void LR::calc_loss(double *loss, float *acc)
	double neg_log_likeli = 0.0;
	int err_num = 0;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < samp_class_vec.size(); i++)
		int samp_class = samp_class_vec[i];
		sparse_feat samp_feat = samp_feat_vec[i];     //获得类别i下所有的样本
		vector<float> score_vec = calc_score(samp_feat);    //计算该类别所有样本的分数
		int pred_class = score_to_class(score_vec);    //将分数映射到类别
		if (pred_class != samp_class)
			err_num += 1;
		vector<float> softmax_vec = softmax(score_vec);
	    for (int j = 0; j < class_set_size; j++)
			if (j == samp_class)
				double pj = softmax_vec[j];
				double temp = pj < LOG_LIM ? LOG_LIM : pj;
				neg_log_likeli += log(temp);
	*loss = -neg_log_likeli ; // CE(Cross Entropy) loss equals negative log-likelihood in LR
	*acc = 1 - (float)err_num / samp_class_vec.size();
void SoftmaxLayer::runForwardImplementation(Bundle& bundle)
    auto& inputActivationsVector  = bundle[ "inputActivations"].get<MatrixVector>();
    auto& outputActivationsVector = bundle["outputActivations"].get<MatrixVector>();

    assert(inputActivationsVector.size() == 1);

    auto inputActivations = foldTime(inputActivationsVector.back());

    util::log("SoftmaxLayer") << " Running forward propagation of matrix "
        << inputActivations.shapeString() << "\n";

        util::log("SoftmaxLayer::Detail") << " input: "
            << inputActivations.debugString();

    auto outputActivations = softmax(inputActivations);

        util::log("SoftmaxLayer::Detail") << " outputs: "
            << outputActivations.debugString();

    saveMatrix("outputActivations", outputActivations);

 virtual LogPRowCol log_p_row_column(shared_ptr<arma::mat> z1,
                                     shared_ptr<arma::mat> z2,
                                     const ExampleIds& example_ids) {
   arma::mat w = (*z1) * (*z2);
   arma::mat y = def_data->get_mat()->cols(arma::uvec(example_ids));
   arma::mat lp(y.n_rows, y.n_cols, arma::fill::zeros);
   for(arma::uword j=0; j<y.n_cols; ++j) {
     for(arma::uword i=0; i<y.n_rows; ++i) {
       lp(i,j) = y(i,j) * (-softmax(-w(i,j))) + (1-y(i,j)) * (-softmax(w(i,j)));
   LogPRowCol res;
   res.log_p_row_train = shared_ptr<arma::rowvec>( new arma::rowvec(arma::sum(lp, 0)) );
   res.log_p_col_train = shared_ptr<arma::vec>( new arma::vec(arma::sum(lp, 1)) );
   return res;
void softmax_cpu(float *input, int n, int batch, int batch_offset, int groups, int group_offset, int stride, float temp, float *output)
    int g, b;
    for(b = 0; b < batch; ++b){
        for(g = 0; g < groups; ++g){
            softmax(input + b*batch_offset + g*group_offset, n, temp, stride, output + b*batch_offset + g*group_offset);
bool small_test() {
    const int alphabet_size = 5;
    const int T = 2;

    std::vector<float> activations = {0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,
                                      0.1, 0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.1};

    // Calculate the score analytically
    float expected_score;
        std::vector<float> probs(activations.size());
        softmax(activations.data(), alphabet_size, T, probs.data());

        // Score calculation is specific to the given activations above
        expected_score = probs[1] * probs[7];

    std::vector<int> labels = {1, 2};
    std::vector<int> label_lengths = {2};

    std::vector<int> lengths;

    float score;

    ctcComputeInfo info;
    info.loc = CTC_CPU;
    info.num_threads = 1;

    size_t cpu_alloc_bytes;
    throw_on_error(get_workspace_size(label_lengths.data(), lengths.data(),
                                      alphabet_size, lengths.size(), info,
                   "Error: get_workspace_size in small_test");

    void* ctc_cpu_workspace = malloc(cpu_alloc_bytes);

    throw_on_error(compute_ctc_loss(activations.data(), NULL,
                                    labels.data(), label_lengths.data(),
                   "Error: compute_ctc_loss in small_test");

    score = std::exp(-score);
    const float eps = 1e-6;

    const float lb = expected_score - eps;
    const float ub = expected_score + eps;

    return (score > lb && score < ub);
 * Apply softmax to out, then use it as a proba distribution
 * to select a move in 0..8
void random_softmax(fann_type *out, int *x, int *y)
	fann_type random_number;
	fann_type s;
	int j;

	random_number = ((fann_type) std::rand()) / ((fann_type) RAND_MAX);
	s = 0;
	for (j = 0; s < random_number; ++j)
		s += out[j];
	*x = (j - 1) % 3;
	*y = (j - 1) / 3;
void vec2output(float* output, Result& r)
    for (int i=2;i<102;i++)
    r.age -= 1.0;
    // emotion;


    // beauty
    r.beauty = 0;
    for (int i =117; i<127;i++){
        r.beauty += output[i];
    r.beauty = beauty_map_linear_standards(r.beauty, r.gender == 1, r.age <= 10);
//    r.beauty = beauty_map_linear(r.beauty);
void LR::update_online(int samp_class, sparse_feat &samp_feat, float learn_rate, float lambda)
	vector<float> score_vec = calc_score(samp_feat); //(W'*X)
	vector<float> softmax_vec = softmax(score_vec);
	for (int i=0;i<class_set_size;i++)                          //对于每一个类

