文件: os_os2.c 项目: 3rdexp/jezzitest
** Create a temporary file name in zBuf.  zBuf must be big enough to
** hold at least SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE characters.
int sqlite3Os2TempFileName( char *zBuf ){
  static const unsigned char zChars[] =
  int i, j;
  PSZ zTempPath = 0;
  if( DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TEMP", &zTempPath ) ){
    if( DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TMP", &zTempPath ) ){
      if( DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TMPDIR", &zTempPath ) ){
           ULONG ulDriveNum = 0, ulDriveMap = 0;
           DosQueryCurrentDisk( &ulDriveNum, &ulDriveMap );
           sprintf( (char*)zTempPath, "%c:", (char)( 'A' + ulDriveNum - 1 ) );
      sprintf( zBuf, "%s\\"TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, zTempPath );
      j = strlen( zBuf );
      sqlite3Randomness( 15, &zBuf[j] );
      for( i = 0; i < 15; i++, j++ ){
        zBuf[j] = (char)zChars[ ((unsigned char)zBuf[j])%(sizeof(zChars)-1) ];
      zBuf[j] = 0;
      if( !sqlite3OsFileExists( zBuf ) ) break;
  OSTRACE2( "TEMP FILENAME: %s\n", zBuf );
  return SQLITE_OK;
** Create a temporary file name in zBuf.  zBuf must be big enough to
** hold at least SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE characters.
int sqlite3WinTempFileName(char *zBuf){
  static char zChars[] =
  int i, j;
  if( sqlite3_temp_directory ){
    strncpy(zTempPath, sqlite3_temp_directory, SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE-30);
    zTempPath[SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE-30] = 0;
  }else if( isNT() ){
    char *zMulti;
    GetTempPathW(SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE-30, zWidePath);
    zMulti = unicodeToUtf8(zWidePath);
    if( zMulti ){
      strncpy(zTempPath, zMulti, SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE-30);
      zTempPath[SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE-30] = 0;
      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    char *zUtf8;
    char zMbcsPath[SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE];
    GetTempPathA(SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE-30, zMbcsPath);
    zUtf8 = mbcsToUtf8(zMbcsPath);
    if( zUtf8 ){
      strncpy(zTempPath, zUtf8, SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE-30);
      zTempPath[SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE-30] = 0;
      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  for(i=strlen(zTempPath); i>0 && zTempPath[i-1]=='\\'; i--){}
  zTempPath[i] = 0;
    sprintf(zBuf, "%s\\"TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, zTempPath);
    j = strlen(zBuf);
    sqlite3Randomness(15, &zBuf[j]);
    for(i=0; i<15; i++, j++){
      zBuf[j] = (char)zChars[ ((unsigned char)zBuf[j])%(sizeof(zChars)-1) ];
    zBuf[j] = 0;
    if( !sqlite3OsFileExists(zBuf) ) break;
  TRACE2("TEMP FILENAME: %s\n", zBuf);
  return SQLITE_OK; 
** Create a temporary file name in zBuf.  zBuf must be big enough to
** hold at least SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE characters.
int sqlite3Os2TempFileName( char *zBuf ){
  static const unsigned char zChars[] =
  int i, j;
  PSZ zTempPath = 0;
  if( DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TEMP", &zTempPath ) ){
    if( DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TMP", &zTempPath ) ){
      if( DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TMPDIR", &zTempPath ) ){
           ULONG ulDriveNum = 0, ulDriveMap = 0;
           DosQueryCurrentDisk( &ulDriveNum, &ulDriveMap );
           sprintf( (char*)zTempPath, "%c:", (char)( 'A' + ulDriveNum - 1 ) );
  /* strip off a trailing slashes or backslashes, otherwise we would get *
   * multiple (back)slashes which causes DosOpen() to fail               */
  j = strlen(zTempPath);
  while( j > 0 && zTempPath[j-1] == '\\' || zTempPath[j-1] == '/' ){
  zTempPath[j] = '\0';
      sprintf( zBuf, "%s\\"TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, zTempPath );
      j = strlen( zBuf );
      sqlite3Randomness( 15, &zBuf[j] );
      for( i = 0; i < 15; i++, j++ ){
        zBuf[j] = (char)zChars[ ((unsigned char)zBuf[j])%(sizeof(zChars)-1) ];
      zBuf[j] = 0;
      if( !sqlite3OsFileExists( zBuf ) ) break;
  OSTRACE2( "TEMP FILENAME: %s\n", zBuf );
  return SQLITE_OK;
** This routine implements the OP_Vacuum opcode of the VDBE.
int sqlite3RunVacuum(char **pzErrMsg, sqlite3 *db){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;     /* Return code from service routines */
  const char *zFilename;  /* full pathname of the database file */
  int nFilename;          /* number of characters  in zFilename[] */
  char *zTemp = 0;        /* a temporary file in same directory as zFilename */
  Btree *pMain;           /* The database being vacuumed */
  Btree *pTemp;
  char *zSql = 0;
  int saved_flags;       /* Saved value of the db->flags */
  Db *pDb = 0;           /* Database to detach at end of vacuum */

