int main(int argc, char **argv) { pthread_t thread_lan; void *retval; // pthread线程的返回值,本程序中没有实际用处 #ifdef ENABLE_NLS textdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE); setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #endif atexit(exit_handle); initConfig(argc, argv); signal(SIGALRM, sig_handle); /* 定时器 */ signal(SIGHUP, sig_handle); /* 注销时 */ signal(SIGINT, sig_handle); /* Ctrl+C */ signal(SIGQUIT, sig_handle); /* Ctrl+\ */ signal(SIGTSTP, sig_handle); /* Ctrl+Z */ signal(SIGTERM, sig_handle); /* 被结束时 */ if (dhcpMode == 3) /* 认证前DHCP */ switchState(ID_DHCP); else if (proxyMode == 0) switchState(ID_START); /* 不使用代理时直接开始认证 */ else switchState(ID_WAITCLIENT); /* 开启代理时等待客户端认证 */ if (proxyMode == 0) { wan_thread(); // 非代理模式,直接执行,不使用多线程 } else { // 代理模式,为LAN多开一个线程 pthread_create(&thread_lan, NULL, lan_thread, 0); wan_thread(); pthread_join(thread_lan, &retval); } exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { atexit(exit_handle); if(initConfig(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); signal(SIGALRM, sig_handle); /* 定时器 */ signal(SIGHUP, sig_handle); /* 注销时 */ signal(SIGINT, sig_handle); /* Ctrl+C */ signal(SIGQUIT, sig_handle); /* Ctrl+\ */ signal(SIGTSTP, sig_handle); /* Ctrl+Z */ signal(SIGTERM, sig_handle); /* 被结束时 */ signal(SIGKILL, sig_handle); if (dhcpMode == 3) /* 认证前DHCP */ switchState(ID_DHCP); else switchState(ID_START); /* 开始认证 */ if (-1 == pcap_loop(hPcap, -1, pcap_handle, NULL)) { /* 开始捕获数据包 */ printf("!! 捕获数据包失败,请检查网络连接!\n"); #ifndef NO_NOTIFY if (showNotify) show_notify("MentoHUST - 错误提示", "捕获数据包失败,请检查网络连接!"); #endif } exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
int switchState(int type) { if (state == type) /* 跟上次是同一状态? */ sendCount++; else { state = type; sendCount = 0; } if (sendCount>=MAX_SEND_COUNT && type!=ID_ECHO) /* 超时太多次? */ { switch (type) { case ID_START: printf(_(">> 找不到服务器,重启认证!\n")); break; case ID_IDENTITY: printf(_(">> 发送用户名超时,重启认证!\n")); break; case ID_CHALLENGE: printf(_(">> 发送密码超时,重启认证!\n")); break; case ID_WAITECHO: printf(_(">> 等候响应包超时,自行响应!\n")); return switchState(ID_ECHO); } return restart(); } switch (type) { case ID_DHCP: return renewIP(); case ID_START: return sendStartPacket(); case ID_IDENTITY: return sendIdentityPacket(); case ID_CHALLENGE: return sendChallengePacket(); case ID_WAITECHO: /* 塞尔的就不ping了,不好计时 */ return waitEchoPacket(); case ID_ECHO: if (pingHost && sendCount*echoInterval > 60) { /* 1分钟左右 */ if (isOnline() == -1) { printf(_(">> 认证掉线,开始重连!\n")); return switchState(ID_START); } sendCount = 1; } #ifndef NO_ARP if (gateMAC[0] != 0xFE) sendArpPacket(); #endif return sendEchoPacket(); case ID_DISCONNECT: return sendLogoffPacket(); } return 0; }
void OptionState::step_impl() { const int MAX_BOT_DELAY = 25; // 25 frames = 0.33s (gamespeed: normal) IMGUI& imgui = IMGUI::getSingleton(); imgui.doCursor(); imgui.doImage(GEN_ID, Vector2(400.0, 300.0), "background"); imgui.doOverlay(GEN_ID, Vector2(0.0, 0.0), Vector2(800.0, 600.0)); imgui.doEditbox(GEN_ID, Vector2(5.0, 10.0), 15, mPlayerName[LEFT_PLAYER], mPlayerNamePosition[LEFT_PLAYER]); imgui.doEditbox(GEN_ID, Vector2(425.0, 10.0), 15, mPlayerName[RIGHT_PLAYER], mPlayerNamePosition[RIGHT_PLAYER]); imgui.doSelectbox(GEN_ID, Vector2(5.0, 50.0), Vector2(375.0, 300.0), mScriptNames, mPlayerOptions[LEFT_PLAYER]); imgui.doSelectbox(GEN_ID, Vector2(425.0, 50.0), Vector2(795.0, 300.0), mScriptNames, mPlayerOptions[RIGHT_PLAYER]); imgui.doText(GEN_ID, Vector2(270.0, 310.0), TextManager::OP_DIFFICULTY ); float f = 1.f - (float)mBotStrength[0] / MAX_BOT_DELAY; imgui.doScrollbar(GEN_ID, Vector2(15.0, 350.0), f); mBotStrength[0] = static_cast<unsigned int> ((1.f-f) * MAX_BOT_DELAY + 0.5f); imgui.doText(GEN_ID, Vector2(235.0, 350.0), f > 0.66 ? TextManager::OP_STRONG : (f > 0.33 ? TextManager::OP_MEDIUM: TextManager::OP_WEAK)); f = 1.f - (float)mBotStrength[1] / MAX_BOT_DELAY; imgui.doScrollbar(GEN_ID, Vector2(440.0, 350.0), f); mBotStrength[1] = static_cast<unsigned int> ((1.f - f) * MAX_BOT_DELAY + 0.5f); imgui.doText(GEN_ID, Vector2(660.0, 350.0), f > 0.66 ? TextManager::OP_STRONG : (f > 0.33 ? TextManager::OP_MEDIUM: TextManager::OP_WEAK)); if (imgui.doButton(GEN_ID, Vector2(40.0, 390.0), TextManager::OP_INPUT_OP)) { save(); switchState(new InputOptionsState()); } if (imgui.doButton(GEN_ID, Vector2(40.0, 430.0), TextManager::OP_GFX_OP)) { save(); switchState(new GraphicOptionsState()); } if (imgui.doButton(GEN_ID, Vector2(40.0, 470.0), TextManager::OP_MISC)) { save(); switchState(new MiscOptionsState()); } if (imgui.doButton(GEN_ID, Vector2(224.0, 530.0), TextManager::LBL_OK)) { save(); switchState(new MainMenuState()); } if (imgui.doButton(GEN_ID, Vector2(424.0, 530.0), TextManager::LBL_CANCEL)) { switchState(new MainMenuState()); } }
void InputOptionsState::step_impl() { IMGUI& imgui = IMGUI::getSingleton(); imgui.doCursor(); imgui.doImage(GEN_ID, Vector2(400.0, 300.0), "background"); imgui.doOverlay(GEN_ID, Vector2(0.0, 0.0), Vector2(800.0, 600.0)); imgui.doText(GEN_ID, Vector2(43.0, 10.0), TextManager::OP_TOUCH_TYPE); if (imgui.doButton(GEN_ID, Vector2(70.0, 50.0), TextManager::OP_TOUCH_DIRECT)) mBlobbyTouchType = 0; if (imgui.doButton(GEN_ID, Vector2(70.0, 100.0), TextManager::OP_TOUCH_ARROWS)) mBlobbyTouchType = 1; if (mBlobbyTouchType == 0) imgui.doImage(GEN_ID, Vector2(52.0, 62.0), "gfx/pfeil_rechts.bmp"); else imgui.doImage(GEN_ID, Vector2(52.0, 112.0), "gfx/pfeil_rechts.bmp"); imgui.doOverlay(GEN_ID, Vector2(180.0, 150.0), Vector2(620.0, 490.0)); imgui.doImage(GEN_ID, Vector2(400.0, 320.0), "background", Vector2(400.0, 300.0)); // We draw the range of the touchsurfaces here if (mBlobbyTouchType == 0) { // Left arrowkey imgui.doOverlay(GEN_ID, Vector2(200.0 + 5.0, 170.0 + 100.0 + 5.0), Vector2(200.0 + 95.0 + 100.0, 170.0 + 295)); imgui.doImage(GEN_ID, Vector2(289.0, 440.0), "gfx/pfeil_links.bmp"); imgui.doImage(GEN_ID, Vector2(311.0, 440.0), "gfx/pfeil_rechts.bmp"); } else { // Background is x: 200, y: 170, w: 400, h: 300 // Left arrowkey imgui.doOverlay(GEN_ID, Vector2(200.0 + 5.0, 170.0 + 100.0 + 5.0), Vector2(200.0 + 95.0, 170.0 + 295)); imgui.doImage(GEN_ID, Vector2(250.0, 440.0), "gfx/pfeil_links.bmp"); // Right arrowkey imgui.doOverlay(GEN_ID, Vector2(200.0 + 5.0 + 100.0, 170.0 + 100.0 + 5.0), Vector2(200.0 + 95.0 + 100.0, 170.0 + 295)); imgui.doImage(GEN_ID, Vector2(350.0, 440.0), "gfx/pfeil_rechts.bmp"); } imgui.doOverlay(GEN_ID, Vector2(200.0 + 5.0 + 250.0, 170.0 + 100.0 + 5.0), Vector2(200.0 + 95.0 + 300.0, 170.0 + 295)); imgui.doImage(GEN_ID, Vector2(525.0, 440.0), "gfx/pfeil_oben.bmp"); if (imgui.doButton(GEN_ID, Vector2(224.0, 530.0), TextManager::LBL_OK)) { save(); switchState(new OptionState()); } if (imgui.doButton(GEN_ID, Vector2(424.0, 530.0), TextManager::LBL_CANCEL)) { switchState(new OptionState()); } }
