** Recursively delete an expression tree.
void sqliteExprDelete(Expr *p){
  if( p==0 ) return;
  if( p->span.dyn ) sqliteFree((char*)p->span.z);
  if( p->token.dyn ) sqliteFree((char*)p->token.z);
** Recursively delete a statement tree.
void sqliteStmtDelete(Stmt *p){
  if( p==0 ) return;
  if( p->pExpr1 ) sqliteExprDelete(p->pExpr1);
  if( p->pStmt1 ) sqliteStmtListDelete(p->pStmt1);
  if( p->pStmt2 ) sqliteStmtDelete(p->pStmt2);
  if( p->pBlock ) sqliteBlockDelete(p->pBlock);
文件: trigger.c 项目: andreiw/polaris
** Make a copy of all components of the given trigger step.  This has
** the effect of copying all Expr.token.z values into memory obtained
** from sqliteMalloc().  As initially created, the Expr.token.z values
** all point to the input string that was fed to the parser.  But that
** string is ephemeral - it will go away as soon as the sqlite_exec()
** call that started the parser exits.  This routine makes a persistent
** copy of all the Expr.token.z strings so that the TriggerStep structure
** will be valid even after the sqlite_exec() call returns.
static void sqlitePersistTriggerStep(TriggerStep *p){
  if( p->target.z ){
    p->target.z = sqliteStrNDup(p->target.z, p->target.n);
    p->target.dyn = 1;
  if( p->pSelect ){
    Select *pNew = sqliteSelectDup(p->pSelect);
    p->pSelect = pNew;
  if( p->pWhere ){
    Expr *pNew = sqliteExprDup(p->pWhere);
    p->pWhere = pNew;
  if( p->pExprList ){
    ExprList *pNew = sqliteExprListDup(p->pExprList);
    p->pExprList = pNew;
  if( p->pIdList ){
    IdList *pNew = sqliteIdListDup(p->pIdList);
    p->pIdList = pNew;
文件: trigger.c 项目: andreiw/polaris
** Recursively delete a Trigger structure
void sqliteDeleteTrigger(Trigger *pTrigger){
  if( pTrigger==0 ) return;
  if( pTrigger->nameToken.dyn ) sqliteFree((char*)pTrigger->nameToken.z);
** Delete an entire expression list.
void sqliteExprListDelete(ExprList *pList){
  int i;
  if( pList==0 ) return;
  for(i=0; i<pList->nExpr; i++){
文件: trigger.c 项目: andreiw/polaris
** Delete a linked list of TriggerStep structures.
void sqliteDeleteTriggerStep(TriggerStep *pTriggerStep){
  while( pTriggerStep ){
    TriggerStep * pTmp = pTriggerStep;
    pTriggerStep = pTriggerStep->pNext;

    if( pTmp->target.dyn ) sqliteFree((char*)pTmp->target.z);

** Process an UPDATE statement.
**   UPDATE OR IGNORE table_wxyz SET a=b, c=d WHERE e<5 AND f NOT NULL;
**          \_______/ \________/     \______/       \________________/
*            onError   pTabList      pChanges             pWhere
void sqliteUpdate(
  Parse *pParse,         /* The parser context */
  SrcList *pTabList,     /* The table in which we should change things */
  ExprList *pChanges,    /* Things to be changed */
  Expr *pWhere,          /* The WHERE clause.  May be null */
  int onError            /* How to handle constraint errors */
  int i, j;              /* Loop counters */
  Table *pTab;           /* The table to be updated */
  int addr;              /* VDBE instruction address of the start of the loop */
  WhereInfo *pWInfo;     /* Information about the WHERE clause */
  Vdbe *v;               /* The virtual database engine */
  Index *pIdx;           /* For looping over indices */
  int nIdx;              /* Number of indices that need updating */
  int nIdxTotal;         /* Total number of indices */
  int iCur;              /* VDBE Cursor number of pTab */
  sqlite *db;            /* The database structure */
  Index **apIdx = 0;     /* An array of indices that need updating too */
  char *aIdxUsed = 0;    /* aIdxUsed[i]==1 if the i-th index is used */
  int *aXRef = 0;        /* aXRef[i] is the index in pChanges->a[] of the
                         ** an expression for the i-th column of the table.
                         ** aXRef[i]==-1 if the i-th column is not changed. */
  int chngRecno;         /* True if the record number is being changed */
  Expr *pRecnoExpr;      /* Expression defining the new record number */
  int openAll;           /* True if all indices need to be opened */
  int isView;            /* Trying to update a view */
  AuthContext sContext;  /* The authorization context */

  int before_triggers;         /* True if there are any BEFORE triggers */
  int after_triggers;          /* True if there are any AFTER triggers */
  int row_triggers_exist = 0;  /* True if any row triggers exist */

  int newIdx      = -1;  /* index of trigger "new" temp table       */
  int oldIdx      = -1;  /* index of trigger "old" temp table       */

  sContext.pParse = 0;
  if( pParse->nErr || sqlite_malloc_failed ) goto update_cleanup;
  db = pParse->db;
  assert( pTabList->nSrc==1 );

