int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ struct RNA2Dfold_args_info args_info; unsigned int input_type; char *string, *input_string, *orig_sequence; char *mfe_structure=NULL, *structure1=NULL, *structure2=NULL, *reference_struc1=NULL, *reference_struc2=NULL; char *ParamFile=NULL; int i, j, length, l; double min_en; double kT, sfact=1.07; int pf=0,istty; int noconv=0; int circ=0; int maxDistance1 = -1; int maxDistance2 = -1; int do_backtrack = 1; int stBT = 0; int nstBT = 0; string=NULL; dangles = 2; struct nbhoods *neighborhoods = NULL; struct nbhoods *neighborhoods_cur = NULL; string = input_string = orig_sequence = NULL; /* ############################################# # check the command line prameters ############################################# */ if(RNA2Dfold_cmdline_parser (argc, argv, &args_info) != 0) exit(1); /* temperature */ if(args_info.temp_given) temperature = args_info.temp_arg; /* max distance to 1st reference structure */ if(args_info.maxDist1_given) maxDistance1 = args_info.maxDist1_arg; /* max distance to 2nd reference structure */ if(args_info.maxDist2_given) maxDistance2 = args_info.maxDist2_arg; /* compute partition function and boltzmann probabilities */ if(args_info.partfunc_given) pf = 1; /* do stachastic backtracking */ if(args_info.stochBT_given){ pf = 1; stBT = 1; nstBT = args_info.stochBT_arg; } if(args_info.noTetra_given) tetra_loop=0; /* assume RNA sequence to be circular */ if(args_info.circ_given) circ=1; /* dangle options */ if(args_info.dangles_given) dangles=args_info.dangles_arg; /* set number of threads for parallel computation */ if(args_info.numThreads_given) #ifdef _OPENMP omp_set_num_threads(args_info.numThreads_arg); #else nrerror("\'j\' option is available only if compiled with OpenMP support!"); #endif /* get energy parameter file name */ if(args_info.parameterFile_given) ParamFile = strdup(args_info.parameterFile_arg); /* do not allow GU pairs ? */ if(args_info.noGU_given) noGU = 1; /* do not allow GU pairs at the end of helices? */ if(args_info.noClosingGU_given) no_closingGU = 1; /* pf scaling factor */ if(args_info.pfScale_given) sfact = args_info.pfScale_arg; /* do not backtrack structures ? */ if(args_info.noBT_given) do_backtrack = 0; for (i = 0; i < args_info.neighborhood_given; i++){ int kappa, lambda; kappa = lambda = 0; if(sscanf(args_info.neighborhood_arg[i], "%d:%d", &kappa, &lambda) == 2); if ((kappa>-2) && (lambda>-2)){ if(neighborhoods_cur != NULL){ neighborhoods_cur->next = (nbhoods *)space(sizeof(nbhoods)); neighborhoods_cur = neighborhoods_cur->next; } else{ neighborhoods = (nbhoods *)space(sizeof(nbhoods)); neighborhoods_cur = neighborhoods; } neighborhoods_cur->k = kappa; neighborhoods_cur->l = lambda; neighborhoods_cur->next = NULL; } } /* free allocated memory of command line data structure */ RNA2Dfold_cmdline_parser_free (&args_info); /* ############################################# # begin actual program code ############################################# */ if (ParamFile != NULL) read_parameter_file(ParamFile); istty = isatty(fileno(stdout))&&isatty(fileno(stdin)); /* ############################################# # main loop, continue until end of file ############################################# */ do { if (istty) print_tty_input_seq_str("Input strings\n1st line: sequence (upper or lower case)\n2nd + 3rd line: reference structures (dot bracket notation)\n@ to quit\n"); while((input_type = get_input_line(&input_string, 0)) & VRNA_INPUT_FASTA_HEADER){ printf(">%s\n", input_string); /* print fasta header if available */ free(input_string); } /* break on any error, EOF or quit request */ if(input_type & (VRNA_INPUT_QUIT | VRNA_INPUT_ERROR)){ break;} /* else assume a proper sequence of letters of a certain alphabet (RNA, DNA, etc.) */ else{ length = (int) strlen(input_string); string = strdup(input_string); free(input_string); } mfe_structure = (char *) space((unsigned) length+1); structure1 = (char *) space((unsigned) length+1); structure2 = (char *) space((unsigned) length+1); input_type = get_input_line(&input_string, VRNA_INPUT_NOSKIP_COMMENTS); if(input_type & VRNA_INPUT_QUIT){ break;} else if((input_type & VRNA_INPUT_MISC) && (strlen(input_string) > 0)){ reference_struc1 = strdup(input_string); free(input_string); if(strlen(reference_struc1) != length) nrerror("sequence and 1st reference structure have unequal length"); } else nrerror("1st reference structure missing\n"); strncpy(structure1, reference_struc1, length); input_type = get_input_line(&input_string, VRNA_INPUT_NOSKIP_COMMENTS); if(input_type & VRNA_INPUT_QUIT){ break;} else if((input_type & VRNA_INPUT_MISC) && (strlen(input_string) > 0)){ reference_struc2 = strdup(input_string); free(input_string); if(strlen(reference_struc2) != length) nrerror("sequence and 2nd reference structure have unequal length"); } else nrerror("2nd reference structure missing\n"); strncpy(structure2, reference_struc2, length); /* convert DNA alphabet to RNA if not explicitely switched off */ if(!noconv) str_DNA2RNA(string); /* store case-unmodified sequence */ orig_sequence = strdup(string); /* convert sequence to uppercase letters only */ str_uppercase(string); if (istty) printf("length = %d\n", length); min_en = (circ) ? circfold(string, mfe_structure) : fold(string, mfe_structure); printf("%s\n%s", orig_sequence, mfe_structure); if (istty) printf("\n minimum free energy = %6.2f kcal/mol\n", min_en); else printf(" (%6.2f)\n", min_en); printf("%s (%6.2f) <ref 1>\n", structure1, (circ) ? energy_of_circ_structure(string, structure1, 0) : energy_of_structure(string,structure1, 0)); printf("%s (%6.2f) <ref 2>\n", structure2, (circ) ? energy_of_circ_structure(string, structure2, 0) : energy_of_structure(string,structure2, 0)); /* get all variables need for the folding process (some memory will be preallocated here too) */ TwoDfold_vars *mfe_vars = get_TwoDfold_variables(string, structure1, structure2, circ); mfe_vars->do_backtrack = do_backtrack; TwoDfold_solution *mfe_s = TwoDfoldList(mfe_vars, maxDistance1, maxDistance2); if(!pf){ #ifdef COUNT_STATES printf("k\tl\tn\tMFE\tMFE-structure\n"); for(i = 0; mfe_s[i].k != INF; i++){ printf("%d\t%d\t%lu\t%6.2f\t%s\n", mfe_s[i].k, mfe_s[i].l, mfe_vars->N_F5[length][mfe_s[i].k][mfe_s[i].l/2], mfe_s[i].en, mfe_s[i].s); if(mfe_s[i].s) free(mfe_s[i].s); } free(mfe_s); #else printf("k\tl\tMFE\tMFE-structure\n"); for(i = 0; mfe_s[i].k != INF; i++){ printf("%d\t%d\t%6.2f\t%s\n", mfe_s[i].k, mfe_s[i].l, mfe_s[i].en, mfe_s[i].s); if(mfe_s[i].s) free(mfe_s[i].s); } free(mfe_s); #endif } if(pf){ int maxD1 = (int) mfe_vars->maxD1; int maxD2 = (int) mfe_vars->maxD2; float mmfe = INF; double Q; for(i = 0; mfe_s[i].k != INF; i++){ if(mmfe > mfe_s[i].en) mmfe = mfe_s[i].en; } kT = (temperature+K0)*GASCONST/1000.0; /* in Kcal */ pf_scale = exp(-(sfact*mmfe)/kT/length); if (length>2000) fprintf(stdout, "scaling factor %f\n", pf_scale); /* get all variables need for the folding process (some memory will be preallocated there too) */ //TwoDpfold_vars *q_vars = get_TwoDpfold_variables_from_MFE(mfe_vars); /* we dont need the mfe vars and arrays anymore, so we can savely free their occupying memory */ destroy_TwoDfold_variables(mfe_vars); TwoDpfold_vars *q_vars = get_TwoDpfold_variables(string, structure1, structure2, circ); TwoDpfold_solution *pf_s = TwoDpfoldList(q_vars, maxD1, maxD2); Q = 0.; for(i = 0; pf_s[i].k != INF; i++){ Q += pf_s[i].q; } double fee = (-log(Q)-length*log(pf_scale))*kT; if(!stBT){ printf("free energy of ensemble = %6.2f kcal/mol\n",fee); printf("k\tl\tP(neighborhood)\tP(MFE in neighborhood)\tP(MFE in ensemble)\tMFE\tE_gibbs\tMFE-structure\n"); for(i=0; pf_s[i].k != INF;i++){ float free_energy = (-log((float)pf_s[i].q)-length*log(pf_scale))*kT; if((pf_s[i].k != mfe_s[i].k) || (pf_s[i].l != mfe_s[i].l)) nrerror("This should never happen!"); fprintf(stdout, "%d\t%d\t%2.8f\t%2.8f\t%2.8f\t%6.2f\t%6.2f\t%s\n", pf_s[i].k, pf_s[i].l, (float)(pf_s[i].q)/(float)Q, exp((free_energy-mfe_s[i].en)/kT), exp((fee-mfe_s[i].en)/kT), mfe_s[i].en, free_energy, mfe_s[i].s); } } else{ init_rand(); if(neighborhoods != NULL){ nbhoods *tmp, *tmp2; for(tmp = neighborhoods; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next){ int k,l; k = tmp->k; l = tmp->l; for(i = 0; i < nstBT; i++){ char *s = TwoDpfold_pbacktrack(q_vars, k, l); printf("%d\t%d\t%s\t%6.2f\n", k, l, s, q_vars->circ ? energy_of_circ_structure(q_vars->sequence, s, 0) : energy_of_structure(q_vars->sequence, s, 0)); } } } else{ for(i=0; pf_s[i].k != INF;i++){ for(l = 0; l < nstBT; l++){ char *s = TwoDpfold_pbacktrack(q_vars, pf_s[i].k, pf_s[i].l); printf("%d\t%d\t%s\t%6.2f\n", pf_s[i].k, pf_s[i].l, s, q_vars->circ ? energy_of_circ_structure(q_vars->sequence, s, 0) : energy_of_structure(q_vars->sequence, s, 0)); } } } } free_pf_arrays(); for(i=0; mfe_s[i].k != INF;i++){ if(mfe_s[i].s) free(mfe_s[i].s); } free(pf_s); free(mfe_s); /* destroy the q_vars */ destroy_TwoDpfold_variables(q_vars); } else destroy_TwoDfold_variables(mfe_vars); free_arrays(); free(string); free(orig_sequence); free(mfe_structure); free(structure1); free(structure2); free(reference_struc1); free(reference_struc2); string = orig_sequence = mfe_structure = NULL; } while (1); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct RNAcofold_args_info args_info; unsigned int input_type; char *string, *input_string; char *structure, *cstruc, *rec_sequence, *orig_sequence, *rec_id, **rec_rest; char fname[FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH], ffname[FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH]; char *ParamFile; char *ns_bases, *c; char *Concfile; int i, length, l, sym, r, cl; double min_en; double kT, sfact, betaScale; int pf, istty; int noconv, noPS; int doT; /*compute dimere free energies etc.