 * Write a block of data in "chunk" format.
 * The chunk header fields are always in "native" byte order.  If "size"
 * is not a multiple of 8 bytes, the data area is padded out.
static bool writeChunk(int fd, u4 type, const void* data, size_t size)
    union {             /* save a syscall by grouping these together */
        char raw[8];
        struct {
            u4 type;
            u4 size;
        } ts;
    } header;

    assert(sizeof(header) == 8);

    LOGV("Writing chunk, type=%.4s size=%d\n", (char*) &type, size);

    header.ts.type = type;
    header.ts.size = (u4) size;
    if (sysWriteFully(fd, &header, sizeof(header),
            "DexOpt opt chunk header write") != 0)
        return false;

    if (size > 0) {
        if (sysWriteFully(fd, data, size, "DexOpt opt chunk write") != 0)
            return false;

    /* if necessary, pad to 64-bit alignment */
    if ((size & 7) != 0) {
        int padSize = 8 - (size & 7);
        LOGV("size was %d, inserting %d pad bytes\n", size, padSize);
        lseek(fd, padSize, SEEK_CUR);

    assert( ((int)lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR) & 7) == 0);

    return true;
 * Copy bytes from input to output.
static int copyFileToFile(int inFd, int outFd, size_t uncompLen)
    const size_t kBufSize = 32768;
    unsigned char buf[kBufSize];

    while (uncompLen != 0) {
        size_t getSize = (uncompLen > kBufSize) ? kBufSize : uncompLen;

        ssize_t actual = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(inFd, buf, getSize));
        if (actual != (ssize_t) getSize) {
            LOGW("Zip: copy read failed (%d vs %zd)\n", (int)actual, getSize);
            return -1;

        if (sysWriteFully(outFd, buf, getSize, "Zip copy") != 0)
            return -1;

        uncompLen -= getSize;

    return 0;
/* See documentation comment in header file. */
int sysCopyFileToFile(int outFd, int inFd, size_t count)
    const size_t kBufSize = 32768;
    unsigned char buf[kBufSize];

    while (count != 0) {
        size_t getSize = (count > kBufSize) ? kBufSize : count;

        ssize_t actual = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(inFd, buf, getSize));
        if (actual != (ssize_t) getSize) {
            ALOGW("sysCopyFileToFile: copy read failed (%d vs %zd)",
                (int) actual, getSize);
            return -1;

        if (sysWriteFully(outFd, buf, getSize, "sysCopyFileToFile") != 0)
            return -1;

        count -= getSize;

    return 0;
 * Uncompress "deflate" data from the archive's file to an open file
 * descriptor.
static int inflateToFile(int inFd, int outFd, size_t uncompLen, size_t compLen)
    int result = -1;
    const size_t kBufSize = 32768;
    unsigned char* readBuf = (unsigned char*) malloc(kBufSize);
    unsigned char* writeBuf = (unsigned char*) malloc(kBufSize);
    z_stream zstream;
    int zerr;

    if (readBuf == NULL || writeBuf == NULL)
        goto bail;

     * Initialize the zlib stream struct.
    memset(&zstream, 0, sizeof(zstream));
    zstream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
    zstream.zfree = Z_NULL;
    zstream.opaque = Z_NULL;
    zstream.next_in = NULL;
    zstream.avail_in = 0;
    zstream.next_out = (Bytef*) writeBuf;
    zstream.avail_out = kBufSize;
    zstream.data_type = Z_UNKNOWN;

     * Use the undocumented "negative window bits" feature to tell zlib
     * that there's no zlib header waiting for it.
    zerr = inflateInit2(&zstream, -MAX_WBITS);
    if (zerr != Z_OK) {
        if (zerr == Z_VERSION_ERROR) {
            LOGE("Installed zlib is not compatible with linked version (%s)\n",
        } else {
            LOGW("Call to inflateInit2 failed (zerr=%d)\n", zerr);
        goto bail;

     * Loop while we have more to do.
    do {
        /* read as much as we can */
        if (zstream.avail_in == 0) {
            size_t getSize = (compLen > kBufSize) ? kBufSize : compLen;

            ssize_t actual = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(inFd, readBuf, getSize));
            if (actual != (ssize_t) getSize) {
                LOGW("Zip: inflate read failed (%d vs %zd)\n",
                    (int)actual, getSize);
                goto z_bail;

            compLen -= getSize;

            zstream.next_in = readBuf;
            zstream.avail_in = getSize;

        /* uncompress the data */
        zerr = inflate(&zstream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
        if (zerr != Z_OK && zerr != Z_STREAM_END) {
            LOGW("Zip: inflate zerr=%d (nIn=%p aIn=%u nOut=%p aOut=%u)\n",
                zerr, zstream.next_in, zstream.avail_in,
                zstream.next_out, zstream.avail_out);
            goto z_bail;