  /* Save the current value of the write-schema flag before setting it. */
  saved_flags = db->flags;
  db->flags |= SQLITE_WriteSchema | SQLITE_IgnoreChecks;

  if( !db->autoCommit ){
    sqlite3SetString(pzErrMsg, "cannot VACUUM from within a transaction", 
    rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
    goto end_of_vacuum;

  /* Get the full pathname of the database file and create a
  ** temporary filename in the same directory as the original file.
  pMain = db->aDb[0].pBt;
  zFilename = sqlite3BtreeGetFilename(pMain);
  assert( zFilename );
  if( zFilename[0]=='\0' ){
    /* The in-memory database. Do nothing. Return directly to avoid causing
    ** an error trying to DETACH the vacuum_db (which never got attached)
    ** in the exit-handler.
    return SQLITE_OK;
  nFilename = strlen(zFilename);
  zTemp = sqliteMalloc( nFilename+100 );
  if( zTemp==0 ){
    rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
    goto end_of_vacuum;
  strcpy(zTemp, zFilename);

  /* The randomName() procedure in the following loop uses an excellent
  ** source of randomness to generate a name from a space of 1.3e+31 
  ** possibilities.  So unless the directory already contains on the order
  ** of 1.3e+31 files, the probability that the following loop will
  ** run more than once or twice is vanishingly small.  We are certain
  ** enough that this loop will always terminate (and terminate quickly)
  ** that we don't even bother to set a maximum loop count.
  do {
    zTemp[nFilename] = '-';
    randomName((unsigned char*)&zTemp[nFilename+1]);
  } while( sqlite3OsFileExists(zTemp) );

  /* Attach the temporary database as 'vacuum_db'. The synchronous pragma
  ** can be set to 'off' for this file, as it is not recovered if a crash
  ** occurs anyway. The integrity of the database is maintained by a
  ** (possibly synchronous) transaction opened on the main database before
  ** sqlite3BtreeCopyFile() is called.
  ** An optimisation would be to use a non-journaled pager.
  zSql = sqlite3MPrintf("ATTACH '%q' AS vacuum_db;", zTemp);
  if( !zSql ){
    rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
    goto end_of_vacuum;
  rc = execSql(db, zSql);
  zSql = 0;
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;
  pDb = &db->aDb[db->nDb-1];
  assert( strcmp(db->aDb[db->nDb-1].zName,"vacuum_db")==0 );
  pTemp = db->aDb[db->nDb-1].pBt;
  sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(pTemp, sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(pMain),
  assert( sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(pTemp)==sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(pMain) );
  rc = execSql(db, "PRAGMA vacuum_db.synchronous=OFF");
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    goto end_of_vacuum;

  sqlite3BtreeSetAutoVacuum(pTemp, sqlite3BtreeGetAutoVacuum(pMain));