*/ int doC; /*toggle to compute concentrations*/ int doQ; /*toggle to compute prob of base being paired*/ int cofi; /*toggle concentrations stdin / file*/ plist *prAB; plist *prAA; /*pair probabilities of AA dimer*/ plist *prBB; plist *prA; plist *prB; plist *mfAB; plist *mfAA; /*pair mfobabilities of AA dimer*/ plist *mfBB; plist *mfA; plist *mfB; double *ConcAandB; unsigned int rec_type, read_opt; pf_paramT *pf_parameters; model_detailsT md; /* ############################################# # init variables and parameter options ############################################# */ dangles = 2; sfact = 1.07; bppmThreshold = 1e-5; noconv = 0; noPS = 0; do_backtrack = 1; pf = 0; doT = 0; doC = 0; doQ = 0; cofi = 0; betaScale = 1.; gquad = 0; ParamFile = NULL; pf_parameters = NULL; string = NULL; Concfile = NULL; structure = NULL; cstruc = NULL; ns_bases = NULL; rec_type = read_opt = 0; rec_id = rec_sequence = orig_sequence = NULL; rec_rest = NULL; set_model_details(&md); /* ############################################# # check the command line prameters ############################################# */ if(RNAcofold_cmdline_parser (argc, argv, &args_info) != 0) exit(1); /* temperature */ if(args_info.temp_given) temperature = args_info.temp_arg; /* structure constraint */ if(args_info.constraint_given) fold_constrained=1; /* do not take special tetra loop energies into account */ if(args_info.noTetra_given) md.special_hp = tetra_loop=0; /* set dangle model */ if(args_info.dangles_given){ if((args_info.dangles_arg < 0) || (args_info.dangles_arg > 3)) warn_user("required dangle model not implemented, falling back to default dangles=2"); else md.dangles = dangles = args_info.dangles_arg; } /* do not allow weak pairs */ if(args_info.noLP_given) md.noLP = noLonelyPairs = 1; /* do not allow wobble pairs (GU) */ if(args_info.noGU_given) md.noGU = noGU = 1; /* do not allow weak closing pairs (AU,GU) */ if(args_info.noClosingGU_given) md.noGUclosure = no_closingGU = 1; /* gquadruplex support */ if(args_info.gquad_given) md.gquad = gquad = 1; /* enforce canonical base pairs in any case? */ if(args_info.canonicalBPonly_given) md.canonicalBPonly = canonicalBPonly = 1; /* do not convert DNA nucleotide "T" to appropriate RNA "U" */ if(args_info.noconv_given) noconv = 1; /* set energy model */ if(args_info.energyModel_given) energy_set = args_info.energyModel_arg; /* */ if(args_info.noPS_given) noPS = 1; /* take another energy parameter set */ if(args_info.paramFile_given) ParamFile = strdup(args_info.paramFile_arg); /* Allow other pairs in addition to the usual AU,GC,and GU pairs */ if(args_info.nsp_given) ns_bases = strdup(args_info.nsp_arg); /* set pf scaling factor */ if(args_info.pfScale_given) sfact = args_info.pfScale_arg; if(args_info.all_pf_given) doT = pf = 1; /* concentrations from stdin */ if(args_info.concentrations_given) doC = doT = pf = 1; /* set the bppm threshold for the dotplot */ if(args_info.bppmThreshold_given) bppmThreshold = MIN2(1., MAX2(0.,args_info.bppmThreshold_arg)); /* concentrations in file */ if(args_info.betaScale_given) betaScale = args_info.betaScale_arg; if(args_info.concfile_given){ Concfile = strdup(args_info.concfile_arg); doC = cofi = doT = pf = 1; } /* partition function settings */ if(args_info.partfunc_given){ pf = 1; if(args_info.partfunc_arg != -1) do_backtrack = args_info.partfunc_arg; } /* free allocated memory of command line data structure */ RNAcofold_cmdline_parser_free (&args_info); /* ############################################# # begin initializing ############################################# */ if(pf && gquad){ nrerror("G-Quadruplex support is currently not available for partition function computations"); } if (ParamFile != NULL) read_parameter_file(ParamFile); if (ns_bases != NULL) { nonstandards = space(33); c=ns_bases; i=sym=0; if (*c=='-') { sym=1; c++; } while (*c!='\0') { if (*c!=',') { nonstandards[i++]=*c++; nonstandards[i++]=*c; if ((sym)&&(*c!=*(c-1))) { nonstandards[i++]=*c; nonstandards[i++]=*(c-1); } } c++; } } istty = isatty(fileno(stdout))&&isatty(fileno(stdin)); /* print user help if we get input from tty */ if(istty){ printf("Use '&' to connect 2 sequences that shall form a complex.\n"); if(fold_constrained){ print_tty_constraint(VRNA_CONSTRAINT_DOT | VRNA_CONSTRAINT_X | VRNA_CONSTRAINT_ANG_BRACK | VRNA_CONSTRAINT_RND_BRACK); print_tty_input_seq_str("Input sequence (upper or lower case) followed by structure constraint\n"); } else print_tty_input_seq(); } /* set options we wanna pass to read_record */ if(istty) read_opt |= VRNA_INPUT_NOSKIP_BLANK_LINES; if(!fold_constrained) read_opt |= VRNA_INPUT_NO_REST; /* ############################################# # main loop: continue until end of file ############################################# */ while( !((rec_type = read_record(&rec_id, &rec_sequence, &rec_rest, read_opt)) & (VRNA_INPUT_ERROR | VRNA_INPUT_QUIT))){ /* ######################################################## # init everything according to the data we've read ######################################################## */ if(rec_id){ if(!istty) printf("%s\n", rec_id); (void) sscanf(rec_id, ">%" XSTR(FILENAME_ID_LENGTH) "s", fname); } else fname[0] = '\0'; cut_point = -1; rec_sequence = tokenize(rec_sequence); /* frees input_string and sets cut_point */ length = (int) strlen(rec_sequence); structure = (char *) space((unsigned) length+1); /* parse the rest of the current dataset to obtain a structure constraint */ if(fold_constrained){ cstruc = NULL; int cp = cut_point; unsigned int coptions = (rec_id) ? VRNA_CONSTRAINT_MULTILINE : 0; coptions |= VRNA_CONSTRAINT_DOT | VRNA_CONSTRAINT_X | VRNA_CONSTRAINT_ANG_BRACK | VRNA_CONSTRAINT_RND_BRACK; getConstraint(&cstruc, (const char **)rec_rest, coptions); cstruc = tokenize(cstruc); if(cut_point != cp) nrerror("cut point in sequence and structure constraint differs"); cl = (cstruc) ? (int)strlen(cstruc) : 0; if(cl == 0) warn_user("structure constraint is missing"); else if(cl < length) warn_user("structure constraint is shorter than sequence"); else if(cl > length) nrerror("structure constraint is too long"); if(cstruc) strncpy(structure, cstruc, sizeof(char)*(cl+1)); } /* convert DNA alphabet to RNA if not explicitely switched off */ if(!noconv) str_DNA2RNA(rec_sequence); /* store case-unmodified sequence */ orig_sequence = strdup(rec_sequence); /* convert sequence to uppercase letters only */ str_uppercase(rec_sequence); if(istty){ if (cut_point == -1) printf("length = %d\n", length); else printf("length1 = %d\nlength2 = %d\n", cut_point-1, length-cut_point+1); } /* ######################################################## # begin actual computations ######################################################## */ if (doC) { FILE *fp; if (cofi) { /* read from file */ fp = fopen(Concfile, "r"); if (fp==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "could not open concentration file %s", Concfile); nrerror("\n"); } ConcAandB = read_concentrations(fp); fclose(fp); } else { printf("Please enter concentrations [mol/l]\n format: ConcA ConcB\n return to end\n"); ConcAandB = read_concentrations(stdin); } } /*compute mfe of AB dimer*/ min_en = cofold(rec_sequence, structure); assign_plist_from_db(&mfAB, structure, 0.95); { char *pstring, *pstruct; if (cut_point == -1) { pstring = strdup(orig_sequence); pstruct = strdup(structure); } else { pstring = costring(orig_sequence); pstruct = costring(structure); } printf("%s\n%s", pstring, pstruct); if (istty) printf("\n minimum free energy = %6.2f kcal/mol\n", min_en); else printf(" (%6.2f)\n", min_en); (void) fflush(stdout); if (!noPS) { char annot[512] = ""; if (fname[0]!='\0') { strcpy(ffname, fname); strcat(ffname, ""); } else { strcpy(ffname, ""); } if (cut_point >= 0) sprintf(annot, "1 %d 9 0 0.9 0.2 omark\n%d %d 9 1 0.1 0.2 omark\n", cut_point-1, cut_point+1, length+1); if(gquad){ if (!noPS) (void) PS_rna_plot_a_gquad(pstring, pstruct, ffname, annot, NULL); } else { if (!noPS) (void) PS_rna_plot_a(pstring, pstruct, ffname, annot, NULL); } } free(pstring); free(pstruct); } if (length>2000) free_co_arrays(); /*compute partition function*/ if (pf) { cofoldF AB, AA, BB; FLT_OR_DBL *probs; if (dangles==1) { dangles=2; /* recompute with dangles as in pf_fold() */ min_en = energy_of_structure(rec_sequence, structure, 0); dangles=1; } kT = (betaScale*((temperature+K0)*GASCONST))/1000.; /* in Kcal */ pf_scale = exp(-(sfact*min_en)/kT/length); if (length>2000) fprintf(stderr, "scaling factor %f\n", pf_scale); pf_parameters = get_boltzmann_factors(temperature, betaScale, md, pf_scale); if (cstruc!