文件: sdsystem.cpp 项目: ryseto/demsd
/* Initialize libstokes
 * Basic parameters for the libstorks
 * and pos[] are set from init_aggregate.
void SDsystem::initFlowModel(int num_of_particle_,
                             int lub_correction_,
                             bool prepare_vectors){
    if (num_of_particle_ > 0)
        np = num_of_particle_;
    nm = np ;	/* nm : number of mobile particles  */

    sd = stokes_init(); // ---> libstokes
    sd->twobody_lub = lub_correction_;
    // For shear flows,"FTS version" is required.
    sd->version = 2; /* 0 = F, 1 = FT, 2 = FTS  */
    sd->periodic = 0; /* 0 = non periodic, 1 = periodic */
    stokes_set_np(sd, np, nm);

    if (type_of_flow == 'u'){
         * The velocity of uniform flow is alywas (1,0,0)
        stokes_set_Ui(sd, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    } else if (type_of_flow == 's'){
         * The shear rate of shear flow is always 1.0
        sd->Ui[0] = 0;
        sd->Oi[1] = 1.0/2;
        sd->Ei[2] = 1.0/2;
    } else {
        cerr << "Type of flow should be given. (shear or uniform)" << endl;
    if (prepare_vectors){
            velocity = new double [ np*3 ];
            omega = new double [ np*3 ];
            strain_velocity = new double [ np*5 ];
            force = new double [ np*3 ];
            torque = new double [ np*3 ];
            stresslet = new double [ np*5 ];
        } catch (bad_alloc &){
            cerr << "bad_alloc at System::init()" << endl;
/* check make_matrix_mob_ewald_3all() for mono and poly(a=1)
 * with SC config with N=2
 *  version   : 0 (F), 1 (FT), 2 (FTS)
 *  dir       : direction of the config, 0 (x), 1 (y), 2(z).
 *  phi       : volume fraction, that is, phi = (4/3)pi a^3/l^3
 *  ewald_tr  :
 *  ewald_eps :
 *  verbose : if non-zero, print results
 *  tiny    : small number for check
 *  (returned value) : 0 => passed
 *                     otherwise => failed
(int version,
 int dir,
 double phi,
 double ewald_tr, double ewald_eps,
 int verbose, double tiny)
  if (verbose != 0)
      fprintf (stdout,
	       "(%d,dir=%d,phi=%f,tr=%f,eps=%f): start\n",
	       version, dir, phi, ewald_tr, ewald_eps);

  // initialize struct stokes *sys
  struct stokes *sys = stokes_init ();
  CHECK_MALLOC (sys, "check_make_matrix_mob_ewald_3all_poly_SC_2");
  sys->version = version;

  int np = 2;
  stokes_set_np (sys, np, np);

  //sys->lubmin = 2.0000000001;
  sys->lubmin2 = 4.0000000001;
  stokes_set_iter (sys, "gmres", 2000, 20, 1.0e-6, 1, stderr);

  // periodic
  sys->periodic = 1;
  double l;
  l = pow (M_PI / 0.75 / phi, 1.0 / 3.0);

  if (dir == 1)
      // x direction
      stokes_set_l (sys, 2.0*l, l, l);
      sys->pos [0] = 0.0;
      sys->pos [1] = 0.0;
      sys->pos [2] = 0.0;
      sys->pos [3] = l;
      sys->pos [4] = 0.0;
      sys->pos [5] = 0.0;
  else if (dir == 2)
      // y direction
      stokes_set_l (sys, l, 2.0*l, l);
      sys->pos [0] = 0.0;
      sys->pos [1] = 0.0;
      sys->pos [2] = 0.0;
      sys->pos [3] = 0.0;
      sys->pos [4] = l;
      sys->pos [5] = 0.0;
      // z direction
      stokes_set_l (sys, l, l, 2.0*l);
      sys->pos [0] = 0.0;
      sys->pos [1] = 0.0;
      sys->pos [2] = 0.0;
      sys->pos [3] = 0.0;
      sys->pos [4] = 0.0;
      sys->pos [5] = l;

  double xi = xi_by_tratio (sys, ewald_tr);
  stokes_set_xi (sys, xi, ewald_eps);

  int n;
  if (version == 0)      n =  3 * np;
  else if (version == 1) n =  6 * np;
  else                   n = 11 * np;