static int renewIP() { setTimer(0); /* 取消定时器 */ printf(_(">> 正在获取IP...\n")); system(dhcpScript); printf(_(">> 操作结束。\n")); dhcpMode += 3; /* 标记为已获取,123变为456,5不需再认证*/ if (fillHeader() == -1) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); if (dhcpMode == 5) return switchState(ID_ECHO); return switchState(ID_START); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("SRFGames"); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain(""), QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("ShareYourClipboard"); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC QDir dir(argv[0]); dir.cdUp(); QString currentDir = dir.absolutePath(); dir.cdUp();"PlugIns"); QCoreApplication::setLibraryPaths(QStringList(dir.absolutePath())); #endif QApplication a(argc, argv); QApplication::setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC QDir::setCurrent(currentDir); #endif qDebug() << "init manager\n"; cClipboardManager manager(a.clipboard()); qDebug() << "init tray icon\n"; cTrayIcon trIcon(&manager); QObject::connect(&trIcon, SIGNAL(switchState()), &manager, SLOT(switchState())); QObject::connect(&trIcon, SIGNAL(pasteFiles()), &manager, SLOT(pasteFiles())); QObject::connect(&manager, SIGNAL(onStateChanged(cClipboardManager::eClipboardState)), &trIcon, SLOT(setState(cClipboardManager::eClipboardState))); qDebug() << "init settings window\n"; SettingsWindow settingsWindow(&manager); QObject::connect(&trIcon, SIGNAL(showSettings()), &settingsWindow, SLOT(showNormal())); QObject::connect(&settingsWindow, SIGNAL(preferencesChange()), &manager, SLOT(onPreferencesChanged())); qDebug() << "init copy dialog\n"; CopyProgressDialog copydialog; QObject::connect(&manager, SIGNAL(onStartCopyProcess(QString)), ©dialog, SLOT(start(QString))); QObject::connect(&manager, SIGNAL(onStopCopyProcess()), ©dialog, SLOT(stop())); QObject::connect(&manager, SIGNAL(showMessage(QString)), ©dialog, SLOT(showMessage(QString))); QObject::connect(&manager, SIGNAL(onSetProgressMain(QString,int,int)), ©dialog, SLOT(setProgressMain(QString,int,int))); QObject::connect(&manager, SIGNAL(onSetProgressSecond(QString,int,int)), ©dialog, SLOT(setProgressSecond(QString,int,int))); QObject::connect(©dialog, SIGNAL(cancel()), &manager, SLOT(cancelDownloading())); qDebug() << "start app loop\n"; int result = a.exec(); qDebug() << "application close\n"; return result; }
void telemetryInterrupt10ms() { if (jetiReady) { jetiKeys = JETI_KEY_NOCHANGE; if (switchState((EnumKeys)(KEY_UP))) jetiKeys &= JETI_KEY_UP; if (switchState((EnumKeys)(KEY_DOWN))) jetiKeys &= JETI_KEY_DOWN; if (switchState((EnumKeys)(KEY_LEFT))) jetiKeys &= JETI_KEY_LEFT; if (switchState((EnumKeys)(KEY_RIGHT))) jetiKeys &= JETI_KEY_RIGHT; jetiReady = 0; // invalidate buffer JETI_EnableTXD(); } }
static ekU32 fileLines(struct ekContext *E, ekU32 argCount) { ekValue *thisValue; ekValue *ret = ekValueNullPtr; ekValue *lineValue; ekValue *chompValue = NULL; ekBool chomp = ekFalse; ekFile *file; if(!ekContextGetArgs(E, argCount, "*F|?", &thisValue, &chompValue)) { return ekContextArgsFailure(E, argCount, "file.lines([optional bool] chompNewline)"); } file = (ekFile *)thisValue->ptrVal; if(chompValue) { chompValue = ekValueToBool(E, chompValue); chomp = chompValue->boolVal; ekValueRemoveRefNote(E, chompValue, "chompValue temporary no longer needed"); } switchState(E, file, EFS_READ); ret = ekValueCreateArray(E); while((lineValue = readLineInternal(E, file, chomp)) != ekValueNullPtr) { ekValueArrayPush(E, ret, lineValue); } ekValueRemoveRefNote(E, thisValue, "lines no longer needs thisValue"); ekContextReturn(E, ret); // will be the data if we succesfully read }
void cTrayIcon::onTray(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason) { #ifndef Q_OS_MAC if (reason==QSystemTrayIcon::Trigger) emit switchState(); #endif }