=NULL) strncpy(structure, cstruc, length+1); AB = co_pf_fold_par(rec_sequence, structure, pf_parameters, do_backtrack, fold_constrained); if (do_backtrack) { char *costruc; costruc = (char *) space(sizeof(char)*(strlen(structure)+2)); if (cut_point<0) printf("%s", structure); else { strncpy(costruc, structure, cut_point-1); strcat(costruc, "&"); strcat(costruc, structure+cut_point-1); printf("%s", costruc); } if (!istty) printf(" [%6.2f]\n", AB.FAB); else printf("\n");/*8.6.04*/ } if ((istty)||(!do_backtrack)) printf(" free energy of ensemble = %6.2f kcal/mol\n", AB.FAB); printf(" frequency of mfe structure in ensemble %g", exp((AB.FAB-min_en)/kT)); printf(" , delta G binding=%6.2f\n", AB.FcAB - AB.FA - AB.FB); probs = export_co_bppm(); assign_plist_from_pr(&prAB, probs, length, bppmThreshold); /* if (doQ) make_probsum(length,fname); */ /*compute prob of base paired*/ /* free_co_arrays(); */ if (doT) { /* cofold of all dimers, monomers */ int Blength, Alength; char *Astring, *Bstring, *orig_Astring, *orig_Bstring; char *Newstring; char Newname[30]; char comment[80]; if (cut_point<0) { printf("Sorry, i cannot do that with only one molecule, please give me two or leave it\n"); free(mfAB); free(prAB); continue; } if (dangles==1) dangles=2; Alength=cut_point-1; /*length of first molecule*/ Blength=length-cut_point+1; /*length of 2nd molecule*/ Astring=(char *)space(sizeof(char)*(Alength+1));/*Sequence of first molecule*/ Bstring=(char *)space(sizeof(char)*(Blength+1));/*Sequence of second molecule*/ strncat(Astring,rec_sequence,Alength); strncat(Bstring,rec_sequence+Alength,Blength); orig_Astring=(char *)space(sizeof(char)*(Alength+1));/*Sequence of first molecule*/ orig_Bstring=(char *)space(sizeof(char)*(Blength+1));/*Sequence of second molecule*/ strncat(orig_Astring,orig_sequence,Alength); strncat(orig_Bstring,orig_sequence+Alength,Blength); /* compute AA dimer */ AA=do_partfunc(Astring, Alength, 2, &prAA, &mfAA, pf_parameters); /* compute BB dimer */ BB=do_partfunc(Bstring, Blength, 2, &prBB, &mfBB, pf_parameters); /*free_co_pf_arrays();*/ /* compute A monomer */ do_partfunc(Astring, Alength, 1, &prA, &mfA, pf_parameters); /* compute B monomer */ do_partfunc(Bstring, Blength, 1, &prB, &mfB, pf_parameters); compute_probabilities(AB.F0AB, AB.FA, AB.FB, prAB, prA, prB, Alength); compute_probabilities(AA.F0AB, AA.FA, AA.FA, prAA, prA, prA, Alength); compute_probabilities(BB.F0AB, BB.FA, BB.FA, prBB, prA, prB, Blength); printf("Free Energies:\nAB\t\tAA\t\tBB\t\tA\t\tB\n%.6f\t%6f\t%6f\t%6f\t%6f\n", AB.FcAB, AA.FcAB, BB.FcAB, AB.FA, AB.FB); if (doC) { do_concentrations(AB.FcAB, AA.FcAB, BB.FcAB, AB.FA, AB.FB, ConcAandB); free(ConcAandB);/*freeen*/ } if (fname[0]!='\0') { strcpy(ffname, fname); strcat(ffname, ""); } else strcpy(ffname, ""); /*output of the 5 dot plots*/ /*AB dot_plot*/ /*write Free Energy into comment*/ sprintf(comment,"\n%%Heterodimer AB FreeEnergy= %.9f\n", AB.FcAB); /*reset cut_point*/ cut_point=Alength+1; /*write New name*/ strcpy(Newname,"AB"); strcat(Newname,ffname); (void)PS_dot_plot_list(orig_sequence, Newname, prAB, mfAB, comment); /*AA dot_plot*/ sprintf(comment,"\n%%Homodimer AA FreeEnergy= %.9f\n",AA.FcAB); /*write New name*/ strcpy(Newname,"AA"); strcat(Newname,ffname); /*write AA sequence*/ Newstring=(char*)space((2*Alength+1)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(Newstring,orig_Astring); strcat(Newstring,orig_Astring); (void)PS_dot_plot_list(Newstring, Newname, prAA, mfAA, comment); free(Newstring); /*BB dot_plot*/ sprintf(comment,"\n%%Homodimer BB FreeEnergy= %.9f\n",BB.FcAB); /*write New name*/ strcpy(Newname,"BB"); strcat(Newname,ffname); /*write BB sequence*/ Newstring=(char*)space((2*Blength+1)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(Newstring,orig_Bstring); strcat(Newstring,orig_Bstring); /*reset cut_point*/ cut_point=Blength+1; (void)PS_dot_plot_list(Newstring, Newname, prBB, mfBB, comment); free(Newstring); /*A dot plot*/ /*reset cut_point*/ cut_point=-1; sprintf(comment,"\n%%Monomer A FreeEnergy= %.9f\n",AB.FA); /*write New name*/ strcpy(Newname,"A"); strcat(Newname,ffname); /*write BB sequence*/ (void)PS_dot_plot_list(orig_Astring, Newname, prA, mfA, comment); /*B monomer dot plot*/ sprintf(comment,"\n%%Monomer B FreeEnergy= %.9f\n",AB.FB); /*write New name*/ strcpy(Newname,"B"); strcat(Newname,ffname); /*write BB sequence*/ (void)PS_dot_plot_list(orig_Bstring, Newname, prB, mfB, comment); free(Astring); free(Bstring); free(orig_Astring); free(orig_Bstring); free(prAB); free(prAA); free(prBB); free(prA); free(prB); free(mfAB); free(mfAA); free(mfBB); free(mfA); free(mfB); } /*end if(doT)*/ free(pf_parameters); }/*end if(pf)*/ if (do_backtrack) { if (fname[0]!='\0') { strcpy(ffname, fname); strcat(ffname, ""); } else strcpy(ffname, ""); if (!doT) { if (pf) { (void) PS_dot_plot_list(rec_sequence, ffname, prAB, mfAB, "doof"); free(prAB);} free(mfAB); } } if (!doT) free_co_pf_arrays(); (void) fflush(stdout); /* clean up */ if(cstruc) free(cstruc); if(rec_id) free(rec_id); free(rec_sequence); free(orig_sequence); free(structure); /* free the rest of current dataset */ if(rec_rest){ for(i=0;rec_rest[i];i++) free(rec_rest[i]); free(rec_rest); } rec_id = rec_sequence = orig_sequence = structure = cstruc = NULL; rec_rest = NULL; /* print user help for the next round if we get input from tty */ if(istty){ printf("Use '&' to connect 2 sequences that shall form a complex.\n"); if(fold_constrained){ print_tty_constraint(VRNA_CONSTRAINT_DOT | VRNA_CONSTRAINT_X | VRNA_CONSTRAINT_ANG_BRACK | VRNA_CONSTRAINT_RND_BRACK); print_tty_input_seq_str("Input sequence (upper or lower case) followed by structure constraint\n"); } else print_tty_input_seq(); } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ struct RNAeval_args_info args_info; char *string, *structure, *orig_sequence, *tmp; char *rec_sequence, *rec_id, **rec_rest; char fname[FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH]; char *ParamFile; int i, length1, length2; float energy; int istty; int circular=0; int noconv=0; int verbose = 0; unsigned int rec_type, read_opt; string = orig_sequence = ParamFile = NULL; gquad = 0; dangles = 2; /* ############################################# # check the command line parameters ############################################# */ if(RNAeval_cmdline_parser (argc, argv, &args_info) != 0) exit(1); /* temperature */ if(args_info.temp_given) temperature = args_info.temp_arg; /* do not take special tetra loop energies into account */ if(args_info.noTetra_given) tetra_loop=0; /* set dangle model */ if(args_info.dangles_given){ if((args_info.dangles_arg < 0) || (args_info.dangles_arg > 3)) warn_user("required dangle model not implemented, falling back to default dangles=2"); else dangles = args_info.dangles_arg; } /* do not convert DNA nucleotide "T" to appropriate RNA "U" */ if(args_info.noconv_given) noconv = 1; /* set energy model */ if(args_info.energyModel_given) energy_set = args_info.energyModel_arg; /* take another energy parameter set */ if(args_info.paramFile_given) ParamFile = strdup(args_info.paramFile_arg); /* assume RNA sequence to be circular */ if(args_info.circ_given) circular=1; /* logarithmic multiloop energies */ if(args_info.logML_given) logML = 1; /* be verbose */ if(args_info.verbose_given) verbose = 1; /* gquadruplex support */ if(args_info.gquad_given) gquad = 1; /* free allocated memory of command line data structure */ RNAeval_cmdline_parser_free (&args_info); /* ############################################# # begin initializing ############################################# */ if (ParamFile!=NULL) read_parameter_file(ParamFile); rec_type = read_opt = 0; rec_id = rec_sequence = NULL; rec_rest = NULL; istty = isatty(fileno(stdout)) && isatty(fileno(stdin)); if(circular && gquad){ nrerror("G-Quadruplex support is currently not available for circular RNA structures"); } /* set options we wanna pass to read_record */ if(istty){ read_opt |= VRNA_INPUT_NOSKIP_BLANK_LINES; print_tty_input_seq_str("Use '&' to connect 2 sequences that shall form a complex.\n" "Input sequence (upper or lower case) followed by structure"); } /* ############################################# # main loop: continue until end of file ############################################# */ while( !((rec_type = read_record(&rec_id, &rec_sequence, &rec_rest, read_opt)) & (VRNA_INPUT_ERROR | VRNA_INPUT_QUIT))){ if(rec_id){ if(!istty) printf("%s\n", rec_id); (void) sscanf(rec_id, ">%" XSTR(FILENAME_ID_LENGTH) "s", fname); } else fname[0] = '\0'; cut_point = -1; string = tokenize(rec_sequence); length2 = (int) strlen(string); tmp = extract_record_rest_structure((const char **)rec_rest, 0, (rec_id) ? VRNA_OPTION_MULTILINE : 0); if(!tmp) nrerror("structure missing"); structure = tokenize(tmp); length1 = (int) strlen(structure); if(length1 != length2) nrerror("structure and sequence differ in length!"); free(tmp); /* convert DNA alphabet to RNA if not explicitely switched off */ if(!noconv) str_DNA2RNA(string); /* store case-unmodified sequence */ orig_sequence = strdup(string); /* convert sequence to uppercase letters only */ str_uppercase(string); if(istty){ if (cut_point == -1) printf("length = %d\n", length1); else printf("length1 = %d\nlength2 = %d\n", cut_point-1, length1-cut_point+1); } if(gquad) energy = energy_of_gquad_structure(string, structure, verbose); else energy = (circular) ? energy_of_circ_structure(string, structure, verbose) : energy_of_structure(string, structure, verbose); if (cut_point == -1) printf("%s\n%s", orig_sequence, structure); else { char *pstring, *pstruct; pstring = costring(orig_sequence); pstruct = costring(structure); printf("%s\n%s", pstring, pstruct); free(pstring); free(pstruct); } if (istty) printf("\n energy = %6.2f\n", energy); else printf(" (%6.2f)\n", energy); /* clean up */ (void) fflush(stdout); if(rec_id) free(rec_id); free(rec_sequence); free(structure); /* free the rest of current dataset */ if(rec_rest){ for(i=0;rec_rest[i];i++) free(rec_rest[i]); free(rec_rest); } rec_id = rec_sequence = structure = NULL; rec_rest = NULL; free(string); free(orig_sequence); string = orig_sequence = NULL; /* print user help for the next round if we get input from tty */ if(istty){ print_tty_input_seq_str("Use '&' to connect 2 sequences that shall form a complex.