  // case 1) -- mono
  double *mat1 = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n * n);
  CHECK_MALLOC (mat1, "check_make_matrix_mob_ewald_3all_poly_SC_2");

  double t0, t;
  t0 = ptime_ms_d ();
  make_matrix_mob_ewald_3all (sys, mat1);
  t = ptime_ms_d ();
  double ptime_mono = t - t0;

  // set sys->a to test poly version
  double a [2] = {1.0, 1.0};
  stokes_set_radius (sys, a);

  // case 2) -- poly
  double *mat2 = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n * n);
  CHECK_MALLOC (mat2, "check_make_matrix_mob_ewald_3all_poly_SC_2");

  t0 = ptime_ms_d ();
  make_matrix_mob_ewald_3all (sys, mat2);
  t = ptime_ms_d ();
  double ptime_poly = t - t0;

  // compare
  int check = 0;
  double max = 0.0;
  char label [80];
  int i, j;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i ++)
      for (j = 0; j < n; j ++)
	  sprintf (label, " (%d, %d) ", i, j);
	  check += compare_max (mat1[i*n+j], mat2[i*n+j],
				label, verbose, tiny, &max);

  free (mat1);
  free (mat2);
  stokes_free (sys);

  if (verbose != 0)
      fprintf (stdout, " ptime mono, poly = %.3f %.3f, poly/mono = %f\n",
	       ptime_mono, ptime_poly, ptime_poly / ptime_mono);

      fprintf (stdout, " max error = %e vs tiny = %e\n", max, tiny);
      if (check == 0) fprintf (stdout, " => PASSED\n\n");
      else            fprintf (stdout, " => FAILED\n\n");

  return (check);
/* check atimes_ewald_3all() for mono and poly(a=1) with SC config with N=1
 *  version   : 0 (F), 1 (FT), 2 (FTS)
 *  phi       : volume fraction, that is, phi = (4/3)pi a^3/l^3
 *  ewald_tr  :
 *  ewald_eps :
 *  verbose : if non-zero, print results
 *  tiny    : small number for check
 *  (returned value) : 0 => passed
 *                     otherwise => failed
check_atimes_ewald_3all_poly_SC_1 (int version,
				   double phi,
				   double ewald_tr, double ewald_eps,
				   int verbose, double tiny)
  if (verbose != 0)
      fprintf (stdout,
	       ": start\n",
	       version, phi, ewald_tr, ewald_eps);

  // initialize struct stokes *sys
  struct stokes *sys = stokes_init ();
  CHECK_MALLOC (sys, "check_atimes_ewald_3all_poly_SC_1");
  sys->version = version;

  int np = 1;
  stokes_set_np (sys, np, np);

  sys->pos [0] = 0.0;
  sys->pos [1] = 0.0;
  sys->pos [2] = 0.0;

  sys->lubmin2 = 4.0000000001;
  stokes_set_iter (sys, "gmres", 2000, 20, 1.0e-6, 1, stderr);

  // periodic
  sys->periodic = 1;
  double l;
  l = pow (M_PI / 0.75 / phi, 1.0 / 3.0);
  stokes_set_l (sys, l, l, l);
  double xi = xi_by_tratio (sys, ewald_tr);
  stokes_set_xi (sys, xi, ewald_eps);

  int n;
  if (version == 0)      n =  3 * np;
  else if (version == 1) n =  6 * np;
  else                   n = 11 * np;

  double *x = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  CHECK_MALLOC (x, "check_atimes_ewald_3all_poly_SC_1");
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i ++)
      x[i] = 1.0;

  // case 1) -- mono code
  double *y1 = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  CHECK_MALLOC (y1, "check_atimes_ewald_3all_poly_SC_1");

  double t0, t;
  t0 = ptime_ms_d ();
  atimes_ewald_3all (n, x, y1, (void *)sys);
  t = ptime_ms_d ();
  double ptime_mono = t - t0;

  // set sys->a to test poly version
  double a [1] = {1.0};
  stokes_set_radius (sys, a);

  // case 2) -- poly code
  double *y2 = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  CHECK_MALLOC (y2, "check_atimes_ewald_3all_poly_SC_1");

  t0 = ptime_ms_d ();
  atimes_ewald_3all (n, x, y2, (void *)sys);
  t = ptime_ms_d ();
  double ptime_poly = t - t0;