  /* Begin a transaction */
  rc = execSql(db, "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE;");
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;

  /* Query the schema of the main database. Create a mirror schema
  ** in the temporary database.
  rc = execExecSql(db, 
      "SELECT 'CREATE TABLE vacuum_db.' || substr(sql,14,100000000) "
      "  FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name!='sqlite_sequence'"
      "   AND rootpage>0"
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;
  rc = execExecSql(db, 
      "SELECT 'CREATE INDEX vacuum_db.' || substr(sql,14,100000000)"
      "  FROM sqlite_master WHERE sql LIKE 'CREATE INDEX %' ");
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;
  rc = execExecSql(db, 
      "SELECT 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX vacuum_db.' || substr(sql,21,100000000) "
      "  FROM sqlite_master WHERE sql LIKE 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX %'");
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;

  /* Loop through the tables in the main database. For each, do
  ** an "INSERT INTO vacuum_db.xxx SELECT * FROM xxx;" to copy
  ** the contents to the temporary database.
  rc = execExecSql(db, 
      "SELECT 'INSERT INTO vacuum_db.' || quote(name) "
      "|| ' SELECT * FROM ' || quote(name) || ';'"
      "FROM sqlite_master "
      "WHERE type = 'table' AND name!='sqlite_sequence' "
      "  AND rootpage>0"

  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;

  /* Copy over the sequence table
  rc = execExecSql(db, 
      "SELECT 'DELETE FROM vacuum_db.' || quote(name) || ';' "
      "FROM vacuum_db.sqlite_master WHERE name='sqlite_sequence' "
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;
  rc = execExecSql(db, 
      "SELECT 'INSERT INTO vacuum_db.' || quote(name) "
      "|| ' SELECT * FROM ' || quote(name) || ';' "
      "FROM vacuum_db.sqlite_master WHERE name=='sqlite_sequence';"
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;

  /* Copy the triggers, views, and virtual tables from the main database
  ** over to the temporary database.  None of these objects has any
  ** associated storage, so all we have to do is copy their entries
  ** from the SQLITE_MASTER table.
  rc = execSql(db,
      "INSERT INTO vacuum_db.sqlite_master "
      "  SELECT type, name, tbl_name, rootpage, sql"
      "    FROM sqlite_master"
      "   WHERE type='view' OR type='trigger'"
      "      OR (type='table' AND rootpage=0)"
  if( rc ) goto end_of_vacuum;

  /* At this point, unless the main db was completely empty, there is now a
  ** transaction open on the vacuum database, but not on the main database.
  ** Open a btree level transaction on the main database. This allows a
  ** call to sqlite3BtreeCopyFile(). The main database btree level
  ** transaction is then committed, so the SQL level never knows it was
  ** opened for writing. This way, the SQL transaction used to create the
  ** temporary database never needs to be committed.
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    u32 meta;
    int i;

    /* This array determines which meta meta values are preserved in the
    ** vacuum.  Even entries are the meta value number and odd entries
    ** are an increment to apply to the meta value after the vacuum.
    ** The increment is used to increase the schema cookie so that other
    ** connections to the same database will know to reread the schema.
    static const unsigned char aCopy[] = {
       1, 1,    /* Add one to the old schema cookie */
       3, 0,    /* Preserve the default page cache size */
       5, 0,    /* Preserve the default text encoding */
       6, 0,    /* Preserve the user version */

    assert( 1==sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(pTemp) );
    assert( 1==sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(pMain) );

    /* Copy Btree meta values */
    for(i=0; i<sizeof(aCopy)/sizeof(aCopy[0]); i+=2){
      rc = sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(pMain, aCopy[i], &meta);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;
      rc = sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(pTemp, aCopy[i], meta+aCopy[i+1]);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;

    rc = sqlite3BtreeCopyFile(pMain, pTemp);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;
    rc = sqlite3BtreeCommit(pTemp);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;
    rc = sqlite3BtreeCommit(pMain);