		float error_term=((int)(i==samp_class)-softmax_vec[i]);
		for (int j=0;j<samp_feat.id_vec.size();j++)             //对于每个类中的每个样本,更新参数
			int feat_id=samp_feat.id_vec[j];
			float feat_value=samp_feat.value_vec[j];
			float delt=error_term*feat_value;    //梯度 = x^i * (指示函数 - y)
			//float regul = lambda * omega[feat_id][i];
			omega[feat_id][i]+=learn_rate*delt;    //更新参数,学习率 * 梯度
static TVector<TVector<double>> CalcSoftmax(const TVector<TVector<double>>& approx, NPar::TLocalExecutor* localExecutor) {
    TVector<TVector<double>> probabilities = approx;
    const int threadCount = localExecutor->GetThreadCount() + 1;
    const int blockSize = (approx[0].ysize() + threadCount - 1) / threadCount;
    auto calcSoftmaxInBlock = [&](const int blockId) {
        int lastLineId = Min((blockId + 1) * blockSize, approx[0].ysize());
        TVector<double> line(approx.size());
        TVector<double> softmax(approx.size());
        for (int lineInd = blockId * blockSize; lineInd < lastLineId; ++lineInd) {
            for (int dim = 0; dim < approx.ysize(); ++dim) {
                line[dim] = approx[dim][lineInd];
            CalcSoftmax(line, &softmax);
            for (int dim = 0; dim < approx.ysize(); ++dim) {
                probabilities[dim][lineInd] = softmax[dim];
    localExecutor->ExecRange(calcSoftmaxInBlock, 0, threadCount, NPar::TLocalExecutor::WAIT_COMPLETE);
    return probabilities;
vdp_softmax(SEXP matrix_M) {
  int dim1, dim2;
  double *in, *out;
  SEXP output, dims;
  /******************** input variables ********************/
  in      = NUMERIC_POINTER(matrix_M);
  dim1    = INTEGER_POINTER(GET_DIM(matrix_M))[0];
  dim2    = INTEGER_POINTER(GET_DIM(matrix_M))[1];
  PROTECT(dims = allocVector(INTSXP, 2));
  INTEGER(dims)[0] = dim1; INTEGER(dims)[1] = dim2;

  /******************** output variables ********************/
  PROTECT(output = NEW_NUMERIC(dim1*dim2));
  SET_DIM(output, dims);
  out = NUMERIC_POINTER(output);

  softmax(dim1, dim2, in, out);
  return output;
long detection_fprop(
    float* conf,          //score for each class for each box, num_box * num_class * bs
    float* loc,           //location for each box, box * 4 * bs
    float* res_detection, //final memory restoring boxes, bs * top_k
    float* prior_boxes,   //num_boxes * 4
    long * res_batch_len, //record count of result for each batch, bs
    const long num_boxes, //num_boxes, each is a potential object
    const long num_class, //number of class
    const long bs,        //batch size
    const long nms_topk,  //first top k box for nms result for each class
    const long image_topk,     //first top k box for input image
    const float score_threshold,  //threshold for accepting as a object for box
    const float nms_threshold)    //threshold for two overlapped boxes, too overlapped is one object
    //sorted result of index
    long* index_batch   = malloc(bs*num_boxes*num_class*sizeof(long));
    //scores to be sorted
    float* scores_batch = malloc(bs*num_boxes*num_class*sizeof(float));
    //temp result detections for each batch, grow when iterating among classes
    float* temp_res_detection_batch = malloc(bs*num_class*nms_topk*6*sizeof(float));
    //internal memory to restore sorted boxes for each class
    float* internal_detection_batch = malloc(bs*nms_topk*5*sizeof(float));
    //internal memory to restore transformed location
    float* proposal_batch = malloc(bs*num_boxes*4*sizeof(float));    

    //transpose KLN to NKL
    float* conf_t = malloc(num_boxes * num_class * bs * sizeof(float));
    float* loc_t  = malloc(num_boxes * 4* bs * sizeof(float));
    mkl_somatcopy('r', 't', num_boxes*num_class, bs, 1.0, conf, bs, conf_t, num_boxes*num_class);
    mkl_somatcopy('r', 't', num_boxes*4, bs, 1.0, loc, bs, loc_t, num_boxes*4);

    //loop for batch size
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(long b=0; b<bs; ++b)  //loop for batch
        float* scores = scores_batch + b * num_boxes*num_class;
        float* temp_res_detection = temp_res_detection_batch + b * num_class*nms_topk*6;
        long* index = index_batch + b * num_boxes*num_class;
        float* internal_detection = internal_detection_batch + b * nms_topk*5;
        float* proposal = proposal_batch + b * num_boxes*4;
        //calculate class scores for this batch using softmax
        float* conf_batch = conf_t + b * num_boxes * num_class;
        softmax(conf_batch, num_boxes, num_class);
        //store scores in an array
        mkl_somatcopy('r', 't', num_boxes, num_class, 1.0, conf_batch, num_class, scores, num_boxes);

        //transform locations in proposal
        bbox_transform_inv(prior_boxes, loc_t + b * 4 * num_boxes, proposal, num_boxes);

        long res_len = 0; //count of feasible boxes for this image
        for(long c=1; c<num_class; ++c) //loop for classes
            //for each class, sort out first nms_topk boxes, store result in index
            long sort_nums_res = get_top_N_index(scores + c*num_boxes, nms_topk,
                           num_boxes, score_threshold, index);

            //store location and score for the sorted results
            if(sort_nums_res > 0)
                //store location and score in internal_detection for overlapped check
                for(long i=0; i<sort_nums_res; ++i)
                    for(long j=0; j<4; ++j)
                        internal_detection[i*5+j] = proposal[index[i]*4+j];
                    internal_detection[i*5+4] = scores[c*num_boxes+i];

                //remove overlapped box
                sort_nums_res = nms(internal_detection, index, nms_threshold, 1, sort_nums_res);

                //store result in temp memory and add class number, thus width is 6
                for(long i=0; i<sort_nums_res; ++i)
                    float* temp = temp_res_detection + (res_len+i)*6;
                    for(long j=0; j<5; ++j)
                        temp[j] = internal_detection[index[i]*5+j];
                    //add class number
                    temp[5] = c;
                res_len += sort_nums_res;

        //sort out first top_k boxes for this image
        for(long i=0; i<res_len; ++i)
            scores[i] = temp_res_detection[i*6+4];
            index[i] = i;
        long sort_nums_res = res_len;
        if(sort_nums_res>image_topk) //sort first top_k out of res_len
            sort_nums_res = get_top_N_index(scores, image_topk, res_len, 0.0, index);

        //store sorted result in final output
        float* temp = res_detection + b * image_topk * 6;
        for(long i=0; i<sort_nums_res; ++i)
            for(long j=0; j<6; ++j)
                temp[i*6+j] = temp_res_detection[index[i]*6+j];
        res_batch_len[b] = sort_nums_res;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
	Params params;
	std::map<std::string, std::string> args;
	readArgs(argc, argv, args);
		params.algo = args["algo"];
		params.algo = "qdMCNat";

		setParamsFromFile(args["inst_file"], args, params);
		setParams(params.algo, args, params);