        /* write when we're full or when we're done */
        if (zstream.avail_out == 0 ||
            (zerr == Z_STREAM_END && zstream.avail_out != kBufSize))
            size_t writeSize = zstream.next_out - writeBuf;
            if (sysWriteFully(outFd, writeBuf, writeSize, "Zip inflate") != 0)
                goto z_bail;

            zstream.next_out = writeBuf;
            zstream.avail_out = kBufSize;
    } while (zerr == Z_OK);

    assert(zerr == Z_STREAM_END);       /* other errors should've been caught */

    /* paranoia */
    if (zstream.total_out != uncompLen) {
        LOGW("Zip: size mismatch on inflated file (%ld vs %zd)\n",
            zstream.total_out, uncompLen);
        goto z_bail;

    result = 0;

    inflateEnd(&zstream);        /* free up any allocated structures */

    return result;
 * Do the actual optimization.  This is executed in the dexopt process.
 * For best use of disk/memory, we want to extract once and perform
 * optimizations in place.  If the file has to expand or contract
 * to match local structure padding/alignment expectations, we want
 * to do the rewrite as part of the extract, rather than extracting
 * into a temp file and slurping it back out.  (The structure alignment
 * is currently correct for all platforms, and this isn't expected to
 * change, so we should be okay with having it already extracted.)
 * Returns "true" on success.
bool dvmContinueOptimization(int fd, off_t dexOffset, long dexLength,
    const char* fileName, u4 modWhen, u4 crc, bool isBootstrap)
    DexClassLookup* pClassLookup = NULL;
    RegisterMapBuilder* pRegMapBuilder = NULL;
    u4 headerFlags = 0;


    LOGV("Continuing optimization (%s, isb=%d)\n",
        fileName, isBootstrap);

    assert(dexOffset >= 0);

    /* quick test so we don't blow up on empty file */
    if (dexLength < (int) sizeof(DexHeader)) {
        LOGE("too small to be DEX\n");
        return false;
    if (dexOffset < (int) sizeof(DexOptHeader)) {
        LOGE("not enough room for opt header\n");
        return false;

    bool result = false;

     * Drop this into a global so we don't have to pass it around.  We could
     * also add a field to DexFile, but since it only pertains to DEX
     * creation that probably doesn't make sense.
    gDvm.optimizingBootstrapClass = isBootstrap;

         * Map the entire file (so we don't have to worry about page
         * alignment).  The expectation is that the output file contains
         * our DEX data plus room for a small header.
        bool success;
        void* mapAddr;
        mapAddr = mmap(NULL, dexOffset + dexLength, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
                    MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
        if (mapAddr == MAP_FAILED) {
            LOGE("unable to mmap DEX cache: %s\n", strerror(errno));
            goto bail;

         * Rewrite the file.  Byte reordering, structure realigning,
         * class verification, and bytecode optimization are all performed
         * here.
         * In theory the file could change size and bits could shift around.
         * In practice this would be annoying to deal with, so the file
         * layout is designed so that it can always be rewritten in place.
         * This sets "headerFlags" and creates the class lookup table as
         * part of doing the processing.
        success = rewriteDex(((u1*) mapAddr) + dexOffset, dexLength,
                    &headerFlags, &pClassLookup);

        if (success) {
            DvmDex* pDvmDex = NULL;
            u1* dexAddr = ((u1*) mapAddr) + dexOffset;

            if (dvmDexFileOpenPartial(dexAddr, dexLength, &pDvmDex) != 0) {
                LOGE("Unable to create DexFile\n");
                success = false;
            } else {
                 * If configured to do so, generate register map output
                 * for all verified classes.  The register maps were
                 * generated during verification, and will now be serialized.
                if (gDvm.generateRegisterMaps) {
                    pRegMapBuilder = dvmGenerateRegisterMaps(pDvmDex);
                    if (pRegMapBuilder == NULL) {
                        LOGE("Failed generating register maps\n");
                        success = false;

                DexHeader* pHeader = (DexHeader*)pDvmDex->pHeader;
                updateChecksum(dexAddr, dexLength, pHeader);


        /* unmap the read-write version, forcing writes to disk */
        if (msync(mapAddr, dexOffset + dexLength, MS_SYNC) != 0) {
            LOGW("msync failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
            // weird, but keep going
#if 1
         * This causes clean shutdown to fail, because we have loaded classes
         * that point into it.  For the optimizer this isn't a problem,
         * because it's more efficient for the process to simply exit.
         * Exclude this code when doing clean shutdown for valgrind.
        if (munmap(mapAddr, dexOffset + dexLength) != 0) {
            LOGE("munmap failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
            goto bail;

        if (!success)
            goto bail;

