static void stock_lld(t_struck *s, t_pc *proc, int car) { if ((TYP[0] == 2 || TYP[0] == 4) && TYP[1] == 1 && TMP[1] > 0 && TMP[1] < REG_NUMBER + 1) { if (TYP[0] == 4) { REG[TMP[1] - 1][3] = (TMP[0] & 0xff000000) >> 24; REG[TMP[1] - 1][2] = (TMP[0] & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; REG[TMP[1] - 1][1] = (TMP[0] & 0x0000ff00) >> 8; REG[TMP[1] - 1][0] = TMP[0] & 0x000000ff; if (!str_to_int(REG[TMP[1] - 1], REG_SIZE)) car = 1; proc->carry = car; } if (TYP[0] == 2) { REG[TMP[1] - 1][0] = s->map[(IND + TMP[0]) % MEM_SIZE]; REG[TMP[1] - 1][1] = s->map[(IND + TMP[0] + 1) % MEM_SIZE]; REG[TMP[1] - 1][2] = (REG[TMP[1] - 1][0] & 0xf) ? 0xff : 0; REG[TMP[1] - 1][3] = (REG[TMP[1] - 1][0] & 0xf) ? 0xff : 0; if (!str_to_int(proc->reg[TMP[1] - 1], REG_SIZE)) car = 1; proc->carry = car; } }
void _initialize(char* argv[]) { slurm_conf_reinit(argv[1]); //load the slurm configuration file self_id = strdup(slurmctld_conf.control_machine); //get the controller id num_ctrl = str_to_int(argv[2]); // get the number of controllers mem_list = c_calloc_2(num_ctrl, 30); _read_memlist(argv[3]); // read the controller membership list part_size = str_to_int(argv[4]); //get the partition size source = c_calloc_2(part_size + 1, 30); /* fill the node list of the controller (part_size, node_1, node_2, ...) */ resource = c_calloc((part_size + 1) * 30); strcat(resource, argv[4]); strcat(resource, ","); /* read workload and fill it in the job queue*/ job_queue = init_queue(); _read_workload(argv[5]); num_job = job_queue->queue_length; c_zht_init(argv[6], argv[7]); // initialize the controller as a ZHT client max_proc_thread = str_to_int(argv[8]); char *job_output_path = c_calloc(100); strcpy(job_output_path, "./job_output_"); strcat(job_output_path, argv[9]); job_output_file = fopen(job_output_path, "w"); c_free(job_output_path); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @fn validateDate( string date ) /// @brief Checks the passed date for validity in format and numbering /// @param string date is the date to be checked /// @return true if the date is valid (in "MM/DD" format with possible real days) /// @return false if the date is invalid /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool validate::validateDate( string date ) { int month = 0; //Number of the month we were sent to check int day = 0; //Number of the day we were sent to check int monthsInAYear = 12; //Number of months in a year //This is an array of the number of days in each month, that is: //31 days in January, 28 (or 29) in February, 31 in March, etc. int daysInMonth[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; //Makes sure the date is only 5 characters long, that is, "MM/DD" if ( date.length() != 5 ) { return false; } //Grabs the 2 left characters of the date and converts to an integer month = str_to_int( str_left( date, 2 ) ); //Grabs the 2 right characters of the date and converts to an integer day = str_to_int( str_right( date, 2 ) ); //Checks to make sure the month number is a valid number if ( month > monthsInAYear || month <= 0 ) { return false; //checks to make sure the day number is valid } else if ( day > daysInMonth[month - 1] || day <= 0 ) { return false; } return true; }
bool rulesSystem::loadFrom(string filename) { unsigned int linepos = 0; string linecheck; //Reload the file just in case it wasn't loaded before; m_daysNotice = str_to_int(m_filename[linepos]); linepos++; m_daysConsecutive = str_to_int(m_filename[linepos]); linepos++; m_maxPeopleOff = str_to_int(m_filename[linepos]); linepos += 2; linecheck = m_filename[linepos]; do { addBlackout(linecheck); linepos++; linecheck = m_filename[linepos]; } while(linecheck != "END BLACKOUT LIST"); return true; }
