__truncdfsf2(src_t a) {
    // Various constants whose values follow from the type parameters.
    // Any reasonable optimizer will fold and propagate all of these.
    const int srcBits = sizeof(src_t)*CHAR_BIT;
    const int srcExpBits = srcBits - srcSigBits - 1;
    const int srcInfExp = (1 << srcExpBits) - 1;
    const int srcExpBias = srcInfExp >> 1;
    const src_rep_t srcMinNormal = SRC_REP_C(1) << srcSigBits;
    const src_rep_t significandMask = srcMinNormal - 1;
    const src_rep_t srcInfinity = (src_rep_t)srcInfExp << srcSigBits;
    const src_rep_t srcSignMask = SRC_REP_C(1) << (srcSigBits + srcExpBits);
    const src_rep_t srcAbsMask = srcSignMask - 1;
    const src_rep_t roundMask = (SRC_REP_C(1) << (srcSigBits - dstSigBits)) - 1;
    const src_rep_t halfway = SRC_REP_C(1) << (srcSigBits - dstSigBits - 1);
    const int dstBits = sizeof(dst_t)*CHAR_BIT;
    const int dstExpBits = dstBits - dstSigBits - 1;
    const int dstInfExp = (1 << dstExpBits) - 1;
    const int dstExpBias = dstInfExp >> 1;
    const int underflowExponent = srcExpBias + 1 - dstExpBias;
    const int overflowExponent = srcExpBias + dstInfExp - dstExpBias;
    const src_rep_t underflow = (src_rep_t)underflowExponent << srcSigBits;
    const src_rep_t overflow = (src_rep_t)overflowExponent << srcSigBits;
    const dst_rep_t dstQNaN = DST_REP_C(1) << (dstSigBits - 1);
    const dst_rep_t dstNaNCode = dstQNaN - 1;

    // Break a into a sign and representation of the absolute value
    const src_rep_t aRep = srcToRep(a);
    const src_rep_t aAbs = aRep & srcAbsMask;
    const src_rep_t sign = aRep & srcSignMask;
    dst_rep_t absResult;
    if (aAbs - underflow < aAbs - overflow) {
        // The exponent of a is within the range of normal numbers in the
        // destination format.  We can convert by simply right-shifting with
        // rounding and adjusting the exponent.
        absResult = aAbs >> (srcSigBits - dstSigBits);
        absResult -= (dst_rep_t)(srcExpBias - dstExpBias) << dstSigBits;
        const src_rep_t roundBits = aAbs & roundMask;
        // Round to nearest
        if (roundBits > halfway)
        // Ties to even
        else if (roundBits == halfway)
            absResult += absResult & 1;
dst_t __extendsfdf2(src_t a) {

    // Various constants whose values follow from the type parameters.
    // Any reasonable optimizer will fold and propagate all of these.
    const int srcBits = sizeof(src_t)*CHAR_BIT;
    const int srcExpBits = srcBits - srcSigBits - 1;
    const int srcInfExp = (1 << srcExpBits) - 1;
    const int srcExpBias = srcInfExp >> 1;

    const src_rep_t srcMinNormal = SRC_REP_C(1) << srcSigBits;
    const src_rep_t srcInfinity = (src_rep_t)srcInfExp << srcSigBits;
    const src_rep_t srcSignMask = SRC_REP_C(1) << (srcSigBits + srcExpBits);
    const src_rep_t srcAbsMask = srcSignMask - 1;
    const src_rep_t srcQNaN = SRC_REP_C(1) << (srcSigBits - 1);
    const src_rep_t srcNaNCode = srcQNaN - 1;

    const int dstBits = sizeof(dst_t)*CHAR_BIT;
    const int dstExpBits = dstBits - dstSigBits - 1;
    const int dstInfExp = (1 << dstExpBits) - 1;
    const int dstExpBias = dstInfExp >> 1;

    const dst_rep_t dstMinNormal = DST_REP_C(1) << dstSigBits;

    // Break a into a sign and representation of the absolute value
    const src_rep_t aRep = srcToRep(a);
    const src_rep_t aAbs = aRep & srcAbsMask;
    const src_rep_t sign = aRep & srcSignMask;
    dst_rep_t absResult;

    if (aAbs - srcMinNormal < srcInfinity - srcMinNormal) {
        // a is a normal number.
        // Extend to the destination type by shifting the significand and
        // exponent into the proper position and rebiasing the exponent.
        absResult = (dst_rep_t)aAbs << (dstSigBits - srcSigBits);
        absResult += (dst_rep_t)(dstExpBias - srcExpBias) << dstSigBits;

    else if (aAbs >= srcInfinity) {
        // a is NaN or infinity.
        // Conjure the result by beginning with infinity, then setting the qNaN
        // bit (if needed) and right-aligning the rest of the trailing NaN
        // payload field.
        absResult = (dst_rep_t)dstInfExp << dstSigBits;
        absResult |= (dst_rep_t)(aAbs & srcQNaN) << (dstSigBits - srcSigBits);
        absResult |= aAbs & srcNaNCode;

    else if (aAbs) {
        // a is denormal.
        // renormalize the significand and clear the leading bit, then insert
        // the correct adjusted exponent in the destination type.
        const int scale = src_rep_t_clz(aAbs) - src_rep_t_clz(srcMinNormal);
        absResult = (dst_rep_t)aAbs << (dstSigBits - srcSigBits + scale);
        absResult ^= dstMinNormal;
        const int resultExponent = dstExpBias - srcExpBias - scale + 1;
        absResult |= (dst_rep_t)resultExponent << dstSigBits;

    else {
        // a is zero.
        absResult = 0;

    // Apply the signbit to (dst_t)abs(a).
    const dst_rep_t result = absResult | (dst_rep_t)sign << (dstBits - srcBits);
    return dstFromRep(result);