文件: node.c 项目: iut-ibk/DynaVIBe
double node_getLosses(int j, double tStep)                                     //(5.0.019 - LR)
//  Input:   j = node index
//           evap = system evaporation rate (ft/sec)
//  Output:  returns evaporation rate at node (ft3)
//  Purpose: computes node's volume lost to evaporation over a given time step.
    if ( Node[j].type == STORAGE ) return storage_getLosses(j, tStep);         //(5.0.019 - LR)
    else return 0.0;
文件: node.c 项目: lothar-mar/swmm5
double node_getLosses(int j, double tStep)
//  Input:   j = node index
//           tStep = time step (sec)
//  Output:  returns water loss rate at node (ft3)
//  Purpose: computes the rates of evaporation and infiltration over a given
//           time step for a node.
    if ( Node[j].type == STORAGE ) return storage_getLosses(j, tStep);
    else return 0.0;