static void
process(bl_t bl)
	struct sockaddr_storage rss;
	socklen_t rsl;
	char rbuf[BUFSIZ];
	bl_info_t *bi;
	struct conf c;
	struct dbinfo dbi;
	struct timespec ts;

	if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts) == -1) {
		(*lfun)(LOG_ERR, "clock_gettime failed (%m)"); 

	if ((bi = bl_recv(bl)) == NULL) {
		(*lfun)(LOG_ERR, "no message (%m)"); 

	if (getremoteaddress(bi, &rss, &rsl) == -1)
		goto out;

	if (debug) {
		sockaddr_snprintf(rbuf, sizeof(rbuf), "%a:%p", (void *)&rss);
		(*lfun)(LOG_DEBUG, "processing type=%d fd=%d remote=%s msg=%s"
		    " uid=%lu gid=%lu", bi->bi_type, bi->bi_fd, rbuf,
		    bi->bi_msg, (unsigned long)bi->bi_uid,
		    (unsigned long)bi->bi_gid);

	if (conf_find(bi->bi_fd, bi->bi_uid, &rss, &c) == NULL) {
		(*lfun)(LOG_DEBUG, "no rule matched");
		goto out;

	if (state_get(state, &c, &dbi) == -1)
		goto out;

	if (debug) {
		char b1[128], b2[128];
		(*lfun)(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: db state info for %s: count=%d/%d "
		    "last=%s now=%s", __func__, rbuf, dbi.count, c.c_nfail,
		    fmttime(b1, sizeof(b1), dbi.last),
		    fmttime(b2, sizeof(b2), ts.tv_sec));

	switch (bi->bi_type) {
	case BL_ADD:
		dbi.last = ts.tv_sec;
		if (dbi.id[0]) {
			 * We should not be getting this since the rule
			 * should have blocked the address. A possible
			 * explanation is that someone removed that rule,
			 * and another would be that we got another attempt
			 * before we added the rule. In anycase, we remove
			 * and re-add the rule because we don't want to add
			 * it twice, because then we'd lose track of it.
			(*lfun)(LOG_DEBUG, "rule exists %s", dbi.id);
			(void)run_change("rem", &c, dbi.id, 0);
			dbi.id[0] = '\0';
		if (c.c_nfail != -1 && dbi.count >= c.c_nfail) {
			int res = run_change("add", &c, dbi.id, sizeof(dbi.id));
			if (res == -1)
				goto out;
			sockaddr_snprintf(rbuf, sizeof(rbuf), "%a",
			    (void *)&rss);
			    "blocked %s/%d:%d for %d seconds",
			    rbuf, c.c_lmask, c.c_port, c.c_duration);
	case BL_DELETE:
		if (dbi.last == 0)
			goto out;
		dbi.last = 0;
		(*lfun)(LOG_ERR, "unknown message %d", bi->bi_type); 
	if (state_put(state, &c, &dbi) == -1)
		goto out;
文件: hu_usb.c 项目: kovrov/headunit
  int hu_usb_start (byte ep_in_addr, byte ep_out_addr) {
    int ret = 0;

    if (iusb_state == hu_STATE_STARTED) {
      logd ("CHECK: iusb_state: %d (%s)", iusb_state, state_get (iusb_state));
      return (0);

    //#include <sys/prctl.h>
    //ret = prctl (PR_GET_DUMPABLE, 1, 0, 0, 0);  // 1 = SUID_DUMP_USER
    //logd ("prctl ret: %d", ret);

    iusb_state = hu_STATE_STARTIN;
    logd ("  SET: iusb_state: %d (%s)", iusb_state, state_get (iusb_state));

    iusb_best_vendor = 0;
    int tries = 0;
    while (iusb_best_vendor != USB_VID_GOO && tries ++ < 4) { //2000) {

      ret = iusb_init (ep_in_addr, ep_out_addr);
      if (ret < 0) {
        loge ("Error iusb_init");
        iusb_deinit ();
        iusb_state = hu_STATE_STOPPED;
        logd ("  SET: iusb_state: %d (%s)", iusb_state, state_get (iusb_state));
        return (-1);
      logd ("OK iusb_init");