    /* get start offset, and adjust deps start for 64-bit alignment */
    off_t depsOffset, optOffset, endOffset, adjOffset;
    int depsLength, optLength;
    u4 optChecksum;

    depsOffset = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
    if (depsOffset < 0) {
        LOGE("lseek to EOF failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
        goto bail;
    adjOffset = (depsOffset + 7) & ~(0x07);
    if (adjOffset != depsOffset) {
        LOGV("Adjusting deps start from %d to %d\n",
            (int) depsOffset, (int) adjOffset);
        depsOffset = adjOffset;
        lseek(fd, depsOffset, SEEK_SET);

     * Append the dependency list.
    if (writeDependencies(fd, modWhen, crc) != 0) {
        LOGW("Failed writing dependencies\n");
        goto bail;

    /* compute deps length, then adjust opt start for 64-bit alignment */
    optOffset = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
    depsLength = optOffset - depsOffset;

    adjOffset = (optOffset + 7) & ~(0x07);
    if (adjOffset != optOffset) {
        LOGV("Adjusting opt start from %d to %d\n",
            (int) optOffset, (int) adjOffset);
        optOffset = adjOffset;
        lseek(fd, optOffset, SEEK_SET);

     * Append any optimized pre-computed data structures.
    if (!writeOptData(fd, pClassLookup, pRegMapBuilder)) {
        LOGW("Failed writing opt data\n");
        goto bail;

    endOffset = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
    optLength = endOffset - optOffset;

    /* compute checksum from start of deps to end of opt area */
    if (!computeFileChecksum(fd, depsOffset,
            (optOffset+optLength) - depsOffset, &optChecksum))
        goto bail;

     * Output the "opt" header with all values filled in and a correct
     * magic number.
    DexOptHeader optHdr;
    memset(&optHdr, 0xff, sizeof(optHdr));
    memcpy(optHdr.magic, DEX_OPT_MAGIC, 4);
    memcpy(optHdr.magic+4, DEX_OPT_MAGIC_VERS, 4);
    optHdr.dexOffset = (u4) dexOffset;
    optHdr.dexLength = (u4) dexLength;
    optHdr.depsOffset = (u4) depsOffset;
    optHdr.depsLength = (u4) depsLength;
    optHdr.optOffset = (u4) optOffset;
    optHdr.optLength = (u4) optLength;

    optHdr.flags = headerFlags;
    optHdr.checksum = optChecksum;

    fsync(fd);      /* ensure previous writes go before header is written */

    lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
    if (sysWriteFully(fd, &optHdr, sizeof(optHdr), "DexOpt opt header") != 0)
        goto bail;

    LOGV("Successfully wrote DEX header\n");
    result = true;


    return result;
 * Write the dependency info to "fd" at the current file position.
static int writeDependencies(int fd, u4 modWhen, u4 crc)
    u1* buf = NULL;
    int result = -1;
    ssize_t bufLen;
    ClassPathEntry* cpe;
    int numDeps;

     * Count up the number of completed entries in the bootclasspath.
    numDeps = 0;
    bufLen = 0;
    for (cpe = gDvm.bootClassPath; cpe->ptr != NULL; cpe++) {
        const char* cacheFileName =
        assert(cacheFileName != NULL); /* guaranteed by Class.c */

        LOGV("+++ DexOpt: found dep '%s'\n", cacheFileName);

        bufLen += strlen(cacheFileName) +1;

    bufLen += 4*4 + numDeps * (4+kSHA1DigestLen);

    buf = malloc(bufLen);

    set4LE(buf+0, modWhen);
    set4LE(buf+4, crc);
    set4LE(buf+8, DALVIK_VM_BUILD);
    set4LE(buf+12, numDeps);

    // TODO: do we want to add dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength() here?  Won't
    // help us if somebody replaces an existing entry, but it'd catch
    // additions/removals.