  // compare
  int check = 0;
  double max = 0.0;
  char label [80];
  for (i = 0; i < n; i ++)
      sprintf (label, " (%d) ", i);
      check += compare_max (y1[i], y2[i], label, verbose, tiny, &max);

  free (x);
  free (y1);
  free (y2);
  stokes_free (sys);

  if (verbose != 0)
      fprintf (stdout, " ptime mono, poly = %.3f %.3f, poly/mono = %f\n",
	       ptime_mono, ptime_poly, ptime_poly / ptime_mono);

      fprintf (stdout, " max error = %e vs tiny = %e\n", max, tiny);
      if (check == 0) fprintf (stdout, " => PASSED\n\n");
      else            fprintf (stdout, " => FAILED\n\n");

  return (check);
check_CF_sphere_calc_force (double R,
			    int verbose, double tiny)
  if (verbose != 0)
      fprintf (stdout,
	       "check_CF_sphere_calc_force (R=%f) : start\n", R);

  int check = 0;
  double max = 0.0;

  struct confinement *cf
    = CF_init (0, // sphere
	       0.0, // r,
	       0.0, // x,
	       0.0, // y,
	       0.0, // z,
	       0.0, // R2,
	       0.0, // L,
	       1, // flag_LJ
	       10.0, // e
	       R + 2.0); // r0
  // note now r is in [0, 2R) and a = 1, so it is to prevent overflow.
  CHECK_MALLOC (cf, "check_CF_sphere_calc_force");

  // set struct stokes *sys
  int np = 1;
  double *f = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * np * 3);
  CHECK_MALLOC (f, "check_CF_sphere_calc_force");

  struct stokes *sys = stokes_init ();
  CHECK_MALLOC (sys, "check_CF_sphere_calc_force");
  stokes_set_np (sys, np, np);

  char label[80];
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 100; i ++)
      double r = (double)i / 100.0 * 2.0 * R;
      int j;
      for (j = 0; j < 10; j ++)
	  double theta = M_PI * (double)j / 10.0;
	  int k;
	  for (k = 0; k < 20; k ++)
	      double phi = 2.0 * M_PI * (double) k / 20.0;
	      sys->pos[0] = r * sin(theta) * cos(phi);
	      sys->pos[1] = r * sin(theta) * sin(phi);
	      sys->pos[2] = r * cos(theta);

	      CF_sphere_calc_force (cf, sys, f, 0 /* zero-clear */);

	      if (r <= (R-1.0))
		  sprintf (label, " sphere (%f,%5.1f,%5.1f) fx",
			   r, 180.0/M_PI*theta, 180.0/M_PI*phi);
		  check += compare_max (f[0], 0.0, label, verbose, tiny, &max);

		  sprintf (label, " sphere (%f,%5.1f,%5.1f) fy",
			   r, 180.0/M_PI*theta, 180.0/M_PI*phi);
		  check += compare_max (f[1], 0.0, label, verbose, tiny, &max);

		  sprintf (label, " sphere (%f,%5.1f,%5.1f) fz",
			   r, 180.0/M_PI*theta, 180.0/M_PI*phi);
		  check += compare_max (f[2], 0.0, label, verbose, tiny, &max);
		  double x = r - (R-1.0); // depth of overlap
		  double LJ_r = cf->r0 - x;
		  double fr = 12.0 * cf->e * pow (cf->r0 / LJ_r, 7.0)
		    * (pow (cf->r0 / LJ_r, 6.0) - 1.0);
		  double fx = -fr * sin(theta) * cos(phi);
		  double fy = -fr * sin(theta) * sin(phi);
		  double fz = -fr * cos(theta);

		  sprintf (label, " sphere (%f,%5.1f,%5.1f) fx",
			   r, 180.0/M_PI*theta, 180.0/M_PI*phi);
		  check += compare_max (f[0], fx, label, verbose, tiny, &max);

		  sprintf (label, " sphere (%f,%5.1f,%5.1f) fy",
			   r, 180.0/M_PI*theta, 180.0/M_PI*phi);
		  check += compare_max (f[1], fy, label, verbose, tiny, &max);

		  sprintf (label, " sphere (%f,%5.1f,%5.1f) fz",
			   r, 180.0/M_PI*theta, 180.0/M_PI*phi);
		  check += compare_max (f[2], fz, label, verbose, tiny, &max);

  CF_free (cf);

  if (verbose != 0)
      fprintf (stdout, " max error = %e vs tiny = %e\n", max, tiny);
      if (check == 0) fprintf (stdout, " => PASSED\n\n");
      else            fprintf (stdout, " => FAILED\n\n");

  return (check);
/* check reading SCM script
check_EV_LJ_calc_force (double r,
			int verbose, double tiny)
  if (verbose != 0)
      fprintf (stdout,
	       "check_EV_LJ_calc_force : start\n");

  int check = 0;
  double max = 0.0;

  int n = 2; // two particle problem
  double *f = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * 3 * n);
  CHECK_MALLOC (f, "check_EV_LJ_calc_force");