  /* Restore the original value of db->flags */
  db->flags = saved_flags;

  /* Currently there is an SQL level transaction open on the vacuum
  ** database. No locks are held on any other files (since the main file
  ** was committed at the btree level). So it safe to end the transaction
  ** by manually setting the autoCommit flag to true and detaching the
  ** vacuum database. The vacuum_db journal file is deleted when the pager
  ** is closed by the DETACH.
  db->autoCommit = 1;

  if( pDb ){
    pDb->pBt = 0;
    pDb->pSchema = 0;

  if( zTemp ){
  sqliteFree( zSql );
  sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0);

  return rc;
** A read or write transaction may or may not be active on database handle
** db. If a transaction is active, commit it. If there is a
** write-transaction spanning more than one database file, this routine
** takes care of the master journal trickery.
static int vdbeCommit(sqlite3 *db){
  int i;
  int nTrans = 0;  /* Number of databases with an active write-transaction */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  int needXcommit = 0;

  for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){ 
    Btree *pBt = db->aDb[i].pBt;
    if( pBt && sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(pBt) ){
      needXcommit = 1;
      if( i!=1 ) nTrans++;

  /* If there are any write-transactions at all, invoke the commit hook */
  if( needXcommit && db->xCommitCallback ){
    int rc;
    rc = db->xCommitCallback(db->pCommitArg);
    if( rc ){

  /* The simple case - no more than one database file (not counting the
  ** TEMP database) has a transaction active.   There is no need for the
  ** master-journal.
  ** If the return value of sqlite3BtreeGetFilename() is a zero length
  ** string, it means the main database is :memory:.  In that case we do
  ** not support atomic multi-file commits, so use the simple case then
  ** too.
  if( 0==strlen(sqlite3BtreeGetFilename(db->aDb[0].pBt)) || nTrans<=1 ){
    for(i=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<db->nDb; i++){ 
      Btree *pBt = db->aDb[i].pBt;
      if( pBt ){
        rc = sqlite3BtreeSync(pBt, 0);

    /* Do the commit only if all databases successfully synced */
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){
        Btree *pBt = db->aDb[i].pBt;
        if( pBt ){

  /* The complex case - There is a multi-file write-transaction active.
  ** This requires a master journal file to ensure the transaction is
  ** committed atomicly.
    char *zMaster = 0;   /* File-name for the master journal */
    char const *zMainFile = sqlite3BtreeGetFilename(db->aDb[0].pBt);
    OsFile master;

    /* Select a master journal file name */
    do {
      u32 random;
      sqlite3Randomness(sizeof(random), &random);
      zMaster = sqlite3MPrintf("%s-mj%08X", zMainFile, random&0x7fffffff);
      if( !zMaster ){
        return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    }while( sqlite3OsFileExists(zMaster) );

    /* Open the master journal. */
    memset(&master, 0, sizeof(master));
    rc = sqlite3OsOpenExclusive(zMaster, &master, 0);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      return rc;
    /* Write the name of each database file in the transaction into the new
    ** master journal file. If an error occurs at this point close
    ** and delete the master journal file. All the individual journal files
    ** still have 'null' as the master journal pointer, so they will roll
    ** back independantly if a failure occurs.
    for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){ 
      Btree *pBt = db->aDb[i].pBt;
      if( i==1 ) continue;   /* Ignore the TEMP database */
      if( pBt && sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(pBt) ){
        char const *zFile = sqlite3BtreeGetJournalname(pBt);
        if( zFile[0]==0 ) continue;  /* Ignore :memory: databases */
        rc = sqlite3OsWrite(&master, zFile, strlen(zFile)+1);
        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
          return rc;

    /* Sync the master journal file. Before doing this, open the directory
    ** the master journal file is store in so that it gets synced too.
    zMainFile = sqlite3BtreeGetDirname(db->aDb[0].pBt);
    rc = sqlite3OsOpenDirectory(zMainFile, &master);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      return rc;
    rc = sqlite3OsSync(&master);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      return rc;

