void stateMachine() { while (1) { if (zigbeeNetworkStatus == NWK_ONLINE) { if(moduleHasMessageWaiting()) //wait until SRDY goes low indicating a message has been received. { getMessage(); displayMessage(); } } switch (state) { case STATE_IDLE: { if (stateFlags & STATE_FLAG_SEND_INFO_MESSAGE) //if there is a pending info message to be sent { state = STATE_SEND_INFO_MESSAGE; //then send the message and clear the flag stateFlags &= ~STATE_FLAG_SEND_INFO_MESSAGE; } /* Other flags (for different messages or events) can be added here */ break; } case STATE_MODULE_STARTUP: { #define MODULE_START_DELAY_IF_FAIL_MS 5000 // Must be greater than MODULE_START_FAIL_LED_ONTIME moduleResult_t result; struct moduleConfiguration defaultConfiguration = DEFAULT_MODULE_CONFIGURATION_END_DEVICE; /* Uncomment below to restrict the device to a specific PANID defaultConfiguration.panId = 0x1234; */ struct applicationConfiguration endDeviceConf; endDeviceConf.endPoint = 1; endDeviceConf.latencyRequested = LATENCY_NORMAL; endDeviceConf.profileId = 0xcc00; // the clock profile is 0xCC00 endDeviceConf.deviceId = 0x8866; endDeviceConf.deviceVersion = 0x01; endDeviceConf.numberOfBindingInputClusters = 4; // number of binding input cluster endDeviceConf.bindingInputClusters[0] = 0x0000; // basic cluster endDeviceConf.bindingInputClusters[1] = 0x0003; // identify cluster endDeviceConf.bindingInputClusters[2] = 0xfc01; // synchronise clock cluster endDeviceConf.bindingInputClusters[3] = 0xfc02; // send string message cluster endDeviceConf.numberOfBindingOutputClusters = 4; // number of binding output cluster endDeviceConf.bindingOutputClusters[0] = 0x0000; endDeviceConf.bindingOutputClusters[1] = 0x0003; endDeviceConf.bindingOutputClusters[2] = 0xfc01; endDeviceConf.bindingOutputClusters[3] = 0xfc02; struct applicationConfiguration ac; ac.endPoint = 1; ac.deviceVersion = 0x10; ac.profileId = 0xfafa; ac.latencyRequested = LATENCY_NORMAL; ac.numberOfBindingInputClusters = 2; ac.bindingInputClusters[0] = 0x0000; ac.bindingInputClusters[1] = 0x0900; ac.numberOfBindingOutputClusters = 2; ac.bindingOutputClusters[0] = 0x0000; ac.bindingOutputClusters[1] = 0x0900; /* Below is an example of how to restrict the device to only one channel: defaultConfiguration.channelMask = CHANNEL_MASK_17; printf("DEMO - USING CUSTOM CHANNEL 17\r\n"); */ //while ((result = startModule(&defaultConfiguration, GENERIC_APPLICATION_CONFIGURATION)) != MODULE_SUCCESS) while ((result = startModule(&defaultConfiguration, &ac)) != MODULE_SUCCESS) { SET_NETWORK_FAILURE_LED_ON(); // Turn on the LED to show failure printf("FAILED. Error Code 0x%02X. Retrying...\r\n", result); delayMs(MODULE_START_DELAY_IF_FAIL_MS/2); SET_NETWORK_FAILURE_LED_OFF(); delayMs(MODULE_START_DELAY_IF_FAIL_MS/2); } INIT_BOOSTER_PACK_LEDS(); SET_NETWORK_LED_ON(); SET_NETWORK_FAILURE_LED_OFF(); printf("Success\r\n"); /* Module is now initialized so store MAC Address */ zbGetDeviceInfo(DIP_MAC_ADDRESS); memcpy(hdr.mac, zmBuf+SRSP_DIP_VALUE_FIELD, 8); #define MESSAGE_PERIOD_SECONDS 4 int16_t timerResult = initTimer(MESSAGE_PERIOD_SECONDS); if (timerResult != 0) { printf("timerResult Error %d, STOPPING\r\n", timerResult); while (1); } state = STATE_DISPLAY_NETWORK_INFORMATION; break; } case STATE_DISPLAY_NETWORK_INFORMATION: { printf("~ni~"); /* On network, display info about this network */ displayNetworkConfigurationParameters(); displayDeviceInformation(); /* Set module GPIOs as output and turn them off */ if ((sysGpio(GPIO_SET_DIRECTION, ALL_GPIO_PINS) != MODULE_SUCCESS) || (sysGpio(GPIO_CLEAR, ALL_GPIO_PINS) != MODULE_SUCCESS)) { printf("ERROR\r\n"); } state = STATE_SEND_INFO_MESSAGE; break; } case STATE_SEND_INFO_MESSAGE: { printf("~im~"); struct infoMessage im; /* See infoMessage.h for description of these info message fields.