static void *Worker( void *arg ) {
	TYPE id = (size_t)arg;
	uint64_t entry;
#ifdef FAST
	unsigned int cnt = 0, oid = id;
#endif // FAST

	for ( int r = 0; r < RUNS; r += 1 ) {
		entry = 0;
		while ( stop == 0 ) {
			// step 1, select a ticket
			choosing[id] = 1;							// entry protocol
			Fence();									// force store before more loads
			TYPE max = 0;								// O(N) search for largest ticket
			for ( int j = 0; j < N; j += 1 ) {
				TYPE v = ticket[j];						// could change so must copy
				if ( max < v ) max = v;
			} // for
#if 1
			max += 1;									// advance ticket
			ticket[id] = max;
			choosing[id] = 0;
			Fence();									// force store before more loads
			// step 2, wait for ticket to be selected
			for ( int j = 0; j < N; j += 1 ) {			// check other tickets
				while ( choosing[j] == 1 ) Pause();		// busy wait if thread selecting ticket
				while ( ticket[j] != 0 &&				// busy wait if choosing or
						( ticket[j] < max ||			//  greater ticket value or lower priority
						( ticket[j] == max && j < id ) ) ) Pause();
			} // for
			ticket[id] = max + 1;						// advance ticket
			choosing[id] = 0;
			Fence();									// force store before more loads
			// step 2, wait for ticket to be selected
			for ( int j = 0; j < N; j += 1 ) {			// check other tickets
				while ( choosing[j] == 1 ) Pause();		// busy wait if thread selecting ticket
				while ( ticket[j] != 0 &&				// busy wait if choosing or
						( ticket[j] < ticket[id] ||		//  greater ticket value or lower priority
						( ticket[j] == ticket[id] && j < id ) ) ) Pause();
			} // for
			CriticalSection( id );
			ticket[id] = 0;								// exit protocol
#ifdef FAST
			id = startpoint( cnt );						// different starting point each experiment
			cnt = cycleUp( cnt, NoStartPoints );
#endif // FAST
			entry += 1;
		} // while
#ifdef FAST
		id = oid;
#endif // FAST
		entries[r][id] = entry;
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, 1 );
		while ( stop != 0 ) Pause();
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, -1 );
	} // for
	return NULL;
} // Worker
int Drone_IR::startbit(int arraylen, int* array, int sp) {
  int rgArray[] = {1000, 2000}, i;
  if (arraylen - DATALEN  < sp)return -1;
  for (int c = sp; c < arraylen - DATALEN; c++) {
    sp = startpoint(arraylen, array, c);
    if (sp == -1)return -1;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      if (!range(1500, rgArray[i % 2], array[sp - 1 + i * 2]))break;
    if (i >= 4) return sp;
static void *Worker( void *arg ) {
	TYPE id = (size_t)arg;
	uint64_t entry;
#ifdef FAST
	unsigned int cnt = 0, oid = id;
#endif // FAST

	int j;

	for ( int r = 0; r < RUNS; r += 1 ) {
		entry = 0;
		while ( stop == 0 ) {
			flag[id] = 1;
			Fence();									// force store before more loads
			for ( j = 0; j < N; j += 1 )				// wait until doors open
				await( flag[j] < 3 );
			flag[id] = 3;								// close door 1
			Fence();									// force store before more loads
			for ( j = 0; j < N; j += 1 )				// check for 
				if ( flag[j] == 1 ) {					//   others in group ?
					flag[id] = 2;						// enter waiting room
					Fence();							// force store before more loads
				  L: for ( int k = 0; k < N; k += 1 )	// wait for
						if ( flag[k] == 4 ) goto fini;	//   door 2 to open
					goto L;
				  fini: ;
				} // if
			flag[id] = 4;								// open door 2
			Fence();									// force store before more loads
//			for ( j = 0; j < N; j += 1 )				// wait for all threads in waiting room
//				await( flag[j] < 2 || flag[j] > 3 );	//    to pass through door 2
			for ( j = 0; j < id; j += 1 )				// service threads in priority order
				await( flag[j] < 2 );
			CriticalSection( id );
			for ( j = id + 1; j < N; j += 1 )			// wait for all threads in waiting room
				await( flag[j] < 2 || flag[j] > 3 );	//    to pass through door 2
			flag[id] = 0;
#ifdef FAST
			id = startpoint( cnt );						// different starting point each experiment
			cnt = cycleUp( cnt, NoStartPoints );
#endif // FAST
			entry += 1;
		} // while
#ifdef FAST
		id = oid;
#endif // FAST
		entries[r][id] = entry;
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, 1 );
		while ( stop != 0 ) Pause();
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, -1 );
	} // for
	return NULL;
} // Worker
static void *Worker( void *arg ) {
	TYPE id = (size_t)arg;
	uint64_t entry;
#ifdef FAST
	unsigned int cnt = 0, oid = id;
#endif // FAST

