文件: name.c 项目: digsrc/fossil
** This routine is similar to name_to_uuid() except in the form it
** takes its parameters and returns its value, and in that it does not
** treat errors as fatal. zName must be a UUID, as described for
** name_to_uuid(). zType is also as described for that function. If
** zName does not resolve, 0 is returned. If it is ambiguous, a
** negative value is returned. On success the rid is returned and
** pUuid (if it is not NULL) is set to the a newly-allocated string,
** the full UUID, which must eventually be free()d by the caller.
int name_to_uuid2(const char *zName, const char *zType, char **pUuid){
  int rid = symbolic_name_to_rid(zName, zType);
  if((rid>0) && pUuid){
    *pUuid = db_text(NULL, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid);
  return rid;
** Identify a subsection of the check-in tree using command-line switches.
** There must be one of the following switch available:
**     --branch BRANCHNAME          All check-ins on the most recent
**                                  instance of BRANCHNAME
**     --from TAG1 [--to TAG2]      Check-in TAG1 and all primary descendants
**                                  up to and including TAG2
**     --checkin TAG                Check-in TAG only
** Store the RIDs for all applicable check-ins in the zTab table that
** should already exist.  Invoke fossil_fatal() if any kind of error is
** seen.
void subtree_from_arguments(const char *zTab){
  const char *zBr;
  const char *zFrom;
  const char *zTo;
  const char *zCkin;
  int rid = 0, endRid;

  zBr = find_option("branch",0,1);
  zFrom = find_option("from",0,1);
  zTo = find_option("to",0,1);
  zCkin = find_option("checkin",0,1);
  if( zCkin ){
    if( zFrom ) fossil_fatal("cannot use both --checkin and --from");
    if( zBr ) fossil_fatal("cannot use both --checkin and --branch");
    rid = symbolic_name_to_rid(zCkin, "ci");
    endRid = rid;
    endRid = zTo ? name_to_typed_rid(zTo, "ci") : 0;
  if( zFrom ){
    rid = name_to_typed_rid(zFrom, "ci");
  }else if( zBr ){
    rid = name_to_typed_rid(zBr, "br");
  }else if( zCkin==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("need one of: --branch, --from, --checkin");
  db_multi_exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO \"%w\" VALUES(%d)", zTab, rid);
  if( rid!=endRid ){
    Blob sql;
       "WITH RECURSIVE child(rid) AS (VALUES(%d) UNION ALL "
       "  SELECT cid FROM plink, child"
       "   WHERE plink.pid=child.rid"
       "     AND plink.isPrim", rid);
    if( endRid>0 ){
      double endTime = db_double(0.0, "SELECT mtime FROM event WHERE objid=%d",
        "    AND child.rid!=%d"
        "    AND (SELECT mtime FROM event WHERE objid=plink.cid)<=%.17g",
        endRid, endTime
    if( zBr ){
         "     AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tagxref"
                        "  WHERE tagid=%d AND tagtype>0"
                        "    AND value=%Q and rid=plink.cid)",
         TAG_BRANCH, zBr);
    blob_appendf(&sql, ") INSERT OR IGNORE INTO \"%w\" SELECT rid FROM child;",
    db_multi_exec("%s", blob_str(&sql)/*safe-for-%s*/);
文件: name.c 项目: digsrc/fossil
** Convert a name to a rid.  If the name can be any of the various forms
** accepted:
**   * SHA1 hash or prefix thereof
**   * symbolic name
**   * date
**   * label:date
**   * prev, previous
**   * next
**   * tip
** This routine is used by command-line routines to resolve command-line inputs
** into a rid.
int name_to_typed_rid(const char *zName, const char *zType){
  int rid;

