void smf_open_asdouble( const Grp *igrp, size_t index, const smfArray* darks,
                        const smfArray* flatramps, AstKeyMap * heateffmap,
                        int ensureflat, smfData **data, int *status ) {

  if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

  /* Load data, flatfielding and/or opening raw as double as necessary */
  if( ensureflat ) {
    smf_open_and_flatfield( igrp, NULL, index, darks, flatramps, heateffmap,
                            data, status );
  } else {
    /* open as raw if raw else just open as whatever we have */
    smfData *tmpdata = NULL;
    smf_open_file( igrp, index, "READ", SMF__NOCREATE_DATA, &tmpdata, status );
    if (tmpdata && tmpdata->file && tmpdata->file->isSc2store) {
      smf_open_raw_asdouble( igrp, index, darks, data, status );
    } else {
      smf_open_and_flatfield( igrp, NULL, index, darks, flatramps, heateffmap,
                              data, status );
    smf_close_file( &tmpdata, status );

void smurf_extinction( int * status ) {

  /* Local Variables */
  smfArray *bbms = NULL;     /* Bad bolometer masks */
  smfArray *darks = NULL;    /* Dark data */
  AstKeyMap *extpars = NULL; /* Tau relation keymap */
  Grp *fgrp = NULL;          /* Filtered group, no darks */
  smfArray *flatramps = NULL;/* Flatfield ramps */
  int has_been_sky_removed = 0;/* Data are sky-removed */
  AstKeyMap *heateffmap = NULL;    /* Heater efficiency data */
  size_t i;                  /* Loop counter */
  Grp *igrp = NULL;          /* Input group */
  AstKeyMap *keymap=NULL;    /* Keymap for storing parameters */
  smf_tausrc tausrc;         /* enum value of optical depth source */
  smf_extmeth extmeth;       /* Extinction correction method */
  char tausource[LEN__METHOD];  /* String for optical depth source */
  char method[LEN__METHOD];  /* String for extinction airmass method */
  smfData *odata = NULL;     /* Output data struct */
  Grp *ogrp = NULL;          /* Output group */
  size_t outsize;            /* Total number of NDF names in the output group */
  size_t size;               /* Number of files in input group */
  double tau = 0.0;          /* Zenith tau at this wavelength */
  ThrWorkForce *wf = NULL;   /* Pointer to a pool of worker threads */

  if (*status != SAI__OK) return;

  /* Main routine */

  /* Find the number of cores/processors available and create a pool of
     threads of the same size. */
  wf = thrGetWorkforce( thrGetNThread( SMF__THREADS, status ), status );

  /* Read the input file */
  kpg1Rgndf( "IN", 0, 1, "", &igrp, &size, status );

  /* Filter out darks */
  smf_find_science( igrp, &fgrp, 0, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, SMF__NULL, &darks,
                    &flatramps, &heateffmap, NULL, status );

  /* input group is now the filtered group so we can use that and
     free the old input group */
  size = grpGrpsz( fgrp, status );
  grpDelet( &igrp, status);
  igrp = fgrp;
  fgrp = NULL;

  if (size > 0) {
    /* Get output file(s) */
    kpg1Wgndf( "OUT", igrp, size, size, "More output files required...",
               &ogrp, &outsize, status );
  } else {
    msgOutif(MSG__NORM, " ","All supplied input frames were DARK,"
             " nothing to extinction correct", status );

  /* Get group of pixel masks and read them into a smfArray */
  smf_request_mask( "BBM", &bbms, status );

  /* Read the tau relations from config file or group. We do not
     allow sub instrument overloading because these are all values
     based on filter name. */
  keymap = kpg1Config( "TAUREL", "$SMURF_DIR/smurf_extinction.def", NULL,
                       1, status );

  /* and we need to use the EXT entry */
  astMapGet0A( keymap, "EXT", &extpars );
  keymap = astAnnul( keymap );

  /* Get tau source */
  parChoic( "TAUSRC", "Auto",
            "Auto,CSOtau,CSOFit, Filtertau, WVMraw", 1,
            tausource, sizeof(tausource), status);

  /* Decide how the correction is to be applied - convert to flag */
  parChoic( "METHOD", "ADAPTIVE",
            "Adaptive,Quick,Full,", 1, method, sizeof(method), status);