void test_str_to_int(){ int result, error = -1; result = str_to_int("999", &error); print_result(result, error); result = str_to_int("-999", &error); print_result(result, error); //should overflow int result = str_to_int("9123456789", &error); print_result(result, error); //should also overflow result = str_to_int("-9123456789", &error); print_result(result, error); //Should have a conversion error result = str_to_int("123asdf", &error); print_result(result, error); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int port; int length; init_table(&user_table); if (argc < 3) { port = 21; strcpy(filePath, "./tmp/"); } else if (argc <= 4) { port = str_to_int(argv[2]); strcpy(filePath, "./tmp/"); } else if (argc == 5) { port = str_to_int(argv[2]); strcpy(filePath, "."); if (argv[4][0] != '/') { strcat(filePath, "/"); } strcat(filePath, argv[4]); length = strlen(filePath); if (filePath[length - 1] != '/') { strcat(filePath, "/"); } } printf("port: %d\nroot: %s\n", port, filePath); if (run_ftp(port, command_handler) == STATUS_ERROR) { printf("Error building tcp connection!\n"); } return 0; }
void parse_args(AppArgs *args, int argc, char **argv){ if(argc < 7){ usage(argc, argv); } for(int i=1; i<argc; i++){ if(std::string("-h") == argv[i]){ usage(argc, argv); } if(argv[i][0] == '-'){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid argument: %s!\n", argv[i]); exit(1); } } args->type = argv[1]; args->src_ip = argv[2]; args->src_port = str_to_int(argv[3]); args->dst_ip = argv[4]; args->dst_port = str_to_int(argv[5]); args->limit = str_to_int(argv[6]); if(args->type != "KV"){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: only type of KV is supported!\n"); exit(1); } if(args->limit <= 0){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid limit option!\n"); exit(1); } }
static int find_postion(char *action, int *x, int *y) { char *delimiter_first; char *delimiter_sec; char number[10]; char *start; char copy_length; delimiter_first = strstr(action, DIGIT_DELIMTER); if(delimiter_first != NULL){ delimiter_sec = strstr(delimiter_first + 1, DIGIT_DELIMTER); if(delimiter_sec != NULL){ memset(number, 0, 10); start = delimiter_first + 1; copy_length = delimiter_sec - start; memcpy(number,start , copy_length); *x = str_to_int(number); memset(number, 0, 10); start = delimiter_sec + 1; strcpy(number, start); *y = str_to_int(number); } } }
void qt_dbtableview_impl :: _restore() { if (!(_model && _parent && _xml)) return; if (!_model->columnCount()) return; string expr = _tag_model + "/columns/column[@number=\"%d\"]"; for(int i=0; i<_model->columnCount(); ++i) { string s = expr; s.replace(s.find("%d"), 2, int_to_str(i)); xpath_object_ptr tmp(0); // hide tmp = _xml->xpath_eval_expr((s + "/hide[text()!=\"\"]").c_str()); if (tmp->size()) _parent->setColumnHidden(i, str_to_int(tmp->get_content(0))); // width tmp = _xml->xpath_eval_expr((s + "/width[text()!=\"\"]").c_str()); if (tmp->size()) _parent->setColumnWidth(i, str_to_int(tmp->get_content(0))); } // sort xpath_object_ptr tmp = _xml->xpath_eval_expr((_tag_model + "/header/sortedColumn[text()!=\"\" and @order!=\"\"]").c_str()); if (tmp->size()) { if (stricmp(tmp->get_prop(0, "order"), "asc") == 0) _parent->sortByColumn(str_to_int(tmp->get_content(0)), Qt::AscendingOrder); else _parent->sortByColumn(str_to_int(tmp->get_content(0)), Qt::DescendingOrder); } }
