static PT_NODE * pt_check_access_status (PARSER_CONTEXT * parser, PT_NODE * node) { DB_VALUE oid_val; MOP classop; PT_NODE *entity = NULL; PT_NODE *derived_table = NULL; PT_NODE *arg = NULL; if (!au_is_dba_group_member (Au_user)) { PT_ERRORmf (parser, NULL, MSGCAT_SET_ERROR, -(ER_AU_DBA_ONLY), "show access status"); return node; } entity = node->; assert (entity != NULL); derived_table = entity->info.spec.derived_table; assert (derived_table != NULL); classop = sm_find_class ("db_user"); if (classop == NULL) { assert (er_errid () != NO_ERROR); PT_ERRORc (parser, node, er_msg ()); return node; } db_make_oid (&oid_val, &classop->oid_info.oid); arg = pt_dbval_to_value (parser, &oid_val); derived_table->info.showstmt.show_args = parser_append_node (arg, derived_table->info.showstmt.show_args); return node; }
/* * pt_check_show_index () - semantic check for show index. * return: * parser(in): * node(in): */ static PT_NODE * pt_check_show_index (PARSER_CONTEXT * parser, PT_NODE * node) { PT_NODE *show_args_node = NULL; MOP cls; const char *table_name = NULL; const char *index_name = NULL; SM_CLASS *sm_class = NULL; SM_CLASS_CONSTRAINT *sm_all_constraints = NULL; SM_CLASS_CONSTRAINT *sm_constraint = NULL; PT_NODE *entity = NULL; PT_NODE *derived_table = NULL; SHOWSTMT_TYPE show_type; int error = NO_ERROR; int save; int partition_type = DB_NOT_PARTITIONED_CLASS; PT_NODE *partition_node = NULL; if (node->node_type != PT_SELECT) { return node; } entity = node->; assert (entity != NULL); derived_table = entity->info.spec.derived_table; assert (derived_table != NULL); show_type = derived_table->info.showstmt.show_type; assert (show_type == SHOWSTMT_INDEX_HEADER || show_type == SHOWSTMT_INDEX_CAPACITY || show_type == SHOWSTMT_ALL_INDEXES_HEADER || show_type == SHOWSTMT_ALL_INDEXES_CAPACITY); show_args_node = derived_table->info.showstmt.show_args; assert (show_args_node != NULL); assert (show_args_node->node_type == PT_VALUE); assert (show_args_node->type_enum == PT_TYPE_CHAR); assert (show_args_node->info.value.data_value.str->length < DB_MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH); /* check table name */ table_name = (const char *) show_args_node->info.value.data_value.str->bytes; cls = sm_find_class (table_name); if (cls == NULL) { PT_ERRORmf (parser, show_args_node, MSGCAT_SET_ERROR, -(ER_LC_UNKNOWN_CLASSNAME), table_name); return node; } AU_DISABLE (save); error = au_fetch_class_force (cls, &sm_class, AU_FETCH_READ); AU_ENABLE (save); if (error == NO_ERROR) { if (sm_get_class_type (sm_class) != SM_CLASS_CT) { PT_ERRORm (parser, show_args_node, MSGCAT_SET_ERROR, -(ER_OBJ_NOT_A_CLASS)); return node; } } /* check index name */ if (show_type == SHOWSTMT_INDEX_HEADER || show_type == SHOWSTMT_INDEX_CAPACITY) { show_args_node = show_args_node->next; assert (show_args_node != NULL); assert (show_args_node->node_type == PT_VALUE); assert (show_args_node->type_enum == PT_TYPE_CHAR); assert (show_args_node->info.value.data_value.str->length < DB_MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH); index_name = (const char *) show_args_node->info.value.data_value.str->bytes; sm_all_constraints = sm_class_constraints (cls); sm_constraint = classobj_find_constraint_by_name (sm_all_constraints, index_name); if (sm_all_constraints == NULL || sm_constraint == NULL) { PT_ERRORmf (parser, show_args_node, MSGCAT_SET_ERROR, -(ER_SM_NO_INDEX), index_name); return node; } } /* get partition type and pass it by args */ error = sm_partitioned_class_type (cls, &partition_type, NULL, NULL); if (error != NO_ERROR) { PT_ERRORc (parser, show_args_node, er_msg ()); return node; } partition_node = pt_make_integer_value (parser, partition_type); if (partition_node == NULL) { PT_INTERNAL_ERROR (parser, "allocate new node"); return node; } parser_append_node (partition_node, show_args_node); return node; }
/* * pt_check_show_heap () - check table exists or not * return: PT_NODE pointer * * parser(in): * node(in): */ static PT_NODE * pt_check_table_in_show_heap (PARSER_CONTEXT * parser, PT_NODE * node) { int error = NO_ERROR; PT_NODE *show_args_node = NULL, *spec, *derived_table; PT_NODE *partition_node = NULL; SHOWSTMT_TYPE show_type; int partition_type = DB_NOT_PARTITIONED_CLASS; const char *table_name = NULL; MOP cls; SM_CLASS *sm_class = NULL; int save; if (node->node_type != PT_SELECT) { return node; } spec = node->; assert (spec != NULL); derived_table = spec->info.spec.derived_table; assert (derived_table != NULL); show_type = derived_table->info.showstmt.show_type; assert (show_type == SHOWSTMT_HEAP_HEADER || show_type == SHOWSTMT_ALL_HEAP_HEADER || show_type == SHOWSTMT_HEAP_CAPACITY || show_type == SHOWSTMT_ALL_HEAP_CAPACITY); show_args_node = derived_table->info.showstmt.show_args; assert (show_args_node != NULL); assert (show_args_node->node_type == PT_VALUE); assert (show_args_node->type_enum == PT_TYPE_CHAR); table_name = (const char *) show_args_node->info.value.data_value.str->bytes; cls = sm_find_class (table_name); if (cls == NULL) { PT_ERRORmf (parser, show_args_node, MSGCAT_SET_ERROR, -(ER_LC_UNKNOWN_CLASSNAME), table_name); return node; } AU_DISABLE (save); error = au_fetch_class_force (cls, &sm_class, AU_FETCH_READ); AU_ENABLE (save); if (error == NO_ERROR) { if (sm_get_class_type (sm_class) != SM_CLASS_CT) { PT_ERRORm (parser, show_args_node, MSGCAT_SET_ERROR, -(ER_OBJ_NOT_A_CLASS)); return node; } } error = sm_partitioned_class_type (cls, &partition_type, NULL, NULL); if (error != NO_ERROR) { PT_ERRORc (parser, show_args_node, er_msg ()); return node; } partition_node = pt_make_integer_value (parser, partition_type); if (partition_node == NULL) { PT_INTERNAL_ERROR (parser, "allocate new node"); return node; } parser_append_node (partition_node, show_args_node); return node; }
