bool RH_RF24::init()
    if (!RHSPIDriver::init())
	return false;

    // Determine the interrupt number that corresponds to the interruptPin
    int interruptNumber = digitalPinToInterrupt(_interruptPin);
    if (interruptNumber == NOT_AN_INTERRUPT)
	return false;
    interruptNumber = _interruptPin;

    // Tell the low level SPI interface we will use SPI within this interrupt

    // Initialise the radio

    // Get the device type and check it
    // This also tests whether we are really connected to a device
    uint8_t buf[8];
    if (!command(RH_RF24_CMD_PART_INFO, 0, 0, buf, sizeof(buf)))
	return false; // SPI error? Not connected?
    _deviceType = (buf[1] << 8) | buf[2];
    // Check PART to be either 0x4460, 0x4461, 0x4463, 0x4464
    if (_deviceType != 0x4460 &&
	_deviceType != 0x4461 &&
	_deviceType != 0x4463 &&
	_deviceType != 0x4464)
	return false; // Unknown radio type, or not connected

    // Here we use a configuration generated by the Silicon Labs Wireless Development Suite
    // #included above
    // We override a few things later that we ned to be sure of.

    // Add by Adrien van den Bossche <*****@*****.**> for Teensy
    // ARM M4 requires the below. else pin interrupt doesn't work properly.
    // On all other platforms, its innocuous, belt and braces
    pinMode(_interruptPin, INPUT); 

    // Set up interrupt handler
    // Since there are a limited number of interrupt glue functions isr*() available,
    // we can only support a limited number of devices simultaneously
    // ON some devices, notably most Arduinos, the interrupt pin passed in is actuallt the 
    // interrupt number. You have to figure out the interruptnumber-to-interruptpin mapping
    // yourself based on knwledge of what Arduino board you are running on.
    if (_myInterruptIndex == 0xff)
	// First run, no interrupt allocated yet
	if (_interruptCount <= RH_RF24_NUM_INTERRUPTS)
	    _myInterruptIndex = _interruptCount++;
	    return false; // Too many devices, not enough interrupt vectors
    _deviceForInterrupt[_myInterruptIndex] = this;
    if (_myInterruptIndex == 0)
	attachInterrupt(interruptNumber, isr0, FALLING);
    else if (_myInterruptIndex == 1)
	attachInterrupt(interruptNumber, isr1, FALLING);
    else if (_myInterruptIndex == 2)
	attachInterrupt(interruptNumber, isr2, FALLING);
	return false; // Too many devices, not enough interrupt vectors

    // Ensure we get the interrupts we need, irrespective of whats in the radio_config
    uint8_t int_ctl[] = {RH_RF24_MODEM_INT_STATUS_EN | RH_RF24_PH_INT_STATUS_EN, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00 };
    set_properties(RH_RF24_PROPERTY_INT_CTL_ENABLE, int_ctl, sizeof(int_ctl));

    // RSSI Latching should be configured in MODEM_RSSI_CONTROL in radio_config

    // PKT_TX_THRESHOLD and PKT_RX_THRESHOLD should be set to about 0x30 in radio_config

    // Configure important RH_RF24 registers
    // Here we set up the standard packet format for use by the RH_RF24 library:
    // We will use FIFO Mode, with automatic packet generation
    // We have 2 fields:
    // Field 1 contains only the (variable) length of field 2, with CRC
    // Field 2 contains the variable length payload and the CRC
    // Hmmm, having no CRC on field 1 and CRC on field 2 causes CRC errors when resetting after an odd
    // number of packets! Anyway its prob a good thing at the cost of some airtime.
    // Hmmm, enabling WHITEN stops it working!
    uint8_t pkt_config1[] = { 0x00 };
    set_properties(RH_RF24_PROPERTY_PKT_CONFIG1, pkt_config1, sizeof(pkt_config1));

    uint8_t pkt_len[] = { 0x02, 0x01, 0x00 };
    set_properties(RH_RF24_PROPERTY_PKT_LEN, pkt_len, sizeof(pkt_len));

    set_properties(RH_RF24_PROPERTY_PKT_FIELD_1_LENGTH_12_8, pkt_field1, sizeof(pkt_field1));

    uint8_t pkt_field2[] = { 0x00, sizeof(_buf), 0x00, RH_RF24_FIELD_CONFIG_CRC_START | RH_RF24_FIELD_CONFIG_SEND_CRC | RH_RF24_FIELD_CONFIG_CHECK_CRC | RH_RF24_FIELD_CONFIG_CRC_ENABLE };
    set_properties(RH_RF24_PROPERTY_PKT_FIELD_2_LENGTH_12_8, pkt_field2, sizeof(pkt_field2));

