/* ******************************************************************************** */
void getInitialGuess(double *x0, double *lambda, double *G, int **AT, int **A, 
		     int numSS, int numTotal, double PerturbScale, 
		     unsigned long rand_seed) {
    Calculates an initial guess for lambda such that the maximum mole
    fraction calculated will not give an overflow error and the
    objective function $-g(\lambda)$ will be positive.  It is best to
    have a positive objective function because when the objective
    function is negative, it tends to be very close to zero and there
    are precision issues.

    We assume all the lambda's have the same value in the initial condition.
    We compute the maximal lambda such that all mole fractions of all complexes
    are below some maximum.

  int i,j; // Counters
  double MaxLogx; // maximum log of the mole fraction allowed
  double LambdaVal; // Possible values of lambda s.t. conc is exp(MaxLogx).
  double NewLambdaVal; // Same as LambdaVal
  double tG;

  MaxLogx = 1.0;  // Maximum mole fraction is ~3

  LambdaVal = (MaxLogx + G[0]) / sumint(AT[0],numSS);
  for (j = 1; j < numTotal; j++) {
    NewLambdaVal = (MaxLogx + G[j]) / sumint(AT[j],numSS);
    if (NewLambdaVal < LambdaVal) {
      LambdaVal = NewLambdaVal;

  for (i = 0; i < numSS; i++) {
    lambda[i] = LambdaVal;

  // Perturb Lambda if desired
  if (rand_seed != 0) {

  // If we already know concentration (ss species is inert), set lambda
  for (i = 0; i < numSS; i++) {
    if (sumint(A[i],numTotal) == 1) {
      tG = G[FindNonZero(A[i],numTotal)];
      lambda[i] = log(x0[i]) + tG;

/* ******************************************************************************** */
double ReadInputFiles(int ***A, double **G, int **CompIDArray, int **PermIDArray, 
                      double **x0, int *numSS, int *numSS0, int *numTotal, 
                      int *numPermsArray, char *cxFile, char *conFile, double *kT, 
                      int Toverride, char  *logFile, char  *eqFile, 
                      char *fpairsFile, int quiet, int WriteLogFile, int DoBPfracs,
                      int NoPermID) {
    If one of the entries in the con file is zero, the problem is
    reformulated as if that strand does not exist.

    The input is stored in the arrays A, G, and x0.  A[i][j] is the
    number of monomers of type i in complex j.  G[j] is the free
    energy of complex j IN UNITS OF kT.  x0[i] is the initial mole
    fraction of monomer species i.

    The arrays CompIDArray and PermIDArray store the corresponding
    complex IDs and Permutation IDs for the entries loaded in the A
    and G.


  int i,j,k; // Counters
  struct CompStruct *InputStruct; // Struct we store the input in.
  char line[MAXLINE]; // A line from a file
  char *tok; // Token
  char tokseps[] = " \t\n"; // Token separators
  int nSS; // Local number of single species
  int cTotal; // Local number of complexes
  int ComplexID; // Complex ID for the line of imput file we are considering
  int *nonzerox0; // Identities of strands that are not zero in ccon
  int *zerox0; // The identities of strands that are set to zero in ccon
  int **newA; // The matrix A for the reformulated problem with zero ccon's taken out
  int *newCompIDArray; // The comp ID's for the reformulated problem
  int *newPermIDArray; // The perm ID's for the reformulated problem
  double *newG; // Free energies for reformulated prob. with zero ccon's taken out
  double *newx0; // Mole fractions of single species with zero ccon's taken out
  long double *Q; // Partition functions for complexes
  long double addQ; // A summand in the sum representing Q.
  double Gperm; // free energy of a given permutation
  int newnumTotal; // New number of complexes after zero ccon's are removed
  int newnumSS; // New number of single strands after zero ccon's are removed
  int notOK; // Whether or not an entry in A can be kept if there are zero ccon's
  int noPerms; // noPerms = 1 if permutations are not explicitly considered
  int LineOK; // = 1 is the next line in the file is not NULL
  double MolesWaterPerLiter; // Moles of water per liter
  FILE *fp; // Handle for files we open
  FILE *fpfpairs=0, *fplog=0, *fpeq=0; // file handles for fpairs, log and eq files

  // Rename these just so we don't have to use cumbersome pointers
  nSS = *numSS;
  cTotal = *numTotal;

  // Record the number of monomer types including those with zero conc.
  *numSS0 = nSS;

  // Find out if we need to explicitly consider permutations
  if (sumint(numPermsArray,cTotal) > cTotal) {
    noPerms = 0;
  else {
    noPerms = 1;

