int m_mos(motion_arg const *m, unsigned repeat, window *win, point_t *to) { int y, h; screen_or_buf_dimensions(win, &y, &h); to->y = y + h / 2; start_of_line(to, win); return MOTION_SUCCESS; }
static int m_line_goto(point_t *const pt, unsigned repeat, bool end, window *win) { if(repeat == 0) /* default */ pt->y = end ? list_count(win->buf->head) : 0; else pt->y = repeat - 1; start_of_line(pt, win); return MOTION_SUCCESS; }
// Remove any text up to the last GDB prompt void gdbClearWindowCB(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer) { XmTextPosition start = start_of_line(); if (start == XmTextPosition(-1)) return; private_gdb_output = true; XmTextReplace(gdb_w, 0, start, XMST("")); promptPosition -= start; messagePosition -= start; XmTextSetInsertionPosition(gdb_w, XmTextGetLastPosition(gdb_w)); private_gdb_output = false; }
void k_jumpscroll(const keyarg_u *a, unsigned repeat, const int from_ch) { window *w = windows_cur(); const int height = w->screen_coord.h + 1; int inc = 0; switch(abs(a->i)){ case 2: inc = height; break; case 1: inc = height / 2; break; } if(a->i < 0) inc = -inc; w->ui_pos->y += inc; w->ui_start.y += inc; start_of_line(NULL, w); ui_cur_changed(); ui_redraw(); }
int m_sos(motion_arg const *m, unsigned repeat, window *win, point_t *to) { to->y = UI_TOP(win); start_of_line(to, win); return MOTION_SUCCESS; }
/* character input */ static void _tinysh_char_in(uchar c) { uchar *line=input_buffers[cur_buf_index]; if(c=='\n' || c=='\r') /* validate command */ { tinysh_cmd_t *cmd; int context=0; /* first, echo the newline */ if(echo) putchar(c); while(*line && *line==' ') line++; if(*line) /* not empty line */ { cmd=cur_cmd_ctx?cur_cmd_ctx->child:root_cmd; exec_command_line(cmd,line); cur_buf_index=(cur_buf_index+1)%HISTORY_DEPTH; cur_index=0; input_buffers[cur_buf_index][0]=0; } start_of_line(); } /* else if(c==TOPCHAR) // return to top level // { if(echo) putchar(c); cur_context=0; cur_cmd_ctx=0; } //*/ else if(c==8 || c==127) /* backspace */ { if(cur_index>0) { puts("\b \b"); cur_index--; line[cur_index]=0; } } else if(c==16) /* CTRL-P: back in history */ { int prevline=(cur_buf_index+HISTORY_DEPTH-1)%HISTORY_DEPTH; if(input_buffers[prevline][0]) { line=input_buffers[prevline]; /* fill the rest of the line with spaces */ while(cur_index-->strlen(line)) puts("\b \b"); putchar('\r'); start_of_line(); puts(line); cur_index=strlen(line); cur_buf_index=prevline; } } else if(c==14) /* CTRL-N: next in history */ { int nextline=(cur_buf_index+1)%HISTORY_DEPTH; if(input_buffers[nextline][0]) { line=input_buffers[nextline]; /* fill the rest of the line with spaces */ while(cur_index-->strlen(line)) puts("\b \b"); putchar('\r'); start_of_line(); puts(line); cur_index=strlen(line); cur_buf_index=nextline; } } /* else if(c=='?') // display help // { tinysh_cmd_t *cmd; cmd=cur_cmd_ctx?cur_cmd_ctx->child:root_cmd; help_command_line(cmd,line); start_of_line(); puts(line); cur_index=strlen(line); } //*/ else if(c==9) /* TAB: autocompletion */ { tinysh_cmd_t *cmd; cmd=cur_cmd_ctx?cur_cmd_ctx->child:root_cmd; //puts(cur_cmd_ctx);puts("--\r\n"); if(complete_command_line(cmd,line)) { start_of_line(); puts(line); } cur_index=strlen(line); //sprintf(buf, "cur_index: %d--\r\n", cur_index); //puts(buf); //puts("cur index:--");puts(cur_index);puts("--\r\n"); } else /* any input character */ { if(cur_index<BUFFER_SIZE) { if(echo) putchar(c); line[cur_index++]=c; line[cur_index]=0; } } }