  /* Locate the table which we want to update. 
  pTab = sqliteSrcListLookup(pParse, pTabList);
  if( pTab==0 ) goto update_cleanup;
  before_triggers = sqliteTriggersExist(pParse, pTab->pTrigger, 
            TK_UPDATE, TK_BEFORE, TK_ROW, pChanges);
  after_triggers = sqliteTriggersExist(pParse, pTab->pTrigger, 
            TK_UPDATE, TK_AFTER, TK_ROW, pChanges);
  row_triggers_exist = before_triggers || after_triggers;
  isView = pTab->pSelect!=0;
  if( sqliteIsReadOnly(pParse, pTab, before_triggers) ){
    goto update_cleanup;
  if( isView ){
    if( sqliteViewGetColumnNames(pParse, pTab) ){
      goto update_cleanup;
  aXRef = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(int) * pTab->nCol );
  if( aXRef==0 ) goto update_cleanup;
  for(i=0; i<pTab->nCol; i++) aXRef[i] = -1;

  /* If there are FOR EACH ROW triggers, allocate cursors for the
  ** special OLD and NEW tables
  if( row_triggers_exist ){
    newIdx = pParse->nTab++;
    oldIdx = pParse->nTab++;

  /* Allocate a cursors for the main database table and for all indices.
  ** The index cursors might not be used, but if they are used they
  ** need to occur right after the database cursor.  So go ahead and
  ** allocate enough space, just in case.
  pTabList->a[0].iCursor = iCur = pParse->nTab++;
  for(pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){

  /* Resolve the column names in all the expressions of the
  ** of the UPDATE statement.  Also find the column index
  ** for each column to be updated in the pChanges array.  For each
  ** column to be updated, make sure we have authorization to change
  ** that column.
  chngRecno = 0;
  for(i=0; i<pChanges->nExpr; i++){
    if( sqliteExprResolveIds(pParse, pTabList, 0, pChanges->a[i].pExpr) ){
      goto update_cleanup;
    if( sqliteExprCheck(pParse, pChanges->a[i].pExpr, 0, 0) ){
      goto update_cleanup;
    for(j=0; j<pTab->nCol; j++){
      if( sqliteStrICmp(pTab->aCol[j].zName, pChanges->a[i].zName)==0 ){
        if( j==pTab->iPKey ){
          chngRecno = 1;
          pRecnoExpr = pChanges->a[i].pExpr;
        aXRef[j] = i;
    if( j>=pTab->nCol ){
      if( sqliteIsRowid(pChanges->a[i].zName) ){
        chngRecno = 1;
        pRecnoExpr = pChanges->a[i].pExpr;
        sqliteErrorMsg(pParse, "no such column: %s", pChanges->a[i].zName);
        goto update_cleanup;
      int rc;
      rc = sqliteAuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_UPDATE, pTab->zName,
                           pTab->aCol[j].zName, db->aDb[pTab->iDb].zName);
      if( rc==SQLITE_DENY ){
        goto update_cleanup;
      }else if( rc==SQLITE_IGNORE ){
        aXRef[j] = -1;

  /* Allocate memory for the array apIdx[] and fill it with pointers to every
  ** index that needs to be updated.  Indices only need updating if their
  ** key includes one of the columns named in pChanges or if the record
  ** number of the original table entry is changing.
  for(nIdx=nIdxTotal=0, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext, nIdxTotal++){
    if( chngRecno ){
      i = 0;
    }else {
      for(i=0; i<pIdx->nColumn; i++){
        if( aXRef[pIdx->aiColumn[i]]>=0 ) break;
    if( i<pIdx->nColumn ) nIdx++;
  if( nIdxTotal>0 ){
    apIdx = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(Index*) * nIdx + nIdxTotal );
    if( apIdx==0 ) goto update_cleanup;
    aIdxUsed = (char*)&apIdx[nIdx];
  for(nIdx=j=0, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext, j++){
    if( chngRecno ){
      i = 0;
      for(i=0; i<pIdx->nColumn; i++){
        if( aXRef[pIdx->aiColumn[i]]>=0 ) break;
    if( i<pIdx->nColumn ){
      apIdx[nIdx++] = pIdx;
      aIdxUsed[j] = 1;
      aIdxUsed[j] = 0;

  /* Resolve the column names in all the expressions in the
  ** WHERE clause.
  if( pWhere ){
    if( sqliteExprResolveIds(pParse, pTabList, 0, pWhere) ){
      goto update_cleanup;
    if( sqliteExprCheck(pParse, pWhere, 0, 0) ){
      goto update_cleanup;

  /* Start the view context
  if( isView ){
    sqliteAuthContextPush(pParse, &sContext, pTab->zName);

  /* Begin generating code.
  v = sqliteGetVdbe(pParse);
  if( v==0 ) goto update_cleanup;
  sqliteBeginWriteOperation(pParse, 1, pTab->iDb);

  /* If we are trying to update a view, construct that view into
  ** a temporary table.
  if( isView ){
    Select *pView;
    pView = sqliteSelectDup(pTab->pSelect);
    sqliteSelect(pParse, pView, SRT_TempTable, iCur, 0, 0, 0);

  /* Begin the database scan
  pWInfo = sqliteWhereBegin(pParse, pTabList, pWhere, 1, 0);
  if( pWInfo==0 ) goto update_cleanup;

  /* Remember the index of every item to be updated.
  sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ListWrite, 0, 0);

  /* End the database scan loop.