  if( zName==0 || zName[0]==0 ) return 0;
  rid = symbolic_name_to_rid(zName, zType);
  if( rid<0 ){
    fossil_fatal("ambiguous name: %s", zName);
  }else if( rid==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("not found: %s", zName);
  return rid;
文件: name.c 项目: digsrc/fossil
** This routine takes a user-entered UUID which might be in mixed
** case and might only be a prefix of the full UUID and converts it
** into the full-length UUID in canonical form.
** If the input is not a UUID or a UUID prefix, then try to resolve
** the name as a tag.  If multiple tags match, pick the latest.
** If the input name matches "tag:*" then always resolve as a tag.
** If the input is not a tag, then try to match it as an ISO-8601 date
** string YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and pick the nearest check-in to that date.
** If the input is of the form "date:*" then always resolve the name as
** a date. The forms "utc:*" and "local:" are deprecated.
** Return 0 on success.  Return 1 if the name cannot be resolved.
** Return 2 name is ambiguous.
int name_to_uuid(Blob *pName, int iErrPriority, const char *zType){
  char *zName = blob_str(pName);
  int rid = symbolic_name_to_rid(zName, zType);
  if( rid<0 ){
    fossil_error(iErrPriority, "ambiguous name: %s", zName);
    return 2;
  }else if( rid==0 ){
    fossil_error(iErrPriority, "not found: %s", zName);
    return 1;
    db_blob(pName, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid);
    return 0;
** Convert the name in CGI parameter zParamName into a rid and return that
** rid.  If the CGI parameter is missing or is not a valid artifact tag,
** return 0.  If the CGI parameter is ambiguous, redirect to a page that
** shows all possibilities and do not return.
int name_to_rid_www(const char *zParamName){
  int rid;
  const char *zName = P(zParamName);
  if(!zName && fossil_has_json()){
    zName = json_find_option_cstr(zParamName,NULL,NULL);
  if( zName==0 || zName[0]==0 ) return 0;
  rid = symbolic_name_to_rid(zName, "*");
  if( rid<0 ){
    cgi_redirectf("%s/ambiguous/%T?src=%t", g.zTop, zName, g.zPath);
    rid = 0;
  return rid;
文件: name.c 项目: digsrc/fossil
** Convert a symbolic name into a RID.  Acceptable forms:
**   *  SHA1 hash
**   *  SHA1 hash prefix of at least 4 characters
**   *  Symbolic Name
**   *  "tag:" + symbolic name
**   *  Date or date-time
**   *  "date:" + Date or date-time
**   *  symbolic-name ":" date-time
**   *  "tip"
** The following additional forms are available in local checkouts:
**   *  "current"
**   *  "prev" or "previous"
**   *  "next"
** Return the RID of the matching artifact.  Or return 0 if the name does not
** match any known object.  Or return -1 if the name is ambiguous.
** The zType parameter specifies the type of artifact: ci, t, w, e, g.
** If zType is NULL or "" or "*" then any type of artifact will serve.
** If zType is "br" then find the first check-in of the named branch
** rather than the last.
** zType is "ci" in most use cases since we are usually searching for
** a check-in.
** Note that the input zTag for types "t" and "e" is the SHA1 hash of
** the ticket-change or event-change artifact, not the randomly generated
** hexadecimal identifier assigned to tickets and events.  Those identifiers
** live in a separate namespace.
int symbolic_name_to_rid(const char *zTag, const char *zType){
  int vid;
  int rid = 0;
  int nTag;
  int i;
  int startOfBranch = 0;

  if( zType==0 || zType[0]==0 ){
    zType = "*";
  }else if( zType[0]=='b' ){
    zType = "ci";
    startOfBranch = 1;
  if( zTag==0 || zTag[0]==0 ) return 0;

  /* special keyword: "tip" */
  if( fossil_strcmp(zTag, "tip")==0 && (zType[0]=='*' || zType[0]=='c') ){
    rid = db_int(0,
      "SELECT objid"
      "  FROM event"
      " WHERE type='ci'"
      " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC"
    if( rid ) return rid;

  /* special keywords: "prev", "previous", "current", and "next" */
  if( g.localOpen && (vid=db_lget_int("checkout",0))!=0 ){
    if( fossil_strcmp(zTag, "current")==0 ){
      rid = vid;
    }else if( fossil_strcmp(zTag, "prev")==0
              || fossil_strcmp(zTag, "previous")==0 ){
      rid = db_int(0, "SELECT pid FROM plink WHERE cid=%d AND isprim", vid);
    }else if( fossil_strcmp(zTag, "next")==0 ){
      rid = db_int(0, "SELECT cid FROM plink WHERE pid=%d"
                      "  ORDER BY isprim DESC, mtime DESC", vid);
    if( rid ) return rid;

