void SyntiParameterData::print() const
      SParmId spid(_id);
      if (_type == P_FLOAT) {
            printf("<id=(%d,%d,%d) name=%s val=%f>",
               spid.syntiId, spid.subsystemId, spid.paramId,
               qPrintable(_name), _fval);
      else if (_type == P_STRING) {
            printf("<id=(%d,%d,%d) name=%s val=%s>",
               spid.syntiId, spid.subsystemId, spid.paramId,
               qPrintable(_name), qPrintable(_sval));
QString QueryCommand(bool const local)
   QString cmd("/bin/ps xc -S -o command=,pid=,time= ${JOB_ID}");

   if (local) {
      // The command only changes for Windows boxes 
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
      QFileInfo tasklist("/Windows/System32/tasklist.exe");
      if (tasklist.exists()) {
         QString spid("\"PID eq ${JOB_ID}\"");
         QStringList args;
         args << "/v" << "/fo list" << "/fi " + spid;
         cmd = tasklist.filePath() + " " + args.join(" ");
      }else {
         return QString("Error: tasklist.exe not found");

   return cmd;
Sinful::regenerateV1String() {
	if(! m_valid) {
		// The empty list.
		m_v1String = "{}";

	std::vector< SourceRoute > v;
	std::vector< SourceRoute > publics;

	// We need to preserve the primary address to permit round-trips from
	// original serialization to v1 serialization and back again.  If we're
	// clever, we can also use the special primary-address entry to handle
	// some troublesome backwards-compability concerns: original Sinful
	// did no input validation, and an empty original Sinful is considered
	// valid.  We should also be able to maintain the invariant that all
	// addresses are protocol literals (and therefore require no lookup).
	SourceRoute sr( CP_PRIMARY, m_host, getPortNum(), PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAME );
	v.push_back( sr );

	// Presently,
	// each element of the list must be of one of the following forms:
	// a = primary, port = port, p = IPv4, n = "internet"
	// a = primary, port = port, p = IPv6, n = "internet"
	// a = addrs[], port = port, p = IPv4, n = "internet"
	// a = addrs[], port = port, p = IPv6, n = "internet"
	// a = primary, port = port, p = IPv4, n = "private"
	// a = primary, port = port, p = IPv6, n = "private"
	// a = private, port = privport, p = IPv4, n = "private"
	// a = private, port = privport, p = IPv6, n = "private"
	// a = CCB[], port = ccbport, p = IPv4, n = "internet"
	// a = CCB[], port = ccbport, p = IPv6, n = "internet"
	// a = CCB[], port = ccbport, p = IPv4, n = "internet", ccbsharedport
	// a = CCB[], port = ccbport, p = IPv6, n = "internet", ccbsharedport
	// Additionally, each of the above may also include sp; if any
	// address includes sp, all must include (the same) sp.

	// Start by generating our list of public addresses.
	if( numParams() == 0 ) {
		condor_sockaddr sa;
		if( sa.from_ip_string( m_host ) ) {
			SourceRoute * sr = simpleRouteFromSinful( * this );
			if( sr != NULL ) {
				publics.push_back( * sr );
				delete sr;
	} else if( hasAddrs() ) {
		for( unsigned i = 0; i < addrs.size(); ++i ) {
			condor_sockaddr sa = addrs[i];
			SourceRoute sr( sa, PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAME );
			publics.push_back( sr );

	// If we have a private network, either:
	//		* add its private network address, if it exists
	//	or
	//		* add each of its public addresses.
	// In both cases, the network name for the routes being added is the
	// private network name.
	if( getPrivateNetworkName() != NULL ) {
		if( getPrivateAddr() == NULL ) {
			for( unsigned i = 0; i < publics.size(); ++i ) {
				SourceRoute sr( publics[i], getPrivateNetworkName() );
				v.push_back( sr );
		} else {
			// The private address is defined to be a simple original Sinful,
			// just and ip-and-port string surrounded by brackets.  This is
			// overkill, but it's less ugly than stripping the brackets.
			Sinful s( getPrivateAddr() );
			if(! s.valid()) {
				m_valid = false;

			SourceRoute * sr = simpleRouteFromSinful( s, getPrivateNetworkName() );
			if( sr == NULL ) {
				m_valid = false;
			v.push_back( * sr );
			free( sr );

	// If we have a CCB address, add all CCB addresses.  Otherwise, add all
	// of our public addresses.
	if( getCCBContact() != NULL ) {
		unsigned brokerIndex = 0;
		StringList brokers( getCCBContact(), " " );

		char * contact = NULL;
		while( (contact = brokers.next()) != NULL ) {
			MyString ccbAddr, ccbID;
			MyString peer( "er, constructing v1 Sinful string" );
			bool contactOK = CCBClient::SplitCCBContact( contact, ccbAddr, ccbID, peer, NULL );
			if(! contactOK ) {
				m_valid = false;

			// A ccbAddr is an original Sinful without the <brackets>.  It
			// may have "PrivNet", "sock", "noUDP", and "alias" set.  What
			// we want to do is add copy ccbAddr's source routes to this
			// Sinful, adding the ccbID and setting the brokerIndex, so
			// that we know how to merge them back together when regenerating
			// this Sinful's original Sinful string.
			std::string ccbSinfulString;
			formatstr( ccbSinfulString, "<%s>", ccbAddr.c_str() );
			Sinful s( ccbSinfulString.c_str() );
			if(! s.valid()) { m_valid = false; return; }
			std::vector< SourceRoute > w;
			if(! s.getSourceRoutes( w )) { m_valid = false; return; }

			for( unsigned j = 0; j < w.size(); ++j ) {
				SourceRoute sr = w[j];
				sr.setBrokerIndex( brokerIndex );
				sr.setCCBID( ccbID.c_str() );

				sr.setSharedPortID( "" );
				if( s.getSharedPortID() != NULL ) {
					sr.setCCBSharedPortID( s.getSharedPortID() );

				v.push_back( sr );

	// We'll never use these addresses -- the CCB address will supersede
	// them -- but we need to record them to properly recreate addrs.
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < publics.size(); ++i ) {
		v.push_back( publics[i] );

	// Set the host alias, if present, on all addresses.
	if( getAlias() != NULL ) {
		std::string alias( getAlias() );
		for( unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i ) {
			v[i].setAlias( alias );

	// Set the shared port ID, if present, on all addresses.
	if( getSharedPortID() != NULL ) {
		std::string spid( getSharedPortID() );
		for( unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i ) {
			v[i].setSharedPortID( spid );

	// Set noUDP, if true, on all addresses.  (We don't have to set
	// noUDP on public non-CCB addresses, or on the private address,
	// unless WANT_UDP_COMMAND_SOCKET is false.  However, we can't
	// distinguish that case from the former two unless both CCB and
	// SP are disabled.)
	if( noUDP() ) {
		for( unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i ) {
			v[i].setNoUDP( true );

	// Now that we've generated a list of source routes, convert it into
	// a nested ClassAd list.  The correct way to do this is to faff
	// about with ClassAds, but they make it uneccessarily hard; for now,
	// I'll just generated the appropriate string directly.

	m_v1String += "{";
	m_v1String += v[0].serialize();
	for( unsigned i = 1; i < v.size(); ++i ) {
		m_v1String += ", ";
		m_v1String += v[i].serialize();
	m_v1String += "}";