	TYPE copy[N];
	int j;

	for ( int r = 0; r < RUNS; r += 1 ) {
		entry = 0;
		while ( stop == 0 ) {
			c[id] = 1;									// stage 1, establish FCFS
			Fence();									// force store before more loads
			for ( j = 0; j < N; j += 1 )				// copy turn values
				copy[j] = turn[j];
//			turn[id] = cycleUp( turn[id], 4 );			// advance my turn
			turn[id] = cycleUp( turn[id], 3 );			// advance my turn
			v[id] = 1;
			c[id] = 0;
			Fence();									// force store before more loads
			for ( j = 0; j < N; j += 1 )
				while ( c[j] != 0 || (v[j] != 0 && copy[j] == turn[j]) ) Pause();
		  L: intents[id] = 1;							// B-L
			Fence();									// force store before more loads
			for ( j = 0; j < id; j += 1 )				// stage 2, high priority search
				if ( intents[j] != 0 ) {
					intents[id] = 0;
					Fence();							// force store before more loads
					while ( intents[j] != 0 ) Pause();
					goto L;
				} // if
			for ( j = id + 1; j < N; j += 1 )			// stage 3, low priority search
				while ( intents[j] != 0 ) Pause();
			CriticalSection( id );
			v[id] = intents[id] = 0;					// exit protocol
#ifdef FAST
			id = startpoint( cnt );						// different starting point each experiment
			cnt = cycleUp( cnt, NoStartPoints );
#endif // FAST
			entry += 1;
		} // while
#ifdef FAST
		id = oid;
#endif // FAST
		entries[r][id] = entry;
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, 1 );
		while ( stop != 0 ) Pause();
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, -1 );
	} // for
	return NULL;
} // Worker
void SpiralShape::updatePath(const QSizeF &size)
#if 0
    QPointF startpoint(m_handles[0]);

    QPointF curvePoints[12];

    int pointCnt = arcToCurve(m_radii.x(), m_radii.y(), m_startAngle, sweepAngle() , startpoint, curvePoints);

    int cp = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < pointCnt; i += 3)
    if (m_type == Curve)
    else if (m_type == Line && m_startAngle == m_endAngle)

    for (int i = 0; i <= cp; ++i)
        if (i < cp || (m_type == Line && m_startAngle != m_endAngle))

static void *Worker( void *arg ) {
    TYPE id = (size_t)arg;
	uint64_t entry;
#ifdef FAST
	unsigned int cnt = 0, oid = id;
#endif // FAST

    for ( int r = 0; r < RUNS; r += 1 ) {
        entry = 0;
        while ( atomic_load(&stop) == 0 ) {
            atomic_store(&states[id*PADRATIO], LOCKED);
            while (1) {
                int lturn = atomic_load(&turn);
                if (!validate_left(id, lturn)) {
                    atomic_store(&states[id*PADRATIO], WAITING);
                    while (1) {
                        if (validate_left(id, lturn) && lturn == atomic_load_explicit(&turn, memory_order_acquire)) break;
                        lturn = atomic_load_explicit(&turn, memory_order_acquire);
                    atomic_store(&states[id*PADRATIO], LOCKED);
                while (lturn == atomic_load_explicit(&turn, memory_order_acquire)) {
                    if (validate_right(id, lturn)) break;
                if (lturn == atomic_load_explicit(&turn, memory_order_acquire)) break;
			CriticalSection( id );						// critical section
			int lturn = (atomic_load_explicit(&turn, memory_order_relaxed)+1) % N;
			atomic_store_explicit(&turn, lturn, memory_order_relaxed);
			atomic_store_explicit(&states[id*PADRATIO], UNLOCKED, memory_order_release); // exit protocol
#ifdef FAST
			id = startpoint( cnt );						// different starting point each experiment
			cnt = cycleUp( cnt, NoStartPoints );
#endif // FAST
			entry += 1;
		} // while
#ifdef FAST
		id = oid;
#endif // FAST
		entries[r][id] = entry;
        atomic_fetch_add( &Arrived, 1 );
        while ( atomic_load(&stop) != 0 ) Pause();
        atomic_fetch_add( &Arrived, -1 );
	} // for
	return NULL;
} // Worker
static void *Worker( void *arg ) {
	TYPE id = (size_t)arg;
	uint64_t entry;
#ifdef FAST
	unsigned int cnt = 0, oid = id;
#endif // FAST