void serve_response() { int i; char **response; if (strcmp(user->type, COMMENT) == 0) { response = parse_response_and_text(L_CMT_RES); if (strcmp(response[C_ROOMNAME], user->roomname) != 0) return; sprintf(user->buf, "%s: %s\n", response[C_CMT_NICK], response[C_CMT_TEXT]); show_comment(); } else if (strcmp(user->type, UPLOAD) == 0) { response = parse_response(L_UPLOAD_RES); if (strcmp(response[C_ROOMNAME], user->roomname) != 0) return; if (strcmp(response[C_UPLOAD_USER], user->username) == 0) return; user->download->exist_file = 1; strcpy(user->download->name, response[C_UPLOAD_FILE]); sprintf(user->buf, "%s uploads %s\n", response[C_UPLOAD_NICK], response[C_UPLOAD_FILE]); show_uploadfile(); } else if (strcmp(user->type, DOWNLOAD) == 0) { response = parse_response(L_DOWNLOAD_RES); if (strcmp(response[C_DOWNLOAD_STATUS], DOWNLOAD_S) == 0) { response = parse_response_and_text(L_DOWNLOAD_RES_S); write(user->download->fd, response[C_DOWNLOAD_TEXT], strlen(response[C_DOWNLOAD_TEXT])); } else if (strcmp(response[C_DOWNLOAD_STATUS], DOWNLOAD_E) == 0) { close(user->download->fd); wclear(room.console); waddstr(room.console, "Finish downloading."); wrefresh(room.console); } } else if (strcmp(user->type, HISTORY) == 0) { } else if (strcmp(user->type, ONLINE) == 0) { wclear(; response = parse_response(L_ONLINE_RES); if (strcmp(response[C_ROOMNAME], user->roomname) != 0) return; response = parse_response(L_ONLINE_RES); members.online_num = str_to_int(response[C_MEMBER_NUM]); response = parse_response(members.online_num); for (i = 0; i < members.online_num; i++) show_online_member(response[i]); response = parse_response(L_ONLINE_RES); members.offline_num = str_to_int(response[C_MEMBER_NUM]); response = parse_response(members.offline_num); for (i = 0; i < members.offline_num; i++) show_offline_member(response[i]); } else if (strcmp(user->type, NEWROOM) == 0) { } else { printf("Unknown response type: {%s}\n", user->type); } wmove(target->win, target->x, target->y); wrefresh(target->win); free(response); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @fn time_t str_to_time(string date) /// @brief returns a time_t object made from the passed in string /// @param date is a string in the format MM/DD/YYYY to turn into a time_t /// @ret time_t ojbect made from the passed in date /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// time_t validate::str_to_time(string date) { // Storage for what we return. time_t return_time; // Store the current time, too. time_t now; time(&now); // Current tm, too. tm now_tm; // Yeah, I'm dereferencing a function. now_tm = *localtime(&now); // tm structure for easier storage. // Initialize to "now" for day/month/year, if any are missing. tm date_tm(now_tm); // We don't need these three values. date_tm.tm_hour = 0; date_tm.tm_min = 0; date_tm.tm_sec = 0; // Clear out any ambiguity. date = str_strip(date, " ", true, true, true); date = str_replace_all(date, "-", "/"); date = str_replace_all(date, ".", "/"); date = str_replace_all(date, "\\", "/"); date = str_replace_all(date, "|", "/"); date = str_replace_all(date, "_", "/"); vector<string> values = str_find_lines(date, "/", false); if (values.size() >= 1) { // tm stores months as 0-11 date_tm.tm_mon = str_to_int(values[0]) - 1; } if (values.size() >= 2) { date_tm.tm_mday = str_to_int(values[1]); } if (values.size() >= 3) { // tm stores years as the distance from 1900 date_tm.tm_year = str_to_int(values[2]) - 1900; } return_time = mktime(&date_tm); return return_time; }
