void ParticleFilter::processFrame() {
  // Indicate that the cached mean needs to be updated
  dirty_ = true;

  // Retrieve odometry update - how do we integrate this into the filter?
  const auto& disp = cache_.odometry->displacement;
  log(41, "Updating particles from odometry: %2.f,%2.f @ %2.2f", disp.translation.x, disp.translation.y, disp.rotation * RAD_T_DEG);

  std::random_device rd;
  std::mt19937 generator(rd());
  std::normal_distribution<double> v_distribution(0, V_STDDEV);
  std::normal_distribution<double> x_distribution(0, X_STDDEV);
  std::normal_distribution<double> y_distribution(0, Y_STDDEV);
  std::normal_distribution<double> t_distribution(0, T_STDDEV);

  for (auto& p : particles()) {
	  double t_noise = t_distribution(generator);
	  double v_noise = v_distribution(generator);
	  double x_noise = x_distribution(generator);
	  double y_noise = y_distribution(generator);

	  // Step each particle deterministically move by the odometry
	  if (disp.x == 0) {
		  v_noise = 0;
		  t_noise = 0;
	  if (disp.rotation == 0) {
		  t_noise = 0;
	  if (disp.x == 0 && disp.rotation == 0) {
		  x_noise = 0;
		  y_noise = 0;
	  p.t += disp.rotation + t_noise;
	  p.x += (0.8*disp.x + v_noise) * cos(p.t) + x_noise;
	  p.y += (0.8*disp.x + v_noise) * sin(p.t) + y_noise;
      p.w = 0;


  static vector<WorldObjectType> beacon_ids = {

  double population_quality_total = 0;
  double population_count = 0;
  bool beacon_seen = false;
  WorldObject* lastBeaconPtr;

  // Update particle weights with respect to how far they are from the seen beacon
  for (auto& p : particles()) {
	  for (auto beacon_id : beacon_ids) {
		  auto& beacon = cache_.world_object->objects_[beacon_id];
		  if (!beacon.seen) {

		  beacon_seen = true;
		  lastBeaconPtr = &beacon;

		  // Beacon distance
		  double p_distance = sqrt(pow(abs(p.x-beacon.loc.x), 2) + pow(abs(p.y-beacon.loc.y), 2));
		  double v_distance = beacon.visionDistance;
		  // Linear
//		  double max_distance = sqrt(pow(2500, 2) + pow(5000, 2));
//		  double distance_weight = (max_distance - abs(p_distance - v_distance)) / max_distance;
		  // Gaussian
		  double p_gaussian = calculateGaussianValue(p_distance, SDTDEV_POSITION_WEIGHT, v_distance);
		  double v_gaussian = calculateGaussianValue(v_distance, SDTDEV_POSITION_WEIGHT, v_distance);
		  double distance_weight = (v_gaussian - fabs(p_gaussian - v_gaussian)) / v_gaussian;

		  // Orientation
		  double p_bearing = Point2D(p.x, p.y).getBearingTo(beacon.loc, p.t);
		  double bearing_difference = abs(p_bearing - beacon.visionBearing);
		  if (bearing_difference > 2 * M_PI) cout << "ERROR Bearing diff: " << p_bearing << ", " << beacon.visionBearing << endl;
		  if (bearing_difference > M_PI) {
			  // Angle wrap around
			  bearing_difference = (2 * M_PI) - bearing_difference;
		  double max_bearing_diff = M_PI;
		  double bearing_weight = (max_bearing_diff - bearing_difference) / max_bearing_diff;

		  population_quality_total += (distance_weight + bearing_weight) / 2;

		  const double weight_ratio = 0.5;
		  p.w += (weight_ratio) * distance_weight + (1 - weight_ratio) * bearing_weight;

  // If no beacons is seen, don't resample
  if (!beacon_seen) {

  if (!(disp.x != 0 || disp.rotation != 0)) {

  // Quality is the best if approaches 1
  double population_quality_avg = population_quality_total / population_count;

  // Get all particle weights
  vector<double> weights;
  for (auto p : particles()) {

  // Sampling machinery
//  std::random_device rd;
//  std::mt19937 gen(rd());
  std::discrete_distribution<> d(weights.begin(), weights.end());