  /* Place parameters into a keymap and extract values */
  if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
    keymap = astKeyMap( " " );
    if( astOK ) {
      astMapPut0C( keymap, "TAUSRC", tausource, NULL );
      astMapPut0C( keymap, "TAUMETHOD", method, NULL );
      smf_get_extpar( keymap, &tausrc, &extmeth, NULL, status );

  for (i=1; i<=size && ( *status == SAI__OK ); i++) {

    /* Flatfield - if necessary */
    smf_open_and_flatfield( igrp, ogrp, i, darks, flatramps, heateffmap,
                            &odata, status );

    if (*status != SAI__OK) {
      /* Error flatfielding: tell the user which file it was */
      errRep(TASK_NAME, "Unable to open the ^I th file", status);

    /* Mask out bad pixels - mask data array not quality array */
    smf_apply_mask( odata, bbms, SMF__BBM_DATA, 0, status );

    /* Now check that the data are sky-subtracted */
    if ( !smf_history_check( odata, "smf_subtract_plane", status ) ) {

      /* Should we override remsky check? */
      parGet0l("HASSKYREM", &has_been_sky_removed, status);

      if ( !has_been_sky_removed && *status == SAI__OK ) {
        *status = SAI__ERROR;
        errRep("", "Input data from file ^I are not sky-subtracted", status);

    /* If status is OK, make decisions on source keywords the first
       time through. */
    if ( *status == SAI__OK && i == 1 ) {
      if (tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_CSOTAU ||
          tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_AUTO ||
          tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_TAU) {
        double deftau;
        const char * param = NULL;
        smfHead *ohdr = odata->hdr;

        /* get default CSO tau -- this could be calculated from CSO fits */
        deftau = smf_calc_meantau( ohdr, status );

        /* Now ask for desired CSO tau */
        if ( tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_CSOTAU || tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_AUTO) {
          param = "CSOTAU";
        } else if (tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_TAU) {
          param = "FILTERTAU";
          deftau = smf_cso2filt_tau( ohdr, deftau, extpars, status );
        parGdr0d( param, deftau, 0.0,1.0, 1, &tau, status );
      } else if ( tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_CSOFIT || tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_WVMRAW ) {
        /* Defer a message until after extinction correction */
      } else {
        *status = SAI__ERROR;
        errRep("", "Unsupported opacity source. Possible programming error.",

    /* Apply extinction correction - note that a check is made to
       determine whether the data have already been extinction
       corrected */
    smf_correct_extinction( wf, odata, &tausrc, extmeth, extpars, tau, NULL, NULL, status );

    if ( tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_WVMRAW ) {
      msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ", "Used Raw WVM data for extinction correction", status);
    } else if ( tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_CSOFIT ) {
      msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ", "Used fit to CSO data for extinction correction", status);
    } else if ( tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_CSOTAU ) {
      msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ", "Used an explicit CSO tau value for extinction correction", status);
    } else if ( tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_TAU ) {
      msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ", "Used an explicit filter tau value for extinction correction", status);
    } else {
      if (*status == SAI__OK) {
        const char * taustr = smf_tausrc_str( tausrc, status );
        *status = SAI__ERROR;
        errRepf( "", "Unexpected opacity source used for extinction correction of %s."
                 " Possible programming error.", status, taustr );

    /* Set character labels */
    smf_set_clabels( "Extinction corrected",NULL, NULL, odata->hdr, status);
    smf_write_clabels( odata, status );

    /* Free resources for output data */
    smf_close_file( &odata, status );

  /* Write out the list of output NDF names, annulling the error if a null
     parameter value is supplied. */
  if( *status == SAI__OK && ogrp ) {
    grpList( "OUTFILES", 0, 0, NULL, ogrp, status );
    if( *status == PAR__NULL ) errAnnul( status );