#if 0
      if (iusb_best_vendor == USB_VID_GOO) {
        logd ("Already OAP/AA mode, no need to call iusb_oap_start()");

        iusb_state = hu_STATE_STARTED;
        logd ("  SET: iusb_state: %d (%s)", iusb_state, state_get (iusb_state));
        return (0);

      ret = iusb_oap_start ();
      if (ret < 0) {
        loge ("Error iusb_oap_start");
        iusb_deinit ();
        iusb_state = hu_STATE_STOPPED;
        logd ("  SET: iusb_state: %d (%s)", iusb_state, state_get (iusb_state));
        return (-2);
      logd ("OK iusb_oap_start");

      if (iusb_best_vendor != USB_VID_GOO) {
        iusb_deinit ();
        ms_sleep (4000);//!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      (1000);                                                // 600 ms not enough; 700 seems OK
        logd ("Done iusb_best_vendor != USB_VID_GOO ms_sleep()");
        logd ("Done iusb_best_vendor == USB_VID_GOO");

    if (iusb_best_vendor != USB_VID_GOO) {
      loge ("No Google AA/Accessory mode iusb_best_vendor: 0x%x", iusb_best_vendor);
      iusb_deinit ();
      iusb_state = hu_STATE_STOPPED;
      logd ("  SET: iusb_state: %d (%s)", iusb_state, state_get (iusb_state));
      return (-3);

    iusb_state = hu_STATE_STARTED;
    logd ("  SET: iusb_state: %d (%s)", iusb_state, state_get (iusb_state));
    return (0);
 * Loops through the graph and spreads the infection
 * from sick individuals to their neighbors
void spread_infection(igraph_t *graph, igraph_t *new_graph) {
	igraph_vector_t neighbors;

	double T;
	float random; // Random number to compare against transmission probability T to see if the infection is passed on
	int num_neighbors;

	// Loop through all vertices looking for infected individuals
	for(int i = 0; i < NETWORK_SIZE; i++) {
		if(state_get(graph, i) == LATENT) {
			// If it is after its first day in latent state, become infectious
			if(state_counter_get(graph, i) == DAYS_LATENT) {
				state_set(&new_graph, i, INFECTIOUS);
				state_counter_set(&new_graph, i, 0);
		else if(state_get(graph, i) == INFECTIOUS) {
			// If it has been infectious for the specified time, move to recovered class
			if(state_counter_get(graph, i) == DAYS_INFECTIOUS) {
				state_set(&new_graph, i, RECOVERED);
				state_counter_set(&new_graph, i, 0);
			else {
				igraph_neighbors(graph, &neighbors, i, IGRAPH_ALL);
				num_neighbors = igraph_vector_size(&neighbors);
				 // The probability of the disease spreading to a given neighbor
				 // is a function of the infected vertex's degree.
				 // The function: T = 1 - (1 - R0/k) * (1/d)
				 // Where T is the transmission probability
				 // R0 is a fixed constant representing the R0 of the disease
				 // k is the degree
				 // and d is the number of days spent in the infectious class

				T = 1 - (1 - ((R0/num_neighbors) / (double)DAYS_INFECTIOUS));

				// Loop through the neighbors of the infected individual
				for(int n = 0; n < num_neighbors; n++) {

					// Only infect the neighbor if they are susceptible
					if(state_get(graph, (int)VECTOR(neighbors)[n]) == SUSCEPTIBLE) {

						// Generates float from 0.0-1.0 inclusive
						random = (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX; 

						// Pass on the transmission with probability T
						if(random < T) {
							state_set(&new_graph, (int)VECTOR(neighbors)[n], LATENT);
							state_counter_set(&new_graph, (int)VECTOR(neighbors)[n], 0);


		else if(state_get(graph, i) == RECOVERED) {
			if(state_counter_get(graph, i) == DAYS_RECOVERED) {
				state_set(&new_graph, i, SUSCEPTIBLE);
				state_counter_set(&new_graph, i, 0);



	igraph_copy(graph, &new_graph);

 int HUServer::hu_aap_unenc_send (int retry,int chan, byte * buf, int len, int overrideTimeout) {                 // Encrypt data and send: type,...
    if (iaap_state != hu_STATE_STARTED && iaap_state != hu_STATE_STARTIN) {
      logw ("CHECK: iaap_state: %d (%s)", iaap_state, state_get (iaap_state));
      //logw ("chan: %d  len: %d  buf: %p", chan, len, buf);
      //hex_dump (" W/    hu_aap_enc_send: ", 16, buf, len);    // Byebye: hu_aap_enc_send:  00000000 00 0f 08 00
      return (-1);

    byte base_flags = 0;
    uint16_t message_type = be16toh(*((uint16_t*)buf));
    if (chan != AA_CH_CTR && message_type >= 2 && message_type < 0x8000) {                            // If not control channel and msg_type = 0 - 255 = control type message
        base_flags |= HU_FRAME_CONTROL_MESSAGE;                                                     // Set Control Flag (On non-control channels, indicates generic/"control type" messages
        //logd ("Setting control");

