void* getFieldValue(int location, int type) { char buffer[8]; long retval = 0; switch(type) { case INT: dread(buffer, location, 2); retval = (long) getSignedInt(buffer); break; case UINT: dread(buffer, location, 2); retval = (long) getUnsignedInt(buffer); break; case ULINT: dread(buffer, location, 3); retval = getUnsignedLong(buffer); break; case DATE: dread(buffer, location, 5); //printf("DEBUG: getFieldValue DATE[%04x] - %d %d %d %d %d\n", location, buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3], buffer[4]); retval = (long) strDate(buffer); break; case CHAR: default: dread(buffer, location, 1); retval = (long) buffer[0]; break; } return (void*) retval; }
void GLIB::FetchFirmWare() { ValWord< uint32_t > mem; char regName[12]; for(int i=1 ; i<=6 ; i++) { sprintf(regName,"firmware_REG_%d",i); mem = hw.getNode ( regName ).read(); hw.dispatch(); //std::cout<<mem.value()<<" . "; char *pEnd; char firmChar[1]; sprintf(firmChar,"%d",int(mem.value())); long int li1; li1 = strtol (firmChar,&pEnd,16); //std::cout<<li1<<" . "; //int c = int(mem.value()); if(i==1) _firmWare_Id_Ver_MAJOR=li1; if(i==2) _firmWare_Id_Ver_MINOR=li1; if(i==3) _firmWare_Id_Ver_BUILD=li1; if(i==4) _firmWare_Id_YY=li1; if(i==5) _firmWare_Id_MM=li1; if(i==6) _firmWare_Id_DD=li1; //std::cout<<li1<<" . "; } //std::cout<<_firmWare_Id_Ver_MAJOR<<" . "<<_firmWare_Id_Ver_MINOR<<" . "<<_firmWare_Id_Ver_BUILD<<" . "<<_firmWare_Id_YY<<" . "<<_firmWare_Id_MM << " . "<<_firmWare_Id_DD<<std::endl; char version[20]=""; char frmDat[20]=""; //char *frmDat; sprintf(frmDat,"%x/%x/%x",_firmWare_Id_DD,_firmWare_Id_MM,_firmWare_Id_YY); sprintf(version,"%x.%x.%x",_firmWare_Id_Ver_MAJOR,_firmWare_Id_Ver_MINOR,_firmWare_Id_Ver_BUILD); std::string strVer(version); std::string strDate(frmDat); _firmWareVersion.append(strVer); _firmWareDate.append(strDate); //std::cout<<frmDat<<std::endl; //std::cout<<_firmWareVersion<<" : "<<_firmWareDate<<std::endl; //std::cout<<_firmWare_Id_Ver_MAJOR<<" . "<<_firmWare_Id_Ver_MINOR<<" . "<<_firmWare_Id_Ver_BUILD<<" . "<<_firmWare_Id_YY<<" . "<<_firmWare_Id_MM << " . "<<_firmWare_Id_DD<<std::endl; //std::cout<<std::endl; }
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Details: Retrieve system local current date. Format is MM/DD/YYYY. // Type: Method. // Args: None. // Return: CMIUtilString - Text description. // Throws: None. //-- CMIUtilString CMIUtilDateTimeStd::GetDate(void) { CMIUtilString strDate(MIRSRC(IDS_WORD_INVALIDBRKTS)); std::time(&m_rawTime); const std::tm *pTi = std::localtime(&m_rawTime); if (std::strftime(&m_pScratch[0], sizeof(m_pScratch), "%d/%m/%y", pTi) > 0) strDate = m_pScratch; return strDate; }
void onAlbEventStart(const QXmlAttributes& attrs) { string strDate (convStr(attrs.value("date"))); if (!strDate.empty()) { m_albumInfo.m_strReleased = m_albumInfo.m_strReleased.empty() ? strDate : min(m_albumInfo.m_strReleased, strDate); } string strFormat (convStr(attrs.value("format"))); if (!strFormat.empty() && string::npos == m_albumInfo.m_strFormat.find(strFormat)) { addIfMissing(m_albumInfo.m_strFormat, strFormat); } }
std::string dcmAPI::CreateDateFromRawDcmTagDate(const std::string& rawDate) { std::string strDate(""); if(rawDate.size() == 8) { char buff[80]; tm date; date.tm_mday = atoi(rawDate.substr(6,2).c_str()); //1-31 date.tm_mon = atoi(rawDate.substr(4,2).c_str()) - 1; //0-11 date.tm_year = atoi(rawDate.substr(0,4).c_str()) - 1900; // since 1900 strftime(buff, 80, "%d %m %Y", &date); strDate = buff; } return strDate; }
void BoostDateTimeTestCase::test_gregorian_dateAsString() { try { //The following date is in ISO 8601 extended format (CCYY-MM-DD) std::string strDate("2012-12-12"); boost::gregorian::date d(boost::gregorian::from_simple_string(strDate)); std::cout<< boost::gregorian::to_simple_string(d) << std::endl; //Read ISO Standard(CCYYMMDD) and output ISO Extended std::string ud("20120117"); // my birth day boost::gregorian::date d1(boost::gregorian::from_undelimited_string(ud)); std::cout << boost::gregorian::to_iso_extended_string(d1) << std::endl; //Output the parts of the date - Tuesday October 9, 2001 boost::gregorian::date::ymd_type ymd = d1.year_month_day(); boost::gregorian::greg_weekday wd = d1.day_of_week(); std::cout << wd.as_long_string() << " " << ymd.month.as_long_string() << " " << ymd.day << ", " << ymd.year << std::endl; //Let's send in month 25 by accident and create an exception std::string bad_date("20012509"); //2001-??-09 std::cout << "An expected exception is next: " << std::endl; boost::gregorian::date wont_construct(boost::gregorian::from_undelimited_string(bad_date)); //use wont_construct so compiler doesn't complain, but you wont get here! std::cout << "oh oh, you shouldn't reach this line: " << boost::gregorian::to_iso_string(wont_construct) << std::endl; } catch(std::exception& e) { std::cout<< "Exception:" << e.what() << std::endl; } }