void handle_crunch_flags(int flag_char, /* IN */ const char *flag_arg, /* IN */ print_usage_f *print_usage, /* IN */ const char *appl, /* IN */ struct common_flags *flags) /* OUT */ { struct crunch_options *options = flags->options; switch(flag_char) { case 'c': options->use_literal_sequences = 0; break; case 'C': options->use_imprecise_rle = 1; break; case 'e': options->exported_encoding = flag_arg; break; case 'm': if (str_to_int(flag_arg, &options->max_offset) != 0 || options->max_offset < 0 || options->max_offset >= 65536) { LOG(LOG_ERROR, ("Error: invalid offset for -m option, " "must be in the range of [0 - 65535]\n")); print_usage(appl, LOG_NORMAL, flags->outfile); exit(-1); } break; case 'M': if (str_to_int(flag_arg, &options->max_len) != 0 || options->max_len < 0 || options->max_len >= 65536) { LOG(LOG_ERROR, ("Error: invalid offset for -n option, " "must be in the range of [0 - 65535]\n")); print_usage(appl, LOG_NORMAL, flags->outfile); exit(-1); } break; case 'p': if (str_to_int(flag_arg, &options->max_passes) != 0 || options->max_passes < 1 || options->max_passes >= 65536) { LOG(LOG_ERROR, ("Error: invalid value for -p option, " "must be in the range of [1 - 65535]\n")); print_usage(appl, LOG_NORMAL, flags->outfile); exit(-1); } break; default: handle_base_flags(flag_char, flag_arg, print_usage, appl, &flags->outfile); } }
void main() { char str1[50],str2[50]; int a,b; gets(str1); gets(str2); a=str_to_int(str1); b=str_to_int(str2); separate_digits(a,b); }
int main () { char str[10] ; fgets (str , sizeof (str) , stdin ) ; str[strlen(str) -1] = 0 ; str_to_int (str) ; printf ("input convert to int is %d .\n" , str_to_int (str) ) ; return 0; }
std::tuple<ATTID , ValueRep, double > PlogGroundProgramBuilder::prAtomFromSymbol(const Clingo::Symbol &s) { auto *h = s.arguments().begin(); ATTID attid = insert(h->to_string(), attids); ValueRep atid = insert((h+1)->to_string(),atids); std::string numstr = (h+2)->to_string(); std::string denumstr = (h+3)->to_string(); int probnum = str_to_int(numstr.substr(1,numstr.length()-2)); int probdenum = str_to_int(denumstr.substr(1,denumstr.length()-2)); double prob = ((double) probnum)/((double) probdenum); return std::tuple<ATTID , ValueRep , double>(attid, atid, prob); }
int add_one_file() { if ((uint64_t)current_addr % 4 == 0) current_addr -= 4; current_addr += (4 - (((uint64_t)current_addr)%4)); if (current_addr >= init_ref_end) { return 0; } struct cpio_header* header = (struct cpio_header*)VA(current_addr); current_addr += sizeof(struct cpio_header); uint32_t name_len = str_to_int(header->namesize, 8); char* name = malloc_small(name_len + 1); void* addr_for_free = name; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < name_len; ++i) { name[i] = ((char*)VA(current_addr))[i]; } name[name_len] = 0; current_addr += name_len; if (name_len == 11 && strncmp(name, END_OF_ARCHIVE, 11) == 0) { return 0; } while (name_len > 0 && name[0] != '/') { ++name; --name_len; } uint32_t mode = str_to_int(header->mode, 8); if (S_ISDIR(mode)) { mkdir(name); } else if (S_ISREG(mode)) { int file = open(name, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL); uint32_t filesize = str_to_int(header->filesize, 8); if ((uint64_t)current_addr % 4 == 0) current_addr -= 4; current_addr += 4 - ((uint64_t)current_addr)%4; write(file, VA(current_addr), filesize); current_addr += filesize; } free_block(addr_for_free); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int n = str_to_int("+3456"); assert(n == 3456); n = str_to_int("-234"); assert(n == -234); n = str_to_int(" - 0"); assert(n == 0); n = str_to_int("- + 56"); assert(n == 0); printf("All passed\n"); }
