void vlc_stream_io_callback::setFilePointer(int64_t i_offset, seek_mode mode ) { int64_t i_pos, i_size; switch( mode ) { case seek_beginning: i_pos = i_offset; break; case seek_end: i_pos = stream_Size( s ) - i_offset; break; default: i_pos= stream_Tell( s ) + i_offset; break; } if( i_pos < 0 || ( ( i_size = stream_Size( s ) ) != 0 && i_pos >= i_size ) ) { mb_eof = true; return; } mb_eof = false; if( stream_Seek( s, i_pos ) ) { mb_eof = true; } return; }
static ssize_t SeekCallback(struct archive *p_archive, void *p_object, ssize_t i_offset, int i_whence) { VLC_UNUSED(p_archive); callback_data_t *p_data = (callback_data_t *) p_object; access_sys_t *p_sys = p_data->p_access->p_sys; ssize_t i_pos; switch(i_whence) { case SEEK_CUR: i_pos = stream_Tell(p_sys->p_stream); break; case SEEK_SET: i_pos = 0; break; case SEEK_END: i_pos = stream_Size(p_sys->p_stream) - 1; break; default: return -1; } if (i_pos < 0) return -1; stream_Seek(p_sys->p_stream, i_pos + i_offset); /* We don't care about return val */ return stream_Tell(p_sys->p_stream); }
/***************************************************************************** * Control: *****************************************************************************/ static int64_t ControlGetLength( demux_t *p_demux ) { demux_sys_t *p_sys = p_demux->p_sys; const uint64_t i_size = stream_Size(p_demux->s) - p_sys->i_data_pos; int64_t i_length = p_sys->i_length; int i; /* Try to fix length using seekpoint and current size for truncated file */ for( i = p_sys->i_seekpoint-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { flac_seekpoint_t *s = p_sys->seekpoint[i]; if( s->i_byte_offset <= i_size ) { if( i+1 < p_sys->i_seekpoint ) { /* Broken file */ flac_seekpoint_t *n = p_sys->seekpoint[i+1]; assert( n->i_byte_offset != s->i_byte_offset); /* Should be ensured by ParseSeekTable */ i_length = s->i_time_offset + (n->i_time_offset-s->i_time_offset) * (i_size-s->i_byte_offset) / (n->i_byte_offset-s->i_byte_offset); } break; } } return i_length; }
/** Replacement for luaL_dofile, using VLC's input capabilities */ int vlclua_dofile( vlc_object_t *p_this, lua_State *L, const char *uri ) { if( !strstr( uri, "://" ) ) return luaL_dofile( L, uri ); if( !strncasecmp( uri, "file://", 7 ) ) return luaL_dofile( L, uri + 7 ); stream_t *s = stream_UrlNew( p_this, uri ); if( !s ) { return 1; } int64_t i_size = stream_Size( s ); char *p_buffer = ( i_size > 0 ) ? malloc( i_size ) : NULL; if( !p_buffer ) { // FIXME: read the whole stream until we reach the end (if no size) stream_Delete( s ); return 1; } int64_t i_read = stream_Read( s, p_buffer, (int) i_size ); int i_ret = ( i_read == i_size ) ? 0 : 1; if( !i_ret ) i_ret = luaL_loadbuffer( L, p_buffer, (size_t) i_size, uri ); if( !i_ret ) i_ret = lua_pcall( L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0 ); stream_Delete( s ); free( p_buffer ); return i_ret; }
uint64 vlc_stream_io_callback::toRead( void ) { uint64_t i_size; if( s == NULL) return 0; i_size = stream_Size( s ); if( i_size <= 0 ) return UINT64_MAX; return static_cast<uint64>( i_size - stream_Tell( s ) ); }
int AVI_ChunkReadRoot( stream_t *s, avi_chunk_t *p_root ) { avi_chunk_list_t *p_list = (avi_chunk_list_t*)p_root; avi_chunk_t *p_chk; bool b_seekable; stream_Control( s, STREAM_CAN_FASTSEEK, &b_seekable ); p_list->i_chunk_pos = 0; p_list->i_chunk_size = stream_Size( s ); p_list->i_chunk_fourcc = AVIFOURCC_LIST; p_list->p_father = NULL; p_list->p_next = NULL; p_list->p_first = NULL; p_list->p_last = NULL; p_list->i_type = VLC_FOURCC( 'r', 'o', 'o', 't' ); for( ; ; ) { p_chk = malloc( sizeof( avi_chunk_t ) ); memset( p_chk, 0, sizeof( avi_chunk_t ) ); if( !p_root->common.p_first ) { p_root->common.p_first = p_chk; } else { p_root->common.p_last->common.p_next = p_chk; } p_root->common.p_last = p_chk; if( AVI_ChunkRead( s, p_chk, p_root ) || ( stream_Tell( s ) >= (off_t)p_chk->common.p_father->common.i_chunk_pos + (off_t)__EVEN( p_chk->common.p_father->common.i_chunk_size ) ) ) { break; } /* If we can't seek then stop when we 've found first RIFF-AVI */ if( p_chk->common.i_chunk_fourcc == AVIFOURCC_RIFF && p_chk->list.i_type == AVIFOURCC_AVI && !b_seekable ) { break; } } AVI_ChunkDumpDebug_level( (vlc_object_t*)s, p_root, 0 ); return VLC_SUCCESS; }
uint64 vlc_stream_io_callback::toRead( void ) { uint64_t i_size; if( s == NULL) return 0; i_size = stream_Size( s ); if( i_size == 0 ) return UINT64_MAX; return (uint64) i_size - stream_Tell( s ); }
static int64_t IOSeek( void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence ) { demux_t *p_demux = opaque; int64_t i_absolute; int64_t i_size = stream_Size( p_demux->s ); #ifdef AVFORMAT_DEBUG msg_Warn( p_demux, "IOSeek offset: %"PRId64", whence: %i", offset, whence ); #endif switch( whence ) { #ifdef AVSEEK_SIZE case AVSEEK_SIZE: return i_size; #endif case SEEK_SET: i_absolute = (int64_t)offset; break; case SEEK_CUR: i_absolute = vlc_stream_Tell( p_demux->s ) + (int64_t)offset; break; case SEEK_END: i_absolute = i_size + (int64_t)offset; break; default: return -1; } if( i_absolute < 0 ) { msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Trying to seek before the beginning" ); return -1; } if( i_size > 0 && i_absolute >= i_size ) { msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Trying to seek too far : EOF?" ); return -1; } if( vlc_stream_Seek( p_demux->s, i_absolute ) ) { msg_Warn( p_demux, "we were not allowed to seek, or EOF " ); return -1; } return vlc_stream_Tell( p_demux->s ); }
