	D3D11TextureCube::D3D11TextureCube(uint32_t size, uint32_t numMipMaps, uint32_t array_size, ElementFormat format,
						uint32_t sample_count, uint32_t sample_quality, uint32_t access_hint, ElementInitData const * init_data)
					: D3D11Texture(TT_Cube, sample_count, sample_quality, access_hint)
		if (0 == numMipMaps)
			num_mip_maps_ = 1;
			uint32_t w = size;
			while (w != 1)
				++ num_mip_maps_;

				w = std::max<uint32_t>(1U, w / 2);
			num_mip_maps_ = numMipMaps;

		D3D11RenderEngine const & re = *checked_cast<D3D11RenderEngine const *>(&Context::Instance().RenderFactoryInstance().RenderEngineInstance());
		if (re.DeviceFeatureLevel() <= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3)
			if ((num_mip_maps_ > 1) && ((size & (size - 1)) != 0))
				// height or width is not a power of 2 and multiple mip levels are specified. This is not supported at feature levels below 10.0.
				num_mip_maps_ = 1;

		array_size_ = array_size;
		format_		= format;
		widths_.assign(1, size);

		desc_.Width = size;
		desc_.Height = size;
		desc_.MipLevels = num_mip_maps_;
		desc_.ArraySize = 6 * array_size_;
		desc_.Format = D3D11Mapping::MappingFormat(format_);
		desc_.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
		desc_.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;

		this->GetD3DFlags(desc_.Usage, desc_.BindFlags, desc_.CPUAccessFlags, desc_.MiscFlags);

		std::vector<D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA> subres_data(6 * num_mip_maps_);
		if (init_data != nullptr)
			for (int face = 0; face < 6; ++ face)
				for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_mip_maps_; ++ i)
					subres_data[face * num_mip_maps_ + i].pSysMem = init_data[face * num_mip_maps_ + i].data;
					subres_data[face * num_mip_maps_ + i].SysMemPitch = init_data[face * num_mip_maps_ + i].row_pitch;
					subres_data[face * num_mip_maps_ + i].SysMemSlicePitch = init_data[face * num_mip_maps_ + i].slice_pitch;

		ID3D11Texture2D* d3d_tex;
		TIF(d3d_device_->CreateTexture2D(&desc_, (init_data != nullptr) ? &subres_data[0] : nullptr, &d3d_tex));
		d3dTextureCube_ = MakeCOMPtr(d3d_tex);


		if ((access_hint & (EAH_GPU_Read | EAH_Generate_Mips)) && (num_mip_maps_ > 1))
			this->RetriveD3DShaderResourceView(0, array_size_, 0, num_mip_maps_);
	D3D11Texture3D::D3D11Texture3D(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t depth, uint32_t numMipMaps, uint32_t array_size, ElementFormat format,
						uint32_t sample_count, uint32_t sample_quality, uint32_t access_hint, ElementInitData const * init_data)
					: D3D11Texture(TT_3D, sample_count, sample_quality, access_hint)
		BOOST_ASSERT(1 == array_size);

		if (0 == numMipMaps)
			num_mip_maps_ = 1;
			uint32_t w = width;
			uint32_t h = height;
			uint32_t d = depth;
			while ((w != 1) || (h != 1) || (d != 1))
				++ num_mip_maps_;

				w = std::max<uint32_t>(1U, w / 2);
				h = std::max<uint32_t>(1U, h / 2);
				d = std::max<uint32_t>(1U, d / 2);
			num_mip_maps_ = numMipMaps;

		D3D11RenderEngine const & re = *checked_cast<D3D11RenderEngine const *>(&Context::Instance().RenderFactoryInstance().RenderEngineInstance());
		if (re.DeviceFeatureLevel() <= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3)
			if ((num_mip_maps_ > 1) && (((width & (width - 1)) != 0) || ((height & (height - 1)) != 0) || ((depth & (depth - 1)) != 0)))
				// height or width is not a power of 2 and multiple mip levels are specified. This is not supported at feature levels below 10.0.
				num_mip_maps_ = 1;

		array_size_ = array_size;
		format_		= format;
		widths_.assign(1, width);
		heights_.assign(1, height);
		depthes_.assign(1, depth);

		desc_.Width = width;
		desc_.Height = height;
		desc_.Depth = depth;
		desc_.MipLevels = num_mip_maps_;
		desc_.Format = D3D11Mapping::MappingFormat(format_);

		this->GetD3DFlags(desc_.Usage, desc_.BindFlags, desc_.CPUAccessFlags, desc_.MiscFlags);

		std::vector<D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA> subres_data(num_mip_maps_);
		if (init_data != nullptr)
			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_mip_maps_; ++ i)
				subres_data[i].pSysMem = init_data[i].data;
				subres_data[i].SysMemPitch = init_data[i].row_pitch;
				subres_data[i].SysMemSlicePitch = init_data[i].slice_pitch;

		ID3D11Texture3D* d3d_tex;
		TIF(d3d_device_->CreateTexture3D(&desc_, (init_data != nullptr) ? &subres_data[0] : nullptr, &d3d_tex));
		d3dTexture3D_ = MakeCOMPtr(d3d_tex);


		if ((access_hint & (EAH_GPU_Read | EAH_Generate_Mips)) && (num_mip_maps_ > 1))
			this->RetriveD3DShaderResourceView(0, array_size_, 0, num_mip_maps_);