void Turing::matrix() { int n, m; std::ifstream fin("matrix.txt"); std::string c; fin >> n >> m; table.resize(n); state.resize(n); values.resize(n); move_tape.resize(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { table[i].resize(m); state[i].resize(m); values[i].resize(m); move_tape[i].resize(m); for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) fin >> table[i][j]; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < table.size(); ++i) for (unsigned int j = 0; j < table[i].size(); ++j) { c = table[i][j]; if (c[0] != '*' && c[0] != 'P') values[i][j] = c[0] - '0'; else if (c[0] == '*') values[i][j] = 3; else if (c[0] != 'P') values[i][j] = 2; state[i][j] = str_to_int(c, 2, c.length() - 2); move_tape[i][j] = c[c.length() - 1]; } }
Daemon::Explose* Daemon::Explose::unserialize(std::stringstream &s, GameObject *owner) { std::stringstream ss; ss << this->unPack(s); return (new Explose(owner, str_to_double(this->getData(ss)), str_to_int(this->getData(ss)), str_to_int(this->getData(ss)))); }
int ini_read_int(STRING *filename, char* section, STRING *entry, int defaultValue) { STRING *tmp = "#64"; STRING *def = "#64"; ini_read(tmp, filename, section, entry, str_for_int(def, defaultValue)); return str_to_int(tmp); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int n; int i; char line[1024]; int *result = (int *) malloc(10000000 * sizeof(int)); memset(result, 0, 10000000 * sizeof(int)); int temp; int flag = 0; scanf("%d", &n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { scanf("%s", line); temp = str_to_int(line, strlen(line)); result[temp]++; memset(line, 0, 1024); } for (i = 1; i < 10000000; i++) { if (result[i] > 1) { flag = 1; printf("%03d-%04d %d\n", (i/10000), (i % 10000), result[i]); } } if (0 == flag) { printf("No duplicates.\n"); } return 0; }
static constexpr int str_to_int(const char *p, int v) { if (!*p) return v; return str_to_int(p+1, v * 10 + *p-'0'); }
static void parse_cmdline (int argc, char **argv) { int opt; opt = do_getopt(argc, argv); while ( opt != -1 ) { switch ( opt ) { case 'h': usage(stderr, argv[0]); exit(0); break; case 'f': Trunc_file = optarg; break; case 'l': Trunc_len = str_to_int(optarg); break; default: usage(stderr, argv[0]); exit(1); break; } opt = do_getopt(argc, argv); } }
bool Daemon::Listener::execEvent(Daemon::Trame &trame) { bool id = true; bool type = true; std::vector<std::string> v_type = trame.getTargetType(); std::vector<std::string> v_id = trame.getTargetId(); for (size_t i = 0; i < v_id.size(); i++) { id = false; if (this->getId() == str_to_int(v_id[i])) { id = true; break; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < v_type.size(); i++) { type = false; if (this->getType() == v_type[i]) { type = true; break; } } if (id && type && this->isListen(trame)) { (*(this->_listen[trame.getEvent()]))(trame); return true; } return false; }
static int worker_connection_input_line(struct worker_connection *conn, const char *line) { void *const *contextp, *context; int percentage; if (aqueue_count(conn->request_queue) == 0) { i_error("Input from worker without pending requests: %s", line); return -1; } if (str_to_int(line, &percentage) < 0 || percentage < -1 || percentage > 100) { i_error("Invalid input from worker: %s", line); return -1; } contextp = array_idx(&conn->request_contexts, aqueue_idx(conn->request_queue, 0)); context = *contextp; if (percentage < 0 || percentage == 100) { /* the request is finished */ aqueue_delete_tail(conn->request_queue); if (aqueue_count(conn->request_queue) == 0) i_free_and_null(conn->request_username); } conn->callback(percentage, context); return 0; }