  // Determine what proportion of the population is random
//  double random_population_ratio = (disp.x == 0) ? 0 : 0.01;
  double random_population_ratio = 0.01;
  double fixed_population_ratio = 1 - random_population_ratio;
  double P_RANDOM_BOUND = lastBeaconPtr->visionDistance; // Max distance random particles can be spawned from the mean

  // Resampling
  vector<Particle> winners;
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PARTICLES; i++) {
	  if (i < NUM_PARTICLES * fixed_population_ratio) {
	  } else {
		  Particle p;
		  float coin = -1+2*((float)rand())/RAND_MAX;
		  if (coin > 0.75) {
			  int bound_reject_counter = 0;
			  // Randomly generate particles only around the circumference of the circle around the last seen beacon
			  do {
				  // Solve for positions based on the last beacon position
				  float x_sign = -1+2*((float)rand())/RAND_MAX;
				  float y_sign = -1+2*((float)rand())/RAND_MAX;

				  // Fix x solve y
				  int x_offset = rand() % static_cast<int>(lastBeaconPtr->visionDistance);
				  int y_offset = sqrt(pow(lastBeaconPtr->visionDistance, 2) - pow(x_offset, 2));

				  // Sign
				  x_sign > 0 ? p.x = lastBeaconPtr->loc.x + x_offset : p.x = lastBeaconPtr->loc.x - x_offset;
				  y_sign > 0 ? p.y = lastBeaconPtr->loc.y + y_offset : p.y = lastBeaconPtr->loc.y - y_offset;

				  // Random angle
				  p.t = (static_cast<double>(rand()) / RAND_MAX) * 2 * M_PI - M_PI;

				  // Try to reject particles that are too far from the current mean_
				  // This might not always work so stop after a few tries
				  if (sqrt(pow(p.x-mean_.x, 2) + pow(p.y-mean_.y, 2)) < P_RANDOM_BOUND) {
					  if (bound_reject_counter < 5) {
						  // F**k it. Just choose a random particle.
			  } while (!(MIN_FIELD_X < p.x && p.x < MAX_FIELD_X &&
					  MIN_FIELD_Y < p.y && p.y < MAX_FIELD_Y)); // Make sure the point is within bound

		  } else {

			  // Find the point on the circle closest to the mean of the particle blob
			  float target_x = lastBeaconPtr->loc.x;
			  float target_y = lastBeaconPtr->loc.y;
			  float current_x = mean_.x;
			  float current_y = mean_.y;
			  float dx = target_x - current_x;
			  float dy = target_y - current_y;
			  float to_beacon_distance = sqrt(pow(dx, 2) + pow(dy, 2));
			  float to_target_distance = (to_beacon_distance - lastBeaconPtr->visionDistance);
			  float angle = atan(dy / dx) + M_PI;
			  p.x = current_x + to_target_distance * cos(angle);
			  p.y = current_y + to_target_distance * sin(angle);
			  p.t = (static_cast<double>(rand()) / RAND_MAX) * 2 * M_PI - M_PI;


//		  randomParticle(p);

  particles() = winners;
void loading_squares_behaviour::init_squares() {

	float cx = 0.f;
	float cy = 0.f;
	uint32_t start_i = 0;

	int nx = (int)ceil(render_manager->get_viewport().size.width / 30.f);
	int ny = (int)ceil(render_manager->get_viewport().size.height / 30.f);

	nx = (nx + nx % 2) / 2;
	ny = (ny + ny % 2) / 2;

	auto nebular = parent_world->get_bev<nebular_background_behaviour>();
	color c;

	for (int32_t y = -ny; y <= ny; ++y) {
		for (int32_t x = -nx; x <= nx; ++x) {
			cx = x * 30.f;
			cy = y * 30.f;

			// create geometry
			positions->add(vec2(cx + 15.f, cy + 15.f));
			positions->add(vec2(cx + 15.f, cy - 15.f));
			positions->add(vec2(cx - 15.f, cy - 15.f));
			positions->add(vec2(cx - 15.f, cy + 15.f));

			c.a = 0.f;


			// create indicies
			indicies->add(start_i + 0);
			indicies->add(start_i + 2);
			indicies->add(start_i + 1);

			indicies->add(start_i + 3);
			indicies->add(start_i + 2);
			indicies->add(start_i + 0);

			// create info
			square_data square;

			square.index = start_i;
			square.begin_t = t_distribution(generator);
			square.end_t = square.begin_t + dt_distribution(generator);


			start_i += 4;

	// upload data