    // Clear all other fields so they are never used, irrespective of the radio_config
    uint8_t pkt_fieldn[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
    set_properties(RH_RF24_PROPERTY_PKT_FIELD_3_LENGTH_12_8, pkt_fieldn, sizeof(pkt_fieldn));
    set_properties(RH_RF24_PROPERTY_PKT_FIELD_4_LENGTH_12_8, pkt_fieldn, sizeof(pkt_fieldn));
    set_properties(RH_RF24_PROPERTY_PKT_FIELD_5_LENGTH_12_8, pkt_fieldn, sizeof(pkt_fieldn));

    // The following can be changed later by the user if necessary.
    // Set up default configuration
    uint8_t syncwords[] = { 0x2d, 0xd4 };
    setSyncWords(syncwords, sizeof(syncwords)); // Same as RF22's
    // 3 would be sufficient, but this is the same as RF22's
    // actualy, 4 seems to work much better for some modulations
    // Default freq comes from the radio config file
    // About 2.4dBm on RFM24:

    return true;
bool RH_RF95::init()
    if (!RHSPIDriver::init())
	return false;

    // Determine the interrupt number that corresponds to the interruptPin
    int interruptNumber = digitalPinToInterrupt(_interruptPin);
    if (interruptNumber == NOT_AN_INTERRUPT)
	return false;
    interruptNumber = _interruptPin;

    // Tell the low level SPI interface we will use SPI within this interrupt

    // No way to check the device type :-(
    // Set sleep mode, so we can also set LORA mode:
    delay(10); // Wait for sleep mode to take over from say, CAD
    // Check we are in sleep mode, with LORA set
    if (spiRead(RH_RF95_REG_01_OP_MODE) != (RH_RF95_MODE_SLEEP | RH_RF95_LONG_RANGE_MODE))
//	Serial.println(spiRead(RH_RF95_REG_01_OP_MODE), HEX);
	return false; // No device present?

    // Add by Adrien van den Bossche <*****@*****.**> for Teensy
    // ARM M4 requires the below. else pin interrupt doesn't work properly.
    // On all other platforms, its innocuous, belt and braces
    pinMode(_interruptPin, INPUT); 

    // Set up interrupt handler
    // Since there are a limited number of interrupt glue functions isr*() available,
    // we can only support a limited number of devices simultaneously
    // ON some devices, notably most Arduinos, the interrupt pin passed in is actuallt the 
    // interrupt number. You have to figure out the interruptnumber-to-interruptpin mapping
    // yourself based on knwledge of what Arduino board you are running on.
    if (_myInterruptIndex == 0xff)
	// First run, no interrupt allocated yet
	if (_interruptCount <= RH_RF95_NUM_INTERRUPTS)
	    _myInterruptIndex = _interruptCount++;
	    return false; // Too many devices, not enough interrupt vectors
    _deviceForInterrupt[_myInterruptIndex] = this;
    if (_myInterruptIndex == 0)
	attachInterrupt(interruptNumber, isr0, RISING);
    else if (_myInterruptIndex == 1)
	attachInterrupt(interruptNumber, isr1, RISING);
    else if (_myInterruptIndex == 2)
	attachInterrupt(interruptNumber, isr2, RISING);
	return false; // Too many devices, not enough interrupt vectors

    // Set up FIFO
    // We configure so that we can use the entire 256 byte FIFO for either receive
    // or transmit, but not both at the same time
    spiWrite(RH_RF95_REG_0E_FIFO_TX_BASE_ADDR, 0);
    spiWrite(RH_RF95_REG_0F_FIFO_RX_BASE_ADDR, 0);

    // Packet format is preamble + explicit-header + payload + crc
    // Explicit Header Mode
    // payload is TO + FROM + ID + FLAGS + message data
    // RX mode is implmented with RXCONTINUOUS
    // max message data length is 255 - 4 = 251 octets