	// Load the dataset
	MyMatrix X_train, X_valid;
	VectorXd Y_train, Y_valid;
	loadMnist(params.ratio_train, X_train, X_valid, Y_train, Y_valid);
	//loadCIFAR10(params.ratio_train, X_train, X_valid, Y_train, Y_valid);
	//loadLightCIFAR10(params.ratio_train, X_train, X_valid, Y_train, Y_valid);
	// ConvNet parameters
	std::vector<ConvLayerParams> conv_params;
	ConvLayerParams conv_params1;
	conv_params1.Hf = 5;
	conv_params1.stride = 1;
	conv_params1.n_filter = 20;
	conv_params1.padding = 0;
	ConvLayerParams conv_params2;
	conv_params2.Hf = 5;
	conv_params2.stride = 1;
	conv_params2.n_filter = 50;
	conv_params2.padding = 0;

	std::vector<PoolLayerParams> pool_params;
	PoolLayerParams pool_params1;
	pool_params1.Hf = 2;
	pool_params1.stride = 2;

	PoolLayerParams pool_params2;
	pool_params2.Hf = 2;
	pool_params2.stride = 2;
	const unsigned n_conv_layer = conv_params.size();
	for(unsigned l = 0; l < conv_params.size(); l++){

			conv_params[l].filter_size = conv_params[l].Hf * conv_params[l].Hf * params.img_depth;
			conv_params[l].N = (params.img_width - conv_params[l].Hf + 2*conv_params[l].padding)/conv_params[l].stride + 1;
			conv_params[l].filter_size = conv_params[l].Hf * conv_params[l].Hf * conv_params[l-1].n_filter;
			conv_params[l].N = (pool_params[l-1].N - conv_params[l].Hf + 2*conv_params[l].padding)/conv_params[l].stride + 1;
		pool_params[l].N = (conv_params[l].N - pool_params[l].Hf)/pool_params[l].stride + 1;
	// Neural Network parameters
	const unsigned n_training = X_train.rows();
	const unsigned n_valid = X_valid.rows();
	const unsigned n_feature = X_train.cols();
	const unsigned n_label = Y_train.maxCoeff() + 1;
	params.nn_arch.insert(params.nn_arch.begin(),conv_params[n_conv_layer-1].n_filter * pool_params[n_conv_layer-1].N * pool_params[n_conv_layer-1].N);
	const unsigned n_layers = params.nn_arch.size();
	// Optimization parameter
	const int n_train_batch = ceil(n_training/(float)params.train_minibatch_size);
	const int n_valid_batch = ceil(n_valid/(float)params.valid_minibatch_size);
	double prev_loss = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
	double eta = params.eta;

	// Create the convolutional layer
	std::vector<MyMatrix> conv_W(n_conv_layer);
	std::vector<MyMatrix> conv_W_T(n_conv_layer);
	std::vector<MyVector> conv_B(n_conv_layer);
	// Create the neural network
	MyMatrix W_out(params.nn_arch[n_layers-2],n_label);
	std::vector<MySpMatrix> W(n_layers-2);
	std::vector<MySpMatrix> Wt(n_layers-2);
	std::vector<MyVector> B(n_layers-1);

	double init_sigma = 0.;
	ActivationFunction act_func;
	ActivationFunction eval_act_func;
		init_sigma = 4.0;
		act_func = std::bind(logistic,true,_1,_2,_3);
		eval_act_func = std::bind(logistic,false,_1,_2,_3);
	}else if(params.act_func_name=="tanh"){
		init_sigma = 1.0;
		act_func = std::bind(my_tanh,true,_1,_2,_3);
		eval_act_func = std::bind(my_tanh,false,_1,_2,_3);
	}else if(params.act_func_name=="relu"){
		init_sigma = 1.0; // TODO: Find the good value
		act_func = std::bind(relu,true,_1,_2,_3);
		eval_act_func = std::bind(relu,false,_1,_2,_3);
		std::cout << "Not implemented yet!" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "Initializing the network... ";
	params.n_params = initNetwork(params.nn_arch, params.act_func_name, params.sparsity, conv_params, pool_params, W_out, W, Wt, B, conv_W, conv_W_T, conv_B); // TODO: Init the conv bias

	// Deep copy of parameters for the adaptive rule
	std::vector<MyMatrix> mu_dW(n_layers-1);
	std::vector<MyVector> mu_dB(n_layers-1);

	MyMatrix pW_out = W_out;
	std::vector<MySpMatrix> pW = W;
	std::vector<MySpMatrix> pWt = Wt;
	std::vector<MyVector> pB = B;

	MyMatrix ppMii_out, ppM0i_out;
	MyVector ppM00_out;
	std::vector<MySpMatrix> ppMii,ppM0i;
	std::vector<MyVector> ppM00;

	MyMatrix pMii_out,pM0i_out;
	MyVector pM00_out;
	std::vector<MySpMatrix> pMii,pM0i;
	std::vector<MyVector> pM00;

	std::vector<MyMatrix> conv_ppMii, conv_ppM0i;
	std::vector<MyVector> conv_ppM00;

	std::vector<MyMatrix> conv_pMii, conv_pM0i;
	std::vector<MyVector> conv_pM00;
	// Convert the labels to one-hot vector
	MyMatrix one_hot = MyMatrix::Zero(n_training, n_label);
	// Configure the logger 
	std::ostream* logger;

	double cumul_time = 0.;
	printDesc(params, logger);
	printConvDesc(params, conv_params, pool_params, logger);
	std::cout << "Starting the learning phase... " << std::endl;
	*logger << "Epoch Time(s) train_loss train_accuracy valid_loss valid_accuracy eta" << std::endl;
	for(unsigned i = 0; i < params.n_epoch; i++){
		for(unsigned j = 0; j < n_train_batch; j++){
			// Mini-batch creation
			unsigned curr_batch_size = 0;
			MyMatrix X_batch, one_hot_batch;
			getMiniBatch(j, params.train_minibatch_size, X_train, one_hot, params, conv_params[0], curr_batch_size, X_batch, one_hot_batch);
			double prev_time = gettime();