  // Allocate memory for A, G, and x0
  *A = (int **) malloc(nSS * sizeof(int *));
  for (i = 0; i < nSS; i++) {
    (*A)[i] = (int *) malloc(cTotal * sizeof(int));
  *G = (double *) malloc(cTotal * sizeof(double));
  *CompIDArray = (int *) malloc(cTotal * sizeof(int));
  *PermIDArray = (int *) malloc(cTotal * sizeof(int));
  // For this PermIDArray is all zeros
  for (j = 0; j < cTotal; j++) {
    (*PermIDArray)[j] = 0;
  *x0 = (double *) malloc(nSS * sizeof(double));

  // Allocate memory for the struct
  InputStruct = (struct CompStruct *) malloc(cTotal * sizeof(struct CompStruct));
  for (j = 0; j < cTotal; j++) {
    InputStruct[j].Aj = (int *) malloc (nSS * sizeof(int));
  // Allocate memory for the partition functions and initialize
  // We do this even if noPerms == 1 so the compiler doesn't give a warning when
  // optimization if turned on.
  Q = (long double *) malloc (cTotal * sizeof(long double));
  for (j = 0; j < cTotal; j++) {
    Q[j] = 0.0;

  /* ************ Read in intial concentrations ********************* */
  // Open the con file
  if ((fp = fopen(conFile,"r")) == NULL) {
    if (quiet == 0) {
      printf("Error in opening file %s!\n",conFile);

  i = 0;
  while (fgets(line,MAXLINE,fp) != NULL) {
    if (line[0] != '%' && line[0] != '\0' && line[0] != '\n') {
      // Read in the initial concentration
      tok = strtok(line,tokseps);
      (*x0)[i] = str2double(tok);

  /* *************************************************************** */

  /* *********** Write information to log and eq files ************* */
  // Write to log file
  if (WriteLogFile) {
    if ((fplog = fopen(logFile,"a")) == NULL) {
      if (quiet == 0) {
        printf("Error opening %s.\n\nExiting....\n",logFile);
    for (i = 0; i < nSS; i++) {
      fprintf(fplog,"       %d: %8.6e Molar\n",i+1,(*x0)[i]);
    fprintf(fplog,"%% Following is the header from the input file (%s):\n",cxFile);
    fprintf(fplog,"%%\n"); // Extra blank comment line to separate comments

  // Write to eq file
  if ((fpeq = fopen(eqFile,"a")) == NULL) {
    if (quiet == 0) {
      printf("Error opening %s.\n\nExiting....\n",eqFile);
  for (i = 0; i < nSS; i++) {
    fprintf(fpeq,"%%   %d: %8.6e Molar\n",i+1,(*x0)[i]);

  if (Toverride == 1) {
    fprintf(fpeq,"%% User supplied temperature of %g\n",(*kT)/kB - ZERO_C_IN_KELVIN);
  fprintf(fpeq,"%% Following is the header from the input file (%s):\n%%\n",cxFile);
  fprintf(fpeq,"%%\n"); // Extra blank line to separate comments

  // Write to fpairs file
  if (DoBPfracs) {
    if ((fpfpairs = fopen(fpairsFile,"a")) == NULL) {
      if (quiet == 0) {
        printf("Error opening %s.\n\nExiting....\n",fpairsFile);
    for (i = 0; i < nSS; i++) {
      fprintf(fpfpairs,"%%   %d: %8.6e Molar\n",i+1,(*x0)[i]);
    fprintf(fpfpairs,"%% Following is the header from the input file (%s):\n",cxFile);
    fprintf(fpfpairs,"%%\n"); // Extra blank comment line to separate comments
  /* *************************************************************** */

  /* ************** Read in A, free energy, and complex IDs ******** */
  // Open the cx file
  if ((fp = fopen(cxFile,"r")) == NULL) {
    if (quiet == 0) {
      printf("Error in opening file %s!\n",cxFile);

  // Blow through comments and blank lines and pull out the new kT if necessary
  while (fgets(line,MAXLINE,fp) != NULL && 
         (line[0] == '%' || line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == '\n')) {

    // Print comment line to output files
    if (WriteLogFile) {
    if (DoBPfracs) {

    if (Toverride == 0) {
      if (line[0] == '%' && line[1] == ' ' && line[2] == 'T' && line[3] == ' '
          && line[4] == '=' && line[5] == ' ') { // This is line with temperature data
        tok = strtok(line,tokseps); // tok = '%'
        tok = strtok(NULL,tokseps); // tok = 'T'
        tok = strtok(NULL,tokseps); // tok = '='
        tok = strtok(NULL,tokseps); // This is the temperature
        *kT = kB*(str2double(tok) +  ZERO_C_IN_KELVIN);