/*************************************************************** * fgets_with_edit: ***************************************************************/ char *fgets_with_edit( /* Returns: addr of usrline, or NULL */ char usrline[] /* <w> user's input buffer */ ,int maxlen /* <r> length of input buffer */ ,FILE *fp /* <r> file pointer */ ,char *prompt /* <r:opt> prompt string */ ) { int i,k; int fd; int sts; char *p; static char clrEol[12]; static char cursorRight[12]; #ifdef vms static int pasteboard_id; static int keyboard_id; static int key_table_id; int flags; short wlen; struct descriptor *dscPtr; static DYNAMIC_DESCRIPTOR(dsc_cmdline); static struct descriptor dsc_prompt = {0,DSC_K_DTYPE_T,DSC_K_CLASS_S,0}; #else int idx; int ierr; int kchar; int num; char c; char line[256]; char displayLine[256]; #if !defined(_WIN32) struct termios tt,ttsave; #endif #endif fd = fileno(fp); if (!isatty(fd)) return(fgets(usrline,maxlen,fp)); /*======================================================= * Note: vt100 "terminfo" seems to have extra chars in * its "cursor_right" escape sequence. We'll use * local string "cursorRight" instead ... * Likewise for "clr_eol" escape sequence. *======================================================*/ if (!cursorRight[0]) { /* first time only ... */ irecall = HISTORY_NOT_ACTIVE; #ifdef vms flags = 1; smg$create_pasteboard(&pasteboard_id,0,0,0,&flags); /* */ smg$create_virtual_keyboard(&keyboard_id); /* smg$create_key_table(&key_table_id); /* */ cursorRight[0] = 1; /* indicate no longer first time */ #else sts = setupterm(0,1,&ierr); if (sts || ierr!=1) { printf("after setupterm: sts=%d ierr=%d\n"); usrline[0] = '\0'; return(0); } if (!strncmp(cursor_right,"\033[C",3)) strncpy(cursorRight,cursor_right,3); else { if (strlen(cursor_right) >= sizeof(cursorRight)) { fprintf(stderr,"fgets_with_edit: cursorRight too short\n"); exit(0); } strcpy(cursorRight,cursor_right); } if (!strncmp(clr_eol,"\033[K",3)) strncpy(clrEol,clr_eol,3); else { if (strlen(clr_eol) >= sizeof(clrEol)) { fprintf(stderr,"fgets_with_edit: clrEol[] is too short\n"); exit(0); } strcpy(clrEol,clr_eol); } #endif } #ifdef vms /*======================================================= * VMS only: read using smg routine ... *======================================================*/ dscPtr = prompt ? &dsc_prompt : 0; if (dscPtr) { dsc_prompt.dscA_pointer = prompt ? prompt : "Command> "; dsc_prompt.dscW_length = strlen(dsc_prompt.dscA_pointer); } sts = smg$read_composed_line(&keyboard_id,0, &dsc_cmdline,dscPtr,&wlen); if (~sts & 1) { dasmsg(sts,"Error from smg$read_composed_string"); return(0); } p = dsc_cmdline.dscA_pointer ? dsc_cmdline.dscA_pointer : ""; k = (wlen<maxlen) ? wlen : maxlen; strncpy(usrline,p,k); if (wlen < maxlen) usrline[wlen] = '\0'; #else /*======================================================= * Save tty settings; reset tty for command-line editing. *======================================================*/ #if !defined(_WIN32) sts = tcgetattr(fd,&tt); memcpy(&ttsave,&tt,sizeof(ttsave)); /* save copy of tt */ tt.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; tt.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; tt.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; tt.