//void CUiSkin9GridImage::drawBorder(QPainter* p, QRect rc) const
void CUiSkin9GridImage::drawBorder(QPainter* p, QRect rc)
    QRect arrayDest[9];

	m_rcSrc = rc;//save data
	m_ptTopLeft_InRcSrc = m_arrayRcImage9Grid[0].bottomRight();//save data
    splitRect(rc, m_arrayRcImage9Grid[0].bottomRight(), arrayDest, 9);
	//0 1 2 
	//3 4 5 
	//6 7 8 
    for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < 9; nIndex++)
		m_arrayRcSrc9Grid[nIndex] = arrayDest[nIndex];//save data

		//4 is client area		
        if (nIndex == 4)
        const QRect& rcSrc = m_arrayRcImage9Grid[nIndex];
        const QRect& rcDest = arrayDest[nIndex];
        p->drawImage(rcDest, m_imge, rcSrc);
//void CUiSkin9GridImage::draw(QPainter* p, QRect rc, int nAlpha) const
void CUiSkin9GridImage::draw(QPainter* p, QRect rc, int nAlpha)
    QRect arrayDest[9];
	m_rcSrc = rc;//save data
	m_ptTopLeft_InRcSrc = m_arrayRcImage9Grid[0].bottomRight();//save data

    splitRect(rc, m_arrayRcImage9Grid[0].bottomRight(), arrayDest, 9);
    for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < 9; nIndex++)
		m_arrayRcSrc9Grid[nIndex] = arrayDest[nIndex];//save data

        const QRect& rcSrc = m_arrayRcImage9Grid[nIndex];
        const QRect& rcDest = arrayDest[nIndex];
        if (nAlpha > 0 && nAlpha <= 255)
            p->drawImage(rcDest, m_imge, rcSrc);
            p->drawImage(rcDest, m_imge, rcSrc);
void testApp::splitRect(ofRectangle r) {
	static char min = 4;
	int size = (int) r.width >> 1;
	static unsigned int* p = (unsigned int*)img.getPixels();
	if( r.width < min) return;
	int x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3;
	x1 = r.x; x2= r.x+size, x3 = r.x+size*2;
	y1 = r.y; y2= r.y+size, y3 = r.y+size*2;

	int i0 = p[x1+y1*4096]+p[(x2-1)+(y2-1)*4096]-p[x1+(y2-1)*4096]-p[(x2-1)+y1*4096];
	int i1 = p[x2+y1*4096]+p[(x3-1)+(y2-1)*4096]-p[x2+(y2-1)*4096]-p[(x3-1)+y1*4096];
	int i2 = p[x1+y2*4096]+p[(x2-1)+(y3-1)*4096]-p[x1+(y3-1)*4096]-p[(x2-1)+y2*4096];
	int i3 = p[x2+y2*4096]+p[(x3-1)+(y3-1)*4096]-p[x2+(y3-1)*4096]-p[(x3-1)+y2*4096];

	ofRectangle r0(x1, y1, size, size);
	ofRectangle r1(x2, y1, size, size);
	ofRectangle r2(x1, y2, size, size);
	ofRectangle r3(x2, y2, size, size);
	if(i0) { if (i0 >= 8) splitRect(r0); else { rects.push_back(r0); integrals.push_back(i0); }}
	if(i1) { if (i1 >= 8) splitRect(r1); else { rects.push_back(r1); integrals.push_back(i1); }}
	if(i2) { if (i2 >= 8) splitRect(r2); else { rects.push_back(r2); integrals.push_back(i2); }}
	if(i3) { if (i3 >= 8) splitRect(r3); else { rects.push_back(r3); integrals.push_back(i3); }}
bool CUiSkin9GridImage::setImage(const QString& strImageFileName, QPoint ptTopLeft)
    if (false == m_imge.load(strImageFileName))
        return false;
    int nImageWidth = m_imge.width();
    int nImageHeight = m_imge.height();
    return splitRect(QRect(0, 0, nImageWidth, nImageHeight), ptTopLeft, m_arrayRcImage9Grid, 9);
void CUiSkin9GridImage::draw_const( QPainter* p, QRect rc, int nAlpha ) const
	QRect arrayDest[9];
	splitRect(rc, m_arrayRcImage9Grid[0].bottomRight(), arrayDest, 9);
	for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < 9; nIndex++)
		const QRect& rcSrc = m_arrayRcImage9Grid[nIndex];
		const QRect& rcDest = arrayDest[nIndex];
		if (nAlpha > 0 && nAlpha <= 255)
			p->drawImage(rcDest, m_imge, rcSrc);
			p->drawImage(rcDest, m_imge, rcSrc);
bool computeSplitPlane(unsigned int vcount,
                       const float *vertices,
                       unsigned int tcount,
                       const unsigned int *indices,
                       ConvexDecompInterface *callback,
                       float *plane)
  bool cret = false;