  // Close output files
  if (WriteLogFile) {
  if (DoBPfracs) {

  // Build A and Free Energy.
  LineOK = 1;
  while (LineOK == 1) {
    if (line[0] == '%') { // If it's a comment, print it to output file
    else if (line[0] != '%' && line[0] != '\0' && line[0] != '\n') {
      // Get the complex ID
      tok = strtok(line,tokseps);  // Complex ID
      ComplexID = atoi(tok) - 1;
      InputStruct[ComplexID].CompID = ComplexID + 1;
      // Permutation number
      if (NoPermID == 0) {
        tok = strtok(NULL,tokseps);
      // Pull out column of A corresponding to complex (this is done redundantly)
      for (i = 0; i < nSS; i++) {
        if ((tok = strtok(NULL,tokseps)) != NULL) {
          InputStruct[ComplexID].Aj[i] = atoi(tok);
        else {
          if (quiet == 0) {
            printf("Error in input file!\n\nExiting....\n");
      // Enter the free energy
      if ((tok = strtok(NULL,tokseps)) != NULL) {
        Gperm = str2double(tok)/(*kT);
        if (noPerms) {
          InputStruct[ComplexID].FreeEnergy = Gperm;
        else {
          if ((addQ = expl(-((long double) Gperm))) >= HUGE_VAL){
            if (quiet == 0) {
              printf("Free energies of complexes are too high for calculation\n");
              printf("including permutations.  Reformat the problem such that each\n");
              printf("complex has its own free energy (no permutations).\n\n");
          else {
            Q[ComplexID] += addQ;
      else {
        if (quiet == 0) {
          printf("Error in input file!\n\nExiting....\n");
      // Put numSS in just because we have to for qsort
      InputStruct[ComplexID].numSS = nSS;
    // Read in the next line
    if (fgets(line,MAXLINE,fp) == NULL) {
      LineOK = 0;

  // Close eq file

  // Compute and enter free energies
  if (noPerms == 0) {
    for (j = 0; j < cTotal; j++) {
      InputStruct[j].FreeEnergy = -(double) logl(Q[j]);
  /* *************************************************************** */

  // Make the matrix A and free energy G and the complex ID list
  for (j = 0; j < cTotal; j++) {
    for (i = 0; i < nSS; i++) {
      (*A)[i][j] = InputStruct[j].Aj[i];
    (*G)[j] = InputStruct[j].FreeEnergy;
    (*CompIDArray)[j] = InputStruct[j].CompID;

  // Free the struct
  for (j = 0; j < cTotal; j++) {

  // Free the partition functions
  // Do a quick check of the free energies.  If any are > 0, it's likely there's
  // an input error.  Let the user know if this is the case.
  if (quiet == 0) {
    j = 0;
    while (j < cTotal && (*G)[j] <= 0.0001) {
    if (j < cTotal) {
      printf("\n\nWarning: At least one free energy is > 0.\n");
      printf("It is likely there is an input error.\n");
      printf("If there is such an error, the the program will still run\n");
      printf("normally and give results, which may be nonsensical.\n");
      printf("If your input file suffix is .cx, .cx-epairs, or .cx-mfe,\n");
      printf("there should be no ordered complex identifier in the input file.\n");

  /* ************** BEGIN    REFORMATTING PROBLEM *********************** */
     This section of the code reformats the problem if there are zero
     entries in the con file.  I.e., if there is a variable whose
     initial concentration is entered as zero, the problem is
     reformulated as if that strand doesn't exist and if a complex
     cannot be formed, the problem is reformulated as if it doesn't
     exist.  Arrays are reallocated to the adjusted size of the
  zerox0 = (int *) malloc(nSS * sizeof(int));
  nonzerox0 = (int *) malloc(nSS * sizeof(int));

  // Check to see if any of the concentrations are zero.  If so, 
  // reformulate the problem accordingly.
  j = 0;  // How many entries are zero
  k = 0;  // How many entries are nonzero
  for (i = 0; i < nSS; i++) {
    if ((*x0)[i] <= DBL_MIN) {
      zerox0[j] = i;
    else {
      nonzerox0[k] = i;

  if (j > 0) { // Have to reformulate
    newnumSS = nSS - j;