void getHit() { currState->hit(); auto x = dynamic_cast<InvincMarioState*>(currState); if (x) { return; } //if not invincible, convert to short mario switchState(new ShortMarioState()); }
void getStarMan() { //better way would be to use a transition table auto x = dynamic_cast<InvincMarioState*>(currState); if (!x) { switchState(new InvincMarioState()); } }
static int sendEchoPacket() { if (startMode%3 == 2) /* 赛尔 */ { *(u_int16_t *)(sendPacket+0x0E) = htons(0x0106); *(u_int16_t *)(sendPacket+0x10) = 0; memset(sendPacket+0x12, 0xa5, 42); switchState(ID_WAITECHO); /* 继续等待 */ return pcap_sendpacket(hPcap, sendPacket, 60); } if (sendCount == 0) { u_char echo[] = { 0x00,0x1E,0xFF,0xFF,0x37,0x77,0x7F,0x9F,0xFF,0xFF,0xD9,0x13,0xFF,0xFF,0x37,0x77, 0x7F,0x9F,0xFF,0xFF,0xF7,0x2B,0xFF,0xFF,0x37,0x77,0x7F,0x3F,0xFF }; printf(_(">> 发送心跳包以保持在线...\n")); fillEtherAddr(0x888E01BF); memcpy(sendPacket+0x10, echo, sizeof(echo)); setTimer(echoInterval); } fillEchoPacket(sendPacket); return pcap_sendpacket(hPcap, sendPacket, 0x2D); }
static ekU32 fileWrite(struct ekContext *E, ekU32 argCount) { ekValue *thisValue; ekValue *ret = ekValueNullPtr; ekValue *dataValue = NULL; ekFile *file; if(!ekContextGetArgs(E, argCount, "*Fs", &thisValue, &dataValue)) { return ekContextArgsFailure(E, argCount, "file.write([string] data)"); } file = (ekFile *)thisValue->ptrVal; if((file->state != EFS_WRITE) && (file->state != EFS_APPEND)) { switchState(E, file, EFS_WRITE); } if(file->handle) { const char *data = ekValueSafeStr(dataValue); int len = strlen(data); int bytesWritten = fwrite(data, 1, len, file->handle); if(bytesWritten == len) { ret = ekValueCreateInt(E, 1); } } ekValueRemoveRefNote(E, thisValue, "fileWrite no longer needs thisValue"); ekContextReturn(E, ret); // will be true if we successfully wrote }
ImapSession::~ImapSession() { switchState(ImapSessionState::EXIT); if (service_) delete service_; if (socket_) delete socket_; }
void Dodge::onAnimationEnd() { State::onAnimationEnd(); Movement newMvt(_mvt); newMvt.setAction(Movement::Shield); switchState(newMvt & ~Movement::Up & ~Movement::Down); }
void message(const NetMessage* msg) { T new_state = current->message(msg); if ( new_state != state ) { switchState(new_state); } }
void sstvRx::eraseImage() { switchState(RESTART); while(SSTVState!=HUNTING) { QApplication::processEvents(); } }
void QgsAddRemoveMultiFrameCommand::undo() { if ( checkFirstRun() ) { return; } switchState(); }
void process() { T new_state = current->process(); if ( new_state != state ) { switchState(new_state); } }
void Crouch::onRight(const Event & e) { State::onRight(e); if (e.edge == Event::RisingEdge) { switchState(Movement::Crouch | Movement::Right); setNextStateAnimationFrameToCurrentFrame(); } }
ImapSession::ImapSession(service::Service *service, net::SocketSingle *socket) : state_(ImapSessionState::START), service_(service), socket_(socket), onExitCallback_(nullptr) { if (service_ == nullptr) throw invalid_argument("ImapSession::ImapSession: service is nullptr"); if (socket_ == nullptr) throw invalid_argument("ImapSession::ImapSession: socket is nullptr"); switchState(ImapSessionState::CONNECTED); }