    /* Sync all the db files involved in the transaction. The same call
    ** sets the master journal pointer in each individual journal. If
    ** an error occurs here, do not delete the master journal file.
    ** If the error occurs during the first call to sqlite3BtreeSync(),
    ** then there is a chance that the master journal file will be
    ** orphaned. But we cannot delete it, in case the master journal
    ** file name was written into the journal file before the failure
    ** occured.
    for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){ 
      Btree *pBt = db->aDb[i].pBt;
      if( pBt && sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(pBt) ){
        rc = sqlite3BtreeSync(pBt, zMaster);
        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
          return rc;

    /* Delete the master journal file. This commits the transaction. After
    ** doing this the directory is synced again before any individual
    ** transaction files are deleted.
    rc = sqlite3OsDelete(zMaster);
    assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
    zMaster = 0;
    rc = sqlite3OsSyncDirectory(zMainFile);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      /* This is not good. The master journal file has been deleted, but
      ** the directory sync failed. There is no completely safe course of
      ** action from here. The individual journals contain the name of the
      ** master journal file, but there is no way of knowing if that
      ** master journal exists now or if it will exist after the operating
      ** system crash that may follow the fsync() failure.
      return rc;

    /* All files and directories have already been synced, so the following
    ** calls to sqlite3BtreeCommit() are only closing files and deleting
    ** journals. If something goes wrong while this is happening we don't
    ** really care. The integrity of the transaction is already guaranteed,
    ** but some stray 'cold' journals may be lying around. Returning an
    ** error code won't help matters.
    for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){ 
      Btree *pBt = db->aDb[i].pBt;
      if( pBt ){

  return rc;
** Prepare a virtual machine for execution.  This involves things such
** as allocating stack space and initializing the program counter.
** After the VDBE has be prepped, it can be executed by one or more
** calls to sqlite3VdbeExec().  
** This is the only way to move a VDBE from VDBE_MAGIC_INIT to
void sqlite3VdbeMakeReady(
  Vdbe *p,                       /* The VDBE */
  int nVar,                      /* Number of '?' see in the SQL statement */
  int nMem,                      /* Number of memory cells to allocate */
  int nCursor,                   /* Number of cursors to allocate */
  int isExplain                  /* True if the EXPLAIN keywords is present */
  int n;

  assert( p!=0 );
  assert( p->magic==VDBE_MAGIC_INIT );

  /* There should be at least one opcode.
  assert( p->nOp>0 );

  /* No instruction ever pushes more than a single element onto the
  ** stack.  And the stack never grows on successive executions of the
  ** same loop.  So the total number of instructions is an upper bound
  ** on the maximum stack depth required.
  ** Allocation all the stack space we will ever need.
  if( p->aStack==0 ){
    assert( nVar>=0 );
    n = isExplain ? 10 : p->nOp;
    p->aStack = sqliteMalloc(
        n*sizeof(p->aStack[0])         /* aStack */
      + n*sizeof(Mem*)                 /* apArg */
      + nVar*sizeof(Mem)               /* aVar */
      + nVar*sizeof(char*)             /* azVar */
      + nMem*sizeof(Mem)               /* aMem */
      + nCursor*sizeof(Cursor*)        /* apCsr */
    if( !sqlite3_malloc_failed ){
      p->aMem = &p->aStack[n];
      p->nMem = nMem;
      p->aVar = &p->aMem[nMem];
      p->nVar = nVar;
      p->okVar = 0;
      p->apArg = (Mem**)&p->aVar[nVar];
      p->azVar = (char**)&p->apArg[n];
      p->apCsr = (Cursor**)&p->azVar[nVar];
      p->nCursor = nCursor;
      for(n=0; n<nVar; n++){
        p->aVar[n].flags = MEM_Null;
      for(n=0; n<nMem; n++){
        p->aMem[n].flags = MEM_Null;