	TYPE temp;

	for ( int r = 0; r < RUNS; r += 1 ) {
		entry = 0;
		while ( stop == 0 ) {
			if ( id == 0 ) {
				temp = Q[1];
				Q[0] = temp == Z ? T : (temp == T ? T : F);
				temp = Q[1];
				Q[0] = temp == Z ? Q[0] : (temp == T ? T : F);
				await( Q[1] != Q[0] );
			} else {
				temp = Q[0];
				Q[1] = temp == Z ? T : (temp == T ? F : T);
				temp = Q[0];
				Q[1] = temp == Z ? Q[1] : (temp == T ? F : T);
				await( Q[0] == Z || Q[0] == Q[1] );
			} // for
			CriticalSection( id );
			Q[id] = Z;
#ifdef FAST
			id = startpoint( cnt );						// different starting point each experiment
			cnt = cycleUp( cnt, NoStartPoints );
#endif // FAST
			entry += 1;
		} // while
#ifdef FAST
		id = oid;
#endif // FAST
		entries[r][id] = entry;
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, 1 );
		while ( stop != 0 ) Pause();
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, -1 );
	} // for
	return NULL;
} // Worker
static void *Worker( void *arg ) {
	TYPE id = (size_t)arg;
	uint64_t entry;
#ifdef FAST
	unsigned int cnt = 0, oid = id;
#endif // FAST

	for ( int r = 0; r < RUNS; r += 1 ) {
		entry = 0;
		while ( stop == 0 ) {
		  L0: control[id] = WantIn;						// entry protocol
			Fence();									// force store before more loads
			// step 1, wait for threads with higher priority
		  L1: for ( int j = HIGH; j != id; j = cycleUp( j, N ) )
				if ( control[j] != DontWantIn ) { Pause(); goto L1; } // restart search
			control[id] = EnterCS;
			Fence();									// force store before more loads
			// step 2, check for any other thread finished step 1
			for ( int j = 0; j < N; j += 1 )
				if ( j != id && control[j] == EnterCS ) goto L0;
			if ( control[HIGH] != DontWantIn && HIGH != id ) goto L0;
			HIGH = id;									// its now ok to enter
			CriticalSection( id );
			// look for any thread that wants in other than this thread
//			for ( int j = cycleUp( id + 1, N );; j = cycleUp( j, N ) ) // exit protocol
			for ( int j = cycleUp( HIGH + 1, N );; j = cycleUp( j, N ) ) // exit protocol
				if ( control[j] != DontWantIn ) { HIGH = j; break; }
			control[id] = DontWantIn;
#ifdef FAST
			id = startpoint( cnt );						// different starting point each experiment
			cnt = cycleUp( cnt, NoStartPoints );
#endif // FAST
			entry += 1;
		} // while
#ifdef FAST
		id = oid;
#endif // FAST
		entries[r][id] = entry;
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, 1 );
		while ( stop != 0 ) Pause();
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, -1 );
	} // for
	return NULL;
} // Worker
static void *Worker( void *arg ) {
	TYPE id = (size_t)arg;
	uint64_t entry;
	int other = inv( id );
#ifdef FAST
	unsigned int cnt = 0, oid = id;
#endif // FAST