static block_t *Load(demux_t *demux) { const int max_size = 4096 * 4096 * 8; const int64_t size = stream_Size(demux->s); if (size < 0 || size > max_size) { msg_Err(demux, "Rejecting image based on its size (%"PRId64" > %d)", size, max_size); return NULL; } if (size > 0) return stream_Block(demux->s, size); /* TODO */ return NULL; }
static bool FindLength( demux_t *p_demux ) { demux_sys_t *p_sys = p_demux->p_sys; int64_t i_current_pos = -1, i_size = 0, i_end = 0; if( !var_CreateGetBool( p_demux, "ps-trust-timestamps" ) ) return true; if( p_sys->i_length == VLC_TICK_INVALID ) /* First time */ { p_sys->i_length = VLC_TICK_0; /* Check beginning */ int i = 0; i_current_pos = vlc_stream_Tell( p_demux->s ); while( i < 40 && Probe( p_demux, false ) > 0 ) i++; /* Check end */ i_size = stream_Size( p_demux->s ); i_end = VLC_CLIP( i_size, 0, 200000 ); if( vlc_stream_Seek( p_demux->s, i_size - i_end ) == VLC_SUCCESS ) { i = 0; while( i < 400 && Probe( p_demux, true ) > 0 ) i++; if( i_current_pos >= 0 && vlc_stream_Seek( p_demux->s, i_current_pos ) != VLC_SUCCESS ) return false; } else return false; } /* Find the longest track */ for( int i = 0; i < PS_TK_COUNT; i++ ) { ps_track_t *tk = &p_sys->tk[i]; if( tk->i_first_pts != VLC_TICK_INVALID && tk->i_last_pts > tk->i_first_pts ) { vlc_tick_t i_length = tk->i_last_pts - tk->i_first_pts; if( i_length > p_sys->i_length ) { p_sys->i_length = i_length; p_sys->i_time_track_index = i; msg_Dbg( p_demux, "we found a length of: %"PRId64 "s", SEC_FROM_VLC_TICK(p_sys->i_length) ); } } } return true; }
static picture_t *ImageReadUrl( image_handler_t *p_image, const char *psz_url, video_format_t *p_fmt_in, video_format_t *p_fmt_out ) { block_t *p_block; picture_t *p_pic; stream_t *p_stream = NULL; int i_size; p_stream = stream_UrlNew( p_image->p_parent, psz_url ); if( !p_stream ) { msg_Dbg( p_image->p_parent, "could not open %s for reading", psz_url ); return NULL; } i_size = stream_Size( p_stream ); p_block = block_New( p_image->p_parent, i_size ); stream_Read( p_stream, p_block->p_buffer, i_size ); if( !p_fmt_in->i_chroma ) { char *psz_mime = NULL; stream_Control( p_stream, STREAM_GET_CONTENT_TYPE, &psz_mime ); if( psz_mime ) p_fmt_in->i_chroma = image_Mime2Fourcc( psz_mime ); free( psz_mime ); } stream_Delete( p_stream ); if( !p_fmt_in->i_chroma ) { /* Try to guess format from file name */ p_fmt_in->i_chroma = image_Ext2Fourcc( psz_url ); } p_pic = ImageRead( p_image, p_block, p_fmt_in, p_fmt_out ); return p_pic; }
static bool IsTarga(stream_t *s) { /* The header is not enough to ensure proper detection, we need * to have a look at the footer. But doing so can be slow. So * try to avoid it when possible */ const uint8_t *header; if (stream_Peek(s, &header, 18) < 18) /* Targa fixed header */ return false; if (header[1] > 1) /* Color Map Type */ return false; if ((header[1] != 0 || header[3 + 4] != 0) && header[3 + 4] != 8 && header[3 + 4] != 15 && header[3 + 4] != 16 && header[3 + 4] != 24 && header[3 + 4] != 32) return false; if ((header[2] > 3 && header[2] < 9) || header[2] > 11) /* Image Type */ return false; if (GetWLE(&header[8 + 4]) <= 0 || /* Width */ GetWLE(&header[8 + 6]) <= 0) /* Height */ return false; if (header[8 + 8] != 8 && header[8 + 8] != 15 && header[8 + 8] != 16 && header[8 + 8] != 24 && header[8 + 8] != 32) return false; if (header[8 + 9] & 0xc0) /* Reserved bits */ return false; const int64_t size = stream_Size(s); if (size <= 18 + 26) return false; bool can_seek; if (stream_Control(s, STREAM_CAN_SEEK, &can_seek) || !can_seek) return false; const int64_t position = stream_Tell(s); if (stream_Seek(s, size - 26)) return false; const uint8_t *footer; bool is_targa = stream_Peek(s, &footer, 26) >= 26 && !memcmp(&footer[8], "TRUEVISION-XFILE.\x00", 18); stream_Seek(s, position); return is_targa; }
static la_int64_t libarchive_seek_cb( libarchive_t* p_arc, void* p_obj, la_int64_t offset, int whence ) { VLC_UNUSED( p_arc ); libarchive_callback_t* p_cb = (libarchive_callback_t*)p_obj; stream_t* p_source = p_cb->p_source; ssize_t whence_pos; switch( whence ) { case SEEK_SET: whence_pos = 0; break; case SEEK_CUR: whence_pos = vlc_stream_Tell( p_source ); break; case SEEK_END: whence_pos = stream_Size( p_source ); break; default: vlc_assert_unreachable(); } if( whence_pos < 0 || vlc_stream_Seek( p_source, whence_pos + offset ) ) return ARCHIVE_FATAL; return vlc_stream_Tell( p_source ); }