  /* Tidy up after ourselves: release the resources used by the grp routines  */
  if (darks) smf_close_related( &darks, status );
  if (bbms) smf_close_related( &bbms, status );
  if( flatramps ) smf_close_related( &flatramps, status );
  if (heateffmap) heateffmap = smf_free_effmap( heateffmap, status );
  grpDelet( &igrp, status);
  grpDelet( &ogrp, status);
  if( keymap ) keymap = astAnnul( keymap );
  if (extpars) extpars = astAnnul( extpars );
  ndfEnd( status );
void smurf_flatfield( int *status ) {

  smfArray *bbms = NULL;     /* Bad bolometer masks */
  smfData *ffdata = NULL;   /* Pointer to output data struct */
  Grp *fgrp = NULL;         /* Filtered group, no darks */
  smfArray *flatramps = NULL;/* Flatfield ramps */
  AstKeyMap *heateffmap = NULL;    /* Heater efficiency data */
  size_t i = 0;             /* Counter, index */
  Grp *igrp = NULL;         /* Input group of files */
  Grp *ogrp = NULL;         /* Output group of files */
  size_t outsize;           /* Total number of NDF names in the output group */
  size_t size;              /* Number of files in input group */

  /* Main routine */

  /* Get input file(s) */
  kpg1Rgndf( "IN", 0, 1, "", &igrp, &size, status );

  /* Filter out darks */
  smf_find_science( NULL, igrp, &fgrp, 0, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, SMF__NULL, NULL,
                    &flatramps, &heateffmap, NULL, status );

  /* input group is now the filtered group so we can use that and
     free the old input group */
  size = grpGrpsz( fgrp, status );
  grpDelet( &igrp, status);
  igrp = fgrp;
  fgrp = NULL;

  if (size > 0) {
    /* Get output file(s) */
    kpg1Wgndf( "OUT", igrp, size, size, "More output files required...",
               &ogrp, &outsize, status );
  } else {
    msgOutif(MSG__NORM, " ","All supplied input frames were DARK,"
       " nothing to flatfield", status );

  /* Get group of bolometer masks and read them into a smfArray */
  smf_request_mask( NULL, "BBM", &bbms, status );

  for (i=1; i<=size; i++ ) {
    int didflat;

    if (*status != SAI__OK) break;

    /* Call flatfield routine */
    didflat = smf_open_and_flatfield( NULL, igrp, ogrp, i, NULL, flatramps,
                                      heateffmap, &ffdata, status);

    /* Report failure by adding a message indicating which file failed */
    if (*status != SAI__OK) {
      errRep(FUNC_NAME,	"Unable to flatfield data from file ^I of ^N", status);

    /* in verbose mode report whether flatfielding occurred or not */
    if (!didflat) {
      msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ",
	     "Data from file ^I are already flatfielded", status);
    } else {
      msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ", "Flat field applied to file ^I", status);

    /* Mask out bad bolometers - mask data array not quality array */
    smf_apply_mask( NULL, ffdata, bbms, SMF__BBM_DATA, 0, status );

    /* Free resources for output data */
    smf_close_file( NULL, &ffdata, status );

  /* Write out the list of output NDF names, annulling the error if a null
     parameter value is supplied. */
  if( *status == SAI__OK && ogrp ) {
    grpList( "OUTFILES", 0, 0, NULL, ogrp, status );
    if( *status == PAR__NULL ) errAnnul( status );

  /* Tidy up after ourselves: release the resources used by the grp routines  */
  if (igrp) grpDelet( &igrp, status);
  if (ogrp) grpDelet( &ogrp, status);
  if (bbms) smf_close_related( NULL, &bbms, status );
  if( flatramps ) smf_close_related( NULL, &flatramps, status );
  if (heateffmap) heateffmap = smf_free_effmap( heateffmap, status );
  ndfEnd( status );
void smurf_smurfcopy ( int * status ) {

  smfData * data = NULL;     /* input file struct */
  size_t dtypsz;             /* Number of bytes in data type */
  Grp *fgrp = NULL;          /* Filtered group, no darks */
  size_t i;                  /* Loop counter */
  smfFile * ifile = NULL;    /* Input smfFile */
  Grp *igrp = NULL;          /* Input group */
  unsigned char * inptr = NULL; /* Pointer to start of section to copy */
  int islice;                /* int time slice from parameter */
  int lbnd[2];               /* Lower coordinate bounds of output file */
  size_t nelem;              /* Number of elements to copy */
  smfData * odata = NULL;    /* output file struct */
  size_t offset;             /* offset into data array */
  smfFile * ofile = NULL;    /* output smfFile */
  Grp *ogrp = NULL;          /* Output group */
  size_t outsize;            /* Total number of NDF names in the output group */
  dim_t slice;               /* Time index to extract */
  size_t size;               /* Number of files in input group */
  int ubnd[2];               /* Upper coordinate bounds of output file */

  if (*status != SAI__OK) return;