    logd("Sending hu_aap_unenc_send %i bytes", len);

    for (int frag_start = 0; frag_start < len; frag_start += MAX_FRAME_PAYLOAD_SIZE)
      byte flags = base_flags;

      if (frag_start == 0)
        flags |= HU_FRAME_FIRST_FRAME;
      int cur_len = MAX_FRAME_PAYLOAD_SIZE;
      if ((frag_start + MAX_FRAME_PAYLOAD_SIZE) >= len)
        flags |= HU_FRAME_LAST_FRAME;
        cur_len = len - frag_start;

      logd("Frame %i : %i bytes",(int)flags, cur_len);
  #ifndef NDEBUG
  //    if (ena_log_verbo && ena_log_aap_send) {
      if (log_packet_info) { // && ena_log_aap_send)
        char prefix [MAX_FRAME_SIZE] = {0};
        snprintf (prefix, sizeof (prefix), "S %d %s %1.1x", chan, chan_get (chan), flags);  // "S 1 VID B"
        int rmv = hu_aad_dmp (prefix, "HU", chan, flags, &buf[frag_start], cur_len);

      enc_buf [0] = (byte) chan;                                              // Encode channel and flags
      enc_buf [1] = flags;
      *((uint16_t*)&enc_buf[2]) = htobe16(cur_len);
      int header_size = 4;
      if ((flags & HU_FRAME_FIRST_FRAME) & !(flags & HU_FRAME_LAST_FRAME))
        //write total len
        *((uint32_t*)&enc_buf[header_size]) = htobe32(len);
        header_size += 4;

      memcpy(&enc_buf[header_size], &buf[frag_start], cur_len);

      int ret = 0;
      return hu_aap_tra_send (retry, enc_buf, cur_len + header_size, overrideTimeout < 0 ? iaap_tra_send_tmo : overrideTimeout);           // Send encrypted data to AA Server

    return (0);
文件: hu_usb.c 项目: kovrov/headunit
  int iusb_bulk_transfer (int ep, byte * buf, int len, int tmo) { // 0 = unlimited timeout
    char * dir = "recv";
    if (ep == iusb_ep_out)
      dir = "send";

    if (iusb_state != hu_STATE_STARTED) {
      logd ("CHECK: iusb_bulk_transfer start iusb_state: %d (%s) dir: %s  ep: 0x%02x  buf: %p  len: %d  tmo: %d", iusb_state, state_get (iusb_state), dir, ep, buf, len, tmo);
      return (-1);

    if (ena_log_extra) {
      logd ("Start dir: %s  ep: 0x%02x  buf: %p  len: %d  tmo: %d", dir, ep, buf, len, tmo);
#ifndef NDEBUG
    if (ena_log_send && ep == iusb_ep_out)
      hex_dump ("US: ", 16, buf, len);

    int usb_err = -2;
    int total_bytes_xfrd = 0;
    int bytes_xfrd = 0;
      // You should also check the transferred parameter for bulk writes. Not all of the data may have been written.
      // Also check transferred when dealing with a timeout error code. libusb may have to split your transfer into a number of chunks to satisfy underlying O/S requirements,
      // meaning that the timeout may expire after the first few chunks have completed. libusb is careful not to lose any data that may have been transferred;
      // do not assume that timeout conditions indicate a complete lack of I/O.

    errno = 0;
    int continue_transfer = 1;
    while (continue_transfer) {
      usb_err = libusb_bulk_transfer (iusb_dev_hndl, ep, buf, len, & bytes_xfrd, tmo);

      continue_transfer = 0;
      if (bytes_xfrd > 0)
        total_bytes_xfrd += bytes_xfrd;

      if (bytes_xfrd > 0 && usb_err == LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT) {
        continue_transfer = 1;
        loge ("CONTINUE dir: %s  len: %d  bytes_xfrd: %d  usb_err: %d (%s)  errno: %d (%s)", dir, len, bytes_xfrd, usb_err, iusb_error_get (usb_err), errno, strerror (errno));
        buf += bytes_xfrd;
        len -= bytes_xfrd;
      else if (usb_err < 0 && usb_err != LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT)
        loge ("Done dir: %s  len: %d  bytes_xfrd: %d  usb_err: %d (%s)  errno: %d (%s)", dir, len, bytes_xfrd, usb_err, iusb_error_get (usb_err), errno, strerror (errno));
      else if (ena_log_verbo && usb_err != LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT && (ena_log_send || ep == iusb_ep_in))
        logd ("Done dir: %s  len: %d  bytes_xfrd: %d  usb_err: %d (%s)  errno: %d (%s)", dir, len, bytes_xfrd, usb_err, iusb_error_get (usb_err), errno, strerror (errno));
      else if (ena_log_extra)
        logd ("Done dir: %s  len: %d  bytes_xfrd: %d  usb_err: %d (%s)  errno: %d (%s)", dir, len, bytes_xfrd, usb_err, iusb_error_get (usb_err), errno, strerror (errno));

