// Let's say you don't know if the input string is raw base64, or if it has
// bookends
// on it like -----BEGIN BLAH BLAH ...
// And if it DOES have Bookends, you don't know if they are escaped:  -
// -----BEGIN ...
// Let's say you just want an easy function that will figure that crap out, and
// load the
// contents up properly into an OTASCIIArmor object. (That's what this function
// will do.)
// str_bookend is a default.
// So you could make it more specific like, -----BEGIN ENCRYPTED KEY (or
// whatever.)
// static
bool OTASCIIArmor::LoadFromString(OTASCIIArmor& ascArmor,
                                  const String& strInput,
                                  std::string str_bookend)

    if (strInput.Contains(str_bookend)) // YES there are bookends around this.
        const std::string str_escaped("- " + str_bookend);

        const bool bEscaped = strInput.Contains(str_escaped);

        String strLoadFrom(strInput);

        if (!ascArmor.LoadFromString(strLoadFrom, bEscaped)) // removes the
                                                             // bookends so we
                                                             // have JUST the
                                                             // coded part.
            //          otErr << "%s: Failure loading string into OTASCIIArmor
            // object:\n\n%s\n\n",
            //                        __FUNCTION__, strInput.Get());
            return false;

    return true;
// Let's say you don't know if the input string is raw base64, or if it has bookends
// on it like -----BEGIN BLAH BLAH ...
// And if it DOES have Bookends, you don't know if they are escaped:  - -----BEGIN ...
// Let's say you just want an easy function that will figure that crap out, and load the
// contents up properly into an OTASCIIArmor object. (That's what this function will do.)
// str_bookend is a default.
// So you could make it more specific like, -----BEGIN ENCRYPTED KEY (or whatever.)
bool OTASCIIArmor::LoadFromString(OTASCIIArmor & ascArmor, const OTString & strInput, const std::string str_bookend/*="-----BEGIN"*/)
    // -----------------------------------------------------
    if (strInput.Contains(str_bookend)) // YES there are bookends around this.
        const std::string str_escaped("- " + str_bookend);
        // -----------------------------------
        const bool bEscaped = strInput.Contains(str_escaped);
        // -----------------------------------        
        OTString strLoadFrom(strInput);
        if (!ascArmor.LoadFromString(strLoadFrom, bEscaped)) // removes the bookends so we have JUST the coded part.
//          OTLog::vError("%s: Failure loading string into OTASCIIArmor object:\n\n%s\n\n",
//                        __FUNCTION__, strInput.Get());
            return false;
	// -------------------------------------------------    
    return true;