	for ( int r = 0; r < RUNS; r += 1 ) {
		entry = 0;
		while ( atomic_load(&stop) == 0 ) {
		    if ( id == 0 ) {
	            atomic_store(intents[id], WantIn);                       // declare intent
	            if ( atomic_load(intents[other]) == WantIn ) { // other thread want in ?
	                if ( atomic_load_explicit(last, memory_order_acquire) == id ) {                     // low priority task ?
	                    atomic_store(intents[id], DontWantIn);           // retract intent
	                    await( atomic_load(last) != id );                // low priority busy wait
	                    atomic_store(intents[id], WantIn);               // re-declare intent
	                } // if
	                await( atomic_load(intents[other]) == DontWantIn );  // high priority busy wait
	            } // if
		        CriticalSection( id );                      // critical section
	            atomic_store_explicit(last, id, memory_order_release);                                  // exit protocol
	            atomic_store_explicit(intents[id], DontWantIn, memory_order_release);
#ifdef FAST
			id = startpoint( cnt );						// different starting point each experiment
			cnt = cycleUp( cnt, NoStartPoints );
#endif // FAST
			entry += 1;
		} // while
#ifdef FAST
		id = oid;
#endif // FAST
		entries[r][id] = entry;
        atomic_fetch_add( &Arrived, 1 );
        while ( atomic_load(&stop) != 0 ) Pause();
        atomic_fetch_add( &Arrived, -1 );
	} // for
	return NULL;
} // Worker
static void *Worker( void *arg ) {
	TYPE id = (size_t)arg;
	uint64_t entry;
#ifdef FAST
	unsigned int cnt = 0, oid = id;
#endif // FAST

	for ( int r = 0; r < RUNS; r += 1 ) {
		entry = 0;
		while ( stop == 0 ) {
		  L: intents[id] = WantIn;
			Fence();									// force store before more loads
			for ( int j = 0; j < id; j += 1 ) {			// check if thread with higher id wants in
//			for ( int j = id - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1 ) {
				if ( intents[j] == WantIn ) {
					intents[id] = DontWantIn;
					Fence();							// force store before more loads
					while ( intents[j] == WantIn ) Pause();
					goto L;
				} // if
			} // for
			for ( int j = id + 1; j < N; j += 1 )
				while ( intents[j] == WantIn ) Pause();
			CriticalSection( id );						// critical section
			intents[id] = DontWantIn;					// exit protocol
#ifdef FAST
			id = startpoint( cnt );						// different starting point each experiment
			cnt = cycleUp( cnt, NoStartPoints );
#endif // FAST
			entry += 1;
		} // while
#ifdef FAST
		id = oid;
#endif // FAST
		entries[r][id] = entry;
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, 1 );
		while ( stop != 0 ) Pause();
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, -1 );
	} // for
	return NULL;
} // Worker
static void *Worker( void *arg ) {
	TYPE id = (size_t)arg;
	uint64_t entry;
#ifdef FAST
	unsigned int cnt = 0, oid = id;
#endif // FAST

	unsigned int lid;									// local id at each tree level

	for ( int r = 0; r < RUNS; r += 1 ) {
		entry = 0;
		while ( stop == 0 ) {
			lid = id;									// entry protocol
			for ( int lv = 0; lv < depth; lv += 1 ) {
				binary_prologue( lid & 1, &t[lv][lid >> 1] );
				lid >>= 1;								// advance local id for next tree level
			} // for

			CriticalSection( id );

			for ( int lv = depth - 1; lv >= 0; lv -= 1 ) { // exit protocol, retract reverse order
				lid = id >> lv;
				binary_epilogue( lid & 1, &t[lv][lid >> 1] );
			} // for
#ifdef FAST
			id = startpoint( cnt );						// different starting point each experiment
			cnt = cycleUp( cnt, NoStartPoints );
#endif // FAST
			entry += 1;
		} // while
#ifdef FAST
		id = oid;
#endif // FAST
		entries[r][id] = entry;
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, 1 );
		while ( stop != 0 ) Pause();
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, -1 );
	} // for
	return NULL;
} // Worker
static void *Worker( void *arg ) {
    TYPE id = (size_t)arg;
    uint64_t entry;