  /* Initialize the count of updated rows
  if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows && !pParse->trigStack ){
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, 0, 0);

  if( row_triggers_exist ){
    /* Create pseudo-tables for NEW and OLD
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenPseudo, oldIdx, 0);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenPseudo, newIdx, 0);

    /* The top of the update loop for when there are triggers.
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ListRewind, 0, 0);
    addr = sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ListRead, 0, 0);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, 0, 0);

    /* Open a cursor and make it point to the record that is
    ** being updated.
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, 0, 0);
    if( !isView ){
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, pTab->iDb, 0);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenRead, iCur, pTab->tnum);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_MoveTo, iCur, 0);

    /* Generate the OLD table
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Recno, iCur, 0);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_RowData, iCur, 0);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_PutIntKey, oldIdx, 0);

    /* Generate the NEW table
    if( chngRecno ){
      sqliteExprCode(pParse, pRecnoExpr);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Recno, iCur, 0);
    for(i=0; i<pTab->nCol; i++){
      if( i==pTab->iPKey ){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_String, 0, 0);
      j = aXRef[i];
      if( j<0 ){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Column, iCur, i);
        sqliteExprCode(pParse, pChanges->a[j].pExpr);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_MakeRecord, pTab->nCol, 0);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_PutIntKey, newIdx, 0);
    if( !isView ){
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);

    /* Fire the BEFORE and INSTEAD OF triggers
    if( sqliteCodeRowTrigger(pParse, TK_UPDATE, pChanges, TK_BEFORE, pTab, 
          newIdx, oldIdx, onError, addr) ){
      goto update_cleanup;

  if( !isView ){
    ** Open every index that needs updating.  Note that if any
    ** index could potentially invoke a REPLACE conflict resolution 
    ** action, then we need to open all indices because we might need
    ** to be deleting some records.
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, pTab->iDb, 0);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenWrite, iCur, pTab->tnum);
    if( onError==OE_Replace ){
      openAll = 1;
      openAll = 0;
      for(pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
        if( pIdx->onError==OE_Replace ){
          openAll = 1;
    for(i=0, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext, i++){
      if( openAll || aIdxUsed[i] ){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, pIdx->iDb, 0);
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenWrite, iCur+i+1, pIdx->tnum);
        assert( pParse->nTab>iCur+i+1 );

    /* Loop over every record that needs updating.  We have to load
    ** the old data for each record to be updated because some columns
    ** might not change and we will need to copy the old value.
    ** Also, the old data is needed to delete the old index entires.
    ** So make the cursor point at the old record.
    if( !row_triggers_exist ){
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ListRewind, 0, 0);
      addr = sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ListRead, 0, 0);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, 0, 0);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_NotExists, iCur, addr);

    /* If the record number will change, push the record number as it
    ** will be after the update. (The old record number is currently
    ** on top of the stack.)
    if( chngRecno ){
      sqliteExprCode(pParse, pRecnoExpr);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_MustBeInt, 0, 0);

    /* Compute new data for this record.  
    for(i=0; i<pTab->nCol; i++){
      if( i==pTab->iPKey ){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_String, 0, 0);
      j = aXRef[i];
      if( j<0 ){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Column, iCur, i);
        sqliteExprCode(pParse, pChanges->a[j].pExpr);

    /* Do constraint checks
    sqliteGenerateConstraintChecks(pParse, pTab, iCur, aIdxUsed, chngRecno, 1,
                                   onError, addr);

    /* Delete the old indices for the current record.
    sqliteGenerateRowIndexDelete(db, v, pTab, iCur, aIdxUsed);

    /* If changing the record number, delete the old record.
    if( chngRecno ){
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Delete, iCur, 0);

    /* Create the new index entries and the new record.
    sqliteCompleteInsertion(pParse, pTab, iCur, aIdxUsed, chngRecno, 1, -1);

  /* Increment the row counter 
  if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows && !pParse->trigStack){
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_AddImm, 1, 0);

  /* If there are triggers, close all the cursors after each iteration
  ** through the loop.  The fire the after triggers.
  if( row_triggers_exist ){
    if( !isView ){
      for(i=0, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext, i++){
        if( openAll || aIdxUsed[i] )
          sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur+i+1, 0);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);
      pParse->nTab = iCur;
    if( sqliteCodeRowTrigger(pParse, TK_UPDATE, pChanges, TK_AFTER, pTab, 
          newIdx, oldIdx, onError, addr) ){
      goto update_cleanup;

  /* Repeat the above with the next record to be updated, until
  ** all record selected by the WHERE clause have been updated.
  sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, addr);
  sqliteVdbeChangeP2(v, addr, sqliteVdbeCurrentAddr(v));
  sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ListReset, 0, 0);