      bytes_xfrd = 0;

    if (total_bytes_xfrd > 16384) {                                     // Previously caused problems that seem fixed by raising USB Rx buffer from 16K to 64K
                                                                        // Streaming mode by first reading packet length may be better but may also create sync or other issues
      //loge ("total_bytes_xfrd: %d     ???????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?????????????????????????", total_bytes_xfrd);

    if (total_bytes_xfrd <= 0 && usb_err < 0) {
      if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == ETIMEDOUT || usb_err == LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT)
        return (0);

      hu_usb_stop ();  // Other errors here are fatal, so stop USB
      return (-1);
    //if (ena_log_verbo)
//      logd ("Done dir: %s  len: %d  total_bytes_xfrd: %d", dir, len, total_bytes_xfrd);

    if (ep == iusb_ep_in) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
      hex_dump ("UR: ", 16, buf, total_bytes_xfrd);

    return (total_bytes_xfrd);
  int HUServer::hu_aap_recv_process (int tmo) {                                          //
                                                                        // Terminate unless started or starting (we need to process when starting)
    if (iaap_state != hu_STATE_STARTED && iaap_state != hu_STATE_STARTIN) {
      loge ("CHECK: iaap_state: %d (%s)", iaap_state, state_get (iaap_state));
      return (-1);

    int ret = 0;
    errno = 0;
    int min_size_hdr = 4;
    int have_len = 0;                                                   // Length remaining to process for all sub-packets plus 4/8 byte headers


    bool has_last = false;
    bool has_first = false;
    int chan = -1;
    while (!has_last)
    {                                              // While length remaining to process,... Process Rx packet:
      have_len = hu_aap_tra_recv (enc_buf, min_size_hdr, tmo);
      if (have_len == 0 && !has_first)
        return 0;

      if (have_len < min_size_hdr) {                                      // If we don't have a full 6 byte header at least...
        loge ("Recv have_len: %d", have_len);
        return (-1);

      if (ena_log_verbo) {
        logd ("Recv while (have_len > 0): %d", have_len);
        hex_dump ("LR: ", 16, enc_buf, have_len);
      int cur_chan = (int) enc_buf [0];                                         // Channel
      if (cur_chan != chan && chan >= 0)
          loge ("Interleaved channels");
          return (-1);
      chan = cur_chan;
      int flags = enc_buf [1];                                              // Flags
      int frame_len = be16toh(*((uint16_t*)&enc_buf[2]));

      logd("Frame flags %i len %i", flags, frame_len);

      if (frame_len > MAX_FRAME_PAYLOAD_SIZE)
          loge ("Too big");
          return (-1);

      int header_size = 4;
      bool has_total_size_header = false;
      if ((flags & HU_FRAME_FIRST_FRAME) & !(flags & HU_FRAME_LAST_FRAME))
        //if first but not last, next 4 is total size
        has_total_size_header = true;
        header_size += 4;

      int remaining_bytes_in_frame = (frame_len + header_size) - have_len;
      while(remaining_bytes_in_frame > 0)
        logd("Getting more %i", remaining_bytes_in_frame);
        int got_bytes = hu_aap_tra_recv (&enc_buf[have_len], remaining_bytes_in_frame, tmo);     // Get Rx packet from Transport
        if (got_bytes < 0) {                                      // If we don't have a full 6 byte header at least...
          loge ("Recv got_bytes: %d", got_bytes);
          return (-1);
        have_len += got_bytes;
        remaining_bytes_in_frame -= got_bytes;

      if (!has_first && !(flags & HU_FRAME_FIRST_FRAME))
          loge ("No HU_FRAME_FIRST_FRAME");
          return (-1);
      has_first = true;
      has_last = (flags & HU_FRAME_LAST_FRAME) != 0;

      if (has_total_size_header)
        uint32_t total_size = be32toh(*((uint32_t*)&enc_buf[4]));
        logd("First only, total len %u", total_size);