	int other = inv( id );								// int is better than TYPE

#ifdef FAST
	unsigned int cnt = 0, oid = id;
#endif // FAST

    for ( int r = 0; r < RUNS; r += 1 ) {
		entry = 0;
		while ( stop == 0 ) {
			intents[id] = WantIn;						// entry protocol
			last = id;									// RACE
			Fence();									// force store before more loads
			if ( FASTPATH( intents[other] != DontWantIn ) )	// local spin
				while ( last == id ) Pause();			// busy wait
			CriticalSection( id );
			intents[id] = DontWantIn;					// exit protocol
			last = id;
#ifdef FAST
			id = startpoint( cnt );						// different starting point each experiment
			other = inv( id );
			cnt = cycleUp( cnt, NoStartPoints );
#endif // FAST
			entry += 1;
		} // while
#ifdef FAST
		id = oid;
		other = inv( id );
#endif // FAST
		entries[r][id] = entry;
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, 1 );
		while ( stop != 0 ) Pause();
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, -1 );
    } // for
	return NULL;
} // Worker
static void *Worker( void *arg ) {
	TYPE id = (size_t)arg;
#ifdef FAST
	unsigned int cnt = 0, oid = id;
#endif // FAST
	uint64_t entry;

	for ( int r = 0; r < RUNS; r += 1 ) {
		entry = 0;
		while ( stop == 0 ) {
		  L0: control[id] = WantIn;						// entry protocol
			Fence();									// force store before more loads
		  L1: for ( int j = turn; j != id; j = cycleDown( j, N ) )
				if ( control[j] != DontWantIn ) { Pause(); goto L1; } // restart search
			control[id] = EnterCS;
			Fence();									// force store before more loads
			for ( int j = N - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1 )
				if ( j != id && control[j] == EnterCS ) goto L0;
			CriticalSection( id );
			// cycle through threads
			if ( control[turn] == DontWantIn || turn == id ) // exit protocol
				turn = cycleDown( turn, N );
			control[id] = DontWantIn;
#ifdef FAST
			id = startpoint( cnt );						// different starting point each experiment
			cnt = cycleUp( cnt, NoStartPoints );
#endif // FAST
			entry += 1;
		} // while
#ifdef FAST
		id = oid;
#endif // FAST
		entries[r][id] = entry;
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, 1 );
		while ( stop != 0 ) Pause();
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, -1 );
	} // for
	return NULL;
} // Worker
void PointSet::AddControlVolume ( std::vector<glm::vec3> *allvertices )
    Vector3DF pos;
	Point* p;	
	int dimx=5;
	int dimy=5;
	float dimz=10;
	int ccnt=0;
	//vec3 a = myvertices. ; 
	glm::vec3 startpoint(0,0.0,-5.0);
	glm::vec3 direction(0,0,1.0);
	glm::vec3 vertex1(0,1.0,2.0);
	glm::vec3 vertex2(-1.0,-1.0,0);
	glm::vec3 vertex3(1.0,-1.0,0);
	glm::vec3 v1,v2,v3;
	int a = allvertices->size();
	double value=0;
	int count=0;
	float var=1.0;
	//glm::vec3 *a = myvertices;
	for (float x = -5; x < 18; x += 1.0)
		for (float y = -5; y <= 14; y += 1.0)
			 for (float z = -5; z <= 25; z += var )
				 /*if(z>=-5.0 && z <2.0)
					 var =1.0;
				  else if(z>=2.0 && z < 8.0)
					 var =0.70;
				   else if(z>=8.0 && z < 15.0)
					 var =0.6;
				    else if(z >= 15.0 && z <=25.0)
					 var =0.3;*/

				 count = 0 ;

				 for(int v=0 ;v < a ; v+=3)
					 //checking each vertex in the grid with all the 192 triangles of mesh
					 vertex1= vec3(v1[0],v1[1],v1[2]);
					 vertex2= vec3(v2[0],v2[1],v2[2]);
					 vertex3= vec3(v3[0],v3[1],v3[2]);
						if(value != -1.0)


				 if( count % 2 == 1)
							 //inside the mesh
						p = GetPoint ( AddPointReuse () );
						pos.Set ( x,y,z+10.0f);
						p->pos = pos;	
						p->type = 1;
						p->clr = COLORA( 1.0,0.3,0.3, 0);  ///   0.1,0.3,1.0,1.0 
			// var = 1.0;