			// Forward propagation for conv layer
			std::vector<std::vector<unsigned>> poolIdxX1(n_conv_layer);
			std::vector<std::vector<unsigned>> poolIdxY1(n_conv_layer);
			MyMatrix z0;
			std::vector<MyMatrix> conv_A(conv_W.size());
			std::vector<MyMatrix> conv_Ap(conv_W.size());
			convFprop(curr_batch_size, conv_params, pool_params, act_func, conv_W, conv_B, X_batch, conv_A, conv_Ap, z0, poolIdxX1, poolIdxY1);
			// Forward propagation
			std::vector<MyMatrix> Z(n_layers-1);
			std::vector<MyMatrix> A(n_layers-2);
			std::vector<MyMatrix> Ap(n_layers-2);
			fprop(params.dropout_flag, act_func, W, W_out, B, z0, Z, A, Ap);
			// Compute the output and the error
			MyMatrix out;
			softmax(Z[n_layers-2], out);
			std::vector<MyMatrix> gradB(n_layers-1);
			gradB[n_layers-2] = out - one_hot_batch;

			// Backpropagation
			bprop(Wt, W_out, Ap, gradB);

			// Backpropagation for conv layer
			std::vector<MyMatrix> conv_gradB(conv_W.size());
			MyMatrix layer_gradB = (gradB[0] * W[0].transpose());
			MyMatrix pool_gradB;
			layer2pool(curr_batch_size, pool_params[conv_W.size()-1].N, conv_params[conv_W.size()-1].n_filter, layer_gradB, pool_gradB);
			convBprop(curr_batch_size, conv_params, pool_params, conv_W_T, conv_Ap, pool_gradB, conv_gradB, poolIdxX1, poolIdxY1);
			if(params.algo == "bprop"){
				update(eta, gradB, A, z0, params.regularizer, params.lambda, W_out, W, Wt, B);
				convUpdate(curr_batch_size, eta, conv_params, conv_gradB, conv_A, X_batch, "", 0., conv_W, conv_W_T, conv_B);

				// Compute the metric
				std::vector<MyMatrix> metric_gradB(n_layers-1);
				std::vector<MyMatrix> metric_conv_gradB(conv_params.size());


					// Monte-Carlo Approximation of the metric
					std::vector<MyMatrix> mc_gradB(n_layers-1);
					computeMcError(out, mc_gradB[n_layers-2]);

					// Backpropagation
					bprop(Wt, W_out, Ap, mc_gradB);

					for(unsigned k = 0; k < gradB.size(); k++){
						metric_gradB[k] = mc_gradB[k].array().square();

					// Backpropagation for conv layer
					std::vector<MyMatrix> mc_conv_gradB(conv_W.size());
					MyMatrix mc_layer_gradB = (mc_gradB[0] * W[0].transpose());
					MyMatrix mc_pool_gradB;
					layer2pool(curr_batch_size, pool_params[conv_W.size()-1].N, conv_params[conv_W.size()-1].n_filter, mc_layer_gradB, mc_pool_gradB);
					convBprop(curr_batch_size, conv_params, pool_params, conv_W_T, conv_Ap, mc_pool_gradB, mc_conv_gradB, poolIdxX1, poolIdxY1);
					for(unsigned k = 0; k < conv_params.size(); k++){
						metric_conv_gradB[k] = mc_conv_gradB[k].array().square();
				else if(params.algo=="qdop"){

					for(unsigned k = 0; k < conv_params.size(); k++){
						metric_conv_gradB[k] = conv_gradB[k].array().square();
					for(unsigned k = 0; k < gradB.size(); k++){
						metric_gradB[k] = gradB[k].array().square();
				else if(params.algo=="qdNat"){
					for(unsigned k = 0; k < conv_params.size(); k++){
						metric_conv_gradB[k] = conv_gradB[k].array().square();

					for(unsigned k = 0; k < metric_gradB.size(); k++){
						metric_gradB[k] = MyMatrix::Zero(gradB[k].rows(),gradB[k].cols());

					for(unsigned l = 0; l < n_label; l++){
						MyMatrix fisher_ohbatch = MyMatrix::Zero(curr_batch_size, n_label);

						std::vector<MyMatrix> fgradB(n_layers-1);
						fgradB[n_layers-2] = out - fisher_ohbatch;
						bprop(Wt, W_out, Ap, fgradB);

						// Backpropagation for conv layer
						std::vector<MyMatrix> fisher_conv_gradB(conv_W.size());
						MyMatrix fisher_layer_gradB = (fgradB[0] * W[0].transpose());
						MyMatrix fisher_pool_gradB;
						layer2pool(curr_batch_size, pool_params[conv_W.size()-1].N, conv_params[conv_W.size()-1].n_filter, fisher_layer_gradB, fisher_pool_gradB);
						convBprop(curr_batch_size, conv_params, pool_params, conv_W_T, conv_Ap, fisher_pool_gradB, fisher_conv_gradB, poolIdxX1, poolIdxY1);

						for(unsigned k = 0; k < conv_params.size(); k++){
							MyMatrix fisher_conv_gradB_sq = fisher_conv_gradB[k].array().square();
							for(unsigned m = 0; m < out.rows(); m++){
								for(unsigned f = 0; f < conv_params[k].n_filter; f++){
									for(unsigned n = 0; n < conv_params[k].N * conv_params[k].N; n++){
										fisher_conv_gradB_sq(f,m*conv_params[k].N*conv_params[k].N+n) *= out(m,l);
							metric_conv_gradB[k] += fisher_conv_gradB_sq;
						for(unsigned k = 0; k < W.size(); k++){
							const unsigned rev_k = n_layers - k - 2;
							metric_gradB[rev_k] += (fgradB[rev_k].array().square().array().colwise() * out.array().col(l)).matrix();
				bool init_flag = false;
				if(i == 0 && j == 0 && !params.init_metric_id){
					init_flag = true;

				std::vector<MyMatrix> conv_Mii(conv_params.size());
				std::vector<MyMatrix> conv_M0i(conv_params.size());
				std::vector<MyVector> conv_M00(conv_params.size());
				buildConvQDMetric(curr_batch_size, metric_conv_gradB, conv_A, X_batch, conv_W, params.matrix_reg, conv_Mii, conv_M0i, conv_M00);

				updateConvMetric(init_flag, params.metric_gamma, conv_pMii, conv_pM0i, conv_pM00, conv_Mii, conv_M0i, conv_M00);