      if (flags & HU_FRAME_ENCRYPTED)
          size_t cur_vec = temp_assembly_buffer.size();
          temp_assembly_buffer.resize(cur_vec + frame_len); //just incase

          int bytes_written = BIO_write (hu_ssl_rm_bio, &enc_buf[header_size], frame_len);           // Write encrypted to SSL input BIO
          if (bytes_written <= 0) {
            loge ("BIO_write() bytes_written: %d", bytes_written);
            return (-1);
          if (bytes_written != frame_len)
            loge ("BIO_write() len: %d  bytes_written: %d  chan: %d %s", frame_len, bytes_written, chan, chan_get (chan));
          else if (ena_log_verbo)
            logd ("BIO_write() len: %d  bytes_written: %d  chan: %d %s", frame_len, bytes_written, chan, chan_get (chan));

          int bytes_read = SSL_read (hu_ssl_ssl, &temp_assembly_buffer[cur_vec], frame_len);   // Read decrypted to decrypted rx buf
          if (bytes_read <= 0 || bytes_read > frame_len) {
            loge ("SSL_read() bytes_read: %d  errno: %d", bytes_read, errno);
            hu_ssl_ret_log (bytes_read);
            return (-1);                                                      // Fatal so return error and de-initialize; Should we be able to recover, if Transport data got corrupted ??
          if (ena_log_verbo)
            logd ("SSL_read() bytes_read: %d", bytes_read);

          temp_assembly_buffer.resize(cur_vec + bytes_read);
          temp_assembly_buffer.insert(temp_assembly_buffer.end(), &enc_buf[header_size], &enc_buf[frame_len+header_size]);

    const int buf_len = temp_assembly_buffer.size();
    if (buf_len >= 2)
      uint16_t msg_type = be16toh(*reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(temp_assembly_buffer.data()));

      ret = iaap_msg_process (chan, msg_type, &temp_assembly_buffer[2], buf_len - 2);          // Decrypt & Process 1 received encrypted message
      if (ret < 0 && iaap_state != hu_STATE_STOPPED) {                                                    // If error...
        loge ("Error iaap_msg_process() ret: %d  ", ret);
        return (ret);

    return (ret);                                                       // Return value from the last iaap_recv_dec_process() call; should be 0
  int HUServer::hu_aap_enc_send (int retry,int chan, byte * buf, int len, int overrideTimeout) {                 // Encrypt data and send: type,...
    if (iaap_state != hu_STATE_STARTED) {
      logw ("CHECK: iaap_state: %d (%s)", iaap_state, state_get (iaap_state));
      //logw ("chan: %d  len: %d  buf: %p", chan, len, buf);
      //hex_dump (" W/    hu_aap_enc_send: ", 16, buf, len);    // Byebye: hu_aap_enc_send:  00000000 00 0f 08 00
      return (-1);

    byte base_flags = HU_FRAME_ENCRYPTED;
    uint16_t message_type = be16toh(*((uint16_t*)buf));
    if (chan != AA_CH_CTR && message_type >= 2 && message_type < 0x8000) {                            // If not control channel and msg_type = 0 - 255 = control type message
        base_flags |= HU_FRAME_CONTROL_MESSAGE;                                                     // Set Control Flag (On non-control channels, indicates generic/"control type" messages
        //logd ("Setting control");

    for (int frag_start = 0; frag_start < len; frag_start += MAX_FRAME_PAYLOAD_SIZE)
      byte flags = base_flags;

      if (frag_start == 0)
        flags |= HU_FRAME_FIRST_FRAME;
      int cur_len = MAX_FRAME_PAYLOAD_SIZE;
      if ((frag_start + MAX_FRAME_PAYLOAD_SIZE) >= len)
        flags |= HU_FRAME_LAST_FRAME;
        cur_len = len - frag_start;
  #ifndef NDEBUG
  //    if (ena_log_verbo && ena_log_aap_send) {
      if (log_packet_info) { // && ena_log_aap_send)
        char prefix [MAX_FRAME_SIZE] = {0};
        snprintf (prefix, sizeof (prefix), "S %d %s %1.1x", chan, chan_get (chan), flags);  // "S 1 VID B"
        int rmv = hu_aad_dmp (prefix, "HU", chan, flags, &buf[frag_start], cur_len);