  /* Date and times */
  if( memcmp(zTag, "date:", 5)==0 ){
    rid = db_int(0,
      "SELECT objid FROM event"
      " WHERE mtime<=julianday(%Q,'utc') AND type GLOB '%q'"
      " ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT 1",
      &zTag[5], zType);
    return rid;
  if( fossil_isdate(zTag) ){
    rid = db_int(0,
      "SELECT objid FROM event"
      " WHERE mtime<=julianday(%Q,'utc') AND type GLOB '%q'"
      " ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT 1",
      zTag, zType);
    if( rid) return rid;

  /* Deprecated date & time formats:   "local:" + date-time and
  ** "utc:" + date-time */
  if( memcmp(zTag, "local:", 6)==0 ){
    rid = db_int(0,
      "SELECT objid FROM event"
      " WHERE mtime<=julianday(%Q) AND type GLOB '%q'"
      " ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT 1",
      &zTag[6], zType);
    return rid;
  if( memcmp(zTag, "utc:", 4)==0 ){
    rid = db_int(0,
      "SELECT objid FROM event"
      " WHERE mtime<=julianday('%qz') AND type GLOB '%q'"
      " ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT 1",
      &zTag[4], zType);
    return rid;

  /* "tag:" + symbolic-name */
  if( memcmp(zTag, "tag:", 4)==0 ){
    rid = db_int(0,
       "SELECT event.objid, max(event.mtime)"
       "  FROM tag, tagxref, event"
       " WHERE tag.tagname='sym-%q' "
       "   AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid AND tagxref.tagtype>0 "
       "   AND event.objid=tagxref.rid "
       "   AND event.type GLOB '%q'",
       &zTag[4], zType
    if( startOfBranch ) rid = start_of_branch(rid,1);
    return rid;

  /* root:TAG -> The origin of the branch */
  if( memcmp(zTag, "root:", 5)==0 ){
    rid = symbolic_name_to_rid(zTag+5, zType);
    return start_of_branch(rid, 0);

  /* symbolic-name ":" date-time */
  nTag = strlen(zTag);
  for(i=0; i<nTag-10 && zTag[i]!=':'; i++){}
  if( zTag[i]==':' && fossil_isdate(&zTag[i+1]) ){
    char *zDate = mprintf("%s", &zTag[i+1]);
    char *zTagBase = mprintf("%.*s", i, zTag);
    int nDate = strlen(zDate);
    if( sqlite3_strnicmp(&zDate[nDate-3],"utc",3)==0 ){
      zDate[nDate-3] = 'z';
      zDate[nDate-2] = 0;
    rid = db_int(0,
      "SELECT event.objid, max(event.mtime)"
      "  FROM tag, tagxref, event"
      " WHERE tag.tagname='sym-%q' "
      "   AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid AND tagxref.tagtype>0 "
      "   AND event.objid=tagxref.rid "
      "   AND event.mtime<=julianday(%Q)"
      "   AND event.type GLOB '%q'",
      zTagBase, zDate, zType
    return rid;

  /* SHA1 hash or prefix */
  if( nTag>=4 && nTag<=UUID_SIZE && validate16(zTag, nTag) ){
    Stmt q;
    char zUuid[UUID_SIZE+1];
    memcpy(zUuid, zTag, nTag+1);
    canonical16(zUuid, nTag);
    rid = 0;
    if( zType[0]=='*' ){
      db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid FROM blob WHERE uuid GLOB '%q*'", zUuid);
        "SELECT blob.rid"
        "  FROM blob, event"
        " WHERE blob.uuid GLOB '%q*'"
        "   AND event.objid=blob.rid"
        "   AND event.type GLOB '%q'",
        zUuid, zType
    if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      rid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
      if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ) rid = -1;
    if( rid ) return rid;

  /* Symbolic name */
  rid = db_int(0,
    "SELECT event.objid, max(event.mtime)"
    "  FROM tag, tagxref, event"
    " WHERE tag.tagname='sym-%q' "
    "   AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid AND tagxref.tagtype>0 "
    "   AND event.objid=tagxref.rid "
    "   AND event.type GLOB '%q'",
    zTag, zType
  if( rid>0 ){
    if( startOfBranch ) rid = start_of_branch(rid,1);
    return rid;