    // First count how many entries we have.  notOK = 1 if complex contains something
    // with zero initial concentration
    newnumTotal = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < cTotal; j++) {
      notOK = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < nSS-newnumSS; i++) {
        if ((*A)[zerox0[i]][j] > 0) {
          notOK = 1;
      if (notOK == 0) {

    // Allocate memory for new arrays
    newA = (int **) malloc(newnumSS * sizeof(int *));
    for (i = 0; i < newnumSS; i++) {
      newA[i] = (int *) malloc(newnumTotal * sizeof(int));
    newG =  (double *) malloc(newnumTotal * sizeof(double));
    newx0 = (double *) malloc(newnumSS * sizeof(double));
    newCompIDArray = (int *) malloc(newnumTotal * sizeof(int));
    newPermIDArray = (int *) malloc(newnumTotal * sizeof(int));
    // Put in the new x0
    for (i = 0; i < newnumSS; i++) {
      newx0[i] = (*x0)[nonzerox0[i]];
    // Go through and pick out the entries to keep
    k = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < cTotal; j++) {
      notOK = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < nSS-newnumSS; i++) {
        if ((*A)[zerox0[i]][j] > 0) {
          notOK = 1;
      if (notOK == 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < newnumSS; i++) {
          newA[i][k] = (*A)[nonzerox0[i]][j];
        newG[k] = (*G)[j];
        newCompIDArray[k] = (*CompIDArray)[j];
        newPermIDArray[k] = (*PermIDArray)[j];
    // Change names of "new" variables
    // Rename newA
    for (i = 0; i < nSS; i++) {
    *A = (int **) malloc(newnumSS * sizeof(int *));
    for (i = 0; i < newnumSS; i++) {
      (*A)[i] = (int *) malloc(newnumTotal * sizeof(int *));
      for (j = 0; j < newnumTotal; j++) {
        (*A)[i][j] = newA[i][j];
    // Rename newG
    *G = (double *) malloc(newnumTotal * sizeof(double));
    for (j = 0; j < newnumTotal; j++) {
      (*G)[j] = newG[j];
    // Rename CompIDArray
    *CompIDArray = (int *) malloc(newnumTotal * sizeof(int));
    *PermIDArray = (int *) malloc(newnumTotal * sizeof(int));
    for (j = 0; j < newnumTotal; j++) {
      (*CompIDArray)[j] = newCompIDArray[j];
      (*PermIDArray)[j] = newPermIDArray[j];
    // Rename newx0
    (*x0) = (double *) malloc(newnumSS * sizeof(double));
    for (i = 0; i < newnumSS; i++) {
      (*x0)[i] = newx0[i];
    // Rename numTotal and numSS
    *numTotal = newnumTotal;
    *numSS = newnumSS;
  /* ************** FINISHED REFORMATTING PROBLEM *********************** */

  // Calculate molarity of water and convert appropriate quantities to the right units
  MolesWaterPerLiter = WaterDensity((*kT)/kB - ZERO_C_IN_KELVIN);
  for (i = 0; i < (*numSS); i++) {
    (*x0)[i] /= MolesWaterPerLiter;

  return MolesWaterPerLiter;

{  /*lint --e{715}*/

	SCIP_PROBDATA*	probdata;
   SCIP_VAR**	cands;
   int	ncands;
	SCIP_NODE*	childnode_0;		/* z_j = 0 */
	SCIP_NODE*	childnode_1;		/* z_j = 1 */

	/* probdata */
	int	p;
	int	ndep;
	SCIP_VAR**	var_z;		/* [p] 01 variables */

	/* "_" means the matrix for blas */
	SCIP_Real*	orig_Q_;		/* [p*p] <- (X^t) X */
	SCIP_Real*	orig_q;		/* [p]   <- (X^t) y */
	SCIP_Real	r;

	int*	Mdep;					/* [ndep] */
	int*	groupX;				/* [ndep*p] */

	int	dim;
	SCIP_Real	RSS;			/* residual sum of square */
	SCIP_Real	RSS_new;
	SCIP_Real*	a;				/* [dim] */

	int	ublb;
	int	*Branchz;			/* [3*p] */
	int	*Branchz_new;		/* [3*p] */

	SCIP_Real*	Q_;	/* sub matrix of orig_Q_ */
	SCIP_Real*	Xy;	/* sub vector of orig_q */ 

	int*	list;			/* list of candidate variables */

	int	i,j,t,memo,ct;
	int	ind;
	int	dpv;

	printf("[myfullstrong brnaching]");