/* * stats_dump () - Dumps the given statistics about a class * return: * classname(in): The name of class to be printed * fp(in): */ void stats_dump (const char *class_name_p, FILE * file_p) { MOP class_mop; CLASS_STATS *class_stats_p; SM_CLASS *smclass_p; int i, j, k; const char *name_p; const char *prefix_p = ""; time_t tloc; class_mop = sm_find_class (class_name_p); if (class_mop == NULL) { return; } smclass_p = sm_get_class_with_statistics (class_mop); if (smclass_p == NULL) { return; } class_stats_p = smclass_p->stats; if (class_stats_p == NULL) { return; } fprintf (file_p, "\nCLASS STATISTICS\n"); fprintf (file_p, "****************\n"); fprintf (file_p, " Class name: %s", class_name_p); tloc = (time_t) class_stats_p->time_stamp; fprintf (file_p, " Timestamp: %s", ctime (&tloc)); fprintf (file_p, " Total pages in class heap: %d\n", class_stats_p->heap_size); fprintf (file_p, " Total objects: %d\n", class_stats_p->num_objects); fprintf (file_p, " Number of attributes: %d\n", class_stats_p->n_attrs); for (i = 0; i < class_stats_p->n_attrs; i++) { name_p = sm_get_att_name (class_mop, class_stats_p->attr_stats[i].id); fprintf (file_p, " Atrribute: %s\n", (name_p ? name_p : "not found")); fprintf (file_p, " id: %d\n", class_stats_p->attr_stats[i].id); fprintf (file_p, " Type: "); switch (class_stats_p->attr_stats[i].type) { case DB_TYPE_INTEGER: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_INTEGER\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_BIGINT: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_BIGINT\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_FLOAT: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_FLOAT\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_DOUBLE: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_DOUBLE\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_STRING: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_STRING\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_OBJECT: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_OBJECT\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_SET: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_SET\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_MULTI_SET: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_MULTI_SET\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_SEQUENCE: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_SEQUENCE\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_TIME: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_TIME\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_UTIME: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_UTIME\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_DATETIME: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_DATETIME\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_MONETARY: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_MONETARY\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_DATE: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_DATE\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_ELO: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_ELO\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_VARIABLE: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_VARIABLE\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_SUB: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_SUB\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_POINTER: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_POINTER\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_NULL: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_NULL\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_NUMERIC: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_NUMERIC\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_BIT: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_BIT\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_VARBIT: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_VARBIT\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_CHAR: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_CHAR\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_NCHAR: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_NCHARL\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_VARNCHAR: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_VARNCHARL\n"); break; case DB_TYPE_DB_VALUE: fprintf (file_p, "DB_TYPE_DB_VALUE\n"); break; default: fprintf (file_p, "UNKNOWN_TYPE\n"); break; } stats_print_min_max (&(class_stats_p->attr_stats[i]), file_p); fprintf (file_p, " B+tree statistics:\n"); for (j = 0; j < class_stats_p->attr_stats[i].n_btstats; j++) { BTREE_STATS *bt_statsp = &class_stats_p->attr_stats[i].bt_stats[j]; fprintf (file_p, " BTID: { %d , %d }\n", bt_statsp->btid.vfid.volid, bt_statsp->btid.vfid.fileid); fprintf (file_p, " Cardinality: %d (", bt_statsp->keys); prefix_p = ""; for (k = 0; k < bt_statsp->key_size; k++) { fprintf (file_p, "%s%d", prefix_p, bt_statsp->pkeys[k]); prefix_p = ","; } fprintf (file_p, ") ,"); fprintf (file_p, " Total pages: %d , Leaf pages: %d ," " Height: %d\n", bt_statsp->pages, bt_statsp->leafs, bt_statsp->height); } fprintf (file_p, "\n"); } fprintf (file_p, "\n\n"); }