				MyMatrix Mii_out, M0i_out;
				MyVector M00_out;
				std::vector<MySpMatrix> Mii(W.size());
				std::vector<MySpMatrix> M0i(W.size());
				std::vector<MyVector> M00(W.size());

				buildQDMetric(metric_gradB, A, z0, W_out, W, params.matrix_reg, Mii_out, M0i_out, M00_out, Mii, M0i, M00);

				updateMetric(init_flag, params.metric_gamma, Mii_out, M0i_out, M00_out, Mii, M0i, M00, pMii_out, pM0i_out, pM00_out, pMii, pM0i, pM00);
				update(eta, gradB, A, z0, params.regularizer, params.lambda, W_out, W, Wt, B, Mii_out, M0i_out, M00_out, Mii, M0i, M00);
			double curr_time = gettime();
			cumul_time += curr_time - prev_time;      
				double train_loss = 0.;
				double train_accuracy = 0.;
				double valid_loss = 0.;
				double valid_accuracy = 0.;
				evalModel(eval_act_func, params, n_train_batch, n_training, X_train, Y_train, conv_params, pool_params, conv_W, conv_B, W_out, W, B, train_loss, train_accuracy);
				evalModel(eval_act_func, params, n_valid_batch, n_valid, X_valid, Y_valid, conv_params, pool_params, conv_W, conv_B, W_out, W, B, valid_loss, valid_accuracy);
				// Logging
				*logger << i + float(j)/n_train_batch << " " << cumul_time << " " << train_loss <<  " " << train_accuracy << " " << valid_loss <<  " " << valid_accuracy << " " << eta << std::endl;
		if(!params.minilog_flag || params.adaptive_flag){
			double train_loss = 0.;
			double train_accuracy = 0.;
			double valid_loss = 0.;
			double valid_accuracy = 0.;
			evalModel(eval_act_func, params, n_train_batch, n_training, X_train, Y_train, conv_params, pool_params, conv_W, conv_B, W_out, W, B, train_loss, train_accuracy);
			evalModel(eval_act_func, params, n_valid_batch, n_valid, X_valid, Y_valid, conv_params, pool_params, conv_W, conv_B, W_out, W, B, valid_loss, valid_accuracy);
			// if(params.adaptive_flag)
			// 	adaptiveRule(train_loss, prev_loss, eta, W, B, pMii, pM0i, pM00, pW, pB, ppMii, ppM0i, ppM00);
			// Logging
				*logger << i  << " " << cumul_time << " " << train_loss <<  " " << train_accuracy << " " << valid_loss <<  " " << valid_accuracy << " " << eta << std::endl;
void forward_detection_layer(const detection_layer l, network net)
    int locations = l.side*l.side;
    int i,j;
    memcpy(l.output, net.input, l.outputs*l.batch*sizeof(float));
    //if(l.reorg) reorg(l.output, l.w*l.h, size*l.n, l.batch, 1);
    int b;
    if (l.softmax){
        for(b = 0; b < l.batch; ++b){
            int index = b*l.inputs;
            for (i = 0; i < locations; ++i) {
                int offset = i*l.classes;
                softmax(l.output + index + offset, l.classes, 1, 1,
                        l.output + index + offset);
        float avg_iou = 0;
        float avg_cat = 0;
        float avg_allcat = 0;
        float avg_obj = 0;
        float avg_anyobj = 0;
        int count = 0;
        *(l.cost) = 0;
        int size = l.inputs * l.batch;
        memset(l.delta, 0, size * sizeof(float));
        for (b = 0; b < l.batch; ++b){
            int index = b*l.inputs;
            for (i = 0; i < locations; ++i) {
                int truth_index = (b*locations + i)*(1+l.coords+l.classes);
                int is_obj = net.truth[truth_index];
                for (j = 0; j < l.n; ++j) {
                    int p_index = index + locations*l.classes + i*l.n + j;
                    l.delta[p_index] = l.noobject_scale*(0 - l.output[p_index]);
                    *(l.cost) += l.noobject_scale*pow(l.output[p_index], 2);
                    avg_anyobj += l.output[p_index];

                int best_index = -1;
                float best_iou = 0;
                float best_rmse = 20;

                if (!is_obj){

                int class_index = index + i*l.classes;
                for(j = 0; j < l.classes; ++j) {
                    l.delta[class_index+j] = l.class_scale * (net.truth[truth_index+1+j] - l.output[class_index+j]);
                    *(l.cost) += l.class_scale * pow(net.truth[truth_index+1+j] - l.output[class_index+j], 2);
                    if(net.truth[truth_index + 1 + j]) avg_cat += l.output[class_index+j];
                    avg_allcat += l.output[class_index+j];

                box truth = float_to_box(net.truth + truth_index + 1 + l.classes, 1);
                truth.x /= l.side;
                truth.y /= l.side;

                for(j = 0; j < l.n; ++j){
                    int box_index = index + locations*(l.classes + l.n) + (i*l.n + j) * l.coords;
                    box out = float_to_box(l.output + box_index, 1);
                    out.x /= l.side;
                    out.y /= l.side;

                    if (l.sqrt){
                        out.w = out.w*out.w;
                        out.h = out.h*out.h;

                    float iou  = box_iou(out, truth);
                    //iou = 0;
                    float rmse = box_rmse(out, truth);
                    if(best_iou > 0 || iou > 0){
                        if(iou > best_iou){
                            best_iou = iou;
                            best_index = j;
                        if(rmse < best_rmse){
                            best_rmse = rmse;
                            best_index = j;

                    if(truth.w*truth.h < .1){
                        best_index = 1;
                        best_index = 0;
                if(l.random && *(net.seen) < 64000){
                    best_index = rand()%l.n;

                int box_index = index + locations*(l.classes + l.n) + (i*l.n + best_index) * l.coords;
                int tbox_index = truth_index + 1 + l.classes;

                box out = float_to_box(l.output + box_index, 1);
                out.x /= l.side;
                out.y /= l.side;
                if (l.sqrt) {
                    out.w = out.w*out.w;
                    out.h = out.h*out.h;
                float iou  = box_iou(out, truth);

                //printf("%d,", best_index);
                int p_index = index + locations*l.classes + i*l.n + best_index;
                *(l.cost) -= l.noobject_scale * pow(l.output[p_index], 2);
                *(l.cost) += l.object_scale * pow(1-l.output[p_index], 2);
                avg_obj += l.output[p_index];
                l.delta[p_index] = l.object_scale * (1.-l.output[p_index]);

                    l.delta[p_index] = l.object_scale * (iou - l.output[p_index]);

                l.delta[box_index+0] = l.coord_scale*(net.truth[tbox_index + 0] - l.output[box_index + 0]);
                l.delta[box_index+1] = l.coord_scale*(net.truth[tbox_index + 1] - l.output[box_index + 1]);
                l.delta[box_index+2] = l.coord_scale*(net.truth[tbox_index + 2] - l.output[box_index + 2]);
                l.delta[box_index+3] = l.coord_scale*(net.truth[tbox_index + 3] - l.output[box_index + 3]);
                    l.delta[box_index+2] = l.coord_scale*(sqrt(net.truth[tbox_index + 2]) - l.output[box_index + 2]);
                    l.delta[box_index+3] = l.coord_scale*(sqrt(net.truth[tbox_index + 3]) - l.output[box_index + 3]);