  if( (p->db->flags & SQLITE_VdbeListing)!=0
    || sqlite3OsFileExists("vdbe_explain")
    int i;
    printf("VDBE Program Listing:\n");
    for(i=0; i<p->nOp; i++){
      sqlite3VdbePrintOp(stdout, i, &p->aOp[i]);
  if( sqlite3OsFileExists("vdbe_trace") ){
    p->trace = stdout;
  p->pTos = &p->aStack[-1];
  p->pc = -1;
  p->rc = SQLITE_OK;
  p->uniqueCnt = 0;
  p->returnDepth = 0;
  p->errorAction = OE_Abort;
  p->popStack =  0;
  p->explain |= isExplain;
  p->magic = VDBE_MAGIC_RUN;
  p->nChange = 0;
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<p->nOp; i++){
      p->aOp[i].cnt = 0;
      p->aOp[i].cycles = 0;
文件: vacuum.c 项目: kanbang/Colt
** This routine implements the OP_Vacuum opcode of the VDBE.
int sqlite3RunVacuum(char **pzErrMsg, sqlite3 *db){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;     /* Return code from service routines */
  const char *zFilename;  /* full pathname of the database file */
  int nFilename;          /* number of characters  in zFilename[] */
  char *zTemp = 0;        /* a temporary file in same directory as zFilename */
  int i;                  /* Loop counter */
  Btree *pMain;           /* The database being vacuumed */
  Btree *pTemp;
  char *zSql = 0;

  if( !db->autoCommit ){
    sqlite3SetString(pzErrMsg, "cannot VACUUM from within a transaction", 
    rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
    goto end_of_vacuum;

  /* Get the full pathname of the database file and create a
  ** temporary filename in the same directory as the original file.
  pMain = db->aDb[0].pBt;
  zFilename = sqlite3BtreeGetFilename(pMain);
  assert( zFilename );
  if( zFilename[0]=='\0' ){
    /* The in-memory database. Do nothing. Return directly to avoid causing
    ** an error trying to DETACH the vacuum_db (which never got attached)
    ** in the exit-handler.
    return SQLITE_OK;
  nFilename = strlen(zFilename);
  zTemp = sqliteMalloc( nFilename+100 );
  if( zTemp==0 ){
    rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
    goto end_of_vacuum;
  strcpy(zTemp, zFilename);
  i = 0;
  do {
    zTemp[nFilename] = '-';
    randomName((unsigned char*)&zTemp[nFilename+1]);
  } while( i<10 && sqlite3OsFileExists(zTemp) );

  /* Attach the temporary database as 'vacuum_db'. The synchronous pragma
  ** can be set to 'off' for this file, as it is not recovered if a crash
  ** occurs anyway. The integrity of the database is maintained by a
  ** (possibly synchronous) transaction opened on the main database before
  ** sqlite3BtreeCopyFile() is called.
  ** An optimisation would be to use a non-journaled pager.
  zSql = sqlite3MPrintf("ATTACH '%q' AS vacuum_db;", zTemp);
  if( !zSql ){
    rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
    goto end_of_vacuum;
  rc = execSql(db, zSql);
  zSql = 0;
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;
  assert( strcmp(db->aDb[db->nDb-1].zName,"vacuum_db")==0 );
  pTemp = db->aDb[db->nDb-1].pBt;
  sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(pTemp, sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(pMain),
  assert( sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(pTemp)==sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(pMain) );
  execSql(db, "PRAGMA vacuum_db.synchronous=OFF");

  /* Begin a transaction */
  rc = execSql(db, "BEGIN;");
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;

