int sge_read_sched_configuration(sge_gdi_ctx_class_t *ctx, lListElem *aSpoolContext, lList **anAnswer) { lList *sched_conf = NULL; bool job_spooling = ctx->get_job_spooling(ctx); DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "sge_read_sched_configuration"); spool_read_list(anAnswer, aSpoolContext, &sched_conf, SGE_TYPE_SCHEDD_CONF); if (lGetNumberOfElem(sched_conf) == 0) { lListElem *ep = sconf_create_default(); if (sched_conf == NULL) { sched_conf = lCreateList("schedd_config_list", SC_Type); } lAppendElem(sched_conf, ep); spool_write_object(anAnswer, spool_get_default_context(), ep, "schedd_conf", SGE_TYPE_SCHEDD_CONF, job_spooling); } if (!sconf_set_config(&sched_conf, anAnswer)) { lFreeList(&sched_conf); DEXIT; return -1; } check_reprioritize_interval(ctx, anAnswer, "local" , "local"); DEXIT; return 0; }
/* * Read the cluster configuration from secondary storage using 'aSpoolContext'. * This is the bootstrap function for the configuration module. It does populate * the list with the cluster configuration. */ int sge_read_configuration(sge_gdi_ctx_class_t *ctx, lListElem *aSpoolContext, lList **config_list, lList *anAnswer) { lListElem *local = NULL; lListElem *global = NULL; int ret = -1; const char *cell_root = ctx->get_cell_root(ctx); const char *qualified_hostname = ctx->get_qualified_hostname(ctx); u_long32 progid = ctx->get_who(ctx); DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "sge_read_configuration"); SGE_LOCK(LOCK_MASTER_CONF, LOCK_WRITE); spool_read_list(&anAnswer, aSpoolContext, config_list, SGE_TYPE_CONFIG); /* * For Urubu (6.2u2) we won't have and update script. Therefore the master * has to be able to cope with a missing "jsv_url" string. * * TODO: Nethertheless we have to add the "jsv_url" to the update script * for the first release after Urubu. */ { lListElem *global = lGetElemHost(*config_list, CONF_name, "global"); if (global != NULL) { lList *entries = lGetList(global, CONF_entries); lListElem *jsv_url = lGetElemStr(entries, CF_name, "jsv_url"); if (jsv_url == NULL) { jsv_url = lAddSubStr(global, CF_name, "jsv_url", CONF_entries, CF_Type); if (jsv_url != NULL) { lSetString(jsv_url, CF_value, "none"); } } } } /* * For Urubu (6.2u2) we won't have and update script. Therefore the master * has to be able to cope with a missing "jsv_allowed_mod" string. * * TODO: Nethertheless we have to add the "jsv_allowed_mod" to the update * script for the first release after Urubu. */ { lListElem *global = lGetElemHost(*config_list, CONF_name, "global"); if (global != NULL) { lList *entries = lGetList(global, CONF_entries); lListElem *jsv_url = lGetElemStr(entries, CF_name, "jsv_allowed_mod"); if (jsv_url == NULL) { jsv_url = lAddSubStr(global, CF_name, "jsv_allowed_mod", CONF_entries, CF_Type); if (jsv_url != NULL) { lSetString(jsv_url, CF_value, "ac,h,i,e,o,j,M,N,p,w"); } } } } SGE_UNLOCK(LOCK_MASTER_CONF, LOCK_WRITE); answer_list_output(&anAnswer); DPRINTF(("qualified_hostname: '%s'\n", qualified_hostname)); if ((local = sge_get_configuration_for_host(qualified_hostname)) == NULL) { /* write a warning into messages file, if no local config exists*/ WARNING((SGE_EVENT, MSG_CONF_NOLOCAL_S, qualified_hostname)); } if ((global = sge_get_configuration_for_host(SGE_GLOBAL_NAME)) == NULL) { ERROR((SGE_EVENT, SFNMAX, MSG_CONF_NOGLOBAL)); DRETURN(-1); } ret = merge_configuration(&anAnswer, progid, cell_root, global, local, NULL); answer_list_output(&anAnswer); lFreeElem(&local); lFreeElem(&global); if (0 != ret) { ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_CONFIG_ERRORXMERGINGCONFIGURATIONY_IS, ret, qualified_hostname)); DRETURN(-1); } sge_show_conf(); DRETURN(0); }