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; sts = tcsetattr(fd,TCSANOW,&tt); if (sts) { perror("Error from tcseattr"); usrline[0] = '\0'; return(0); } #endif /*======================================================= * Edit input line from tty ... *======================================================*/ line[0] = '\0'; if (prompt) printf("%s",prompt); fflush(stdout); for (p=line ; ; ) { k = read(fd,&c,1); if (k<=0 || c=='\n') break; if (isprint(c) || isspace(c)) { write(1,&c,1); /* Write c at current position ... */ if (*p) { /* if not at end of line */ if (insert_mode) { k = strlen(p); p[k+1] = '\0'; for ( ; k ; k--) p[k] = p[k-1]; k = sprintf(displayLine,"%s%s%s", save_cursor,p+1,restore_cursor); i = write(1,displayLine,k); } } else *(p+1) = '\0'; /* else, set new EOL */ *p++ = c; continue; } if (!iscntrl(c)) continue; if (c == DEL) { if (p <= line) continue; for (i=0,p-- ; p[i]=p[i+1] ; i++) ; k = sprintf(displayLine,"%s%s%s %s", cursor_left,save_cursor,(i?p:""),restore_cursor); write(1,displayLine,k); continue; } switch(c) { default: sprintf(displayLine," ^%c=0x%02X",c+'@',c); break; case ESC: kchar = decode_escape_sequence(fd); if (kchar == KEY_LEFT) { if (p > line) { p--; write(1,cursor_left,strlen(cursor_left)); } } else if (kchar == KEY_RIGHT) { if (*p) { p++; k = strlen(cursorRight); write(1,cursorRight,k); } } else if (kchar==KEY_UP || kchar==KEY_DOWN) { p = start_of_line(line,p); write(1,clrEol,strlen(clrEol)); strcpy(line,get_history_line(kchar)); k = strlen(line); write(1,line,k); p = line + k; } break; case CTRL_E: /* Jump to end of line ... */ num = strlen(p); if (num) { k = 0; for (i=0 ; i<num ; i++) k += sprintf(displayLine+k,cursorRight); write(1,displayLine,k); p += num; } break; case CTRL_H: /* Jump to beginning of line ... */ p = start_of_line(line,p); break; case CTRL_U: /* Delete to beginning of line ... */ num = p - line; /* num chars preceding p */ if (num) { for (i=0,k=0 ; i<num ; i++) k += sprintf(displayLine+k,cursor_left); k += sprintf(displayLine+k,"%s%s",p,clrEol); write(1,displayLine,k); for (i=0 ; line[i]=p[i] ; i++) ; /* shift chars within line[] */ p = start_of_line(line,line+i); } break; } } if (!icnt && (k=strlen(line))) history[icnt++] = strcpy(malloc(k+1),line); else { idx = (icnt-1) % MAX_HISTORY; if (nonblank(line) && strcmp(line,history[idx])) { idx = icnt++ % MAX_HISTORY; if (history[idx]) free(history[idx]); history[idx] = strcpy(malloc(strlen(line)+1),line); } } irecall = HISTORY_NOT_ACTIVE; #if !defined(_WIN32) sts = tcsetattr(fd,TCSANOW,&ttsave); if (sts) perror("Error from tcseattr"); #endif strncpy(usrline,line,maxlen); printf("\n"); #endif return(usrline); }
// Show prompt according to current mode static void show_isearch() { XmTextPosition start = start_of_line(); if (start == XmTextPosition(-1)) return; string prompt; switch (isearch_state) { case ISEARCH_NONE: prompt = gdb->prompt(); break; case ISEARCH_NEXT: prompt = isearch_prompt; break; case ISEARCH_PREV: prompt = reverse_isearch_prompt; break; } if (isearch_state != ISEARCH_NONE) prompt += "`" + cook(isearch_string) + "': "; string input = current_line(); string line = prompt + input; bool old_private_gdb_output = private_gdb_output; private_gdb_output = true; XmTextReplace(gdb_w, start, XmTextGetLastPosition(gdb_w), XMST(line.chars())); promptPosition = start + prompt.length(); XmTextPosition pos = promptPosition; int index = input.index(isearch_string); if (isearch_state == ISEARCH_NONE || index < 0) { XmTextSetHighlight(gdb_w, 0, XmTextGetLastPosition(gdb_w), XmHIGHLIGHT_NORMAL); } else { XmTextSetHighlight(gdb_w, 0, pos + index, XmHIGHLIGHT_NORMAL); XmTextSetHighlight(gdb_w, pos + index, pos + index + isearch_string.length(), XmHIGHLIGHT_SECONDARY_SELECTED); XmTextSetHighlight(gdb_w, pos + index + isearch_string.length(), XmTextGetLastPosition(gdb_w), XmHIGHLIGHT_NORMAL); } if (index >= 0) pos += index; XmTextSetInsertionPosition(gdb_w, pos); XmTextShowPosition(gdb_w, pos); have_isearch_line = false; private_gdb_output = old_private_gdb_output; }
struct ConfigResultIR *parse_config(const char *input, struct context *context) { /* Dump the entire config file into the debug log. We cannot just use * DLOG("%s", input); because one log message must not exceed 4 KiB. */ const char *dumpwalk = input; int linecnt = 1; while (*dumpwalk != '\0') { char *next_nl = strchr(dumpwalk, '\n'); if (next_nl != NULL) { DLOG("CONFIG(line %3d): %.*s\n", linecnt, (int)(next_nl - dumpwalk), dumpwalk); dumpwalk = next_nl + 1; } else { DLOG("CONFIG(line %3d): %s\n", linecnt, dumpwalk); break; } linecnt++; } state = INITIAL; statelist_idx = 1; /* A YAJL JSON generator used for formatting replies. */ command_output.json_gen = yajl_gen_alloc(NULL); y(array_open); const char *walk = input; const size_t len = strlen(input); int c; const cmdp_token *token; bool token_handled; linecnt = 1; // TODO: make this testable #ifndef TEST_PARSER cfg_criteria_init(¤t_match, &subcommand_output, INITIAL); #endif /* The "<=" operator is intentional: We also handle the terminating 0-byte * explicitly by looking for an 'end' token. */ while ((size_t)(walk - input) <= len) { /* Skip whitespace before every token, newlines are relevant since they * separate configuration directives. */ while ((*walk == ' ' || *walk == '\t') && *walk != '\0') walk++; //printf("remaining input: %s\n", walk); cmdp_token_ptr *ptr = &(tokens[state]); token_handled = false; for (c = 0; c < ptr->n; c++) { token = &(ptr->array[c]); /* A literal. */ if (token->name[0] == '\'') { if (strncasecmp(walk, token->name + 1, strlen(token->name) - 1) == 0) { if (token->identifier != NULL) push_string(token->identifier, token->name + 1); walk += strlen(token->name) - 1; next_state(token); token_handled = true; break; } continue; } if (strcmp(token->name, "number") == 0) { /* Handle numbers. We only accept decimal numbers for now. */ char *end = NULL; errno = 0; long int num = strtol(walk, &end, 10); if ((errno == ERANGE && (num == LONG_MIN || num == LONG_MAX)) || (errno != 0 && num == 0)) continue; /* No valid numbers found */ if (end == walk) continue; if (token->identifier != NULL) push_long(token->identifier, num); /* Set walk to the first non-number character */ walk = end; next_state(token); token_handled = true; break; } if (strcmp(token->name, "string") == 0 || strcmp(token->name, "word") == 0) { const char *beginning = walk; /* Handle quoted strings (or words). */ if (*walk == '"') { beginning++; walk++; while (*walk != '\0' && (*walk != '"' || *(walk - 1) == '\\')) walk++; } else { if (token->name[0] == 's') { while (*walk != '\0' && *walk != '\r' && *walk != '\n') walk++; } else { /* For a word, the delimiters are white space (' ' or * '\t'), closing square bracket (]), comma (,) and * semicolon (;). */ while (*walk != ' ' && *walk != '\t' && *walk != ']' && *walk != ',' && *walk != ';' && *walk != '\r' && *walk != '\n' && *walk != '\0') walk++; } } if (walk != beginning) { char *str = scalloc(walk - beginning + 1); /* We copy manually to handle escaping of characters. */ int inpos, outpos; for (inpos = 0, outpos = 0; inpos < (walk - beginning); inpos++, outpos++) { /* We only handle escaped double quotes to not break * backwards compatibility with people using \w in * regular expressions etc. */ if (beginning[inpos] == '\\' && beginning[inpos + 1] == '"') inpos++; str[outpos] = beginning[inpos]; } if (token->identifier) push_string(token->identifier, str); free(str); /* If we are at the end of a quoted string, skip the ending * double quote. */ if (*walk == '"') walk++; next_state(token); token_handled = true; break; } } if (strcmp(token->name, "line") == 0) { while (*walk != '\0' && *walk != '\n' && *walk != '\r') walk++; next_state(token); token_handled = true; linecnt++; walk++; break; } if (strcmp(token->name, "end") == 0) { //printf("checking for end: *%s*\n", walk); if (*walk == '\0' || *walk == '\n' || *walk == '\r') { next_state(token); token_handled = true; /* To make sure we start with an appropriate matching * datastructure for commands which do *not* specify any * criteria, we re-initialize the criteria system after * every command. */ // TODO: make this testable #ifndef TEST_PARSER cfg_criteria_init(¤t_match, &subcommand_output, INITIAL); #endif linecnt++; walk++; break; } } } if (!token_handled) { /* Figure out how much memory we will need to fill in the names of * all tokens afterwards. */ int tokenlen = 0; for (c = 0; c < ptr->n; c++) tokenlen += strlen(ptr->array[c].name) + strlen("'', "); /* Build up a decent error message. We include the problem, the * full input, and underline the position where the parser * currently is. */ char *errormessage; char *possible_tokens = smalloc(tokenlen + 1); char *tokenwalk = possible_tokens; for (c = 0; c < ptr->n; c++) { token = &(ptr->array[c]); if (token->name[0] == '\'') { /* A literal is copied to the error message enclosed with * single quotes. */ *tokenwalk++ = '\''; strcpy(tokenwalk, token->name + 1); tokenwalk += strlen(token->name + 1); *tokenwalk++ = '\''; } else { /* Skip error tokens in error messages, they are used * internally only and might confuse users. */ if (strcmp(token->name, "error") == 0) continue; /* Any other token is copied to the error message enclosed * with angle brackets. */ *tokenwalk++ = '<'; strcpy(tokenwalk, token->name); tokenwalk += strlen(token->name); *tokenwalk++ = '>'; } if (c < (ptr->n - 1)) { *tokenwalk++ = ','; *tokenwalk++ = ' '; } } *tokenwalk = '\0'; sasprintf(&errormessage, "Expected one of these tokens: %s", possible_tokens); free(possible_tokens); /* Go back to the beginning of the line */ const char *error_line = start_of_line(walk, input); /* Contains the same amount of characters as 'input' has, but with * the unparseable part highlighted using ^ characters. */ char *position = scalloc(strlen(error_line) + 1); const char *copywalk; for (copywalk = error_line; *copywalk != '\n' && *copywalk != '\r' && *copywalk != '\0'; copywalk++) position[(copywalk - error_line)] = (copywalk >= walk ? '^' : (*copywalk == '\t' ? '\t' : ' ')); position[(copywalk - error_line)] = '\0'; ELOG("CONFIG: %s\n", errormessage); ELOG("CONFIG: (in file %s)\n", context->filename); char *error_copy = single_line(error_line); /* Print context lines *before* the error, if any. */ if (linecnt > 1) { const char *context_p1_start = start_of_line(error_line - 2, input); char *context_p1_line = single_line(context_p1_start); if (linecnt > 2) { const char *context_p2_start = start_of_line(context_p1_start - 2, input); char *context_p2_line = single_line(context_p2_start); ELOG("CONFIG: Line %3d: %s\n", linecnt - 2, context_p2_line); free(context_p2_line); } ELOG("CONFIG: Line %3d: %s\n", linecnt - 1, context_p1_line); free(context_p1_line); } ELOG("CONFIG: Line %3d: %s\n", linecnt, error_copy); ELOG("CONFIG: %s\n", position); free(error_copy); /* Print context lines *after* the error, if any. */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { char *error_line_end = strchr(error_line, '\n'); if (error_line_end != NULL && *(error_line_end + 1) != '\0') { error_line = error_line_end + 1; error_copy = single_line(error_line); ELOG("CONFIG: Line %3d: %s\n", linecnt + i + 1, error_copy); free(error_copy); } } context->has_errors = true; /* Format this error message as a JSON reply. */ y(map_open); ystr("success"); y(bool, false); /* We set parse_error to true to distinguish this from other * errors. i3-nagbar is spawned upon keypresses only for parser * errors. */ ystr("parse_error"); y(bool, true); ystr("error"); ystr(errormessage); ystr("input"); ystr(input); ystr("errorposition"); ystr(position); y(map_close); /* Skip the rest of this line, but continue parsing. */ while ((size_t)(walk - input) <= len && *walk != '\n') walk++; free(position); free(errormessage); clear_stack(); /* To figure out in which state to go (e.g. MODE or INITIAL), * we find the nearest state which contains an <error> token * and follow that one. */ bool error_token_found = false; for (int i = statelist_idx - 1; (i >= 0) && !error_token_found; i--) { cmdp_token_ptr *errptr = &(tokens[statelist[i]]); for (int j = 0; j < errptr->n; j++) { if (strcmp(errptr->array[j].name, "error") != 0) continue; next_state(&(errptr->array[j])); error_token_found = true; break; } } assert(error_token_found); } }
/* character input */ static void _tinysh_char_in(uchar c) { uchar *line=input_buffers[cur_buf_index]; int i; if(c==128) // start binary transaction { binary_transaction(); return; } if(last_was_switch) { last_was_switch = 0; } else if(last_was_escape) { last_was_escape=0; last_was_dummy=1; } else if(last_was_dummy) { if(c==65) /* up arrow: back in history */ { int prevline=(cur_buf_index_for_viewing+HISTORY_DEPTH-1)%HISTORY_DEPTH; if(input_buffers[prevline][0]) { line=input_buffers[prevline]; /* fill the rest of the line with spaces */ while(cur_index-->strlen(line)) puts("\b \b"); tinysh_char_out('\r'); start_of_line(); puts(line); cur_index=strlen(line); cur_buf_index_for_viewing=prevline; line=input_buffers[cur_buf_index]; for(i=0;input_buffers[cur_buf_index_for_viewing][i]!