  /* Close all tables if there were no FOR EACH ROW triggers */
  if( !row_triggers_exist ){
    for(i=0, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext, i++){
      if( openAll || aIdxUsed[i] ){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur+i+1, 0);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);
    pParse->nTab = iCur;
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, newIdx, 0);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, oldIdx, 0);

  sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_SetCounts, 0, 0);

  ** Return the number of rows that were changed.
  if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows && !pParse->trigStack ){
    sqliteVdbeOp3(v, OP_ColumnName, 0, 1, "rows updated", P3_STATIC);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Callback, 1, 0);

** Process a DELETE FROM statement.
void sqliteDeleteFrom(
  Parse *pParse,         /* The parser context */
  SrcList *pTabList,     /* The table from which we should delete things */
  Expr *pWhere           /* The WHERE clause.  May be null */
  Vdbe *v;               /* The virtual database engine */
  Table *pTab;           /* The table from which records will be deleted */
  const char *zDb;       /* Name of database holding pTab */
  int end, addr;         /* A couple addresses of generated code */
  int i;                 /* Loop counter */
  WhereInfo *pWInfo;     /* Information about the WHERE clause */
  Index *pIdx;           /* For looping over indices of the table */
  int iCur;              /* VDBE Cursor number for pTab */
  sqlite *db;            /* Main database structure */
  int isView;            /* True if attempting to delete from a view */
  AuthContext sContext;  /* Authorization context */

  int row_triggers_exist = 0;  /* True if any triggers exist */
  int before_triggers;         /* True if there are BEFORE triggers */
  int after_triggers;          /* True if there are AFTER triggers */
  int oldIdx = -1;             /* Cursor for the OLD table of AFTER triggers */

  sContext.pParse = 0;
  if( pParse->nErr || sqlite_malloc_failed ){
    pTabList = 0;
    goto delete_from_cleanup;
  db = pParse->db;
  assert( pTabList->nSrc==1 );

  /* Locate the table which we want to delete.  This table has to be
  ** put in an SrcList structure because some of the subroutines we
  ** will be calling are designed to work with multiple tables and expect
  ** an SrcList* parameter instead of just a Table* parameter.
  pTab = sqliteSrcListLookup(pParse, pTabList);
  if( pTab==0 )  goto delete_from_cleanup;
  before_triggers = sqliteTriggersExist(pParse, pTab->pTrigger, 
                         TK_DELETE, TK_BEFORE, TK_ROW, 0);
  after_triggers = sqliteTriggersExist(pParse, pTab->pTrigger, 
                         TK_DELETE, TK_AFTER, TK_ROW, 0);
  row_triggers_exist = before_triggers || after_triggers;
  isView = pTab->pSelect!=0;
  if( sqliteIsReadOnly(pParse, pTab, before_triggers) ){
    goto delete_from_cleanup;
  assert( pTab->iDb<db->nDb );
  zDb = db->aDb[pTab->iDb].zName;
  if( sqliteAuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_DELETE, pTab->zName, 0, zDb) ){
    goto delete_from_cleanup;

  /* If pTab is really a view, make sure it has been initialized.
  if( isView && sqliteViewGetColumnNames(pParse, pTab) ){
    goto delete_from_cleanup;

  /* Allocate a cursor used to store the old.* data for a trigger.
  if( row_triggers_exist ){ 
    oldIdx = pParse->nTab++;

  /* Resolve the column names in all the expressions.
  assert( pTabList->nSrc==1 );
  iCur = pTabList->a[0].iCursor = pParse->nTab++;
  if( pWhere ){
    if( sqliteExprResolveIds(pParse, pTabList, 0, pWhere) ){
      goto delete_from_cleanup;
    if( sqliteExprCheck(pParse, pWhere, 0, 0) ){
      goto delete_from_cleanup;

  /* Start the view context
  if( isView ){
    sqliteAuthContextPush(pParse, &sContext, pTab->zName);

  /* Begin generating code.
  v = sqliteGetVdbe(pParse);
  if( v==0 ){
    goto delete_from_cleanup;
  sqliteBeginWriteOperation(pParse, row_triggers_exist, pTab->iDb);

  /* If we are trying to delete from a view, construct that view into
  ** a temporary table.
  if( isView ){
    Select *pView = sqliteSelectDup(pTab->pSelect);
    sqliteSelect(pParse, pView, SRT_TempTable, iCur, 0, 0, 0);

  /* Initialize the counter of the number of rows deleted, if
  ** we are counting rows.
  if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows ){
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, 0, 0);

  /* Special case: A DELETE without a WHERE clause deletes everything.
  ** It is easier just to erase the whole table.  Note, however, that
  ** this means that the row change count will be incorrect.
  if( pWhere==0 && !row_triggers_exist ){
    if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows ){
      /* If counting rows deleted, just count the total number of
      ** entries in the table. */
      int endOfLoop = sqliteVdbeMakeLabel(v);
      int addr;
      if( !isView ){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, pTab->iDb, 0);
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenRead, iCur, pTab->tnum);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Rewind, iCur, sqliteVdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2);
      addr = sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_AddImm, 1, 0);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Next, iCur, addr);
      sqliteVdbeResolveLabel(v, endOfLoop);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);
    if( !isView ){
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Clear, pTab->tnum, pTab->iDb);
      for(pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Clear, pIdx->tnum, pIdx->iDb);

  /* The usual case: There is a WHERE clause so we have to scan through
  ** the table and pick which records to delete.
    /* Begin the database scan
    pWInfo = sqliteWhereBegin(pParse, pTabList, pWhere, 1, 0);
    if( pWInfo==0 ) goto delete_from_cleanup;

    /* Remember the key of every item to be deleted.
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ListWrite, 0, 0);
    if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows ){
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_AddImm, 1, 0);

    /* End the database scan loop.