/***************************************************************************** * Open *****************************************************************************/ static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this ) { demux_t *p_demux = (demux_t*)p_this; demux_sys_t *p_sys; ModPlug_Settings settings; /* We accept file based on extension match */ if( !p_demux->obj.force ) { const char *psz_ext = p_demux->psz_filepath ? strrchr( p_demux->psz_filepath, '.' ) : NULL; if( psz_ext ) psz_ext++; if( Validate( p_demux, psz_ext ) ) { msg_Dbg( p_demux, "MOD validation failed (ext=%s)", psz_ext ? psz_ext : ""); return VLC_EGENERIC; } } const int64_t i_size = stream_Size( p_demux->s ); if( i_size <= 0 || i_size >= MOD_MAX_FILE_SIZE ) return VLC_EGENERIC; p_sys = vlc_obj_malloc( p_this, sizeof (*p_sys) ); if( !p_sys ) return VLC_ENOMEM; msg_Dbg( p_demux, "loading complete file (could be long)" ); p_sys->i_data = i_size; p_sys->p_data = vlc_obj_malloc( p_this, p_sys->i_data ); if( unlikely(p_sys->p_data == NULL) ) return VLC_ENOMEM; p_sys->i_data = vlc_stream_Read( p_demux->s, p_sys->p_data, p_sys->i_data ); if( p_sys->i_data <= 0 ) { msg_Err( p_demux, "failed to read the complete file" ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } /* Configure modplug before loading the file */ vlc_mutex_lock( &libmodplug_lock ); ModPlug_GetSettings( &settings ); settings.mFlags = MODPLUG_ENABLE_OVERSAMPLING; settings.mChannels = 2; settings.mBits = 16; settings.mFrequency = 44100; settings.mResamplingMode = MODPLUG_RESAMPLE_FIR; if( var_InheritBool( p_demux, "mod-noisereduction" ) ) settings.mFlags |= MODPLUG_ENABLE_NOISE_REDUCTION; if( var_InheritBool( p_demux, "mod-reverb" ) ) settings.mFlags |= MODPLUG_ENABLE_REVERB; settings.mReverbDepth = var_InheritInteger( p_demux, "mod-reverb-level" ); settings.mReverbDelay = var_InheritInteger( p_demux, "mod-reverb-delay" ); if( var_InheritBool( p_demux, "mod-megabass" ) ) settings.mFlags |= MODPLUG_ENABLE_MEGABASS; settings.mBassAmount = var_InheritInteger( p_demux, "mod-megabass-level" ); settings.mBassRange = var_InheritInteger( p_demux, "mod-megabass-range" ); if( var_InheritBool( p_demux, "mod-surround" ) ) settings.mFlags |= MODPLUG_ENABLE_SURROUND; settings.mSurroundDepth = var_InheritInteger( p_demux, "mod-surround-level" ); settings.mSurroundDelay = var_InheritInteger( p_demux, "mod-surround-delay" ); ModPlug_SetSettings( &settings ); p_sys->f = ModPlug_Load( p_sys->p_data, p_sys->i_data ); vlc_mutex_unlock( &libmodplug_lock ); if( !p_sys->f ) { msg_Err( p_demux, "failed to understand the file" ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } /* init time */ date_Init( &p_sys->pts, settings.mFrequency, 1 ); date_Set( &p_sys->pts, VLC_TICK_0 ); p_sys->i_length = VLC_TICK_FROM_MS( ModPlug_GetLength( p_sys->f ) ); msg_Dbg( p_demux, "MOD loaded name=%s length=%"PRId64"ms", ModPlug_GetName( p_sys->f ), MS_FROM_VLC_TICK( p_sys->i_length ) ); #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN es_format_Init( &p_sys->fmt, AUDIO_ES, VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'w', 'o', 's' ) ); #else es_format_Init( &p_sys->fmt, AUDIO_ES, VLC_FOURCC( 'a', 'r', 'a', 'w' ) ); #endif p_sys->fmt.audio.i_rate = settings.mFrequency; p_sys->fmt.audio.i_channels = settings.mChannels; p_sys->fmt.audio.i_bitspersample = settings.mBits; p_sys->es = es_out_Add( p_demux->out, &p_sys->fmt ); if( unlikely(p_sys->es == NULL) ) return VLC_ENOMEM; /* Fill p_demux field */ p_demux->pf_demux = Demux; p_demux->pf_control = Control; p_demux->p_sys = p_sys; return VLC_SUCCESS; }
static int Open (vlc_object_t *obj) { demux_t *demux = (demux_t *)obj; demux_sys_t *sys = NULL; es_format_t fmt; bool result = false; SidTune *tune = NULL; sidplay2 *player = NULL; ReSIDBuilder *builder = NULL; int64_t size = stream_Size (demux->s); if (size < 4 || size > LONG_MAX) /* We need to load the whole file for sidplay */ return VLC_EGENERIC; const uint8_t *peek; if (vlc_stream_Peek (demux->s, &peek, 4) < 4) return VLC_EGENERIC; /* sidplay2 can read PSID and the newer RSID formats */ if(memcmp(peek,"PSID",4)!=0 && memcmp(peek,"RSID",4)!=0) return VLC_EGENERIC; uint8_t *data = (uint8_t*) malloc(size); if (unlikely (data==NULL)) goto error; if (vlc_stream_Read (demux->s,data,size) < size) { free (data); goto error; } tune = new (std::nothrow) SidTune(0); if (unlikely (tune==NULL)) { free (data); goto error; } result = tune->read (data, size); free (data); if (!result) goto error; player = new (std::nothrow) sidplay2(); if (unlikely(player==NULL)) goto error; sys = (demux_sys_t*) calloc (1, sizeof(demux_sys_t)); if (unlikely(sys==NULL)) goto error; sys->player = player; sys->tune = tune; tune->getInfo (sys->tuneInfo); sys->info = player->info(); sys->config = player->config(); builder = new (std::nothrow) ReSIDBuilder ("ReSID"); if (unlikely(builder==NULL)) goto error; builder->create (sys->info.maxsids); builder->sampling (sys->config.frequency); sys->config.sidEmulation = builder; sys->config.precision = 16; sys->config.playback = (sys->info.channels == 2 ? sid2_stereo : sid2_mono); player->config (sys->config); sys->bytes_per_frame = sys->info.channels * sys->config.precision / 8; sys->block_size = sys->config.frequency / 10 * sys->bytes_per_frame; es_format_Init (&fmt, AUDIO_ES, VLC_CODEC_S16N); fmt.audio.i_channels = sys->info.channels; fmt.audio.i_bitspersample = sys->config.precision; fmt.audio.i_rate = sys->config.frequency; fmt.audio.i_bytes_per_frame = sys->bytes_per_frame; fmt.audio.i_frame_length = fmt.audio.i_bytes_per_frame; fmt.audio.i_blockalign = fmt.audio.i_bytes_per_frame; fmt.i_bitrate = fmt.audio.i_rate * fmt.audio.i_bytes_per_frame; sys->es = es_out_Add (demux->out, &fmt); date_Init (&sys->pts, fmt.audio.i_rate, 1); date_Set (&sys->pts, 0); sys->tune->selectSong (0); result = (sys->player->load (sys->tune) >=0 ); sys->player->fastForward (100); if (!result) goto error; /* Callbacks */ demux->pf_demux = Demux; demux->pf_control = Control; demux->p_sys = sys; return VLC_SUCCESS; error: msg_Err (demux, "An error occurred during sid demuxing" ); delete player; delete builder; delete tune; free (sys); return VLC_EGENERIC; }