  /* Read the input file */
  /* As a proof of concept do not allow multiple input files */
  kpg1Rgndf( "IN", 1, 1, "", &igrp, &size, status );

  /* Filter out darks */
  smf_find_science( igrp, &fgrp, 1, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, SMF__NULL, NULL, NULL,
                    NULL, NULL, status );

  /* input group is now the filtered group so we can use that and
     free the old input group */
  size = grpGrpsz( fgrp, status );
  grpDelet( &igrp, status);
  igrp = fgrp;
  fgrp = NULL;

  if (size > 0) {
  /* Get output file(s) */
  kpg1Wgndf( "OUT", igrp, size, size, "More output files required...",
             &ogrp, &outsize, status );
  } else {
    msgOutif(MSG__NORM, " ","All supplied input frames were DARK,"
       " nothing to extract", status );

  /* Allow the user to specify a text file containing a table of pointing
     corrections. Corresponding Mappings are created form the column data
     in this table and stored in the "igrp" group as items of metadata. */
  smf_pread( igrp, "POINTING", status );

  /* Use a loop so that we look like other routines and simplify
     the change if we support multiple input files */
  for (i=1; i<=size; i++) {

    /* Open the input file using standard routine */
    smf_open_and_flatfield( igrp, NULL, i, NULL, NULL, NULL, &data, status );
    if (*status != SAI__OK) break;

    if (*status == SAI__OK) {
      if (!data->file->isTstream  || data->ndims != 3) {
        smf_close_file( &data, status );
        *status = SAI__ERROR;
        errRep(" ", "Input data do not represent time series", status);

    /* get the slice position - knowing the maximum allowed
       Somewhat problematic in a loop if we want to allow
       different slices per file. Best bet is to allow multiple
       slices in a single file but only one file.

    msgSeti( "MAX", (data->dims)[2] );
    msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", "File has ^MAX slices.", status );

    parGdr0i( "SLICE",1, 0, (data->dims)[2], 1, &islice, status);
    slice = islice;
    if (slice == 0) slice = (data->dims)[2];

    /* construct output bounds */
    lbnd[0] = (data->lbnd)[0];
    lbnd[1] = (data->lbnd)[1];
    ubnd[0] = lbnd[0] + (data->dims)[0] - 1;
    ubnd[1] = lbnd[1] + (data->dims)[1] - 1;

    /* Open an output file (losing history) but we do not want
       to propagate the full NDF size to the output file */

    smf_open_newfile( ogrp, i, data->dtype, 2, lbnd, ubnd, 0,
                      &odata, status );
    ofile = odata->file;
    ifile = data->file;

    /* protect against null pointer smfFile */
    if (*status == SAI__OK) {

      /* sort out provenance */
      smf_accumulate_prov( data, igrp, i, ofile->ndfid,
                           "SMURF:SMURFCOPY", NULL, status );

      /* copy the slice in */
      dtypsz = smf_dtype_size( odata, status );
      nelem = (data->dims)[0] * (data->dims)[1];
      offset = (slice - 1) * nelem * dtypsz;
      inptr = (data->pntr)[0];
      memcpy( (odata->pntr)[0], inptr + offset, nelem * dtypsz );

      /* World coordinates - note the 0 indexing relative to GRID */
      smf_tslice_ast( data, slice-1, 1, status );
      ndfPtwcs( data->hdr->wcs, ofile->ndfid, status );

      /* Write the FITS header */
      kpgPtfts( ofile->ndfid, data->hdr->fitshdr, status );

      /* JCMTSTATE */
      sc2store_writejcmtstate( ofile->ndfid, 1, &((data->hdr->allState)[slice-1]),
                               status );


    /* cleanup */
    smf_close_file( &data, status );
    smf_close_file( &odata, status );


  /* tidy */
  if (igrp) {
    smf_pread( igrp, NULL, status );
    grpDelet( &igrp, status );
  if (ogrp) grpDelet( &ogrp, status );