    /* Open the pseudo-table used to store OLD if there are triggers.
    if( row_triggers_exist ){
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenPseudo, oldIdx, 0);

    /* Delete every item whose key was written to the list during the
    ** database scan.  We have to delete items after the scan is complete
    ** because deleting an item can change the scan order.
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ListRewind, 0, 0);
    end = sqliteVdbeMakeLabel(v);

    /* This is the beginning of the delete loop when there are
    ** row triggers.
    if( row_triggers_exist ){
      addr = sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ListRead, 0, end);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, 0, 0);
      if( !isView ){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, pTab->iDb, 0);
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenRead, iCur, pTab->tnum);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_MoveTo, iCur, 0);

      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Recno, iCur, 0);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_RowData, iCur, 0);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_PutIntKey, oldIdx, 0);
      if( !isView ){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);

      sqliteCodeRowTrigger(pParse, TK_DELETE, 0, TK_BEFORE, pTab, -1, 
          oldIdx, (pParse->trigStack)?pParse->trigStack->orconf:OE_Default,

    if( !isView ){
      /* Open cursors for the table we are deleting from and all its
      ** indices.  If there are row triggers, this happens inside the
      ** OP_ListRead loop because the cursor have to all be closed
      ** before the trigger fires.  If there are no row triggers, the
      ** cursors are opened only once on the outside the loop.
      pParse->nTab = iCur + 1;
      sqliteOpenTableAndIndices(pParse, pTab, iCur);

      /* This is the beginning of the delete loop when there are no
      ** row triggers */
      if( !row_triggers_exist ){ 
        addr = sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ListRead, 0, end);

      /* Delete the row */
      sqliteGenerateRowDelete(db, v, pTab, iCur, pParse->trigStack==0);

    /* If there are row triggers, close all cursors then invoke
    ** the AFTER triggers
    if( row_triggers_exist ){
      if( !isView ){
        for(i=1, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; i++, pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
          sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur + i, pIdx->tnum);
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);
      sqliteCodeRowTrigger(pParse, TK_DELETE, 0, TK_AFTER, pTab, -1, 
          oldIdx, (pParse->trigStack)?pParse->trigStack->orconf:OE_Default,

    /* End of the delete loop */
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, addr);
    sqliteVdbeResolveLabel(v, end);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ListReset, 0, 0);

    /* Close the cursors after the loop if there are no row triggers */
    if( !row_triggers_exist ){
      for(i=1, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; i++, pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur + i, pIdx->tnum);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);
      pParse->nTab = iCur;
  sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_SetCounts, 0, 0);

  ** Return the number of rows that were deleted.
  if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows ){
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ColumnName, 0, 1);
    sqliteVdbeChangeP3(v, -1, "rows deleted", P3_STATIC);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Callback, 1, 0);

文件: trigger.c 项目: andreiw/polaris
** This is called to code FOR EACH ROW triggers.
** When the code that this function generates is executed, the following 
** must be true:
** 1. No cursors may be open in the main database.  (But newIdx and oldIdx
**    can be indices of cursors in temporary tables.  See below.)
** 2. If the triggers being coded are ON INSERT or ON UPDATE triggers, then
**    a temporary vdbe cursor (index newIdx) must be open and pointing at
**    a row containing values to be substituted for new.* expressions in the
**    trigger program(s).
** 3. If the triggers being coded are ON DELETE or ON UPDATE triggers, then
**    a temporary vdbe cursor (index oldIdx) must be open and pointing at
**    a row containing values to be substituted for old.* expressions in the
**    trigger program(s).
int sqliteCodeRowTrigger(
  Parse *pParse,       /* Parse context */
  int op,              /* One of TK_UPDATE, TK_INSERT, TK_DELETE */
  ExprList *pChanges,  /* Changes list for any UPDATE OF triggers */
  int tr_tm,           /* One of TK_BEFORE, TK_AFTER */
  Table *pTab,         /* The table to code triggers from */
  int newIdx,          /* The indice of the "new" row to access */
  int oldIdx,          /* The indice of the "old" row to access */
  int orconf,          /* ON CONFLICT policy */
  int ignoreJump       /* Instruction to jump to for RAISE(IGNORE) */
  Trigger * pTrigger;
  TriggerStack * pTriggerStack;

  assert(op == TK_UPDATE || op == TK_INSERT || op == TK_DELETE);
  assert(tr_tm == TK_BEFORE || tr_tm == TK_AFTER );

  assert(newIdx != -1 || oldIdx != -1);

  pTrigger = pTab->pTrigger;
  while( pTrigger ){
    int fire_this = 0;

