int main(int argc, char * argv[]){ char input[MAX_INPUT_SIZE]; pthread_t thread; if(argc < 2){ printf("usage :\n"); printf("WifoPluginsConsole <userid>\n"); printf("with <userid equal to 1 or 2\n"); return -1; } strncpy(step, "start", sizeof(step)); wx_wengo = atoi(argv[1]); printf("Using wx_wengo_%d\n\n", wx_wengo); // register or quit while(strequals(step, "start")){ display_menu(step); //fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin); gets(input); // if a quit, then quit if(strequals(input, "quit")){ printf("\nBye.\n"); return 0; } execute_action(input); } // display whole menu display_menu(NULL); // launch a thread to display the menu if(pthread_create(&thread, NULL, interact, NULL) != 0){ // TODO notify GUI return FALSE; } // event loop while(phPoll() == 0){ if(strequals(step, "quit")){ break; } usleep(40); } return 0; }
/** * Parse command line arguments * * @return Non-zero on error */ int parse_cmdline(void) { int i, v; char *arg; /* Parse command line arguments. */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { arg = argv[i]; if ((v = strequals(arg, "--initial-spawn")) || /* Initial spawn? */ strequals(arg, "--respawn")) { /* Respawning after crash? */ exit_if (is_respawn == v, eprintf("conflicting arguments %s and %s cannot be combined.", "--initial-spawn", "--respawn");); is_respawn = !v; } else if (strequals(arg, "--re-exec")) { /* Re-exec state-marshal. */
const struct mf_font_s *mf_find_font(const char *name) { const struct mf_font_list_s *f; f = MF_INCLUDED_FONTS; while (f) { if (strequals(f->font->full_name, name) || strequals(f->font->short_name, name)) { return f->font; } f = f->next; } return 0; }
/** * Parse command line arguments * * @return Non-zero on error */ int __attribute__((weak)) parse_cmdline(void) { int i; #if (LIBEXEC_ARGC_EXTRA_LIMIT < 2) # error LIBEXEC_ARGC_EXTRA_LIMIT is too small, need at least 2. #endif /* Parse command line arguments. */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char* arg = argv[i]; int v; if ((v = strequals(arg, "--initial-spawn")) || /* Initial spawn? */ strequals(arg, "--respawn")) /* Respawning after crash? */ { exit_if (is_respawn == v, eprintf("conflicting arguments %s and %s cannot be combined.", "--initial-spawn", "--respawn");); is_respawn = !v; }
static unsigned int display_menu(const char * step){ if(strfilled(step) && strequals(step, "start")){ printf("\nAvailable commands :\n"); printf(" - register\n"); printf(" - quit\n\n"); printf("> "); }else if(strfilled(step) && strequals(step, "send")){ printf("\nAvailable commands :\n"); printf(" - send <user>;<full_file_path>;<filename>;<file_type>;<file_size_in_bytes>\n"); printf(" - quit\n\n"); printf("> "); }else if(strfilled(step) && strequals(step, "accept")){ printf("\nAvailable commands :\n"); printf(" - accept <user>;<full_file_path>\n"); printf(" - refuse <user>\n"); printf(" - quit\n\n"); printf("> "); }else if(strfilled(step) && strequals(step, "cancel")){ printf("\nAvailable commands :\n"); printf(" - cancel <user>\n\n"); printf("> "); }else{ printf("\nAvailable commands :\n"); printf(" - send <user>;<full_file_path>;<filename>;<file_type>;<file_size_in_bytes>\n"); printf(" - accept <user>;<full_file_path>\n"); printf(" - pause <user>\n"); printf(" - resume <user>\n"); printf(" - refuse <user>\n"); printf(" - cancel <user>\n"); printf(" - quit\n\n"); printf("> "); } return 1; }