                *(l.cost) += pow(1-iou, 2);
                avg_iou += iou;

            float *costs = calloc(l.batch*locations*l.n, sizeof(float));
            for (b = 0; b < l.batch; ++b) {
                int index = b*l.inputs;
                for (i = 0; i < locations; ++i) {
                    for (j = 0; j < l.n; ++j) {
                        int p_index = index + locations*l.classes + i*l.n + j;
                        costs[b*locations*l.n + i*l.n + j] = l.delta[p_index]*l.delta[p_index];
            int indexes[100];
            top_k(costs, l.batch*locations*l.n, 100, indexes);
            float cutoff = costs[indexes[99]];
            for (b = 0; b < l.batch; ++b) {
                int index = b*l.inputs;
                for (i = 0; i < locations; ++i) {
                    for (j = 0; j < l.n; ++j) {
                        int p_index = index + locations*l.classes + i*l.n + j;
                        if (l.delta[p_index]*l.delta[p_index] < cutoff) l.delta[p_index] = 0;

        *(l.cost) = pow(mag_array(l.delta, l.outputs * l.batch), 2);

        printf("Detection Avg IOU: %f, Pos Cat: %f, All Cat: %f, Pos Obj: %f, Any Obj: %f, count: %d\n", avg_iou/count, avg_cat/count, avg_allcat/(count*l.classes), avg_obj/count, avg_anyobj/(l.batch*locations*l.n), count);
        //if(l.reorg) reorg(l.delta, l.w*l.h, size*l.n, l.batch, 0);
  //NNFF performs a feedforward pass
  double FBNN::nnff(const FMatrix& x, const FMatrix& y)
//     std::cout << "start nnff x = (" << x.rows() << "," << x.columns() << ")" << std::endl;
    double L = 0;
      for(int i = 0; i < m_iN; ++i)
    *m_oAs[0] = addPreColumn(x,1);    
    if(m_fDropoutFraction > 0 && !m_fTesting)
        if(m_odOMs.empty())//clear dropOutMask
            for(int i = 0; i < m_iN - 1; ++i)
//     std::cout << "start feedforward" << std::endl;
    //feedforward pass
    for(int i = 1; i < m_iN - 1; ++i)
//       std::cout << "activation function" << std::endl;
      //activation function
      if(m_strActivationFunction == "sigm")
	//Calculate the unit's outputs (including the bias term)
	*m_oAs[i] = sigm((*m_oAs[i-1]) * blaze::trans(*m_oWs[i-1]));
      else if(m_strActivationFunction == "tanh_opt")
	*m_oAs[i] = tanh_opt((*m_oAs[i-1]) * blaze::trans(*m_oWs[i-1]));
//       std::cout << "dropout" << std::endl;
      if(m_fDropoutFraction > 0)
	  *m_oAs[i] = (*m_oAs[i]) * (1 - m_fDropoutFraction);
	  *m_odOMs[i] = rand(m_oAs[i]->rows(),m_oAs[i]->columns()) > m_fDropoutFraction;
	  *m_oAs[i] = bitWiseMul(*m_oAs[i],*m_odOMs[i]);
//       std::cout << "sparsity" << std::endl;
      //calculate running exponential activations for use with sparsity
      if(m_fNonSparsityPenalty > 0)
	*m_oPs[i] =  (*m_oPs[i]) * 0.99 + columnMean(*m_oAs[i]);
//       std::cout << "Add the bias term" << std::endl;
      //Add the bias term
      *m_oAs[i] = addPreColumn(*m_oAs[i],1);    
//     std::cout << "start calculate output" << std::endl;
    if(m_strOutput == "sigm")
      *m_oAs[m_iN -1] = sigm((*m_oAs[m_iN-2]) * blaze::trans(*m_oWs[m_iN-2]));
    else if(m_strOutput == "linear")
      *m_oAs[m_iN -1] = (*m_oAs[m_iN-2]) * blaze::trans(*m_oWs[m_iN-2]);
    else if(m_strOutput == "softmax")
      *m_oAs[m_iN -1] = softmax((*m_oAs[m_iN-2]) * blaze::trans(*m_oWs[m_iN-2]));
//     std::cout << "start error and loss" << std::endl;
    //error and loss
    m_oEp = std::make_shared<FMatrix>(y - (*m_oAs[m_iN-1]));
    if(m_strOutput == "sigm" || m_strOutput == "linear")
      L = 0.5 * matrixSum(bitWiseSquare(*m_oEp)) / x.rows();
    else if(m_strOutput == "softmax")
      L = -matrixSum(bitWiseMul(y,bitWiseLog(*m_oAs[m_iN-1]))) / x.rows();
//     std::cout << "end nnff" << std::endl;
    return L;
void RNNSoftmaxLayer::feedForward(int inputSeqLen) {
	#pragma omp parallel for
	for (int seqIdx=1; seqIdx<=inputSeqLen; ++seqIdx) {
		softmax(m_outputActs[seqIdx], m_inputActs[seqIdx], m_numNeuron);
void RNNSoftmaxLayer::forwardStep(int seqIdx) {
	softmax(m_outputActs[seqIdx], m_inputActs[seqIdx], m_numNeuron);
文件: smlr_mex.c 项目: Zubeen/CIS520
int stepwise_regression(int N, int D, int M,
                        double w[M][D], float w_resamp[M][D],
                        double X[D][N],
                        double Xw[M][N], double E[M][N],
                        double S[N],
                        const double XY[M][D],
                        const double B[D],
                        const double delta[D],
                        double maxiter,
                        double tol,
                        double decay_rate,
                        double decay_min,
                        int seed,
                        int verbose) {

    srand (seed);
    if (verbose) { // Output parameters in verbose mode
        printf("SMLR: random seed=%d\n", seed);
        printf("SMLR: decay: r=%g, min=%g\n", decay_rate, decay_min);
        printf("SMLR: tol=%g, maxiter=%g\n", tol, maxiter);