    /* determine whether we should code this trigger */
    if( pTrigger->op == op && pTrigger->tr_tm == tr_tm && 
        pTrigger->foreach == TK_ROW ){
      fire_this = 1;
      pTriggerStack = pParse->trigStack;
      while( pTriggerStack ){
        if( pTriggerStack->pTrigger == pTrigger ){
	  fire_this = 0;
        pTriggerStack = pTriggerStack->pNext;
      if( op == TK_UPDATE && pTrigger->pColumns &&
          !checkColumnOverLap(pTrigger->pColumns, pChanges) ){
        fire_this = 0;

    if( fire_this && (pTriggerStack = sqliteMalloc(sizeof(TriggerStack)))!=0 ){
      int endTrigger;
      SrcList dummyTablist;
      Expr * whenExpr;
      AuthContext sContext;

      dummyTablist.nSrc = 0;

      /* Push an entry on to the trigger stack */
      pTriggerStack->pTrigger = pTrigger;
      pTriggerStack->newIdx = newIdx;
      pTriggerStack->oldIdx = oldIdx;
      pTriggerStack->pTab = pTab;
      pTriggerStack->pNext = pParse->trigStack;
      pTriggerStack->ignoreJump = ignoreJump;
      pParse->trigStack = pTriggerStack;
      sqliteAuthContextPush(pParse, &sContext, pTrigger->name);

      /* code the WHEN clause */
      endTrigger = sqliteVdbeMakeLabel(pParse->pVdbe);
      whenExpr = sqliteExprDup(pTrigger->pWhen);
      if( sqliteExprResolveIds(pParse, &dummyTablist, 0, whenExpr) ){
        pParse->trigStack = pParse->trigStack->pNext;
        return 1;
      sqliteExprIfFalse(pParse, whenExpr, endTrigger, 1);

      sqliteVdbeAddOp(pParse->pVdbe, OP_ContextPush, 0, 0);
      codeTriggerProgram(pParse, pTrigger->step_list, orconf); 
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(pParse->pVdbe, OP_ContextPop, 0, 0);

      /* Pop the entry off the trigger stack */
      pParse->trigStack = pParse->trigStack->pNext;

      sqliteVdbeResolveLabel(pParse->pVdbe, endTrigger);
    pTrigger = pTrigger->pNext;

  return 0;
文件: trigger.c 项目: andreiw/polaris
** This is called by the parser when it sees a CREATE TRIGGER statement
** up to the point of the BEGIN before the trigger actions.  A Trigger
** structure is generated based on the information available and stored
** in pParse->pNewTrigger.  After the trigger actions have been parsed, the
** sqliteFinishTrigger() function is called to complete the trigger
** construction process.
void sqliteBeginTrigger(
  Parse *pParse,      /* The parse context of the CREATE TRIGGER statement */
  Token *pName,       /* The name of the trigger */
  int tr_tm,          /* One of TK_BEFORE, TK_AFTER, TK_INSTEAD */
  int op,             /* One of TK_INSERT, TK_UPDATE, TK_DELETE */
  IdList *pColumns,   /* column list if this is an UPDATE OF trigger */
  SrcList *pTableName,/* The name of the table/view the trigger applies to */
  int foreach,        /* One of TK_ROW or TK_STATEMENT */
  Expr *pWhen,        /* WHEN clause */
  int isTemp          /* True if the TEMPORARY keyword is present */
  Trigger *nt;
  Table   *tab;
  char *zName = 0;        /* Name of the trigger */
  sqlite *db = pParse->db;
  int iDb;                /* When database to store the trigger in */
  DbFixer sFix;

  /* Check that: 
  ** 1. the trigger name does not already exist.
  ** 2. the table (or view) does exist in the same database as the trigger.
  ** 3. that we are not trying to create a trigger on the sqlite_master table
  ** 4. That we are not trying to create an INSTEAD OF trigger on a table.
  ** 5. That we are not trying to create a BEFORE or AFTER trigger on a view.
  if( sqlite_malloc_failed ) goto trigger_cleanup;
  assert( pTableName->nSrc==1 );
  if( db->init.busy
   && sqliteFixInit(&sFix, pParse, db->init.iDb, "trigger", pName)
   && sqliteFixSrcList(&sFix, pTableName)
    goto trigger_cleanup;
  tab = sqliteSrcListLookup(pParse, pTableName);
  if( !tab ){
    goto trigger_cleanup;
  iDb = isTemp ? 1 : tab->iDb;
  if( iDb>=2 && !db->init.busy ){
    sqliteErrorMsg(pParse, "triggers may not be added to auxiliary "
       "database %s", db->aDb[tab->iDb].zName);
    goto trigger_cleanup;