\n" "Input sequence (upper or lower case) followed by structure"); } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct RNAfold_args_info args_info; char *string, *input_string, *structure=NULL, *cstruc=NULL; char fname[80], ffname[80], gfname[80], *ParamFile=NULL; char *ns_bases=NULL, *c; int i, j, ii, jj, mu, length, l, sym, r, pf=0, noconv=0; unsigned int input_type; double energy, min_en, kT, sfact=1.07; int doMEA=0, circular = 0, N; char *pf_struc; double dist; plist *pl; FILE * filehandle; FILE * statsfile; char* line; double tau = 0.01; /* Variance of energy parameters */ double sigma = 0.01; /* Variance of experimental constraints */ double *gradient; /* Gradient for steepest descent search epsilon[i+1]= epsilon[i] - gradient * step_size */ double initial_step_size = 0.5; /* Initial step size for steepest descent search */ double step_size; double D; /* Discrepancy (i.e. value of objective function) for the current prediction */ int iteration, max_iteration = 2000; /* Current and maximum number of iterations after which algorithm stops */ double precision = 0.1; /* cutoff used for stop conditions */ double tolerance = 0.1; /* Parameter used by various GSL minimizers */ int method_id = 1; /* Method to use for minimization, 0 and 1 are custom steepest descent, the rest are GSL implementations (see below)*/ int initial_guess_method = 0; int sample_N = 1000; double *prev_epsilon; double *prev_gradient; double DD, prev_D, sum, norm; int status; double* gradient_numeric; double* gradient_numeric_gsl; /* Minimizer vars */ const gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_type *T; gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer *minimizer; gsl_vector *minimizer_x; gsl_vector *minimizer_g; gsl_multimin_function_fdf minimizer_func; minimizer_pars_struct minimizer_pars; char *constraints; char outfile[256]; char constraints_file[256]; char epsilon_file[256]; FILE* fh; double last_non_nan_lnQ; pf_overflow = 0; pf_underflow = 0; dangles=2; do_backtrack = 1; string = NULL; noPS = 0; outfile[0]='\0'; epsilon_file[0]='\0'; strcpy(psDir, "dotplots"); if(RNAfold_cmdline_parser (argc, argv, &args_info) != 0) exit(1); /* RNAbpfold specific options */ if (args_info.tau_given) tau = args_info.tau_arg; if (args_info.sigma_given) sigma = args_info.sigma_arg; if (args_info.precision_given) precision = args_info.precision_arg; if (args_info.step_given) initial_step_size = args_info.step_arg; if (args_info.maxN_given) max_iteration = args_info.maxN_arg; if (args_info.minimization_given) method_id = args_info.minimization_arg; if (args_info.init_given) initial_guess_method = args_info.init_arg; if (args_info.tolerance_given) tolerance = args_info.tolerance_arg; if (args_info.outfile_given) strcpy(outfile, args_info.outfile_arg); if (args_info.constraints_given) strcpy(constraints_file, args_info.constraints_arg); if (args_info.epsilon_given) strcpy(epsilon_file, args_info.epsilon_arg); if (args_info.sampleGradient_given) sample_conditionals=1; if (args_info.hybridGradient_given) { sample_conditionals=1; hybrid_conditionals=1; } if (args_info.numericalGradient_given) numerical=1; if (args_info.sampleStructure_given) sample_structure=1; if (args_info.psDir_given) strcpy(psDir, args_info.psDir_arg); if (args_info.sparsePS_given) sparsePS=args_info.sparsePS_arg; if (args_info.gridSearch_given) grid_search = 1; /* Generic RNAfold options */ if (args_info.temp_given) temperature = args_info.temp_arg; if (args_info.reference_given) fold_constrained=1; if (args_info.noTetra_given) tetra_loop=0; if (args_info.dangles_given) dangles = args_info.dangles_arg; if (args_info.noLP_given) noLonelyPairs = 1; if (args_info.noGU_given) noGU = 1; if (args_info.noClosingGU_given) no_closingGU = 1; if (args_info.noconv_given) noconv = 1; if (args_info.energyModel_given) energy_set = args_info.energyModel_arg; if (args_info.paramFile_given) ParamFile = strdup(args_info.paramFile_arg); if (args_info.nsp_given) ns_bases = strdup(args_info.nsp_arg); if (args_info.pfScale_given) sfact = args_info.pfScale_arg; if (args_info.noPS_given) noPS=1; /* Create postscript directory */ if (!noPS) { struct stat stat_p; if (stat (psDir, &stat_p) != 0) { if (mkdir(psDir, S_IRWXU|S_IROTH|S_IRGRP ) !=0) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Could not create directory: %s", psDir); } } } if (ParamFile != NULL) { read_parameter_file(ParamFile); } if (ns_bases != NULL) { nonstandards = space(33); c=ns_bases; i=sym=0; if (*c=='-') { sym=1; c++; } while (*c!='\0') { if (*c!=',') { nonstandards[i++]=*c++; nonstandards[i++]=*c; if ((sym)&&(*c!=*(c-1))) { nonstandards[i++]=*c; nonstandards[i++]=*(c-1); } } c++; } } /*Read sequence*/ fname[0] = '\0'; while((input_type = get_input_line(&input_string, 0)) & VRNA_INPUT_FASTA_HEADER) { (void) sscanf(input_string, "%42s", fname); free(input_string); } length = (int) strlen(input_string); string = strdup(input_string); free(input_string); structure = (char *) space((unsigned) length+1); /* For testing purpose pass dot bracket structure of reference structure via -C */ if (fold_constrained) { input_type = get_input_line(&input_string, VRNA_INPUT_NOSKIP_COMMENTS); if(input_type & VRNA_INPUT_QUIT) { exit(1); } else if((input_type & VRNA_INPUT_MISC) && (strlen(input_string) > 0)) { cstruc = strdup(input_string); free(input_string); } else warn_user("-C was given but reference structure is missing"); } if(noconv) { str_RNA2RNA(string); } else { str_DNA2RNA(string); } /* Allocating space */ epsilon = (double *) space(sizeof(double)*(length+1)); exp_pert = (double **)space(sizeof(double *)*(length+1)); perturbations = (double **)space(sizeof(double *)*(length+1)); prev_epsilon = (double *) space(sizeof(double)*(length+1)); gradient = (double *) space(sizeof(double)*(length+1)); gradient_numeric = (double *) space(sizeof(double)*(length+1)); gradient_numeric_gsl = (double *) space(sizeof(double)*(length+1)); prev_gradient = (double *) space(sizeof(double)*(length+1)); q_unpaired = (double *) space(sizeof(double)*(length+1)); p_unpaired_cond = (double **)space(sizeof(double *)*(length+1)); p_unpaired_cond_sampled = (double **)space(sizeof(double *)*(length+1)); p_pp = (double **)space(sizeof(double *)*(length+1)); p_unpaired = (double *) space(sizeof(double)*(length+1)); p_unpaired_tmp = (double *) space(sizeof(double)*(length+1)); for (i=0; i <= length; i++) { epsilon[i] = gradient[i] = q_unpaired[i] = 0.0; p_unpaired_cond[i] = (double *) space(sizeof(double)*(length+1)); p_unpaired_cond_sampled[i] = (double *) space(sizeof(double)*(length+1)); p_pp[i] = (double *) space(sizeof(double)*(length+1)); exp_pert[i] = (double *) space(sizeof(double)*(length+1)); perturbations[i] = (double *) space(sizeof(double)*(length+1)); for (j=0; j <= length; j++) { p_pp[i][j]=p_unpaired_cond[i][j] = 0.0; p_unpaired_cond_sampled[i][j] = 0.0; } } /*** If file with perturbation vector epsilon is given we fold using this epsilon and are done ***/ if (args_info.epsilon_given) { plist *pl, *pl1,*pl2; filehandle = fopen (epsilon_file,"r"); if (filehandle == NULL) { nrerror("Could not open file with perturbation vector."); } i=1; while (1) { double t; line = get_line(filehandle); if (line == NULL) break; if (i>length) nrerror("Too many values in perturbation vector file."); if (sscanf(line, "%lf", &epsilon[i]) !=1) { nrerror("Error while reading perturbation vector file."); } i++; } if (i-1 != length) { nrerror("Too few values in perturbation vector file."); } init_pf_fold(length); pf_fold_pb(string, NULL); sprintf(fname,"%s/", psDir); pl1 = make_plist(length, 1e-5); (void) PS_dot_plot_list_epsilon(string, fname, NULL, pl1, epsilon, ""); exit(0); } /*** Get constraints from reference structure or from external file ***/ /* Structure was given by -C */ if (fold_constrained) { for (i=0; i<length; i++) { if (cstruc[i] == '(' || cstruc[i] == ')') { q_unpaired[i+1] = 0.0; } else { q_unpaired[i+1] = 1.0; } } /*Read constraints from file*/ } else { filehandle = fopen (constraints_file,"r"); if (filehandle == NULL) { nrerror("No constraints given as dot bracket or wrong file name"); } i=1; while (1) { double t; line = get_line(filehandle); if (line == NULL) break; if (i>length) nrerror("Too many values in constraints.dat"); if (sscanf(line, "%lf", &q_unpaired[i]) !=1) { nrerror("Error while reading constraints.dat"); } i++; } if (i-1 != length) { nrerror("Too few values in constraints.dat"); } } /* Create file handle */ if (outfile[0] !='\0') { statsfile = fopen (outfile,"w"); } else { statsfile = fopen ("stats.dat","w"); } setvbuf(statsfile, NULL, _IONBF, 0); if (!grid_search) { fprintf(statsfile, "Iteration\tDiscrepancy\tNorm\tdfCount\tMEA\tSampled_structure\tSampled_energy\tSampled_distance\tEpsilon\ttimestamp\n"); } else { /* If we do a grid search we have a different output. */ fprintf(statsfile, "Dummy\tm\tb\tdummy\tMEA\tepsilon\n"); } if (statsfile == NULL) { nrerror("Could not open stats.dat for writing."); } fprintf(stderr, "tau^2 = %.4f; sigma^2 = %.4f; precision = %.4f; tolerance = %.4f; step-size: %.4f\n\n", tau, sigma, precision, tolerance, initial_step_size); st_back=1; min_en = fold(string, structure); (void) fflush(stdout); if (length>2000) free_arrays(); pf_struc = (char *) space((unsigned) length+1); kT = (temperature+273.15)*1.98717/1000.; /* in Kcal */ pf_scale = exp(-(sfact*min_en)/kT/length); /* Set up minimizer */ minimizer_x = gsl_vector_alloc (length+1); minimizer_g = gsl_vector_alloc (length+1); for (i=0; i <= length; i++) { epsilon[i] = 0.0; gsl_vector_set (minimizer_g, i, 0.0); gsl_vector_set (minimizer_x, i, epsilon[i]); } minimizer_pars.length=length; minimizer_pars.seq = string; minimizer_pars.tau=tau; minimizer_pars.sigma=sigma; minimizer_pars.kT=kT; minimizer_func.n = length+1; minimizer_func.f = calculate_f; minimizer_func.df = numerical ? calculate_df_numerically: calculate_df; minimizer_func.fdf = calculate_fdf; minimizer_func.params = &minimizer_pars; //min_en = fold_pb(string, structure); //fprintf(stderr, "%f", min_en); //exit(0); /* Calling test functions for debugging */ for (i=1; i <= length; i++) { if (i%2==0) { epsilon[i] = +0.2*i; } else { epsilon[i] = -0.2*i; } } //test_folding(string, length); /* //test_stochastic_backtracking(string, length); */ /* //test_gradient(minimizer_func, minimizer_pars); */ /* //test_gradient_sampling(minimizer_func, minimizer_pars); */ //exit(1); count_df_evaluations=0; /* Initial guess for epsilon */ if (initial_guess_method !