bool IOPlayer::loadPlayer(Player* player, const std::string& name, bool preload /*= false*/) { Database* db = Database::instance(); DBQuery query; DBResult* result; query << "SELECT `players`.`id` AS `id`, `players`.`name` AS `name`, `account_id`, \ `players`.`group_id` as `group_id`, `sex`, `vocation`, `experience`, `level`, `maglevel`, `health`, \ `healthmax`, `mana`, `manamax`, `manaspent`, `soul`, `direction`, `lookbody`, \ `lookfeet`, `lookhead`, `looklegs`, `looktype`, `posx`, `posy`, \ `posz`, `cap`, `lastlogin`, `lastip`, `save`, `conditions`, `redskulltime`, \ `redskull`, `guildnick`, `loss_experience`, `loss_mana`, `loss_skills`, \ `loss_items`, `rank_id`, `town_id`, `balance`, `premend` \ FROM `players` LEFT JOIN `accounts` ON `account_id` = `accounts`.`id` \ WHERE `players`.`name` = " + db->escapeString(name); if(!(result = db->storeQuery(query.str()))){ return false; } query.str(""); player->setGUID(result->getDataInt("id")); player->accountNumber = result->getDataInt("account_id"); const PlayerGroup* group = getPlayerGroup(result->getDataInt("group_id")); if(group){ player->accessLevel = group->m_access; player->maxDepotLimit = group->m_maxDepotItems; player->maxVipLimit = group->m_maxVip; player->setFlags(group->m_flags); } if(preload){ //only loading basic info db->freeResult(result); return true; } // Getting all player properties player->setSex((playersex_t)result->getDataInt("sex")); player->setDirection((Direction)result->getDataInt("direction")); player->level = std::max((uint32_t)1, (uint32_t)result->getDataInt("level")); uint64_t currExpCount = Player::getExpForLevel(player->level); uint64_t nextExpCount = Player::getExpForLevel(player->level + 1); uint64_t experience = (uint64_t)result->getDataLong("experience"); if(experience < currExpCount || experience > nextExpCount){ experience = currExpCount; } player->experience = experience; player->levelPercent = Player::getPercentLevel(player->experience - currExpCount, nextExpCount - currExpCount); player->soul = result->getDataInt("soul"); player->capacity = result->getDataInt("cap"); player->lastLoginSaved = result->getDataInt("lastlogin"); player->health = result->getDataInt("health"); player->healthMax = result->getDataInt("healthmax"); player->defaultOutfit.lookType = result->getDataInt("looktype"); player->defaultOutfit.lookHead = result->getDataInt("lookhead"); player->defaultOutfit.lookBody = result->getDataInt("lookbody"); player->defaultOutfit.lookLegs = result->getDataInt("looklegs"); player->defaultOutfit.lookFeet = result->getDataInt("lookfeet"); player->currentOutfit = player->defaultOutfit; #ifdef __SKULLSYSTEM__ int32_t redSkullSeconds = result->getDataInt("redskulltime") - std::time(NULL); if(redSkullSeconds > 0){ //ensure that we round up the number of ticks player->redSkullTicks = (redSkullSeconds + 2)*1000; if(result->getDataInt("redskull") == 1){ player->skull = SKULL_RED; } } #endif unsigned long conditionsSize = 0; const char* conditions = result->getDataStream("conditions", conditionsSize); PropStream propStream; propStream.init(conditions, conditionsSize); Condition* condition; while((condition = Condition::createCondition(propStream))){ if(condition->unserialize(propStream)){ player->storedConditionList.push_back(condition); } else{ delete condition; } } // you need to set the vocation after conditions in order to ensure the proper regeneration rates for the vocation player->setVocation(result->getDataInt("vocation")); // this stuff has to go after the vocation is set player->mana = result->getDataInt("mana"); player->manaMax = result->getDataInt("manamax"); player->magLevel = result->getDataInt("maglevel"); uint32_t nextManaCount = (uint32_t)player->vocation->getReqMana(player->magLevel + 1); uint32_t manaSpent = (uint32_t)result->getDataInt("manaspent"); if(manaSpent > nextManaCount){ //make sure its not out of bound manaSpent = 0; } player->manaSpent = manaSpent; player->magLevelPercent = Player::getPercentLevel(player->manaSpent, nextManaCount); player->setLossPercent(LOSS_EXPERIENCE, result->getDataInt("loss_experience")); player->setLossPercent(LOSS_MANASPENT, result->getDataInt("loss_mana")); player->setLossPercent(LOSS_SKILLTRIES, result->getDataInt("loss_skills")); player->setLossPercent(LOSS_ITEMS, result->getDataInt("loss_items")); player->loginPosition.x = result->getDataInt("posx"); player->loginPosition.y = result->getDataInt("posy"); player->loginPosition.z = result->getDataInt("posz"); player->town = result->getDataInt("town_id"); Town* town = Towns::getInstance().getTown(player->town); if(town){ player->masterPos = town->getTemplePosition(); } //if posx == 0 AND posy == 0 AND posz == 0 // login position is temple position Position loginPos = player->loginPosition; if (loginPos.x == 0 && loginPos.y == 0 && loginPos.z == 0) { player->loginPosition = player->masterPos; } Account acc; if (player->getVocationId() && acc.premEnd > 0 && acc.premEnd < std::time(NULL) && (g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::TEMPLE_TP_ID) != 0)){ town = Towns::getInstance().getTown(g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::TEMPLE_TP_ID)); player->loginPosition = town->getTemplePosition(); } uint32_t rankid = result->getDataInt("rank_id"); // place it here and now we can drop all additional query instances as all data were loaded player->premiumEnd = result->getDataInt("premend"); player->balance = result->getDataInt("balance"); player->guildNick = result->getDataString("guildnick"); db->freeResult(result); if(rankid){ query << "SELECT `guild_ranks`.`name` as `rank`, `guild_ranks`.`guild_id` as `guildid`, `guild_ranks`.`level` as `level`, `guilds`.`name` as `guildname` FROM `guild_ranks`, `guilds` WHERE `guild_ranks`.`id` = " << rankid << " AND `guild_ranks`.`guild_id` = `guilds`.`id`"; if((result = db->storeQuery(query.str()))){ player->guildName = result->getDataString("guildname"); player->guildLevel = result->getDataInt("level"); player->guildId = result->getDataInt("guildid"); player->guildRank = result->getDataString("rank"); db->freeResult(result); } query.str(""); } //get password query << "SELECT `password` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = " << player->accountNumber; if(!(result = db->storeQuery(query.str()))){ return false; } player->password = result->getDataString("password"); db->freeResult(result); // we need to find out our skills // so we query the skill table query.str(""); query << "SELECT `skillid`, `value`, `count` FROM `player_skills` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); if((result = db->storeQuery(query.str()))){ //now iterate over the skills do{ int skillid = result->getDataInt("skillid"); if(skillid >= SKILL_FIRST && skillid <= SKILL_LAST){ uint32_t skillLevel = result->getDataInt("value"); uint32_t skillCount = result->getDataInt("count"); uint32_t nextSkillCount = player->vocation->getReqSkillTries(skillid, skillLevel + 1); if(skillCount > nextSkillCount){ //make sure its not out of bound skillCount = 0; } player->skills[skillid][SKILL_LEVEL] = skillLevel; player->skills[skillid][SKILL_TRIES] = skillCount; player->skills[skillid][SKILL_PERCENT] = Player::getPercentLevel(skillCount, nextSkillCount); } }while(result->next()); db->freeResult(result); } query.str(""); query << "SELECT `name` FROM `player_spells` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); if((result = db->storeQuery(query.str()))){ do{ std::string spellName = result->getDataString("name"); player->learnedInstantSpellList.push_back(spellName); }while(result->next()); db->freeResult(result); } //load inventory items ItemMap itemMap; query.str(""); query << "SELECT `pid`, `sid`, `itemtype`, `count`, `attributes` FROM `player_items` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID() << " ORDER BY `sid` DESC"; if((result = db->storeQuery(query.str()))){ loadItems(itemMap, result); ItemMap::reverse_iterator it; ItemMap::iterator it2; for(it = itemMap.rbegin(); it != itemMap.rend(); ++it){ Item* item = it->second.first; int pid = it->second.second; if(pid >= 1 && pid <= 10){ player->__internalAddThing(pid, item); } else{ it2 = itemMap.find(pid); if(it2 != itemMap.end()) if(Container* container = it2->second.first->getContainer()){ container->__internalAddThing(item); } } } db->freeResult(result); } //load depot items itemMap.clear(); query.str(""); query << "SELECT `pid`, `sid`, `itemtype`, `count`, `attributes` FROM `player_depotitems` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID() << " ORDER BY `sid` DESC"; if((result = db->storeQuery(query.str()))){ loadItems(itemMap, result); ItemMap::reverse_iterator it; ItemMap::iterator it2; for(it = itemMap.rbegin(); it != itemMap.rend(); ++it){ Item* item = it->second.first; int pid = it->second.second; if(pid >= 0 && pid < 100){ if(Container* c = item->getContainer()){ if(Depot* depot = c->getDepot()) player->addDepot(depot, pid); else std::cout << "Error loading depot "<< pid << " for player " << player->getGUID() << std::endl; } else{ std::cout << "Error loading depot "<< pid << " for player " << player->getGUID() << std::endl; } } else{ it2 = itemMap.find(pid); if(it2 != itemMap.end()) if(Container* container = it2->second.first->getContainer()){ container->__internalAddThing(item); } } } db->freeResult(result); } //load storage map query.str(""); query << "SELECT `key`, `value` FROM `player_storage` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); if((result = db->storeQuery(query.str()))){ do{ uint32_t key = result->getDataInt("key"); int32_t value = result->getDataInt("value"); player->addStorageValue(key,value); }while(result->next()); db->freeResult(result); } //load vip query.str(""); query << "SELECT `vip_id` FROM `player_viplist` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); if((result = db->storeQuery(query.str()))){ do{ uint32_t vip_id = result->getDataInt("vip_id"); std::string dummy_str; if(storeNameByGuid(*db, vip_id)) player->addVIP(vip_id, dummy_str, false, true); }while(result->next()); db->freeResult(result); } player->updateBaseSpeed(); player->updateInventoryWeigth(); player->updateItemsLight(true); return true; }
bool IOPlayer::loadPlayer(Player* player, const std::string& name, bool preload /*= false*/) { DatabaseDriver* db = DatabaseDriver::instance(); DBQuery query; DBResult_ptr result; query << "SELECT `players`.`id` AS `id`, `players`.`name` AS `name`, `accounts`.`name` AS `accname`, \ `account_id`, `sex`, `vocation`, `town_id`, `experience`, `level`, `maglevel`, `health`, \ `groups`.`name` AS `groupname`, `groups`.`flags` AS `groupflags`, `groups`.`access` AS `access`, \ `groups`.`maxviplist` AS `maxviplist`, `groups`.`maxdepotitems` AS `maxdepotitems`, `groups`.`violation` AS `violationaccess`, \ `healthmax`, `mana`, `manamax`, `manaspent`, `soul`, `direction`, `lookbody`, \ `lookfeet`, `lookhead`, `looklegs`, `looktype`, `lookaddons`, `posx`, `posy`, `posz`, `cap`, \ `lastlogin`, `lastlogout`, `lastip`, `conditions`, `skull_time`, `skull_type`, `stamina`, \ `loss_experience`, `loss_mana`, `loss_skills`, `loss_items`, `loss_containers` \ FROM `players` \ LEFT JOIN `accounts` ON `account_id` = `accounts`.`id`\ LEFT JOIN `groups` ON `groups`.`id` = `players`.`group_id` \ WHERE `world_id` = " << g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::WORLD_ID) << " AND `players`.`name` = " + db->escapeString(name); if(!(result = db->storeQuery(query))){ return false; } player->setGUID(result->getDataInt("id")); player->accountId = result->getDataInt("account_id"); player->accountName = result->getDataString("accname"); player->groupName = result->getDataString("groupname"); player->accessLevel = result->getDataInt("access"); player->violationLevel = result->getDataInt("violationaccess"); player->maxDepotLimit = result->getDataInt("maxdepotitems"); player->maxVipLimit = result->getDataInt("maxviplist"); player->setFlags(result->getDataLong("groupflags")); if(preload){ //only loading basic info return true; } // Getting all player properties player->setSex((PlayerSex)result->getDataInt("sex")); player->setDirection((Direction)result->getDataInt("direction")); player->level = std::max((uint32_t)1, (uint32_t)result->getDataInt("level")); player->town = result->getDataInt("town_id"); Town* town = Towns::getInstance()->getTown(player->town); if(town){ player->masterPos = town->getTemplePosition(); } uint64_t currExpCount = Player::getExpForLevel(player->level); uint64_t nextExpCount = Player::getExpForLevel(player->level + 1); uint64_t experience = (uint64_t)result->getDataLong("experience"); if(experience < currExpCount || experience > nextExpCount){ experience = currExpCount; } player->experience = experience; player->levelPercent = Player::getPercentLevel(player->experience - currExpCount, nextExpCount - currExpCount); player->soul = result->getDataInt("soul"); player->capacity = result->getDataInt("cap"); player->stamina = result->getDataInt("stamina"); player->lastLoginSaved = result->getDataInt("lastlogin"); player->lastLogout = result->getDataInt("lastlogout"); player->health = result->getDataInt("health"); player->healthMax = result->getDataInt("healthmax"); player->defaultOutfit.lookType = result->getDataInt("looktype"); player->defaultOutfit.lookHead = result->getDataInt("lookhead"); player->defaultOutfit.lookBody = result->getDataInt("lookbody"); player->defaultOutfit.lookLegs = result->getDataInt("looklegs"); player->defaultOutfit.lookFeet = result->getDataInt("lookfeet"); player->defaultOutfit.lookAddons = result->getDataInt("lookaddons"); player->currentOutfit = player->defaultOutfit; #ifdef __SKULLSYSTEM__ SkullType skullType = SkullType(result->getDataInt("skull_type")); int64_t lastSkullTime = result->getDataLong("skull_time"); if((skullType == SKULL_RED && std::time(NULL) < lastSkullTime + g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::RED_SKULL_DURATION)) || (skullType == SKULL_BLACK && std::time(NULL) < lastSkullTime + g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::BLACK_SKULL_DURATION))){ player->lastSkullTime = lastSkullTime; player->skullType = skullType; } #endif unsigned long conditionsSize = 0; const char* conditions = result->getDataStream("conditions", conditionsSize); PropStream propStream; propStream.init(conditions, conditionsSize); Condition* condition; while((condition = Condition::createCondition(propStream))){ if(condition->unserialize(propStream)){ player->storedConditionList.push_back(condition); } else{ delete condition; } } // you need to set the vocation after conditions in order to ensure the proper regeneration rates for the vocation player->setVocation(result->getDataInt("vocation")); // this stuff has to go after the vocation is set player->mana = result->getDataInt("mana"); player->manaMax = result->getDataInt("manamax"); player->magLevel = result->getDataInt("maglevel"); uint32_t nextManaCount = (uint32_t)player->vocation->getReqMana(player->magLevel + 1); uint32_t manaSpent = (uint32_t)result->getDataInt("manaspent"); if(manaSpent > nextManaCount){ //make sure its not out of bound manaSpent = 0; } player->manaSpent = manaSpent; player->magLevelPercent = Player::getPercentLevel(player->manaSpent, nextManaCount); player->setLossPercent(LOSS_EXPERIENCE, result->getDataInt("loss_experience")); player->setLossPercent(LOSS_MANASPENT, result->getDataInt("loss_mana")); player->setLossPercent(LOSS_SKILLTRIES, result->getDataInt("loss_skills")); player->setLossPercent(LOSS_ITEMS, result->getDataInt("loss_items")); player->setLossPercent(LOSS_CONTAINERS, result->getDataInt("loss_containers")); player->loginPosition.x = result->getDataInt("posx"); player->loginPosition.y = result->getDataInt("posy"); player->loginPosition.z = result->getDataInt("posz"); // login position is temple position Position loginPos = player->loginPosition; if(loginPos.x == 0 && loginPos.y == 0 && loginPos.z == 0){ player->loginPosition = player->masterPos; } query.reset(); query << "SELECT " " `guild_ranks`.`name` as `rank`, `guild_ranks`.`guild_id` as `guildid`, " " `guild_ranks`.`level` as `level`, `guilds`.`name` as `guildname`, " " `guild_members`.`nick` AS `nick` " "FROM `guild_members` " "LEFT JOIN `guild_ranks` ON `guild_ranks`.`id` = `guild_members`.`rank_id` " "LEFT JOIN `guilds` ON `guilds`.`id` = `guild_ranks`.`guild_id` " "WHERE `guild_members`.