  // set struct stokes *sys
  struct stokes *sys = stokes_init ();
  CHECK_MALLOC (sys, "check_EV_LJ_calc_force");
  stokes_set_np (sys, n, n);

  sys->pos[0] = 0.0;
  sys->pos[1] = 0.0;
  sys->pos[2] = 0.0;

  sys->pos[3] = r;
  sys->pos[4] = 0.0;
  sys->pos[5] = 0.0;

  struct EV_LJ *ev_LJ = EV_LJ_init (n);
  CHECK_MALLOC (ev_LJ, "check_EV_LJ_calc_force");

  // parameters
  double e  = 10.0; // in kT
  double r0 = 2.0;  // in length ==> r can be in the range (0, 2).

  ev_LJ->e[0] = e;
  ev_LJ->e[1] = e;

  ev_LJ->r0[0] = r0;
  ev_LJ->r0[1] = r0;

  // scale
  double peclet = 1.0;
  EV_LJ_scale (ev_LJ, peclet);

  check += compare_max (ev_LJ->e[0], e / peclet / r0, " e[0]",
			verbose, tiny, &max);
  check += compare_max (ev_LJ->e[1], e / peclet / r0, " e[1]",
			verbose, tiny, &max);

  EV_LJ_calc_force (ev_LJ, sys, f, 0); // after zero-clear

  check += compare_max (f[1], 0.0, " Fy(0,0,0)",
			verbose, tiny, &max);
  check += compare_max (f[2], 0.0, " Fz(0,0,0)",
			verbose, tiny, &max);

  check += compare_max (f[4], 0.0, " Fy(r,0,0)",
			verbose, tiny, &max);
  check += compare_max (f[5], 0.0, " Fz(r,0,0)",
			verbose, tiny, &max);

  // scalar part of the force is positive
  double overlap = 2.0 - r;
  double r_LJ = r0 - overlap;
  if (r_LJ < 0.0)
      r_LJ = 1.0e-12;
  double ri = r0 / r_LJ;
  double ri6 = pow (ri, 6.0);
  double ri7 = ri6 * ri;
  double f_check = 12.0 * e * ri7 * (ri6 - 1.0);
  if (overlap < 0.0)
      check += compare_max (f[0], 0.0, " Fx(0,0,0)",
			    verbose, tiny, &max);
      check += compare_max (f[3], 0.0, " Fx(r,0,0)",
			    verbose, tiny, &max);
      check += compare_max (f[0], -f_check, " Fx(0,0,0)",
			    verbose, tiny, &max);
      check += compare_max (f[3], f_check, " Fx(r,0,0)",
			    verbose, tiny, &max);

  free (f);
  stokes_free (sys);
  EV_LJ_free (ev_LJ);

  if (verbose != 0)
      fprintf (stdout, " max error = %e vs tiny = %e\n", max, tiny);
      if (check == 0) fprintf (stdout, " => PASSED\n\n");
      else            fprintf (stdout, " => FAILED\n\n");

  return (check);
/* main program */
main (int argc, char** argv)
  struct stokes *sys = stokes_init ();

  int np, nm;
  np = 8;
  nm = 8;
  stokes_set_np (sys, np, nm);

  sys->periodic = 1; // periodic boundary condition
  double lx, ly, lz;
  lx = 10.0;
  ly = 10.0;
  lz = 10.0;
  stokes_set_l (sys, lx, ly, lz);

  double ewald_tr = 60.25;
  double xi = xi_by_tratio (sys, ewald_tr);

  double ewald_eps = 1.0e-12;
  stokes_set_xi (sys, xi, ewald_eps);

  fprintf (stdout, "xi = %f\n", xi);