=0;i++) input_buffers[cur_buf_index][i]=input_buffers[cur_buf_index_for_viewing][i]; input_buffers[cur_buf_index][i] = 0; } } else if(c==66) /* down: next in history */ { int nextline=(cur_buf_index_for_viewing+1)%HISTORY_DEPTH; if(input_buffers[nextline][0]) { line=input_buffers[nextline]; /* fill the rest of the line with spaces */ while(cur_index-->strlen(line)) puts("\b \b"); tinysh_char_out('\r'); start_of_line(); puts(line); cur_index=strlen(line); cur_buf_index_for_viewing=nextline; line=input_buffers[cur_buf_index]; for(i=0;input_buffers[cur_buf_index_for_viewing][i]!=0;i++) input_buffers[cur_buf_index][i]=input_buffers[cur_buf_index_for_viewing][i]; input_buffers[cur_buf_index][i] = 0; } } last_was_dummy=0; } else { if(c=='\n' || c=='\r') /* validate command */ { tinysh_cmd_t *cmd; int context=0; /* first, echo the newline */ if(echo) tinysh_char_out('\n'); tinysh_char_out('\r'); line=input_buffers[cur_buf_index]; input_buffers[cur_buf_index][strlen(line)]=0; if(*line) /* not empty line */ { cmd=cur_cmd_ctx?cur_cmd_ctx->child:root_cmd; exec_command_line(cmd,line); cur_buf_index=(cur_buf_index+1)%HISTORY_DEPTH; cur_index=0; input_buffers[cur_buf_index][0]=0; cur_buf_index_for_viewing=cur_buf_index; } start_of_line(); } else if(c==TOPCHAR) /* return to top level */ { if(echo) tinysh_char_out(c); cur_context=0; cur_cmd_ctx=0; } else if(c==8 || c==127) /* backspace */ { if(cur_index>0) { puts("\b \b"); cur_index--; line[cur_index]=0; } } else if(c=='~') /* repeat the current line */ { repeat_line(); } else if(c==3) /* cancel the current line */ { if(echo) tinysh_char_out('\n'); tinysh_char_out('\r'); line=input_buffers[cur_buf_index]; input_buffers[cur_buf_index][strlen(line)]=0; start_of_line(); } else if(c=='`') /* switch FPGA */ { last_was_switch=1; } else if(c==16) /* CTRL-P: back in history */ { int prevline=(cur_buf_index_for_viewing+HISTORY_DEPTH-1)%HISTORY_DEPTH; if(input_buffers[prevline][0]) { line=input_buffers[prevline]; /* fill the rest of the line with spaces */ while(cur_index-->strlen(line)) puts("\b \b"); tinysh_char_out('\r'); start_of_line(); puts(line); cur_index=strlen(line); cur_buf_index_for_viewing=prevline; line=input_buffers[cur_buf_index]; for(i=0;input_buffers[cur_buf_index_for_viewing][i]!=0;i++) input_buffers[cur_buf_index][i]=input_buffers[cur_buf_index_for_viewing][i]; input_buffers[cur_buf_index][i] = 0; } } else if(c==14) /* CTRL-N: next in history */ { int nextline=(cur_buf_index_for_viewing+1)%HISTORY_DEPTH; if(input_buffers[nextline][0]) { line=input_buffers[nextline]; /* fill the rest of the line with spaces */ while(cur_index-->strlen(line)) puts("\b \b"); tinysh_char_out('\r'); start_of_line(); puts(line); cur_index=strlen(line); cur_buf_index_for_viewing=nextline; line=input_buffers[cur_buf_index]; for(i=0;input_buffers[cur_buf_index_for_viewing][i]!=0;i++) input_buffers[cur_buf_index][i]=input_buffers[cur_buf_index_for_viewing][i]; input_buffers[cur_buf_index][i] = 0; } } else if(c=='?') /* display help */ { tinysh_cmd_t *cmd; cmd=cur_cmd_ctx?cur_cmd_ctx->child:root_cmd; help_command_line(cmd,line); start_of_line(); puts(line); cur_index=strlen(line); } else if(c==9 || c=='!') /* TAB: autocompletion */ { tinysh_cmd_t *cmd; cmd=cur_cmd_ctx?cur_cmd_ctx->child:root_cmd; if(complete_command_line(cmd,line)) { start_of_line(); puts(line); } cur_index=strlen(line); } else if(c==27) { last_was_escape=1; } else /* any input character */ { if(cur_index<BUFFER_SIZE) { if(echo) tinysh_char_out(c); line[cur_index++]=c; line[cur_index]=0; } } } }