 * Perform the spectrum computations.
 * @return int     Returns 0 when task was successfully started
 * @param  inbuf   Pointer to raw input Buffer
 * @param  outbuf  Pointer to spectrum output Buffer
int TaskCoreCell::run(Buffer* inbuf, Buffer* outbuf)
   int mbox;

   /* update SPE task context */
   cb.terminate_flag  = 0;
   cb.rawif_src.p     = (void*) inbuf->getData();
   cb.rawif_bytecount = inbuf->getLength();
   cb.spectrum_dst.p  = (void*) outbuf->getData();

   /* task context ready, wake up the SPE to start processing */
   spe_write_in_mbox(this->speid, 0x1234);

   /* remember the current output buffer for setting length on completion */
   prevBufOut = outbuf;
   return 0;
 * Clean up all allocations etc
 * @return int     Returns 0 on success
int TaskCoreCell::finalize() 
   int status;

   /* tell SPE to exit */
   cb.terminate_flag = 1;
   spe_write_in_mbox(this->speid, 0x1234);

   /* wait for the SPE program to exit */
   spe_wait(this->speid, &status, 0);

   #if 1
   cout << "SPE of rank " << rank << " completed, total time " << (double(total_time)/__timebase__) << "s, "
        << " total FFTs " << total_ffts_count << ", total spectra " << total_spectra_count << endl;

   return 0; 
/** sends a 64-bit value to the SPE mailbox. */
static void writeMailBox( ppu_addr_t addr ){
	speid_t spe_id = getSpeId();
	spe_write_in_mbox( spe_id, (uint32_t)addr );
	spe_write_in_mbox( spe_id, (uint32_t)(addr>>32) );