=0 && initial_guess_method !=3) { /* Vars for inital guess methods */ double m,b; double* curr_epsilon; double* best_epsilon; double best_m, best_b, best_scale; double curr_D; double min_D = 999999999.0; double inc = +0.25; double cut; if (initial_guess_method == 1) fprintf(stderr, "Mathew's constant perturbations\n"); if (initial_guess_method == 2) fprintf(stderr, "Perturbations proportional to q-p\n"); curr_epsilon = (double *) space(sizeof(double)*(length+1)); best_epsilon = (double *) space(sizeof(double)*(length+1)); last_non_nan_lnQ = min_en; // Calculate p_unpaired for unperturbed state which we need later // for the proportinal method if (initial_guess_method == 2) { init_pf_fold(length); for (i=0; i <= length; i++) { epsilon[i] = 0.0; } pf_fold_pb(string, NULL); for (i = 1; i < length; i++) { for (j = i+1; j<= length; j++) { p_pp[i][j]=p_pp[j][i]=pr[iindx[i]-j]; } } get_pair_prob_vector(p_pp, p_unpaired_tmp, length, 1); free_pf_arrays(); } /* We do the same grid search as in the Mathews paper Fig. 4*/ for (m=0.25; m <=7.0; m+=0.25) { // Weird way of writing this inner loop for the grid search. We // traverse the grid without big jumps in the parameters to make // sure that the updated scaling factor is accurate all the time. inc*=-1; for (b = inc < 0.0 ? 0.0 : -3.0; inc < 0.0 ? b >= -3.0 : b<= 0.0 ; b+=inc) { // calculate cut point with x-axis and skip parameter pairs // which give a cut point outside the range of // q_unpaired (0 to 1). They gave frequently overflows and the // idea is that we both want positive and negative perturbations cut = exp( (-1) * b / m ) - 1; fprintf(stderr, "\nm = %.2f, b = %.2f, cut=%.2f\n", m, b, cut); if (cut > 1.0 || cut < 0.01) { fprintf(stderr, "\nSkipping m = %.2f, b = %.2f\n", m, b); continue; } /* Mathew's constant perturbations */ if (initial_guess_method == 1) { for (i=0; i <= length; i++) { /* We add epsilon to unpaired regions (as opposed to paired regions as in the Mathews paper) so we multiply by -1; if missing data we set it to 0.0 */ if (q_unpaired[i] < -0.5) { curr_epsilon[i] = 0.0; } else { curr_epsilon[i] = (m *(log(q_unpaired[i]+1))+b) *(-1); } gsl_vector_set (minimizer_x, i, curr_epsilon[i]); } /* Perturbations proportional to q-p */ } else { for (i=0; i <= length; i++) { curr_epsilon[i] = (m *(log(q_unpaired[i]+1)-log(p_unpaired_tmp[i]+1))+ b ) * (-1); gsl_vector_set (minimizer_x, i, curr_epsilon[i]); } } // Repeat and adjust scaling factor until we get result without over-/underflows do { // First we use default scaling factor if (pf_underflow == 0 && pf_overflow == 0) { sfact = 1.070; } if (pf_underflow) { sfact *= 0.8; fprintf(stderr,"Underflow, adjusting sfact to %.4f\n", sfact ); } if (pf_overflow) { sfact *= 1.2; fprintf(stderr,"Overflow, adjusting sfact to %.4f\n", sfact ); } pf_scale = exp(-(sfact*last_non_nan_lnQ)/kT/length); //fprintf(stderr,"Scaling factor is now: %.4e\n", pf_scale); curr_D = calculate_f(minimizer_x, (void*)&minimizer_pars); if (!isnan(last_lnQ)) last_non_nan_lnQ = last_lnQ; // Give up when even extreme scaling does not give results // (for some reason I could not get rid of overflows even with high scaling factors) if (sfact < 0.1 || sfact > 2.0) break; } while (pf_underflow == 1 || pf_overflow == 1); // We have not given up so everything is ok now if (!(sfact < 0.1 || sfact > 2.0)) { if (curr_D < min_D) { min_D = curr_D; for (i=0; i <= length; i++) { best_epsilon[i] = curr_epsilon[i]; } best_m = m; best_b = b; best_scale = pf_scale; } /*If we are interested in the grid search we misuse the print_stats function and report m and b together with MEA*/ if (grid_search) { for (i=0; i <= length; i++) { epsilon[i] = curr_epsilon[i]; } print_stats(statsfile, string, cstruc, length, 0, 0, m, 0.0, b, 0); } fprintf(stderr, "curr D: %.2f, minimum D: %.2f\n", curr_D, min_D); // Adjust pf_scale with default scaling factor but lnQ from // previous step sfact = 1.070; pf_scale = exp(-(sfact*last_lnQ)/kT/length); } else { sfact = 1.070; fprintf(stderr, "Skipping m = %.2f, b = %.2f; did not get stable result.\n", m, b); } } // for b } // for m fprintf(stderr, "Minimum found: m=%.2f, b=%.2f: %.2f\n", best_m, best_b, min_D); for (i=0; i <= length; i++) { epsilon[i] = best_epsilon[i]; gsl_vector_set (minimizer_x, i, best_epsilon[i]); } pf_scale = best_scale; } if (initial_guess_method == 3) { srand((unsigned)time(0)); for (i=0; i <= length; i++) { double r = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX * 4 - 2; epsilon[i] = r; gsl_vector_set (minimizer_x, i, epsilon[i]); } } /* If we just wanted a grid search we are done now. */ if (grid_search) { exit(0); } prev_D = calculate_f(minimizer_x, (void*)&minimizer_pars); print_stats(statsfile, string, cstruc, length, 0 , count_df_evaluations , prev_D, -1.0, 0.0,1); /* GSL minimization */ if (method_id !=0) { if (method_id > 2) { char name[100]; // Available algorithms // 3 gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_conjugate_fr // 4 gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_conjugate_pr // 5 gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_vector_bfgs // 6 gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_vector_bfgs2 // 7 gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_steepest_descent // switch (method_id) { case 2: minimizer = gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_alloc (gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_conjugate_fr, length+1); strcpy(name, "Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient"); break; case 3: minimizer = gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_alloc (gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_conjugate_pr, length+1); strcpy(name, "Polak-Ribiere conjugate gradient"); break; case 4: minimizer = gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_alloc ( gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_vector_bfgs, length+1); strcpy(name, "Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno"); break; case 5: minimizer = gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_alloc ( gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_vector_bfgs2, length+1); strcpy(name, "Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (improved version)"); break; case 6: minimizer = gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_alloc (gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_steepest_descent, length+1); strcpy(name, "Gradient descent (GSL implmementation)"); break; } fprintf(stderr, "Starting minimization via GSL implementation of %s...\n\n", name); // The last two parmeters are step size and tolerance (with // different meaning for different algorithms gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_set (minimizer, &minimizer_func, minimizer_x, initial_step_size, tolerance); iteration = 1; do { status = gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_iterate (minimizer); D = minimizer->f; norm = gsl_blas_dnrm2(minimizer->gradient); print_stats(statsfile, string, cstruc, length,iteration, count_df_evaluations, D, prev_D, norm, iteration%sparsePS == 0); prev_D = D; if (status) { fprintf(stderr, "An unexpected error has occured in the iteration (status:%i)\n", status); break; } status = gsl_multimin_test_gradient (minimizer->gradient, precision); if (status == GSL_SUCCESS) fprintf(stderr, "Minimum found stopping.\n"); iteration++; } while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iteration < max_iteration); gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_free (minimizer); gsl_vector_free (minimizer_x); /* Custom implementation of steepest descent */ } else { if (method_id == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Starting custom implemented steepest descent search...\n\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Starting custom implemented steepest descent search with Barzilai Borwein step size...