/***************************************************************************** * Control: *****************************************************************************/ static int Control( demux_t *p_demux, int i_query, va_list args ) { demux_sys_t *p_sys = p_demux->p_sys; const int64_t i_start_time = p_sys->ic->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE ? p_sys->ic->start_time : 0; double f, *pf; int64_t i64; switch( i_query ) { case DEMUX_CAN_SEEK: *va_arg( args, bool * ) = true; return VLC_SUCCESS; case DEMUX_GET_POSITION: pf = va_arg( args, double * ); *pf = 0.0; i64 = stream_Size( p_demux->s ); if( i64 > 0 ) { double current = vlc_stream_Tell( p_demux->s ); *pf = current / (double)i64; } if( (p_sys->ic->duration != (int64_t)AV_NOPTS_VALUE) && (p_sys->i_pcr > 0) ) { *pf = (double)p_sys->i_pcr / (double)p_sys->ic->duration; } return VLC_SUCCESS; case DEMUX_SET_POSITION: { f = va_arg( args, double ); bool precise = va_arg( args, int ); i64 = p_sys->ic->duration * f + i_start_time; msg_Warn( p_demux, "DEMUX_SET_POSITION: %"PRId64, i64 ); /* If we have a duration, we prefer to seek by time but if we don't, or if the seek fails, try BYTE seeking */ if( p_sys->ic->duration == (int64_t)AV_NOPTS_VALUE || (av_seek_frame( p_sys->ic, -1, i64, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD ) < 0) ) { int64_t i_size = stream_Size( p_demux->s ); i64 = (i_size * f); msg_Warn( p_demux, "DEMUX_SET_BYTE_POSITION: %"PRId64, i64 ); if( av_seek_frame( p_sys->ic, -1, i64, AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE ) < 0 ) return VLC_EGENERIC; ResetTime( p_demux, -1 ); } else { if( precise ) ResetTime( p_demux, i64 - i_start_time ); else ResetTime( p_demux, -1 ); } return VLC_SUCCESS; } case DEMUX_GET_LENGTH: if( p_sys->ic->duration != (int64_t)AV_NOPTS_VALUE ) *va_arg( args, vlc_tick_t * ) = FROM_AV_TS(p_sys->ic->duration); else *va_arg( args, vlc_tick_t * ) = 0; return VLC_SUCCESS; case DEMUX_GET_TIME: *va_arg( args, vlc_tick_t * ) = p_sys->i_pcr; return VLC_SUCCESS; case DEMUX_SET_TIME: { i64 = TO_AV_TS(va_arg( args, vlc_tick_t )); bool precise = va_arg( args, int ); msg_Warn( p_demux, "DEMUX_SET_TIME: %"PRId64, i64 ); if( av_seek_frame( p_sys->ic, -1, i64 + i_start_time, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD ) < 0 ) { return VLC_EGENERIC; } if( precise ) ResetTime( p_demux, i64 - i_start_time ); else ResetTime( p_demux, -1 ); return VLC_SUCCESS; } case DEMUX_HAS_UNSUPPORTED_META: { bool *pb_bool = va_arg( args, bool* ); *pb_bool = true; return VLC_SUCCESS; } case DEMUX_GET_META: { static const char names[][10] = { [vlc_meta_Title] = "title", [vlc_meta_Artist] = "artist", [vlc_meta_Genre] = "genre", [vlc_meta_Copyright] = "copyright", [vlc_meta_Album] = "album", //[vlc_meta_TrackNumber] -- TODO: parse number/total value [vlc_meta_Description] = "comment", //[vlc_meta_Rating] [vlc_meta_Date] = "date", [vlc_meta_Setting] = "encoder", //[vlc_meta_URL] [vlc_meta_Language] = "language", //[vlc_meta_NowPlaying] [vlc_meta_Publisher] = "publisher", [vlc_meta_EncodedBy] = "encoded_by", //[vlc_meta_ArtworkURL] //[vlc_meta_TrackID] //[vlc_meta_TrackTotal] }; vlc_meta_t *p_meta = va_arg( args, vlc_meta_t * ); AVDictionary *dict = p_sys->ic->metadata; for( unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(names) / sizeof(*names); i++) { if( !names[i][0] ) continue; AVDictionaryEntry *e = av_dict_get( dict, names[i], NULL, 0 ); if( e != NULL && e->value != NULL && IsUTF8(e->value) ) vlc_meta_Set( p_meta, i, e->value ); } return VLC_SUCCESS; } case DEMUX_GET_ATTACHMENTS: { input_attachment_t ***ppp_attach = va_arg( args, input_attachment_t*** ); int *pi_int = va_arg( args, int * ); int i; if( p_sys->i_attachments <= 0 ) return VLC_EGENERIC; *ppp_attach = vlc_alloc( p_sys->i_attachments, sizeof(input_attachment_t*) ); if( *ppp_attach == NULL ) return VLC_EGENERIC; for( i = 0; i < p_sys->i_attachments; i++ ) { (*ppp_attach)[i] = vlc_input_attachment_Duplicate( p_sys->attachments[i] ); if((*ppp_attach)[i] == NULL) break; } *pi_int = i; return VLC_SUCCESS; } case DEMUX_GET_TITLE_INFO: { input_title_t ***ppp_title = va_arg( args, input_title_t *** ); int *pi_int = va_arg( args, int * ); int *pi_title_offset = va_arg( args, int * ); int *pi_seekpoint_offset = va_arg( args, int * ); if( !p_sys->p_title ) return VLC_EGENERIC; *ppp_title = malloc( sizeof( input_title_t*) ); if( *ppp_title == NULL ) return VLC_EGENERIC; (*ppp_title)[0] = vlc_input_title_Duplicate( p_sys->p_title ); *pi_int = (*ppp_title)[0] ? 