    // initialize the iterative optimization
    int iter;
    double incr = DBL_MAX;

    // Begin iterative optimization
    for (iter = 0; iter < maxiter; iter++) {

        // Reset performance indicators for this iteration
        int wasted = 0;
        int saved = 0;
        int nonzero = 0;

        // zero out the sums for assessing convergence
        double sum2_w_diff = 0;
        double sum2_w_old = 0;

        // update each weight
        for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) {
            for (int m = 0; m < M; m++) {

                // get the starting weight
                double w_old = w[m][d];

                // Sample randomly to determine update probability
                double r = ((double)rand())/((double)RAND_MAX);

                // Update a given weight if non-zero or within sampling dist
                if ( w_old != 0 || r < w_resamp[m][d]) {

                    // Update predictions:
                    double XdotP = 0.0;
                    #pragma omp parallel for
                    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                        XdotP += X[d][i] * E[m][i]/S[i];

                    // get the gradient
                    double grad = XY[m][d] - XdotP;

                    // Calcluate the new weight
                    double w_new = softmax(w_old + grad/B[d], delta[d]);

                    // Debugging:
                    //printf("[%d,%d] - w_old: %g, XY: %g, XdotP: %g, grad: %g, w_new: %g\n",
                    //d, m, w_old, XY[m][d], XdotP, grad, w_new);

                    // Update our efficiency measures + resampling probabilities
                    if (w_new == 0  && w_old == 0) {
                        w_resamp[m][d] = (w_resamp[m][d]-decay_min)*decay_rate + decay_min;

                    if (w_new != 0 && w_old == 0)  {
                        w_resamp[m][d] = 1;

                    double w_diff = w_new - w_old;

                    // If we changed, update our running calculations
                    if (w_diff != 0) {

                        #pragma omp parallel for
                        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                            Xw[m][i] += X[d][i]*w_diff;
                            double E_new_m = exp(Xw[m][i]);
                            S[i] += E_new_m - E[m][i];
                            E[m][i] = E_new_m;

                        // update the weight
                        w[m][d] = w_new;

                        // keep track of the sqrt sum squared distances
                        sum2_w_diff += w_diff*w_diff;

                    if (w_new != 0)

                    // might not have changed, but could be non-zero weight, so add to sum
                    sum2_w_old += w_old*w_old;

        // finished a iter, assess convergence
        incr = sqrt(sum2_w_diff) / (sqrt(sum2_w_old)+DBL_EPSILON);

        if (verbose)
            printf("SMLR [%d]: incr=%g (saved %d, wasted %d, nonzero %d)\n",
                   iter, incr, saved, wasted, nonzero);

        // Check for convergence
        if (incr < tol)

    return iter;
void forward_region_layer(const region_layer l, network_state state)
    int i,j,b,t,n;
    int size = l.coords + l.classes + 1;
    memcpy(l.output, state.input, l.outputs*l.batch*sizeof(float));
    #ifndef GPU
    flatten(l.output, l.w*l.h, size*l.n, l.batch, 1);
    for (b = 0; b < l.batch; ++b){
        for(i = 0; i < l.h*l.w*l.n; ++i){
            int index = size*i + b*l.outputs;
            l.output[index + 4] = logistic_activate(l.output[index + 4]);

#ifndef GPU
    if (l.softmax_tree){
        for (b = 0; b < l.batch; ++b){
            for(i = 0; i < l.h*l.w*l.n; ++i){
                int index = size*i + b*l.outputs;
                softmax_tree(l.output + index + 5, 1, 0, 1, l.softmax_tree, l.output + index + 5);
    } else if (l.softmax){
        for (b = 0; b < l.batch; ++b){
            for(i = 0; i < l.h*l.w*l.n; ++i){
                int index = size*i + b*l.outputs;
                softmax(l.output + index + 5, l.classes, 1, l.output + index + 5, 1);
    if(!state.train) return;
    memset(l.delta, 0, l.outputs * l.batch * sizeof(float));
    float avg_iou = 0;
    float recall = 0;
    float avg_cat = 0;
    float avg_obj = 0;
    float avg_anyobj = 0;
    int count = 0;
    int class_count = 0;
    *(l.cost) = 0;
    for (b = 0; b < l.batch; ++b) {
            int onlyclass_id = 0;
            for(t = 0; t < l.max_boxes; ++t){
                box truth = float_to_box(state.truth + t*5 + b*l.truths);
                if(!truth.x) break; // continue;
                int class_id = state.truth[t*5 + b*l.truths + 4];
                float maxp = 0;
                int maxi = 0;
                if(truth.x > 100000 && truth.y > 100000){
                    for(n = 0; n < l.n*l.w*l.h; ++n){
                        int index = size*n + b*l.outputs + 5;
                        float scale =  l.output[index-1];
                        float p = scale*get_hierarchy_probability(l.output + index, l.softmax_tree, class_id);
                        if(p > maxp){
                            maxp = p;
                            maxi = n;
                    int index = size*maxi + b*l.outputs + 5;
                    delta_region_class(l.output, l.delta, index, class_id, l.classes, l.softmax_tree, l.class_scale, &avg_cat, l.focal_loss);
                    onlyclass_id = 1;
            if(onlyclass_id) continue;
        for (j = 0; j < l.h; ++j) {
            for (i = 0; i < l.w; ++i) {
                for (n = 0; n < l.n; ++n) {
                    int index = size*(j*l.w*l.n + i*l.n + n) + b*l.outputs;
                    box pred = get_region_box(l.output, l.biases, n, index, i, j, l.w, l.h);
                    float best_iou = 0;
                    int best_class_id = -1;
                    for(t = 0; t < l.max_boxes; ++t){
                        box truth = float_to_box(state.truth + t*5 + b*l.truths);
                        int class_id = state.truth[t * 5 + b*l.truths + 4];
                        if (class_id >= l.classes) continue; // if label contains class_id more than number of classes in the cfg-file
                        if(!truth.x) break; // continue;
                        float iou = box_iou(pred, truth);
                        if (iou > best_iou) {
                            best_class_id = state.truth[t*5 + b*l.truths + 4];
                            best_iou = iou;
                    avg_anyobj += l.output[index + 4];
                    l.delta[index + 4] = l.noobject_scale * ((0 - l.output[index + 4]) * logistic_gradient(l.output[index + 4]));
                    if(l.classfix == -1) l.delta[index + 4] = l.noobject_scale * ((best_iou - l.output[index + 4]) * logistic_gradient(l.output[index + 4]));
                        if (best_iou > l.thresh) {
                            l.delta[index + 4] = 0;
                            if(l.classfix > 0){
                                delta_region_class(l.output, l.delta, index + 5, best_class_id, l.classes, l.softmax_tree, l.class_scale*(l.classfix == 2 ? l.output[index + 4] : 1), &avg_cat, l.focal_loss);

