Result OpenProcessByName(const char *name, Handle *h) { u32 pidList[0x40]; s32 processCount; svcGetProcessList(&processCount, pidList, 0x40); Handle dstProcessHandle = 0; for(s32 i = 0; i < processCount; i++) { Handle processHandle; Result res = svcOpenProcess(&processHandle, pidList[i]); if(R_FAILED(res)) continue; char procName[8] = {0}; svcGetProcessInfo((s64 *)procName, processHandle, 0x10000); if(strncmp(procName, name, 8) == 0) dstProcessHandle = processHandle; else svcCloseHandle(processHandle); } if(dstProcessHandle == 0) return -1; *h = dstProcessHandle; return 0; }
static u32 ProcessPatchesMenu_PatchUnpatchProcessByName(const char *name, Result (*func)(u32 size)) { Result res; Handle processHandle; OpenProcessByName(name, &processHandle); s64 textTotalRoundedSize = 0, startAddress = 0; svcGetProcessInfo(&textTotalRoundedSize, processHandle, 0x10002); // only patch .text svcGetProcessInfo(&startAddress, processHandle, 0x10005); if(R_FAILED(res = svcMapProcessMemoryEx(processHandle, 0x00100000, (u32) startAddress, textTotalRoundedSize))) return res; res = func(textTotalRoundedSize); svcUnmapProcessMemoryEx(processHandle, 0x00100000, textTotalRoundedSize); return res; }
void SysConfigMenu_ToggleWireless(void) { Draw_Lock(); Draw_ClearFramebuffer(); Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); bool nwmRunning = false; u32 pidList[0x40]; s32 processAmount; svcGetProcessList(&processAmount, pidList, 0x40); for(s32 i = 0; i < processAmount; i++) { Handle processHandle; Result res = svcOpenProcess(&processHandle, pidList[i]); if(R_FAILED(res)) continue; char processName[8] = {0}; svcGetProcessInfo((s64 *)&processName, processHandle, 0x10000); svcCloseHandle(processHandle); if(!strncmp(processName, "nwm", 4)) { nwmRunning = true; break; } } do { Draw_Lock(); Draw_DrawString(10, 10, COLOR_TITLE, "System configuration menu"); Draw_DrawString(10, 30, COLOR_WHITE, "Press A to toggle, press B to go back."); u8 wireless = (*(vu8 *)((0x10140000 | (1u << 31)) + 0x180)); if(nwmRunning) { Draw_DrawString(10, 50, COLOR_WHITE, "Current status:"); Draw_DrawString(100, 50, (wireless ? COLOR_GREEN : COLOR_RED), (wireless ? " ON " : " OFF")); } else { Draw_DrawString(10, 50, COLOR_RED, "NWM isn't running."); Draw_DrawString(10, 60, COLOR_RED, "If you're currently on Test Menu,"); Draw_DrawString(10, 70, COLOR_RED, "exit then press R+RIGHT to toggle the WiFi."); Draw_DrawString(10, 80, COLOR_RED, "Otherwise, simply exit and wait a few seconds."); } Draw_FlushFramebuffer(); Draw_Unlock(); u32 pressed = waitInputWithTimeout(1000); if(pressed & BUTTON_A && nwmRunning) { nwmExtInit(); NWMEXT_ControlWirelessEnabled(!wireless); nwmExtExit(); } else if(pressed & BUTTON_B) return; } while(!terminationRequest); }