1 : 0; *pi_title_offset = 0; *pi_seekpoint_offset = 0; return VLC_SUCCESS; } case DEMUX_SET_TITLE: { const int i_title = va_arg( args, int ); if( !p_sys->p_title || i_title != 0 ) return VLC_EGENERIC; return VLC_SUCCESS; } case DEMUX_SET_SEEKPOINT: { const int i_seekpoint = va_arg( args, int ); if( !p_sys->p_title ) return VLC_EGENERIC; i64 = TO_AV_TS(p_sys->p_title->seekpoint[i_seekpoint]->i_time_offset) + i_start_time; msg_Warn( p_demux, "DEMUX_SET_SEEKPOINT: %"PRId64, i64 ); if( av_seek_frame( p_sys->ic, -1, i64, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD ) < 0 ) { return VLC_EGENERIC; } ResetTime( p_demux, i64 - i_start_time ); return VLC_SUCCESS; } case DEMUX_TEST_AND_CLEAR_FLAGS: { unsigned *restrict flags = va_arg(args, unsigned *); *flags &= p_sys->i_update; p_sys->i_update &= ~*flags; return VLC_SUCCESS; } case DEMUX_GET_TITLE: if( p_sys->p_title == NULL ) return VLC_EGENERIC; *va_arg( args, int * ) = 0; return VLC_SUCCESS; case DEMUX_GET_SEEKPOINT: if( p_sys->p_title == NULL ) return VLC_EGENERIC; *va_arg( args, int * ) = p_sys->i_seekpoint; return VLC_SUCCESS; case DEMUX_CAN_PAUSE: case DEMUX_SET_PAUSE_STATE: case DEMUX_CAN_CONTROL_PACE: case DEMUX_GET_PTS_DELAY: return demux_vaControlHelper( p_demux->s, 0, -1, 0, 1, i_query, args ); default: return VLC_EGENERIC; } }
/** * Get the update file and parse it * p_update has to be locked when calling this function * * \param p_update pointer to update struct * \return true if the update is valid and authenticated */ static bool GetUpdateFile( update_t *p_update ) { stream_t *p_stream = NULL; int i_major = 0; int i_minor = 0; int i_revision = 0; unsigned char extra; char *psz_version_line = NULL; char *psz_update_data = NULL; p_stream = stream_UrlNew( p_update->p_libvlc, UPDATE_VLC_STATUS_URL ); if( !p_stream ) { msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Failed to open %s for reading", UPDATE_VLC_STATUS_URL ); goto error; } const int64_t i_read = stream_Size( p_stream ); psz_update_data = malloc( i_read + 1 ); /* terminating '\0' */ if( !psz_update_data ) goto error; if( stream_Read( p_stream, psz_update_data, i_read ) != i_read ) { msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Couldn't download update file %s", UPDATE_VLC_STATUS_URL ); goto error; } psz_update_data[i_read] = '\0'; stream_Delete( p_stream ); p_stream = NULL; /* first line : version number */ char *psz_update_data_parser = psz_update_data; size_t i_len = strcspn( psz_update_data, "\r\n" ); psz_update_data_parser += i_len; while( *psz_update_data_parser == '\r' || *psz_update_data_parser == '\n' ) psz_update_data_parser++; if( !(psz_version_line = malloc( i_len + 1)) ) goto error; strncpy( psz_version_line, psz_update_data, i_len ); psz_version_line[i_len] = '\0'; p_update->release.extra = 0; switch( sscanf( psz_version_line, "%i.%i.%i%c", &i_major, &i_minor, &i_revision, &extra ) ) { case 4: p_update->release.extra = extra; case 3: p_update->release.i_major = i_major; p_update->release.i_minor = i_minor; p_update->release.i_revision = i_revision; break; default: msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Update version false formated" ); goto error; } /* second line : URL */ i_len = strcspn( psz_update_data_parser, "\r\n" ); if( i_len == 0 ) { msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Update file %s is corrupted: URL missing", UPDATE_VLC_STATUS_URL ); goto error; } if( !(p_update->release.psz_url = malloc( i_len + 1)) ) goto error; strncpy( p_update->release.psz_url, psz_update_data_parser, i_len ); p_update->release.psz_url[i_len] = '\0'; psz_update_data_parser += i_len; while( *psz_update_data_parser == '\r' || *psz_update_data_parser == '\n' ) psz_update_data_parser++; /* Remaining data : description */ i_len = strlen( psz_update_data_parser ); if( i_len == 0 ) { msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Update file %s is corrupted: description missing", UPDATE_VLC_STATUS_URL ); goto error; } if( !(p_update->release.psz_desc = malloc( i_len + 1)) ) goto error; strncpy( p_update->release.psz_desc, psz_update_data_parser, i_len ); p_update->release.psz_desc[i_len] = '\0'; /* Now that we know the status is valid, we must download its signature * to authenticate it */ signature_packet_t sign; if( download_signature( VLC_OBJECT( p_update->p_libvlc ), &sign, UPDATE_VLC_STATUS_URL ) != VLC_SUCCESS ) { msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Couldn't download signature of status file" ); goto error; } if( sign.type != BINARY_SIGNATURE && sign.type != TEXT_SIGNATURE ) { msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Invalid signature type" ); goto error; } p_update->p_pkey = (public_key_t*)malloc( sizeof( public_key_t ) ); if( !p_update->p_pkey ) goto error; if( parse_public_key( videolan_public_key, sizeof( videolan_public_key ), p_update->p_pkey, NULL ) != VLC_SUCCESS ) { msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Couldn't parse embedded public key, something went really wrong..." ); FREENULL( p_update->p_pkey ); goto error; } memcpy( p_update->p_pkey->longid, videolan_public_key_longid, 8 ); if( memcmp( sign.issuer_longid, p_update->p_pkey->longid , 8 ) != 0 ) { msg_Dbg( p_update->p_libvlc, "Need to download the GPG key" ); public_key_t *p_new_pkey = download_key( VLC_OBJECT(p_update->p_libvlc), sign.issuer_longid, videolan_public_key_longid ); if( !p_new_pkey ) { msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Couldn't download GPG key" ); FREENULL( p_update->p_pkey ); goto error; } uint8_t *p_hash = hash_sha1_from_public_key( p_new_pkey ); if( !p_hash ) { msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Failed to hash signature" ); free( p_new_pkey ); FREENULL( p_update->p_pkey ); goto error; } if( verify_signature( p_new_pkey->sig.r, p_new_pkey->sig.s, &p_update->p_pkey->key, p_hash ) == VLC_SUCCESS ) { free( p_hash ); msg_Info( p_update->p_libvlc, "Key authenticated" ); free( p_update->p_pkey ); p_update->p_pkey = p_new_pkey; } else { free( p_hash ); msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Key signature invalid !