	bool doSwap() const
		// Get parent dir
		auto dir = archive_->dir(path_);
		if (dir)
			return dir->swapEntries(index1_, index2_);
		return false;
static void shuffleVector(std::vector<T> &v, unsigned int start, unsigned int end)
    for (unsigned int i = start + 1; i < end; i++)
        unsigned int range = i - start;
        unsigned int j = ((unsigned int) (start + (range * ((double)rand()/RAND_MAX)))) % range;
        swapEntries(v, i, j);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Swaps [entry1] and [entry2].
// Returns false if either entry is invalid or if both entries are not in the
// same directory, true otherwise
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Archive::swapEntries(ArchiveEntry* entry1, ArchiveEntry* entry2)
	// Abort if read only
	if (read_only_)
		return false;

	// Check both entries
	if (!checkEntry(entry1) || !checkEntry(entry2))
		return false;

	// Check neither entry is locked
	if (entry1->isLocked() || entry2->isLocked())
		return false;

	// Get their directory
	auto dir = entry1->parentDir();

	// Error if no dir
	if (!dir)
		return false;

	// Check they are both in the same directory
	if (entry2->parentDir() != dir)
		Log::error("Can't swap two entries in different directories");
		return false;

	// Get entry indices
	int i1 = dir->entryIndex(entry1);
	int i2 = dir->entryIndex(entry2);

	// Check indices
	if (i1 < 0 || i2 < 0)
		return false;

	// Create undo step
	if (UndoRedo::currentlyRecording())
		UndoRedo::currentManager()->recordUndoStep(std::make_unique<EntrySwapUS>(dir, i1, i2));

	// Swap entries
	dir->swapEntries(i1, i2);

	// Announce the swap

	// Set modified

	// Return success
	return true;
void HexMC1Player::Move(HexBoard &board, HexColor turn, unsigned int &row, unsigned int &col)
    clock_t tStart = clock();
    const unsigned int nTrials = 1000;
    // keep track of best play and best score
    int bestScore = -1;
    unsigned int bestPlay;
    // obtain the currently open cells
    HexCellSet hcs;
    board.GetCells(hcs, HEXBLANK);
    unsigned int nCells = hcs.size();
    // shuffle cells to examine them in random order
    shuffleVector(hcs, 0, nCells);   
    // precompute the order of moves during simulation
    HexColor turns[2];
    turns[0] = turn;
    turns[1] = ((turn == HEXBLUE) ? HEXRED : HEXBLUE);    
    // now evaluate each cell in turn
    for (unsigned int iCell = 0; iCell < nCells; iCell++)
        // make a working copy of the cell set
        HexCellSet hcsCopy(hcs);
        // store away the current cell by swapping with last cell
        swapEntries(hcsCopy, iCell, nCells - 1);
        // run MC simulation
        int nWins = 0;
        for (unsigned int iTrial = 0; iTrial < nTrials; iTrial++)
            // shuffle the first n-1 entries (keeping the current cell safely at the end)
            // to randomize the order in which cells are played in simulation
            shuffleVector(hcsCopy, 0, nCells-1);
            // make a copy of the board to run simulated game
            HexBoard boardCopy(board);
            // alternate turns until board is full (until no more cells to play)
            for (unsigned int iTurn = 0; iTurn < nCells; iTurn++)
                // for the first move, play the cell currently under evaluation,
                // which is stored at the end of the vector.
                // for subsequent moves, play each cell in succession, starting from 0th cell
                unsigned int thisMove = ((iTurn == 0) ? (nCells - 1) : (iTurn - 1));
                HexColor thisColor = turns[iTurn % 2];
                boardCopy.SetColor(hcsCopy[thisMove].row, hcsCopy[thisMove].col, thisColor);                
            // find out who won this simulated game
            HexColor winner = boardCopy.Winner();
            // if we won, update stats
            if (winner == turn)
        if (nWins > bestScore)
            bestScore = nWins;
            bestPlay = iCell;
            if (nWins == nTrials)
                // if this cell won all its trials, then play it
    // return the best play we found
    clock_t tEnd = clock();
    clock_t tElapsed = (tEnd - tStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    std::cout << "Time elapsed: " << tElapsed << "(secs) \n";
    row = hcs[bestPlay].row;
    col = hcs[bestPlay].col;