*/ im.header = hdr; im.deviceType = DEVICETYPE_TESLA_CONTROLS_END_DEVICE_DEMO; im.header.sequence = sequenceNumber++; im.numParameters = getSensorValues(im.kvps); // Does two things: Loads infoMessage with sensor value KVPs and gets the number of them // now, add status message interval im.kvps[im.numParameters].oid = OID_STATUS_MESSAGE_INTERVAL; im.kvps[im.numParameters].value = MESSAGE_PERIOD_SECONDS; im.numParameters++; // add zigbee module information: if (sysVersion() != MODULE_SUCCESS) { printf("ERROR retriving module information\r\n"); } else { displaySysVersion(); // Product ID im.kvps[im.numParameters].oid = OID_MODULE_PRODUCT_ID; im.kvps[im.numParameters].value = zmBuf[SYS_VERSION_RESULT_PRODUCTID_FIELD]; im.numParameters++; // FW - Major im.kvps[im.numParameters].oid = OID_MODULE_FIRMWARE_MAJOR; im.kvps[im.numParameters].value = zmBuf[SYS_VERSION_RESULT_FW_MAJOR_FIELD]; im.numParameters++; // FW - Minor im.kvps[im.numParameters].oid = OID_MODULE_FIRMWARE_MINOR; im.kvps[im.numParameters].value = zmBuf[SYS_VERSION_RESULT_FW_MINOR_FIELD]; im.numParameters++; // FW - Build im.kvps[im.numParameters].oid = OID_MODULE_FIRMWARE_BUILD; im.kvps[im.numParameters].value = zmBuf[SYS_VERSION_RESULT_FW_BUILD_FIELD]; im.numParameters++; } printInfoMessage(&im); #define RESTART_DELAY_IF_MESSAGE_FAIL_MS 5000 uint8_t messageBuffer[MAX_INFO_MESSAGE_SIZE]; serializeInfoMessage(&im, messageBuffer); setLed(SEND_MESSAGE_LED); //indicate that we are sending a message moduleResult_t result = afSendData(DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, 0, INFO_MESSAGE_CLUSTER, messageBuffer, getSizeOfInfoMessage(&im)); // and send it clearLed(SEND_MESSAGE_LED); if (result != MODULE_SUCCESS) { zigbeeNetworkStatus = NWK_OFFLINE; printf("afSendData error %02X; restarting...\r\n", result); delayMs(RESTART_DELAY_IF_MESSAGE_FAIL_MS); //allow enough time for coordinator to fully restart, if that caused our problem state = STATE_MODULE_STARTUP; } else { printf("Success\r\n"); state = STATE_IDLE; } break; } default: //should never happen { printf("UNKNOWN STATE\r\n"); state = STATE_MODULE_STARTUP; } break; } } }
/** Process characters typed in by the user. Normally this will fire off a menu command, unless we are awaiting the user to enter a two-byte (four ascii character) short address or eight byte (16 ascii character) long address. @note: processCommand modifies variables shortAddressEntered and longAddressEntered @return the state to transition to next */ enum STATE processCommand(char cmd) { #define ESCAPE_KEY 0x1B if (cmd == ESCAPE_KEY) { printf("Resetting Command Line Interpreter\r\n"); commandLineInterfaceMode = CLI_MODE_NORMAL; cliInputBufferIndex = 0; pendingState = STATE_IDLE; displayCommandLineInterfaceHelp(); return STATE_IDLE; } if (cmd == '\r') { printf("\r\n"); return STATE_IDLE; } if (commandLineInterfaceMode == CLI_MODE_NORMAL) { switch (cmd) { case '?': displayCommandLineInterfaceHelp(); return STATE_IDLE; case 'n': case 'N': return STATE_DISPLAY_NETWORK_INFORMATION; case 'r': case 'R': return STATE_INIT; case 'S': case 's': { printf("Enter short address of destination, for example '2F6B' or Escape key to exit\r\n"); commandLineInterfaceMode = CLI_MODE_ENTER_SHORT_ADDRESS; // Next, get a short address typed by the user pendingState = STATE_SEND_MESSAGE_VIA_SHORT_ADDRESS; // After a full short address has been entered return STATE_IDLE; } case 'L': case 'l': { printf("Enter long (MAC) address of destination, for example '00124B0012345678' or Escape key to exit\r\n"); commandLineInterfaceMode = CLI_MODE_ENTER_LONG_ADDRESS; pendingState = STATE_SEND_MESSAGE_VIA_LONG_ADDRESS; //when a full long address has been entered return STATE_IDLE; } case 'h': case 'H': { printf("Enter two byte short address to find, for example '2F6B' or press Escape key to exit\r\n"); commandLineInterfaceMode = CLI_MODE_ENTER_SHORT_ADDRESS; pendingState = STATE_FIND_VIA_SHORT_ADDRESS; //when a full short address has been entered return STATE_IDLE; } case 'j': case 'J': { printf("Enter eight byte long (MAC) address to find, for example '00124B0012345678' or press Escape key to exit\r\n"); commandLineInterfaceMode = CLI_MODE_ENTER_LONG_ADDRESS; pendingState = STATE_FIND_VIA_LONG_ADDRESS; //when a full long address has been entered return STATE_IDLE; } case 'v': case 'V': { printf("Module Version Information:\r\n"); if (sysVersion() == MODULE_SUCCESS) //gets the version string { displaySysVersion(); // Display the contents of the received SYS_VERSION } else { printf("ERROR\r\n"); } return STATE_IDLE; } /* Note: more commands can be added here */ default: printf("Unknown command %c\r\n", cmd); } return STATE_IDLE; } else if (commandLineInterfaceMode == CLI_MODE_ENTER_SHORT_ADDRESS) //accepts two hex numbers (4 ASCII characters) { if (IS_VALID_HEXADECIMAL_CHARACTER(cmd)) { TO_UPPER_CASE(cmd); printf("%c", cmd); //echo output cliInputBuffer[cliInputBufferIndex++] = (char) cmd; if (cliInputBufferIndex == 4) { cliInputBuffer[4] = 0; //null terminate it so we can treat it as a string //now attempt to convert it: long val = 0; errno = 0; // used in stdlib.h val = strtol(cliInputBuffer, NULL, 16); // Interpret the string as a hex number if (errno != 0) // Should have already been error checked, but validate anyway { printf("strtol parse error\r\n"); } else { //no errors shortAddressEntered = (uint16_t) val; printf("Short Address = 0x%04X\r\n", shortAddressEntered); //we're all done, so clear out buffers: commandLineInterfaceMode = CLI_MODE_NORMAL; cliInputBufferIndex = 0; return STATE_VALID_SHORT_ADDRESS_ENTERED; } commandLineInterfaceMode = CLI_MODE_NORMAL; cliInputBufferIndex = 0; return STATE_IDLE; } /* Continue, since our buffer isn't full yet - leave settings alone */ } else { /* not a hex number! */ printf("\r\nNumber must be in hex: 0..9 or a..f inclusive\r\nAborting\r\n"); displayCommandLineInterfaceHelp(); commandLineInterfaceMode = CLI_MODE_NORMAL; cliInputBufferIndex = 0; } return STATE_IDLE; } else if (commandLineInterfaceMode == CLI_MODE_ENTER_LONG_ADDRESS) //accepts eight hex numbers (16 ASCII characters) { if (IS_VALID_HEXADECIMAL_CHARACTER(cmd)) { TO_UPPER_CASE(cmd); printf("%c", cmd); //echo output cliInputBuffer[cliInputBufferIndex++] = (char) cmd; /* To used a