文件: table_impl.hpp 项目: UG4/ugcore
std::string Table<T>::to_latex() const
	Table<std::string>	strTable(num_rows(), num_cols());

	std::stringstream os;
	os << "\\begin{table}\n\\centering\n";
	os << "\\begin{tabular}{";
	for(size_t i=0; i < num_cols(); i++)
		os << get_col_sep(i) << get_col_alignment(i);
	os << get_col_sep(num_cols());
	os << "}\n";

	for(size_t i_row = 0; i_row < num_rows(); ++i_row)
		if(get_row_sep(i_row) != ' ')
			os << "\\hline \n";

		for(size_t i_col = 0; i_col < num_cols(); ++i_col)
			if(i_col != 0) os << " & ";
			os << EntryToString(*this, i_row, i_col);

		os << " \\\\\n";
	if(get_row_sep(num_rows())  != ' ')
		os << "\\hline \n";
	os << "\\end{tabular}\n";
	os << "\\end{table}\n";
	return os.str();
void UINetworkManagerIndicator::updateAppearance()
    /* First of all, we are hiding LED in case of 'idle' state: */
    if (state() == UINetworkManagerIndicatorState_Idle && !isHidden())

    /* Prepare description: */
    QString strDecription;
    /* Check if there are any network-requests: */
    if (!m_ids.isEmpty())
        /* Prepare table: */
        QString strTable("<table>%1</table>");
        QString strBodyItem("<tr><td>%1</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>%2</td></tr>");
        QString strParagraph("<p>%1</p>");
        QString strBoldNobreak("<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>");
        QString strNobreak("<nobr>%1</nobr>");
        QString strItalic("<i>%1</i>");
        /* Prepare header: */
        QString strHeader(strBoldNobreak.arg(tr("Current network operations:")));
        /* Prepare table body: */
        QString strBody;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_data.size(); ++i)
            const UINetworkRequestData &data = m_data[i];
            const QString &strDescription = data.description;
            QString strStatus(data.failed ? tr("failed", "network operation") :
                                            tr("(%1 of %2)")
            QString strBodyLine(strBodyItem.arg(strNobreak.arg(strDescription)).arg(strNobreak.arg(strStatus)));
            strBody += strBodyLine;
        /* Compose description: */
        strDecription = strParagraph.arg(strHeader + strTable.arg(strBody)) +
                        strParagraph.arg(strNobreak.arg(strItalic.arg(tr("Double-click for more information."))));
        strDecription = QString();
    /* Set description: */

    /* Finally, we are showing LED in case of state is not 'idle': */
    if (state() != UINetworkManagerIndicatorState_Idle && isHidden())
文件: table_impl.hpp 项目: UG4/ugcore
std::ostream& Table<T>::stream(std::ostream& os) const
	const Table<T> &table = *this;
//	we'll fill a fresh table with strings of the given table
//	At the same time we'll find the max-width of each column
	Table<std::string>	strTable(num_rows(), num_cols());
	std::vector<size_t> colSizes(num_cols(), 0);

	for(size_t i_row = 0; i_row < num_rows(); ++i_row){
		for(size_t i_col = 0; i_col < num_cols(); ++i_col){
			strTable(i_row, i_col) = EntryToString(table, i_row, i_col);
			colSizes[i_col] = std::max(colSizes[i_col], strTable(i_row, i_col).size());

	size_t totalRowLength=0;
	for(size_t i_col = 0; i_col < num_cols(); ++i_col)
		totalRowLength += colSizes[i_col] + 2;

//	now print each row
	for(size_t i_row = 0; i_row < num_rows(); ++i_row)
		if(get_row_sep(i_row) != 0x00 && get_row_sep(i_row) != ' ')
			os << repeat(get_row_sep(i_row), totalRowLength) << "\n";
		for(size_t i_col = 0; i_col < num_cols(); ++i_col)
			os << get_col_sep(i_col);
			size_t l = colSizes[i_col] + 1;
			size_t s = strTable(i_row, i_col).size();
			os << " ";
			if(get_col_alignment(i_col) == 'r')
				os << std::setw(l) << std::right << strTable(i_row, i_col);
			else if(get_col_alignment(i_col) == 'l')
				os << std::setw(l) << std::left << strTable(i_row, i_col);
				os << repeat(' ', (l-s)/2) << std::setw(l-(l-s)/2) << std::left << strTable(i_row, i_col);
		os << get_col_sep(num_cols()) << std::endl;
	if(get_row_sep(num_cols()) != 0x00 && get_row_sep(num_cols()) != ' ')
		os << repeat(get_row_sep(num_cols()), totalRowLength) << "\n";
	return os;