void benchmark() {
    struct timeval starttime, endtime, difftime;
    uint8_t buffer[16000];

    int i;

    gettimeofday(&starttime, NULL);

    printf("async gruuu..\n");

    setupTransfer(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
    while(totalBytes < 49152*50) {

    gettimeofday(&endtime, NULL);
    printf("Received %d bytes in %d.%06d seconds\n",
    printf("Transfer speed: %f kbytes/sec\n",
void FCDevice::writeFramebuffer()
     * Asynchronously write the current framebuffer.
     * Note that the OS will copy our framebuffer at submit-time.
     * XXX: To-do, flow control. If more than one frame is pending, we need to be able to
     *      tell clients that we're going too fast, *or* we need to drop frames.

    submitTransfer(new Transfer(this, &mFramebuffer, sizeof mFramebuffer));
void EnttecDMXDevice::writeDMXPacket()
     * Asynchronously write an FTDI packet containing an Enttec packet containing
     * our set of DMX channels.
     * XXX: We should probably throttle this so that we don't send DMX messages
     *      faster than the Enttec device can keep up!

    submitTransfer(new Transfer(this, &mChannelBuffer, mChannelBuffer.length + 5));
void FCDevice::writeFirmwareConfiguration()
     * Write mFirmwareConfig to the device, and log it.

    submitTransfer(new Transfer(this, &mFirmwareConfig, sizeof mFirmwareConfig));

    if (mVerbose) {
        std::clog << "New Fadecandy firmware configuration:";
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof mFirmwareConfig.data; i++) {
            if (!(i & 31)) {
                std::clog << "\n";

            char hex[4];
            sprintf(hex, " %02x", mFirmwareConfig.data[i]);
            std::clog << hex;
        std::clog << "\n";
void FCDevice::writeFramebuffer()
     * Asynchronously write the current framebuffer.
     * Note that the OS will copy our framebuffer at submit-time.
     * TODO: Currently if this gets ahead of what the USB device is capable of,
     *       we always drop frames. Alternatively, it would be nice to have end-to-end
     *       flow control so that the client can produce frames slower.

    if (mNumFramesPending >= MAX_FRAMES_PENDING) {
        // Too many outstanding frames. Wait to submit until a previous frame completes.
        mFrameWaitingForSubmit = true;

    if (submitTransfer(new Transfer(this, &mFramebuffer, sizeof mFramebuffer, FRAME))) {
        mFrameWaitingForSubmit = false;
void FCDevice::opcSetFirmwareConfiguration(const OPCSink::Message &msg)
     * Raw firmware configuration packet

    memcpy(mFirmwareConfig.data, msg.data + 4, std::min<size_t>(sizeof mFirmwareConfig.data, msg.length() - 4));
    submitTransfer(new Transfer(this, &mFirmwareConfig, sizeof mFirmwareConfig));

    if (mVerbose) {
        std::clog << "New Fadecandy firmware configuration:";
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof mFirmwareConfig.data; i++) {
            if (!(i & 31)) {
                std::clog << "\n";

            char hex[4];
            sprintf(hex, " %02x", mFirmwareConfig.data[i]);
            std::clog << hex;
        std::clog << "\n";
void FCDevice::writeColorCorrection(const Value &color)
     * Populate the color correction table based on a JSON configuration object,
     * and send the new color LUT out over USB.
     * 'color' may be 'null' to load an identity-mapped LUT, or it may be
     * a dictionary of options including 'gamma' and 'whitepoint'.

    // Default color LUT parameters
    double gamma = 1.0;
    double whitepoint[3] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0};

     * Parse the JSON object

    if (color.IsObject()) {
        const Value &vGamma = color["gamma"];
        const Value &vWhitepoint = color["whitepoint"];

        if (vGamma.IsNumber()) {
            gamma = vGamma.GetDouble();
        } else if (!vGamma.IsNull() && mVerbose) {
            std::clog << "Gamma value must be a number.\n";

        if (vWhitepoint.IsArray() &&
            vWhitepoint.Size() == 3 &&
            vWhitepoint[0u].IsNumber() &&
            vWhitepoint[1].IsNumber() &&
            vWhitepoint[2].IsNumber()) {
            whitepoint[0] = vWhitepoint[0u].GetDouble();
            whitepoint[1] = vWhitepoint[1].GetDouble();
            whitepoint[2] = vWhitepoint[2].GetDouble();
        } else if (!vWhitepoint.IsNull() && mVerbose) {
            std::clog << "Whitepoint value must be a list of 3 numbers.\n";

    } else if (!color.IsNull() && mVerbose) {
        std::clog << "Color correction value must be a JSON dictionary object.\n";

     * Calculate the color LUT, stowing the result in an array of USB packets.