tokenized substring splitter method, add a '-' at the end of each 2 characters. */ if ((cliInputBufferIndex != 0) && ((cliInputBufferIndex+1) % 3 == 0) && (cliInputBufferIndex != 23)) { cliInputBuffer[cliInputBufferIndex++] = '-'; printf("-"); } if (cliInputBufferIndex == 23) { printf("\r\nParsed '%s' into:", cliInputBuffer); /* now attempt to convert it: */ char *substr = NULL; substr = strtok(cliInputBuffer,"-"); // Initialize string splitter /* Loops until there are no more substrings*/ uint8_t parsedMacIndex = 0; while(substr!=NULL) { /* Process the substring */ long val = 0; /* errno is used in stdlib.h to indicate a parse error */ errno = 0; val = strtol(substr, NULL, 16); // Interpret the string as a hex number if (errno != 0) // Should have already been error checked, but validate anyway { printf("strtol parse error\r\n"); commandLineInterfaceMode = CLI_MODE_NORMAL; cliInputBufferIndex = 0; return STATE_IDLE; } else { //no errors longAddressEntered[parsedMacIndex] = (uint16_t) val; printf("%02X ", longAddressEntered[parsedMacIndex]); } parsedMacIndex++; substr = strtok(NULL,"-"); //Get the next substring } printf("\r\n"); /* Now we have the mac address */ if (!((longAddressEntered[0] == 0x00) && (longAddressEntered[1] == 0x12) && (longAddressEntered[2] == 0x4b))) printf("Warning - MAC does not have 00-12-4B as first three bytes!\r\n"); commandLineInterfaceMode = CLI_MODE_NORMAL; cliInputBufferIndex = 0; return STATE_VALID_LONG_ADDRESS_ENTERED; } /* continue, since our buffer isn't full yet - leave settings alone */ } else { //not a hex number! printf("Number must be in hex: 0..9 or a..f inclusive\r\nAborting\r\n"); displayCommandLineInterfaceHelp(); commandLineInterfaceMode = CLI_MODE_NORMAL; cliInputBufferIndex = 0; } return STATE_IDLE; } return STATE_IDLE; }
void sendcmd(unsigned char * req, unsigned char cmdtype){ switch (cmdtype) { case 0: sysPing(); break; case 1: sysSetExtAddr((SetExtAddrFormat_t*) req); break; case 2: sysGetExtAddr(); break; case 3: sysRamRead((RamReadFormat_t*) req); break; case 4: sysRamWrite((RamWriteFormat_t*) req); break; case 5: sysResetReq((ResetReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 6: sysVersion(); break; case 7: sysOsalNvRead((OsalNvReadFormat_t*) req); break; case 8: sysOsalNvWrite((OsalNvWriteFormat_t*) req); break; case 9: sysOsalNvItemInit((OsalNvItemInitFormat_t*) req); break; case 10: sysOsalNvDelete((OsalNvDeleteFormat_t*) req); break; case 11: sysOsalNvLength((OsalNvLengthFormat_t*) req); break; case 12: sysOsalStartTimer((OsalStartTimerFormat_t*) req); break; case 13: sysOsalStopTimer((OsalStopTimerFormat_t*) req); break; case 14: sysStackTune((StackTuneFormat_t*) req); break; case 15: sysAdcRead((AdcReadFormat_t*) req); break; case 16: sysGpio((GpioFormat_t*) req); break; case 17: sysRandom(); break; case 18: sysSetTime((SetTimeFormat_t*) req); break; case 19: sysGetTime(); break; case 20: sysSetTxPower((SetTxPowerFormat_t*) req); break; case 21: afRegister((RegisterFormat_t*) req); break; case 22: afDataRequest((DataRequestFormat_t*) req); break; case 23: afDataRequestExt((DataRequestExtFormat_t*) req); break; case 24: afDataRequestSrcRtg((DataRequestSrcRtgFormat_t*) req); break; case 25: afInterPanCtl((InterPanCtlFormat_t*) req); break; case 26: afDataStore((DataStoreFormat_t*) req); break; case 27: afDataRetrieve((DataRetrieveFormat_t*) req); break; case 28: afApsfConfigSet((ApsfConfigSetFormat_t*) req); break; case 29: zdoNwkAddrReq((NwkAddrReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 30: zdoIeeeAddrReq((IeeeAddrReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 31: zdoNodeDescReq((NodeDescReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 32: zdoPowerDescReq((PowerDescReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 33: zdoSimpleDescReq((SimpleDescReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 34: zdoActiveEpReq((ActiveEpReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 35: zdoMatchDescReq((MatchDescReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 36: zdoComplexDescReq((ComplexDescReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 37: zdoUserDescReq((UserDescReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 38: zdoDeviceAnnce((DeviceAnnceFormat_t*) req); break; case 39: zdoUserDescSet((UserDescSetFormat_t*) req); break; case 40: zdoServerDiscReq((ServerDiscReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 41: zdoEndDeviceBindReq((EndDeviceBindReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 42: zdoBindReq((BindReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 43: zdoUnbindReq((UnbindReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 44: zdoMgmtNwkDiscReq((MgmtNwkDiscReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 45: zdoMgmtLqiReq((MgmtLqiReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 46: zdoMgmtRtgReq((MgmtRtgReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 47: zdoMgmtBindReq((MgmtBindReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 48: zdoMgmtLeaveReq((MgmtLeaveReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 49: zdoMgmtDirectJoinReq((MgmtDirectJoinReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 50: zdoMgmtPermitJoinReq((MgmtPermitJoinReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 51: zdoMgmtNwkUpdateReq((MgmtNwkUpdateReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 52: zdoStartupFromApp((StartupFromAppFormat_t*) req); break; case 53: zdoAutoFindDestination((AutoFindDestinationFormat_t*) req); break; case 54: zdoSetLinkKey((SetLinkKeyFormat_t*) req); break; case 55: zdoRemoveLinkKey((RemoveLinkKeyFormat_t*) req); break; case 56: zdoGetLinkKey((GetLinkKeyFormat_t*) req); break; case 57: zdoNwkDiscoveryReq((NwkDiscoveryReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 58: zdoJoinReq((JoinReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 59: zdoMsgCbRegister((MsgCbRegisterFormat_t*) req); break; case 60: zdoMsgCbRemove((MsgCbRemoveFormat_t*) req); break; case 61: zbSystemReset(); break; case 62: zbAppRegisterReq((AppRegisterReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 63: zbStartReq(); break; case 64: zbPermitJoiningReq((PermitJoiningReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 65: zbBindDevice((BindDeviceFormat_t*) req); break; case 66: zbAllowBind((AllowBindFormat_t*) req); break; case 67: zbSendDataReq((SendDataReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 68: zbFindDeviceReq((FindDeviceReqFormat_t*) req); break; case 69: zbWriteConfiguration((WriteConfigurationFormat_t*) req); break; case 70: zbGetDeviceInfo((GetDeviceInfoFormat_t*) req); break; case 71: zbReadConfiguration((ReadConfigurationFormat_t*) req); break; } }