                    if(*(state.net.seen) < 12800){
                        box truth = {0};
                        truth.x = (i + .5)/l.w;
                        truth.y = (j + .5)/l.h;
                        truth.w = l.biases[2*n];
                        truth.h = l.biases[2*n+1];
                            truth.w = l.biases[2*n]/l.w;
                            truth.h = l.biases[2*n+1]/l.h;
                        delta_region_box(truth, l.output, l.biases, n, index, i, j, l.w, l.h, l.delta, .01);
        for(t = 0; t < l.max_boxes; ++t){
            box truth = float_to_box(state.truth + t*5 + b*l.truths);
            int class_id = state.truth[t * 5 + b*l.truths + 4];
            if (class_id >= l.classes) {
                printf(" Warning: in txt-labels class_id=%d >= classes=%d in cfg-file. In txt-labels class_id should be [from 0 to %d] \n", class_id, l.classes, l.classes-1);
                continue; // if label contains class_id more than number of classes in the cfg-file

            if(!truth.x) break; // continue;
            float best_iou = 0;
            int best_index = 0;
            int best_n = 0;
            i = (truth.x * l.w);
            j = (truth.y * l.h);
            //printf("%d %f %d %f\n", i, truth.x*l.w, j, truth.y*l.h);
            box truth_shift = truth;
            truth_shift.x = 0;
            truth_shift.y = 0;
            //printf("index %d %d\n",i, j);
            for(n = 0; n < l.n; ++n){
                int index = size*(j*l.w*l.n + i*l.n + n) + b*l.outputs;
                box pred = get_region_box(l.output, l.biases, n, index, i, j, l.w, l.h);
                    pred.w = l.biases[2*n];
                    pred.h = l.biases[2*n+1];
                        pred.w = l.biases[2*n]/l.w;
                        pred.h = l.biases[2*n+1]/l.h;
                //printf("pred: (%f, %f) %f x %f\n", pred.x, pred.y, pred.w, pred.h);
                pred.x = 0;
                pred.y = 0;
                float iou = box_iou(pred, truth_shift);
                if (iou > best_iou){
                    best_index = index;
                    best_iou = iou;
                    best_n = n;
            //printf("%d %f (%f, %f) %f x %f\n", best_n, best_iou, truth.x, truth.y, truth.w, truth.h);

            float iou = delta_region_box(truth, l.output, l.biases, best_n, best_index, i, j, l.w, l.h, l.delta, l.coord_scale);
            if(iou > .5) recall += 1;
            avg_iou += iou;

            //l.delta[best_index + 4] = iou - l.output[best_index + 4];
            avg_obj += l.output[best_index + 4];
            l.delta[best_index + 4] = l.object_scale * (1 - l.output[best_index + 4]) * logistic_gradient(l.output[best_index + 4]);
            if (l.rescore) {
                l.delta[best_index + 4] = l.object_scale * (iou - l.output[best_index + 4]) * logistic_gradient(l.output[best_index + 4]);

            if (l.map) class_id = l.map[class_id];
            delta_region_class(l.output, l.delta, best_index + 5, class_id, l.classes, l.softmax_tree, l.class_scale, &avg_cat, l.focal_loss);
    #ifndef GPU
    flatten(l.delta, l.w*l.h, size*l.n, l.batch, 0);
    *(l.cost) = pow(mag_array(l.delta, l.outputs * l.batch), 2);
    printf("Region Avg IOU: %f, Class: %f, Obj: %f, No Obj: %f, Avg Recall: %f,  count: %d\n", avg_iou/count, avg_cat/class_count, avg_obj/count, avg_anyobj/(l.w*l.h*l.n*l.batch), recall/count, count);
main(int argc, char *argv[]){
  opt_register_table(options, NULL);
  if (!opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr)){
  if (argc == 1){
    DEBUG("No text files to evaluate!");
  DEBUG("given %d arguments", argc - 1);

  RecurNN *net = rnn_load_net(opt_filename);
  RnnCharAlphabet *alphabet = rnn_char_new_alphabet_from_net(net);
  init_rand64_maybe_randomly(&net->rng, -1);

  int len = 0;
  int count = 0;

  if (opt_min_length <= opt_ignore_start){
    DEBUG("hey! --min-length=%d <= --ignore-start=%d! Fixing.. now its %d.",
        opt_min_length, opt_ignore_start, opt_ignore_start + 1);
    opt_min_length = opt_ignore_start + 1;
  float sum[net->output_size];
  float sumsq[net->output_size];
  float mean[net->output_size];
  float stddev[net->output_size];

  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++){
    const char *filename = argv[i];
    u8* text = rnn_char_load_new_encoded_text(filename, alphabet, &len, 3);

    if (len >= opt_min_length){
      memset(sum, 0, net->output_size * sizeof(float));
      memset(sumsq, 0, net->output_size * sizeof(float));
      int j, k;
      for (j = 0; j < opt_ignore_start; j++){
        one_hot_opinion(net, text[j], 0);
      for (j = opt_ignore_start; j < len; j++){
        float *raw = one_hot_opinion(net, text[j], 0);
        float *answer = mean;
        softmax(answer, raw, net->output_size);
        for (k = 0; k < net->output_size; k++){
          float a = answer[k];
          sum[k] += a;
          sumsq[k] += a * a;
      for (k = 0; k < net->output_size; k++){
        float m = sum[k] / (len - opt_ignore_start);
        stddev[k] = sqrtf(sumsq[k] / (len - opt_ignore_start) - m * m);
        mean[k] = m;

      printf("%s mean: ", filename);
      for (k = 0; k < net->output_size; k++){
        printf("%.3e ", mean[k]);
      printf(" stddev: ");
      for (k = 0; k < net->output_size; k++){
        printf("%.3e ", stddev[k]);
  DEBUG("processed %d texts", count);
  return 0;