struct filter *new_filter_host(enum filtertype type, const char *matchstr) { struct filter *f; char *mask; int i; if (!(f = __new_filter(type))) return f; f->u.addrs.addrstr = strdup(matchstr); if((mask = strchr(f->u.addrs.addrstr, '/'))) { *mask++ = 0; if(!str_to_int(mask, &i)) { /* Netmask like foo/24 */ uint32_t l = 0xffffffff; if(i < 0 || i > 32) { fprintf(stderr, "can't parse netmask \"%s\"\n", mask); return NULL; } if(!i) l = 0; else { i = 32 - i; l >>= i; l <<= i; } f->u.addrs.mask.s_addr = htonl(l); } else {
/* * Expects a string like "PROXY TCP4 56324 443\r\n" and returns * an Array as follows: * [ num_bytes, ip_type, ip, port ] * where: * - num_bytes is the length of the HAProxy Protocol line (to be removed), a Fixnum. * - ip_type is :ipv4 or :ipv6, * - ip is a String, * - port is a Fixnum * If the string is invalid it returns false. */ VALUE Utils_parser_haproxy_protocol(VALUE self, VALUE string) { TRACE(); char *str = NULL; long len = 0; struct_haproxy_protocol haproxy_protocol; VALUE num_bytes, ip_type, ip, port; if (TYPE(string) != T_STRING) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Argument must be a String"); str = RSTRING_PTR(string); len = RSTRING_LEN(string); haproxy_protocol = struct_haproxy_protocol_parser_execute(str, len); if (haproxy_protocol.valid == 0) return Qfalse; else { if (haproxy_protocol.ip_type == haproxy_protocol_ip_type_ipv4) ip_type = symbol_ipv4; else ip_type = symbol_ipv6; ip = rb_str_new((char *)haproxy_protocol.ip_s, haproxy_protocol.ip_len); port = INT2FIX(str_to_int((char *)haproxy_protocol.port_s, haproxy_protocol.port_len)); num_bytes = INT2FIX(haproxy_protocol.total_len); return rb_ary_new3(4, num_bytes, ip_type, ip, port); } }
/* * Expects a string like "" or "1af:43::ab_9090" and returns * an Array as follows: * [ ip_type, ip, port ] * where: * - ip_type is :ipv4 or :ipv6, * - ip is a String, * - port is a Fixnum * If the string is invalid it returns false. */ VALUE Utils_parser_outbound_udp_flow_token(VALUE self, VALUE string) { TRACE(); char *str = NULL; long len = 0; struct_outbound_udp_flow_token outbound_udp_flow_token; VALUE ip_type, ip, port; if (TYPE(string) != T_STRING) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Argument must be a String"); str = RSTRING_PTR(string); len = RSTRING_LEN(string); outbound_udp_flow_token = outbound_udp_flow_token_parser_execute(str, len); if (outbound_udp_flow_token.valid == 0) return Qfalse; else { if (outbound_udp_flow_token.ip_type == outbound_udp_flow_token_ip_type_ipv4) ip_type = symbol_ipv4; else ip_type = symbol_ipv6; ip = rb_str_new((char *)outbound_udp_flow_token.ip_s, outbound_udp_flow_token.ip_len); port = INT2FIX(str_to_int((char *)outbound_udp_flow_token.port_s, outbound_udp_flow_token.port_len)); return rb_ary_new3(3, ip_type, ip, port); } }
static bool parse_sockaddr_components(struct sockaddr_storage *ss, const char *host_s, const char *port_s, uint16_t default_port, const char *s) { struct sockaddr_in *sin = ALIGNED_CAST(struct sockaddr_in *, ss); int port; if (port_s && port_s[0]) { if (!str_to_int(port_s, 10, &port) || port < 0 || port > 65535) { VLOG_ERR("%s: bad port number \"%s\"", s, port_s); } } else { port = default_port; } memset(ss, 0, sizeof *ss); if (strchr(host_s, ':')) { struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = ALIGNED_CAST(struct sockaddr_in6 *, ss); sin6->sin6_family = AF_INET6; sin6->sin6_port = htons(port); if (!ipv6_parse(host_s, &sin6->sin6_addr)) { VLOG_ERR("%s: bad IPv6 address \"%s\"", s, host_s); goto exit; } } else {
int calculate(char * input1, char * input2, char op) { int a = str_to_int(input1); int b = str_to_int(input2); switch (op) { case '+': return a + b; case '-': return a - b; case '*': return a * b; default: return -1; } }