static unsigned int __stdcall interact(void * arg){ #else static void * __stdcall interact(void * arg){ #endif char input[MAX_INPUT_SIZE]; //while(fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin)){ while(gets(input)){ // if a quit, then quit if(strequals(input, "quit")){ strncpy(step, "quit", sizeof(step)); printf("\nBye.\n"); return 0; } execute_action(input); } return 0; }
static unsigned int execute_action(const char * input){ char command[MAX_INPUT_SIZE]; char argument[MAX_INPUT_SIZE]; sscanf2(input, "%s %s\n", command, sizeof(command), argument, sizeof(argument)); if(!strfilled(command)){ return FALSE; } if(strequals(step, "start") && strequals(command, "register")){ int i; char _username[100]; char _display_name[100]; char _passwd[100]; char _domain[100]; char _proxy[100]; char _server[100]; phTerminate(); strncpy(_proxy, "", sizeof(_proxy)); snprintf(_display_name, sizeof(_display_name), "%s%d", "wx_wengo_", wx_wengo); //if(wx_wengo == 1) strncpy(_display_name, "wx_wengo_1", sizeof(_display_name)); //if(wx_wengo == 2) strncpy(_display_name, "wx_wengo_2", sizeof(_display_name)); strncpy( _passwd, "testwengo", sizeof(_passwd)); strncpy( _domain, "", sizeof(_domain)); snprintf(_username, sizeof(_username), "%s%d", "wx_wengo_", wx_wengo); //if(wx_wengo == 1) strncpy(_username, "wx_wengo_1", sizeof(_username)); //if(wx_wengo == 2) strncpy(_username, "wx_wengo_2", sizeof(_username)); strncpy(_server, "", sizeof(_server)); memset(&phcfg, 0, sizeof(phcfg)); strcpy(phcfg.local_rtp_port, "10601"); snprintf(phcfg.sipport, sizeof(phcfg.sipport), "%s%d", "506", wx_wengo); //if(wx_wengo == 1) strcpy(phcfg.sipport, "5061"); //if(wx_wengo == 2) strcpy(phcfg.sipport, "5062"); strcpy(phcfg.nattype, "none"); strcpy(phcfg.audio_dev,"IN=0 OUT=0"); phcfg.asyncmode = 0; strncpy(phcfg.proxy, _proxy, sizeof(phcfg.proxy)); phcfg.force_proxy = 1; phcfg.use_tunnel = 0; sprintf(phcfg.identity, "%s <sip:%s@%s>", _display_name, _username, _domain); i = phInit(&callbacks, "", 0); phcfg.nat_refresh_time = 15; // TO CALL AFTER PHINIT, ELSE USELESS!!!! if (i == 0) { i = phAddAuthInfo(_username, _username, _passwd, 0, _domain); } if (i == 0) { vlid = phAddVline(_username, _server, _proxy, 10000); }else if (phcb) { phcb->regProgress(0, -1); } strncpy(SipDomain, _domain, sizeof(SipDomain)); // register of sfp plugin sfp_register_plugin(); sfp_set_plugin_callbacks(&sfp_cbks); sfp_set_file_transfer_port("11000"); strncpy(step, "send", sizeof(step)); }else if(strequals(command, "send")){ char _dest[200]; char tmp[200]; char file_path[MAX_INPUT_SIZE]; char file_name[MAX_INPUT_SIZE]; char file_type[MAX_INPUT_SIZE]; char file_size[MAX_INPUT_SIZE]; if(!strfilled(argument)){ return FALSE; } sscanf2(argument, "%s;%s;%s;%s;%s", _dest, sizeof(_dest), file_path, sizeof(file_path), file_name, sizeof(file_name), file_type, sizeof(file_type), file_size, sizeof(file_size)); if(!strfilled(_dest) || !strfilled(file_path) || !strfilled(file_name) || !strfilled(file_type) || !strfilled(file_size)){ return FALSE; } //if(wx_wengo == 2) strncpy(_dest, "wx_wengo_1", sizeof(_dest)); //if(wx_wengo == 1) strncpy(_dest, "wx_wengo_2", sizeof(_dest)); if (!strstr(_dest, "@") && !strstr("sip:", _dest)) { sprintf(tmp, "sip:%s@%s", _dest, SipDomain); } sfp_set_file_transfer_port("11000"); sfp_send_file(vlid, phcfg.identity, tmp, file_path, file_name, file_type, file_size); //strncpy(step, "cancel", sizeof(step)); }else if(strequals(command, "accept")){ char user[32]; char filename[128]; int call_id = -1; if(!strfilled(argument)){ return FALSE; } sscanf2(argument, "%s;%s", user, sizeof(user), filename, sizeof(filename)); if(!strfilled(user) || !strfilled(filename)){ return FALSE; } if((call_id = get_callid_from_wxwengo_user(user)) > 0){ sfp_receive_file(call_id, argument); //strncpy(step, "cancel", sizeof(step)); } }else if(strequalsamong(command, 2,"cancel", "refuse")){ int call_id = -1; if(!strfilled(argument)){ return FALSE; } if((call_id = get_callid_from_wxwengo_user(argument)) > 0){ sfp_cancel_transfer(call_id); } //strncpy(step, "send", sizeof(step)); }else if(strequals(command, "pause")){ int call_id = -1; if(!strfilled(argument)){ return FALSE; } if((call_id = get_callid_from_wxwengo_user(argument)) > 0){ sfp_pause_transfer(call_id); } }else if(strequals(command, "resume")){ int call_id = -1; if(!strfilled(argument)){ return FALSE; } if((call_id = get_callid_from_wxwengo_user(argument)) > 0){ sfp_resume_transfer(call_id); } }else{ return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void FileRepResetPeer_Main(void) { /* BASIC PROCESS SETUP */ FileRepReset_ConfigureSignals(); /* * If an exception is encountered, processing resumes here. * * See notes in postgres.c about the design of this coding and comments about how the error * handling works. */ sigjmp_buf local_sigjmp_buf; if (sigsetjmp(local_sigjmp_buf, 1) != 0) { HOLD_INTERRUPTS(); EmitErrorReport(); proc_exit(EXIT_CODE_SHOULD_ENTER_FAULT); } /* We can now handle ereport(ERROR) */ PG_exception_stack = &local_sigjmp_buf; PG_SETMASK(&UnBlockSig); /** NOW DO THE ACTUAL WORK */ char messageFromPeer[MESSAGE_FROM_PEER_BUF_SIZE]; char resetNumberFromPeer[MESSAGE_FROM_PEER_BUF_SIZE]; char resetNumberThatIndicatesResetComplete[MESSAGE_FROM_PEER_BUF_SIZE]; struct addrinfo *addrList = NULL; char portStr[100]; PrimaryMirrorModeTransitionArguments args = primaryMirrorGetArgumentsFromLocalMemory(); Assert(args.mode == PMModePrimarySegment || args.mode == PMModeMirrorSegment); snprintf(portStr, sizeof(portStr), "%d", args.peerPostmasterPort); if (! determineTargetHost(&addrList, args.peerAddress, portStr)) { elog(WARNING, "during reset, unable to look up address for peer host to coordinate reset; " "will transition to fault state."); proc_exit(EXIT_CODE_SHOULD_ENTER_FAULT); } sendMessageToPeerAndExitIfProblem(addrList, "beginPostmasterReset", messageFromPeer, resetNumberThatIndicatesResetComplete); for ( ;; ) { pg_usleep(10 * 1000L); /* 10 ms */ sendMessageToPeerAndExitIfProblem(addrList, "getPostmasterResetStatus", messageFromPeer, resetNumberFromPeer ); if (strequals(messageFromPeer, RESET_STATUS_IS_IN_RESET_PIVOT_POINT)) { if (args.mode == PMModeMirrorSegment) { /** * peer is in the reset pivot point, we can break out of our checking loop and * thus exit with a code telling the postmaster to begin the startup sequence again * * this is only done on the mirror as currently the mirror must execute the startup sequence * before the primary */ elog(DEBUG1, "peer reset: primary peer has reached reset point"); break; } } else if (strequals(messageFromPeer, RESET_STATUS_IS_RUNNING)) { /** it's running -- is it >= than the reset number that indicates reset complete one */ if (strcmp( resetNumberFromPeer, resetNumberThatIndicatesResetComplete) >= 0) { /** yes, the reset is complete and so we can quit and do a restart */ elog(DEBUG1, "peer reset: mirror peer reset is complete"); break; } } } proc_exit(EXIT_CODE_SHOULD_RESTART_SHMEM_CLEANLY); }