      int bytes_written = SSL_write (hu_ssl_ssl, &buf[frag_start], cur_len);               // Write plaintext to SSL
      if (bytes_written <= 0) {
        loge ("SSL_write() bytes_written: %d", bytes_written);
        hu_ssl_ret_log (bytes_written);
        hu_ssl_inf_log ();
        hu_aap_stop ();
        return (-1);
      if (bytes_written != cur_len)
        loge ("SSL_write() cur_len: %d  bytes_written: %d  chan: %d %s", cur_len, bytes_written, chan, chan_get (chan));
      else if (ena_log_verbo && ena_log_aap_send)
        logd ("SSL_write() cur_len: %d  bytes_written: %d  chan: %d %s", cur_len, bytes_written, chan, chan_get (chan));

      enc_buf [0] = (byte) chan;                                              // Encode channel and flags
      enc_buf [1] = flags;

      int header_size = 4;
      if ((flags & HU_FRAME_FIRST_FRAME) & !(flags & HU_FRAME_LAST_FRAME))
        //write total len
        *((uint32_t*)&enc_buf[header_size]) = htobe32(len);
        header_size += 4;

      int bytes_read = BIO_read (hu_ssl_wm_bio, & enc_buf [header_size], sizeof (enc_buf) - header_size); // Read encrypted from SSL BIO to enc_buf +

      if (bytes_read <= 0) {
        loge ("BIO_read() bytes_read: %d", bytes_read);
        hu_aap_stop ();
        return (-1);
      if (ena_log_verbo && ena_log_aap_send)
        logd ("BIO_read() bytes_read: %d", bytes_read);

      *((uint16_t*)&enc_buf[2]) = htobe16(bytes_read);

      int ret = 0;
      ret = hu_aap_tra_send (retry, enc_buf, bytes_read + header_size, overrideTimeout < 0 ? iaap_tra_send_tmo : overrideTimeout);           // Send encrypted data to AA Server
      if (retry)
  		  return (ret);

    return (0);
 * called after a successful write, just mark that we've put something
 * in the skb and will need to uncork on the next write.
void kgio_autopush_send(VALUE io)
	if (state_get(io) == AUTOPUSH_STATE_WRITER)
		state_set(io, AUTOPUSH_STATE_WRITTEN);
 * call-seq:
 *	io.kgio_autopush?  -> true or false
 * Returns the current autopush state of the Kgio::SocketMethods-enabled
 * socket.
 * Only available on systems with TCP_CORK (Linux) or
 * TCP_NOPUSH (FreeBSD, and maybe other *BSDs).
static VALUE autopush_get(VALUE io)
	return state_get(io) <= 0 ? Qfalse : Qtrue;
/* Read and dispatch incoming request(s). */
static int
gotrequest(void * cookie, int status)
	struct dispatch_state * D = cookie;
	struct proto_lbs_request * R;
	uint32_t blklen;
	uint64_t nextblk;

	/* We're no longer waiting for a packet to arrive. */
	D->read_cookie = NULL;

	/* If the wait failed, the connection is dead. */
	if (status)
		goto drop;

	/* Read packets until there are no more or an error occurs. */
	do {
		/* Allocate space for a request. */
		if ((R = malloc(sizeof(struct proto_lbs_request))) == NULL)
			goto err0;

		/* Attempt to read a request. */
		if (proto_lbs_request_read(D->readq, R))
			goto drop1;

		/* If we have no request, stop looping. */
		if (R->type == PROTO_LBS_NONE)

		/* Handle the request. */
		switch (R->type) {
			warn0("PROTO_LBS_PARAMS is not implemented");
			warn0("Update to a newer version of kvlds");
			goto drop1;
			state_params(D->S, &blklen, &nextblk);
			if (proto_lbs_response_params2(D->writeq, R->ID,
			    blklen, nextblk, nextblk - 1))
				goto err1;
			D->npending += 1;
			if (state_get(D->S, R, callback_get, D))
				goto err1;
			state_params(D->S, &blklen, &nextblk);
			if (R->r.append.blklen != blklen)
				goto drop2;
			if ((R->r.append.blkno != nextblk) ||
			    (D->appendip != 0)) {
				if (proto_lbs_response_append(D->writeq,
				    R->ID, 1, 0))
					goto err2;
			D->npending += 1;
			D->appendip = 1;
			if (state_append(D->S, R, callback_append, D))
				goto err1;
			if (deleteto_deleteto(D->D, R->r.free.blkno))
				goto err1;
			if (proto_lbs_response_free(D->writeq, R->ID))
				goto err1;
			/* proto_lbs_request_read broke. */
	} while (1);

	/* Free the (unused) request structure. */

	/* Wait for more requests to arrive. */
	if ((D->read_cookie = wire_readpacket_wait(D->readq,
	    gotrequest, D)) == NULL) {
		warnp("Error reading request from connection");
		goto err0;