int main() { MemController<CarState> ctrl = MemController<CarState>(); CarState state; //initial state: state = ctrl.getLastElement(); memset(&state,0,sizeof(state)); ctrl.pushElement(state); while(1) { for(int i=0;i<5000;i++){;} int nios; // get the lastest car state from the shared memory state = ctrl.getLastElement(true); // print some diagnostics information int speed = state.motorEcus[0].iCurrentSpeed + state.motorEcus[1].iCurrentSpeed + state.motorEcus[2].iCurrentSpeed + state.motorEcus[3].iCurrentSpeed; LOG_DEBUG("\rSpeed: %+5d mm/s, OpMode: %#x ", speed, state.currMode); //LOG_DEBUG("yippee!"); // perform state switch if requested. if(state.reqMode != state.currMode) { switchState(&state); } state.counterCarControl=state.counterComm; setMotorSpeeds(&state); if(state.currMode==OPMODE_MANUDRIVE){ state.ip1=state.reqip1; state.ip2=state.reqip2; state.ip3=state.reqip3; state.ip4=state.reqip4; } else{ state.ip1=VCIPPart1; state.ip2=VCIPPart2; state.ip3=VCIPPart3; state.ip4=VCIPPart4; } ctrl.pushElement(state); // TODO: write a delay function w/ timer. Otherwise we might run into problems blocking the mutex from all the shared memory reads... //delay(10); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {;} } return -1; }
void Run::onLeft(const Event & e) { State::onLeft(e); if (e.edge == Event::RisingEdge) { if (_mvt.flag() & Movement::Right) { switchState(Movement::Walk | Movement::Left); } else if (_mvt.flag() & Movement::Left) { switchState(Movement::Run | Movement::Left); } } else if (e.edge == Event::FallingEdge) { switchState(Movement::Idle | Movement::Left); } }
void Crouch::onDown(const Event & e) { State::onDown(e); if (e.edge == Event::FallingEdge) { switchState(Movement::Stand | _mvt.direction()); } }
void KscreenEffect::prePaintScreen(ScreenPrePaintData &data, int time) { if (m_state == StateFadingIn || m_state == StateFadingOut) { m_timeLine.setCurrentTime(m_timeLine.currentTime() + time); if (m_timeLine.currentValue() >= 1.0) { switchState(); } } effects->prePaintScreen(data, time); }
void QgsAddRemoveItemCommand::redo() { QUndoCommand::redo(); // call redo() on all children if ( mFirstRun ) { mFirstRun = false; return; } switchState(); }
void QgsAddRemoveItemCommand::undo() { QUndoCommand::undo(); // call undo() on all children, in reverse order if ( mFirstRun ) { mFirstRun = false; return; } switchState(); }
static void fileFuncClear(struct ekContext *E, struct ekValue *p) { ekFile *file = (ekFile *)p->ptrVal; if(!file->permanent) { switchState(E, file, EFS_CLOSED); } ekValueRemoveRefNote(E, file->filename, "file doesnt need filename anymore"); ekFree(file); }
static ekU32 fileRead(struct ekContext *E, ekU32 argCount) { ekValue *thisValue; ekValue *ret = ekValueNullPtr; ekValue *bytesValue = NULL; int bytes = 0; ekFile *file; if(!ekContextGetArgs(E, argCount, "*F|i", &thisValue, &bytesValue)) { return ekContextArgsFailure(E, argCount, "[optional int] bytes)"); } file = (ekFile *)thisValue->ptrVal; switchState(E, file, EFS_READ); if(file->handle) { if(bytesValue) { bytesValue = ekValueToInt(E, bytesValue); bytes = bytesValue->intVal; ekValueRemoveRefNote(E, bytesValue, "bytesValue temporary no longer needed"); } else { // we want "the rest" of the file (could be the whole thing if you just opened it) int end; int currentPos = ftell(file->handle); fseek(file->handle, 0, SEEK_END); end = ftell(file->handle); fseek(file->handle, currentPos, SEEK_SET); bytes = end - currentPos; } if(bytes > 0) { char *data = ekAlloc(bytes+1); int bytesRead = fread(data, 1, bytes, file->handle); if(bytesRead >= 0) { data[bytesRead] = 0; ret = ekValueDonateString(E, data); } else { ekFree(data); } } } ekValueRemoveRefNote(E, thisValue, "fileRead no longer needs thisValue"); ekContextReturn(E, ret); // will be the data if we succesfully read }