  /* Undocumented:  numeric tags get translated directly into the RID */
  if( memcmp(zTag, "rid:", 4)==0 ){
    zTag += 4;
    for(i=0; fossil_isdigit(zTag[i]); i++){}
    if( zTag[i]==0 ){
      if( strcmp(zType,"*")==0 ){
        rid = atoi(zTag);
        rid = db_int(0,
          "SELECT event.objid"
          "  FROM event"
          " WHERE event.objid=%s"
          "   AND event.type GLOB '%q'", zTag /*safe-for-%s*/, zType);
  return rid;
** COMMAND: whatis*
** Usage: %fossil whatis NAME
** Resolve the symbol NAME into its canonical 40-character SHA1-hash
** artifact name and provide a description of what role that artifact
** plays.
void whatis_cmd(void){
  int rid;
  const char *zName;
  int verboseFlag;
  verboseFlag = find_option("verbose","v",0)!=0;
  if( g.argc!=3 ) usage("whatis NAME");
  zName = g.argv[2];
  rid = symbolic_name_to_rid(zName, 0);
  if( rid<0 ){
    fossil_print("Ambiguous artifact name prefix: %s\n", zName);
  }else if( rid==0 ){
    fossil_print("Unknown artifact: %s\n", zName);
    Stmt q;
       "SELECT uuid, size, datetime(mtime%s), ipaddr,"
       "       (SELECT group_concat(substr(tagname,5), ', ') FROM tag, tagxref"
       "         WHERE tagname GLOB 'sym-*' AND tag.tagid=tagxref.tagid"
       "           AND tagxref.rid=blob.rid AND tagxref.tagtype>0)"
       "  FROM blob, rcvfrom"
       " WHERE rid=%d"
       "   AND rcvfrom.rcvid=blob.rcvid",
       timeline_utc(), rid);
    if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      const char *zTagList = db_column_text(&q, 4);
      if( verboseFlag ){
        fossil_print("artifact: %s (%d)\n", db_column_text(&q,0), rid);
        fossil_print("size:     %d bytes\n", db_column_int(&q,1));
        fossil_print("received: %s from %s\n",
           db_column_text(&q, 2),
           db_column_text(&q, 3));
        fossil_print("artifact: %s\n", db_column_text(&q,0));
        fossil_print("size:     %d bytes\n", db_column_int(&q,1));
      if( zTagList && zTagList[0] ){
        fossil_print("tags:     %s\n", zTagList);
       "SELECT type, datetime(mtime%s),"
       "       coalesce(euser,user), coalesce(ecomment,comment)"
       "  FROM event WHERE objid=%d", timeline_utc(), rid);
    if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      const char *zType;
      switch( db_column_text(&q,0)[0] ){
        case 'c':  zType = "Check-in";       break;
        case 'w':  zType = "Wiki-edit";      break;
        case 'e':  zType = "Event";          break;
        case 't':  zType = "Ticket-change";  break;
        case 'g':  zType = "Tag-change";     break;
        default:   zType = "Unknown";        break;
      fossil_print("type:     %s by %s on %s\n", zType, db_column_text(&q,2),
                   db_column_text(&q, 1));
      fossil_print("comment:  ");
      comment_print(db_column_text(&q,3), 10, 78);
      "SELECT filename.name, blob.uuid, datetime(event.mtime%s),"
      "       coalesce(euser,user), coalesce(ecomment,comment)"
      "  FROM mlink, filename, blob, event"
      " WHERE mlink.fid=%d"
      "   AND filename.fnid=mlink.fnid"
      "   AND event.objid=mlink.mid"
      "   AND blob.rid=mlink.mid"
      " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC /*sort*/",
      timeline_utc(), rid);
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      fossil_print("file:     %s\n", db_column_text(&q,0));
      fossil_print("          part of [%.10s] by %s on %s\n",
        db_column_text(&q, 1),
        db_column_text(&q, 3),
        db_column_text(&q, 2));
      fossil_print("          ");
      comment_print(db_column_text(&q,4), 10, 78);