void CLogRequest::SaveToFile() { const char *currentFileName = GetLogFileName(); m.lock(); CFile backupData(currentFileName); if(backupData.GetSize() < kMaxFileSize) { if(!mHasDate) { boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::second_clock::universal_time(); std::string strDate("&date="); std::string date = boost::posix_time::to_simple_string(now); CleanString(date); strDate += date; mData += strDate; } backupData.WriteLine(mData); } backupData.Close(); m.unlock(); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// BSTR CTradesCache::GetXMLString(IRisks* pRisks, CTradePtr spTrade) { if (pRisks && spTrade) { IContractPtr spContract = spTrade->m_spContract; EtsContractTypeEnum enContractType = enCtNone; if (static_cast<bool>(spContract)) spContract->get_ContractType(&enContractType); IContractPtr spBaseContarct = NULL; QuoteUpdateInfo retBaseContractQuotes; spContract->get_BaseContract(&spBaseContarct); if (static_cast<bool>(spBaseContarct)) retBaseContractQuotes = spBaseContarct->GetQuotes(); COleDateTime strDate(0.); const LPCTSTR dateFormat = _T("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); _bstr_t bstrXPath = L"<root>"; bstrXPath += L"<Risks TradeID=\"" + _bstr_t(spTrade->m_nTradeID) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"ContractID=\"" + _bstr_t(spTrade->m_nContractID) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"TheoPrice=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->TheoPrice) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"Alpha=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->Alpha) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"Delta=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->Delta) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"Gamma=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->Gamma) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"Vega=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->Vega) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"Theta=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->Theta) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"Rho=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->Rho) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"Volga=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->Volga) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"DeltaVega=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->DeltaVega) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"DeltaTheta=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->DeltaTheta) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"GammaVega=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->GammaVega) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"GammaTheta=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->GammaTheta) + "\" "; if (enContractType == enCtOption){ bstrXPath += L"IVola=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->IVola) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"IVolaBid=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->IVolaBid) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"IVolaAsk=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->IVolaAsk) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"TheoVola=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->TheoVola) + "\" "; bstrXPath += L"BaseContractPrice=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->BaseContractPrice) + "\" "; if (retBaseContractQuotes.BidPrice > DBL_EPSILON){ bstrXPath += L"BaseContractPriceBid=\"" + _bstr_t(retBaseContractQuotes.BidPrice) + "\" "; } if (retBaseContractQuotes.AskPrice > DBL_EPSILON){ bstrXPath += L"BaseContractPriceAsk=\"" + _bstr_t(retBaseContractQuotes.AskPrice) + "\" "; } if (retBaseContractQuotes.LastPrice > DBL_EPSILON){ bstrXPath += L"BaseContractPriceLast=\"" + _bstr_t(retBaseContractQuotes.LastPrice) + "\" "; } if (retBaseContractQuotes.BidDateTime > DBL_EPSILON){ strDate = COleDateTime(retBaseContractQuotes.BidDateTime); bstrXPath += L"BaseContractPriceBidDate=\"" + _bstr_t(strDate.Format(dateFormat)) + "\" "; } if (retBaseContractQuotes.AskDateTime > DBL_EPSILON){ strDate = COleDateTime(retBaseContractQuotes.AskDateTime); bstrXPath += L"BaseContractPriceAskDate=\"" + _bstr_t(strDate.Format(dateFormat)) + "\" "; } if (retBaseContractQuotes.LastDateTime > DBL_EPSILON){ strDate = COleDateTime(retBaseContractQuotes.AskDateTime); bstrXPath += L"BaseContractPriceLastDate=\"" + _bstr_t(strDate.Format(dateFormat)) + "\" "; } }; bstrXPath += L"ContractPrice=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->ContractPrice) + "\" "; if (pRisks->BidPrice > DBL_EPSILON){ bstrXPath += L"ContractPriceBid=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->BidPrice) + "\" "; } if (pRisks->AskPrice > DBL_EPSILON){ bstrXPath += L"ContractPriceAsk=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->AskPrice) + "\" "; } if (pRisks->LastPrice > DBL_EPSILON){ bstrXPath += L"ContractPriceLast=\"" + _bstr_t(pRisks->LastPrice) + "\" "; } if (pRisks->BidDate > DBL_EPSILON){ strDate = COleDateTime(pRisks->BidDate); bstrXPath += L"ContractPriceBidDate=\"" + _bstr_t(strDate.Format(dateFormat)) + "\" "; } if (pRisks->AskDate > DBL_EPSILON){ strDate = COleDateTime(pRisks->AskDate); bstrXPath += L"ContractPriceAskDate=\"" + _bstr_t(strDate.Format(dateFormat)) + "\" "; } if (pRisks->LastDate > DBL_EPSILON){ strDate = COleDateTime(pRisks->LastDate); bstrXPath += L"ContractPriceLastDate=\"" + _bstr_t(strDate.Format(dateFormat)) + "\" "; } if (pRisks->UpdateDate > DBL_EPSILON){ strDate = COleDateTime(pRisks->UpdateDate); bstrXPath += L"AnalyticsTimestamp=\"" + _bstr_t(strDate.Format(dateFormat)) + "\" "; } bstrXPath += L" /></root>"; return bstrXPath.Detach(); } return L""; };