HTREEITEM CTreePropSheet::CreatePageTreeItem(LPCTSTR lpszPath, HTREEITEM hParent /* = TVI_ROOT */) { CString strPath(lpszPath); CString strTopMostItem(SplitPageTreePath(strPath)); // Check if an item with the given text does already exist HTREEITEM hItem = NULL; HTREEITEM hChild = m_pwndPageTree->GetChildItem(hParent); while (hChild) { if (m_pwndPageTree->GetItemText(hChild) == strTopMostItem) { hItem = hChild; break; } hChild = m_pwndPageTree->GetNextItem(hChild, TVGN_NEXT); } // If item with that text does not already exist, create a new one // MORPH START tabbed options [leuk_he] if (strTopMostItem != "Multi user" && strTopMostItem != "NT Service" ) { // MORPH leuk_he:run as ntservice v1.. // MORPH END tabbed options [leuk_he] if (!hItem) { hItem = m_pwndPageTree->InsertItem(strTopMostItem, hParent); m_pwndPageTree->SetItemData(hItem, (DWORD_PTR)-1); if (!strPath.IsEmpty() && m_bTreeImages && m_DefaultImages.GetSafeHandle()) // set folder image m_pwndPageTree->SetItemImage(hItem, m_Images.GetImageCount()-2, m_Images.GetImageCount()-2); } if (!hItem) { // ASSERT(FALSE); //MORPH tabbed options return NULL; } } // Morph tabbed options. if (strPath.IsEmpty()) return hItem; else return CreatePageTreeItem(strPath, hItem); }
HTREEITEM CTreePropSheet::CreatePageTreeItem(LPCTSTR lpszPath, HTREEITEM hParent /* = TVI_ROOT */) { CString strPath(lpszPath); CString strTopMostItem(SplitPageTreePath(strPath)); // Check if an item with the given text does already exist HTREEITEM hItem = NULL; HTREEITEM hChild = m_pwndPageTree->GetChildItem(hParent); while (hChild) { if (m_pwndPageTree->GetItemText(hChild) == strTopMostItem) { hItem = hChild; break; } hChild = m_pwndPageTree->GetNextItem(hChild, TVGN_NEXT); } // If item with that text does not already exist, create a new one if (!hItem) { hItem = m_pwndPageTree->InsertItem(strTopMostItem, hParent); m_pwndPageTree->SetItemData(hItem, -1); if (!strPath.IsEmpty() && m_bTreeImages && m_DefaultImages.GetSafeHandle()) // set folder image m_pwndPageTree->SetItemImage(hItem, m_Images.GetImageCount()-2, m_Images.GetImageCount()-2); } if (!hItem) { ASSERT(FALSE); return NULL; } if (strPath.IsEmpty()) return hItem; else return CreatePageTreeItem(strPath, hItem); }