\n" ); goto error; } } uint8_t *p_hash = hash_sha1_from_text( psz_update_data, &sign ); if( !p_hash ) { msg_Warn( p_update->p_libvlc, "Can't compute SHA1 hash for status file" ); goto error; } else if( p_hash[0] != sign.hash_verification[0] || p_hash[1] != sign.hash_verification[1] ) { msg_Warn( p_update->p_libvlc, "Bad SHA1 hash for status file" ); goto error; } else if( verify_signature( sign.r, sign.s, &p_update->p_pkey->key, p_hash ) != VLC_SUCCESS ) { msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "BAD SIGNATURE for status file" ); goto error; } else { msg_Info( p_update->p_libvlc, "Status file authenticated" ); return true; } error: if( p_stream ) stream_Delete( p_stream ); free( psz_version_line ); free( psz_update_data ); return false; }
/***************************************************************************** * Control: *****************************************************************************/ static int Control( demux_t *p_demux, int i_query, va_list args ) { demux_sys_t *p_sys = p_demux->p_sys; double f, *pf; int64_t i64; int i_ret; switch( i_query ) { case DEMUX_CAN_SEEK: *va_arg( args, bool * ) = p_sys->b_seekable; return VLC_SUCCESS; case DEMUX_GET_TITLE: *va_arg( args, int * ) = p_sys->current_title; return VLC_SUCCESS; case DEMUX_GET_SEEKPOINT: *va_arg( args, int * ) = p_sys->current_seekpoint; return VLC_SUCCESS; case DEMUX_GET_POSITION: pf = va_arg( args, double * ); i64 = stream_Size( p_demux->s ) - p_sys->i_start_byte; if( i64 > 0 ) { double current = vlc_stream_Tell( p_demux->s ) - p_sys->i_start_byte; *pf = current / (double)i64; } else { *pf = 0.0; } return VLC_SUCCESS; case DEMUX_SET_POSITION: f = va_arg( args, double ); i64 = stream_Size( p_demux->s ) - p_sys->i_start_byte; p_sys->i_current_pts = VLC_TICK_INVALID; p_sys->i_scr = VLC_TICK_INVALID; if( p_sys->format == CDXA_PS ) { i64 = (int64_t)(i64 * f); /* Align to sector payload */ i64 = p_sys->i_start_byte + i64 - (i64 % CDXA_SECTOR_SIZE) + CDXA_SECTOR_HEADER_SIZE; } else { i64 = p_sys->i_start_byte + (int64_t)(i64 * f); } i_ret = vlc_stream_Seek( p_demux->s, i64 ); if( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS ) { NotifyDiscontinuity( p_sys->tk, p_demux->out ); return i_ret; } break; case DEMUX_GET_TIME: if( p_sys->i_time_track_index >= 0 && p_sys->i_current_pts != VLC_TICK_INVALID ) { *va_arg( args, vlc_tick_t * ) = p_sys->i_current_pts - p_sys->tk[p_sys->i_time_track_index].i_first_pts; return VLC_SUCCESS; } if( p_sys->i_first_scr != VLC_TICK_INVALID && p_sys->i_scr != VLC_TICK_INVALID ) { vlc_tick_t i_time = p_sys->i_scr - p_sys->i_first_scr; /* H.222 */ if( p_sys->i_mux_rate > 0 && p_sys->b_have_pack ) { uint64_t i_offset = vlc_stream_Tell( p_demux->s ) - p_sys->i_lastpack_byte; i_time += vlc_tick_from_samples(i_offset, p_sys->i_mux_rate * 50); } *va_arg( args, vlc_tick_t * ) = i_time; return VLC_SUCCESS; } *va_arg( args, vlc_tick_t * ) = 0; break; case DEMUX_GET_LENGTH: if( p_sys->i_length > VLC_TICK_0 ) { *va_arg( args, vlc_tick_t * ) = p_sys->i_length; return VLC_SUCCESS; } else if( p_sys->i_mux_rate > 0 ) { *va_arg( args, vlc_tick_t * ) = vlc_tick_from_samples( stream_Size( p_demux->s ) - p_sys->i_start_byte / 50, p_sys->i_mux_rate ); return VLC_SUCCESS; } *va_arg( args, vlc_tick_t * ) = 0; break; case DEMUX_SET_TIME: { if( p_sys->i_time_track_index >= 0 && p_sys->i_current_pts != VLC_TICK_INVALID && p_sys->i_length > VLC_TICK_0) { vlc_tick_t i_time = va_arg( args, vlc_tick_t ); i_time -= p_sys->tk[p_sys->i_time_track_index].i_first_pts; return demux_Control( p_demux, DEMUX_SET_POSITION, (double) i_time / p_sys->i_length ); } break; } case DEMUX_GET_TITLE_INFO: { struct input_title_t ***v = va_arg( args, struct input_title_t*** ); int *c = va_arg( args, int * ); *va_arg( args, int* ) = 0; /* Title offset */ *va_arg( args, int* ) = 0; /* Chapter offset */ return vlc_stream_Control( p_demux->s, STREAM_GET_TITLE_INFO, v, c ); } case DEMUX_SET_TITLE: return vlc_stream_vaControl( p_demux->s, STREAM_SET_TITLE, args ); case DEMUX_SET_SEEKPOINT: return vlc_stream_vaControl( p_demux->s, STREAM_SET_SEEKPOINT, args ); case DEMUX_TEST_AND_CLEAR_FLAGS: { unsigned *restrict flags = va_arg(args, unsigned *); *flags &= p_sys->updates; p_sys->updates &= ~*flags; return VLC_SUCCESS; } case DEMUX_GET_META: return vlc_stream_vaControl( p_demux->s, STREAM_GET_META, args ); case DEMUX_GET_FPS: break; case DEMUX_CAN_PAUSE: case DEMUX_SET_PAUSE_STATE: case DEMUX_CAN_CONTROL_PACE: case DEMUX_GET_PTS_DELAY: return demux_vaControlHelper( p_demux->s, 0, -1, 0, 1, i_query, args ); default: break; } return VLC_EGENERIC; }