	/* Success! */
	return (0);

	/* We didn't get a valid request.  Drop the connection. */

	/* All is good. */
	return (0);

	/* Failure! */
	return (-1);
文件: toruby.c 项目: bjorndm/ekq
/* Initializes the functionality that Eruta exposes to Ruby. */
int tr_init(mrb_state * mrb) {
  // luaL_dostring(lua, "print 'Hello!' ");
  struct RClass *krn;
  struct RClass *pth;
  struct RClass *sto;
  struct RClass *gra;
  struct RClass *spr;
  struct RClass *thi;
  struct RClass *eru;
  struct RClass *aud;
  struct RClass *cam;
  struct RClass *sky;
  mrb->ud = state_get();
  eru = mrb_define_module(mrb, "Eruta");
  pth = mrb_define_class_under(mrb, eru, "Path"  , mrb->object_class);
  /* Define some constants. */
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, eru, "quit"  , tr_state_done);
  krn = mrb_module_get(mrb, "Kernel");
  if(!krn) return -1;
  TR_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, krn, "test"         , tr_test   , 1);
  TR_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, krn, "warn"         , tr_warn   , 1);
  TR_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, krn, "warning"      , tr_warn   , 1);
  TR_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, krn, "log"          , tr_log    , 1);
  TR_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, krn, "log_to"       , tr_log_to , 2);

  TR_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, krn, "log_enable"   , tr_log_disable , 1);
  TR_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, krn, "log_disable"  , tr_log_enable  , 1);
  TR_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, krn, "script"       , tr_script , 1);

  cam = mrb_define_module_under(mrb, eru, "Camera");

  TR_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, krn, "camera_track" , tr_camera_track, 1);
  TR_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, krn, "camera_lockin", tr_lockin_maplayer, 1);
  TR_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, krn, "camera_x"    , tr_camera_x);
  TR_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, krn, "camera_y"    , tr_camera_y);
  TR_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, krn, "camera_w"    , tr_camera_w);
  TR_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, krn, "camera_h"    , tr_camera_h);
  TR_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, krn, "camera_alpha", tr_camera_alpha);
  TR_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, krn, "camera_theta", tr_camera_theta);
  TR_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, krn, "camera_fov"  , tr_camera_fov);

  TR_CLASS_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, cam, "x"    , tr_camera_x);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, cam, "y"    , tr_camera_y);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, cam, "z"    , tr_camera_z);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, cam, "w"    , tr_camera_w);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, cam, "h"    , tr_camera_h);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, cam, "alpha", tr_camera_alpha);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, cam, "theta", tr_camera_theta);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, cam, "fov"  , tr_camera_fov);

  TR_CLASS_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, cam, "x="    , tr_camera_x_, 1);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, cam, "y="    , tr_camera_y_, 1);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, cam, "z="    , tr_camera_z_, 1);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, cam, "alpha=", tr_camera_alpha_, 1);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, cam, "theta=", tr_camera_theta_, 1);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, cam, "fov="  , tr_camera_fov_, 1);

  sky = mrb_define_module_under(mrb, eru, "Sky");
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, sky, "set_texture", tr_skybox_set_texture, 2);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, sky, "set_rgb"  , tr_skybox_set_rgb, 5);


  TR_CLASS_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, eru, "show_fps", tr_show_fps);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, eru, "show_area", tr_show_area);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, eru, "show_graph", tr_show_graph);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, eru, "show_fps="  , tr_show_fps_, 1);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, eru, "show_area=" , tr_show_area_, 1);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, eru, "show_graph=", tr_show_graph_, 1);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_ARGC(mrb, eru, "show_mouse_cursor=", tr_show_mouse_cursor_, 1);
  TR_CLASS_METHOD_NOARG(mrb, eru, "time", tr_get_time);

  /* Set up submodules. */
  tr_sprite_init(mrb, eru);
  tr_store_init(mrb, eru);
  tr_graph_init(mrb, eru);
  tr_audio_init(mrb, eru);