    Packet *packet = mColorLUT;
    const unsigned firstByteOffset = 1;  // Skip padding byte
    unsigned byteOffset = firstByteOffset;

    for (unsigned channel = 0; channel < 3; channel++) {
        for (unsigned entry = 0; entry < LUT_ENTRIES; entry++) {

             * Normalized input value corresponding to this LUT entry.
             * Ranges from 0 to slightly higher than 1. (The last LUT entry
             * can't quite be reached.)
            double input = (entry << 8) / 65535.0;

            // Color conversion
            double output = pow(input * whitepoint[channel], gamma);

            // Round to the nearest integer, and clamp. Overflow-safe.
            int64_t longValue = (output * 0xFFFF) + 0.5;
            int intValue = std::max<int64_t>(0, std::min<int64_t>(0xFFFF, longValue));

            // Store LUT entry, little-endian order.
            packet->data[byteOffset++] = uint8_t(intValue);
            packet->data[byteOffset++] = uint8_t(intValue >> 8);
            if (byteOffset >= sizeof packet->data) {
                byteOffset = firstByteOffset;

    // Start asynchronously sending the LUT.
    submitTransfer(new Transfer(this, &mColorLUT, sizeof mColorLUT));
void FCDevice::writeFirmwareConfiguration()
    // Write mFirmwareConfig to the device
    submitTransfer(new Transfer(this, &mFirmwareConfig, sizeof mFirmwareConfig));
void FCDevice::writeColorCorrection(const Value &color)
     * Populate the color correction table based on a JSON configuration object,
     * and send the new color LUT out over USB.
     * 'color' may be 'null' to load an identity-mapped LUT, or it may be
     * a dictionary of options including 'gamma' and 'whitepoint'.
     * This calculates a compound curve with a linear section and a nonlinear
     * section. The linear section, near zero, avoids creating very low output
     * values that will cause distracting flicker when dithered. This isn't a problem
     * when the LEDs are viewed indirectly such that the flicker is below the threshold
     * of perception, but in cases where the flicker is a problem this linear section can
     * eliminate it entierly at the cost of some dynamic range.
     * By default, the linear section is disabled (linearCutoff is zero). To enable the
     * linear section, set linearCutoff to some nonzero value. A good starting point is
     * 1/256.0, correspnding to the lowest 8-bit PWM level.

    // Default color LUT parameters
    double gamma = 1.0;                         // Power for nonlinear portion of curve
    double whitepoint[3] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0};     // White-point RGB value (also, global brightness)
    double linearSlope = 1.0;                   // Slope (output / input) of linear section of the curve, near zero
    double linearCutoff = 0.0;                  // Y (output) coordinate of intersection of linear and nonlinear curves

     * Parse the JSON object

    if (color.IsObject()) {
        const Value &vGamma = color["gamma"];
        const Value &vWhitepoint = color["whitepoint"];
        const Value &vLinearSlope = color["linearSlope"];
        const Value &vLinearCutoff = color["linearCutoff"];

        if (vGamma.IsNumber()) {
            gamma = vGamma.GetDouble();
        } else if (!vGamma.IsNull() && mVerbose) {
            std::clog << "Gamma value must be a number.\n";

        if (vLinearSlope.IsNumber()) {
            linearSlope = vLinearSlope.GetDouble();
        } else if (!vLinearSlope.IsNull() && mVerbose) {
            std::clog << "Linear slope value must be a number.\n";

        if (vLinearCutoff.IsNumber()) {
            linearCutoff = vLinearCutoff.GetDouble();
        } else if (!vLinearCutoff.IsNull() && mVerbose) {
            std::clog << "Linear slope value must be a number.\n";

        if (vWhitepoint.IsArray() &&
            vWhitepoint.Size() == 3 &&
            vWhitepoint[0u].IsNumber() &&
            vWhitepoint[1].IsNumber() &&
            vWhitepoint[2].IsNumber()) {
            whitepoint[0] = vWhitepoint[0u].GetDouble();
            whitepoint[1] = vWhitepoint[1].GetDouble();
            whitepoint[2] = vWhitepoint[2].GetDouble();
        } else if (!vWhitepoint.IsNull() && mVerbose) {
            std::clog << "Whitepoint value must be a list of 3 numbers.\n";

    } else if (!color.IsNull() && mVerbose) {
        std::clog << "Color correction value must be a JSON dictionary object.\n";

     * Calculate the color LUT, stowing the result in an array of USB packets.

    Packet *packet = mColorLUT;
    const unsigned firstByteOffset = 1;  // Skip padding byte
    unsigned byteOffset = firstByteOffset;

    for (unsigned channel = 0; channel < 3; channel++) {
        for (unsigned entry = 0; entry < LUT_ENTRIES; entry++) {
            double output;

             * Normalized input value corresponding to this LUT entry.
             * Ranges from 0 to slightly higher than 1. (The last LUT entry
             * can't quite be reached.)
            double input = (entry << 8) / 65535.0;

            // Scale by whitepoint before anything else
            input *= whitepoint[channel];

            // Is this entry part of the linear section still?
            if (input * linearSlope <= linearCutoff) {

                // Output value is below linearCutoff. We're still in the linear portion of the curve
                output = input * linearSlope;

            } else {

                // Nonlinear portion of the curve. This starts right where the linear portion leaves
                // off. We need to avoid any discontinuity.

                double nonlinearInput = input - (linearSlope * linearCutoff);
                double scale = 1.0 - linearCutoff;
                output = linearCutoff + pow(nonlinearInput / scale, gamma) * scale;

            // Round to the nearest integer, and clamp. Overflow-safe.
            int64_t longValue = (output * 0xFFFF) + 0.5;
            int intValue = std::max<int64_t>(0, std::min<int64_t>(0xFFFF, longValue));

            // Store LUT entry, little-endian order.
            packet->data[byteOffset++] = uint8_t(intValue);
            packet->data[byteOffset++] = uint8_t(intValue >> 8);
            if (byteOffset >= sizeof packet->data) {
                byteOffset = firstByteOffset;

    // Start asynchronously sending the LUT.
    submitTransfer(new Transfer(this, &mColorLUT, sizeof mColorLUT));