`player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); if((result = db->storeQuery(query))){ player->guildName = result->getDataString("guildname"); player->guildLevel = result->getDataInt("level"); player->guildId = result->getDataInt("guildid"); player->guildRank = result->getDataString("rank"); player->guildNick = result->getDataString("nick"); } //get password query.reset(); query << "SELECT `password`, `premend` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = " << player->accountId; if(!(result = db->storeQuery(query))){ return false; } player->password = result->getDataString("password"); player->premiumDays = IOAccount::getPremiumDaysLeft(result->getDataInt("premend")); // we need to find out our skills // so we query the skill table query.reset(); query << "SELECT `skill_id`, `value`, `count` FROM `player_skills` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); for(result = db->storeQuery(query); result; result = result->advance()){ //now iterate over the skills try { SkillType skillid = SkillType::fromInteger(result->getDataInt("skill_id")); uint32_t skillLevel = result->getDataInt("value"); uint32_t skillCount = result->getDataInt("count"); uint32_t nextSkillCount = player->vocation->getReqSkillTries(skillid, skillLevel + 1); if(skillCount > nextSkillCount){ //make sure its not out of bound skillCount = 0; } player->skills[skillid.value()][SKILL_LEVEL] = skillLevel; player->skills[skillid.value()][SKILL_TRIES] = skillCount; player->skills[skillid.value()][SKILL_PERCENT] = Player::getPercentLevel(skillCount, nextSkillCount); } catch(enum_conversion_error&) { std::cout << "Unknown skill ID when loading player " << result->getDataInt("skillid") << std::endl; } } //load inventory items ItemMap itemMap; /* query.reset(); query << "SELECT `pid`, `sid`, `itemtype`, `count`, `attributes` FROM `player_items` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID() << " ORDER BY `sid` DESC"; if((result = db->storeQuery(query.str()))){ loadItems(itemMap, result); ItemMap::reverse_iterator it; ItemMap::iterator it2; for(it = itemMap.rbegin(); it != itemMap.rend(); ++it){ Item* item = it->second.first; int pid = it->second.second; if(pid >= 1 && pid <= 10){ player->__internalAddThing(pid, item); } else{ it2 = itemMap.find(pid); if(it2 != itemMap.end()) if(Container* container = it2->second.first->getContainer()){ container->__internalAddThing(item); } } } db->freeResult(result); } //load depot items itemMap.clear(); query.str(""); query << "SELECT `pid`, `sid`, `itemtype`, `count`, `attributes` FROM `player_depotitems` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID() << " ORDER BY `sid` DESC"; if((result = db->storeQuery(query.str()))){ loadItems(itemMap, result); ItemMap::reverse_iterator it; ItemMap::iterator it2; for(it = itemMap.rbegin(); it != itemMap.rend(); ++it){ Item* item = it->second.first; int pid = it->second.second; if(pid >= 0 && pid < 100){ if(Container* c = item->getContainer()){ if(Depot* depot = c->getDepot()) player->addDepot(depot, pid); else std::cout << "Error loading depot "<< pid << " for player " << player->getGUID() << std::endl; } else{ std::cout << "Error loading depot "<< pid << " for player " << player->getGUID() << std::endl; } } else{ it2 = itemMap.find(pid); if(it2 != itemMap.end()) if(Container* container = it2->second.first->getContainer()){ container->__internalAddThing(item); } } } db->freeResult(result); } */ //load storage map query.str(""); query << "SELECT `id`, `value` FROM `player_storage` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); for(result = db->storeQuery(query); result; result = result->advance()){ std::string key = result->getDataString("id"); std::string value = result->getDataString("value"); player->setCustomValue(key, value); } //load vips query.str(""); query << "SELECT `vip_id` FROM `player_viplist` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); for(result = db->storeQuery(query); result; result = result->advance()){ uint32_t vip_id = result->getDataInt("vip_id"); std::string dummy_str; if(storeNameByGuid(*db, vip_id)) player->addVIP(vip_id, dummy_str, false, true); } player->updateBaseSpeed(); player->updateInventoryWeight(); player->updateItemsLight(true); return true; }