  float bmin[3] = { 1e9, 1e9, 1e9 };
  float bmax[3] = { -1e9, -1e9, -1e9 };

 	for (unsigned int i=0; i<vcount; i++)
    const float *p = &vertices[i*3];

 		if ( p[0] < bmin[0] ) bmin[0] = p[0];
 		if ( p[1] < bmin[1] ) bmin[1] = p[1];
 		if ( p[2] < bmin[2] ) bmin[2] = p[2];

 		if ( p[0] > bmax[0] ) bmax[0] = p[0];
 		if ( p[1] > bmax[1] ) bmax[1] = p[1];
 		if ( p[2] > bmax[2] ) bmax[2] = p[2];


  float dx = bmax[0] - bmin[0];
  float dy = bmax[1] - bmin[1];
  float dz = bmax[2] - bmin[2];

	float laxis = dx;

	unsigned int axis = 0;

	if ( dy > dx )
		axis = 1;
		laxis = dy;

	if ( dz > dx && dz > dy )
		axis = 2;
		laxis = dz;

  float p1[3];
  float p2[3];
  float p3[3];

  p3[0] = p2[0] = p1[0] = bmin[0] + dx*0.5f;
  p3[1] = p2[1] = p1[1] = bmin[1] + dy*0.5f;
  p3[2] = p2[2] = p1[2] = bmin[2] + dz*0.5f;

  Rect3d b(bmin,bmax);

  Rect3d b1,b2;


//  callback->ConvexDebugBound(b1.mMin,b1.mMax,0x00FF00);
//  callback->ConvexDebugBound(b2.mMin,b2.mMax,0xFFFF00);

  switch ( axis )
    case 0:
      p2[1] = bmin[1];
      p2[2] = bmin[2];

      if ( dz > dy )
        p3[1] = bmax[1];
        p3[2] = bmin[2];
        p3[1] = bmin[1];
        p3[2] = bmax[2];

    case 1:
      p2[0] = bmin[0];
      p2[2] = bmin[2];

      if ( dx > dz )
        p3[0] = bmax[0];
        p3[2] = bmin[2];
        p3[0] = bmin[0];
        p3[2] = bmax[2];

    case 2:
      p2[0] = bmin[0];
      p2[1] = bmin[1];

      if ( dx > dy )
        p3[0] = bmax[0];
        p3[1] = bmin[1];
        p3[0] = bmin[0];
        p3[1] = bmax[1];


//  callback->ConvexDebugTri(p1,p2,p3,0xFF0000);


  return true;

bool computeSplitPlane(unsigned int vcount,
                       const double *vertices,
                       unsigned int tcount,
                       const unsigned int *indices,
                       ConvexDecompInterface *callback,
                       double *plane)
  bool cret = false;

  double sides[3];
  double matrix[16];

  computeBestFitOBB( vcount, vertices, sizeof(double)*3, sides, matrix );

  double bmax[3];
  double bmin[3];

  bmax[0] = sides[0]*0.5f;
  bmax[1] = sides[1]*0.5f;
  bmax[2] = sides[2]*0.5f;

  bmin[0] = -bmax[0];
  bmin[1] = -bmax[1];
  bmin[2] = -bmax[2];

  double dx = sides[0];
  double dy = sides[1];
  double dz = sides[2];

	double laxis = dx;

	unsigned int axis = 0;

	if ( dy > dx )
		axis = 1;
		laxis = dy;

	if ( dz > dx && dz > dy )
		axis = 2;
		laxis = dz;

  double p1[3];
  double p2[3];
  double p3[3];

  p3[0] = p2[0] = p1[0] = bmin[0] + dx*0.5f;
  p3[1] = p2[1] = p1[1] = bmin[1] + dy*0.5f;
  p3[2] = p2[2] = p1[2] = bmin[2] + dz*0.5f;

