( "select %s from \"%s_%s\" as t1, " "\"%s_%s\" as t2, \"%s_%s\" as t3 " "where (t1.time_start < %ld && t1.time_start >= %ld) " "&& && (%s) && " "t2.lft between t3.lft and t3.rgt " "order by t3.id_assoc, time_start;", tmp, cluster_name, my_usage_table, cluster_name, assoc_table, cluster_name, assoc_table, end, start, id_str); break; case DBD_GET_WCKEY_USAGE: query = xstrdup_printf( "select %s from \"%s_%s\" as t1 " "where (time_start < %ld && time_start >= %ld) " "&& (%s) order by id, time_start;", tmp, cluster_name, my_usage_table, end, start, id_str); break; default: error("Unknown usage type %d", type); xfree(tmp); return SLURM_ERROR; break; } xfree(tmp); if (debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_DB_USAGE) DB_DEBUG(mysql_conn->conn, "query\n%s", query); result = mysql_db_query_ret(mysql_conn, query, 0); xfree(query); if (!result) return SLURM_ERROR; if (!(*usage_list)) (*usage_list) = list_create(slurmdb_destroy_accounting_rec); assoc_mgr_lock(&locks); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { slurmdb_tres_rec_t *tres_rec; slurmdb_accounting_rec_t *accounting_rec = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_accounting_rec_t)); accounting_rec-> = slurm_atoul(row[USAGE_TRES]); if ((tres_rec = list_find_first( assoc_mgr_tres_list, slurmdb_find_tres_in_list, &accounting_rec-> { accounting_rec-> = xstrdup(tres_rec->name); accounting_rec->tres_rec.type = xstrdup(tres_rec->type); } accounting_rec->id = slurm_atoul(row[USAGE_ID]); accounting_rec->period_start = slurm_atoul(row[USAGE_START]); accounting_rec->alloc_secs = slurm_atoull(row[USAGE_ALLOC]); list_append(*usage_list, accounting_rec); } assoc_mgr_unlock(&locks); mysql_free_result(result); return SLURM_SUCCESS; }
static int _parse_line(char *f[], void **data, int len) { int i = atoi(f[F_RECTYPE]); filetxt_job_rec_t **job = (filetxt_job_rec_t **)data; filetxt_step_rec_t **step = (filetxt_step_rec_t **)data; filetxt_header_t header; uint64_t tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_TOTAL_CNT]; int cnt; _parse_header(f, &header); switch (i) { case JOB_START: *job = _create_filetxt_job_rec(header); (*job)->jobname = xstrdup(f[F_JOBNAME]); (*job)->track_steps = atoi(f[F_TRACK_STEPS]); (*job)->priority = atoi(f[F_PRIORITY]); (*job)->ncpus = atoi(f[F_NCPUS]); (*job)->nodes = xstrdup(f[F_NODES]); for (i=0; (*job)->nodes[i]; i++) { /* discard trailing <CR> */ if (isspace((*job)->nodes[i])) (*job)->nodes[i] = '\0'; } if (!xstrcmp((*job)->nodes, "(null)")) { xfree((*job)->nodes); (*job)->nodes = xstrdup("(unknown)"); } if (len > F_JOB_ACCOUNT) { (*job)->account = xstrdup(f[F_JOB_ACCOUNT]); for (i=0; (*job)->account[i]; i++) { /* discard trailing <CR> */ if (isspace((*job)->account[i])) (*job)->account[i] = '\0'; } } break; case JOB_STEP: *step = _create_filetxt_step_rec(header); (*step)->stepnum = atoi(f[F_JOBSTEP]); (*step)->status = atoi(f[F_STATUS]); (*step)->exitcode = atoi(f[F_EXITCODE]); (*step)->ntasks = atoi(f[F_NTASKS]); (*step)->ncpus = atoi(f[F_STEPNCPUS]); (*step)->elapsed = atoi(f[F_ELAPSED]); (*step)->tot_cpu_sec = atoi(f[F_CPU_SEC]); (*step)->tot_cpu_usec = atoi(f[F_CPU_USEC]); (*step)->rusage.ru_utime.tv_sec = atoi(f[F_USER_SEC]); (*step)->rusage.ru_utime.tv_usec = atoi(f[F_USER_USEC]); (*step)->rusage.ru_stime.tv_sec = atoi(f[F_SYS_SEC]); (*step)->rusage.ru_stime.tv_usec = atoi(f[F_SYS_USEC]); (*step)->rusage.ru_maxrss = atoi(f[F_RSS]); (*step)->rusage.ru_ixrss = atoi(f[F_IXRSS]); (*step)->rusage.ru_idrss = atoi(f[F_IDRSS]); (*step)->rusage.ru_isrss = atoi(f[F_ISRSS]); (*step)->rusage.ru_minflt = atoi(f[F_MINFLT]); (*step)->rusage.ru_majflt = atoi(f[F_MAJFLT]); (*step)->rusage.ru_nswap = atoi(f[F_NSWAP]); (*step)->rusage.ru_inblock = atoi(f[F_INBLOCKS]); (*step)->rusage.ru_oublock = atoi(f[F_OUBLOCKS]); (*step)->rusage.ru_msgsnd = atoi(f[F_MSGSND]); (*step)->rusage.ru_msgrcv = atoi(f[F_MSGRCV]); (*step)->rusage.ru_nsignals = atoi(f[F_NSIGNALS]); (*step)->rusage.ru_nvcsw = atoi(f[F_NVCSW]); (*step)->rusage.ru_nivcsw = atoi(f[F_NIVCSW]); for (cnt = 0; cnt < TRES_ARRAY_TOTAL_CNT; cnt++) tres_array[cnt] = INFINITE64; tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_CPU] = slurm_atoull(f[F_AVE_CPU]); tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_MEM] = slurm_atoull(f[F_AVE_RSS]); tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_VMEM] = slurm_atoull(f[F_AVE_VSIZE]); tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_PAGES] = slurm_atoull(f[F_AVE_PAGES]); (*step)->stats.tres_usage_in_ave = _make_tres_str(tres_array); tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_CPU] = slurm_atoull(f[F_MIN_CPU]); tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_MEM] = slurm_atoull(f[F_MAX_RSS]); tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_VMEM] = slurm_atoull(f[F_MAX_VSIZE]); tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_PAGES] = slurm_atoull(f[F_MAX_PAGES]); (*step)->stats.tres_usage_in_max = _make_tres_str(tres_array); tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_CPU] = slurm_atoull(f[F_MIN_CPU_NODE]); tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_MEM] = slurm_atoull(f[F_MAX_RSS_NODE]); tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_VMEM] = slurm_atoull(f[F_MAX_VSIZE_NODE]); tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_PAGES] = slurm_atoull(f[F_MAX_PAGES_NODE]); (*step)->stats.tres_usage_in_max_nodeid = _make_tres_str(tres_array); tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_CPU] = slurm_atoull(f[F_MIN_CPU_TASK]); tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_MEM] = slurm_atoull(f[F_MAX_RSS_TASK]); tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_VMEM] = slurm_atoull(f[F_MAX_VSIZE_TASK]); tres_array[TRES_ARRAY_PAGES] = slurm_atoull(f[F_MAX_PAGES_TASK]); (*step)->stats.tres_usage_in_max_taskid = _make_tres_str(tres_array); (*step)->stepname = xstrdup(f[F_STEPNAME]); (*step)->nodes = xstrdup(f[F_STEPNODES]); if (len > F_STEP_ACCOUNT) (*step)->account = xstrdup(f[F_STEP_ACCOUNT]); if (len > F_STEP_REQUID) (*step)->requid = atoi(f[F_STEP_REQUID]); break; case JOB_SUSPEND: case JOB_TERMINATED: *job = _create_filetxt_job_rec(header); (*job)->elapsed = atoi(f[F_TOT_ELAPSED]); (*job)->status = atoi(f[F_STATUS]); if (len > F_JOB_REQUID) (*job)->requid = atoi(f[F_JOB_REQUID]); if (len > F_JOB_EXITCODE) (*job)->exitcode = atoi(f[F_JOB_EXITCODE]); break; default: error("UNKNOWN TYPE %d",i); break; } return SLURM_SUCCESS; }