/// show(): Generates the SVG drawing output file for each pedigree.
void DrawingCanvas::show(const char* filename){
	// If label and/or icon legends are present
	// readjust the x and y extents:
	if(_labelSet->getNumberOfLabels() != 0 || _iconLegendFlag){ 
		_xMinimum -= _labelLegend.getWidth();
		double height = _labelLegend.getHeight();
		if(_iconLegendFlag) height += _iconLegend.getHeight();
		if(height > getYRange()) {
			_yMaximum += (height - getYRange());
	// Only set the header now because at this point the
	// true x and y extents (width and height) are known:
	// Add the legends:
	std::ofstream svgfile(filename);
		svgfile << _header.str() << std::endl;
		// 2009.05.21.ET:
		// Dump the bottommost layer (for curved connectors)
		svgfile << " <g id=\"bottomLayer" << "\" class=\"layer\" >\n";
		svgfile << _bottomLayer.str() << std::endl;
		svgfile << " </g>\n";
		for(unsigned i=0;i<_layers.size();i++){
			svgfile << _layers[i] << std::endl;
		svgfile << _body.str()   << std::endl;
		svgfile << _footer.str() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Unable to open file " << filename << std::endl;
/// show(): Generates the SVG drawing output file for each pedigree.
void DrawingCanvas::show(const char* filename){
	// DEBUG:
	//std::cout << _header << std::endl;
	// Show the layers before the body
	//for(unsigned i=0;i<_layers.size();i++)
	//	std::cout << _layers[i] << std::endl;
	//std::cout << _body << std::endl;
	//std::cout << _footer << std::endl;
	// Write to file with name : pedigree_id+".xml"
	// If label and/or icon legends are present
	// readjust the x and y extents:
	if(_labelSet->getNumberOfLabels() != 0 || _iconLegendFlag){ 
		_xMinimum -= _labelLegend.getWidth();
		double height = _labelLegend.getHeight();
		if(_iconLegendFlag) height += _iconLegend.getHeight();
		if(height > getYRange()) {
			_yMaximum += (height - getYRange());
	// Only set the header now because at this point the
	// true x and y extents (width and height) are known:
	// Add the legends:
	std::ofstream svgfile(filename);
		svgfile << _header.str() << std::endl;
		for(unsigned i=0;i<_layers.size();i++){
			svgfile << _layers[i] << std::endl;
		svgfile << _body.str()   << std::endl;
		svgfile << _footer.str() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Unable to open file " << filename << std::endl;
SvgItem::SvgItem(View *parent, const QString &file)
  : ViewItem(parent) {

  if (!file.isNull()) {
    _svg = new QSvgRenderer(file);
    QFile svgfile(file);
    if (svgfile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
      while (!svgfile.atEnd()) {
  } else {
    _svg = new QSvgRenderer();
SvgItem::SvgItem(View *parent, const QString &file)
  : ViewItem(parent) {

  if (!file.isNull()) {
    _svg = new QSvgRenderer(file);
    QFile svgfile(file);
    if (svgfile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
      while (!svgfile.atEnd()) {
  } else {
    _svg = new QSvgRenderer();
  //FIXME need to set the element id??
void Enumerator::svg_output() {
	std::ofstream svgfile("result.svg");

	double xmin = 99999, ymin = 99999;
	double xmax = 0, ymax = 0;

	for (auto part : best_partition) {
		for (auto p : part) {
			xmin = std::min(xmin, p.X);
			xmax = std::max(xmax, p.X);
			ymin = std::min(ymin, p.Y);
			ymax = std::max(ymax, p.Y);

	xmin -= 2; ymin -= 2; xmax += 2; ymax += 2;
	double scale = 20;
	int pointsize = (int) ceil(std::max((xmax-xmin)/10.,(ymax-ymin)/10.));

	svgfile << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"	\"http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd\">" << std::endl;
	svgfile << "<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" width=\"960\" height=\"700\" viewBox = \""
		<< scale*xmin << " " << scale*ymin << " " << scale*(xmax - xmin) << " " << scale*(ymax - ymin)
		<< "\" preserveAspectRatio = \"xMidYMid meet\">" << std::endl;
	//svgfile << "<rect x = \"0\" y = \"0\" width = \"500\" height = \"500\" style = \"stroke:black;stroke-width:3;fill:white\"/>" << std::endl;

	for (unsigned int part = 0; part < best_partition.size(); ++part) {
		auto cen = best_sites[part];
		svgfile << "<circle cx = \"" << scale * cen.X << "\" cy = \"" << scale * cen.Y << "\" r = \""
			<< pointsize << "\" style = \"fill:green\" />" << std::endl;
		for (auto p : best_partition[part]) {
			svgfile << "<line x1=\"" << scale * p.X << "\" y1=\"" << scale*p.Y << "\" x2=\"" << scale * cen.X << "\" y2=\"" << scale * cen.Y
				<< "\" style=\"stroke:#aaa; stroke-width:"<< pointsize <<"; \" stroke-dasharray=\"1, 1\"/>";
			svgfile << "<circle cx = \"" << scale * p.X << "\" cy = \"" << scale*p.Y << "\" r = \""
				<< pointsize << "\" style = \"fill:red\" />" << std::endl;

	svgfile << "</svg>";