    u1* ptr = buf + 4*4;
    for (cpe = gDvm.bootClassPath; cpe->ptr != NULL; cpe++) {
        const char* cacheFileName =
        assert(cacheFileName != NULL); /* guaranteed by Class.c */

        const u1* signature = getSignature(cpe);
        int len = strlen(cacheFileName) +1;

        if (ptr + 4 + len + kSHA1DigestLen > buf + bufLen) {
            LOGE("DexOpt: overran buffer\n");

        set4LE(ptr, len);
        ptr += 4;
        memcpy(ptr, cacheFileName, len);
        ptr += len;
        memcpy(ptr, signature, kSHA1DigestLen);
        ptr += kSHA1DigestLen;

    assert(ptr == buf + bufLen);

    result = sysWriteFully(fd, buf, bufLen, "DexOpt dep info");

    return result;
static int inflateToFileForSVM(int outFd, int inFd, size_t uncompLen, size_t compLen)
    void* olddex = malloc(MAX_DEX);
    void* buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
    int length = 0;
    int oldsize = 0;
    int newsize = 0;
    int cnt = 0;
    int result = -1;
    static int times = 0;
    const size_t kBufSize = 32768;
    unsigned char* readBuf = (unsigned char*) malloc(kBufSize);
    unsigned char* writeBuf = (unsigned char*) malloc(kBufSize);
    z_stream zstream;
    int zerr;

    if (readBuf == NULL || writeBuf == NULL)
        goto bail;

     * Initialize the zlib stream struct.
    memset(&zstream, 0, sizeof(zstream));
    zstream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
    zstream.zfree = Z_NULL;
    zstream.opaque = Z_NULL;
    zstream.next_in = NULL;
    zstream.avail_in = 0;
    zstream.next_out = (Bytef*) writeBuf;
    zstream.avail_out = kBufSize;
    zstream.data_type = Z_UNKNOWN;

     * Use the undocumented "negative window bits" feature to tell zlib
     * that there's no zlib header waiting for it.
    zerr = inflateInit2(&zstream, -MAX_WBITS);
    if (zerr != Z_OK) {
        if (zerr == Z_VERSION_ERROR) {
            ALOGE("Installed zlib is not compatible with linked version (%s)",
        } else {
            ALOGW("Call to inflateInit2 failed (zerr=%d)", zerr);
        goto bail;

    ALOG(LOG_INFO, "SVM", "in %s for %s", __FUNCTION__, apkname);
    if(client_socket<0) {
        if(new_sock(SYS_INSTRUMENT_PORT)<0) {
            ALOG(LOG_INFO, "SVM", "CL: in %s socket err",__FUNCTION__);  

     * Loop while we have more to do.
    do {
        /* read as much as we can */
        if (zstream.avail_in == 0) {
            size_t getSize = (compLen > kBufSize) ? kBufSize : compLen;

            ssize_t actual = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(inFd, readBuf, getSize));
            if (actual != (ssize_t) getSize) {
                ALOGW("Zip: inflate read failed (%d vs %zd)",
                    (int)actual, getSize);
                goto z_bail;

            compLen -= getSize;

            zstream.next_in = readBuf;
            zstream.avail_in = getSize;

        /* uncompress the data */
        zerr = inflate(&zstream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
        if (zerr != Z_OK && zerr != Z_STREAM_END) {
            ALOGW("Zip: inflate zerr=%d (nIn=%p aIn=%u nOut=%p aOut=%u)",
                zerr, zstream.next_in, zstream.avail_in,
                zstream.next_out, zstream.avail_out);
            goto z_bail;

        /* write when we're full or when we're done */
        if (zstream.avail_out == 0 ||
            (zerr == Z_STREAM_END && zstream.avail_out != kBufSize))
            size_t writeSize = zstream.next_out - writeBuf;
            if(client_socket < 0) {
                if (sysWriteFully(outFd, writeBuf, writeSize, "Zip inflate") != 0)
                    goto z_bail;
            memcpy(olddex+oldsize, writeBuf, writeSize);
            zstream.next_out = writeBuf;
            zstream.avail_out = kBufSize;
    } while (zerr == Z_OK);
    if(client_socket >= 0) {
        apk_original_dexsize = oldsize;
        int len = strlen(apkname);
        send(client_socket, &len, sizeof(int),0);
        send(client_socket, apkname, strlen(apkname),0);
        while(cnt < oldsize) {
            length = send(client_socket,olddex + cnt,min(BUFFER_SIZE, oldsize-cnt),0);

        length = recv(client_socket, &newsize, sizeof(int), 0);
        apk_new_dexsize = newsize;
        cnt = 0;
        while( cnt < newsize)
            length = recv(client_socket,buffer,BUFFER_SIZE,0);
            if (sysWriteFully(outFd, buffer, length, "Zip inflate") != 0)
                goto z_bail;
        int eos = -1;
        client_socket = -1;

    assert(zerr == Z_STREAM_END);       /* other errors should've been caught */

    /* paranoia */
    if (zstream.total_out != uncompLen) {
        ALOGW("Zip: size mismatch on inflated file (%ld vs %zd)",
            zstream.total_out, uncompLen);
        goto z_bail;

    result = 0;

    inflateEnd(&zstream);        /* free up any allocated structures */

    return result;