  // must restore gc area here ????
  mrb_gc_arena_restore(mrb, 0);
  return 0;
文件: hu_aap.c 项目: kovrov/headunit
  int hu_aap_recv_process () {                                          // Process 1 encrypted receive message set, from reading encrypted message from USB to reacting to decrypted message
    if (iaap_state != hu_STATE_STARTED && iaap_state != hu_STATE_STARTIN) {   // Need to recv when starting) {
      loge ("CHECK: iaap_state: %d (%s)", iaap_state, state_get (iaap_state));
      return (-1);
    byte * buf = rx_buf;
    int ret = 0;
    errno = 0;
    int len_remain = hu_aap_usb_recv (rx_buf, sizeof (rx_buf), iaap_recv_tmo); // Get Rx packet from USB
                                                                        // Length remaining for all sub-packets plus 4/8 byte headers
    if (len_remain == 0) {                                              // If no data, then done w/ no data
      return (0);
    if (len_remain < 0) {
      loge ("Recv len_remain: %d", len_remain);
      hu_aap_stop ();
      return (-1);

    int ctr = 0;     
    while (len_remain > 0) {                                            // While length remaining,... Process Rx packet:

      //if (ctr ++ > 0)   // Multiple subpackets work OK now
      //  loge ("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");

      if (ena_log_verbo) {
        logd ("Recv while (len_remain > 0): %d", len_remain);
#ifndef NDEBUG
        hex_dump ("LR: ", 16, buf, len_remain);

      /*if (len_remain % 16384 == 0) {    // Incomplete 16K packets don't happen now with 64K USB Rx buffers
        loge ("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
        loge ("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
        loge ("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");

      int chan = (int) buf [0];                                         // Channel
      int flags = buf [1];                                              // Flags

      int len = (int) buf [3];                                          // Encoded length of bytes to be decrypted (minus 4/8 byte headers)
      len += ((int) buf [2] * 256);

      int type = (int) buf [5];                                         // Message Type (or post handshake, mostly indicator of SSL encrypted data)
      type += ((int) buf [4] * 256);

      len_remain -= 4;                                                  // Length starting at byte 4: Unencrypted Message Type or Encrypted data start
      buf += 4;                                                         // buf points to data to be decrypted
      if (chan == AA_CH_VID && flags == 9) {                            // If First fragment Video... Packet is encrypted so we can't get the real msg_type or check for 0, 0, 0, 1
        int total_size = (int) buf [3];
        total_size += ((int) buf [2] * 256);
        total_size += ((int) buf [1] * 256 * 256);
        total_size += ((int) buf [0] * 256 * 256 * 256);

        if (max_assy_size < total_size)                                // Seen as big as 151 Kbytes so far
          max_assy_size = total_size;                                  // See: jni/hu_aap.c:  byte assy [65536 * 16] = {0}; // up to 1 megabyte
        loge ("First fragment total_size: %d  max_assy_size: %d", total_size, max_assy_size); // & jni/hu_uti.c:  #define gen_buf_BUFS_SIZE    65536 * 4      // Up to 256 Kbytes
                                                                        // & src/ca/yyx/hu/hu_tro.java:    byte [] assy = new byte [65536 * 16];
                                                                        // & src/ca/yyx/hu/hu_tra.java:      res_buf = new byte [65536 * 4];
        len_remain -= 4;                                                // Remove 4 length bytes inserted into first video fragment
        buf += 4;
      if (flags & 0x08 != 0x08) {
        loge ("NOT ENCRYPTED !!!!!!!!! len_remain: %d  len: %d  buf: %p  chan: %d  flags: 0x%x  type: %d", len_remain, len, buf, chan, flags, type);
        hu_aap_stop ();
        return (-1);
      if (len_remain < len) {
        int need = len - len_remain;
        logd ("len_remain: %d < len: %d  need: %d  !!!!!!!!!", len_remain, len, need);
        //ms_sleep (50);  // ?? Wait a bit for data to come ??
        int need_ret = hu_aap_usb_recv (& buf [len_remain], need, iaap_recv_tmo); // Get Rx packet from USB
                                                                        // Length remaining for all sub-packets plus 4/8 byte headers
        if (need_ret != need) {
          loge ("Recv need_ret: %d", need_ret);
          hu_aap_stop ();
          return (-1);
        len_remain = len;

      ret = iaap_recv_dec_process (chan, flags, buf, len);              // Decrypt & Process 1 received encrypted message

      if (ret < 0) {
        loge ("Error iaap_recv_dec_process() ret: %d  len_remain: %d  len: %d  buf: %p  chan: %d  flags: 0x%x  type: %d", ret, len_remain, len, buf, chan, flags, type);
        hu_aap_stop ();
        return (ret);  
      logd ("OK iaap_recv_dec_process() ret: %d  len_remain: %d  len: %d  buf: %p  chan: %d  flags: 0x%x  type: %d", ret, len_remain, len, buf, chan, flags, type);

      len_remain -= len;                                                // Consume processed sub-packet and advance to next, if any
      buf += len;

    return (ret);   // Return from the last; should be 0