static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_object ) { stream_t *p_stream = (stream_t *) p_object; int64_t i_stream_size = stream_Size( p_stream->s ); if ( i_stream_size > 0 && i_stream_size < ARIB_STD_B25_TS_PROBING_MIN_DATA ) return VLC_EGENERIC; stream_sys_t *p_sys = p_stream->p_sys = calloc( 1, sizeof(*p_sys) ); if (p_sys == NULL) return VLC_ENOMEM; p_sys->p_b25 = create_arib_std_b25(); if ( p_sys->p_b25 ) { if ( p_sys->p_b25->set_multi2_round( p_sys->p_b25, 4 ) < 0 ) msg_Warn( p_stream, "cannot set B25 round number" ); if ( p_sys->p_b25->set_strip( p_sys->p_b25, 0 ) < 0 ) msg_Warn( p_stream, "cannot set B25 strip option" ); if ( p_sys->p_b25->set_emm_proc( p_sys->p_b25, 0 ) < 0 ) msg_Warn( p_stream, "cannot set B25 emm_proc" ); /* ARIB STD-B25 scrambled TS's packet size is always 188 bytes */ if ( p_sys->p_b25->set_unit_size( p_sys->p_b25, 188 ) < 0) msg_Warn( p_stream, "cannot set B25 TS packet size" ); p_sys->p_bcas = create_b_cas_card(); if ( p_sys->p_bcas ) { int i_code = p_sys->p_bcas->init( p_sys->p_bcas ); if ( i_code < 0 ) { /* Card could be just missing */ msg_Warn( p_stream, "cannot initialize BCAS card (missing ?): %s", GetErrorMessage( i_code, bcas_errors ) ); goto error; } B_CAS_ID bcasid; if ( p_sys->p_bcas->get_id( p_sys->p_bcas, &bcasid ) == 0 ) { for ( int32_t i=0; i<bcasid.count; i++) { msg_Dbg( p_stream, "BCAS card id 0x%"PRId64" initialized", bcasid.data[i] ); } } B_CAS_INIT_STATUS bcas_status; if ( p_sys->p_bcas->get_init_status( p_sys->p_bcas, &bcas_status ) == 0 ) { msg_Dbg( p_stream, "BCAS card system id 0x%"PRIx32, bcas_status.ca_system_id ); } i_code = p_sys->p_b25->set_b_cas_card( p_sys->p_b25, p_sys->p_bcas ); if ( i_code < 0 ) { msg_Err( p_stream, "cannot attach BCAS card to decoder: %s", GetErrorMessage( i_code, bcas_errors ) ); goto error; } } else msg_Err( p_stream, "cannot create BCAS card" ); } else { msg_Err( p_stream, "cannot create B25 instance" ); goto error; } p_stream->pf_read = Read; p_stream->pf_seek = Seek; p_stream->pf_control = Control; return VLC_SUCCESS; error: Close( VLC_OBJECT(p_stream) ); return VLC_EGENERIC; }
static int ControlSetTime( demux_t *p_demux, int64_t i_time ) { demux_sys_t *p_sys = p_demux->p_sys; bool b_seekable; int i; /* */ vlc_stream_Control( p_demux->s, STREAM_CAN_SEEK, &b_seekable ); if( !b_seekable ) return VLC_EGENERIC; const mtime_t i_length = ControlGetLength( p_demux ); if( i_length <= 0 ) return VLC_EGENERIC; const uint64_t i_stream_size = stream_Size( p_demux->s ); if( i_stream_size <= p_sys->i_data_pos ) return VLC_EGENERIC; const double i_bytemicrorate = (double) i_length / (i_stream_size - p_sys->i_data_pos); if( i_bytemicrorate == 0 ) return VLC_EGENERIC; uint64_t i_lower = p_sys->i_data_pos; uint64_t i_upper = i_stream_size; uint64_t i_start_pos; assert( p_sys->i_seekpoint > 0 ); /* ReadMeta ensure at least (0,0) */ if( p_sys->i_seekpoint > 1 ) { /* lookup base offset */ for( i = p_sys->i_seekpoint-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if( p_sys->seekpoint[i]->i_time_offset <= i_time ) break; } i_lower = p_sys->seekpoint[0]->i_byte_offset + p_sys->i_data_pos; if( i+1 < p_sys->i_seekpoint ) i_upper = p_sys->seekpoint[i+1]->i_byte_offset + p_sys->i_data_pos; i_start_pos = i_lower; } else { i_start_pos = i_time / i_bytemicrorate; } if( VLC_SUCCESS != vlc_stream_Seek( p_demux->s, i_start_pos ) ) return VLC_EGENERIC; int i_ret = RefineSeek( p_demux, i_time, i_bytemicrorate, i_lower, i_upper ); if( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS ) { p_sys->i_next_block_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_DISCONTINUITY; Reset( p_sys ); es_out_Control( p_demux->out, ES_OUT_SET_NEXT_DISPLAY_TIME, i_time ); } return i_ret; }
static int ControlSetTime( demux_t *p_demux, int64_t i_time ) { demux_sys_t *p_sys = p_demux->p_sys; int64_t i_delta_time; bool b_seekable; int i; /* */ stream_Control( p_demux->s, STREAM_CAN_SEEK, &b_seekable ); if( !b_seekable ) return VLC_EGENERIC; /* */ assert( p_sys->i_seekpoint > 0 ); /* ReadMeta ensure at least (0,0) */ for( i = p_sys->i_seekpoint-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if( p_sys->seekpoint[i]->i_time_offset <= i_time ) break; } i_delta_time = i_time - p_sys->seekpoint[i]->i_time_offset; /* XXX We do exact seek if it's not too far away(45s) */ if( i_delta_time < 45*INT64_C(1000000) ) { if( stream_Seek( p_demux->s, p_sys->seekpoint[i]->i_byte_offset+p_sys->i_data_pos ) ) return VLC_EGENERIC; p_sys->i_time_offset = p_sys->seekpoint[i]->i_time_offset - p_sys->i_pts; p_sys->i_pts_start = p_sys->i_pts+i_delta_time; es_out_Control( p_demux->out, ES_OUT_SET_NEXT_DISPLAY_TIME, p_sys->i_pts_start + p_sys->i_time_offset ); } else { int64_t i_delta_offset; int64_t i_next_time; int64_t i_next_offset; if( i+1 < p_sys->i_seekpoint ) { i_next_time = p_sys->seekpoint[i+1]->i_time_offset; i_next_offset = p_sys->seekpoint[i+1]->i_byte_offset; } else { i_next_time = p_sys->i_length; i_next_offset = stream_Size(p_demux->s)-p_sys->i_data_pos; } i_delta_offset = 0; if( i_next_time-p_sys->seekpoint[i]->i_time_offset > 0 ) i_delta_offset = (i_next_offset - p_sys->seekpoint[i]->i_byte_offset) * i_delta_time / (i_next_time-p_sys->seekpoint[i]->i_time_offset); if( stream_Seek( p_demux->s, p_sys->seekpoint[i]->i_byte_offset+p_sys->i_data_pos + i_delta_offset ) ) return VLC_EGENERIC; p_sys->i_pts_start = p_sys->i_pts; p_sys->i_time_offset = (p_sys->seekpoint[i]->i_time_offset+i_delta_time) - p_sys->i_pts; } return VLC_SUCCESS; }