static void *Worker( void *arg ) {
	TYPE id = (size_t)arg;
	uint64_t entry;

	int other = inv( id );								// int is better than TYPE

#ifdef FAST
	unsigned int cnt = 0, oid = id;
#endif // FAST

	for ( int r = 0; r < RUNS; r += 1 ) {
		entry = 0;
		while ( stop == 0 ) {
#ifdef FLICKER
			for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i += 1 ) cc[id] = i % 2; // flicker
#endif // FLICKER
			cc[id] = WantIn;							// declare intent
			Fence();									// force store before more loads
			while ( cc[other] == WantIn ) {
				if ( FASTPATH( last == id ) ) {
#ifdef FLICKER
					for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i += 1 ) cc[id] = i % 2; // flicker
#endif // FLICKER
					cc[id] = DontWantIn;
					while( cc[other] == WantIn && last == id ) Pause();	// low priority busy wait
#ifdef FLICKER
					for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i += 1 ) cc[id] = i % 2; // flicker
#endif // FLICKER
					cc[id] = WantIn;					// declare intent
					Fence();							// force store before more loads
				} // if
			} // while
			CriticalSection( id );
			if ( last != id ) {
#ifdef FLICKER
				for ( int i = id; i < 100; i += 1 ) last = i % 2; // flicker
#endif // FLICKER
				last = id;
			} // if
#ifdef FLICKER
			for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i += 1 ) cc[id] = i % 2; // flicker
#endif // FLICKER
			cc[id] = DontWantIn;

#ifdef FAST
			id = startpoint( cnt );						// different starting point each experiment
			other = inv( id );
			cnt = cycleUp( cnt, NoStartPoints );
#endif // FAST
			entry += 1;
		} // while
#ifdef FAST
		id = oid;
		other = inv( id );
#endif // FAST
		entries[r][id] = entry;
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, 1 );
		while ( stop != 0 ) Pause();
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, -1 );
	} // for
	return NULL;
} // Worker
static void *Worker( void *arg ) {
	TYPE id = (size_t)arg;
	uint64_t entry;

	int other = inv( id );								// int is better than TYPE

#ifdef FAST
	unsigned int cnt = 0, oid = id;
#endif // FAST

	for ( int r = 0; r < RUNS; r += 1 ) {
		entry = 0;
		while ( stop == 0 ) {
			for ( ;; ) {
#ifdef FLICKER
				for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i += 1 ) intents[id] = i % 2; // flicker
#endif // FLICKER
				intents[id] = WantIn;					// declare intent
				// Necessary to prevent the read of intents[other] from floating above the assignment
				// intents[id] = WantIn, when the hardware determines the two subscripts are different.
				Fence();								// force store before more loads
			  if ( FASTPATH( intents[other] == DontWantIn ) ) break;
				if ( last == id ) {
#ifdef FLICKER
					for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i += 1 ) intents[id] = i % 2; // flicker
#endif // FLICKER
					intents[id] = DontWantIn;
					// Optional fence to prevent LD of "last" from being lifted above store of
					// intends[id]=DontWantIn. Because a thread only writes its own id into "last",
					// and because of eventual consistency (writes eventually become visible),
					// the fence is conservative.
					//Fence();							// force store before more loads
					await( last != id );				// low priority busy wait
				} // if
			} // for
			CriticalSection( id );
#ifdef FLICKER
			for ( int i = id; i < 100; i += 1 ) last = i % 2; // flicker
#endif // FLICKER
			last = id;									// exit protocol
#ifdef FLICKER
			for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i += 1 ) intents[id] = i % 2; // flicker
#endif // FLICKER
			intents[id] = DontWantIn;

#ifdef FAST
			id = startpoint( cnt );						// different starting point each experiment
			other = inv( id );
			cnt = cycleUp( cnt, NoStartPoints );
#endif // FAST
			entry += 1;
		} // while
#ifdef FAST
		id = oid;
		other = inv( id );
#endif // FAST
		entries[r][id] = entry;
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, 1 );
		while ( stop != 0 ) Pause();
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, -1 );
	} // for
	return NULL;
} // Worker