    // Set up default configuration
    // No Sync Words in LORA mode.
    setModemConfig(Bw125Cr45Sf128); // Radio default
//    setModemConfig(Bw125Cr48Sf4096); // slow and reliable?
    setPreambleLength(8); // Default is 8
    // An innocuous ISM frequency, same as RF22's
    // Lowish power

    return true;
bool RH_RF69::init()
    if (!RHSPIDriver::init())
	return false;

    // Determine the interrupt number that corresponds to the interruptPin
    int interruptNumber = digitalPinToInterrupt(_interruptPin);
    if (interruptNumber == NOT_AN_INTERRUPT)
	return false;
    interruptNumber = _interruptPin;

    // Tell the low level SPI interface we will use SPI within this interrupt

    // Get the device type and check it
    // This also tests whether we are really connected to a device
    // My test devices return 0x24
    _deviceType = spiRead(RH_RF69_REG_10_VERSION);
    if (_deviceType == 00 ||
	_deviceType == 0xff)
	return false;

    // Add by Adrien van den Bossche <*****@*****.**> for Teensy
    // ARM M4 requires the below. else pin interrupt doesn't work properly.
    // On all other platforms, its innocuous, belt and braces
    pinMode(_interruptPin, INPUT); 

    // Set up interrupt handler
    // Since there are a limited number of interrupt glue functions isr*() available,
    // we can only support a limited number of devices simultaneously
    // ON some devices, notably most Arduinos, the interrupt pin passed in is actuallt the 
    // interrupt number. You have to figure out the interruptnumber-to-interruptpin mapping
    // yourself based on knwledge of what Arduino board you are running on.
    if (_myInterruptIndex == 0xff)
	// First run, no interrupt allocated yet
	if (_interruptCount <= RH_RF69_NUM_INTERRUPTS)
	    _myInterruptIndex = _interruptCount++;
	    return false; // Too many devices, not enough interrupt vectors
    _deviceForInterrupt[_myInterruptIndex] = this;
    if (_myInterruptIndex == 0)
	attachInterrupt(interruptNumber, isr0, RISING);
    else if (_myInterruptIndex == 1)
	attachInterrupt(interruptNumber, isr1, RISING);
    else if (_myInterruptIndex == 2)
	attachInterrupt(interruptNumber, isr2, RISING);
	return false; // Too many devices, not enough interrupt vectors


    // Configure important RH_RF69 registers
    // Here we set up the standard packet format for use by the RH_RF69 library:
    // 4 bytes preamble
    // 2 SYNC words 2d, d4
    // 2 CRC CCITT octets computed on the header, length and data (this in the modem config data)
    // 0 to 60 bytes data
    // RSSI Threshold -114dBm
    // We dont use the RH_RF69s address filtering: instead we prepend our own headers to the beginning
    // of the RH_RF69 payload
    spiWrite(RH_RF69_REG_3C_FIFOTHRESH, RH_RF69_FIFOTHRESH_TXSTARTCONDITION_NOTEMPTY | 0x0f); // thresh 15 is default
    // RSSITHRESH is default
//    spiWrite(RH_RF69_REG_29_RSSITHRESH, 220); // -110 dbM
    // SYNCCONFIG is default. SyncSize is set later by setSyncWords()
//    spiWrite(RH_RF69_REG_2E_SYNCCONFIG, RH_RF69_SYNCCONFIG_SYNCON); // auto, tolerance 0
    // PAYLOADLENGTH is default
//    spiWrite(RH_RF69_REG_38_PAYLOADLENGTH, RH_RF69_FIFO_SIZE); // max size only for RX
    // PACKETCONFIG 2 is default 
    // If high power boost set previously, disable it

    // The following can be changed later by the user if necessary.
    // Set up default configuration
    uint8_t syncwords[] = { 0x2d, 0xd4 };
    setSyncWords(syncwords, sizeof(syncwords)); // Same as RF22's
    // Reasonably fast and reliable default speed and modulation

    // 3 would be sufficient, but this is the same as RF22's
    // An innocuous ISM frequency, same as RF22's
    // No encryption
    // +13dBm, same as power-on default

    return true;