void HTMLTextFormControlElement::didEditInnerTextValue() { if (!isTextFormControl()) return; m_lastChangeWasUserEdit = true; subtreeHasChanged(); }
void HTMLTextFormControlElement::defaultEventHandler(Event* event) { if (event->type() == eventNames().webkitEditableContentChangedEvent && renderer() && renderer()->isTextControl()) { m_lastChangeWasUserEdit = true; subtreeHasChanged(); return; } HTMLFormControlElementWithState::defaultEventHandler(event); }
void HTMLTextFormControlElement::defaultEventHandler(Event* event) { if (event->type() == EventTypeNames::webkitEditableContentChanged && layoutObject() && layoutObject()->isTextControl()) { m_lastChangeWasUserEdit = !document().isRunningExecCommand(); subtreeHasChanged(); return; } HTMLFormControlElementWithState::defaultEventHandler(event); }
void HTMLTextFormControlElement::setRangeText(const String& replacement, unsigned start, unsigned end, const String& selectionMode, ExceptionState& exceptionState) { if (start > end) { exceptionState.throwDOMException(IndexSizeError, "The provided start value (" + String::number(start) + ") is larger than the provided end value (" + String::number(end) + ")."); return; } if (hasAuthorShadowRoot()) return; String text = innerTextValue(); unsigned textLength = text.length(); unsigned replacementLength = replacement.length(); unsigned newSelectionStart = selectionStart(); unsigned newSelectionEnd = selectionEnd(); start = std::min(start, textLength); end = std::min(end, textLength); if (start < end) text.replace(start, end - start, replacement); else text.insert(replacement, start); setInnerTextValue(text); // FIXME: What should happen to the value (as in value()) if there's no renderer? if (!renderer()) return; subtreeHasChanged(); if (equalIgnoringCase(selectionMode, "select")) { newSelectionStart = start; newSelectionEnd = start + replacementLength; } else if (equalIgnoringCase(selectionMode, "start")) newSelectionStart = newSelectionEnd = start; else if (equalIgnoringCase(selectionMode, "end")) newSelectionStart = newSelectionEnd = start + replacementLength; else { // Default is "preserve". long delta = replacementLength - (end - start); if (newSelectionStart > end) newSelectionStart += delta; else if (newSelectionStart > start) newSelectionStart = start; if (newSelectionEnd > end) newSelectionEnd += delta; else if (newSelectionEnd > start) newSelectionEnd = start + replacementLength; } setSelectionRange(newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd, SelectionHasNoDirection); }
void HTMLTextFormControlElement::setRangeText(const String& replacement, unsigned start, unsigned end, const String& selectionMode, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (start > end) { ec = INDEX_SIZE_ERR; return; } String text = innerTextValue(); unsigned textLength = text.length(); unsigned replacementLength = replacement.length(); unsigned newSelectionStart = selectionStart(); unsigned newSelectionEnd = selectionEnd(); start = std::min(start, textLength); end = std::min(end, textLength); if (start < end) text.replace(start, end - start, replacement); else text.insert(replacement, start); setInnerTextValue(text); // FIXME: What should happen to the value (as in value()) if there's no renderer? if (!renderer()) return; subtreeHasChanged(); if (equalIgnoringCase(selectionMode, "select")) { newSelectionStart = start; newSelectionEnd = start + replacementLength; } else if (equalIgnoringCase(selectionMode, "start")) newSelectionStart = newSelectionEnd = start; else if (equalIgnoringCase(selectionMode, "end")) newSelectionStart = newSelectionEnd = start + replacementLength; else { // Default is "preserve". long delta = replacementLength - (end - start); if (newSelectionStart > end) newSelectionStart += delta; else if (newSelectionStart > start) newSelectionStart = start; if (newSelectionEnd > end) newSelectionEnd += delta; else if (newSelectionEnd > start) newSelectionEnd = start + replacementLength; } setSelectionRange(newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd, SelectionHasNoDirection); }