\n\n"); } iteration = 0; D = 0.0; while (iteration++ < max_iteration) { for (i=1; i <= length; i++) { gsl_vector_set (minimizer_x, i, epsilon[i]); } D = calculate_f(minimizer_x, (void*)&minimizer_pars); if (numerical) { calculate_df_numerically(minimizer_x, (void*)&minimizer_pars, minimizer_g); } else { calculate_df(minimizer_x, (void*)&minimizer_pars, minimizer_g); } for (i=1; i <= length; i++) { gradient[i] = gsl_vector_get (minimizer_g, i); } // Do line search fprintf(stderr, "\nLine search:\n"); // After the first iteration, use Barzilai-Borwain (1988) step size (currently turned off) if (iteration>1 && method_id==2) { double denominator=0.0; double numerator=0.0; for (i=1; i <= length; i++) { numerator += (epsilon[i]-prev_epsilon[i]) * (gradient[i]-prev_gradient[i]); denominator+=(gradient[i]-prev_gradient[i]) * (gradient[i]-prev_gradient[i]); } step_size = numerator / denominator; norm =1.0; } else { // Use step sized given by the user (normalize it first) step_size = initial_step_size / calculate_norm(gradient, length); } for (i=1; i <= length; i++) { prev_epsilon[i] = epsilon[i]; prev_gradient[i] = gradient[i]; } do { for (mu=1; mu <= length; mu++) { epsilon[mu] = prev_epsilon[mu] - step_size * gradient[mu]; } for (i=1; i <= length; i++) { gsl_vector_set (minimizer_x, i, epsilon[i]); } DD = calculate_f(minimizer_x, (void*)&minimizer_pars); if (step_size > 0.0001) { fprintf(stderr, "Old D: %.4f; New D: %.4f; Step size: %.4f\n", D, DD, step_size); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Old D: %.4f; New D: %.4f; Step size: %.4e\n", D, DD, step_size); } step_size /= 2; } while (step_size > 1e-12 && DD > D); norm = calculate_norm(gradient,length); if (DD > D) { fprintf(stderr, "Line search did not improve D in iteration %i. Stop.\n", iteration); if (hybrid_conditionals) { sample_conditionals=0; } else { break; } } print_stats(statsfile, string, cstruc, length,iteration, count_df_evaluations, DD, prev_D, norm, iteration%sparsePS == 0); if (norm<precision && iteration>1) { fprintf(stderr, "Minimum found stopping.\n"); break; } prev_D = DD; } } /* Force last dotplot to be printed */ print_stats(statsfile, string, cstruc, length,iteration, count_df_evaluations, DD, prev_D, norm, 1); } free(pf_struc); if (cstruc!=NULL) free(cstruc); (void) fflush(stdout); free(string); free(structure); RNAfold_cmdline_parser_free (&args_info); return 0; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ struct RNAplfold_args_info args_info; unsigned int error = 0; char fname[FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH], ffname[FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH], *c, *structure, *ParamFile, *ns_bases, *rec_sequence, *rec_id, **rec_rest, *orig_sequence; unsigned int input_type; int i, length, l, sym, r, istty, winsize, pairdist; float cutoff; int tempwin, temppair, tempunpaired; FILE *pUfp = NULL, *spup = NULL; double **pup = NULL; /*prob of being unpaired, lengthwise*/ int noconv, plexoutput, simply_putout, openenergies, binaries; plist *pl, *dpp = NULL; unsigned int rec_type, read_opt; double betaScale; pf_paramT *pf_parameters; model_detailsT md; dangles = 2; cutoff = 0.01; winsize = 70; pairdist = 0; unpaired = 0; betaScale = 1.; simply_putout = plexoutput = openenergies = noconv = 0;binaries=0; tempwin = temppair = tempunpaired = 0; structure = ParamFile = ns_bases = NULL; rec_type = read_opt = 0; rec_id = rec_sequence = orig_sequence = NULL; rec_rest = NULL; pf_parameters = NULL; set_model_details(&md); /* ############################################# # check the command line parameters ############################################# */ if(RNAplfold_cmdline_parser (argc, argv, &args_info) != 0) exit(1); /* temperature */ if(args_info.temp_given) temperature = args_info.temp_arg; /* do not take special tetra loop energies into account */ if(args_info.noTetra_given) md.special_hp = tetra_loop=0; /* set dangle model */ if(args_info.dangles_given){ if((args_info.dangles_arg != 0) && (args_info.dangles_arg != 2)) warn_user("required dangle model not implemented, falling back to default dangles=2"); else md.dangles = dangles = args_info.dangles_arg; } /* do not allow weak pairs */ if(args_info.noLP_given) md.noLP = noLonelyPairs = 1; /* do not allow wobble pairs (GU) */ if(args_info.noGU_given) md.noGU = noGU = 1; /* do not allow weak closing pairs (AU,GU) */ if(args_info.noClosingGU_given) md.noGUclosure = no_closingGU = 1; /* do not convert DNA nucleotide "T" to appropriate RNA "U" */ if(args_info.noconv_given) noconv = 1; /* set energy model */ if(args_info.energyModel_given) energy_set = args_info.energyModel_arg; /* take another energy parameter set */ if(args_info.paramFile_given) ParamFile = strdup(args_info.paramFile_arg); /* Allow other pairs in addition to the usual AU,GC,and GU pairs */ if(args_info.nsp_given) ns_bases = strdup(args_info.nsp_arg); /* set the maximum base pair span */ if(args_info.span_given) pairdist = args_info.span_arg; /* set the pair probability cutoff */ if(args_info.cutoff_given) cutoff = args_info.cutoff_arg; /* set the windowsize */ if(args_info.winsize_given) winsize = args_info.winsize_arg; /* set the length of unstructured region */ if(args_info.ulength_given) unpaired = args_info.ulength_arg; /* compute opening energies */ if(args_info.opening_energies_given) openenergies = 1; /* print output on the fly */ if(args_info.print_onthefly_given) simply_putout = 1; /* turn on RNAplex output */ if(args_info.plex_output_given) plexoutput = 1; /* turn on binary output*/ if(args_info.binaries_given) binaries = 1; if(args_info.betaScale_given) betaScale = args_info.betaScale_arg; /* check for errorneous parameter options */ if((pairdist < 0) || (cutoff < 0.) || (unpaired < 0) || (winsize < 0)){ RNAplfold_cmdline_parser_print_help(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* free allocated memory of command line data structure */ RNAplfold_cmdline_parser_free(&args_info); /* ############################################# # begin initializing ############################################# */ if (ParamFile != NULL) read_parameter_file(ParamFile); if (ns_bases != NULL) { nonstandards = space(33); c=ns_bases; i=sym=0; if (*c=='-') { sym=1; c++; } while (*c!='\0') { if (*c!=',') { nonstandards[i++]=*c++; nonstandards[i++]=*c; if ((sym)&&(*c!=*(c-1))) { nonstandards[i++]=*c; nonstandards[i++]=*(c-1); } } c++; } } /* check parameter options again and reset to reasonable values if needed */ if(openenergies && !unpaired) unpaired = 31; if(pairdist == 0) pairdist = winsize; if(pairdist > winsize){ fprintf(stderr, "pairdist (-L %d) should be <= winsize (-W %d);" "Setting pairdist=winsize\n",pairdist, winsize); pairdist = winsize; } if(dangles % 2){ warn_user("using default dangles = 2"); dangles = 2; } istty = isatty(fileno(stdout))&&isatty(fileno(stdin)); read_opt |= VRNA_INPUT_NO_REST; if(istty){ print_tty_input_seq(); read_opt |= VRNA_INPUT_NOSKIP_BLANK_LINES; } /* ############################################# # main loop: continue until end of file ############################################# */ while( !((rec_type = read_record(&rec_id, &rec_sequence, &rec_rest, read_opt)) & (VRNA_INPUT_ERROR | VRNA_INPUT_QUIT))){ /* ######################################################## # init everything according to the data we've read ######################################################## */ if(rec_id){ if(!istty) printf("%s\n", rec_id); (void) sscanf(rec_id, ">%" XSTR(FILENAME_ID_LENGTH) "s", fname); } else fname[0] = '\0'; length = (int)strlen(rec_sequence); structure = (char *) space((unsigned) length+1); /* convert DNA alphabet to RNA if not explicitely switched off */ if(!noconv) str_DNA2RNA(rec_sequence); /* store case-unmodified sequence */ orig_sequence = strdup(rec_sequence); /* convert sequence to uppercase letters only */ str_uppercase(rec_sequence); if(istty) printf("length = %d\n", length); /* ######################################################## # done with 'stdin' handling ######################################################## */ if(length > 1000000){ if(!simply_putout && !unpaired){ printf("Switched to simple output mode!!!\n"); simply_putout = 1; } } if(unpaired && simply_putout){ printf("Output simplification not possible if unpaired is switched on\n"); simply_putout = 0; } /* restore winsize if altered before */ if(tempwin != 0){ winsize = tempwin; tempwin = 0; } /* restore pairdist if altered before */ if(temppair != 0){ pairdist = temppair; temppair = 0; } /* restore ulength if altered before */ if(tempunpaired != 0){ unpaired = tempunpaired; tempunpaired = 0; } /* adjust winsize, pairdist and ulength if necessary */ if(length < winsize){ fprintf(stderr, "WARN: window size %d larger than sequence length %d\n", winsize, length); tempwin = winsize; winsize = length; if (pairdist>winsize) { temppair=pairdist; pairdist=winsize; } if (unpaired>winsize) { tempunpaired=unpaired; unpaired=winsize; } } /* ######################################################## # begin actual computations ######################################################## */ if (length >= 5){ /* construct output file names */ char fname1[FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH], fname2[FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH], fname3[FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH], fname4[FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH], fname_t[FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH]; strcpy(fname_t, (fname[0] != '\0') ? fname : "plfold"); strcpy(fname1, fname_t); strcpy(fname2, fname_t); strcpy(fname3, fname_t); strcpy(fname4, fname_t); strcpy(ffname, fname_t); strcat(fname1, "_lunp"); strcat(fname2, "_basepairs"); strcat(fname3, "_uplex"); if(binaries){ strcat(fname4, "_openen_bin"); } else{ strcat(fname4, "_openen"); } strcat(ffname, ""); pf_parameters = get_boltzmann_factors(temperature, betaScale, md, -1); if(unpaired > 0){ pup =(double **) space((length+1)*sizeof(double *)); pup[0] =(double *) space(sizeof(double)); /*I only need entry 0*/ pup[0][0] = unpaired; } pUfp = spup = NULL; if(simply_putout){ spup = fopen(fname2, "w"); pUfp = (unpaired > 0) ? fopen(fname1, "w") : NULL; pl = pfl_fold_par(rec_sequence, winsize, pairdist, cutoff, pup, &dpp, pUfp, spup, pf_parameters); if(pUfp != NULL) fclose(pUfp); if(spup != NULL) fclose(spup); } else{ pl = pfl_fold_par(rec_sequence, winsize, pairdist, cutoff, pup, &dpp, pUfp, spup, pf_parameters); PS_dot_plot_turn(orig_sequence, pl, ffname, pairdist); if (unpaired > 0){ if(plexoutput){ pUfp = fopen(fname3, "w"); putoutphakim_u(pup,length, unpaired, pUfp); fclose(pUfp); } pUfp = fopen(openenergies ? fname4 : fname1, "w"); if(binaries){ putoutpU_prob_bin_par(pup, length, unpaired, pUfp, openenergies, pf_parameters); } else{ putoutpU_prob_par(pup, length, unpaired, pUfp, openenergies, pf_parameters); } fclose(pUfp); } } if(pl) free(pl); if(unpaired > 0){ free(pup[0]); free(pup); } free(pf_parameters); } (void) fflush(stdout); /* clean up */ if(rec_id) free(rec_id); free(rec_sequence); free(orig_sequence); free(structure); rec_id = rec_sequence = orig_sequence = NULL; rec_rest = NULL; /* print user help for the next round if we get input from tty */ if(istty) print_tty_input_seq(); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ struct RNAsubopt_args_info args_info; unsigned int input_type; char fname[80], *cstruc, *sequence, *c, *input_string; char *structure = NULL, *ParamFile = NULL, *ns_bases = NULL; int i, length, l, sym, istty; double deltaf, deltap; int delta, n_back, noconv, circular, dos, zuker; do_backtrack = 1; dangles = 2; delta = 100; deltap = n_back = noconv = circular = dos = zuker = 0; /* ############################################# # check the command line parameters ############################################# */ if(RNAsubopt_cmdline_parser (argc, argv, &args_info) != 0) exit(1); /* temperature */ if(args_info.temp_given) temperature = args_info.temp_arg; /* structure constraint */ if(args_info.constraint_given) fold_constrained=1; /* do not take special tetra loop energies into account */ if(args_info.noTetra_given) tetra_loop=0; /* set dangle model */ if(args_info.dangles_given) dangles = args_info.dangles_arg; /* do not allow weak pairs */ if(args_info.noLP_given) noLonelyPairs = 1; /* do not allow wobble pairs (GU) */ if(args_info.noGU_given) noGU = 1; /* do not allow weak closing pairs (AU,GU) */ if(args_info.noClosingGU_given) no_closingGU = 1; /* do not convert DNA nucleotide "T" to appropriate RNA "U" */ if(args_info.noconv_given) noconv = 1; /* take another energy parameter set */ if(args_info.paramFile_given) ParamFile = strdup(args_info.paramFile_arg); /* Allow other pairs in addition to the usual AU,GC,and GU pairs */ if(args_info.nsp_given) ns_bases = strdup(args_info.nsp_arg); /* energy range */ if(args_info.deltaEnergy_given) delta = (int) (0.1+args_info.deltaEnergy_arg*100); /* energy range after post evaluation */ if(args_info.deltaEnergyPost_given) deltap = args_info.deltaEnergyPost_arg; /* sorted output */ if(args_info.sorted_given) subopt_sorted = 1; /* assume RNA sequence to be circular */ if(args_info.circ_given) circular=1; /* stochastic backtracking */ if(args_info.stochBT_given){ n_back = args_info.stochBT_arg; init_rand(); } /* density of states */ if(args_info.dos_given){ dos = 1; print_energy = -999999; } /* logarithmic multiloop energies */ if(args_info.logML_given) logML = 1; /* zuker subopts */ if(args_info.zuker_given) zuker = 1; if(zuker){ if(circular){ warn_user("Sorry, zuker subopts not yet implemented for circfold"); RNAsubopt_cmdline_parser_print_help(); exit(1); } else if(n_back>0){ warn_user("Can't do zuker subopts and stochastic subopts at the same time"); RNAsubopt_cmdline_parser_print_help(); exit(1); } } /* free allocated memory of command line data structure */ RNAsubopt_cmdline_parser_free(&args_info); /* ############################################# # begin initializing ############################################# */ if (ParamFile != NULL) read_parameter_file(ParamFile); if (ns_bases != NULL) { nonstandards = space(33); c=ns_bases; i=sym=0; if (*c=='-') { sym=1; c++; } while (*c!='\0') { if (*c!=',') { nonstandards[i++]=*c++; nonstandards[i++]=*c; if ((sym)&&(*c!=*(c-1))) { nonstandards[i++]=*c; nonstandards[i++]=*(c-1); } } c++; } } istty = isatty(fileno(stdout))&&isatty(fileno(stdin)); if(fold_constrained && istty) print_tty_constraint(VRNA_CONSTRAINT_DOT | VRNA_CONSTRAINT_X); /* ############################################# # main loop: continue until end of file ############################################# */ do { cut_point = -1; /* ######################################################## # handle user input from 'stdin' ######################################################## */ if(istty){ if (!zuker) printf("Use '&' to connect 2 sequences that shall form a complex.\n"); print_tty_input_seq(); } /* extract filename from fasta header if available */ fname[0] = '\0'; while((input_type = get_input_line(&input_string, 0)) == VRNA_INPUT_FASTA_HEADER){ printf(">%s\n", input_string); (void) sscanf(input_string, "%42s", fname); free(input_string); } /* break on any error, EOF or quit request */ if(input_type & (VRNA_INPUT_QUIT | VRNA_INPUT_ERROR)){ break;} /* else assume a proper sequence of letters of a certain alphabet (RNA, DNA, etc.) */ else{ sequence = tokenize(input_string); /* frees input_string */ length = (int) strlen(sequence); } structure = (char *) space((unsigned) length+1); if(noconv) str_RNA2RNA(sequence); else str_DNA2RNA(sequence); if(istty){ if (cut_point == -1) printf("length = %d\n", length); else printf("length1 = %d\nlength2 = %d\n", cut_point-1, length-cut_point+1); } /* get structure constraint or break if necessary, entering an empty line results in a warning */ if (fold_constrained) { input_type = get_input_line(&input_string, VRNA_INPUT_NOSKIP_COMMENTS); if(input_type & VRNA_INPUT_QUIT){ break;} else if((input_type & VRNA_INPUT_MISC) && (strlen(input_string) > 0)){ cstruc = tokenize(input_string); strncpy(structure, cstruc, length); for (i=0; i<length; i++) if (structure[i]=='|') nrerror("constraints of type '|' not allowed"); free(cstruc); } else warn_user("constraints missing"); } /* ######################################################## # done with 'stdin' handling, now init everything properly ######################################################## */ if((logML != 0 || dangles==1 || dangles==3) && dos == 0) if(deltap<=0) deltap = delta/100. + 0.001; if (deltap>0) print_energy = deltap; /* first lines of output (suitable for sort +1n) */ if (fname[0] != '\0') printf("> %s [%d]\n", fname, delta); /* stochastic backtracking */ if(n_back>0){ double mfe, kT; char *ss; st_back=1; ss = (char *) space(strlen(sequence)+1); strncpy(ss, structure, length); mfe = fold(sequence, ss); kT = (temperature+273.15)*1.98717/1000.; /* in Kcal */ pf_scale = exp(-(1.03*mfe)/kT/length); strncpy(ss, structure, length); /* ignore return value, we are not interested in the free energy */ (circular) ? (void) pf_circ_fold(sequence, ss) : (void) pf_fold(sequence, ss); free(ss); for (i=0; i<n_back; i++) { char *s; s =(circular) ? pbacktrack_circ(sequence) : pbacktrack(sequence); printf("%s\n", s); free(s); } free_pf_arrays(); } /* normal subopt */ else if(!zuker){ (circular) ? subopt_circ(sequence, structure, delta, stdout) : subopt(sequence, structure, delta, stdout); if (dos) { int i; for (i=0; i<= MAXDOS && i<=delta/10; i++) { printf("%4d %6d\n", i, density_of_states[i]); } } } /* Zuker suboptimals */ else{ SOLUTION *zr; int i; if (cut_point!=-1) { nrerror("Sorry, zuker subopts not yet implemented for cofold\n"); } zr = zukersubopt(sequence); putoutzuker(zr); (void)fflush(stdout); for (i=0; zr[i].structure; i++) { free(zr[i].structure); } free(zr); } (void)fflush(stdout); free(sequence); free(structure); } while (1); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ struct RNAheat_args_info args_info; char *string, *input_string, *ns_bases, *c, *ParamFile, *rec_sequence, *rec_id, **rec_rest, *orig_sequence; int i, length, l, sym; float T_min, T_max, h; int mpoints, istty, noconv = 0; unsigned int input_type; unsigned int rec_type, read_opt; string = ParamFile = ns_bases = NULL; T_min = 0.; T_max = 100.; h = 1; mpoints = 2; dangles = 2; /* dangles can be 0 (no dangles) or 2, default is 2 */ rec_type = read_opt = 0; rec_id = rec_sequence = orig_sequence = NULL; rec_rest = NULL; /* ############################################# # check the command line parameters ############################################# */ if(RNAheat_cmdline_parser(argc, argv, &args_info) != 0) exit(1); /* do not take special tetra loop energies into account */ if(args_info.noTetra_given) tetra_loop=0; /* set dangle model */ if(args_info.dangles_given){ if((args_info.dangles_arg != 0) && (args_info.dangles_arg != 2)) warn_user("required dangle model not implemented, falling back to default dangles=2"); else dangles = args_info.dangles_arg; } /* do not allow weak pairs */ if(args_info.noLP_given) noLonelyPairs = 1; /* do not allow wobble pairs (GU) */ if(args_info.noGU_given) noGU = 1; /* do not allow weak closing pairs (AU,GU) */ if(args_info.noClosingGU_given) no_closingGU = 1; /* do not convert DNA nucleotide "T" to appropriate RNA "U" */ if(args_info.noconv_given) noconv = 1; /* set energy model */ if(args_info.energyModel_given) energy_set = args_info.energyModel_arg; /* take another energy parameter set */ if(args_info.paramFile_given) ParamFile = strdup(args_info.paramFile_arg); /* Allow other pairs in addition to the usual AU,GC,and GU pairs */ if(args_info.nsp_given) ns_bases = strdup(args_info.nsp_arg); /* Tmin */ if(args_info.Tmin_given) T_min = args_info.Tmin_arg; /* Tmax */ if(args_info.Tmax_given) T_max = args_info.Tmax_arg; /* step size */ if(args_info.stepsize_given) h = args_info.stepsize_arg; /* ipoints */ if(args_info.ipoints_given){ mpoints = args_info.ipoints_arg; if (mpoints < 1) mpoints = 1; if (mpoints > 100) mpoints = 100; } /* free allocated memory of command line data structure */ RNAheat_cmdline_parser_free (&args_info); /* ############################################# # begin initializing ############################################# */ if (ParamFile!