  zName = sqliteStrNDup(pName->z, pName->n);
  if( sqliteHashFind(&(db->aDb[iDb].trigHash), zName,pName->n+1) ){
    sqliteErrorMsg(pParse, "trigger %T already exists", pName);
    goto trigger_cleanup;
  if( sqliteStrNICmp(tab->zName, "sqlite_", 7)==0 ){
    sqliteErrorMsg(pParse, "cannot create trigger on system table");
    goto trigger_cleanup;
  if( tab->pSelect && tr_tm != TK_INSTEAD ){
    sqliteErrorMsg(pParse, "cannot create %s trigger on view: %S", 
        (tr_tm == TK_BEFORE)?"BEFORE":"AFTER", pTableName, 0);
    goto trigger_cleanup;
  if( !tab->pSelect && tr_tm == TK_INSTEAD ){
    sqliteErrorMsg(pParse, "cannot create INSTEAD OF"
        " trigger on table: %S", pTableName, 0);
    goto trigger_cleanup;
    const char *zDb = db->aDb[tab->iDb].zName;
    const char *zDbTrig = isTemp ? db->aDb[1].zName : zDb;
    if( tab->iDb==1 || isTemp ) code = SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_TRIGGER;
    if( sqliteAuthCheck(pParse, code, zName, tab->zName, zDbTrig) ){
      goto trigger_cleanup;
    if( sqliteAuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_INSERT, SCHEMA_TABLE(tab->iDb), 0, zDb)){
      goto trigger_cleanup;

  /* INSTEAD OF triggers can only appear on views and BEGIN triggers
  ** cannot appear on views.  So we might as well translate every
  ** INSTEAD OF trigger into a BEFORE trigger.  It simplifies code
  ** elsewhere.
  if (tr_tm == TK_INSTEAD){
    tr_tm = TK_BEFORE;

  /* Build the Trigger object */
  nt = (Trigger*)sqliteMalloc(sizeof(Trigger));
  if( nt==0 ) goto trigger_cleanup;
  nt->name = zName;
  zName = 0;
  nt->table = sqliteStrDup(pTableName->a[0].zName);
  if( sqlite_malloc_failed ) goto trigger_cleanup;
  nt->iDb = iDb;
  nt->iTabDb = tab->iDb;
  nt->op = op;
  nt->tr_tm = tr_tm;
  nt->pWhen = sqliteExprDup(pWhen);
  nt->pColumns = sqliteIdListDup(pColumns);
  nt->foreach = foreach;
  assert( pParse->pNewTrigger==0 );
  pParse->pNewTrigger = nt;

** Given the name of a column of the form X.Y.Z or Y.Z or just Z, look up
** that name in the set of source tables in pSrcList and make the pExpr 
** expression node refer back to that source column.  The following changes
** are made to pExpr:
**    pExpr->iDb           Set the index in db->aDb[] of the database holding
**                         the table.
**    pExpr->iTable        Set to the cursor number for the table obtained
**                         from pSrcList.
**    pExpr->iColumn       Set to the column number within the table.
**    pExpr->dataType      Set to the appropriate data type for the column.
**    pExpr->op            Set to TK_COLUMN.
**    pExpr->pLeft         Any expression this points to is deleted
**    pExpr->pRight        Any expression this points to is deleted.
** The pDbToken is the name of the database (the "X").  This value may be
** NULL meaning that name is of the form Y.Z or Z.  Any available database
** can be used.  The pTableToken is the name of the table (the "Y").  This
** value can be NULL if pDbToken is also NULL.  If pTableToken is NULL it
** means that the form of the name is Z and that columns from any table
** can be used.
** If the name cannot be resolved unambiguously, leave an error message
** in pParse and return non-zero.  Return zero on success.
static int lookupName(
  Parse *pParse,      /* The parsing context */
  Token *pDbToken,     /* Name of the database containing table, or NULL */
  Token *pTableToken,  /* Name of table containing column, or NULL */
  Token *pColumnToken, /* Name of the column. */
  SrcList *pSrcList,   /* List of tables used to resolve column names */
  ExprList *pEList,    /* List of expressions used to resolve "AS" */
  Expr *pExpr          /* Make this EXPR node point to the selected column */
  char *zDb = 0;       /* Name of the database.  The "X" in X.Y.Z */
  char *zTab = 0;      /* Name of the table.  The "Y" in X.Y.Z or Y.Z */
  char *zCol = 0;      /* Name of the column.  The "Z" */
  int i, j;            /* Loop counters */
  int cnt = 0;         /* Number of matching column names */
  int cntTab = 0;      /* Number of matching table names */
  sqlite *db = pParse->db;  /* The database */

  assert( pColumnToken && pColumnToken->z ); /* The Z in X.Y.Z cannot be NULL */
  if( pDbToken && pDbToken->z ){
    zDb = sqliteStrNDup(pDbToken->z, pDbToken->n);
    zDb = 0;
  if( pTableToken && pTableToken->z ){
    zTab = sqliteStrNDup(pTableToken->z, pTableToken->n);
    assert( zDb==0 );
    zTab = 0;
  zCol = sqliteStrNDup(pColumnToken->z, pColumnToken->n);
  if( sqlite_malloc_failed ){
    return 1;  /* Leak memory (zDb and zTab) if malloc fails */
  assert( zTab==0 || pEList==0 );

