void storageValid(mutablebson::ConstElement elem, const bool deep, std::uint32_t recursionLevel) {
    uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Invalid elements cannot be stored.", elem.ok());

            str::stream() << "Document exceeds maximum nesting depth of "
                          << BSONDepth::getMaxDepthForUserStorage(),
            recursionLevel <= BSONDepth::getMaxDepthForUserStorage());

    // Field names of elements inside arrays are not meaningful in mutable bson,
    // so we do not want to validate them.
    const mutablebson::ConstElement& parent = elem.parent();
    const bool childOfArray = parent.ok() ? (parent.getType() == BSONType::Array) : false;

    if (!childOfArray) {
        auto fieldName = elem.getFieldName();

        // Cannot start with "$", unless dbref.
        if (fieldName[0] == '$') {

    if (deep) {

        // Check children if there are any.
        storageValidChildren(elem, deep, recursionLevel);
        Status storageValid(const mb::ConstElement& elem, const bool deep) {
            if (!elem.ok())
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Invalid elements cannot be stored.");

            // Field names of elements inside arrays are not meaningful in mutable bson,
            // so we do not want to validate them.
            // TODO: Revisit how mutable handles array field names. We going to need to make
            // this better if we ever want to support ordered updates that can alter the same
            // element repeatedly; see SERVER-12848.
            const mb::ConstElement& parent = elem.parent();
            const bool childOfArray = parent.ok() ? (parent.getType() == mongo::Array) : false;

            if (!childOfArray) {
                StringData fieldName = elem.getFieldName();
                // Cannot start with "$", unless dbref
                if (fieldName[0] == '$') {
                    Status status = validateDollarPrefixElement(elem, deep);
                    if (!status.isOK())
                        return status;
                else if (fieldName.find(".") != string::npos) {
                    // Field name cannot have a "." in it.
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::DottedFieldName,
                                  str::stream() << "The dotted field '"
                                                << elem.getFieldName() << "' in '"
                                                << mb::getFullName(elem)
                                                << "' is not valid for storage.");

            if (deep) {
                // Check children if there are any.
                Status s = storageValidChildren(elem, deep);
                if (!s.isOK())
                    return s;

            return Status::OK();