QString QgsSpinBox::stripped( const QString &originalText ) const
  //adapted from QAbstractSpinBoxPrivate::stripped
  //trims whitespace, prefix and suffix from spin box text
  QString text = originalText;
  if ( specialValueText().isEmpty() || text != specialValueText() )
    if ( text.contains( SPECIAL_TEXT_WHEN_EMPTY ) )
      text = text.replace( SPECIAL_TEXT_WHEN_EMPTY, QString() );
    int from = 0;
    int size = text.size();
    bool changed = false;
    if ( !prefix().isEmpty() && text.startsWith( prefix() ) )
      from += prefix().size();
      size -= from;
      changed = true;
    if ( !suffix().isEmpty() && text.endsWith( suffix() ) )
      size -= suffix().size();
      changed = true;
    if ( changed )
      text = text.mid( from, size );

  text = text.trimmed();

  return text;
QString QgsDoubleSpinBox::stripped( const QString &originalText ) const
  //adapted from QAbstractSpinBoxPrivate::stripped
  //trims whitespace, prefix and suffix from spin box text
  QString text = originalText;
  if ( specialValueText().size() == 0 || text != specialValueText() )
    int from = 0;
    int size = text.size();
    bool changed = false;
    if ( prefix().size() && text.startsWith( prefix() ) )
      from += prefix().size();
      size -= from;
      changed = true;
    if ( suffix().size() && text.endsWith( suffix() ) )
      size -= suffix().size();
      changed = true;
    if ( changed )
      text = text.mid( from, size );

  text = text.trimmed();

  return text;
// normal sizeHint doesn't always work right for our case, 
// because the min/max/special text aren't necessarily the longest text
QSize MinSecSpinBox::sizeHint() const
    QSize normal = QSpinBox::sizeHint();
    //this first portion copied from QAbstractSpinBox
    const QFontMetrics fm(fontMetrics());
    int w = 0;
    QString s;
    s = prefix() + textFromValue(minimum()) + suffix() + QLatin1Char(' ');
    w = qMax(w, fm.width(s));
    s = prefix() + textFromValue(maximum()) + suffix() + QLatin1Char(' ');
    w = qMax(w, fm.width(s));
    if (specialValueText().size()) {
        s = specialValueText();
        w = qMax(w, fm.width(s));
    w += 2; // cursor blinking space
    //new part (see if max - singlestep is longer)
    s = textFromValue(maximum()-singleStep()) + QLatin1Char(' ');
    int longwidth = fm.width(s) + 2;
    int dif = longwidth - w;
    if (dif > 0)
        normal += QSize(dif, 0);
    return normal;
QString DoubleSpinBox::textFromValue(double value) const {
  if (!specialValueText().isEmpty() && value == d_min_val)
    return specialValueText();

  if (d_prec <= 14)
    return locale().toString(value, d_format, d_prec);

  return locale().toString(value, d_format, 6);
void KDoubleNumInput::updateLegacyMembers() {
    // ### update legacy members that are either not private or for
    // which an inlined getter exists:
    m_lower = minValue();
    m_upper = maxValue();
    m_step = d->spin->lineStep();
    m_specialvalue = specialValueText();
* Set spin widget stepping to the normal or shift increment.
bool SpinBox::setShiftStepping(bool shift, int currentButton)
	if (currentButton == NO_BUTTON)
		shift = false;
	if (shift  &&  !mShiftMouse)
		/* The value is to be stepped to a multiple of the shift increment.
		 * Adjust the value so that after the spin widget steps it, it will be correct.
		 * Then, if the mouse button is held down, the spin widget will continue to
		 * step by the shift amount.
		int val = value();
		int step = (currentButton == UP) ? mLineShiftStep : (currentButton == DOWN) ? -mLineShiftStep : 0;
		int adjust = shiftStepAdjustment(val, step);
		mShiftMouse = true;
		if (adjust)
			/* The value is to be stepped by other than the shift increment,
			 * presumably because it is being set to a multiple of the shift
			 * increment. Achieve this by making the adjustment here, and then
			 * allowing the normal step processing to complete the job by
			 * adding/subtracting the normal shift increment.
			if (!wrapping())
				// Prevent the step from going past the spinbox's range, or
				// to the minimum value if that has a special text unless it is
				// already at the minimum value + 1.
				int newval = val + adjust + step;
				int svt = specialValueText().isEmpty() ? 0 : 1;
				int minval = mMinValue + svt;
				if (newval <= minval  ||  newval >= mMaxValue)
					// Stepping to the minimum or maximum value
					if (svt  &&  newval <= mMinValue  &&  val == mMinValue)
						newval = mMinValue;
						newval = (newval <= minval) ? minval : mMaxValue;
					emit stepped(step);
					return true;

				// If the interim value will lie outside the spinbox's range,
				// temporarily adjust the range to allow the value to be set.
				int tempval = val + adjust;
				if (tempval < mMinValue)
					mShiftMinBound = true;
				else if (tempval > mMaxValue)
					mShiftMaxBound = true;

			// Don't process changes since this new value will be stepped immediately
			mSuppressSignals = true;
			bool blocked = signalsBlocked();
			addValue(adjust, true);
			mSuppressSignals = false;
	else if (!shift  &&  mShiftMouse)
		// Reinstate to normal (non-shift) stepping
		mShiftMinBound = mShiftMaxBound = false;
		mShiftMouse = false;
	return false;