  pExpr->iTable = -1;
  for(i=0; i<pSrcList->nSrc; i++){
    struct SrcList_item *pItem = &pSrcList->a[i];
    Table *pTab = pItem->pTab;
    Column *pCol;

    if( pTab==0 ) continue;
    assert( pTab->nCol>0 );
    if( zTab ){
      if( pItem->zAlias ){
        char *zTabName = pItem->zAlias;
        if( sqliteStrICmp(zTabName, zTab)!=0 ) continue;
        char *zTabName = pTab->zName;
        if( zTabName==0 || sqliteStrICmp(zTabName, zTab)!=0 ) continue;
        if( zDb!=0 && sqliteStrICmp(db->aDb[pTab->iDb].zName, zDb)!=0 ){
    if( 0==(cntTab++) ){
      pExpr->iTable = pItem->iCursor;
      pExpr->iDb = pTab->iDb;
    for(j=0, pCol=pTab->aCol; j<pTab->nCol; j++, pCol++){
      if( sqliteStrICmp(pCol->zName, zCol)==0 ){
        pExpr->iTable = pItem->iCursor;
        pExpr->iDb = pTab->iDb;
        /* Substitute the rowid (column -1) for the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY */
        pExpr->iColumn = j==pTab->iPKey ? -1 : j;
        pExpr->dataType = pCol->sortOrder & SQLITE_SO_TYPEMASK;

  /* If we have not already resolved the name, then maybe 
  ** it is a new.* or old.* trigger argument reference
  if( zDb==0 && zTab!=0 && cnt==0 && pParse->trigStack!=0 ){
    TriggerStack *pTriggerStack = pParse->trigStack;
    Table *pTab = 0;
    if( pTriggerStack->newIdx != -1 && sqliteStrICmp("new", zTab) == 0 ){
      pExpr->iTable = pTriggerStack->newIdx;
      assert( pTriggerStack->pTab );
      pTab = pTriggerStack->pTab;
    }else if( pTriggerStack->oldIdx != -1 && sqliteStrICmp("old", zTab) == 0 ){
      pExpr->iTable = pTriggerStack->oldIdx;
      assert( pTriggerStack->pTab );
      pTab = pTriggerStack->pTab;

    if( pTab ){ 
      int j;
      Column *pCol = pTab->aCol;
      pExpr->iDb = pTab->iDb;
      for(j=0; j < pTab->nCol; j++, pCol++) {
        if( sqliteStrICmp(pCol->zName, zCol)==0 ){
          pExpr->iColumn = j==pTab->iPKey ? -1 : j;
          pExpr->dataType = pCol->sortOrder & SQLITE_SO_TYPEMASK;

  ** Perhaps the name is a reference to the ROWID
  if( cnt==0 && cntTab==1 && sqliteIsRowid(zCol) ){
    cnt = 1;
    pExpr->iColumn = -1;
    pExpr->dataType = SQLITE_SO_NUM;

  ** If the input is of the form Z (not Y.Z or X.Y.Z) then the name Z
  ** might refer to an result-set alias.  This happens, for example, when
  ** we are resolving names in the WHERE clause of the following command:
  **     SELECT a+b AS x FROM table WHERE x<10;
  ** In cases like this, replace pExpr with a copy of the expression that
  ** forms the result set entry ("a+b" in the example) and return immediately.
  ** Note that the expression in the result set should have already been
  ** resolved by the time the WHERE clause is resolved.
  if( cnt==0 && pEList!=0 ){
    for(j=0; j<pEList->nExpr; j++){
      char *zAs = pEList->a[j].zName;
      if( zAs!=0 && sqliteStrICmp(zAs, zCol)==0 ){
        assert( pExpr->pLeft==0 && pExpr->pRight==0 );
        pExpr->op = TK_AS;
        pExpr->iColumn = j;
        pExpr->pLeft = sqliteExprDup(pEList->a[j].pExpr);
        assert( zTab==0 && zDb==0 );
        return 0;

  ** If X and Y are NULL (in other words if only the column name Z is
  ** supplied) and the value of Z is enclosed in double-quotes, then
  ** Z is a string literal if it doesn't match any column names.  In that
  ** case, we need to return right away and not make any changes to
  ** pExpr.
  if( cnt==0 && zTab==0 && pColumnToken->z[0]=='"' ){
    return 0;

  ** cnt==0 means there was not match.  cnt>1 means there were two or
  ** more matches.  Either way, we have an error.
  if( cnt!=1 ){
    char *z = 0;
    char *zErr;
    zErr = cnt==0 ? "no such column: %s" : "ambiguous column name: %s";
    if( zDb ){
      sqliteSetString(&z, zDb, ".", zTab, ".", zCol, 0);
    }else if( zTab ){
      sqliteSetString(&z, zTab, ".", zCol, 0);
      z = sqliteStrDup(zCol);
    sqliteErrorMsg(pParse, zErr, z);

  /* Clean up and return
  pExpr->pLeft = 0;
  pExpr->pRight = 0;
  pExpr->op = TK_COLUMN;
  sqliteAuthRead(pParse, pExpr, pSrcList);
  return cnt!=1;