=NULL) read_parameter_file(ParamFile); if (ns_bases != NULL) { nonstandards = space(33); c=ns_bases; i=sym=0; if (*c=='-') { sym=1; c++; } while (*c!='\0') { if (*c!=',') { nonstandards[i++]=*c++; nonstandards[i++]=*c; if ((sym)&&(*c!=*(c-1))) { nonstandards[i++]=*c; nonstandards[i++]=*(c-1); } } c++; } } istty = isatty(fileno(stdout))&&isatty(fileno(stdin)); read_opt |= VRNA_INPUT_NO_REST; if(istty){ print_tty_input_seq(); read_opt |= VRNA_INPUT_NOSKIP_BLANK_LINES; } /* ############################################# # main loop: continue until end of file ############################################# */ while( !((rec_type = read_record(&rec_id, &rec_sequence, &rec_rest, read_opt)) & (VRNA_INPUT_ERROR | VRNA_INPUT_QUIT))){ /* ######################################################## # init everything according to the data we've read ######################################################## */ if(rec_id && !istty) printf("%s\n", rec_id); length = (int)strlen(rec_sequence); /* convert DNA alphabet to RNA if not explicitely switched off */ if(!noconv) str_DNA2RNA(rec_sequence); /* store case-unmodified sequence */ orig_sequence = strdup(rec_sequence); /* convert sequence to uppercase letters only */ str_uppercase(rec_sequence); if(istty) printf("length = %d\n", length); /* ######################################################## # done with 'stdin' handling ######################################################## */ heat_capacity(rec_sequence, T_min, T_max, h, mpoints); (void) fflush(stdout); /* clean up */ if(rec_id) free(rec_id); free(rec_sequence); free(orig_sequence); rec_id = rec_sequence = orig_sequence = NULL; rec_rest = NULL; /* print user help for the next round if we get input from tty */ if(istty) print_tty_input_seq(); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ struct RNAheat_args_info args_info; char *string, *input_string, *ns_bases, *c, *ParamFile; int i, length, l, sym; float T_min, T_max, h; int mpoints, istty, noconv = 0; unsigned int input_type; string = ParamFile = ns_bases = NULL; T_min = 0.; T_max = 100.; h = 1; mpoints = 2; dangles = 2; /* dangles can be 0 (no dangles) or 2, default is 2 */ /* ############################################# # check the command line parameters ############################################# */ if(RNAheat_cmdline_parser(argc, argv, &args_info) != 0) exit(1); /* do not take special tetra loop energies into account */ if(args_info.noTetra_given) tetra_loop=0; /* set dangle model */ if(args_info.dangles_given){ dangles = args_info.dangles_arg; if(dangles % 2){ warn_user("using default dangles = 2"); dangles = 2; } } /* do not allow weak pairs */ if(args_info.noLP_given) noLonelyPairs = 1; /* do not allow wobble pairs (GU) */ if(args_info.noGU_given) noGU = 1; /* do not allow weak closing pairs (AU,GU) */ if(args_info.noClosingGU_given) no_closingGU = 1; /* do not convert DNA nucleotide "T" to appropriate RNA "U" */ if(args_info.noconv_given) noconv = 1; /* set energy model */ if(args_info.energyModel_given) energy_set = args_info.energyModel_arg; /* take another energy parameter set */ if(args_info.paramFile_given) ParamFile = strdup(args_info.paramFile_arg); /* Allow other pairs in addition to the usual AU,GC,and GU pairs */ if(args_info.nsp_given) ns_bases = strdup(args_info.nsp_arg); /* Tmin */ if(args_info.Tmin_given) T_min = args_info.Tmin_arg; /* Tmax */ if(args_info.Tmax_given) T_max = args_info.Tmax_arg; /* step size */ if(args_info.stepsize_given) h = args_info.stepsize_arg; /* ipoints */ if(args_info.ipoints_given){ mpoints = args_info.ipoints_arg; if (mpoints < 1) mpoints = 1; if (mpoints > 100) mpoints = 100; } /* free allocated memory of command line data structure */ RNAheat_cmdline_parser_free (&args_info); /* ############################################# # begin initializing ############################################# */ if (ParamFile!=NULL) read_parameter_file(ParamFile); if (ns_bases != NULL) { nonstandards = space(33); c=ns_bases; i=sym=0; if (*c=='-') { sym=1; c++; } while (*c!='\0') { if (*c!=',') { nonstandards[i++]=*c++; nonstandards[i++]=*c; if ((sym)&&(*c!=*(c-1))) { nonstandards[i++]=*c; nonstandards[i++]=*(c-1); } } c++; } } istty = isatty(fileno(stdout))&&isatty(fileno(stdin)); /* ############################################# # main loop: continue until end of file ############################################# */ do { /* ######################################################## # handle user input from 'stdin' ######################################################## */ if(istty) print_tty_input_seq(); /* skip fasta headers and comments */ while((input_type = get_input_line(&input_string, 0)) & VRNA_INPUT_FASTA_HEADER){ printf(">%s\n", input_string); /* skip fasta headers and comments */ free(input_string); } /* break on any error, EOF or quit request */ if(input_type & (VRNA_INPUT_QUIT | VRNA_INPUT_ERROR)){ break;} /* else assume a proper sequence of letters of a certain alphabet (RNA, DNA, etc.) */ else{ string = strdup(input_string); length = (int) strlen(string); free(input_string); } if(noconv) str_RNA2RNA(string); else str_DNA2RNA(string); if (istty) printf("length = %d\n", length); heat_capacity(string, T_min, T_max, h, mpoints); free(string); (void) fflush(stdout); } while (1); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ struct RNALfold_args_info args_info; char *input_string, *c, *string, *structure, *ParamFile, *ns_bases; int i, length, l, sym, r, istty, noconv, maxdist; double energy, min_en; unsigned int input_type; string = structure = ParamFile = ns_bases = NULL; do_backtrack = 1; noconv = 0; maxdist = 150; /* ############################################# # check the command line parameters ############################################# */ if(RNALfold_cmdline_parser (argc, argv, &args_info) != 0) exit(1); /* temperature */ if(args_info.temp_given) temperature = args_info.temp_arg; /* do not take special tetra loop energies into account */ if(args_info.noTetra_given) tetra_loop=0; /* set dangle model */ if(args_info.dangles_given) dangles = args_info.dangles_arg; /* do not allow weak pairs */ if(args_info.noLP_given) noLonelyPairs = 1; /* do not allow wobble pairs (GU) */ if(args_info.noGU_given) noGU = 1; /* do not allow weak closing pairs (AU,GU) */ if(args_info.noClosingGU_given) no_closingGU = 1; /* do not convert DNA nucleotide "T" to appropriate RNA "U" */ if(args_info.noconv_given) noconv = 1; /* set energy model */ if(args_info.energyModel_given) energy_set = args_info.energyModel_arg; /* take another energy parameter set */ if(args_info.paramFile_given) ParamFile = strdup(args_info.paramFile_arg); /* Allow other pairs in addition to the usual AU,GC,and GU pairs */ if(args_info.nsp_given) ns_bases = strdup(args_info.nsp_arg); /* set the maximum base pair span */ if(args_info.span_given) maxdist = args_info.span_arg; /* check for errorneous parameter options */ if(maxdist < 0){ RNALfold_cmdline_parser_print_help(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* free allocated memory of command line data structure */ RNALfold_cmdline_parser_free (&args_info); /* ############################################# # begin initializing ############################################# */ if (ParamFile != NULL) read_parameter_file(ParamFile); if (ns_bases != NULL) { nonstandards = space(33); c=ns_bases; i=sym=0; if (*c=='-') { sym=1; c++; } while (*c!='\0') { if (*c!=',') { nonstandards[i++]=*c++; nonstandards[i++]=*c; if ((sym)&&(*c!=*(c-1))) { nonstandards[i++]=*c; nonstandards[i++]=*(c-1); } } c++; } } istty = isatty(fileno(stdout))&&isatty(fileno(stdin)); /* ############################################# # main loop: continue until end of file ############################################# */ do{ /* ######################################################## # handle user input from 'stdin' ######################################################## */ if(istty) print_tty_input_seq(); /* skip fasta header and comment lines */ while((input_type = get_input_line(&input_string, 0)) & VRNA_INPUT_FASTA_HEADER){ printf(">%s\n", input_string); free(input_string); } /* break on any error, EOF or quit request */ if(input_type & (VRNA_INPUT_QUIT | VRNA_INPUT_ERROR)){ break;} /* else assume a proper sequence of letters of a certain alphabet (RNA, DNA, etc.) */ else{ length = (int) strlen(input_string); string = strdup(input_string); free(input_string); } printf("%s\n", string); structure = (char *) space((unsigned) length+1); if(noconv) str_RNA2RNA(string); else str_DNA2RNA(string); if(istty) printf("length = %d\n", length); /* ######################################################## # done with 'stdin' handling ######################################################## */ /* initialize_fold(length); */ update_fold_params(); min_en = Lfold((const char *)string, structure, maxdist); printf("%s", structure); if (istty) printf("\n minimum free energy = %6.2f kcal/mol\n", min_en); else printf(" (%6.2f)\n", min_en); (void) fflush(stdout); free(string); free(structure); } while (1); return 0; }