int swill_checkuser() { String *auths; String *userpw; int ch; char *auth; if (!SwillUsers) return 1; auth = swill_getheader("authorization"); if (!auth) { return 0; } auths = NewString(auth); Seek(auths, 0, SEEK_SET); do { ch = Getc(auths); } while ((ch != EOF) && (ch != ' ')); userpw = NewString(""); swill_base64_decode(auths,userpw); if (Getattr(SwillUsers,userpw)) { Delete(auths); Delete(userpw); return 1; } Delete(auths); Delete(userpw); return 0; }
// Terminates connection to the embedded web-server. void terminate(FILE *f, sqlite3 *db) { char response_type[50]; strcpy(response_type, swill_getheader("Http_Choose_Response_Type")); if (!strcmp(response_type, "text/html")) { swill_fprintf(f, "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"\n\"\">" "<html>" "<head>" "<style type=\"text/css\">" "body{bgcolor=\"#ffffff\";}" "</style>" "</head>" "<body>"); } deinit_selectors(); sqlite3_close(db); if (!strcmp(response_type, "text/html")) { swill_fprintf(f, "<b>TERMINATED CONNECTION...</b>" "</body>" "</html>"); } swill_close(); }
/* Builds the html page of the result set of a query * along with the time it took to execute and the query * itself. */ void serve_query(FILE *f, sqlite3 *db) { const char *query = "\0"; char response_type[50]; char *rt = swill_getheader("Http_Choose_Response_Type"); if (rt) strcpy(response_type, rt); else strcpy(response_type, "text/html"); /* default */ //swill_fprintf(f, "Response type should be: %s", response_type); if (!strcmp(response_type, "text/html")) swill_fprintf(f, "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"\n\"\">" "<html>" "<head>" "<style type=\"text/css\">" "body{bgcolor=\"#ffffff\";}" "span.styled{color:blue;}" "table, td{border:1px double;}" "p.aligned{text-align:left;}" "</style>" "</head>" "<body>"); if (swill_getargs("s(query)", &query)) { int rc = 0; clock_t start_clock,finish_clock; double c_time; start_clock = clock(); int j = 0; if (!strcmp(response_type, "text/html")) { swill_fprintf(f, "<b>For SQL query: "); swill_fprintf(f, "<span class=\"styled\">%s</span><br><br>", query); swill_fprintf(f, "Result set is:</b><br><br>"); } // j for debugging, execute the query multiple times. while (j < 1 && (rc = prep_exec(f, db, query, response_type)) == SQLITE_DONE) { j++; } if (rc == SQLITE_DONE) { finish_clock = clock(); c_time = ((double)finish_clock - (double)start_clock)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (!strcmp(response_type, "text/html")) { swill_fprintf(f, "<b>\nQUERY SUCCESSFUL! </b><br><br>"); swill_fprintf(f,"CPU time: <b>%f</b>s.<br><br>", c_time); } } else { if (!strcmp(response_type, "text/html")) { swill_fprintf(f, "<br><b>Extended error message:<br><b>%s</b><br><br>", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); swill_fprintf(f, "Extended error code <b>%i.<br>Please advise </b><a href=\"", sqlite3_extended_errcode(db)); swill_printurl(f, "pico_ql_error_page.html", "", 0); swill_fprintf(f,"\">SQLite error codes</a>.<br><br>"); } } if (!strcmp(response_type, "text/html")) { swill_fprintf(f, "<p class=\"aligned\">"); swill_fprintf(f, "<a href=\""); swill_printurl(f,"index.html", "", 0); swill_fprintf(f,"\">[ Input new Query ]</a>"); swill_fprintf(f, "<a href=\""); swill_printurl(f,"terminateConnection.html", "", 0); swill_fprintf(f,"\">[ Terminate Server Connection ]</a>" "</p>" "</body>" "</html>"); } } clear_temp_structs(); }