文件: video.cpp 项目: kaspal/mame
osd_file::error video_manager::open_next(emu_file &file, const char *extension)
	UINT32 origflags = file.openflags();

	// handle defaults
	const char *snapname = machine().options().snap_name();

	if (snapname == nullptr || snapname[0] == 0)
		snapname = "%g/%i";
	std::string snapstr(snapname);

	// strip any extension in the provided name
	int index = snapstr.find_last_of('.');
	if (index != -1)
		snapstr = snapstr.substr(0, index);

	// handle %d in the template (for image devices)
	std::string snapdev("%d_");
	int pos = snapstr.find(snapdev);

	if (pos != -1)
		// if more %d are found, revert to default and ignore them all
		if (snapstr.find(snapdev.c_str(), pos + 3) != -1)
		// else if there is a single %d, try to create the correct snapname
			int name_found = 0;

			// find length of the device name
			int end1 = snapstr.find("/", pos + 3);
			int end2 = snapstr.find("%", pos + 3);
			int end;

			if ((end1 != -1) && (end2 != -1))
				end = MIN(end1, end2);
			else if (end1 != -1)
				end = end1;
			else if (end2 != -1)
				end = end2;
				end = snapstr.length();

			if (end - pos < 3)
				fatalerror("Something very wrong is going on!!!\n");

			// copy the device name to an std::string
			std::string snapdevname;
			snapdevname.assign(snapstr.substr(pos + 3, end - pos - 3));
			//printf("check template: %s\n", snapdevname.c_str());

			// verify that there is such a device for this system
			image_interface_iterator iter(machine().root_device());
			for (device_image_interface *image = iter.first(); image != nullptr; image = iter.next())
				// get the device name
				std::string tempdevname(image->brief_instance_name());
				//printf("check device: %s\n", tempdevname.c_str());

				if (snapdevname.compare(tempdevname) == 0)
					// verify that such a device has an image mounted
					if (image->basename() != nullptr)
						std::string filename(image->basename());

						// strip extension
						filename = filename.substr(0, filename.find_last_of('.'));

						// setup snapname and remove the %d_
						strreplace(snapstr, snapdevname.c_str(), filename.c_str());
						snapstr.erase(pos, 3);
						//printf("check image: %s\n", filename.c_str());

						name_found = 1;

			// or fallback to default
			if (name_found == 0)

	// add our own extension

	// substitute path and gamename up front
	strreplace(snapstr, "/", PATH_SEPARATOR);
	strreplace(snapstr, "%g", machine().basename());

	// determine if the template has an index; if not, we always use the same name
	std::string fname;
	if (snapstr.find("%i") == -1)

	// otherwise, we scan for the next available filename
		// try until we succeed
		for (int seq = 0; ; seq++)
			// build up the filename
			strreplace(fname, "%i", string_format("%04d", seq).c_str());

			// try to open the file; stop when we fail
			osd_file::error filerr = file.open(fname.c_str());
			if (filerr != osd_file::error::NONE)

	// create the final file
	return file.open(fname.c_str());
file_error video_manager::open_next(emu_file &file, const char *extension)
	UINT32 origflags = file.openflags();

	// handle defaults
	const char *snapname = machine().options().snap_name();

	if (snapname == NULL || snapname[0] == 0)
		snapname = "%g/%i";
	astring snapstr(snapname);

	// strip any extension in the provided name
	int index = snapstr.rchr(0, '.');
	if (index != -1)
		snapstr.substr(0, index);

	// handle %d in the template (for image devices)
	astring snapdev("%d_");
	int pos = snapstr.find(0, snapdev);

	if (pos != -1)
		// if more %d are found, revert to default and ignore them all
		if (snapstr.find(pos + 3, snapdev) != -1)
		// else if there is a single %d, try to create the correct snapname
			int name_found = 0;

			// find length of the device name
			int end1 = snapstr.find(pos + 3, "/");
			int end2 = snapstr.find(pos + 3, "%");
			int end = -1;

			if ((end1 != -1) && (end2 != -1))
				end = MIN(end1, end2);
			else if (end1 != -1)
				end = end1;
			else if (end2 != -1)
				end = end2;
				end = snapstr.len();

			if (end - pos < 3)
				fatalerror("Something very wrong is going on!!!");

			// copy the device name to an astring
			astring snapdevname;
			snapdevname.cpysubstr(snapstr, pos + 3, end - pos - 3);
			//printf("check template: %s\n", snapdevname.cstr());

			// verify that there is such a device for this system
			device_image_interface *image = NULL;
			for (bool gotone = machine().devicelist().first(image); gotone; gotone = image->next(image))
				// get the device name
				astring tempdevname(image->brief_instance_name());
				//printf("check device: %s\n", tempdevname.cstr());

				if (snapdevname.cmp(tempdevname) == 0)
					// verify that such a device has an image mounted
					if (image->basename() != NULL)
						astring filename(image->basename());

						// strip extension
						filename.substr(0, filename.rchr(0, '.'));

						// setup snapname and remove the %d_
						snapstr.replace(0, snapdevname, filename);
						snapstr.del(pos, 3);
						//printf("check image: %s\n", filename.cstr());

						name_found = 1;

			// or fallback to default
			if (name_found == 0)

	// add our own extension

	// substitute path and gamename up front
	snapstr.replace(0, "/", PATH_SEPARATOR);
	snapstr.replace(0, "%g", machine().basename());

	// determine if the template has an index; if not, we always use the same name
	astring fname;
	if (snapstr.find(0, "%i") == -1)

	// otherwise, we scan for the next available filename
		// try until we succeed
		astring seqtext;
		for (int seq = 0; ; seq++)
			// build up the filename
			fname.cpy(snapstr).replace(0, "%i", seqtext.format("%04d", seq).cstr());

			// try to open the file; stop when we fail
			file_error filerr = file.open(fname);
			if (filerr != FILERR_NONE)

	// create the final file
    return file.open(fname);