  /* Query the schema of the main database. Create a mirror schema
  ** in the temporary database.
  rc = execExecSql(db, 
      "SELECT 'CREATE TABLE vacuum_db.' || substr(sql,14,100000000) "
      "  FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' "
      "UNION ALL "
      "SELECT 'CREATE INDEX vacuum_db.' || substr(sql,14,100000000) "
      "  FROM sqlite_master WHERE sql LIKE 'CREATE INDEX %' "
      "UNION ALL "
      "SELECT 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX vacuum_db.' || substr(sql,21,100000000) "
      "  FROM sqlite_master WHERE sql LIKE 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX %'"
      "UNION ALL "
      "SELECT 'CREATE VIEW vacuum_db.' || substr(sql,13,100000000) "
      "  FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='view'"
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;

  /* Loop through the tables in the main database. For each, do
  ** an "INSERT INTO vacuum_db.xxx SELECT * FROM xxx;" to copy
  ** the contents to the temporary database.
  rc = execExecSql(db, 
      "SELECT 'INSERT INTO vacuum_db.' || quote(name) "
      "|| ' SELECT * FROM ' || quote(name) || ';'"
      "FROM sqlite_master "
      "WHERE type = 'table';"
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;

  /* Copy the triggers from the main database to the temporary database.
  ** This was deferred before in case the triggers interfered with copying
  ** the data. It's possible the indices should be deferred until this
  ** point also.
  rc = execExecSql(db, 
      "SELECT 'CREATE TRIGGER  vacuum_db.' || substr(sql, 16, 1000000) "
      "FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='trigger'"
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;

  /* At this point, unless the main db was completely empty, there is now a
  ** transaction open on the vacuum database, but not on the main database.
  ** Open a btree level transaction on the main database. This allows a
  ** call to sqlite3BtreeCopyFile(). The main database btree level
  ** transaction is then committed, so the SQL level never knows it was
  ** opened for writing. This way, the SQL transaction used to create the
  ** temporary database never needs to be committed.
  if( sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(pTemp) ){
    u32 meta;

    assert( 0==sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(pMain) );
    rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(pMain, 1);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;

    /* Copy Btree meta values 3 and 4. These correspond to SQL layer meta 
    ** values 2 and 3, the default values of a couple of pragmas.
    rc = sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(pMain, 3, &meta);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;
    rc = sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(pTemp, 3, meta);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;
    rc = sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(pMain, 4, &meta);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;
    rc = sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(pTemp, 4, meta);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;

    rc = sqlite3BtreeCopyFile(pMain, pTemp);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;
    rc = sqlite3BtreeCommit(pMain);

  /* Currently there is an SQL level transaction open on the vacuum
  ** database. No locks are held on any other files (since the main file
  ** was committed at the btree level). So it safe to end the transaction
  ** by manually setting the autoCommit flag to true and detaching the
  ** vacuum database. The vacuum_db journal file is deleted when the pager
  ** is closed by the DETACH.
  db->autoCommit = 1;
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    rc = execSql(db, "DETACH vacuum_db;");
    execSql(db, "DETACH vacuum_db;");
  if( zTemp ){
  if( zSql ) sqliteFree( zSql );
  sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0);
  return rc;
** Create a temporary file name in zBuf.  zBuf must be big enough to
** hold at least SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE characters.
int sqlite3OsTempFileName(char *zBuf){
  static char zChars[] =
  int i, j;
  if( sqlite3_temp_directory ){
    strncpy(zTempPath, sqlite3_temp_directory, SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE-30);
    zTempPath[SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE-30] = 0;
    GetTempPathA(SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE-30, zTempPath);
  for(i=strlen(zTempPath); i>0 && zTempPath[i-1]=='\\'; i--){}
  zTempPath[i] = 0;
    sprintf(zBuf, "%s\\"TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, zTempPath);
    j = strlen(zBuf);
    sqlite3Randomness(15, &zBuf[j]);
    for(i=0; i<15; i++, j++){
      zBuf[j] = (char)zChars[ ((unsigned char)zBuf[j])%(sizeof(zChars)-1) ];
    zBuf[j] = 0;
    if( !sqlite3OsFileExists(zBuf) ) break;
  TRACE2("TEMP FILENAME: %s\n", zBuf);
  return SQLITE_OK; 