  Rect3d b(bmin,bmax);

  Rect3d b1,b2;


//  callback->ConvexDebugBound(b1.mMin,b1.mMax,0x00FF00);
//  callback->ConvexDebugBound(b2.mMin,b2.mMax,0xFFFF00);

  switch ( axis )
    case 0:
      p2[1] = bmin[1];
      p2[2] = bmin[2];

      if ( dz > dy )
        p3[1] = bmax[1];
        p3[2] = bmin[2];
        p3[1] = bmin[1];
        p3[2] = bmax[2];

    case 1:
      p2[0] = bmin[0];
      p2[2] = bmin[2];

      if ( dx > dz )
        p3[0] = bmax[0];
        p3[2] = bmin[2];
        p3[0] = bmin[0];
        p3[2] = bmax[2];

    case 2:
      p2[0] = bmin[0];
      p2[1] = bmin[1];

      if ( dx > dy )
        p3[0] = bmax[0];
        p3[1] = bmin[1];
        p3[0] = bmin[0];
        p3[1] = bmax[1];


  double tp1[3];
  double tp2[3];
  double tp3[3];


//  callback->ConvexDebugTri(p1,p2,p3,0xFF0000);


  return true;

void drawOccluded(Window* win, Rect* baserect, List* splitrect_list) {

	if (!splitrect_list)

	int split_count = 0;
	int total_count = 1;
	int working_total = 0;
	List* out_rects;
	Rect* working_rects = (Rect*)0;
	int i, j, k;
	Rect *new_rect, *rect, *split_rect, *out_rect;

	//If there's nothing occluding us, just render the bitmap and get out of here
	if (!splitrect_list->count) {

		drawBmpRect(win, baserect);

	out_rects = List_new();

	if (!out_rects) {


	rect = Rect_new(baserect->top, baserect->left, baserect->bottom, baserect->right);

	if (!rect) {

		List_delete(out_rects, Rect_deleter);

	if (!List_add(out_rects, (void*)rect)) {

		List_delete(out_rects, Rect_deleter);

	//For each splitting rect, split each rect in out_rects, delete the rectangle that was split, and add the resultant split rectangles
	List_for_each(splitrect_list, split_rect, Rect*) {

		List_for_each(out_rects, out_rect, Rect*) {

			if ((split_rect->left <= out_rect->right &&
				split_rect->right >= out_rect->left &&
				split_rect->top <= out_rect->bottom &&
				split_rect->bottom >= out_rect->top)) {

				List* clip_list = splitRect(out_rect, split_rect);

				if (!clip_list) {

					List_delete(out_rects, Rect_deleter);

				//If nothing was returned, we actually want to clip a rectangle in its entirety
				if (!clip_list->count) {

					List_remove(out_rects, (void*)out_rect, Rect_deleter);

					//If we deleted the last output rectangle, we are completely 
					//occluded and can return early
					if (out_rects->count == 0) {

						List_delete(clip_list, Rect_deleter);
						List_delete(out_rects, Rect_deleter);

					//Otherwise, go back to the top of the loop and test the next out_rect

				//Replace the rectangle that got split with the first result rectangle 
				rect = (Rect*)List_get_at(clip_list, 0);
				out_rect->top = rect->top;
				out_rect->left = rect->left;
				out_rect->bottom = rect->bottom;
				out_rect->right = rect->right;

