文件: leapforg.cpp 项目: lrtfm/math
void Leapforg::scheme(int n, std::vector<double> &uOld,  std::vector<double> &uMid, std::vector<double> &uNew)
    double r = mu_ * stepT_ / (stepX_ * stepX_);
    for (int k = 1; k < M_; ++k) {
        uNew[k] = uOld[k] + r * (uMid[k+1] - 2 * uMid[k] + uMid[k-1]) + 
            stepT_ * st_(k*stepX_, n*stepT_);

    uNew[0] = lb_(n*stepT_);
    uNew[M_] = rb_(n*stepT_);
int main ( int argc, char ** argv )
  if ( argc < 3 )
    std::cerr << "Usage:: forestfile inputdatafile outputdatafile [samplingrate=1000]" << std::endl;
    exit ( 0 );

  std::string forest_filename_ = std::string ( argv[1] );
  std::string inputdatafilename_ = std::string ( argv[2] );
  std::string outputdatafilename_ = std::string ( argv[3] );
  unsigned int samplingrate_ = 1000u;
  if ( argc > 4 ) { 
    samplingrate_ = std::max ( 1, atoi ( argv[4] ) ) ;

  std::ifstream inputdatafile_;
  inputdatafile_.open ( inputdatafilename_.c_str(), std::ifstream::in ) ;
  if ( ! inputdatafile_.is_open() )
    std::cerr << "ERROR: Cannot open " << inputdatafilename_ << " for reading." << std::endl;
    exit ( 0 ) ;

  const int kDataLineBufferLen = 1024 ;
  char readline_buffer_ [ kDataLineBufferLen ];
  memset ( readline_buffer_, '\0', kDataLineBufferLen );

  AlgoComp::cyclecount_t total_time_taken_ = 0;

  AlgoComp::TertiaryRandomForest tertiary_random_forest_;
  tertiary_random_forest_.InitializeForest ( forest_filename_.c_str() );

  OutputDumper dumper_(outputdatafilename_, samplingrate_);
  tertiary_random_forest_.write_all_output_ = true;

  std::vector < double > last_indicator_values_ ;

  while ( inputdatafile_.good ( ) )
    memset ( readline_buffer_, '\0', kDataLineBufferLen );
    inputdatafile_.getline ( readline_buffer_, kDataLineBufferLen ) ;
    AlgoComp::PerishableStringTokenizer st_ ( readline_buffer_, kDataLineBufferLen );
    const std::vector < const char * > & tokens_ = st_.GetTokens ( );
    if ( tokens_.size ( ) < 2 )

    double base_price_ = atof ( tokens_[1] ); // the real target price is sum of base_price and forest_delta_value_
    if ( last_indicator_values_.empty ( ) )
      for ( unsigned int i = 2u; i < tokens_.size (); i ++ )
        last_indicator_values_.push_back ( atof ( tokens_[i] ) ) ;

    for ( unsigned int i = 2u; i < tokens_.size (); i ++ )
      last_indicator_values_[i-2u] = atof ( tokens_[i] ) ;
      // As of now, calling OnInputChange for every variable change
      // Later we can change this to only significant changes only
      // Perhaps calculation of what is a significant change is best done inside the TertiaryRandomForest ?
      AlgoComp::cyclecount_t prev_call_ = AlgoComp::GetCpucycleCount();
      double forest_delta_value_ = tertiary_random_forest_.OnInputChange ( i-2u, last_indicator_values_[i-2u] ) ;
      AlgoComp::cyclecount_t after_call_ = AlgoComp::GetCpucycleCount();
      total_time_taken_ += ( after_call_ - prev_call_ );

  std::cout << "Outputfile: " << outputdatafilename_ << " written. " << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Computation cycles: "<< 1.0*(total_time_taken_ - dumper_.GetDumpTime()) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Printing cycles: " << 1.0*(dumper_.GetDumpTime()) << std::endl;