  //sys->lubmin = 2.0000000001;
  sys->lubmin2 = 4.0000000001;
  sys->lubmax = 4.0;
  stokes_set_iter (sys, "gmres", 2000, 20, 1.0e-6, 1, stdout);

  int i;
  double * pos;
  double * u;
  double * f;
  pos = (double *)calloc (np * 3, sizeof (double));
  u   = (double *)calloc (np * 3, sizeof (double));
  f   = (double *)calloc (np * 3, sizeof (double));

  pos[ 0] = 0.0; // x component
  pos[ 1] = 0.0; // y component
  pos[ 2] = 0.0; // z component
  pos[ 3] = 5.0; pos[ 4] = 0.0; pos[ 5] = 0.0;
  pos[ 6] = 0.0; pos[ 7] = 5.0; pos[ 8] = 0.0;
  pos[ 9] = 0.0; pos[10] = 0.0; pos[11] = 5.0;
  pos[12] = 5.0; pos[13] = 5.0; pos[14] = 0.0;
  pos[15] = 0.0; pos[16] = 5.0; pos[17] = 5.0;
  pos[18] = 5.0; pos[19] = 0.0; pos[20] = 5.0;
  pos[21] = 5.0; pos[22] = 5.0; pos[23] = 5.0;

  for (i = 0; i < np * 3; i ++)
      u[i] = 1.0;

  fprintf (stdout, "pos:\n");
  for (i = 0; i < np; i ++)
      fprintf (stdout, "%d %f %f %f\n",
	       pos[i*3 + 0],
	       pos[i*3 + 1],
	       pos[i*3 + 2]);

  fprintf (stdout, "u:\n");
  for (i = 0; i < np; i ++)
      fprintf (stdout, "%d %f %f %f\n",
	       u[i*3 + 0],
	       u[i*3 + 1],
	       u[i*3 + 2]);

  stokes_set_pos (sys, pos);

  solve_res_3f (sys, u, f);

  fprintf (stdout, "f:\n");
  for (i = 0; i < np; i ++)
      fprintf (stdout, "%d %f %f %f\n",
	       f[i*3 + 0],
	       f[i*3 + 1],
	       f[i*3 + 2]);

  return 0;
 *  verbose : if non-zero, print results
 *  (returned value) : 0 => passed
 *                     otherwise => failed
check_bd (int ncheb, int np, double r,
	  int verbose, double tiny)
  char label[80];
  sprintf (label, "check-bd (ncheb=%d, eps=%e)", ncheb, tiny);

  if (verbose != 0)
      fprintf (stdout,
	       "%s : start\n", label);

  int check = 0;
  double max = 0.0;

  struct KIrand *rng = KIrand_init ();

  struct stokes *sys = stokes_init ();
  stokes_set_np (sys, np, np); // all mobile particles
  sys->lubmin2 = 4.0000000001;
  sys->lubmax  = 4.0;
  stokes_set_iter (sys, "gmres", 2000, 20, 1.0e-6, 1, stdout);

  double *pos = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * np * 3);
  CHECK_MALLOC (pos, "test-bd");

  double x0 = (double)np * r / 2.0;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < np; i ++)
      pos [i*3  ] = (double)i * r - x0;
      pos [i*3+1] = 0.0;
      pos [i*3+2] = 0.0;
  stokes_set_pos (sys, pos);

  // F version
  sys->version = 0;
  int n = sys->np * 3;

  double eig[2];
  dsaupd_wrap_min_max (n, eig, atimes_3all, (void *)sys, 1.0e-12);
  //dnaupd_wrap_min_max (n, eig, atimes_3all, (void *)sys, 1.0e-12);

  // prepare chebyshev coefficients for f(x) = 1/sqrt(x)
  double *a_cheb = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * ncheb);
  CHECK_MALLOC (a_cheb, "test_bd");
  chebyshev_coef (ncheb, check_bd_my_inv_sqrt, eig[0], eig[1], a_cheb);

  double *y = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *z = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  CHECK_MALLOC (y, "test_bd");
  CHECK_MALLOC (z, "test_bd");
  for (i = 0; i < n; i ++)
      y[i] = KIrand_Gaussian (rng);

  // calc vector z = (M)^{-1/2}.y
  chebyshev_eval_atimes (ncheb, a_cheb,
			 n, y, z, 
			 eig[0], eig[1],
			 atimes_3all, (void *)sys);
  double err_cheb
    = chebyshev_error_minvsqrt (n, y, z, 
				atimes_3all, (void *)sys);

  free (y);
  free (z);
  free (a_cheb);

  free (pos);
  stokes_free (sys);

  KIrand_free (rng);

  check += compare_max (err_cheb+1.0, 1.0, label, verbose, tiny, &max);

  if (verbose != 0)
      fprintf (stdout, " max error = %e vs tiny = %e\n", max, tiny);
      if (check == 0) fprintf (stdout, " => PASSED\n\n");
      else            fprintf (stdout, " => FAILED\n\n");

  return (check);