				//Append the rest of the result rectangles to the output collection
				List_for_each_skip(clip_list, rect, Rect*, 1) {

					new_rect = Rect_new(rect->top, rect->left, rect->bottom, rect->right);

					if (!new_rect) {
						List_delete(clip_list, Rect_deleter);
						List_delete(out_rects, Rect_deleter);

					if (!List_add(out_rects, (void*)new_rect)){

						List_delete(clip_list, Rect_deleter);
						List_delete(out_rects, Rect_deleter);

				//Free the space that was used for the split 
				List_delete(clip_list, Rect_deleter);

				//Restart the list 
    // here is where we split the mesh..
    void split(const TriVector &triangles,
               uint32 vcount,
               const float *vertices,
               uint32 tcount,
               const uint32 *indices,
               uint32 depth,
               uint32 maxDepth,	// Maximum recursion depth for the triangle mesh.
               uint32 minLeafSize,	// minimum triangles to treat as a 'leaf' node.
               float	minAxisSize,
               NodeInterface *callback,
               TriVector &leafTriangles)	// once a particular axis is less than this size, stop sub-dividing.

        // Find the longest axis of the bounding volume of this node
        float dx = mBounds.mMax[0] - mBounds.mMin[0];
        float dy = mBounds.mMax[1] - mBounds.mMin[1];
        float dz = mBounds.mMax[2] - mBounds.mMin[2];

        AxisAABB axis = AABB_XAXIS;
        float laxis = dx;
        if ( dy > dx )
            axis = AABB_YAXIS;
            laxis = dy;
        if ( dz > dx && dz > dy )
            axis = AABB_ZAXIS;
            laxis = dz;

        uint32 count = triangles.size();

        // if the number of triangles is less than the minimum allowed for a leaf node or...
        // we have reached the maximum recursion depth or..
        // the width of the longest axis is less than the minimum axis size then...
        // we create the leaf node and copy the triangles into the leaf node triangle array.
        if ( count < minLeafSize || depth >= maxDepth || laxis < minAxisSize )
            // Copy the triangle indices into the leaf triangles array
            mLeafTriangleIndex = leafTriangles.size(); // assign the array start location for these leaf triangles.
            for (auto i=triangles.begin(); i!=triangles.end(); ++i)
                leafTriangles.pushBack( *i );
            float center[3];
            BoundsAABB b1,b2;

            // Compute two bounding boxes based upon the split of the longest axis

            BoundsAABB leftBounds,rightBounds;

            TriVector leftTriangles;
            TriVector rightTriangles;

            // Create two arrays; one of all triangles which intersect the 'left' half of the bounding volume node
            // and another array that includes all triangles which intersect the 'right' half of the bounding volume node.
            for (auto i=triangles.begin(); i!=triangles.end(); ++i)
                uint32 tri = (*i);

                    uint32 i1 = indices[tri*3+0];
                    uint32 i2 = indices[tri*3+1];
                    uint32 i3 = indices[tri*3+2];

                    const float *p1 = &vertices[i1*3];
                    const float *p2 = &vertices[i2*3];
                    const float *p3 = &vertices[i3*3];

                    if ( b1.containsTriangle(p1,p2,p3))
                        if ( leftTriangles.empty() )
                        leftTriangles.pushBack(tri); // Add this triangle to the 'left triangles' array and revise the left triangles bounding volume

                    if ( b2.containsTriangle(p1,p2,p3))
                        if ( rightTriangles.empty() )
                        rightTriangles.pushBack(tri); // Add this triangle to the 'right triangles' array and revise the right triangles bounding volume.

            if ( !leftTriangles.empty() ) // If there are triangles in the left half then...
                leftBounds.clamp(b1); // we have to clamp the bounding volume so it stays inside the parent volume.
                mLeft = callback->getNode();	// get a new AABB node
                new ( mLeft ) NodeAABB(leftBounds);		// initialize it to default constructor values.
                // Then recursively split this node.

            if ( !rightTriangles.empty() ) // If there are triangles in the right half then..
                rightBounds.clamp(b2);	// clamps the bounding volume so it stays restricted to the size of the parent volume.
                mRight = callback->getNode(); // allocate and default initialize a new node
                new ( mRight ) NodeAABB(rightBounds);
                // Recursively split this node.