/** ************************************************************************** * \brief tell size of stream * \param opaque should be the stream * \param stream stream created by ZipIO_Open * \return size of the file / stream * ATTENTION: this is not stream_Tell, but stream_Size ! *****************************************************************************/ static long ZCALLBACK ZipIO_Tell( void *opaque, void *stream ) { (void) stream; stream_t *s = (stream_t*) opaque; return (long) stream_Size( s->p_source ); /* /!\ not stream_Tell /!\ */ }
/***************************************************************************** * CheckFooter: check for ID3/APE at the end of the file * CheckHeader: check for ID3/APE at the begining of the file *****************************************************************************/ static void CheckFooter( demux_meta_t *p_demux_meta ) { demux_t *p_demux = (demux_t *)p_demux_meta->p_demux; const int64_t i_pos = stream_Size( p_demux->s ); const size_t i_peek = 128+APE_TAG_HEADERSIZE; const uint8_t *p_peek; const uint8_t *p_peek_id3; int64_t i_id3v2_pos = -1; int64_t i_apevx_pos = -1; int i_id3v2_size; int i_apevx_size; size_t i_id3v1_size; if( i_pos < i_peek ) return; if( stream_Seek( p_demux->s, i_pos - i_peek ) ) return; if( stream_Peek( p_demux->s, &p_peek, i_peek ) < i_peek ) return; p_peek_id3 = &p_peek[APE_TAG_HEADERSIZE]; /* Check/Parse ID3v1 */ i_id3v1_size = id3_tag_query( p_peek_id3, ID3_TAG_QUERYSIZE ); if( i_id3v1_size == 128 ) { msg_Dbg( p_demux, "found ID3v1 tag" ); ParseID3Tag( p_demux_meta, p_peek_id3, i_id3v1_size ); } /* Compute ID3v2 position */ i_id3v2_size = -id3_tag_query( &p_peek_id3[128-ID3_TAG_QUERYSIZE], ID3_TAG_QUERYSIZE ); if( i_id3v2_size > 0 ) i_id3v2_pos = i_pos - i_id3v2_size; /* Compute APE2v2 position */ i_apevx_size = GetAPEvXSize( &p_peek[128+0], APE_TAG_HEADERSIZE ); if( i_apevx_size > 0 ) { i_apevx_pos = i_pos - i_apevx_size; } else if( i_id3v1_size > 0 ) { /* it can be before ID3v1 */ i_apevx_size = GetAPEvXSize( p_peek, APE_TAG_HEADERSIZE ); if( i_apevx_size > 0 ) i_apevx_pos = i_pos - 128 - i_apevx_size; } if( i_id3v2_pos > 0 && i_apevx_pos > 0 ) { msg_Warn( p_demux, "Both ID3v2 and APEv1/2 at the end of file, ignoring APEv1/2" ); i_apevx_pos = -1; } /* Parse ID3v2.4 */ if( i_id3v2_pos > 0 ) { if( !stream_Seek( p_demux->s, i_id3v2_pos ) && stream_Peek( p_demux->s, &p_peek, i_id3v2_size ) == i_id3v2_size ) { msg_Dbg( p_demux, "found ID3v2 tag at end of file" ); ParseID3Tag( p_demux_meta, p_peek, i_id3v2_size ); } } /* Parse APEv1/2 */ if( i_apevx_pos > 0 ) { if( !stream_Seek( p_demux->s, i_apevx_pos ) && stream_Peek( p_demux->s, &p_peek, i_apevx_size ) == i_apevx_size ) { msg_Dbg( p_demux, "found APEvx tag at end of file" ); ParseAPEvXTag( p_demux_meta, p_peek, i_apevx_size ); } } }
static int Open (vlc_object_t *obj) { demux_t *demux = (demux_t *)obj; int64_t size = stream_Size (demux->s); if (size > LONG_MAX /* too big for GME */) return VLC_EGENERIC; /* Auto detection */ const uint8_t *peek; if (stream_Peek (demux->s, &peek, 4) < 4) return VLC_EGENERIC; const char *type = gme_identify_header (peek); if (!*type) return VLC_EGENERIC; msg_Dbg (obj, "detected file type %s", type); block_t *data = NULL; if (size <= 0) { data = stream_Block (demux->s, 1 << 24); if (data == NULL) return VLC_EGENERIC; } /* Initialization */ demux_sys_t *sys = malloc (sizeof (*sys)); if (unlikely(sys == NULL)) return VLC_ENOMEM; sys->emu = gme_new_emu (gme_identify_extension (type), RATE); if (sys->emu == NULL) { free (sys); return VLC_ENOMEM; } if (data) { gme_load_custom (sys->emu, ReaderBlock, data->i_buffer, data); block_Release(data); } else { gme_load_custom (sys->emu, ReaderStream, size, demux->s); } gme_start_track (sys->emu, sys->track_id = 0); es_format_t fmt; es_format_Init (&fmt, AUDIO_ES, VLC_CODEC_S16N); fmt.audio.i_rate = RATE; fmt.audio.i_bytes_per_frame = 4; fmt.audio.i_frame_length = 4; fmt.audio.i_channels = 2; fmt.audio.i_blockalign = 4; fmt.audio.i_bitspersample = 16; fmt.i_bitrate = RATE * 4; sys->es = es_out_Add (demux->out, &fmt); date_Init (&sys->pts, RATE, 1); date_Set (&sys->pts, 0); /* Titles */ unsigned n = gme_track_count (sys->emu); sys->titlev = malloc (n * sizeof (*sys->titlev)); if (unlikely(sys->titlev == NULL)) n = 0; sys->titlec = n; for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) { input_title_t *title = vlc_input_title_New (); sys->titlev[i] = title; if (unlikely(title == NULL)) continue; gme_info_t *infos; if (gme_track_info (sys->emu, &infos, i)) continue; msg_Dbg (obj, "track %u: %s %d ms", i, infos->song, infos->length); if (infos->length != -1) title->i_length = infos->length * INT64_C(1000); if (infos->song[0]) title->psz_name = strdup (infos->song); gme_free_info (infos); } /* Callbacks */ demux->pf_demux = Demux; demux->pf_control = Control; demux->p_sys = sys; return VLC_SUCCESS; }