   /* get branching rule data */
   SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA* branchruledata;
   branchruledata = SCIPbranchruleGetData(branchrule);
   assert(branchruledata != NULL);
	/* get problem data*/
	probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

	p	=	SCIPprobdataGetNexvars(probdata);
	ndep	=	SCIPprobdataGetNdep(probdata);

	orig_Q_	=	SCIPprobdataGetQ(probdata);
	orig_q	=	SCIPprobdataGetq(probdata);
	r	=	SCIPprobdataGetr(probdata);
	var_z		=	SCIPprobdataGetVars_z(probdata);

	if( ndep ){
		Mdep		=	SCIPprobdataGetMdep(probdata);
		groupX	=	SCIPprobdataGetgroupX(probdata);
		Mdep		=	NULL;
		groupX	=	NULL;

	/* alloc */
	SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &list, p));
	SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &Branchz, 3*p));
	SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &Branchz_new, 3*p));

	GenerateZeroVecInt( p, list);
	GenerateZeroVecInt( 3*p, Branchz);

   /* get pseudo candidates (non-fixed integer variables) */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetPseudoBranchCands(scip, &cands, NULL, &ncands) );
	for(i=0; i<ncands; i++){
		for(j=0; j<p; j++){
			if( cands[i]==var_z[j] ){
				list[j] = 1;

	printintv( p, list);

	/* get branching info */
	for(i=0; i<p; ++i){
		ublb					=	SCIPround(scip, SCIPcomputeVarUbLocal(scip, var_z[i]) 
								+	SCIPcomputeVarLbLocal(scip, var_z[i]));
		*(Branchz+(ublb*p)+i) 	= 	1;

	for(i=0; i<3; i++){
		for(j=0; j<p; j++){
			printf("%d, ", *(Branchz+(i*p)+j));
	RSS = -1.0;
	ind = -1;

	for(i=0; i<p; i++){

		/* copy */
		for(j=0; j<(3*p); j++){
			Branchz_new[j] = Branchz[j];

		 * solve 
		 *   Q a = Xy

		if( list[i] == 1 ){

			Branchz_new[i] = 1;
			Branchz_new[p+i] = 0;
			if( ndep ){
				for(t=0; t<ndep; t++){
					memo = -1; 
					for(j=0; j<p; j++){
						if( *(groupX+(t*p)+j)==1 ){
							if( Branchz_new[j]==1 ) break;
							if( Branchz_new[p+j]==1 ) memo=j;
							if( j==Mdep[t] ){
								if( memo==-1 ){
									printf("error in branch_myfullstrong.c\n");
								*(Branchz_new+p+memo) = 0;
								*(Branchz_new+memo) = 1;

			dim = p - sumint( &Branchz_new[0], p);
			/* alloc */
			SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray( scip, &a, dim));
			SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray( scip, &Q_, dim*dim));
			SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray( scip, &Xy, dim));

			/* generate Q and Xy */
			/* Q */
			ct = 0;
			for(j=0; j<p; j++){
				if( (Branchz_new[j]==0) && (j != i) ){
					for(t=0; t<p; t++){
						if( (Branchz_new[t]==0) && (t != i ) ){
							Q_[ct++] = mat_( orig_Q_, p, j, t);

			if( ct != (dim*dim) ){
				printf("error in branch_myfullstrong.c\n");

			/* Xy */
			ct = 0;
			for(j=0; j<p; j++){
				if( (Branchz_new[j]==0) && (j != i) ){
					Xy[ct++] = orig_q[j];

			if( ct != dim ){
				printf("error in branch_myfullstrong.c\n");

			dpv = _dposv_( Q_, Xy, dim, a);

			if( dpv == 0 ){
				/* test */
				RSS_new = RSSvalue( dim, a, Xy, r);
				if( RSS_new > RSS ){
					RSS = RSS_new;
					ind = i;
				printf("%d: RSS = %f\n", i, RSS_new);

			/* free */
			SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &Q_);
			SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &Xy);
			SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &a);


	printf("max->%dth var. \n", ind);

	if( ind == -1 ){
		/* free */
		SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &list);
		SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &Branchz);
		SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &Branchz_new);

   	*result = SCIP_DIDNOTRUN;
		return SCIP_OKAY;

	SCIP_CALL( SCIPbranchVar( scip, var_z[ind], &childnode_0, NULL, &childnode_1));

	/* free */
	SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &list);
	SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &Branchz);
	SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &Branchz_new);

   *result = SCIP_BRANCHED;

   return SCIP_OKAY;